PAGE SIX ftfEDFOttD MATT, TRTT5TJNT3, arEDTy-OttD, OR MOON. MONDAY. AUGUST 7, 101 1, ' i i i 5 Vi n WEST TO SPEAK ON SALEM DAY August 1 7 Set Aside nt Astoria Cen tennial Pageant for Capital, Will amcttc Valley and Southern Oregon. ASTOUIA, Ore., Aug. ". Governor West will mako his second nppearanco nt tlio Astoria Centennial Pageant on August 17, the day act aside for Salem Southern OrcRon and tlio Willamette Valley at the big historical eclebra lion. He Is to mako a speech on this day and will have the mayors of the cities throuch tin Willamette Valley on tho big Stadium platform with him. Special excursions are to be run from all Willamette Valley points nt reduced rates for th'a day. At the same time thoro will be in session the groat Oregon Development League which has lta closing session on Salem and Willamette Valley Day. Tho entertainment provided for this day Includes a performance by Ellcry's Royal Italian Band both af ternoon and evening, scientific kite flying In. the afternoon and Indian . War Dances by tho Indians from the Yakima Reservation. Numerous short one hour and two hour wateV trips aro provided for those who wish to take them and the steamer Carlos will take all who wish to mako the trip for a rldo out be yond tho Jetty Into the Pacific Ocean. Those who desire to may remain over for the big Panama-Pacific Day celebration on August 18 when all the big guns from California will be In attendance coming by special train right up from tho Wlllam tte Valley. On this night thoro will bo a big spec tacular parade "The Golden West" which Is said, to bo planned to rival tho big electrical parade at the Rose Festival. LABOR WAR IS ON AT jROCKETT Battle Between Union and Non-union Men In Which Three Are Shot and Half a Dozen Injured by Flying Bricks. DIG IRRIGATION DITCHES WITH A STEAM SHOVEL SAN KKAXCISCO, Cul., Aur, 7. Serious labor troubles arc threatened hero today ns the result of n Imttk between union and non-union men at Crockett Inst nij;ht in which three men were diot and half si dozen o more injured by flyinjr brick. Tin difficulty started with the arrival o Jo non-union men whom the Cnli-fornia-Hawniinu Sugar Kofininc company had employed to fill placet vacated by union men who ure 01 strike for a now wnpj and hou scale. As the non-union men left th train, several strikers advanced t warn them not to interfere. Two -f the new arrivals drew cutis and in n minute bullets and other missile were flyinc in every direction. A squad of deputy sheriffs and detectives under Constable James Vox after arresting the two men who liad precipitated the trouble, suc ceeded in tltc crowd. Ad ditional forces of deputies are on hand today to prevent further trouble. GRANTS PASS, Aug. 7. . George B, Sanders, agent of tho Chl-cago-Roguo River company has pur chased a steam shovel which is to be used for digging the gravity ditch and the-Applegate ditch. This steam shovel will bo shipped direct from the factory in Ohio and Is to be delivered In Grants Pass by October. Tho steam shovel has a capacity of 300 cubic yards every ten hours and will cost f. o. b. Grants Pass, $3,950. It has one main engine and three "auxiliary engines and Is tho latest and best type. It will pro pel Itself under its own power along tho bottom of tho ditch. This machine will not only dig the ditch without any plowing, but will also' pull any stumps that may be necessary to remove along the right-of-way. After the survey stakes are set all that has to be done with the tight of way Is to slash it and pull tho big stumps with the engine, and nil of tho other small stumps, brush and roots will be lifted out bodily. WORK PROGRESSING ON DEEP SHAFT GRAY EAGLE Work on the 500-foot shaft nt the Grey Eacle on Sardine creek is, rog rcssinc rapidly, a deptii having beei. iittuiucd this week of 90 feet below tlio No. 3 level, or 145 feet below sur face. At 100 feet below the No. 3 level u drift will bo started on an ore chutu nvorneinc $30 per ton, and the rock will bo milled us it is taken out. The ledce is nearly 15 feet in width nt Hint point. Ten men ure employed iiln the Grey Encle, working two shifts, nicht and day. The work is under tho direction of Engineer J. It. Wolfe. The business affairs of the mine are taken caro of by Ward B tISovens, who is general mutineer of tho Grey Eagle Mining company, which js working tho property under u lease from the Oregon-Gold Hill Mining company. Gold Hill News. ENGLISHMAN ARRESTED IN BERLIN AS SPY BREMEN, Aug. 7. An Englisn man, whoso name tho authorities re fuse, to divulgo, was arrested hero to lay on a suspicion of being a spy. No particulars of his notion have boon given out. Tlio incident has n roused anti-British feeling hero to u high pitch. ATW00D TO TRY FLIGHT MILWAUKEE TO NEW YORK WASHINGTON, I. 0., Aug. 7. Victor EviuiH, a local capitalist, do posited fodny iu bank u $1000 prize' liu will give Aviator Harry Atwood if tho flyer can soar from Milwaukee to Now York. Atwood expects to start on his flight Saturday. It will lie the longest nverlnnd flight ever attempted in America by nreoplaue. m ii i i i i ii HaBltliiB for Health, COURT? gjUMOUSIE mNEW3 AVIATOR "BUD" MARS, WHO WftS FATALLY INJURED IN FLIGHT ' "DudLmars FLVING Orv-ER.. POLO GROUMD.5, fclAW&l.lAN .liLAtDA T Ileal Estate Transfers. R. II. Toft to E. T. Foss, lot 12, lot 12, block 0, Imperial addi tion, Med ford George P. Lindley to Sarah A. Lindley, lots 8 U, 10 aud 11, block 2, Queen Anne addi tion, Medford James M. Upton to Harriet N. 'Osborne, laud in township 36, range 2 west William F. Dunn to William J. Albert, 23.9 acres in town ship 38, range 1 west W. J. Freemun, administrator, C. M. Knhler, 151.97 acres in section 31, township 30', range 2 west nnd 102.40 ncres in .-ection 31, township 30' range 1 west C. II. French to Jane E. Smach, 5 acres in township 36, range 4 west Benton Bowers to H. F. Whet stone, land in township 36, range 2 west Fred Rnpp to William F. Dunn, lnnd in donation laud clnim 68, township 38, range 1 west V. T. Ball vs. A. Lunc ct ah. decree. Mary E. Gardner, administra trix to J. B. Fisher. Lots 2, 5 und 6, block 1, same valley U. S. to Henry Klock, 160 teres in township 36, range 3 west, patent. Paul Krutzlcr to II. S. Aikins property in section 24, town ship 37, range 2 west .... O: R. Chaffee io W. E. Poy scr, property in Short's addition, Medford Edith G. Porter to Florence E. Dora land in township 39, range 1 east II. S. Evans to Wm. L. Clcve- - land, property in Ashland... Daisy Porter to Sumner A. lots 20, 21 nnd 22, block "It" H. R, addition, Ashland Sumner A. Parker to Butler & Thompson Co., lots 20, 21 und 22, block R, R. R. ad dition Mary E. Gardner to E. W. Coupe property in Sams Edwin J. Ifunyurd to Margaret M. Anderson, property in Burr's addition, Medford . . W. J. Drumhill to Frederick Wolff, property in Pnrk addition, Medford Ed Scott to M. M. Maine, land in township 37, range 2 west Daniel L. McNury to Chus. Curnuy, property in Cot tage addition, Medford .... 10 300 10 875 10 1000 200 James C. Mars ("Bud"), the well known American aviator, was badly injured when he lost control of his biplane during n flight at Eric, Pa., aud rushed from n height of sex end hundred feet to the ground, is on tin highway to recovery. The heavy machine dropped on top of him. Mrs. Mars was n witness, of the accident. She screamed when he fell nnd started to run toward him, but was overcome nnd had to be curried .from the field She is iu a seriou.s condition. wf ... $Ay i"!' ?. Wv't B kl i Fit' "Sn'LB! V jVifiLJHSPV1 ii'i'i'i'i'i'iHbAViT O..C. MAR5 5151? xSR. ii.. -- . otAiic ww ii vy i i Jumcs C. Murs luii many daring feats of the air to Ins credit nnd in one respect his record is uuifpic. He is the oul)' man to have mude what wns practically a globe encircling lour us nn aviator. Mr. Mars left San FrancUeo in December and returned to Now York Inst month, laden with trophies nnd a log book of more than 250 successful flights iu tho Orient. He flew in Honolulu, Manila, Suma tra, Japan, Java, Oorcu, Siberia, Russia and other places, und on one occasion had a royal pascnger the king of Siuin on n 12-milo night. YOUTH ACCUSED OF WHiTH SLAVE TRAFFIC SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl. Aug. 7. John Quill, 21 years of age, if under urrest here today charged with be ing one of the nbductors of two 16-ycar-old girls, Lilly Ponscca and Florence Johnson. Quills's partner in theallcged abduction, William Jones, n bellboy, is believed to be in Los Angeles and the police thero arc searching for him. According to the story of Mfss Johnson, the two girls, who became acquainted recently while working together in a factory here, were in duced to accompany the men on a pleasure trip to Sacramento, believ ing they were to return the same day. On arrival at the capital city, she claims, they were imprisoned in a 12 sort there nnd she made her escape two days later. Miss Ponscca re mained, but, was taken in charge bv the police following the recital of the Johnson girl's story. WHAT IRRIGATION DOES FOR A BLACKBERRY VINE 10 400 1230 1300 10 3500 40IJ 10 1 Married Bowers. Rolfe Iu Medford, on Au gust 2, 11011, by Rv. II. Shields, It. M. Bowers and Mary Esther Rolfe. Probate, Estiito Sarah A. White. Final or der made settling estate and dis charging administratrix. Estate Silus J. Day. Order mado for final settlement and executrix discharged. Estate George W. Mngorlo. Order made to show cuuse why order should not bo made. Estate William Dutton. Older up- E. Ray has an ever green black berry vino that is an amazing sight these days. Scarcely an inch f its many square feet of surface foliage but is crowded with plump ripening berries. Many maintain that the evergreen blackberry is too seedy for preserving, but it is Mr. Ray's expe rience' that with plenty of water the fruit is quite as juicy ns the other varieties, with small seeds. His vino gets plenty of wntcr, and its thrifty condition argues the wisdom of irri gation for berries. Unless appear ances nrc deceiving, its yield will probably bo several bushels. Gold Hill News. DISSOLUTION NOTICK. TO LIMIT CREDIT TO RUSSIAN JEWS ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 7. Pre mier Stolypin is reported to be bring ing strong pressure to bear on his cabinet colleagues in favor of a law limiting the amount of credit banks may extend to Jewish merchants. The premier, it is declared con tends that most of the banks nrc controlled by Jews nnd argues that they invariably deal more liberally with those of their own race than with Christians, the result being that Jews pratcieally monopolize trade and are able to engineer speculation disastrous to the good of the coun try. The other 'ministers, it is siiid, disagree with the premier. SUICIDE IS VERDICT IN ST. LOUIS MYSTERY Notlco Is hereby given that tho Canton restaurant propertors Chas. Hong and Lin Jog liavo dlaolvcd partnership. Restaurant was wold to Chas Hong nnd all money was paid August 2nd, 1011. Signed. 118 CHAH. HQNO. Hasklnf for Health. poiniing Edward Dutton administra tor and David Cingade, Peter Young and J. F. Brown appraisers, Estate Neil Henry. Order settling final account of administrator. Estate Cliristmauu Arnold, inven tory and appraisement filed showing estiito valued ut 3500. Estate Kiln M. Dentin. OiduV mado to feell real property, Now ('uses. Anna M. Greeny vs. Southern Pa cific Railroad company. Action for damages. Pnrrot & Co. vs. Leonard Niles Cement Co. Action to recover money, Ada Louis Waits vs. Alexander Witltb divorce. ST. LOPLS, Mo.. Aug. 7."Sui cide" was the verdict rendered by the coroner's jury hero today in the case of Mrs. Max Jude, wife of a travel ing salesman, who plunged io her death Tuesday from a window of tho Vendomc hotel, where she had kept a tryst wjth Peter Pnufos, a Waiter. Paulos was released. Chief of Police Young unuounccd following the verdict that ho wo'ihl immediately closo all hotels in thu citv of the sumo character as tha Vcndornc. Stlmson Calls Upon Gomez. HAVANA, "Aug. 7. Henry L. Stimson, secretary of war of the United States called today on Presi dent Gomez and later was the din ner guest of tho secretary of slate. Secretary Stimson sails for tho north tomorrow. , NOTICK. Merchants ienrtcnllnn will meet this evening ut 8 o'clock with tho Fair Association at DresBlor's Heat Kstulo office In Mull Trlliuno Building 117 Hasklna for Health. TAFT INVITED TO BREAK GROUND SAN FRANCISCO, Cul.. Aug. 7. An invitation to President Tuft to come to San Francisco "during Octo ber or November und turn tho first shuvcrful of .earth ut tho ground breaking ceremonies of the Panama Pacific exposition, has been extended by President C. C. Moore. The date of thu groundbreaking will be fixed to conform with the president's wishes if the invitation is accepted The director's hope that the anniver sary of Pottoln day in October can be chosen. BARTLETT PEAR PRICES IN EASTERN CITIES Stewart Fruit Co, report sales of Bartlett pears in the cast Aug. 4 as follows: New York. $1.80, 1.IM, .2.0I), .i-2.15, $2.25. $2.30; at Chica go, $1.80, $2.10, $2.20; ut Boston, $2.05, $2.10, $2.15, $2.50 $2.25; ut Pittsburg, $2.10, $2.25; nt Cleveland, $1.0(1, $2.00, $2.05. MILLVILLE, CALIFORNIA, DESTROYED BY FIRE MILLVILLE, Cul., Aug. 7. Mom tliuii hull' of this town today is in smouldering ruins as tho rosult of a fierce lire which raged almost un checked over tho town. Twelve buildings worn destroyed, Tho loss is estimated at $15,000. Trees on the outskirts of tho village caught i'irc and tint 1 lames wcro racing through tho forests to tho north ward, gathering additional fury every moment. Fnrmers flocked to the forest fire and it is hoped will today succeed iu chocking the flames. Hanklna for Hcaitn. SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR BAR CREEK i ii 1 1 Dlvltlo Between Griffin nnd Sterility Creek to Be Included In New Dis trictBetween 20 nnd 30 Children Wnnt to Go to School. In all probaliUlty a now nohool district will bo formed on liar Crook, on tho divide between (Irl'Ilu CrcoU and Sterling Cieck, Thoro aro said to bo between twenty and thirty chll drou In that locality who arc with out school privileges unions they walk from three to four uillcn to the Orlfflu Creek nchool, School Superintendent WoIIh has tho matter In hand and hopes to ho able to got tho district formed III time to open a uchool this fall. Itev. Frank Ktowart, who has been holding religious service In that vie ulty for several months linn agreed to give up one room of his houne for school purpotien until a suitable build ing can be erected. DEER BEING HUNTED ILLEGALLY WITH DOGS PORTLAND, Aug. 7. - Persistent repoits from nil over the state have reached thu office of (hum Warden William S. Fiuloy, to the effect tint the laws prohibiting the hunting of deer with hounds are being violated. At tho present time, deputies are hastening to the various grounds where deer aro known to gather, with explicit instructions to arrest such violators aud prosecute them to the full extent of tho law. Mr. Fiuley states that he will overlook no op lortuuity to punish deer hunters who usu Ifbuuds or other dogs for the pursuit of deer, as tho extinction of this animal is assured unless strenu ous measures are adopted iuuuedi alely . SHEEP OWNER SLAYING FEW REMAINING ANTELOPE PORTLAND, Or.. Aug. 7. Willi less than 700 uuteoM) remaining in Oregon, evidence hns reached tho of fice of Stato (lame Warden Fiuley that a sheep owner of southeastern, Oregon has systematically planned the killing of many of these animals during the Inst two winters. The ob ject of this unlawful attempt,' it is said, is to provide bait for coyotes. The carcass of the autclopn is poi soned wjicer it fulls, which, when cntcn by tho coyote, consequently de stroy that animal. Deputies are now seeking exact evidence, with the intention of discovering the guilty party, when diligent prosecution will follow. Tho identity of tho sheep owner is' us yet, unknown, although tho officers are on the trail of the man, who will bo mado (-.striking ex ample of the seriousness of this in fraction of tho law. ! HOPE HELD OUT FOR J. W. GATES RECOVERY PARIS, Aug. 7. It was an nounced this morning that John W. Gates passed a comfortable night and shows some improvement. His physicians say there aro urn no traces of returning uraemia und tho pneumonic condition of the lungs seems to have been checked. They hold out hopes for the ullimnto re covery of tho American iiiilliouuirc. Huklni for Health. .SMITH'S APARTMENT house: Hou th Itlvcrnldo New nnd Uji-to-Dato Modern In every (Hirtlculnr, Ran cook ing, etc. Women and k'1 must bring reference. WM, SMITH. INSPECTOR VIEWS RURAL ROUIE Special Atjont Morso of Postal De partment Goes Over Proposed Route No. 2 nnd Endeavors to to Make Necessary Chanucs. Special Agent Morse of tho post office department has been iu Med foul for suveial days getting a line up on tho establishing of rural mail route No, 2 oul of Medfoid, Mr. Moisc, uecoiupituied by As sistant Postmuster Ralph Woodloid, has made a drive over the proposed route but ns yet he said nothing iih to what his recommendations will lu to (ho department. Thu fact, however, that he is now down iu tho Mciuilv of (Vutiut Point endeavoring t iiiuko sumo changes in tho proposed route would seem to imlicalo that In report would he favorable, pro, hied he is able to muku thu uccesirv chuugCM, TO LIBERATE STEELHEAD IN McKENZIE WATERS PORTLAND, Aug. 7. By the ie. lease of 100,000 steclhead salmon n. tho waters of the MeKennte, (lame Waiden Fiuley expects to make that stream as inviting to lishenoeii u the Rogue n'ver now is. The secict of the success of thu Rogue uwv, us ii fishing ground, Is diu to tho f:u t that steclhead always rcjuru to their original spawning ground alter a trip to the deep sea. This i the only icspeet iu which they differ fioiu tho rainbow trout, tl is believed that once the steclhead is released in tho, that river will I uue u perpetual spawning ground for them and provide excellent trout fishing much closer to Poitluud and the iiorlhttcxt isiitiou of the statu. I ' PHOENIX DEPARTMENT STORE WIPED OUT BY FIRE PHOKNIX Ark, Aug. 7. which destroyed the FJIinger block, one of the lurgiMt buildings iu I'hoe nix, causing a loss of 150,000, in un der control bene today after an nil night fight by thu firo department. Haskius for health. Lace Curtains Cleaned W Hpccltllxo In Cleaning and He. floMiliig nil Curtain. .MKFOIll l)VK WOltKS rnrlrlc 1701 Homo lil-K Crater LaRe Stage Line Official Crater JUko HIaro Auto lenvo Hotel Nah nt H n. m. Tne. day nnd I-'ridnjra, arrive Crater Lnkn twine oi citing. Hotiirnlng, lenvo Crater Lnko Monday nnd Tlninid&y. Coiiiiihv tlon with Htrnmcr Klnmnlli for Klninnlli Fall. Hound Trip 2n.0(, ono way f Medford to Klamath Falls vln Crater Iiko (ono way) $1H.B0 ItcNcrvntlon und ticket nt Hotel Nash or Crater Inko (Jnrnge. Draperies Wn curry a very complet Una of (Irapnrlti. Inert ourUln, fliturra, nta.. mid do nil olniuc of utiliolfitorln. A (ipnolal man to lank nftar till work ixoliiDlvnly and will kIvo nn nootl Morvlca nn la iiniallile to (t In oven tho larRciit ollloa. Weeks & McGowan Co n-9rr4- xV Bank's Age For Nearly a Quarter of a Century IMg JACKSON COUNTY BANK ' MEDFORD, OREGON " lias served tho pooplo of Metlford and vicinity. At all timeo thero i3 ennsidorod first tho interests of its depositors. This safe and sano "policy has HELPED us to fciicceed. Your business solicited because wo can Mtcorcl you the largest possible accommodations consistent with sound banking. Capital $100,000, Surplus $85,000 4 f w . 1 V ;t -Vv-V Z'w&v ; M ?"?. ,w-v-'1' itftMOIJi' Jl4Mrfrf'tr-i4-( 1