ft-"" - ; . 11 11 r It I f? WIDDFOUl) MATT, TRTBUNK, MEDFORD, OUEGOy, TfftTD'AY, AUGUST 4, 1011. PACE SEVEN And JefF'Was Only Trying to Do Mutt a Favor By "Bud" Fishef fi i w wiwwm I, '" " " '" ' - - .- ... - - - - f Jarr, r Got X 6HQNa to ' ' '' -'. ilAv,!orPoKq,;ftkl1' V eorravr wing t rr -j AS. hwmx mwW(o of . 1 l&v fM m11tt 1 ftv- zr: vmcH'-W S: L - Xjymy Lifer?) jK 'r m,mtm.nmm 11, i '" """"J " "" -- - - " ' " - " - .. .,. . .... A . i FOR SALE FOR SALE. USlFitss uintiiiuMT UlIT nUIIUCO. uiiiiiwiiv ,,,,, ., . ,,,. Baslntes Property KUmUwwom wPnB;tur .M -u.,. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. .1. .1. (him hpoiit Thurmlity in (Intuit 1'itHH. Mim. .lumen l'cart mill I'liitilicu niiiiln it Hi'vcrnl iltiyn U In Mi', nnil Mix. H. !. IVurl nnil (illnr ivlji. tlvPM licrc, returning t lliclr Iioinc in I'liiiciilx TliurHilny nt'titriiooii, iuf Miniiniiii'il tiy MiH. II, K. I'nirt. Mr... M. lillliilt nf Work IViIiK in viniljiij: rricmlr mill ri'lntlvi-n Iiimi;, Mr. mill Mr. ('. ('. I'ltrkiim. Mr. nml Mr. Drniiiit Orcoti mul I'hililron li'l't fr Cri'Hcciit City toilny for 'in iiiillnc of two wi'i'kn. Hurry Sclliy wiih in from I ho Mrt ilon orrhunl TlitirHilay on hnKiiKiNrf,' Mr. mul Mrs. V. II. llopkiiiR, Mix. M. I'i'iiliiKitt- Mr. Hiirloii, K A. I'nl lixon mul ltoy )nnliii wimo niiinii' lln Out ml Point ii'ii1i wlio mk'ii Tliuixliir in Mi'ilfonl. J T. M, Jiiiick rutiiriii'il 1'rom a trip to tlii north Tliiirhilny ufiriiooii. II, K. Cntoit mul family nru hjxmi! iiiy tliiK woi'k in tin' Mi'iiiIowh. I(. Y. (Iray of rrilfonl lumlu u lniMnft,K (rip Inini 'I'lnirfiihiy. Tln ladiot of lint M. I), rluitcli will ivi' an iru cn-iiin Mii'ial on lilt! Mi'thoiliht )iirHouii(!ii lawn Tiii'Hilay I'Vi'iiiiij,'. Tlny will iiIho lmvi ranily ami li'iiionailo for miiIo. All an' i-or-ilially invited In allfiiil. I'nr fiiirilliiimi vt IImi ruiulltlfiii of llili iilillBiMlua On' fttHli unit vreiM ut lint cliy nf Mcilfiml uro lorrli pIimIkimI. In ivIliH'iin wlii-rnir, UiIh want ha iM'fii MlKMiil hy Urn omyor iuil nin-mril liy ili ivvunliT u( wu 1.1 ulU' of Wlfiiril. mul I lot niriMiralM nml of tin- cll' ut AlKitfuril livrriu iillnclicil tlil flmt ilny uf . i . i . ... i . ,' Attntl Mnyio-. ' 'tVv!iV!k'r'i)ir'ifi uViy of Muilforjl Hoctlmi J ICai'lt of til" onl'l lioailii filinll IlKVH Hllurllfit lllTHo tMcilly riMlpoaii, I'uclt of which Nhull l In tin' fulliiwliiit fnriii. Cliy of Mailford. Miitt uf tlri'ttnii. Will o.ty to Dm lii-nrfr "; linn la uol'l ('"la of Ho' I'nlti'il Htnlfx of AllirilfX. tt Ui off It of llir Ircuaurrr nf mtlil rlly on Urn flrl ilny "f Im-Iiik k aioallm lai'ri'Hi on wnitr mull. tiint K'n Kit I.I I No ttlilfN n.il.1 .on.l r.""-r.-rr .. ".l'L n H ciliin T. I tihiill I"- Uio iltily of iiiitr.Mii ltrmiiini. ivniuii rniruiiMini n. . .... ,. , -....i. ftliaikr tllllt lOtllmll MU'l ..r..i....l .in ni.v Mlr..l lii rmt,i rfiv to imi lo it Htrrct inicrm-ciion ixroro inuKiiiK llm filter Ik of thn city of Mcrtford hy ii' iittvrrri or mi vriiicii.-n. Thu city of M imI font iluth onlala an flllllltVM' Hcollmi t. II xliiill I" llm lot)' of nvrry ilrlvvr of ovury vililrji. mi ir ovit any nin'i or tin' cu- in flraiuiu ... km'p to thn 1 1 Kilt nIiIii or thu Htrciit H.-clluii It hull Imi tlio iluty of Viirv Mllrll itrll'lT III tllrillllK 11 I'DflHT to ilrlvn u nearly to tint ailuilln nf tilt; xlrii-t tin m priicitciiuin ana in lumuiK to tnra on to thn rlttht hIiIo of th Hin-ct on which Im ttiriiH Hrctloa 3. It Hlmll In- On' iluty of uvrrjr nurh ilrlviT la iukihIiii; nay nllii-r vi-hl-L'lo from thu rnr to i.i in tho reft, nml It kIiiiII Im thn duty of vrry uch ilrlvrr In Klvn oh much of thn rouil im In tiriicllcnblv lo t-vrrjr other tlrlvrr ilciilr nf lo tiuim him. Hotlna 4. It Hiutl l- lln iluly of cvrry nucli ilrlvcr when monjitiiu nay vi'lilcUi on nay utrn-t of milil rlly to ho fni'K tint hitaii' Ihni Uni iIkI.i nlili Of llit rlilcii Mh'ill )' ai'XI to Ui- vurh. AttrKl: .Mnoi IliroVil'iT of"th'"city f Mfilfonl j o-ti tarn. Mijilclo kIiiiII ilrlvi'ii oa lt lut In Mil lil tfll Itt IVIIIN 11 r lull IM1IM K;y".V?,iy4""M,r"" "" " F:teKT?Si5 ' ifefiLs?S 22 S3." .... 1 TIim iiifiviir nf Halfl CltV IV I I"' mniMI w miiiijii'. if. iililv mmj r on . TIik. amor ot wain cn i i . . ., f S..r,ir,i -,... .itinif hy iiathorUi-l nnil iiirrcu'" "'' " V" ."'." .....:..,,, ...",." .......iM i.tt.i iiim iiv rci'iiriirr in inn niMrti ui ny miiiiiiimiuiiv ii iiiimri H4h1 nan lo Hccll IllT " ..."."V '." .r.". .. .' ... . Unr.ri. n.r.., evoli. I " uf n -It- .1 on bHulf 'Mrcllon Thr trnn vi-hlcli. u.cl nt Villi cii V liiTcIn Nhnll Imi tuKuu to tncluilo .vry wm..i...i rt 'in, rrninirr 11. imi... .... . ....m. ..-.., .... ... ....... .... Many Killed by Explosion. 'IIAMIIUIUI. Ami?. J.Si'vornl ju-r-hiiiih witc killi'il mul a iiiunliitr in jtireil liy mi i'xiliiHioti in llm ocini'il workri nf'Wnll'f fi StiiMMiiiw liore lis ilay. CITY NOTICES. OBBINAMOS HO. 037. Ail onlliiftitrn ntilhurliiluK Hi" tru nili'd of Hilou.uJ of hi i,trr inilu hdnilri of thr oily of MiilNnl. Ji rl-jtnn COUIIIV. Oli'Kiili. unit itlri!?illli llm fit,; vrriliniiK of tho ntiiiu' r-r - ! in ho rorOmict) with m'cIIiiiiii S Itt- 1ST of tin? rhnriiT or rum oily Tin' rlly of Mf.fr iqilOHM. In hrrVliy ' illn-cl.-il lo rpUtrr wtlit liomtn irollMl hy liorni' nr horf..'-i nml iiIho wiiiJ i tiiiilir tin iii oa llm lilmiUn I'tcry Hutoinul.llc. inolorcyc .1 t.lcycn- irolil tlirr.'for In Hit for.-KOlni; forin. or oth.T vehicle proin-llea by jwnor 01 in tircnrilmiM wltli ttm iirovlnloim of olhvrwln- m ..,..,... .ilt 'irir 0ri"91V' ,,f . ci,y uny provlHlnn nf thl nnllnanev ulisn H.-1'lloa . Thr rrc hl.-r or i , conviction l. flm-.l not morn Hutu of Meiirnril ".'ri-hy illrrrl l ""' to no or I.- linnrlHiinn! ut luhor not llr... muIiI litinilH for kiiIp. ""'Ii Ji ..rii 'nor., lima 30 itnyn. iwiian will Ihi nolil for I hi' lilli-iil lir ru T, fr.itiliii.' unlliinncii wnii iiihh.-.I .i.i.iniii... nut ii-mi tluiii fur ami ac crucit inli'icHt. mul In ijnljt ml v. rtln. -larat h nhnll iiiuiounrn Hint tin will n rrlvn Hi'iilmt inioiiiii fr Hin itiri'liKi thcrrof, nt lil otrtc ut nay limn Ix-forc I 10 i, in, Atntunt 16. JDII lie uluilt MltllMll Urtlil nitvcrllnrmi'lll Hinu Him in tho ilnlly . ,"f'V"MM'? imhlliihiit nml prlatiil la nnlil city, iat i.UU unliialt Ho i-alw trtMaI rc rrlvwl la nccontnncn with nnlJ mlvrr tlfpiai'iit lo Hi" council ut It nii m no 1 1 UK thrrrurivr Tho forcBoInu onllanacn wjih ? iy Hip cliy council of llm cliy of SIjm. roril, nrpKon. oa llm IM , i of Ail .imi.. mif hy Iho folloWliiK vole, in- slirrlck ay. Wnlt'nyi'. Vortin.ia.ijyc. i:mirlck ntiMciil. Klfcrl nyc. ami Mlllnr "T.l.provcit AiiKiint SiU ',ANoNi Mny'or. Aittf itcjiiT w Ti:i.n:ii. 1 City Hi'corJrr 039. OmOZVAMOB MO Aa,orilnitnc( tirovlilliiK for the PI,"'"; I tirntiina pr n niriti oi ii"i i """"" , AiiMifoni, in-ri'iu runy ncnorim-ii Tt.nl iluth unjoin tin tiurimKu "of liiyluit oat Jliprai n puhllr Utrorl ami lilk'tiwuy nml uuthnrlxInK H"' nrrtloa I. wiicrrim. hip ell ynr i" I mtiyur nan rirgnmr u cnur imw ,;. fo'nl hu hi'teloforn iluly cninnit wntrr trnct with llm owin-r or wilil inmi ror mul an in hn Indl In ccrUIn Htrii-lH nf tho parchiiBn tlmrcof f " 'i' Vi r ,!!'.?."i Mid city. ,uml Hun iloly jumrHHcil thn ami on Hm lirinii Imrrlii 't r ' I " J com tlmn-of to llm iriiNriy hiat-fltnl la llm ivpiji Hint llm '"' r .ii....'r.iJ Hairihy, la ncconlnnco with tho clmrlpr -Jo ;ni;r Into miioIi co nlrnci. lli t "t. or milil i!lty; uml. wlnr.iu. nrima own- tins Iiih Itullna of ua noiloa for Iho cm .r of certain pier.- of propurly eiich, ilemimllini of unlil I'fc'iilfii'M. uNhrmo'il for kucii liiiproveiiienl In u hiiiii ' Thn oily of Midfonl iluth onlnlii an iik- up la iirmriUiien with I W', I KJ'Tf . i -1 N Of H.I I.l XCL'HOIIH Of Hdlll i ' '. '"'' ',?" .'.V'l I net OP Hm loinl aimami of up. .following iipurriiicii trail or .Hin for nucli wnicr iimliiH, Jlaml. roainmapliiK at tho late I'lh'eilliiK IIAno linvn iluly mmh' ami fllVfl iippllciUloa to pity unlit mivvrnl im n.'HPint-iiln In hiNlnllmi'litii In ucconlnacu Willi Heotlua 120 of h.iIiI ohiirinr. ami. wherrim. u witter inula Urn iliH'knl Iimm Im'ci iluly mink' up la ureonliiacn with tno. proviHioa I'lairtrr. uml Hill.l UHH.'HHIIU'll nnil for Mtirli iipplicutinu lo p.iy umler Ilia provlMhaiM of huI.I heotloiiH uliovo i'llit.1 luiH ltcn miiila'iiiiil flleit un uroie muIiI, u thy h ii ui or uuoo.oo. Now Hiercrori'. Huhl city uf .Mclforil ilojli onliilu an iifnri'Mil.l, Han. theio In Imri'hy niilliiirlxeil to ilm Imnii'il hoii.U r mjiIiI rlly la llm loiul uiaoaai of Ituou lirilemnaliiulloaN or ISljU.tlU uml I&U0.0D. nit limy ho L'oavciiluat Seelioii t. Huh) liolnU Hlmll Ihi In tilt) fullowliiK form: fterlu! No,. ..i t fi.... ........ iNo, ...i.. ...... Oily of Mixirunl, , Jnt'liHoii Coliuly, ,, Hlilln of tirrKou. '' Witter Mula II. in. I. .(now nil men hy Hichu piHifiiltt( Tllut Hm city nf Meilfnnl, In llm cotmiy ipi,,fl.ic'riM.iii, hIiiIo of Hrcuoii. for VlllllO it'COlveil, lanehy uuieeH, uml iirninlicn tii: pay lo , tltti hciiior llm nam of !.. la uohl cola of llm Ualloil Hluti'H of Aim Mini, on Iho pri'Hoalullon mil) nai'iearler of thU oIiIIkuHoii 6a the firm iluy or la llm ynur of our I.onl iian thoiiHiinil. Iilim Immlieil ailit , wllhout uraie, Willi lulori'Kt I Imi r. in from llm .lull' hereof unlit re ilmuaeil or until thn limn of thn hoiiiI aimiail pnyiaeal next, eiiHulatt Hm iml llV'ulloa of .iinllcn hy llm elly of Rled rout Dial IIh IkiiiiI will ho tnlmu up ami ennrelleil, uml thul lalereHt ihereoa will ecu h.i at llm Intel ohI puymellt pelloil imxt follutvliiK Hiinli imlilli'iitlon, at th lulo of II her e.'lil per aammi, puyalile Hunil-unimiilly In IlUc koI.I coin oa llm fliHl tiny of , .,.. ami llm .fli'Ht illty or .... la euiill year, mi the ir.iH.ililiitiii uml mirrcailm' of llm piop er oaimnnri hereto ammxeil, I'rlnulpal uhil Ihleieift puyiihln at llm office of llin tteiiHurer of llm ulty pr Mvilfonl, TIiIh lioml Ih nun of u HcrleH aulhorlkeil hy: HeilllnuM IHI, 117. 118. 110. ISO. 131, Ida, u.1. mi, mn, mn umi 127 or the I'lUH'lei'" of., llm elty of Afeilfonl, ami (h an ohllKiilloa of llm oltv of Mmlforil aforeMitlil. Tho ally lummy uovemmt Imi that II u III, iih atithnrlxe.l hy hooIIou lilt) or Hiil.l cliurtDi', cntiHU In ho Ilium fet'l'eil from Hm Keaeial fun. I of huIiI ely lo il.) HlaltliiK fun. I provlile.l hy. huIiI aeiilloa for Hm payment of Ilia HrTleH nf IiiiiiiIh, nr wliluli UiIh Ih one, Hilch iiiaountN from limn lo Hum iih imiy lie. neceHHury lo eaahlo huI.I fund lo nli'cl all ity mi'Ut h puyiihln out, of t tin Hiline. Thin oIiIIkiiIIou Ih not Ueomeit or tajieu lo lie wltliln or any purl uf Ihf' IIJMlliitluiiH hy ln,v nn lo llm Imlnhleil ih'hh of Hiil.l oltv, ami II Ih rurlhei' "'.r; lUU'il Hiat all tlm reiUlremeatH of hiw iHll'o heen fully compiled with hy llm priPr orrit'ct'H In Hie ImhiiIhk of UIh lioiil am) that llm total amnuat of lliln Uhiiii iloeH'imt exceed Iho limit preHcrlh eil hy HiIh nut. M'lilu I, nml Ih re.li'eniiihlo ut tlm of. rice of huI.I treiiHurnr at tlm option of Hie elly of Med ford mum imymen! of Iho fiieo valiii" (hereof, with ucerueil iMki'uhI In llm .In In of iiavmeal at nay H.'inl aiiiunl cimuiia peiioit at or after mm yeiir flout Hm duto lioioof, iih pro VHH'U hy DUld ulmitur, Hrctlon I It l herehy declnrtd liotli nolivealeat ami neecHmiry Hint tlm city or Mod ford iipunlro hy purehuHii or c;a demolition for Jim purpono of Inyl'tij out nml npenlmr thereon it mihllo Htreet Hllltl ru in' op pnrcet i)i rnie.ll.iu of tho umlcrly line or J Htreet nnil i nr Miilllmrly linn of Twelfth Htreet In llc cliy or ledfonl, mild Point helm: wliol wuh formerly llm HoatheuMlerly cornpr .. 11,.. 1. ...'it nf Mi'ilfiiritt theimo not til 91 l-S ileRieeH eHt alniiK" unlit miatlmrly line of Twelfth Htreet l.u reet; lIKMiei in ilKlit inmlen HOtitti 35 dpRrrcH M uilauleH ciihI to tlm mnitli Jinn of Hint cerluln truci of hind of which curtain deed of enilVeyunco reeordeil la volume SO nf deedH ul Piiko 170 la till' oKICO of Hm rci'imler of coavoyiiucpH of Juck hoii couuly, UrcKou: theaco uIoiik tho Houlherly lino of huIiI truct to a point which heuiH Houlh 35 dcRrrcN 30 niln. nlcH eiiHt from Hm lolnl of heKlmilUK. Iheiico imrlh 35 tleKrecH 3Q mlniUcH went Iih Hm liluen of henlaallilf Tlm iiiuyor and recorder aro hetvhy iiiilhorUi'il ami directed to cater Into n onnimui with l.ydhi Himuioh, formeily l.ydln HiiiiHcomli, Hm perHon In oh hhhhIoii of uml tlm owner of nnhl Hlrli of land for tlm parclniHo Ihrroof for I to 1... .it rii-.. luiiiflrml iliillurH uml thn Imuyor Ih liereuy turccimi in inuniMimii'iy hy tlm city council of Hm city pf .Mid- rnr.l on I lie ihi any or aukiimi, iih, ny tlii' f.ill.iwltii: vnti: Merrick nye. W'nti nyc, Wnrltimn nyc. Ktuvrlck aliiicnt, );! rert nye, Mlllnr uyn. Approved AiikuhI 2. 1011 V. II. CANON'. AtlHut: Mayor. iioiiT. v ti:mi:h. Itrcordcr. irorxOB or baz.b or water kaxk OKBS. Tlm city council of Iho city of Med ford. Ori'Kon, will receive denied pro IhimiiIh for Hm purchtiHo of $1,000.00, Mix per cent, en yrnp wntcp inuln bomln (optlonnl ufter tin' flrnt yenr). nt a mertlnc to Ihi held AtiRUNt 15th, 191V All hid mul ho accompanied hy n cerllfled check p(Uiil to D pep cent of the iiiuuunl hid for, Hiilil check to bo tnnde pnyithtc to the city tnnHurer of th city nf .Medfurd, ami to be forfeited to Mid City (a CUHO wild hid Ih accepted nml nal. I hnmU are not purchnHcd In nccor dnmv with nald ipooaHon wilhln SO duya pfler the notice of nald acceptance. All LI.Ih tniiHt ho riled" wth Iho city recorder iilvnny tlm hefori S o'clock p. m AtictiHf 15th, I9tl Tho council re- ffep Hiil.l l.yillu Hphiioh on behalf of old city Hiild amount of 1500.00 for mild liri'tnlHi'H, thn Hume to Im conveyeil ly Hiifriclent deed. free or eaeumhrune"H. Huld auivi'Uii'iiti If eiilereil Intn Hhill provide for llm puyment of nald amount liy nald city Jn ciihIi liumedlulely upon huIiI ini'tnlHPH for wild nurpoHe. or If huIiI l.ydlu rlpniioH Hlmll prufor. H mayor uml leeonler aro horehy oulhart Ixed and illtceKd, wllhout iinv prelim liuiry conttucl Jo draw a warrunl on tlm elly ircaHinerfor hiiIiI aiimunt upon llm tender or ninth dticd by nnld l.ydlu rlpintm and huIiI mayor Ih hutpby an. ii,i-i.i nml illreeteil to offer KO to do w,-,iimi 3 If tlm event that nald offer Ih not accepted within threo duyH after Hin nuiltlmi thejoof, an above pi ovlih'd. tim city utloraoy Ih herehy dltected to inutlintii In behalf of Hiild oltv an action for tlm condemnation ami appropriation of wuld hind, "In acconlunee with tlm charter of huIiI city ami lliu Iuwh of mild Hlute, huIiI amount hplnir. In Iho JmlKimmt nf tho council Iho full valuo Het!li)u I Huld Hlreol Ih hereby de olurci) to ho ut;t;Hr)iry In tlm linmcdl atn pencil, Imiulh ami Hiifoty of Hiild cliy, tliereforo an iitni'i'Konoy Ih declared to oxIhI liint Ihla tirdlniiuvo hy rcntum of tlm foreRoliiK (jl)lerKeaoy Hhall bcoonte lunnt'dlatvly opetutlvo when puhhimi by tho counrll and upproved by Iho uit(ytir In iircoi'iiiiucp VUli 'he charter and or dluaaccH of HiifiJ ulty relallpK tlu'rot" Tlm foreKolnif ordlminco wiih humhu.I hy Iho city I'ounoll of tho city of Med fni'd mi tlm fli'Ht dav of AuuiihI, 11)11. hy llm folowlnir vote! Merrick aye. IhueiluK almoin, KITerl aye, Millar aye, Wjttt aye, Wnrlntiin aye, . Apniovcd AugUHt ",'oanon. AtleHt- Mayor. HllUT. W TI'.lil'I'JIl, HiH'onler. RANCHES 15 ncrea: cloto In: beautiful vlow; fine noil; $350 ncro; very eay leriim. I l-S ncre'a: boarlnB orchard; water rlk'ht, Htore; uIho leaiio on Kood pun turo nml huy land; h:i1o or trade. ItellmiulHhment, (0 uci on railroad ImlldlliKH mo. 21 acres, 20 In apples and pears, 1 aero flno lu.llriliiK alto, $1200, good terms. TRADE 16 acres, Houth Pnk'ola; tnkn ncreK0. 40 acroa, flan bulldlm; nlte, $(000, tuke resldi'iicn iwirt trade. SO nerrH Irrlaulvd In Idaho. 10 In al falfa ami ciop, ISO iicrun. E ncrt'N benrliiK orchard equity $3500, tukn Kood roHldeticn. SO ncrea umlor dllch, water rlRht, 1 year orchard, equity $1800 tnko rcaldcrC. 70 acrus, 65 under ditch, 35 In applta and ponr in 3 yenr, 3 1-2 mllea out. $135 acre, l 10 acres, IS In pears, cloae in tint bull J- liiK site and view, tCO-uero Block and alfalfa ranch; 150 acres tlllablo; undor ditch; $75 por acre; tnko Income property. 110 uores raw land; all flna fruit land; takq any cood property, 6-rootn hupKnlow for ten acre. 80 acres, tlllablo; $2000; take town prop erly 30 nrro, cloured; take residence In trade. 140 acres Itopuo river; SO acres bottom undor ditch; tnko town property. Pino 300-uoro ranch or any portion; 80 ocria In orcho.rd; takoeood Income or . rcsldonob property , Jiio.lcru Sroom house. 3 lots, on paving; tnko a few acres Ilonr creek bottom noil under ditch. I flno closq In lots 'for raw land. 30 acres Dear Creek bottom for Dakotatt land. 1(0 noroH, ApplPRnte Vnlloy, water rlKht, nil tillable, tnko city property. 17 acrcn, In pears and alfalfa; Rood buiiKaluw; tnko city rosldenoo up to $3,500. Klua npplo and pear orchard, olnso tn, nln6 yenr old, clfisq to town and ship ping point, tnko Kood rosldeuco prop, erty In trado. 2 1-4 noma truck, Rood liouso, take tot iih part vmymoht. 1G0 acres Imperial Ynlloy, Irrigated, ready to plant, f 4000, trmlo one half, bnlnuco cnsli. 100 acres BontH Dakotnj tako fow acreB or town proporty, WANTW Ulrls for ftenoral housework. City and run oh property ts list OHDIKANOn NO. 830. All ouUmuicu rcuulnllnb' the uho uf E. F. L BOTE HOOK BIS rxirrs vutiioiiia serves tho rlKht to rcjoct any and all hid. Dutcd this 3rd day of AueiiM, 1911, IIOUHUT W. TKM'KH, City Hccorder. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE roil HALB OH EXCIIANOK Klvo-p.ts-ticnKer tttp. In Kood repair; prlco lit tlo object, Hce Walker, at I). II. Jack son & Co.'.. 118 1-1 YV. Main. FOR SALE OR RENT I'OU HKNT OH 8 ALB Now elRht-room hniiHii and KnrnRc. I'hane 071. 418 Houth Oakdnle. 115 FOn EXCHANGE. BaJ MuUU KOIt i:TIIANOK Medford and subur ban property, rnnches, timber lands for other property. Address IIox 193, caro Mall Tribune. FOR RENT Board and Stooma IIOOM AND UOAHD at Mrs Vnyn. 310 orin ii.irneii sireei; inrco diockh , from biiHlness center. - rnrsdfc4 Ssooms. I'OU ItHNT 2 nicely furnished rooms for Kentlvmen, old. Cltf West Tenth street. . 113 THR COLEMAN ROOMS Tot and cold water nnd baths, garage. $1.50 per weclc Thono 177-U 1005 West Main FOII URNT Two furnished rooms. $1.75 and $3.SS a week, modern. 730 W. 11th. 115 romsM. I'OH HUNT CIoho In, four room houe. newly painted apd lupereilj: has elec Irlo HrI)!, telepuonc," ntc. Uent rraa onnblo or will make siK-clal rnto tn tctmnt y)io wl put In lawn,. Kor par ticulars cull phono No. 3101. 113 I'OU HUNT 2 room furnished house at fill North Klvcrsldo avenue. Inquire B20 Houth Ivy street. 115 l'Olt ItKNT Kurnlsh two room bungalow- with juintry and closet, very reusonnblv. Inquire 517 South Holly. ' 115 I'OU HUNT I riHint hquse furirlshed fop llKht huusekeeplae. modern. 717 North ltlversldc. I'OU URNT Threo room house, two blocks south 11 Hi street, grocery, on Hamlin street, IS per month. I'honv Homo 197-lt. US I'OU HKNT Klvcroom tint; tarco sleep ing porch and tMthroom; alt modern Improvement, fn'o water. Apply Oak ibilo Cahli Orocery. 115 I'OU ItKNT 8ocn room bungalow; modern, Rood RaniRO. Sec W. Kverhard, 909 V. Ninth street. Phono 6671 roil URNT 5 room modern house. In quire No. CO North Orange. XonskptaaT Booms I'OU URNT Light housekeeping nml sleeping rooms for Indies or Rerttjem. n Thn best am) mont reasonable In" town Call moriiluRH. 711 North Central. 119 I'OU HKNT 2 ImuNvkepIng rooms, nice ly fiirulHhed, gas, bati, hpt uml cold water, sink, sumiaep rates. 231 Rust Ninth. , IIS roil URNT Two room suite, of fur nished housekeeping rooms, gas for cooking. 323 Houth Holly street. l'OH HKNT llouhekeeplnc rooms, i;as for rooking. 717 West KRhth street 119 Taraas l-"On HUNT Farms from 40 acrta ti 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches garden land, general farming ranches ,Oold Ray Itealty Co., Sit W. Majn. Offices for JUat KOU ItENT Over the poatoffloe with heat and light. Sea A. A. Davla, KOH nENT Office rooms in Bleetrl bldgr, modern equipment, steam heat, electric light, hatha, toilet, hot nnd oold water. Gold Ilay Iloalty Co., 316 W. Main at. UaeallaBaova. V'OR URNT Garden land In tracts of from -one noro upwards, nylth wntep fop IrrUntlon, Owner will furnish team nnd Implements for cul tivating and seed for share of crop. Inqulra of Uuffuni, Koguo lUve'r Elec tric, Co., 216 W, Main St. VO TiRARR Flslnff. hbatlnii and hunt lug resort on easy terms. Hoc 33, Mall Trbuno. I'OU URNT First CIiish pasture at Isnucs Itauch, phone 591, party 11-4. jon SALE Acreage KOU SALK 7 acre berry garden or poultry land, 1 mllo from oty )lniU qtV Central Tolnt rcuid fq be hiacadai mixed: ditch across highest point; prlco $315.00 per noro oa tonus, less for cash. Address HoX E88 Medford, KOH SULK $850: real bargain: 1 1-3 tii't'os, I wo nillea Houlh of Talent: one Imir acre flno ypnug family orchard: good well: kitchen furnished. See R. L. Cochran, Talent, Oro, 121 KOH RENT 3 rooms, suitable for dressmaking or halp dressing- and manicuring parlors. Inquire at Em porium. n KOn BALE OH nENT Oood opening for general merchandise store In new town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 mllea from Medford. Oold Hay Itealty Co- 208 W. Main. 2os l-'OH BALE Lots 1 nnd 2 In block 2, Henson addition, nnd lot i. Woodlawn Heights, West Medford, as a whole op singly, $250 each; part time If wanted, nt 6 per cent, Title register ed, taxes paid. Address C. C. Lowrey. Hox 397. Norfolk. Va. US' JKonssa I'OU riALt: Rooming and boarding house, corner of Fourth and Front; clearing $100 dollars per month. En quire on premises. izo FOn 8ALE House, hlt;h lot, Kenwood avenue; 5 rooms, plumbed and wired; 1 block from pavement, new, not been occupied. I'rloe $1500. Address box 5SS, Medford. FOR SALE Thre room house, large lot, closo In: price right, terms. Box 522, phone Main 5662. ' SaJ Xststa FOR KALE Will sell cheap, two good mining claims, have good asstfys on them and considerable work done. good reasons for selling. Address D. A. Wright, Medford. Oregon. lis MINING MEN ATTENTION I have for sale 80 acres, of land about three miles from Gold Hill which joins land owned by the threo following min ing companies, Milllonatr Mining Co.. Grey Eagle Alining Co.. ami DIacKwcll Hills Mining Co. AH of these proper ties have produced cold In the past and slioSv good prospects for further development. This 80 acres will be sold at a very rcasonablo price, for small payment down and long time and taay terms on the balance. For particulars address post ornce box 702, Medford, Oregon. 125 FOR SALE Garden and fruit tract, 1 1-4 acre, house furnished: can give Im mediate possession; loaded with fruit and fine garden truck. Inquire 60 N. Qrango street. LOOK AT THIS Hero Is a chance to get a good farm cheap; homestead relinquishment, this county, nedr the Southern Pacific Railroad. 80 acres good now 5-room house, frame up for barn. 3tx32. 12-acrca cleared nnd In crop, living water, 60 fruit trees, 2 chicken houses. PInce all fenced and cross fenced. owner obliged to go away, will sell cheap: less than Im provements cost. For full particulars call on or address Reaver Realty Co., Ashland, Oregon, FOR SALE New 4 room bungalow; close in; hot nnd cold water; electric lights: gas; enm front: corner lot; nice lawn: woodshed; etc: a bargain for soma one. Address Q. Mall Tri bune. 120 Boslnssa Snropetty FOU BALE Choice business property at a bargain, on long time: easy terms. Address Condor Water A Power Co. aUseellaneoas FOR SALE Patept top fruit Jars. In 1-2 gallon .sixes, ono tiouar per uoxen ni Rlltor & IJunlaps. 120- FOR HALK Underwood typewriter In rirsi ciuss conutiion. .iinrcss j. care Tribune. 118 FOR SALE Full blood fox' terrier pups for sale. Address liox 76 P. O. 119 FOR BALE Splendid pair match bay mules, 6 years old, weight 3600 pounds sound and gentle, perfectly. J, M. Root. Main 3111. US' FOR BALE 1 60 horse power steam boiler; ono 6 Inch dlschargo geared pump: one 8 Inch dlschargo steam pump; 600 feot second hand water pipe; all tho abova Is In good condi tion and can bo purchased cheap for cash. Enqulro city recorder office. City of Medford. FOR SALE Two butrg'lcs apd single harness for sale cheap. Court Hall. FOR SALE Solf-fecdlnBr hay baler, tn good repair See A, A. PavK, FOR SALE Hay. Wo have several car loads or nrsi-oinss oai, votcii, cncoi. Wheat and mixed hay that we can name you very closo rjrlcos dm Frank E. nialr, yholesale vommjBBlon mor ohant, Eugeno, Oregon. 135 FQH SALE Qontlo driving hqrao; x years out nun souiiu, nui ..unni .,. auto or steam ongltio; call ut 341 Ivy or phono 5561. 116 FOR SALE First class ticket, Portland to Minneapolis. $25,00, September 15 limit, 200 Cottago street. US FOR SALE Oood ranch team, ware and yielding sound nun gentle, worn nny place. Price only $300. A. K. Warn, phono 539 Party R 3. 110 FOR BALE Horse and nurrey; horsQ8 1 - I l 4SAA. h.mftr.6 A nnl1 years out; weigui uu; mum u m Haturday on Main street at 2 p. m, Itu FOR 8AI.1'1-0kh gentle family horae ami good 2 seated hack, Isaao A. Armstrong, ueur city resorvolr, 139 FOR BALE 6 acres 1 mile from town, new house, plenty of water; family orchard and grapes. Enqulro 410 N. Ivy street. Medford. 126 WANTED. KlseUaJMns WANTEO Plain sewing at 343 North Ivy street. Phone 6091. 123 WANTED 8cond hand saddlo, cheap fop cash. James Campbell. 117 WANTED Boarders; good home cook ing. Mrs. Alia Fisher, 414 South Riverside. 116 SITUATIONS WANTED. YOUNG LADV Wants position In doc tors op dentist office, or any office work, not requiring bookkeeping, have knowledgo of type writing. Address Box 53 caro Mall Tribune. lie WANTED Place fo do house work or ns second girl. Address P. O. Box 34. 115 WANTED Position ns Janitor. Address Box II care Mall Tribune. 116 WANT WORK with a big fine span or mules, flno outfit Address 623 North Central. 119 HELP WANTED. sip Wanted Mala WANTED Boy about 16 op 17 years old, fop offlco boy and errands. One with wheel preferred. Inquire Buffum, Roue River Electric Co. LABORERS WANTED Ten laborers fop work at Pfdspcct. Apply at room .A T-l .- V..II.II..M. ! H'..t Tnln .v., r.ll'Uliu nullum, ,.,-nw .. street prospect Construction Com pany. WANTED Teams to haul poles on the Prospect pole line at Trail: $6.00 per day; time paid coming and going. Ap ply C A. Akard, Trail. Oregon. 115 WANTED Carpenter familiar with making mission furniture and wood working. Address Buffum, caro Rogue River Electric Co. WANTED Salesman fot exculsivo ter ritory. Big opportunities. No expe rience necessary. Complete line Yak ima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Out fit free. Toppanlsh Nursery Company, Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED Salesmen In every locality of the northwest; money advanced week' ly; many make over $1000 month choice of territory. Yakima Valley. Nursery Cot, Topenlsh. Wash. Kalp Wanted Tamala WANTED A gtrl fop general work. Call Main 441. houne- WANTED Neat, competent white or colored maid fop genenil housework; ono who thoroughly understands her business: small family; good wages. Jacksonville, 321. 116 WANTED Woman fop day work to do laundry for family of two. 622 Wesi Fourth. ' 115 WANTED Neat, competent whlto op colored maid fop general housework; small family; good wages. Jacksonville 321. 116 WANTED Woman fop general house work, one who can cook. Wages $30 per month. Apply Buffum, Rogue River Electric Co., SJ6 W. Main. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Archltocts. JOHNS & TURNER. Architects and Builders. Office 7-8. SIC Main: phone Main 3471. Residence phone 744. POWRRTTtEEVES STWEST. Architects; 107 and 208 Oarnett-Coroy building. Abstracts. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT TITLE CO.. INC., Jacksonville, Phoqea Pacific, Main 11: Home 3006. Accountant. D. It. WOOD aenerul accountant. Tour books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Medford Mall Tribune Building, phone 6611. residence phone 1601 JLsaayt ana Anaiyat- AS8AYKR AND CHEMIST Earl V. In gots. BT Sc. Goneral assay and an alytical work, Cement and asphalt testing. Best equipped assay offlco and Jesting laboratory in Oregon. All Work' guaranteed. Grants Puss. Or. Attoraays. COLviO & RbAMEjWW. M. Coivtg. C. L. Reames Lawyers. Office Medford National Bank building, second floor FoTFrliu' j.Heff, wm. p. mealev ' Attorneya-nt-law. Nos. 1 and 8 Post- ornce nutintng. A. B. REAMES Lwyer, aarnett-Corej building. MUITKEY arbHKRIlY H.P. MULKKY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Lawyers; Prao tlce tn nil stato and foderal courts. Rooms 11 and 13. Jackson County Bank bldg. ; Billiard rarlora. S. T. HttuWN A qo. llllllards. Cigars and Soft Drinks. Un atalra. Young Halt building. A nice, cool laco to stiAiul the hot afternoona BUI rosters VERNE T. CANON Hill poster and pi s trlbutor. All ordors promptly filled. Room 29. Jaokson County Bank build ing, Medford, Oregon.. ALL kinds of carpenter work. Contract or day work. 223 Court at. A. W. Blsh. rani tax. It F. WILSON St CO.. dealers In new and aecond-hand furniture and hard ware. Agents fop Household stoves and ranges. 16 South Fir street. Phon Main 3161. Homo 26S-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cor ner 8th and Holly atrceta, Medford. Mission furniture made to order. Cab inet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookatoves and ranges. New and second hand furni ture. Eads' old stand, 18 Fir street, Houth. Phone 91. Home 283-K. Med ford. Sraalts Works. OOLD RAY GRANITE CO.. 216 Wer Maln street, manufacturers and dea' era in monumental and building gra' itc, crushed granite, common brick ar. pressed brick, coarse and fine washed river sand. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlildj, O. D Nagte. Geo. T. O'Brien Contrac tors and manufacturers of brick; deal ers In pressed brick and lime. Of flea In Gamett-Corey block, room 309. 2d floor. Phone No. 3181. BUnlng Machinery. SEE MATT CALHOUN of Phoenlr. Or., op the Denver Quartz Mill Sc Crusher Co.. of 1710 Broadway, Denver, Colo rado. Catalogues and prices can be had at Phoenix, Oregon. Matt Calhoun. Votary JtanUe. HELEN ti, YOCKEY. Notary public. Bring your work to mo at the sign of The Mall Tribune. Trained Horses. jOigars anojTfcdjaooo. IRELAND & ANTLB. Smokehouae Dealers in tobacco, clgara, and amok, era supplies. Exuluslvu agent of LeWt Single Hinder, El Merlto and HI Patent cla. 212 Wot Main street. A TRAINED NURSE has a strictly private home beforo and during con flnement. adoptions, all disorders of women treated by licensed physician; no sign, 2548 California street, near Stevens, San Francisco. Cat. 116, Bnraenos. MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut fjow ers, potted plants, shrubbery bulb. 833 E. Main. Phone 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock la not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out We are not in the trust IL H. Patterson, office removed to 116 B. Alain st ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., inc. Growers of high grade nur sery stock. Office 104 a Fir. Both phones. Physician and Surgeon. DR8. CONHOY St CLANCY Pnslciaiis and surgeons. Taylor and Phlpps bids., rooms 310-211-213. Office phone 50l! residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a, m. to 8 p. m. D.&,9,CA1SLOWI)I1- EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnett Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. T' DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE Dentist Office in Rlalto bldg., 123 li Main. Gas administered fop extraction of teeth . Telephone Main 6S1. Night phone 4432. DR. STEARNS Physician and sucxeuii. 0.fl?. Oarnett-Coroy bldg. rooms 211-213. phone 5501. Residence 113 Laurel st. Phono 2092. DR. a A. LOCKWOOD, physician and surgeon. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. practice limited to diseases of wo men. Offices nvor Ilasklns drug store Phones: Pacific 1001; Home 28. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoc. Dr. C C. Van Scoyoo. . Dentists. Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 318. Medforfl, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. J, J. EMMENS Physician ' and surgeon, practice limited to oyo. ear; atid throat, eyos scientifically tested and glasses supplied. Offices 316 East Main street, ovor Medford Hardware Compuny; hours 8:30 u. m. to 8 p. m. both phones. DRS. SAUNDERS AND" "aREENPrao tlce limited to oyo, ear, nose an4 throat. Office: Suite 318 QamoU- uorey punning, noil, pnones. DA VI EH & lltl.i: Chiropractors, 033 'i Central avo. Phono Main 611. Offlco hours: 2 to 4 p. m. Consultation and examination froo. DR. EDSON & EDSON Ostoputhy phy slclans; hours 10 to 12 a. in. nnd 3 to 4 p. m., also by appointments; of fice In, now Medford Furniture and Hardware block, room 429. ' Chinese Medlclnea, CHOW YOUNG'S Chlnoao medlclnea will cure rheumatism, catarrh, cqlds, goit ers, throat and lung trouble, d outness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds ot'Chronlq and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation. Indiges tion, womb and bladder troubles. Hee me at 241 S. Front at, Medford. Ore. Phono Main 42. Printors and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTINO CO., has the best equipped Job offlco In Southern Ore gon; book binding! Iooho leaf systoms; out paper, etc., etc., Portland prices, 27 North Fir street B a, miner Bosorts. ELLA Stenographers. OUANVAW Palm M. OUANY-aW Palm Block. Stenographic work done quickly an4 well. oWgns. !! VALLEY SION ADVERTISING CO.' SIONS will help build up your busi ness Phone 802. 18 Riverside nvnnue. team Xsaiing. 0,'C PONTINa Steam and not yy- ter heating, dry Klin and power worst Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates flven. Phones; Puelflo 4601, Mows 24-L. residence Pacific 44U3, Vox 434, 17 South Central avenue. He4fura. Oragoa, J X' .n ft