PXGE STX aCEDFOTtt) MAIL TRTBUNTS, ansbTORD, OREGON, ERTD3CT, AUGUST -i.-MT. twrnfw 1 1' ii. v 5 8p .. V it I i ' fc If lift mi p.j- IV It, COURT? mini iioga' OflJSB Noswa NOW CAM'S. atntc of Oregon vr. D. Riddle. Transcript from Juallco Court. iW ( Man-hup liicvnscs. R. M. Bowora and Mary Esther noire. t tW. J. Mnhonoy and Eva Winder. , Probata. TCstato of Charles A. Schncnrolc, Order allowing $1.00 for support of wldo(and children. A Hint From Paris CITY NOTICES. 10 10 10 10 Ileal Kstato Transfers. John Terrlll to Andrew A. Soule, lots 3 and 4, block C3, Central Point Samuel Jackson to Albert An derson, land In section 24, township 40, 3 west ...... J. II. SlmonB to B. M. Dufur. land In township 37, 3 west State Dank of Talent to C. V. Woltcrs, property In Talent. C. yf. Wolteru to State Bank of Talent, property In Talent. . J. C. Murphy to Abarllla Davis, 120 acres In section 15, town ship 37, 1 west Goo. W. Trefrcn, administrator v to H. C. Messenger, south 2 of south east 4, section 24, township 3C, 2 west Lydla A. Hanscom to Mike C. Spanos. lot 12, block 40, Med f orQ P. O. Thayer to Medford Realty & Improvement Co. property In Park pddltlon, Medford.. J. C. Gibson to John E. Mason, property In Talent J. C. Murphy to Thos McAndrew 120 acres In section 15, town- 1 ship 37, 1 west O. X. "Wilson to O. O. Parker, lot 4. block 3, Page add, Med rord ,.- Ed L. Ludlow to B. R. Stevens, lot S, west 2, lot 7, block S. R. R. Add. Ashland JJ. R. Stevens to R. J. Edwards, lot 8, west 2, lot 7, block S, R. R. Add. Ashland Rosa Kenney to Luko Ryan, south 2, lots 7 and 8. block 17 Jacksonville 1 Robert Ray to V. S. Barnum, 157.34-'acres In township 38. 3 west ,.1700 rfedford Hotel Co. to J. II. Cool ley lots 16, 17 and 18, block 78, Medrord 65000 Mrs. Elizabeth Blrdsman to Chas. II. Veghte. Agreement for ditch ........ Mary I. Morrison to Joseph O. Grey, land In township 37, 2 , west, bid for deed 2300 Burton J. Palmer to M. L. Meadows, release of agree- t ment . A. McCuno to Jan. P. Melkle. lots 12, block D Falrvlew Add, , Ashland 10 J. II. Cobley to Jackson County Hotel Association. Lots 16, 17 and 18, block 78, Medford. .65000 Jacob Oleson to L. E. Loomls, land In township 37, 2 West. . Mrs. Ellen Jacqulsh to Geo. V. Gillette, land in township 39, 1 east John Devlin to MIchall Mur phy, land in townBhlp 40, 2 , east Eugene O. Bristol to E. M. Tucker, 160 acres In town ship 36, 3 east- Chnrles y. McKlbben to Emma II. McKlbben, power of at- , torney . . , Heirs of Alfred Law to W. E. Catou, land In township 38, P. W. Capp to W. C. Duncan, mining property W. C. Djincap to J. R. Bailey, mining property jTohn L. Thorndyko to Y. Hal Ion, property in Barrs add, Medford I. B. Williams to Myrtle M. Har ris, land in township 36, 3 west, bid for deed ........ II. N. Mprso et al o E. B. Haw kins, power of attorney.... Wesley Vogul to B. J, Anderso.n, laud In township 36, 2 west 1800 T. J, Downing to G. S. Ander son, property in Ashland . . S, L. Bennett to Henry Gltzcn, land In townBhlp 37, 2 West V, 8. Wood to R. Scliulor, prop erty if) Woods add, Medford James Campbell tq Myrtlo M, Harris, lots 2, 3, 4, 5, block 16, Dekub add, Gold Hill . .,. James Cumpbol! to Myrtlo M. Harris, property In Butto Falls ..... ,....,..., Probo M. Dokuin to Myrtlo M. Harris, lot i, block 13, De kums Amended ndd, Gold ' Hill James Morton to Elizabeth Bruce, property in Phoenix. . Lewis H. Wurnor t Medford ford llcalty and Improvement 4 Co., juml m townuhlp '.J, rnngo 1 voh 10 II. Q, Wortmau to Mvdt'ord i i i t rwmrnnvwMx w IT fllf nriWM., Til r" A W j4W;Kc5S kfclsSKjfl B8j;,'! ?nttj j-sgy IM6 IBj iHBRiiiKnHilH , , i niiira ainiMlir auTJIT JMrHUaU Blue silk coat with blue and white striped collar liaison Drecoll. 10 10 1P0 1500 10 250 300 5000 Realty Co., pro-erty in Vol- ter addition, MedfOrtl 1 Eli 'UHrey to Charles K. Troy, property in Ashland 10 Charles E. Qray to Louisa V. Hoover ct all, lot 17, NT. 13. Carter addition, Ashland .. 10 Clara if. Shideler to II. A. Traxel, property in Shidelers addition. Talent . . .".... 350 David V. Day to W. II. Xor cross projHjrty in Miuus sudivision, Medford . . . . . 17 Julia Evans to Antoinette Do Peatt, lots C), (5, 7, block P, Itnilmnd addition,. Ashland. -100 S. C. Corsett to.'OT. West, property in Ashland ..".,.. 2C0 Maud M. Qodanl Jo Frank Strickfaden, land in township 3P, ninge 1 east 10 U. Si toUDise L. RaKsdnle, 100 neres in" township 33, rango'l west, patent. Fanners .& Eruitgrowers'liAiik to Av. A.' Dunlhp' litiiil " in section 25, townsliip 'AT, mnj;e Oregon-Ontario Minuij: Co Sineltinj; eouipajiy t' ?ulvL nute Iininp company, land m section 10, township 30, range d west ... . . .. 1 G. E. Graves, to S. C- Corljctt, lot 10, block II, It. H. addi tfon, Awhlaud , 193.35 Fidelity & Deposit Co. to ilf.o W. Cherry et nl, wwer of attorney. Captain Cook In Bad Again. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.f Au,'. 4.- Lnplnin F. A. Cook of the coast ar tillery corps, U. S. A., who was hot and duuxernusly wounded on the Btreet here April 12, by Wntehuinii J. J. Hayes, whom he attacked while in a deningejl condition, wap booked at the Central Emergency hospital toda3 on u charge of alcoholism. Cook oaiibed coiihidernbre disttirl) miee in the Jefferson hotel during the enrii' morning and when he Iwcume loo uhunive he wnrf hent to the hos pital and ordered detained. r 10 300 10 10 IP Magee Suspended. CHICAGO, III., Aug. 4. President Thomas J. Lynch of the National Hasehall( league toduy announced thai the directors of the league have unstained him. on every point 'in his iicljon HiiHjieiidiiig mid fining Slier wood Magee, outfielder of t'ho Pliil udelphia eltih. Magee was Beiiteneed to one yeiir'rt fnirtpeiiHion and a fine ol ?'00 ior assaulting Umpire Fin neraii. Magee nppcnled his cuso to (ho directors of the league. To Save Small Fish. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 4. With a view of Bqvlng small fish caught in Irrigation ditches and pools, the state guino n nd rish conunlHslou has Just purchased a number of fine nu-Hh nets that will be Hunt to .fish wardens with Instructions to seino out the pools which dry up Jp the fall. It Is expected .that hundreds of thousands of fry will bo saved in this manner. Want Strike Ended. WINNIPEG, Man.. Aug. 4. The vojo today of lflpO miners of the Per nio Coal 'ompnny, a largo percent age of the whole number on strike was jn favor of ending jhe stride. " ! Hasklns for Health. ORDINANCE Mo. 547. Ontlnnncn drclnrlnK tlm com of thn lm)rMmont of Norlh R(vnrllo nvpiuin fiiim Jitpknoti Mtrrot Ui North I'llV Limits unit ncHlnit Iho )it)irty bono ntoi iiiprpbv. i ucemrinir uon khsphs incut, hihI Olt-pctliiff Otn entry tliorvnjf In tlio ilockM or Pliy Holm. Tito City of MPdfortl doth onlnln n rollowst Srctlon 1. Tlml no protest iinvlnc Iipph fllctl mculnxt tlio IniBWXPinont of Xurtli UtvprnUla ivvpiUip from Jnckou slrppt to North City I.tmltn dun notion or ttp Intpntlon ot tlio council to cau H.tUt Itnitrowtnpiit to be miulo having Won kIvpiii nail wilvt lumrowiniMit hv Inir Imm-h ortlprpil nmilc. Hip council 1ms ciwslilerevl tho mutter unit liorxvl tli at certains the probnblp cot or utnKliiK mtch lmirtvMiirnt to be tlio mim of 39.19S.T9. Ami (inltl counclt further fliula that the snoclnl nml tKcullnr lHnorlt accruiue ut on tMXch lot or pnrt thereof nUnccnt to n.Hl Improvement mut In Just propor tion to fopoont. to be tint rvsppctlvu nuuntntn hcrlniftpr set oppoU the number or description of euch lot or imrt therror. nmt ucn niuouiun rvsiHH--tively nm liervby iloclnivd to be. the pr (Hirtlonntp nhnnt of rtu'ti lot or vnrt thereof, of tho ctiit of nucli Improvement, ami Is hereby ileclnrel to t hsps!mI ntratnxt will lot of tmrcel rvMppellvvlya th no uppenrlnK abovo each tlcacrlp Hon. belnii tho nnmo of tho owner of such lot or parcel. AMxex.iinent for pavlnjt north ltlver side avenue from JnckHon Ntrcet to North City Limits. Width Thlrty-l tvt. Assessment Niv 1. I. J. t'hlpps. A parcel of land marked (IU K.) on tlio man of tho city of Mtnlford. Oivkoh. and reconUnl In volume 5. lingo 93 of tho county roconler's rxconlsi of Jack son county. OtvKun: frontace SST S foot on tho east side of Klversldo uvenuv, !"T s fwl; rnto Hr foot $5.60; amount I.U . AKsessmont Na S. Sarah V. Wheeler A parcel of land lylitK Immedlattdy north or tho 1. J Philip tract and fnwt Incr 30 feet on tho east Hldo of Hler sldo avenue; frontngo 30 feet on tho east side or North Ulverslilo avenuo. 3D feel, rate per foot $5.60; amount 1163.00. Assortment No. 3. M. li Church. A parcel of land marked (II li) on tlio map of the city of Medford. Oregon, ami recorded in volume 3fi, pace 1JJ of the county recorders recorils of Jack koii county. OrtKon: frontaRo "0 feet on the east sldo of North ltlvorslde nvv nuo. 70 feot, rate per fool $5.00; amount $392.00. Assessment No. 4. II. J. Tlcknor. A imrcel or land fronting 94-3 feet on tho east sldo or Itlverslde avenue and re corded In volume 90. page 16 of tho county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; frontage 9t.2 feet on tho east sldo of North Itlversldo avenue; St.2 feet; rate per foot $5.S0; amount $52T.&:. Assessment No. 5. L. I. Ackley. A parcel of land fronting 36.9 fe't on tho east aide of Itlversldo avenuo and re corded In A-olumo S5. page 404 of the county recorders records of Jackson county. Oregon; frontage 36.9 feot on tho east side of North Itlversldo ave nuo; 36 9 feet, rate per foot $5 60; amount $206.64. Assessment No. 6 l.uanna Denton Tho south 16S.S feet or n parcel of land marked (A V) on the''inap of tlio city of Metlford. Oregon, and recorded in volume 63. page 160 of tho county rr corder's records of Jackson county. Ore gon: frontage 16S.S feci on the east sldo of North Itlversldo avenuo: 16S S feet. rate per foot 16.60: amount . :s. As.xexsmenr No. T. Charles SI. Smith A parcel of land situated at tho north west corner of a parcel of land mark ed (A V) on tho map of the city of Sledford. Oregon. Recorded In volume S7. page 632 of tho county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; frontage 116.9 feet on tho eaut side or north Itlversldo avenue: 116.9; rate pr foot $5.60; amount $654.65. Assessment No. 8.-A. II Crlpps. A parcel of land marked (A U) on tho map of the city or Sledford. Oregon: frontagi 132.2 feet on the east sldo of nortl. Itlversldo avenuo; 132.2 feet; rate per foot $5.60; amount $740.32. Assessment No. 0. J. J. Mason. A parcel of land marked (A It) und the map of tho city of Sledford. Oregon, and recorded In volume ii. pago 236 and 23S of tho county recorder's records of Jnckson county. Oregon: frontaira 297 feet on the east side of north Klverslde avenue: TJ7 feot; rate per foot $5.60; amount $1,663.20. . .. . . Assessment No. 10. Sirs. A. It. Phlppa A parcel of land marked (A Q) on the map of tho city of Sledford, Oregon and recorded In volume S. page 78, of the county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: frontage 521.3 feet on the east aldo of north Itlversldo avenue: 521.5 feet; rate per foot $5.60; amount $2,920.40. Assessment No. 11. Isabel Plilpps. A parcel of land on the east side of Ulver slilo avenue, recorded In volume 87. page 196 of tho county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon, and being a part of tho A. It. Plilpps tract: front age 60 feet on the east sldo of north Ulverslde avenue; 60 feet; rato per foot $5.60; umount $336.00. Assessment No. 12. Efflo Plilpps. A parcel of land on the east side of Itlversldo avenue, and recorded In vol umo 87. page 495 of the county record er's records of Jackson county. Oregon, and being a part of tho A. It. Plilpps tract; frontage 60 feet on the eajit :de of north Itlversldo avenue: 60 feet; rate per foot $5.60; amount $336.00. iaaim.nl N'o. 13. James II. Philips A parcel of land on the east sldo of Riverside avenue and recorded In vol ume 87. pago 498 of the county reoor der"B records of Jackson county. Oregon, and belne a part of tho A. K. Plilpps tract: frontage 60 feet on tho east sldo of north Itlversldo avenuo: 60 feot; rate per foot $5.60; amount $336.00. Assessment No. 14. Lee Phlpps. A parcel of land on the tout side of River side avenuo and recorded In volumo 87 page 494 of the county recorder'!! records of Jackson county. Oregon, and being u part of the A. II. Plilpps tract; frontage CO feot on the east sldo of north Illvor tdde avenuo; 60 feet; rato per foot $5.60; umount J33S.UU. A..Msnii.nt No. IS. K llcil PhlpPH. A parcel of land on tho cast sldo of Itlver sldo avepue and recorded In volumo 87, pago U3 OI ino county rf corner n rccurui r,f .taekaon countv. Oregon, and being a part of tho A. R. Plilpps tract; frontage 0 feet on tho east sldo of north River side avenue: 60 feet; rato per foot $5.60; amount $336.oo. Amu-ssmeiit No. 1C. Anna n. T.lndley. A parcel of land on the east sldo of Jtlversiue avenuo unu rrwruru in m umo 87, pagii 499 of tlio county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon, and being a part of the A. R. Plilpps tract: irontago ou teoi on win funi nmu u. north Riverside avenuo: 60 feet; rate per foot $5.60; amount $336.00. Assessment No. 17. Preston Plilpps. A parcel of land on tlio east sldo of Itlversldo avenun and recorded In vol ume 87, page 497 of, tho county recor der's records of Jackson county, Oregon, and being a part of tho A. It. Plilpps tract: fronlago 60 feet on the east side of north Itlversldo avenuo: 60 feet; rate per foot $5,6q; nmoupt $336.00. Assessment No. 18. David I. Plilpps. A parcel of land on tlm east sldo of Itlversldo avenuo and recorded In volumo , ., pago . . of tho county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county. Oregon, and bo l,n' n n:irl of tho A. It. PJllDDS tract: fronlago 48 feet on the fast Hide of north Itlversldo avenuo: 48 feet; rate Iter foot $5.60; amount tZGH.80. AMHi-HHinent No. 19. I.. M. Mngncsx. A parcel of land on tho cast sldo of Itlversldo avenue and recorded In volume 82, pago 140 of tho county recorders record pf Jackson county. Oregon, lin ing a part of tho A. Jl. Plilpps tract; frontage 255.42 feet on the east sldo of north Itlversldo avenuo: 255.42 feet, rato per foot $5,60: amount $1,430.35. Assessment No. 20. W. K. Phlpps. A parcel of land marked (Riverside Park) on tlio map of the city of Medford, Oregon, and recorded In volumo 80, pago 261 of the county recorder's records of Juckson county, Oregon;rontage 276.7 feet on the east sldo of north Itlversldo uvenuo; 276.7 feet; rato per foot $6.60; umount $1,549.52. Assessment No. 21. W. K. Plilpps. Lot 14 .lr.nl' 1 Tllll...Ul.ta Utl l.-.l I ul u 1.1,1 .till. of' Medford, Oregon: fronlago 125 feet on tho east side of north Riverside ave nue; yjo reet; rate per root b,tv; amount $700.00. AUHoHHineni no. zs. unas. wcmaH. Lot 12. block 1. Itlversldo Huh-dlvlslon. city of Medford, Oiegon: frontage ISO reel on ino cum siuo or jtiverxiuu avp me; go feet; ralo per foot $5.C0; amount $280.00. AuBi.'BBiiient No, 23. It. O, Iiurtcss et CITY NOTICES. nl. Lot It, block lt HlvcMldo 8iiuilvl slon, oily of .Medford, Orogeni rrontngi) Ml feet on tho Wat ndo or north River side avenue; no foott rate per foot $5.60; amount $2.o.00. Assessment No. 14, -It. O. Huresi et nl. Lot 10, block V Ulverslilo Hub-dlvl. slon, clly of Medford. Oregon! frontage 50 feet on the ens! sldo of north Itlver sldo uveuup; 0 feet! rate per foot $M0; amount $2S0.00. Assessment No tR -Clnrn St. Wood, Tho south hnlr of lot . block 1, Ulver slilo Mub-illvlnloii, city of Sledford, Ore. gi; fruntamj 60 feet on tho east sldo of north Itlversldo avenue. SO foot; rate per foot $5.60; amount $lSO.00. Assessment No. 86. 11. O. llurgcsN. Tho north half of lot 9, block 1, Itlvet sldo Subdivision, city of .Medford. Ore mm; frontage Ro foot on tlm east side or north Riverside avenue. 50 feet; rate per foot $S.60, amount $2SO.O0. Asscssuuent No. 27 It. O. Uurges.s. The south halt of lot S. block 1. Itlvor sldo Hub.dlvlslon, city of .Medford. Ore- gun, irouingu au reel on too ensi sine of north Itlversldo avenue 50 feut; rale per foot 15.60, amount fsso.oo. Assessment No. 28. J SI. Keeno. The north half of lot 8. block 1. Riverside Suh-dlvlslon, city of Sledford. OrogWi frontage SO foot on tho east sldo of north Itlversldo avenue; 50 feet; rnto r root $5.00; amount $2S0.OO. Assessment No. S9. K. Phlnn Lot 7. block 1, vItlversldo Pub-llvlslon, city of Sledford, Oregon, frontage 100 foot on tho east sldo of north Itlver sldo avenue; 100 feot; rato per foot $5.60; amount $560.00. Assessment No. 30. Medford Concrete Construction Co. Lot 6, block I, River, sldo Hub-dlvlslou. clly of Sledford, Ore gon; frontage 100 feet on tlio oast stdq of north Itlversldo avenue. 100 feot. rate nor foot $5.60: amount $560.00 Assessment No. 31 Sledford Concrete Construction Co. Lot 6. block I, Itlver sldo Hub-dlvlslon. city of Medrord, Ore gon, froutago 50 feet on tho east side or north Ulverslilo avenue ou roei, nuo m.p fiv.il IS 60. uilliiiml fiitll.OO. Assessment No, 32. Sledford Conerolo Construction itu. Lot 4. piock i. ittxcr slde Sub.dlvlslou. city of Sledford. Ore gon, froutngo 50 foot on I tie east side of north Itlversldo avenue- 50 feet; rate K-r foot $5 60; amount $20 00. Assessment No. 33. J A Lyon. Lot 3. block I, Itlversldo Sub-dlvlslou. city of Sledford. Oregon; frontage 60 feet on tlio east sldo of north RUerslde ave nue; 50 feel; rnto per foot $5.60, amount $3S0 00. Assessment No. 34. J A. Lyon. Lot 2. block I. Itlversldo Hub-division, city of Sledford. Oregon: frontage 120.1 feet on the east side of north Itlversldo ave nue; 120.1 feet; roto per foot $5.60. amount $672 56. Assessment Niv SB J. W Jacobs. A parcel of land marked (H K) on the map of the city of Sledford, Oregon, and recorded In volume 82, page 359 of tho county recorder's records or Jack son county, Oregon; frontage 141 feet on tho west sldo of north Riverside ave nue; 141 feet: rnto per foot $5,6,0, amount $"S9.60. Assessment No. 36 Oeorco SI. Sic- Donald. The north S3 5 feel of lot 4. Short's addition, city of SledMrd. Ore gon, frontage 83.5 feet on the west sldo if mirth Riverside- avenue, S3.6 feet, rato per foot $5.60. amount $167.60, Assessment No. 37 O. W. Ronk and J. I. Pefloy. The south 100 feet of lot 3. Short's addition, city of Sledford. Oregon: frontago 100 feet on the west sldo of north Rlveralde avenuo 100 feet, rato per foot $5.60; amount $560.00. Assessment .No. 38. John A. Robins. The north 96 feet ,of lot 3. ntiorl's nd- ilttlnn, clly of "Sledford. Oregon: frontage 96 feet on the west sldo of north River sldo avenue: 96 feet; rato per foot $5.C0, amount $537.60. Assessment No. 39. O. R- Chaffee. Tho south 100 feet of lot 2. Short's nddltlnn. city of Sledford. Oregon; frontage 100 feet on the West sldo" or north River side avenue: 100 feet; rato per fool $5.60; amount $560.00. Assessment No. 40. Emll Cordes. Tho north 96 feet of lot 3, Khort's addition, clly of Sledford. Oregon: frontage 96 feet on tho west aide of north Itlversldo uvenUo. 96 feet; rato per fool $6.C0; amount $537.60. Assessment No. 4$. Heventh Day Ad. vent Church. Tho east hair of tho south 109 75 feet of lot 1. Short's addition, city of Sledford. Oregon: fronlago 109.75 feet on the west side of north Riverside, avenue: 109.75 feet, rato per foot $5.60. amount $614.60. Assessment No 42 William SI. Col vlg. The. north 10S.73 feet of lot 1. Short's addition, city of Sledford. Oregon, front age 10S.75 feet on the west sldo of north Riverside avenuo: 108.75 feet, rale per foot $5.60; amount $609.00, Asaesamrnt No. 43, Uinini C. Kline A parcel of land on the west sldo of Ulverslilo avenue and recorded In volumo 75, pago 111 of the, county recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon frontago C1.5 feet on tho west sldo of north Riverside avenue: 61.5 feet; rate per foot $5.60, amount $388.40. Assessment No. 44. Jackson County Itullillug St. Loan Association. A parcel of land on the west side of Riverside avepue and recorded In volume 78, pago 283 of the county recorder's records of Jnckson. county, Oregon; frontage 61.6 fet on tho west sldo of north Itlverstiu avenue: 51 5 .feet, rate per foot $5,60, umount $288.40. Assessment No. 45. William Anglo. A parcel of land on the west of River side uvenuo and recorded In volumo so,' page 917 of the county recorder records of Jackson county, Oregon; frontago 51.6 feet on tho west sldo of north Riverside avenue: 51.6 feet; rato per foot $5.60, amount $288.40. , Assessment No 40. Edyth Prlchurd. A parcel of land on tho west sldo of mversioe avenuo nnu recoruca in vol ume 82 pago -loo of tlio county rrcor dor's records of Jackson county. Oregon fronlago 51.5 feet on tbo west sldo of norm inversus avenuo: bi.u rem; ruio Ir foot $5,60; amount $218.40. Assessment No. 47. Frederick Sch neider Lot 4. block 4, Mcekcr addition, city of Sledford, Oregon: frontage 102 fi-et on the west sldo of north River side avenue: 102 feet; rate per foot $6.60; amount $571.20. Assessment No. 18. Mary J. Sleeker. !ot 3. block 5. Sleeker addition, city of Sledford, Oregon; fronlugo 6 feet on tho west sldo of north Riverside avenue; r,i feet; rutu per foot $5.60; amount $285.60. Assessment No. 49. 1. Austin et al. 1.01. tit. uiwn , ciinrurui juawo uyuiuvi'ji city of Sledford. Oregon; frontago 62.271 rent on nio west sine or norm uivor sldo uvenuu; 62.27 feet; rate per fool $6.60; amount $348.71, AsMssment No. CO, L. Austin et al. Lot 24. block 2, i.Mward'M Placo addition, city of Sledford, Oregon; frontago 52.09 feot on the west sldo of north Itlversldo avenue; &2.09 icct; rato per root fti.uv; amount $296,21. Assessment No, CI, Jackson County Ilulldlng & Loan Association. Lot 3, block 2, Kdward'n Placo Addition, city or Medford, Oregon, frontago 61.08 foot on thq west Hlda of north Itlversldo avenue; 61.08 feot; rale per foot $5,60; ainount $342.05. ' ' JixHummanl No. 62. E. C Oaddls. Lot I, block 2. Kdwurd'H l'laco addition, city of Sledford, Oregon; frontago 61. P8 feot on tho wcHt sldo of north River side avenuo; 61 08 feet; rato per foot $5.60; amount $312.05. Assessment No. 53. L. Austin ot nl. Lot 2. block 1. I'tlward'fl Piuco addition. city of Sledford, Oregon; fronlago 59.62 feet on tlio west nIiIh of north Itlver sldo uvenue; 59.62 feot; rate pur foot $5.60; umount $333.87, AMMi-Hsiiient tin. f,i T.. Austin ct al. Lot 1, block 1, IMwurd'H Placo addition, CITY NOTICES. city of Sledford, Oregon; frontage 59,62 feot on tho west sldo )( north River- mill! UVIIIIUI', U!,U ICUl, IUIU vv .UW. $5.60; amount $333.87. AMHeHfonont No. 6fi Pnrrt M. AmuuiL Lot 6, block 8, Kendall addition, city or sieiironi, Oregon; frontago bj.id reel on tlio west sldo of north Itlversldo itvo nuo; 53.13 feet; rate nor f'jot 15.00; umount $297.63. ' ' AHtJOHviiient No. 66. Cora M, Amtuin. Lot 10, block 4, Kendall addition, city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 143.44 feet on the west sldo of north Riverside uvo nue; 113 It feet; rato per foot $5.80; amount $803.20. Assessment No. 67. Cora M. Arnuurr. Lot 11, block 4, Kendall addition, ctiy of Medford, Oregon; fronlago 100.20 foej on tho weal sldo of north Riverside ave nue; 106.26 feel; rata per foot $5,60; amount $595,05. AHHesNineul Jvo. 08, .v. J. Kmnricic. Lot 9. block 3, Kendnll Addition, oily of Sledford. Oregon, fitintuuo IS. 35 root on tho west sldo or north Riverside nve. nuo; S5.2A foot) rato per foot $5.60; amount $SUMD. Assessment .No, rtO-Vranlt C Units, Lot 10. block 3, ICoiidiill ndilllion. oily ot Mettford, Oregon, fronlago SS US feel on tho west sldo or iiovlh Riverside nve nuo; (i'l.jri feet j rnto per font I Mil); umount $.109.40. Assctismput No. 61. Vrnnk C. linos. Lot II, block 3, Kendall mbllllon. city of Medford. Orwron; fronlago AS. $6 feel on the west side of north Itlveisldo nve. nun: 55. ti foot; rato per fool $5.60, amount $309.40. Assessment Niv 62 Dora It. Prlfo Lot II, block 3, Kendnll aaoltluu, olty of Sledford, Oregon, frontage 65 28 feet on the west sldo of north Ittveisido nve. IHle; 6S.8S feet; into per foot $5.00. amount $309.40. As.sosiui'ut No. 63 -li n, ntlno. Lot 13, block 3, Kendall addition, clly ot Medford, Oregon, frontage 65 JB feot on O10 west sldo of north Itlveisldo avnuuu, t.1 25 feet, rnto per foot is.ao, amount $3U9.40, Assessment Niv 04 Mary Webb. Lot 11, bliH'k 3 Kendall addition, city of Sledford, Oregon, fruiting-' 61.62 feet on tho west sldo of north Riverside ne. nuo, 61 62 feet, rato ivr foot $5.60, nmount $315.07. Assessment No. 65 J SI Simmons and Alllo SI. Walters, Lot 16, block 6, Itlversldo Sllb.illvlslun, oily of Moil ford. Ori'gou, fruutugo 54,46 feel on tho west side of north Itlversldo nxenuo. 64 44 reel: rule per foot $5.60, amount $301 98 Assessment No 6s -J St. Simmons mid Alllo St Waller-, Lot 13. block f. Rlvet-Nhlo SulfdlvlNtiili, city of .Ml'iirmil. Oregon, frontago 51.16 feet on the west side of mirth Itlversldo avenue, 54 16 feet, rnto per foot $5 60. amount $301 9S Assessment No. T W li. Phlpps Lot 11. block 5. RUerfldo Hilb-.llvl-.lon. city of Sledford. Oregon, frontline St lu feel on the west side of north Riverside ave nue, 64 46 feet, lato per foot $5,60 umount $304 St AsspHsmeut No. 68, U R Phlppn Lot S, block 6, Itlversldo Suh-dlvlNnit, city or Sledford. Oregon; frulltuge 64 46 fet on tlm west side of north Rltorslile avenuo, SI 16 feet, rale per fool $5.60, umount $301.98. Assessment No. 69 W. U Phlpps Lot 7, block 6, Riverside Sub-dlvlsliin, city of Sledfori, Oregon, frontago 61 16 feet on tho west sldo of north River sldo avenue; 64 46 feet; rate per foot $5.60, amount $304 9S. Assessment Niv TO W. li Phlpps. Lot 1. block 6. Riverside Hub-division, city of Sledford, Oregon, fronlago 51 16 feet no tho west sldo of north Riverside ave nue, 64.16 feet, rutu per foot $5 60 amount $30l.s Assessment Niv 71. W. 11 Phlpps. Lot 3. block 5. Itlversldo Subollvlston, city ot Sledford. Oregon; frontage 54 16 feet on tho west side of north Itlversldo ave nue; 64 16 feet; rato per foot $6.(0, umount $.104.98. Assessment No. 72. W II Philips. Lot I. block S, Riverside Sub-dlvlsliin. city of Sledford. Oregon, frontage 168 i feet on tho west sldo of north Riverside ave nue, 168 I feet, rato per foot $5.60, amount $9 1 1.36. Assessment No 73 -Or .1 O (loble Lot 5. block 4. Itlversldo Sub-dlvlslou, city of Sledfortl. Oregon, frontago SI 62 feet 011 tho west sldo of north Riverside avenue; 54.62 feot, rutu per foot $5.60, amount $306.97 Assessment No. 74, -Dr. J O Ooble Lot 4, block 4. Riverside Sulfdtvlslou. city of Med ford. Oregon, frontage 64 (2 fret on the west side of north Ulverslilo avenuo. 64 63 feet; rnto wr fool $5 60. amount $305.87. Assessment No, 76 W 11 Phlpps, Lot 3. block 4. Itlversldo suli-dlvlslon. city of Slodfnrtl. Oregon, fronlago 51 62 feet on tho west sldo of north Itlversldo avo. Iiuu. 54.2 feet, rate per foot $5,60, amount $306.87 Assessment No. 76 Olive S. Wort blngton. I.0I 2. block 4. Itlversldo Sub division, city of Sledford. Oregon: front ago 54,62 feet on tho west side of north Itlversldo avenue, 61 62 fuel; rnto per foot $5,(0; amount $106 87 Assessment No. "".Olive H. Wort hlngtou. Lot 1, block 4, Itlversldo Sub division, city of Sledford, Oregon: fumi ng e 54.62 feet on tlio west sldo of north Itlversldo avenuo: 61,63 feel, rate tier foot $5.60; amount $205,87, Assessment No 78. T U. Hillings Lot 7, block 2. Riverside Huli-dlvUlon, city of Sledford. Oregon, froutngo 57 5s feet on tho west sldo of north Riverside uvenue; 57 68 feet; rato per foot $5.(0, amount $322.45. Assessment No. 79. T. Tl Hillings. Lot 6. block 2, Riverside Hub-dlvUn.... city of Medford. Oregon; frontage 67.58 feet on the west sldo of north Riverside avenuo: 57 68 feet; rato per fool 15.60, amount $332.46. Assessment No. 80 Harris Ilundy Lot 3. block 2, Riverside Hub-division. city of Sledford, Oregon; frontago 67.68 feet on tho west sldo of north Riverside uvenue; 67.68 feet; ratu per foot $6.60, amount $322.45. Assessment No. SI. Harris Uundy Lot 2 block 2. Riverside Sub-division, rlty of M I'd ford. Oregon; frnulagn 67.SH feet on tho west sldo of north Itlversldo avenue: 57.18 feet; ruto per foot $6.60, umount $322.46, 'Atttsessmenta for private driven on north Riverside avenue. AMsessinenl No, I, Sirs. A. It, Plilpps Amount assessed (6 drives) $76.97. Assessment No 2. D. I. IlilppM. amount assessed $12,15. AsNcsment No. 3, I. I). Philips Amount aispssod (2 drives) $20.97, Assvasmunt No. 4. M. U Church Amount assessed $10.46. AJwei'Mmcnt No. S, Adventlst Church, Amount ussessed $9.47, Assessment ro, 0. sieurnril concrete Construction Co. Amount assessed (2 urivpH) :9.ks, Assesument No. 7. J Amount ussesitrd $12.00. Assessment No. 8 J, Ainount ussessed $10.02. Assessment No. V L. Amount usseiu-d $9.47. Section 2. Tho recorder of tho olty of Medford Is hereby directed to enter u stutomont of the assessiunln hereby mado In the docket of city Hens, and to ;lvo notice by publication as required by tho charter nnd ordinance No, 260 of suld city, In the Medford Mull Tribune, a newspaper published nnd of genoral cir culation In Maid city. Tlio foregoing ordinance was jiasspflJ uy 1 lie city council or ino nuy or men ford, Oregon on tho 1st day of August, 1UII, by tho following vnto: Slerrlck nyc. Watt uyc, Wortmun aye, Kuierlck absent, Klferl aye. Mlllur aye, APPnivcu August siiii, jvij. W. II. CANON, Ma Attest: ROUT. W. THLrBR. City Recorder. ,J. C. D. Mason Humes. Ackley .V HANK ItOOIC Wllili I.UJIITKIS' tlio liiiiilon of t'di'lii); Mr your lummy, Dopotdt your ctttth In tltto Kitrmeirt & Kriiltt'i-owm-H HtuiK itittl yon will not hiivti to Hit uiitl worry ulmttt ltd imfnty, TIiIovoh don't ntenl lunik liooltti; niitl If fire tlPHtroyit one, you don't hum uuytlilnit, nn you would If it won tho cash Itmtlf, Open 1111 tircottut totltiy mill you'll Hlpop inttilor tuuluht nm) tsvury tttttctit. JJJJJJJJ"" '$4TV,' ' VK A Kl K n&& yor. NOTICK. To iho pwner or reputed owner of each parcel of proporty described in tlio fore going ordinance, n iiuiiuhI therein, and In the lien decltired by said ordinance as recorded In tho docket of clly Huns: Vou are hereby notified that tlio lis sessment declared by tho foregoing ordi nance hns been mado und tho lien there for entered In tho olty Hen docket, and that tho name In duo und you uro hereby ieqtilred to pay tlio Kiimit to tlio oily ecorder within Ion dayH from tho snrv cu of this notice, vrhlcli servlco is made ty publication of tho foregoing ordl ninco und Hits notice threo times lu tho Sledford Stall Tribune, pursuant to an order of the city council of said city, ROUT. W. TKLKKIt, Olty Recorder, Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Friday, August 4 10 round Contest- 10 Battling Nelson vs. Tommy Gaffney The Greatest Event Ever Held in . Southern Oregon TWO FOUR ROUND PRELIMINARIES CHICK BOWLIN vjT. DICK JONES; ROY SMITH, Eagle Point, vs. EDDIE NEAL, Denver Preliminaries at 8:30 p. m. Main Evont at 9:30 p. m. SEATS ON SALEHaakins, Medford Cigar Store, Nash Hotel, Ireland & Antlo. Dairy Ranch for Sale 240 acres tilgttt tnlloH from Anhlntnl, unu mllo front P. ()., on It, 1 t). Good ItoiiHo, largo Rood burn, 40x0-1, ntmtit utxty acre now In grnln, ulfnlfu, KNiMa nmt Kurilon; nn inticli moru run Imi can 1 1 y cleared; 1ml-ant-o In cominvrclnl tltnlior ami paturo. rionty ot froo rmiKu cltmo by. l'nroHl ot lutinntnlii ttprtnic ntor (or ilotnontla ntul irrlentlon iimiiu. (Irows Nplomllil crupn without lrrtpitton, liul ylold In tinorinuttri with n llttln wntur. An liloul homo, tiniirputiil fur ttlviirvKltnl fnriiiltiK. ChlrkuiiH, (liitkti, ln''i-, dairy, rnttto, Iiokh, fruit. Oror 100 ptmr nntl npplo treoH hIiow that noil In perfect fur cuiniiuirclnl onlinrd. No lillnlit nor liuoct pe-ttn Imvo nvor roncltcil thin vntloy. Whllu wnltlne for ntltor trovii to milium tltla plnt-n will ylold n xti'ttdtly Incroa-iltiK In co tuo from tho otltur wourcot. Two hor-.es, 7 cown, 3 yoarlliiKK, 6 yotniR cnlvon, hull, hour, G tows, 16 ptcn, now wnKon, iiiowIiik nta-chliK'-j, hay rak cruam noparator, chlckcim, loolo, rmpN, fnrnlttirv, utc, otc. Can ho hoiii;ht nt $35.00 pc$ ncrc. Tlil-t li u snap. See Walter McGallum, Hotel Nash jj$ Mi:i)iomf ()iii:.v. Or C. B. LAMKIN JLI7 KAHT MAIN HTHKIJT, AHIILAMl, OIUXJO.V Wt Waitsburg Pure White Flour Lot 8, block a Kendnll addition, city of Medford. OrpKOn: frniitnira bl.'lti fi'nt (in tlio wcHt Hhlu of north IMvithIiIii avmiiiu; r,r,,vn fcut; ratu per foot fO.OQ; uiiioiinf $309.o. I ABKfButnciit No. Ca.-rl'rank C. Enoir, XBBOX.UTIOV. ' Tlo It rcHiilvi-il liv tliu cltv council of r .J .- .i .- -w - - . nm rny or Menroni, i-niKon: That It Ih tlio Inli'iitlon of the council to lay a 6 Inch water main on Houth Holly Htri'ct from ori'Mcnt main on ah! Htroiit to Koutli City LIiiiIIh and to uhhi'mh tlio coHt thereof upon tint property front liiK en Hiild portion of Maid Htrcot In pro. portion to inn rroniaKii or Hani property. Tlio council wilt meet at tlm council cliuinlier In tho rlty hall In xald city on tho 18th (lay of AUKUMt. 191 1, nt 7:HU p. in., at which (linn all protcHtu iiKtiliiHt tho laylnir of aahl water main on wild portion of aald h I rent and tlio uhhiimk ment of llii! coHt thurcof upon tho prop ortv frontliiK thereon will tin heard. Tho foreitoliiK riMolutloii wiih jiuhhciI hy tlio city cotincll or tlio city of Med. ford on tho lut day of AiikuhI, lull, hy tlm followInK vote: Murrlclt nyc, Wilt aye, Wurliiinii ayu, Kmeilck alment, JJf iirt ayo, Millar ayt. APPidViid AliKilut 2nd, 1911. jY, If. OANON, AtlftHtl ' Mayor, itoiiijitT w, rnuvm, City itccoidor; is the flour you have been look ing for it solves the problem. So confident are We of its merits taht we will sell it on an absolute guarantee. If you are not satisfied there is NO COST TO YOU. Could we do more? You will buy Waitsburg Pure White Flour sooner or later WHY NO NOW? ALLEN GROCERY CO. II (I . 1 0 H . (J 1 N 'J'H Mi A V K , J lt. ! , e f". JT-UVW. . j1!! ',J '.-J..'.. A TT' jjj,. txv. "', t.44 V - -- J