Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 04, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    -b .- -tinmxjt,
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1 fpWMP'Wfcj(fr l
""" " ' . .
.IndK" Null wiih a iiicniit vlHlltir I it r
Milninl. lit In l(i'il hmiy lnoldtii;
lifter liuhlle ItuprnvoiucnlM IhiIiik
iiimiIii In (llff.tiont puiiH or Hut county.
H. V. Hi mm unit Mrn, ('niwfoid
worn Invlti'il In iiuttt Ititotiy ut Yroltii,
Unllfoinln, roomily. Tlmy lutvi? mIikii
rutiii'iicil In .Mi'ilfiiiil. (
Tim (Dimly ciiiiil him iiiithoi'loil
Hut cxIiiIiIImIiiiii'IiI of u mini to con
nect the luiilii niiiiln In HImiIIiik mid
Aipnmilc from .liirltHouUlln iiikI Hup
'ivlmir Tlunckinnrtoli will IihkIii
Mirl( on It noon. Il will provo a
ioiiiliti' IiuiiiiivoiikmiI.
.MIim .hum Km hurl iiiikIo JiuIimiiii
vllln filiuiiU u vlnlt Thurndiiy.
Ho It, A. HoiiH)i, Tim liiaiiraiim
Man, over Jiti'kndtt Comity tmnk.
Wiillur .1. MiiIioim')'. i it III ouil uKtiiil
ut tlrnntn I'iikh, mII Known In M'il
ford, inttili u trli to .ImcIikoiivIIIk u
low itn)ii hlliro on II tlllHrtloii IntdH'iit
liii! lo liliiiuOf mill MUh Kvii Winter
or JiiHitpldiiK rounty. C'oiii;rutnlullonii
nin In oi dor. '
V. K. W'oitvur linn i;oii to Jiu'U
honvllli, to Improve tlin rottliti'iicn of
AMHdwnor tlrlnvo.
Cnrktn &. Taylor (John II. Cnrklu,
OIun O. Tnylor), ttornoyictllBw,
ovur Jnckpuu County Hank JIM.,
AttotuoyH Nnff, .Mciilny mid Hum
iii'Tnly wr' In .liicliconvlll" TIiiiih
duy on profomiloniil IhimIih'h.
V. J. Mi'lntyro nnd Mr. Welch
wuro over from .IiicUkoiivIIIo Tlium
dny. ('. V. JItIkkh win down from Iluttu
I'u 1 1 h ThtitMdity. I In Inform iih Hint
llio otM on liicoriiorntlon wiih 1(1 to
31 In tnvor of th" jnnpmdtlon. with
nlioul 16 voter fnllliiK to I'oinn t( tin'
poll, which would Inillcitl" that the
town Into 11 pApulutlou of over 100.
Ilrldk lc' cri'nin, nil kind nnd
rolori. Uiinluiin ItuKory: phone 371
Prompt delivery.
MInk Akiick llrond innde JiickHon-
lll 11 vlxll Wtuliiiwilny.
II. I'. itmiilr tmitMirlml IniHlnitm
nl the county enl Tlmritilny tnornlui:.
Tli'Ti' wiih unite n liointmrdumnl
(liU wi-nk nt the rook iimrry tn-iir
JnrknouvUli', whole iinich uintorlnl
for Improvement of rounty roudn U
IntluK ohtnlncd. A nutnlmr of Imnvy
lihmln were touclii'd off Wednoiidiiy
mill Thurndny.
Itiirdoun llakery now deliver cm
ind Ire crenin lo nuy pnrl of the city,
fltiiluo KI11111 nnd 111 dnutflitcr linve
returned from 11 forlnlithl'H ntny nt
Mr. nnd Mrn. Wnlter Ktuttnur, nru
nirolvliiK 1'iHiKnttulntlonn ovi-r llio
nrrlvnl of 11 diiUKhtcr. who wuu horn
til Jiirkhonvlllo, AiiKiint 2d.
Cult It. C. Ilrowu, 4Sf. Holly for
pltiiitliltiR nnd hcntliiK. I'hono 2 12 1
Homo of Mcdford'n hctir linnlur
nru liiiny In HtorlliiK dUlrlct. whoro
flint pc('lni(iin of the moimrrh of tlui
woodH nrrt roiiinlni:. Pimt nro nitiu
oroiiH tlmro, iilthoiiKh thin m'mum
licrnfor linn JiihI ln'i:nn
John noltoliomn luft hint uU;hL (or
I'ortlnuil nnd Honttlo.
Iiok nt thin nmiln. Tho flnh mnr
l(t will hkII Krlilny mitt ttuturdtty
tilnulc rod 10 citntH por pound, hIuk
cod 10 contH, llnlllhut 12 1-2 rontH,
wilmon I" 1-2 rontH, ullvor Minult
12 1-2 ccutM. Wo nlno mulct 11 HpcrluU
ty on coffee I'rldny nnd Hnturdny.
10 cont Mool cut for 30 renin per
pound, Wo nlno liuvo rlilnkuiiR for our
trail) every ilny. Telophono your or
der early to nvold the ruxh. l.unch
KooiIh for camperH a Hpeclalty. MeH
lr Ken worthy. 1 tf
Mm. K. C. Ktloklen nnd daiiKhtor,
MIhh Jennie, of New I'luo Crook, Ore
Kou, liavo liceu In .InckHouvlllo mid
Medford for miveral dayn vlnltlnt; with
Comity AHBeHnor nnd Mm. W. T.
(Irlovo. Mm. Htlckeln In 11 nlnter of
Mm. (Irlovo and formerly renlded
near Medford. Tim lady'n hnnliand
Iiiih nold IiIh propel ty In Katiteru
Oreiion and may iikiiIii locuto In thin
county. Mm. Hllcklca nnd dmiKhtor
left lant iiIkIH rr a vlidt with (lold
Hill nioiidH.
.1. V. HiitcltnHon loft Tliumdny
uvi'iiliiK fr htiHlii(HH Htay of hov
end diiyn In Poitluuil.
Illileu and chlltlien
Weeks & McGowan Co.
lay riiono 171
Nllit IMioiicii P. V. WiM'kn 071.
A. K. ()rr, HflUH.
Undertaker mill Knilmliucr
fluccoiior to tho undertaking do
; pnrtmont of Modford lfurnlturo Co
lOffleo wiih MiNlfiiril Furnlturo Co
1 Tolonlionoa: Day, Iloll 3151 I
;.Iohn A. I'orl, roBldonco, Uoll 4111,
Homo 170L.
fl W. Conklln 8801. J. II. Ilut-
i lor 8571.
hint 11 If, lit for Newpott to ii'inuln nov-
eral wenkn,
0. M Kldil, proprlelor of tint ICiimI
Main Mtient hIioo titoiit Ik leporled lo
lie Hotlounly III ut IiIk Ikiiiki on 1101 th
Central avitiiue.
A matured mutual llfo onrtowmeiii
polloy U llio ahiiiidaut harvent uf tint
wIhd iiiiih. Kvo J, I lllltcllllMOII,
Mm. Oln MoMllllmi and moii of
Haciaiueitto, California, arilved In
Medfonl Thiirnday oveuliiK ror a vlnlt
with I'nif N, t. WmroKau and fain.
My Tho lady In a nlnter of Mr. Nam
pin and I hey have not neeu one
another nluco they were children,
hack on thu old houienleail In Mlcltl
1:1111 (' llennlmw, tlui orclinnllnt, left
Thin mlny oveiiliiK ror mi extended
tilp eatit. lie will vlnlt Chlcnuo, New
t)ilnniin and other prominent ell Jim.
WnlHtM lo einhrolder at llmidlcratl
Hliop, Keiituem. 1 15
II. C Kentner returned Tlnirmlny
rrtnii a hiinlnenn trip to I'ortlanil mid
Mm. V. ,M. MnrmiM mid iliuiL'
Minn Mm lam, who liavo heen In
Mcilfnril neveial da)H letiirucd lo
their home In I'ortlaud Tlinmday
ovenltiK while h-i- they purchitHro
rlvo r. ml. lent raten on KIiik'm IIIkIi
way and expect Inter to maku theli
Inline here. They will nlno at that
time i'UKni;o In liiiHluenn here which
IninliiCKH Mill ho Hint of the nalo or
Onlrlch reathem, ulno (he renovailou
mnl mnkltiK over or thin nrtlcle or
Vvoinau'n head nilorntiicut
Tfliipliiiiiu 371, Itnrdouti Ilakery
for cake, lc and Iro creniu; prompt
Uev. J. J'. Hlpjm ami family left
lant iiIkIii ror their old home In Anlt
)llle, NortliA'nrolInn, whurn they ex
pect to remain. Itev. I linn him Ihmmi
panlor or the M. K. church, noiilh, In
Meiirord for the pant yenr.
John ami ICdward Hank ami their
fmulllen nrrlved In Medford hy an
loiuohllen from I'ortlanil Thurmlny
nTteruoon mid were, taken for tiilt
a drive ovur the vnlley hy tlu'lr old
limit friend, Chan. Menerve, puhllnher
of (ho ItoKiie Itlvor Krult (Jrower.
After a vlnlt with I,, K. Hank, at
Km Kit' Point. tllMNit people will k to
Crater Lake and Klamath I'alln. and
from there lo their homon In Port
land. Underwear to embroider nt tho
Haudlcrnft Khop, Keuluem. lift
Minn I.lllle 111 Intnl. who linn heen
In Medford for a few wcekn, the Kitent
of Mr. nml Mm A. W. Walker, re
turned to her homo nt KiiKeue Thorn
day cvonlnc.
Win. Altkvn, the plumher, wan In
Contrnl Point Thiirnday (smmiIiik '"
Plain newluK nt 343 North Iv)
Hi root. Phone fiOJM.
Mm. K. It. Heely and rhlldron and
Ituford Leonard left Innt ulKht for
Mm. I.Ihk wife of I.. O. Mug, caah
lor for the Itoumi Jtlvor Klectrlc Com
pany, nnd non Do Korcnt, loft Tlium
dny evening for a threo inonthn vImII
to relatlvuN In CIiIciiko.
Are now litiylni; pearhcn, pro ties
and peam, If you want (o null for
ennh nt tho hlghi'tit iniirlcot price, moo
tin, Producom Krult Co. 1.17
II, P. Mclntonh uttil wlfo luft for
San rranclnco Tlinmday,
Mm. W. M. (lorham of Wood ville
in HpeudliiK thin week In M edford
with Mrn. Koy IteovcH,
Arlhur deary of Orlffln Crook Ir
npeudliiK a few dayri In tho city with
W. II. Keenlo of Kiikuiiu In vlnltlnt;
IiIk mothitr In this city.
('ounty Ahnennor W. T. Orktvu and
fnmlly mo campod at Pronpect hunt
ing iK'tir.
A. H. ItoHonhaum him luft for a
Hhort liunluonH t rlji to Portland. '
, I.imiIh Joiioh of Talent Hpout'liiday
In Medford on IiuhIiioku.
M.r nnd Mm. C, II. ltiown liavo ro
tiiruttil froiii n week nt ColcHtln.
Mm. C. T. Young of San Kinuelneti
Iiiih arrlvetl to uiiiko her homo in thU
olty with lior mm II. K. Young on
South Central nveiuie,
C'hitln (lottllch, (ho inimical fly
eatttor wiih In fluo tiino Thumday
evoulug, five largo Htcol head huouiu
IiIiir to tho rlpllng hut deadly Htralna
of lila miiulcal fly. IIIh catch wiih
0110 of tho fluent taken from Hogtiit
rlvor Hi In Hoimon,
ChurloH Monorvo Iiiih returned from
an outing none Newport,
lloli Smith or (IrantH Pubh wiih a
recent Mod fort) vlnltor.
1 0. MoWllllauiR, a real oatato
den I or of AHhlaud npent Tliumdny nt
.M eil f onl.
Minn (Irnco Houry la npondlng n
few daya on I.lttlo llutto Crook.
11, C. Koutnor has returned from
it hiiHluoim trip north.
Mr, nnd Mm. Leon II, Hanklutt will
lenvo Sunday for a camping trip near
llutto FllllH.
Mrn, 10, 10. Kolloy ami ulilldrou,
who liati boon vlidtlug rolatlvou In In
diana will rot urn homo next week,
Mm. 10, it. Sooloy and hou Iiiih left
for 11 vlalt at Nowport,
Hoy It, Hoovoh loft Tuomlay of thin
woolc for u boar hunt. Ho will bo
goiio alum! two weokH, lie went It)
way of Merlin, going from them by
Htagn to (Inllce, Oiegoli, and thon 0111
to (hit count, I
County Judge J, It, Noll wait In
Medford Krlilny. A largo number of
good roadn iiilvocaten greeted him ut
tho Nnnh Hotvl anil congratulatitil
him on (ho action or Hie county 1
couit In calling the good toiuln olec-
Mr. mid Mm. John H. Orth are
expectotl home noon from a vlnlt at
Henator Von der Hollon of Wollen
mid bin nun Carl, motored to Med
ford Krlday,
C M HeuiIrlckH of Axhlmid Ktout
Krltlay In Medford,
Two ymillil'ul offeiiilerK npjn'ar'il
bnloro County .ludgo .1. If. Noil
Tliui-Mluy mid placed oil limitation
The two otingHem me wiid to liuve
been carr)ing on 11 H.VHtviiiiitii! riuu
paigu ol' robbericn in thin city. They
cre eiiuglil rilling poeketi ut Ibc
Nulittiiriiim while (lie owuem ol' the
clothing weie in the pliine. Spe
cial Officer Hioiih iiiiule Hit nire-il.
The bo.VK nie Clnteiice Miliiicnile.s mnl
The (wo bnjH ure very young in
yenix nml tliey were nllowod lo go
by .ludgit Neil on probuliou. Their
iuiciiIh weie wurncil to correct tliciu
The police believe thut older tciollt
luuglit the Imyn lo hteul nut thai
later itiev worked on their own ac
count. The lioyt. xuy they have m-oh
older boy" mnl men Htcnliug but (hut
(hey tin not know who they were 01
where they ure now.
Nine thousand t-ovcii humlrcil mnl
sixty rubbils liuvii been hlniii and
their xculpx pit ol for at tliu rate oi
1(1 cciiIh each hy the county clerk ol
Ivlmuuth county since the fimt d.i
of July. This is the number of seiil
nlreiiily brought in for the mouth
and doc not include the rnbbits thut
have probably been slum mid whost
sculp ure still unpaid for.
These M'itlw cost tho county i'JTtl
as ench one of Ilium represents it
bounty paid by the county of 1(
cents. This slaughter is the direct
result of the action of llio count)
court ut u meeting some weeks ng
wlien it rinsed the bounty, which wit
formerly .1 cents ench, lo 10 centi
This raise was Hindu because of the
numeniiis complmulrt from fnrmct
thiMiighout tlio county who cliunuV
the ruhhits were greutly on lln in
crease in tl were becoming great tic
stioyers of their imis mnl property
Norm-: ix mmxii: cx).thac-
Scaled propoBals will bo received
by tho county court of Jncknon county
at bin otflco In tho court bonne at
JnrkHonvlllo, Oregon, to bo opened
Augiint 28, 1911, ut 10 11. in. for tho
count ruction of n concrete bridge
ncronn Hcnr Creek In tho city of Mod.
ford, Jackson county, Oregon. Plans
and HpoclflcntlotiH nro on fllu In tho
oHIco of tho county court also In the
orrico of W. W. Harmon county road
iniiHtor In tho court ho use at Jack
sonville. All IiIiIh must bo nccompnn
led by n cortiried clock for 10 por
cent of tho bid, Tho court rcnorvon
the right to reject any or all I1I1U.
J. It. NKIIi,
County Judge.
Sealed proposals will bo rocolved
by tho rounty court of Jncknon county
at ti Ih offico In tho county court liouso
ut JackHouvlllo to bo oponod Auguut
28, 1911, ut 10 o'clock for tho con
struction of tho coll work In tho new
county Jail at JackHouvlllo, JackBon
county, Oregon. Plans and apeclfl
catloiiH nro on fllu In tho offico of tho
county court, alao In W. Hnrnious
otrico In tho court liouso In Jackson
ville, Oregon. A certified check of
10 per cent of tlio amount of tho bid
must accompany Bnmo, Tho cotir)
reserves tho right to rojoct any or nil
bids, Signed
County Judge.
('IIICA(U), III,, Aug. I. "Ay! VOHThASl), Ore , Aug I -l'rull-movcmciil
which IcinN to convert Hie i"li""y snrveyn or tho propomn!
Him.l ilt h nml iIcsciIh nl' thu Mri.liKiiKuni'-C'ooH Hay Itallroad, Uy bo
I. , .. ...
McetioiiH of our country into garden
mill fitruiH mill to people tliunc now
iiuiuhuhitcri xtretcht'H of Inml with
homon in u inovemenl of (lie great out
miiguitiitln nnd one which will bring
lo (IiIk country (lie gientel good.
Such, I uudemtuiiil, m the puiponc
the litukN. Ilccuimc only Ihu I unlit
mnl not (ho trunk Hue win a muntioncd
in Urn ballot when the hond iusno wn
if linn ilcvclottcil that tlio Iftw
c violated in nriy of tho $12,-
0(1(1 were imcil for tho Irunk nowor.
This cornpUcalion 1ib been holding
up work on the imjtrovement unit
wo a erttnble (Ionium knot to Hit'
counoll, Tuomlny niglili howoviy,
Unit body ilociiloil (tint tho knot imi3t
bo out and Hponlul olcoliOtrriatlutl
in order to iniiko tho niatlot' legal.
Look for llio "liolp wnnlrtl" 'iil
Hint scc:n liko n, "prospect" mul
nnswor it promptly.
Hnaktnn for Health.
built by tho Southern Pnclflc offlclulx
hero today. Am soon an the maps uro
In slmpo, It Is announced that actual
construction work will follow with
out (loins. I
Six surveying pnrtlen are now in
the field obtaining final data tor pro
of Hit; National Irrigation eongres,lHl"ry vntliiiulcs. William Hood,
Hasklna for Health.
WANT10H Situation In boarding
house In mining camp, either as
cook or waitress. Klglit yours of
oxperlouco j or would tako boarding
house to run, Address Mm. Ollbort
Whoolor, Medford, Orogon. 117
which Iiiih lis iiiiietccnth nennioiiM in
Cbicngo (his Dccoinhfr T, u '.) and to
micli 1111 ni-guiiizulioii, ciiiineijiiciitl)
I uscribu my hourly approvnl aftil
offer whutovor co-opcratioii it is
wilhin my power to give."
(lovenior Oswald Weil of Oregon
Hum iuilicutex his interest m (he N'a
tionul Irriguliou eougreHH in 11 icccit
letter lo t!it Cliiciigo headiiunrlcrK ol
t lit orgaiiiatiou, where effoitx me
being untile to biing about the nioxt
important uinl most unlcly utlentl'il
gathering of the kind ever seen in the
United Stales. Hoeriior West .10
doubt will he in Chicago in ultcud
the sessions if it is possible for him
to iln ho,
veteran engineer, who roubles at Han
rranclnco, has been choron to take
charge or the work. It li entlmatod
that at leant $K.000,fi0O will be x
peuded In building the lino.
ASIH.ANU, Aug. I. In older to
slraigliteii out Inutile in lite uuitlri
ol the sewer septic tank the contieil
hits urrmigcd fur the ItnldiiiL of a
specinl city electinn, ut which time!
lite people will be nsked lo give tlio
council authority to uc about .f 700ll
of the 12,0U0 voted for the Hewer
septie tankx for the construction of
(ho neecHKnry trunk sewer lending lo
City Property Bargain
LOT 60x125
East Front One Block Off W. Main
PRICE $300
TERMS: $50 Cash, $10 a Month
2 0 1 O A It N K T T
The matter of building u eouut)
i air in ucioncr win lie discussed .it i
length next Mnmluv night nt tile o- '
lice ,,r .1. W. Dn-sler in the .Mnill?
Tribune building on I-lr stieel. At
(hut time (he situation will be dis.
cussed nml definite action taken. If
it is decided Hi go abend with the
fuir plittiK will he loriiiulntcti in tiiitke
it a grcut
Knry businei man in the city
who U interested in the matter is
urged lo be present ne.xl .Moudrn
I.OS AXCitiLKS. Oil.. Aug. 4.- ,
Suit for (linnitgcs for mi alleged li
bel in which the "Green Hook Al- ,
hum," n weekly publieatioii, is thede- j
U'endaut and Nat Goodwin' actor
plaintiff, will bo instituted shortly ;
in tlio Now York courts, according
to n slutement given out here todavl
by tho comedian. The action is based I '
on the publieatioii -f mi article de-l'
.. . .. ... ... .. ' i
seriinng Hie "eynanl ilivorce," a j
novel Hiipposcd to' have been written!
by Kdnn Goodrich, Goodwin's most
recent wife.
("!,.,,,!,, :.. i,:., .i.,i ,...i .1....1 i'
x. ,,..,... .., ,,, nir miilviiiL'lll fivtl.lli'll
thut (he "Green Hook Album" had
taken unwarranted libr(iei u-itli lii-
nnine and said ho had instructed hi- I !
nttorno.NK in the eiist to file Miit I
li l rz ro 1
, , ik. m " - - ''I'P"" . a
w.ta. m 'ep Mt Suitable
l - - - . ry tM a urn ij -. -. -rrararr
i rants t'zbr.Vj3i?27 t i
? a UItw Elther I
Z and t ml a -WV o
s ntjh MMS Gkls
v . 2
Vov boys or girls, can
lie worn to button in the
front or back, the best
knit waist made. Hero
in sizes 2 to 12 veal's
25c Each
Union Suits,
Suitable for
Either Boys or
Girls, here
any size each
rade by the same
people, lighter weight,
and not quite" so SvolP
finished. Jlere in sizes,
2 to 12 years
15c Each
Lady in Goodwater Describes Hcr'
Distressing Experience and 1 5
Tells How She Was X
Finally Relieved. ;
Goodwater, Mo. "Ever since I was j J
a little Rirl,"says Mrs., Riley Laramore.i?
"I was a great sutfercr from dyspepsia. I J
1 suffered misery alter eating, and had j
terrible heartburn.
I thought 1 had to suffer this way as I
lone as I lived, but when 1 becan to take i
".-.. . "
Closing out over 3000 yards of val. and Torchon laces, insertion and heading,
Y2 to 314 inch wide, 8, 10 and 124 cents a yard quality in most stores, here
your choice 5 cents a yard.
A well made
white garment,
neek and sleeves.
and (
in sizes 4, 5,
Thedtord's Ulack-Draught, in . small J
doses, every night, the heartburn was atl 1 J
gone in a icw uays, anu 1 coum cap'
without distress.
1 took two small packages in all, and
although that was some time ago, the
dyspepsia lias not returned.
I speak a good word for Thedford's
Ulack-Draught whenever 1 have the op
portunity." If eating causes distress, we urge you
to try Thedford's Black-Draught. It
cleanses the system, helps the stomach to
digest Its food, regulates the bowels, and
stimulates the liver.
It acts gently and is without bad after
effects. Try it. Price 25c.
10c Each
3 For 25 Cents.
Equal to most of the
75 cent garments, shown
elsewhere. Here tomor
row in sizes 4, 5, and 6;
also in the extra large
sizes 7, S, and 9
50c Suit
5c Each
50 Dozen ladies extra
fine quality, plain Avhitc
hemstitched, also an ex
tra fine plain white
h e m s t i t c hed border
handkerchief, a 10 cent
quality, everwhere. Are
here tomorrow at 5 cent
Don't forget to see our Hosiery line at 25 cents a pair, we give you the finest
men's, ladies, or misses hose in the citv for the price and one line of men's,
ladies, and misses seamless fast colored hose at 15 cents a pair, 2 pair for 25
cents, will wear equal to most 25 cent qualities, any size in either line.
VOW RAhK 70 croa of Inml 3 1-
inllOH wost of noliBonvlllo ut ?30
pur ikuo; tl uci'gh In ulfnlfn; a room
hoiiHO nnd tools nnd linploutonttf !
Ini'liulod; onBy tonus. Tinny, 201 j
'(Juvnou-Coroy bulUllnu. ig,
A Bank's Age
For Nearly a Quarter of a Century
has served the people of Medford and vicinity. At all tirneb there is considered first the
interests of its depositors. This safe and sane policy has HELPED us to succeed. Your business solicited
because wo can Mtcc-xd you tho largest possible accommodations ronsistent vith sound banking.' Capital
$100,000. Surplus $85,000
J $
l i
v n