l I-f PAGE TWO MEDFOUO MAIL TRITONR MHrWOUl), ORI5C10N, VRIDAV, AIK1UST !. 11)1 1. r N Both Men Eagerly Await the Tap of I the Gong Sending Them Away TOMMY GAFFNEY rawrPi semsWsJ aFfrT,r iw a' i r - ) k - I 1 -tvJl T H TP- WbfcA wv .a1 Tso--rt r t .. " .. W 3 fay Bet.,. . ek$V SrifiSIESB.. fclKSj ttlWg I '-J ,1 Xy.. .? vT'' lst vvai?: .. MX 35M fr -Jlfc jfcrtSSfetSH . "rwTOW.? 'VAyfefsw!; : - -$ START WORK NEW MANY OEER ARE FISH WAY MONDAY SEEN IN HILLS t Crew .of Men Under Direction nf Deputy Fish find Game Warden Sandry Will Make Extensive Im provements at Gold Ray. Work on the construction of the now fishway at Gold Hay will start Monday morning under the dircctiou o Deputy Fish and Gamo Warden Sam Ij. Sandry. The present fish tyny vill bo extended 15 feet, a pool will be constructed at the bottom aud rocks removed from the channel. Some time ago Colonel Frank II. Ray stated that he would bear the expense of a new fishway to be con structed under the supervision of the btate. When completed this fish- way will correct all of the cxistnnt evils at the dam as far as fish are concerned. Deputy Game Warden Burgess Baack From Trip In Prospect Section Says Continuous Stream of Camp ers Are Going In. BETTING ODDS FAVOR NELSON Both Men Ready for the Boxing Con test to Be Held at the Mcdford Theatre Tonight Gaffney Has All to Win by Making Good. BATTLING NELSON . "Hot jour money anil tako your choice." That Is the way tho Med ford sport 8 havo figured out, the boxing' contest to bo held this evening' at- tho Opera House between Tommy Clatfuey of Spokane and DnttllUR Nelson of Hod deswlch, Illinois. Nelson Is a ghiulo tho favorite but Oaffncy has many loyal backers who believe thai he ran go tho ten rounds In n fast shapo and In a manner surprising to the Dur able Dane. It anay Do tho "Durable" Gaffney tomorrow who will bo touted In the sporting world. Tom has over thing to win by this contest and real izes it, so ho will bo thcro from tho start to tho finish. Nelson on tho other hand stilt believes that ho will ioino day again hold tho champion ship and realizes that a defeat at the hands of an "unknown" will put him out of the running tor all time. Doth of the men aro eagor for tho song which will send them away on the ten round route. Both havo train ed faithfully far tho contest and aro In good shape. Nelson has lost much it tho fat which adorned his features on his arrival two weeks ago while Gaffney looks fit to enter a raco with a whirlwind. Their condition augurs well for ten fast rounds. The preliminaries will be hero a million. Fnndom li anxious to boo Chic Bowllu and Kid Jones go to it; JmKfSKK.wfl9tCtSi Cl&LBEKiCLAfKvLKmP mln if v again. liastMlnio Jones won In the fourth lint. Chic Is sure back Into shape and had been training on some thing besides shocshtulni; this time. Ho can take the gaff. The second pre liminary between Nell and Smith will also bo a lively bout. Tho first preliminary will start at $Z p. m. sharp, Kvory thing will follow In fast order, the main event hclng scheduled for.iMUO. Husiiell llauauer will be tho third man In thu ring. Hob Tulfer will linl.l (ho ticker. lUnUPKST, A tig-. U Filibiixter iii in opposition to ovornnu' t mcrtfcttrctf in the diet here today rv SOIL CONDITIONS IN VALLEY REMARKABLE Professor Mnrbut, chief of the fiold work of the United States bu reau of soil survey, is in the city conferring with A. T. Strahorn who is in charge of the work of making n soil survey of the llogue river val ley. Prof. Maibut is accompanied by J'. G. Lupham who is his chief assist ant: Prof. Miirliul is greatly pleased with conditions ho Ims found in the vulley, mid stntes that they are the jitosl remarkable ho has found in his tour. Ho is a new man in the ser vice and this is his first visit throughout 4he country. He has re cently npjKiintcd to the position from the University of Missouri where he wusraninstruutor. A6HLAND CUTS RATES ON LIGHT AND POWER A' cat of approximately JO per cent under tho present rates of the A, K. J. & L. Co. is made by the cily of Afhliiml in its schedule of rules which it proposes to put into effoct when tho municipal electric light system is put in operation about the 20! h of this mouth. The sched ule, as prepared by City Electrician Butterfield and the electric light committee, was approved by the mayor aud council at the meeting Tuesday evening, with the exception of u minor chnngo which is going to he mude. It puts the rates about on a1 parity with thoso of 1005 before tho local company boosted i's charges. Boosting for LaFollette. MADISON' Wis., Aug, tf. Plans to capture dclogates to the republican national convention who will suppoil tho LnPolctte claim for tho prc-i dcutial nomination are being consid ered today lioro by the Wisconsin state branch of tho Nationnl Prog ressiva league, LiiPoIlolto's friends plan to ciwry their fight for him into every stale in tho union. There are more deer roaming the hills of southern Oregon this year than in u decade according to re ports being brought to this city by residents of out'ying districts. Near ly even hunter is meeting with suc cess and are securing good bags Deputy Game Warden A. C. Bur gess, who has just returned from a trip info the Prospect country stnies that many deer nave leen seen in that district. One ranger neat Brown's cabin states that he count ed 40 in one bunch traveling before a small forest fire in that district Mr. Burgess states that there is a constant stream of people going in tho hills. On his way back he met over 100 parties headed for the mountains. - TO MAKE HAIR CLEAN AND GLOSSY (From the Toronto Times) ''Your hair will grow in beauty and color, nud brilliance and luxu riance, if you will stop drenching and ringing it with soap and water and n4c only a dry shampoo powder, sprinkled on the head once a week and brushed thoroughly through tho hair. "More dry, dull, brittle and faded hair can be traced to too much moisture than to imy tlicr cause. A good shanioo powder will remove every particle of dust, oil and dand ruff from the head, leaving the scalp clean, cool and refreshed and the hair gloss v, soft and silky. "To make a shampoo powder sim ply mix four ounces of thernx with four ounces of orris root. Thcrox tones up the hair from root to tip and vcAi need use no other tonii .' : 1 1. TKe Best is None Too Good and you want nothing but the best when you have dental work done. If you want the BEST at a reasonable price let me do it for you. -Call on me for free examination and' estimate. You get only the best here. All Work Guaranteed. A - LADY ATTENDANT 22-KARAT GOLD CROWNS ..$5.00 PORCELAIN CROWNS .. $5.00 BRIDGE WORK (per tooth) ....$5.00 GOLD FILLINGS ....$1.50 AND UP SILVER FILLINGS $1.00 AND UP My i'ouil.-ny Kau I'Mitolxrn I:miiiIiiim'. m suited in a riot aud a suspension of the session. Fist fights on the floor of the chamber resulted in u general iiu'lee. A score of duels aro cxpcol oil to follow. BALLIN6EHISM : IN NEW FORM I LaFollette Snys That Tuft's Ctuilrol - Icr Bay Policy Is Simply Ciintlnti ' nllon of Old Mdlioil-Prosittont Allowed Ryan to Grnh Land. ' MADISON, Wis., Aug. I. Tint Picsident Tuft's conscrviiliou polioy !s (lie Khme old "Ihtlliiip'iiMiu" Is Ihu charge, uiade in Iho current iv of l.aPollette'rt Weekly, published Imliiy. The iiwiKiinino tevlews I hi) recent spu I'inl message on Hie ('nut roller buy laud grants and after asmirliiig tliitf the piesident admitted nil tho fiuitt' oiniucuts as follows! "Thin to the meaning of Tuft's stutemcnl regarding Con! roller buy. The Piuchot-ltonHcxcIt eoiicrviilloti policy, contempluotisly discarded ul the. henimiing of the Tuft adminislia tlini, id still distasteful In the pumi dcut, Thcxc lauds "killing Cotilnd ler buy should never have become. open to private individual. That is the essential fact in the controvci' sy, The manner in which Tall al lowed Itichard K. Ityitn to net u foot bold lit that Hiuteejr point illiiNlniloH Tail's methods. Taft admit the iw sentinl fuels. He let the land u. That is the impottaut thing. What induced him to et it go in an iinusuiil manner o these particular candi dates, the prcncnl iuvcstlvaliou may diicloHC.'' ALBANY, Ore. LIkIU rnliin III tho mouutiilun of KiiMtern l.lnu count)', have done much In redtieliiK the ditii Kcr of Hovornl munll forest fires that aro nprcadliiK- t99'k FULL SET OF TEETH, on rubber plate $7.50 BEST SET OF TEETH, on rubber plate $10.00 PAINLESS EXTRACTION. All other work in proportion. REMEMBER THE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP ARE GUAR ANTEED TO BE THE VERY BEST. DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-208 Fanners and Fruitgrowers Bank Building, Comer West Main and and Grape Streets, Medford, Oregon. Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Phone Main 653. tf Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. fi! tmf iHin.ainiirrcil"'i.''0taliivl, llii Nau.B.ihla tm nutm " - - - nl .. ..irt. mm mmhH lla.n all clh.r him fntfnUirr, 1 6rlB(".Htlp f nwn flw.. ml muKIMr tir Irn. nr trvnun! "". mi i.rri.i i mn(ur.n llih.mh mt r.(4in.lhl ftir nMtn. i. Urn lit. fhUkm Wif. nl mllM. ml Iha tn.n I nvnin.r inm.oi i- ni.lj itrmlnu4 M auUhi) mll i rum(ii la lh Mtl.c CONKEY'S INVINCIBLE TRIO (ii.fciT' IJro rowflrrwIIUtlUUNMrJtr. AiaIo4i.U runkfT U IJ'itiliJ U m (!! ilrath dratrr to rait fcn4 W I4r rJf. lArm l.lioll ftft.l I.Im (lliitmrnl tb "k. iatvtntftlilllKti'rnlrl'I, tit; iOti 11,00. llrl If. I.-. In fowl, oi I MrnOllllllt.nl mum Ikrm luilm.'p.miqm. life nun ac. 1 . A dcimL 4.rlilnol ll.m C.iiikf. llrml n4 tirfiTfifitlrit. I'.rKlral. rrvitft whuff. .w il.-ln toliotn. Ql. J5f , I'll li 00, f .1.- fllnlHiftni I. I riMtnl iwtelll.sll.ffnlli lor on lt ifiaiktil for Ihft tlMllr4 tti.J it.t.c tlllio tllf I. kail iftuM tltrmluilfTinuanit.no. Illc unJ He. TV.M w l..f.l iMftl(Ml fttli I. .h11I1. hf.t1 Mt..K.r. nml4. JlrM.ht. wtlt. rUU,. t 4 l Unmt U vl wUi UU4IkmI U V'.l .UU4. Liillu--4. Warner, Wortman fi Gore , - I.Mftll 11- -JI "!l THER0X FOR SALE BY HASKINS' DRUG STORE Haskins forHeaUn. Draperies Wo carry a very complete line of draperlea, ace curtains, fixture, eta. and do till classes of upholstering. A special man to look after this work exclusively and will give a good service as Is possible to get. In even the largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co AOKNTS FOR BUICKS AND LOCOMOBILES CRATER LAKE GARAGE GASOLINE OIL AND SUI'PIIKfl SSWBMSSBaWBMpMMIBSBMSMMSSJSMWSSWfJSJB TELEPHONE TIME In five minutes you can accomplish a3 much with a Kellogg Farm Telephone as you could by spending a Whole day going to town and back. You can ring up the commission men and get the market report. You can sell your products and order supplies without leaving yptir farm or neglecting your work when' you INSTALL A KELLOGG FARM TELEPHONE LINE You will be sumrlsed at the amount of time and "fi?8 time to orotect your orchard: you will Bend to work it will save you; particularly during harvest when you should give all your attention to your farm. When you have a Kellogg Farm Telephone you are in touch with the city and your neighbors : you will receive warning of frosts or storms in MAUK driving around in a buggy, OUR FREE BOOKLET TELLS EVERYTHING Tho best time to Install a Kellogg Telephone is NOW. may save many times Its low cost this summer. A market only that which the market is demanding- and receivo tho best prko, You can stand at your phone and accomplish an much in 30 minutes as" would require S or 3 days Send to-day for our free illustrated booklets. They show you bov to install a Kellogg Telephone; how to string (he wires; how to connect up your phone; In fact everything is explained. It's yery simple anyone who can twist two wires together cap install one of our phonti. The Kellogg Farm Telephone is "Standard" It can be attached to any telephone exchange, whether "Dell" or " Iivtrwnrlnt" ...WW .'.... . It KELLOGG PACIFIC COAST OYl'ICUB 90 Seventh Sutrt, I'ortland Hi South Wall Street, Spokane 324 So. Lo AnKelca St., I-oi Anicalc 88 farmer never known when an emergency may demand quick action an accident tbnt requires u doctor or a wurn Ing of approaching rain makes a telephone it necessity. Our free illustrated books tell many interesting nnd Important things you nhould know. Write toay. Ask for Bulletin M" SWITCHBOARD & SUPPLY1 CO. Complete Line Carried In tock QKNURAL. OFFICIO CIIICAUO FIRST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO For Sale 1 ACRE AW 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining uity of Modi o I'd, on long time, cany pay ments. - 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; (icinout sidewalks and paving in; also sewers, water and light. Long time, easy payments.' 430 ACRES LAND, 350 acres alfalfa land. 80 acres fruit land, perpetual water right with water for irrigating 1000 acres; long t,iino, easy payrnenls. 340 ACRES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa land, balance fruit land. 1 mile from railroad, on long timo easylorms. 5000 ACRES LAND in tracts of from 40 aqres upwards; prico 5.00 per aero. and upwards; suitable fpr ulfali'a, fruit stock and gonorul funning purposes; long time, olisy paymonts. ' 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS ;just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on 5 annual paymonts. , Gold Ray Realty Co 210 WKST If ATN ft'CRTCET. 1 - , t .. - . ,i . ljte-tv4m&ttt4ritt&m-ff -Uv),',, t ,str6nf JSt. r--ty-fA K. It. rtA "