fr .,? rjr'vp'fcn Oreqon HMt Oitv Hall - V ' i ,. SUBSCRIBERS rnllliir to, (ft impr vrlI litvt una rtollvt'rtrt by plionlutf of flo by 0 p, m. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER I'r Mux HI'.B. ltd Huiul illty :i( per cent. Mitt 51.5. Dully- Hlxth Yinr. Kmty.KIrM Wur MtiPJWllD, OKKOON", TOIPA V. ATdUST 1, 10U, No. 115. COUNTY ORDERS SPECIAL ELECTION TO VOTE $1,500,000 FOR GOOD ROADS COR IS DATE SET FOR E ROAD ON Attorney A. E. Rcamcs drawlnj Up Election Call So That People of Jackson County can Express Themselves Upon Question. CHEERS GREAT JAP ADMIRAL PON ARRVA L BONDS PREFERRED OVER ISSUANCE OF WARRANTS Constitution Contains Ample Au thority Though Not Specifying Methods or Details. Tint county eoint bus ordered . K. llellllllW, HJMMMltt llltnilley retained Mitnci liino ago to advise tlicin in re Ijtinl to (ho county calling mt clec lion fur good road punwHv in draw mi order calling an election mi the first Monthly in October, (ir Octohci 'J, fur i)ip puipum- of uiilhorir.iug .i llllllll IhKIIO Kl' 1,000,111)0 which ix 'n be iihi'iI for lhi eoiiMttuclinu of the lio. syteiu of highway in lho Hlitti Mr. Itf itiiMH in now at work on (lu ordcr which will (uko some (hue in prepare. I liu notion of (he county court in hint meting Mr, Rciiiiich to prepare such mi oldttr follows imitation cov eting man v months which colmittutrd lust Wcilucudny when ncr a linndrcd InApuyers from the various tierlioii of the county iiited the county court mid urged thnt hody to call such mi election. After the court had received legal udico to tltc ef fect that thev could legallv call hiicIi mi clcntioii they ordeicd Mr. Kcaiiic to prepare (he order. Thin order will ho very lengthy ow ing to the fact thnt there urn timuv ma tiers to ho set forth in it. Knelt precinct mill voting place iiiiihI he limned and the judges mid clerks for each precinct plclicd. In addition m this in order to make the call legal many nialterH mut he fully covered Mr. Itcmncrt hlntes thnt it will tnko him Home time to draw the order. The mailer which left muiic, doiihl in (he minds of the county court wan whether III" indebtedness hIumiIiI lake the form of warrants or hands. The older will he called Ho thnt if bonds cannot he IhhiiciI that the election will nillhorin nil iudehteducss anil win rants can he issued. The county couit is calling fo." tin issuing of a million mid a half in oi der thai good roads can he liuill to nil of lho outlaying scotiaim of the county. The county plans to con struct a h.vhIciu of highways which will cover nil sections of (ho county like a nolwntk and will he without tin ciiial in lho Hlalo. ' An active campaign - to ho waged for good roads. .Many Heul;itrs will lake the field and it is hclievcd that Ilia progressive, element which com piisu the population of tho county wil pass (ho Issue hy a largo major ity. TACONIA IS SEEKING 1912 CONVENTION TACOMA, Wash., Aug. I. Prrpn rations uru lining made today (o bring before the leaders of tho demon, ntu national committee tho many iidvnn lugcs of Tucoiun us u city for lui'd iug lho national convention of (hat parly next winter mid it is planned In make an aggressive fight for lho ullriiclioii, ellinnlc and grant con crete atadhuu hoiiig urged us tho principal iiidiieemontH. f every sunt in tho vast mu)hitheutor worn fill ml, ovary ono of tho 110000 persons pves-i cut would ho uhlo to nco and hoar nil Unit, was dono and suid while tho convention was in session, No con vention Iiiih over yet heeu held in an auditorium u luigo an (his, Toijo Welcomed to tho United States as the Nation's GuestCalls Upon Mayor Gaynor Who Later Returns Visit Crowds Line Streets. nr.i'rr. TtiriTlpn t miui i mmi iun irtcMiico MEET WITH APPROVAL STEEL COMMITTEE CONTINUES PROBE INTO TRUST SECRETS. i ' WM& G.DANFCKTM. W.BLIN yCVNQ. AUGUSTUS P GARDNER A CWSIEV STAhJlEY, JOWXSTERIIMO, I.CHAMNA. Scaflnhtcr Shrinks From Battery of Cameras Leaves for Washlnu- ton Today to Visit Taft. Ni:V YOltK, Aug. . -Making way through a crowd no dctnui that ll was uceciumry to rait out lho po llco reserves to Keep traffic from be tnti lilncltcil, Admiral Togo, tho na tion's guest, accompanied hy n largo eicort, I oil ay railed upon Mayor (lay-, nor at lho city hull. Attired In tho full dress uniform of nn admiral In tho Japanese navy with tho order of tlui rhtlttg huh glit tering on his breast, Togo wan the cclplent of cheer uficr cheer from ho great crowdn which lined thu en tiro route Tho doughty Ncnflghlor ulirnnk from tho hnttory of cameras which wcro leveled nt him, ndmlttlng thnt ho feared thotti more than ho did tho wrrrnin of shells ur tho thud of 12 Inch projertllos. Tint party wnn lueljiy lho tnnyor at tho entruitro to tho city hntl mid taken Into his private offlro to en capo tho frantic cheering of the crowds thnt packed tho park. Later t'nynor returned lho ndmlr ill's rail at the hitter's apartments nt tho Hotel Ktilrkorhnrkcr. Tho hotel, decorated with tho flngH of tho iiiivIch of tho world, was pntrolod hy scores of police mid detcrtlvcH, aligned to guard tho Japaneno horn during his may lit Now York. Other itoUceuion worn stationed along tho ntrcotH mid kept lho crowds hack naif a hlock from lho hotel In ovcry direction. Kinphatlc npproval of lho arbitra tion trcatl"s Hlgncd hetweon tho United .States, tlrcat Hrltaln and Krauco was voiced today hy Admiral Togo. "I lovo ponro, ho unld, "And tho signing of tho treaties niarko a forward stop toward tittlvornal peaco." Tho admiral routed In his apart ment nt tio Knickerbocker this af ternoon and departed for Washing ton Into In lho dny. Tomorrow ho will ho lho guest of l'rcnldent Taft nt tho white house. xsSPLT dS&SSBaSUUl SSn' """ I 1 CDMMlTTEt. j STEEL TRUST ORDERED TO PRODUCE COST SHEETS TO HOLD BIG CONGRESS HAN l-'KANCISCO, Cal., Aug. !. A cougreus of all iiuIIoiih, savago mid civilized, who llvo on (ho shores of tho l'nclflo Ocean, will ho hold at tho 1'iinniiiii Paclflo KxpoHltlon, If tho siiBgontlou nuulo today hy Colonel llonry K. Doiich to President O. 0. Mooro or tho exposition company Is followed out. PoHuh would luivo tho congress In- uludo uatlvo trlhes from tho KuKIiuoh In (ho north to tho Houth Bon Inland eis In tho south, housed as nearly an pnsHlltlu under tholr natlvo condi tions. CALIFORNIA GIRL BECOMES CORPSE INTEAD OF BRIDE COLT DEFENDANT IN DIVORCE SUIT Ethel Barrymoro Serves Papers Upon Husband, Naminrj Three Co- ' respondents Accusations Kept Private No Alimony Asked. NKW VOltIC, Aug. -I.-III spllo of tho fact that papers In a suit for ab solute dlvorco hnvo bcou served hy Kthol Harrymoro on hor husband, IttiHiiel Grlswold Colt, rolatlvcs - ot both today aro urging thnt nn at tempt ho made nt u reconciliation. Colt himself Is extremely anxious that a move In this direction bo made and inoinborn of tho actress family arc exerting every Influence to Induce Miss llarrytnoro to receive overtures from her husband. So far Miss Harrymoro has refused to moot hur husband since slio cut short her theatrical season In tho west mid hurried to New York mid Quebec. Colt has made sovernl ef forts to boo his wife but they hnvo boon repulsed. Today relatives of both aro urging the nctress to hear his personal explanation. Pa puis In tho suit, which asks no alimony, wore filed yesterday. Miss Harrymoro hurried from Quebec to New York mid signed tho final docu ments. Service was secured on Colt ut tho Yalo club. It Is understood that three co-rospondonts nre named, one of them being u prominent so ciety woman of New York, but tho papers have been kept from t,ho pub lic, MIbh llarryinoro's attornoy answers all t'liostloits with tho statement thnt his client desires no publicity. COUNTRY TO KNOW ACTUAL COST OF PRODUCING STEEL Schwab Testifies Concerning Forma' tion of Trust and Methods of Business. NKW YORK, Aug. !. Miss lliilh T. Auhtii'Yi duughler of Lewis I'). An bury, Hluto iniuerulologist of Cali fornia, is dead hero today. Miss Anbury oniiio to Now York expecting to ho married here in Juno to Talbot I, 1), Cumphell, secretary to John Hays llununoud, The couple pluunod u honeymoon trip to Kuropo, Short ly hoforo tho wedding dale Miss An bury wiih attacked hy typhoid pneu monia, which proved fiitul. WILL INVESTIGATE RATE ON MEATS NVABMNKITON, 1). C, Aug. !.--A swooping Investigation of rates for tho transportation ot livestock and meats which will affect ICO of tho country's railroads was ordorod todny hy tho Intor-stnto commorco commis sion, Tho probe will start nt Ok lahoma City on Soptomhor 11, Look for tho ml thnt offora it to you, Hocoud-hiiiul, ut u rcul bargain' I WASHINGTON. 1). C. Aug. 4. Tho United States Steel Corporation must produce Its coat sheets, show ing tho actual cost of making steel, and furnish this Information to the Stanley house Investigating commit tee. This was decided on today when the commltteo went Into executive bosbIoii following testimony by Chns. M. Schwab In which tho stool inag unto snld that the various companies In tho trust furnished full details of tho cost of production hi various plants to each other. Schwab offered to furnish thu commltteo tho cost sheets of his Llothlohoiu plant. Ho asserted fur ther that the steel corivoratlon ought to furnish similar Information will ingly. His statement profoundly liu pressd Chairman Stanley, who ques tioned him closely on this point. The commltteo held u brief session mid decided to call on tho trust to fur nish tho cost sheets. Tells of Organizations. Schwab told his version of tho forming ot (ho steel trust. Ho as sorted that tho idea was laid hoforo tho manufacturers in u speech which ho delivered at a dtnnor in Now York. Ho branched off to speak ot lho tariff, saying that tho present schedules wero not too high. When asked by mombors ot tho oommltteo to explain why stool sold for "less In Nuropo, Mexico and South America than In tho .United States, his answers wero evaslvo. After tho dinner was ended, Sch wab continued, Morgan asked him to go with him to his house and as they went along tho tnonoy king asked him to ro-outlluo his plan for n central ornguizutlou. Morgan further asked, Schwab tes tified, whether ho could got u price from Andrew Cameglo to put his plants into tho otgnulzation. Oirnoglo HotlrvN, A week Inter, Schwab snld, ho was advised that Caniefilo was reaching tho ago when ho doslred to engage In phllautrophlc work mid wanted to STOLE CLOTHES; IS IN CITY JAIL Will King Enters Sleeping Tent On South Central and Makes Way With Raincoat and Other Wearing Apparel. WOOL TARIFF BILL CERTAIN TO BE VETOED Hurry Call Sent Out for Absent Re publicans to Return and Vote Against Bills Should Attempt Be Made to Pass Them Over Veto. CALL IS MADE UPON EXECUTIVE'S SUGGESTION Democrats and Insurgents Will Probably Pass Measure Over Veto, However. ... , ,,, ... . ., . and a republican senati hvidently with nn eye to (he win-l, , . , , . ,, iii ,,. I Iff revision bills oTer ers coining cod mid sleet, Will' ,. ., , . , , ,i i. o ., president al veto Is t t King, n wnnderer on tho faco of the earth, Thurdny night entered a tdecimii; tent on South Central uvc- nue occupied hy It. K. Woodson nnd made away with n raincoat ami n heavy woolen suit of clothes. He was caught by the police Friday morning mid lodged in jail to await examination. When Woodson entered tho lent lust night to retire ho noticed that it.-contciitri hud been disturbed. On search he found (lint n rnineoc.t, two other coats nnd n pair of trou sers wero missing. He notified the police mid King was found with the clothes in his possession. FRACTIONAL GAINS IN STOCK MARKET NKW YOKK, Aug. !. Today's stock market showed further irregu larities ut tho opening hut tho more active issues made fractional gains. United States steel opened with a rise of Vt, us did ulso Union Pacific. Northern Paeifio gained Vh nnd Ca utidinn Paeifio a full ioiiit. The list (ook a slump soon after tho opening hut prices soon rallied agiun and gains weio general at tho end of tho find hour. Canadian Paeifio later lost nil of tho early riso. Tho market then beeamo dull and closed thus. got out of business, Carneglo named a prlco for his plants. Schwab said ho than took tho prlco muttor up with Morgan. That, ho snld, ended his connection with tho affair. Ho said ho warned Morgun thnt any consolidation founded on a basis ot restriction of output nnd maintain ing prices was bound to fall. This closed Schwab's testimony and tho commltteo went Into execu tive sesslou. WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 4. Practical confirmation of reports that President Taft will veto the wool tariff revision bill and tho farmers' tree list bill came this afternoon when Congressman John Dwight, whip of tho house, after a conference at tho executive offices, sent out a hurry call for absent republicans, Tho call urges them to be back to voto against the bills, should an at tempt be made to pass them ovor the president's veto. That the call was mado at the sug gestion of tho president is taken as certain here, and it is believed that tho president has decided on the ac tion ho will take when tho two bills passed by tho democrats and pro gressives finally como from confer ence. In his speech at Winona, Minn., Taft declared that "Schedule K" was "Indefensible" and many denlocrats bel'eved ho anight sign tho Underwood bill. The republican regulars have urged against such ac That thero is real danger that the two measures may bo passed over tho president's voto Is evident from the hasto with which Dwight acted to day in sending out tho calls for ab sent regulars to return. Tho sight of a democratic house and a republican senato passing tar- an expected presidential veto Is predicted by leaders in both houses ot congress today. It is believed that tho Un derwood cotton rovislon bill will not pass tho senato because tho South em democrats thero nre disinclined to tnko It up at this time, but the wool tariff bill and farmers frco list bill will bo passed. RUSSIA ACTS AS MEDIATOR N MOROCCO Prospects of Satisfactory Settle ment Without Recourse to Arms Are Brighter Berlin Papers De clare Negotiations Stopped. MINISTERIAL CRISIS IN GERMANY IS RUMORED Press of Fatherland Oppose Propo sition for Conference of Powers to Discuss Imbroglio. LONDON, Aug. 4. That Franco and Germany have found nn umica ble basis for the settlement of tho Moroccan dispute is the statement made today nt the foreign -office. Whilo it is denied that any informa tion as to the details of tho agree ment has been received, it was as serted that there was ovcry reason to believe (hat the two nations final ly will agree on every detail. BERLIN, Aug. 4. Prospects of an early satisfactory settlement of the Moroccan dispute is bright to night. It is generally believed here -(hat the crisis 1ms virtually, passed. The newspapers that today efiltfrcl rnaiued pessimistic, tonight admit that the outlook is good. BERLIN, Aug. L With Russia acting as mediator, according to re ports here today, in the Moroccan imbroglio between Germany, France and England prospects of a satis factory settlement without recourse to arms, are brighter. DOVE OF -PEACE ROVERS OVER RAYTI PORT AU PRINCE, Hayti, Aug. 4. A posiblo settlement of tho revo lutionary disturbances hero without more fighting appeared today when the committee of public safety was reorganized so that it includes icprc seutatives of tho two political fac tions urging candidates for tho pres idency vacated by Simon. Simon, with his family, is today aboard a Dutch fruit steamer en route to Ja maica, German sailors aro still guarding their consulate hero and represcnta lives of other nations aro ready to take part, should further disturb nuecs occur. SAN BERNARDINO FIRE NOW UNDER CONTROL SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., Aug. 1 After niuo days of incessant fighting tho firefightors today cheeked tho ndvmico of the flumes which have oalon up 75 squnro miles of valuable timber laud on the San Boruardiuo rango. Messages at noon said tho firo was practically under control and that its forco was about spoilt. Citizons of Snn Bornnrdina nt a mass meeting last night declared in favor of an appeal to California's roprosontalivcfl in congress for nid from lho war department. BEIiLIN, Aug. 4. That tho Mo roccan negotiations, instead of prog ressing satisfactorily, havo como to an actual standstill is tho statement made in tho German nress todnv. Tho tono of the comments is decid edly pessimistic, in contrast to that of the London newspapers. lho National Gazette which is close to diplomatio circles, says that tho negotiations between Foreign Minister Kiderlin-Waechtor and Am bassador Cambon of Franco havo made no progress, and that thero is littlo hopo that they will proceed satisfactorily, tl is intimated that a ministerial crisis iii Germany is neur. Leading German newspapers op pose tho proposition for a conforonco of tho powers to discuss the Moroc can tangle. WHITE, BRIBE TAKER AGAIN ON STAND WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 4. Former Stato Representative Charles A. Whito of Illinois, who confessed that ho received monoy to voto for Loriraor, resumed lho stand today in (hq Lorimer senato committee hearing. Formor Judgo Elhridgo Hanooy, counsel for Lorimer, bitterly attacked White's veracity. Whilo ad mitted that ho had lied in state ments (o Leo O'Ncil Browno, whom ho doclared bribed him' nnd to Lorimer. NO HUMOR IN COURT IT PROVES TOO EXPENSIVE LOS ANGELES, Cal., Aug. 4, Alexander Hardy, counsel in it civil suit pending hoforo Judgo Wilbur in tho superior court, will not try to ho humorous again at Ioust not whilo court is in session. Opposing coun sel during tho hearing, introdnood a document printed on pink paper. "Sec what wo havo hero the pink sheet extra; extra I" remarked Har dy. 'That remark is in contompt of court," said Judgo Wilbur "and will cost you just .fj," !' '4 M ' iv . i j l ; 1'