j V4v tifcMwVfc"-!1 ' PXGK SIX ?-.. rRDFORD MAIL TRTBUNTC, MTlDKOftD, OREGON, WFIDNKSDAT. AUGUST 2. 1011. FI6HTERS OF FIRES SIM NEW FIRES? ' m State Forester Says 25 Cent an Hour Hobos Will Be Hired No More Believe They Start Flames In Or tier to Hold Their Jobs. NEWBEARCREEK E ASSURED 8AU5M, Ore, Aur. 2. "Just as Ionic ns the policy lasts of hiring ov cry hobo that comes along to fight forest fires wo will havo forest flros," declared Stnto Korester Elliott to day when ho returned from Douglas county. "Aftor conferring with tho sheriff county Judge and warden of Douglas roimiv wo decided to employ no more flro fighters executing whore public safety demands it, We are golug'to try the policy of letting tho peoplo take care of themselves for awhile. "As for tho fires In Douglas county 1 have personally Investigated the situation and know that there aro men enough there to eat all the fire existing. ' "Keports aro being exaggerated. Instead of 200 men righting the Clackamas county fire, tho force has all been taken off and there Is a slight rain there today. Tho fire Is out." County Court Will Take Definite Ac tion This Afternoon No Opposi tion Offered When Local Business Men and Officials Appear. ARE NOT WANTED NEW YOUK. Aug. 2. Tobacco shares wero very weak here today in consequence of a report from St. ' Louis that ho interests there were op posed to tho plan of re-organizatlon of tho trust and to. the action of the directors in passing tho dividend ou tho common stock. The directors of the trust explain that they havo money enough, but that they first desire the approval of tho United States supreme cour.t of their plan to re-make the trust. WHEN IS BEER NOT A BEER? D'YE KNOW WASHINGTON, D. C Aug. 2. When is beer not n beer is a ques tion on which Dr. Wiley's pure food board is yet undecided. Although the lieuriiiR on the subject was con cluded yesterday, further investiga tion will be made before n decision is reached, according to an an nouncement toduy. Testimony adduced nt the hearing showed that beer might be mnde out of almost any material, one brewer tetifying lie could make it from cab bage leaves. GREAT FOREST FIREE SWEEPS SPOKANE COUNTRY SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 2. A forest fire six miles in width i sweeping along the headwaters of Oro Fino creek' six miles cast of Pierce, Idaho, necording to word sent in today by fire patrols to Su perintendent Charles Fi.sher of the ('Icanvater forest reserve. All uvuil nblo men in tho vicinity are being rushed to the scene. The fire in believed to have start ed as u result of a severe electric storm Sunday. The smoke is o delist that forest rangers were un able to find the location of the blaze until Tuesday afternoon. The flnnies uro raging in the most tliiukly timbered sections of the white pine belt, North Fork district. It is in tho domain of the Clear water Firo Protection association, and Nut Brown, president of the as sociation, has issued orders for his fire patrol to co-operate in every possible way with state and federal rangers. Discount Revolt Report. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 2. In tho absence of any information from the United StatCB minister at Havana tho stato department today is not in clined to regard as serious tho news that General Acovedo has started a revolt in Cuba. I "Pop" Coulon Burled. CHICAGO, 111., Aug. 2. Followed by a largo portion of Chicago's box ing colony, tho body of "Pop" Coulon, fathor of Johnny Coulon, ban tain weight champion, was burled today from tho family homo hero. Prepara tions for tho funeral woro made by Harry Gllmore, Jim Flynn, Harry Forbes and other lights of Nstlana, who wero close friends of tho dead innu. If an expression by the county court is any onterian, work is to be rushed as rapidly as possible on the construction of the new bridge over Hear creek on Main street by the county. Tliis much was determined Wedue.-dnv morning when the city council, the mayor and n number of hnines men of this city called upon the county court in regard to the matter, tendered deeds to the proper authorities for the privately owned land needed near the bridge, and urged the county court to proceed. No opiHisitiou was offered by the county court, which will take defi nite action this afternoon. The county court virtually prom ised to go ahead with the work tf rapidly as possible and rush the work through to completion. Noth ing remains to be done hut the tak ing of formal action to rush the con struction of the new bridge which is to be of concrete and modern in every ropeet. There U no doubt but that the action of the court will be favorable. PORTLAND FULL OF CROOKS-WILDE Alleged Embezzler Arrives In Port land and Is Released On $20,000 BailSays Ho Wants a Square Deal From Papers. VARDAMAN ELECTED TO D. 3. SENATE JACKSON, Mis-?., Aug. 2. For mer Governor Vardaman, who-e mini-negro utterances have stirred the -south in the past, probably will have an opportunity in the near fu ture to air his racial views in the United States senate. Returns from the Mississippi ririninrie:?, completed today, show that Vardaman has beaten Percy, his nearest competitor by nearly 12,000 votes for the seat of Senator Money in the upper na tional house. EDISON EXPECTS TO LIVE 150 YEARS NEW YORK, Aug. 2. Thomas A Edison sailed today to join his wife and daughter in England and with whom he will tour England and the continent. Edison said that he had solved the problem of living and ex pected to live to be 150 years ol age. lie predicted that many more discoveries in electricity soon would he made. PORTLAND, Ar., Aug. 2.-Ac-compauicd by District Attorney Cam eron, Deputy Sheriff Leonard, his private secretary and Mr. Sumner oneof his attorneys, l.ouis J. Wilde, the San Diego hanker, arrived in Portland today to face a charge of embezzlement in connection with the sale of telephone bonds to the de funct Oregon Trut and Savings bank. Wilde appeared before Judge Mc Ginn, in the circuit court and Vas released -on $20,000 bonds. The banker was excited and angry when he stepped from the train. "If the newspapers don't give nic a square deal, I'll start one myself and give thetrue inside fact of my case," he said heatedly. "Portland is full of more damned crooks than nny town I know of. "Of course I'll fight and Pll win. A I said previously, I was traded for the benefit of the Panama Pa cific exxsition." DO IT NOW. NEW GARAGE IS TO BE OPENED Dyer & Scarlcs From Partnership and Will Carry On General Auto mobile Business Every Conven ience to Be Installed. braves from tho MeDorniitl Indian reservation in northern llMiiilml.ll county have taken the wuvputh avenge tho death of Indian Mile ! ami his companions and today are heAded for northern Washoe county. Tho sheriffs of intervening counties were notified and attempts will be made to capture the hand, Medfonl People Should Not Walt I'm it It is Tih Late. George F. Dyer, who formerly conducted tho Medford Automobile company and for many years in the unto business in Hosiou, and William II. Searles of Omaha have formed a partnership and hac bought the Ab ler S Whitman garage back- of the new Medford hotel, on Ivy street. They e.peot to remodel the building and will conduct a regular automo bile business under the charge of Mr Dyer, who is an expert of enviable t reputation. .Mr. Searle expects to make a specialty of buying and selling, over hauling rebuilding ami painting cars, gas engines, pumps and installing gas pumping plants. They will trade cars for real estate or value and have room for.s.toring 15 to 20 cars. The garage lias every convenience and the public is invited to make themselves at home. As a business motto they have "Sixty minutes makes one hour's work," and another Hlicy of theirs is to have the boss always at the shop. They are run ning an advertisement on another page of this paKr. OVER 5,000,000 IN NEW YORK CITY NOW NEW YORK, Aug. 3. Estimntc of the board of health published to day give New York city a populatioi of 5.000.-I00, an increase of about 2.')0,000 for the past year. The cen sus figures for 1910 were 4,070,085 flasklna for Health. " Lace Curtains Cleaned Wo Sjm'cImIIzo In Cleaning and He. finishing all Curtains. .MKM'OHI) I) VU WOKKS Pacific 1701 Home 10-K The appalling dcatn rate from kid ney disease Is due In most (vises to tho fact that the little kidney trou bles nre usually neglected until they become serious. The slight symp toms give place to chronic disorders and the sufferer goes gradually In to the grasp of dropsy, Drlght's dis ease, gravel or some other serious form of kidney complaint. If you suffer from backache, head aches, dizzy spells; If the kidney secretions are Irregular of passage and unnatural In appearance, do not delay. Help the kidney at once. Doan's Kidney Pills are especially for kidney disorders they cure where others fall. Over one hundred thousand people have recommended them. Here's a case at home: Mrs. Grace Skeeters, 6 West Jack son streot. Medford, Ore., says: "I can recommend Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Haskins' Drug Store, for pain and stiffness In tho back and other symptoms of kidney trouble. This remedy relieved hie when I us ed it and I havo been well ever since." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember tho name Doan's and take no other. Indians On Warpath. RKXO- .Nov. Aug. 2. Salmon River Jim mnl seven heavily armed In a Class by Itself It is n great big loaf, inado from tho best high grado flour. PKHKLICSS IlItKAl) la more like that good old homo mado bread that mother used to niaka than any other on tho market. Ask your grocer for I'KKULICSS HHKAI) and Insist that you get it be cause, there is nono bo good. RARDON'S BAKERY Corner Main and Grape Street. i-WflliDlf JIILiili.IlBJ.lll,J.Jl I DIGNIrTINQ THE INDUSTRIES' Tbls ii the tttla of ft beiutlfut t-pag book, which will t.ow ny boy or girl bov to SUCCEED. Drop a poUl la tfce mill TODAT ana It will ba oot FREE. Tbo lra of tbe College ti to dignify and populartie tbe lcduttrlei, and to trr ALL tbe people. It otTiri counts In Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Kngln. eerlng, roreetry, DomeitloBclnce and Art, Com tnerce. Pharmacy and Muilc. Tbe College openi September 22d. Catajogfre. Addreu: REOIBTRAR. OBEOOM AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, CorvallU, Oregon. MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. (' SASH ill books ( save Vs to V4- 5-croti Panel Dooit, fiirt qut'.ity $1.30 Quarlcr.round, J.m., per 100 fl. 30 ct. Cedar Siding, 4 and 5 (t. . $ 8 per M. looting, 4 and 5 (l. . , $11 per M. Drop Siding, 4 and 5 ft. . $11 per M. All No. I and 2 good ftandud flock, fxod rfl! f ol Oulojue No. 43 and uuyuiicciiiGwoiriicioiy. middlemen! piouti. One pike, sell la anybody, ilup nyw!.e e. c d ui cu lul fofcCiiDttiagpattiuaftujht. i i City Property Bargain ' LOT 60x125- East Front One Block Off W. Main , PRICE $300 TERMS: $50 Cash, $10 a Mouth E. S. TUMY 80 1 a A It N i: T T GO It HI' BLOCK I in I Wnsnlu Wins Gninn, nr llu itiiiim unit luiil mi ilUNmilly In luiwiiiiiK iiii cutciioi'. Aiiuut i y t o VANCOUVMH, It. C, Aim. a.-l .,, , ,,,, OIIO (if tllO fllBtl'Hl KIUIIVH Of IMIMltllU'l . . . ,. ImHolmll Mi'iMi III VnniHiuvtir tliln mr,! N'I'JWOHK, N. J. (Iooik Hiipl' tho Wiuiiulii, Jiiimui'HO UnlviMnlty wmi ililvun violently linmuo limo by tonin ilofcutod tho lorul nncli Miiln- thuntlor anil llnlitnliiK hKii-iiih which liuul toiuu yoMonlity by tho m-mo of iiikim! IntiMintttoiilly fur u wkoIi. 4 to o, i fhiilio HhrlokH with fi'iu- at ovory roll Muyor Tiiylor iiltchiul tho flmt hull of thninlor, ' REMNANT SALE Remnants in Wash Goods, Silks, Laces, Embroideries, Etc., at and Below Cost. This is the Remnant Opportunity of the Year. Make Early Selections. TOWELS "Bath towols, 00 cent values, are very special at 29d I luck towols. Up values, a special 10c at each All 20c hath towels, bleached and un- ;;j".a:::d: i5c (lood cotton towels, very spec- A ml, each Ladies ' Wash Skirts in All Colors $1.00 values : 98c $1.70 values $1.39 $2.9S values $2.24 $.'U)S values $2.98 Ladies' Wash Linen Skirts All 2.9S values $2.21 All $:i.00 values $2.98 All $0.00 values $4.48 All $(5.00 values $5.39 Latest thing in hat drapes, hlaek, white and navy, $1.20 to $2.20. MANN'S CENTRAL AVENUE NEAR POSTOFFICE Ladies long silk gloves in all col ors, $1.20 values, at 79c. A PIANO IN YOUR OWN HOME FREE! THE GREATEST PIANO OFFER EVER MADE TO PIANO BUYERS Cutout the COUPON below and bring it to filers Music House and have a piano' sent to your home FillSE, To any responsible party in Medford or Vicinity we will deliver a new piano upon the presentation of this coupon and accept tho same as first payment for $20. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER$2 for $1. Tn order to make it an object to any one who wishes to pay more than (he Coupon as first payment, we hereby offer to issue a receipt for $2 for every dollar that is paid . .' - , . . . 1 I! , . 1 1 '11. un . .1 !.... - II.. ... up to the amount ol tne uoupon puousneu nerewiiu. uxuiupiu onng m me cou pon, get a receipt for $20. Bring in Coupon pay $0 cash and get a receipt for $:K). Bring in Coupon pay $10 cash and get a receipt for $10. Bring in Coupon pay $10 caslr and get a receipt for $00. living in Coupon pay $20 cash and get a receipt for $()0. I i t &2&!iinr Gford $20.00 T05 TO APPLY ON A NEW PIANO AT EILERS MUSIC HOUSE, MEDFORD, OREGON. The object of this special offer which is made for the remainder of this week only is to find out if the people are reading our advertisements. "We want to know it' the people reali'o that we aro offering High Class .Instruments such as Eilers Music House always sells, at the prices wo havo quoted for tho past two weeks. We want to say also that this Mid-Summer Clear-anco Sale will only last a few days longer and that now is tho time to make your selection. Wo iijean every word wo say about; delivering a Brand New Piano to any responsible person upon tho presentation of the above Coupon without one cont paid if you wish, and wo also guarantco that the above coupon is worth its faco value to apply on our already slaughtered prices, and that this coupon and $20 in cash will get you a receipt for $(10. Cut out the Coupon and bring it to us at once. No homo in this country that does not have a piano can now afford to overlook this opportunity. Usod PIunoH from 98 up on KIlorB Kxclmngo agreomont, good for tliroo yonrfl. To nccomo (Into tlioRfl who cunnot call nt tho Htoni In tho ii a y 1 1 in o , Htoro will lio 1( u 1 t o p o II OVOIlllIKH, un- till 8:30. tf I. . frY ., .irMiM4i4wt,v4t vi i- At-'Vt-'"-"''t4rtf4r