rrcn"F(mr matl trtdune, TvrEDFOiTD, crecjon, Wednesday, 'august 2, ion'. PAOT3 FIVT33 Oh, No,, Jeff Doesn't Know a Single Thing About Poker ! : ...... w.ami, f? , 1 1- T Ulf DOtUlV.. Ml iNii ior Vwo UoULfW.-;, - m Covjno TCitsoovj now '. Ill VU IVL II II 1 . I -ill - UI,V, JV. J OH.Vll'C-J Four. VvJV. X COP H'b VmQlA! i2 AT ONCV: -?JBBv I- " I 2tf A ) . By "Bud" Fisher I'LU TO ouyr fctiT ONQ Dom.rN. &T7SV-T i H&. r CV' '" OH V4tC"T COT MO HtVlG. TMr QUEttN YOV Df..CWU) D IU- T(SK6 (S CHW4CW SNV ugt t tfrncP. pOLH. THlb IV PIPE .' IF TMiVr ftllPKN T f,lVC "'" Ur06 POOR. QUGGIHS He couuowt Befvr tn route KiNOb FOUR. THAT'S &000 J bt VJHfKT T0 TOU Wi.Mr TH(T OOEEN FO-T I Xr V fraen I nee J Dl'-CWUHS o T - "rTJ,MA.T I . ' 1 opiwv 1 iin 1 1 1 ?.:mjtffr? l- .d tO'' L J " 'vie?! I V -! -' iA.jW1 Ati . --nt.E ?tf . 11 A r 1 ' -ff M X 1 X v 11 f&ij rajl I -rfi J tJ-S A I k". J?jSw smmw irivi v 1 . ji nik. au x. i i - . sjr izzrt i j.v .aw 5. ri i-r. v.ris. a l ff , j , fa I 4 UH-,.,.); i.i"'H',"iftrqL 9 6 I a Kyii r ' ' I il sjpSr aaajwj -UJV- 5P cofWBrzm ttti ly aTAcartrMrf . n I JOI.T TOP-1 3l 0 fi-jj)- - k iw paMnss J Our Correspondents CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. A. I.' I.t'l'iiiitn HMtnt Moiulay In OrtiiilM I'anx, MIm llorrliiK. H. A. I'ntllnon, J. II. (('oil, dim ,MirrlH, Hurry JoIwihoii wit 10 1111111111 tint ninny Ontnil l'olnt iii m vln tiiM'til .Mtiinliiy lit MiMlfnnl. W. Ii. Juiii'H In at I'roHiinct ttil wixilt with focil (or John (irlvi1. Tin1 Wititi'rii' Union CoiiHtrmtlon rriw who hao ht'on worklnt; Imro tin ptiHl month h'fl (or I'hoonlx Mon ilny inornliiK. T. M. Jiiin'M Ih In atti'iiiliinco nl thn (mu'inl illriTtom coiivuntlon nt Hiilom tli In wimk. TI10 lliinhy tolon'tl niliiBlroIn piny nl Intro Monthly nvoiiliu; to a lurr.o rrowtl anil kvm vry ;ooil mitlndic lion. Tim oily council inu'tn tonlKht (Tni'Hihiy) to I'oimlilt'r imvlnt: l'lnn ntrtt anil any othor tiiihliuiUM that 1 nay roino ht(oro It. Mm. ltriui Whltiplo who hnn homi vlnltltiK lnT tiiothfr MrH. Itamlall, nt tiirncil lit Iiit homo In Wootlvlllo Moiulay. Minn Martt'iia Nciil who han Ihmiii vnry III (or Hut pnul month in now nliln to ho out iikuIii. Mrn. 1. J. I'lirki'yiilh'. Mrn. John ):. Itlim ami Onmr Itlnckdird Hpont. TiH'mlny In (IrautH 1'uhii. MIhm McC'utchon, MUh Inrun, T. Ni-alo. Mr. Knulantl, It. W. WIIhoii, Autlroy llolnifn, ClailyH llolmt'H, Minn lliillli'r wtro atuoiiK U10 Central I'olul ioilt who npont Tui'Dtlay In Mt'iKonl, V. J. Hcoti o( ItitKiiu river wiih In town Tut'Kilny. Ilttrman Hlmpkliitt han rt'HlKiiod n ilullvnryinnn (or Cranflll & Hotiuctl nuil In nurtvotli'tl by Krniik Ilnt-(Itthl. John J. Drown anil hoii l'niil, hnvo r.ono to Cri'M'tnit City to npvnd u (ov Uayn. fiIfICrf J. I). Pnrkor illM Montlay uvuiiIiik n(ttr 1111 lllucnri of nix tluyn ami will ho hurrlfil at JackHonvlllu Thurmlay mornliiK. Jack Watmi'lr ntul wl(o who hnvu lii'tin horo for 11 (ow woolen h-ft Tuen tiny I'Vt'iiliii, (or I'ortluuil. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. KANES CREEK ITEMS. Mm, Marilott niiont 11 day rocont ly tho RiicHl of Anna HlKlithothliam. Noarly ovoryonn from Kiiiivh crmric atlciultid tho tuliiHtrol nhow in Qold lllll, Baturday iiIkIU. Mr, llltttT, who him been much ln iIImiohim1 Ih hoiiio liottor nt thin wrlt Iiik'. wo aro t;lnd to nay. Al HokkIh. who In worltliiR on Harillno Crook Biiont Wcdnuadny with homo folliH. Mr. Ilyrloy and Klmor Hlulnliot hnm wuro trnutmctlui; hiiHluonit In OraulH I'aim 011 Baturday roturnlng homo In tho ovohlitK. Mr. and Mrn. Cox Hjinnt hint Run day nuitr Qold lllll n kuohI " Mm. Cox imnrntii, Mr. and Mra. Noo. Mr, Cook and wlfo of Cloldon Ilouo woro Hunday vUltora at Mr. and Mra. I.owlu. Mr. Norrlii, Iiuh rohurnod homo (rom Trail (or u ahort 1 1 1110. Ira lloiiMoholdor npont Hunday villi llh'd Ilondomon In lllucltwoll. John HoIh, and party loft on Bat urday for tho liuiid wiitom of tho Hoiiko on a hunting and fluhliiK ox- pmlltlOII, IHHH'OHH to thorn. Now Banks Opened. WASHINGTON; T. 0.' Aiir. 2. 1'ohIuI wiviiiKH liiinkH woro HucooHa. fully o)i'iiud today in Now York, Ilos ton,' lillutlo)liia, SI. LouIh null Chi (iiiko, llio flrrit bljj oillus Holeoteil for llio iiiiioviitiou. Look JIiioh of doposllorn woro nt liauil In nil llio olliim rontly to jilnijo tlmlr huvIiik in llio IiiukIh of llio Kov-or'iumuit. (Ily A. U. Ilowlutt.) Mm. J. Krnnk llrown nout mo tho ennh for tho woukly Mall Tlrhutio (or ouo yearn Hiibxcrlptlou (or hor moth r, Mm. A. I'ool of Jarluoiivlllit tho hint of tho wink, an nhu wantn hor uinthor to hnvo all tho nnwn Hint lit Itoliu: tho rouudn. l'rof. Charh'n '. JoIiiikoii war a pli'iinimt callor Intit week on hln way to hln homi'tttimil ho linn Ihhii uukiii' d toauhliiK nchool at Trnll durliiK tho njirliiK mid part of llio Hiiininur and in now workliiK on hln houifntund on tho I'aclflo & Knntorn railway, I iindcrntaiid that ho ban tho offer of tho h a tno school iikoIii tills (all, llov. Mark 0. l)nvl, tho traveling Kuiitlny nchool ovntiRollHt for tho Coiit;rtKatloullnt church enmo In on tin hint Friday mornliiK about nix o'clock imd on Baturday, ho loft hln whci'l, blko, and wo, that In your I'oiTi'Hpoudi'iit mid DnvlH ntartod for tho I'oucoijchool on Hlk crook, whoro ho had an appointment for norvlcuH Baturday ulr.lit mid nil day Buutlay. Wo arrived at Ed. l'ouno'n about noon mid after dinner wo went up to odorKo l.yni'li'H. tho 1'iiorisotlc road ntipervlitor. mid found him In bin al falfa field IrrlKnlitiK hln ground and If II will not ncom to much of a dlKrennlou I will nay that bo htm one. of tho ulcenl lltllo placon In tho lClk eniok country, and ah compnrotl with bin old plncw It In a perfect paradise, and bin or rather hln wlfen Ktirdon, for (JeorKO In off on tho roatl work llio mont of tho time, nuil borryj patch, Iokiiu mid blackberrlen aro I eiiotiKh to uiako an old maul c.ronn that Ih tryliiK to ralno a garden with out water. Tho fact In CeorKo lookn ton yearn youiiKor than bo did when bo lived on tho desert below Trail. That uli'ht your correspondent proachotl to n pood nixed conKroKa tlon, about everybody In tho iicIkIi lyirhood mid Sunday we, that In Urtvln wan In Klk ereult thai ouo of tho Ktimo warduiiH had arrented twelve men, altogether for flnhliiK without lltetiHn ami fined llietu twenty-flvo dollarn each. .lexH Hpencer canto In hint Friday nli;ht to tho Buuuynlilo and roporln overythlui; floiirlHhluR around Dud ley. Wider W. J. Prlco of Boattlo, Idaho mid ('. W, Ilouriio of KarmliiK tou, WanhliiKtou camu In lata Mon day and encased roomn for a fow tluyn. They roprenont the church or tho Latter Day Balutn (niorinmiH), they exivct to cauviin thin part of tho county In tho Intercut of Hint .sect. Mr. Fred (. McClurn who ban boon a Kiient tit tho Buiinynldo wont to Jiiuknouvlllo to oolc jafter bin In torent there to lie koiio a few dnyn. Mr. McCaffrey, tho bonn mi the now brltlKo ncronn ItoKiio river came In to tho hotel hint Baturday, bo re- portn that ho In t;cttln alone well with tho work mid will ho through drlvltiK pllliiK by tint mlddlo of thin week. CITY CANNOT PAY SALARY TO CHIEF FOR RENT Sarin! Property KOU HALE Olt RENT Good opening tot general merchandlao ntore In new town with f 16,000 monthly parrot I, on railroad, 12 tnllea from Medford. Gold lUr Roalty Co.. 20C W. Main. Fire Uncontrolled. SAN UKItNAHDINO, (Jul.. Auk. 2. Still fur beyoiitl control' llic forest firo wliieli for eij;!it lnys lias boon raiiiK on tho buck of tin Sun IU-r-iiuriliuo rmiKo today orept hIowI; up City Creel; canyon toward llio lii lumber millrt mid ynrtlx nt Frcdalbn. One hundred fircfif-hlerH employed by (in! luinbur company made a MrciiuoiiK effort to cheek it mid by extensive bnckfirini;. Kiieceedeil to- wnril-niMui in turning (lie (Miiul of the blaze toward the oast. XOT1CK. Tho Atnerlcnii Womnn'n LeaRUo will meet nt tho liaptlnt church, Thurnday, AiiKiint .Ird nt 4 p. m. All memhem Invited to ho present. ANNA M. JBFFKBV. I'realdont. Hasklnn for Ilnaltb. RANCHES IS acrrn: clona In; beautiful view; fine will; $250 uarci vury eany trmij. 4 1-1 ncren; bnrliiu orchard: water right; ntiiro; nlno lenno on good aa- lltri, liml liu lliml. Millit nf Irmln UiyHolf held an all dnys tuectlni; ntul jltllniiilnhincnt. 60 ncrcn on railroad there wan coiinlderablo Intercut man Ifimtcd. Tho peoplo up In that not tlemeut know bow to iiho tho water to iidvautnKo and llvo puncably to. Kotluir and havo n Kood tlnio toKeth or, tho uiiietlnit cIohoiI Bundny nlKht about ten o'clock nifd on Monday wo returned homo feeling Hatlsflud that wo hud hail a Kood tlmo toKOthur. ICtl I'enco mid family of Kile crook and Mr. MoiKan of Central mid MIhh Knyart of Mud ford havo koiio to the head wntvm of ICIk crook on n hunt Inn mid cmiiplnt; tnp. Tito law finlt to which I referred In my hint wnn a ntato cnao In which Mr. Fretl 1'aloiuo wan nitido tho de fendant. Tho charge wan obntrtict lii(; tho flow of tho witter In n wator ditch. It appeared from tho ovi denco that tho ditch IiqIoiiks to a corporation of wator UBoro and tboy could not iiKreo and no tho prenldent aworo to tho complaint and Mr. I'olnuza was plucod uiulor nrrost, but wan lot off on bis own rocoKlaanco, they had n trial by Jury. Tho statu wiih ropronontod by lion. TJ. 1 Mul koy and tho defendant acted an bin own attorney, uftor examining twelve wltuoHCfl and rorallliiK Homo of thoin na high na Hi too times tho Jury de cided tho ciiho In about fifteen min utes, that ho was not RUllty and ono of tho J u rom told tno that It wnn n nloar cann of Bplto work, but tho tax payorn havo to pay tho cost nil tho name. David CliiKcald Ih bulldliiK a houiio on tho tract of land bo bought of Mr. J. J. Pryor and I uudomtaud that ho and bin wlfo aro uolni; to leave tho farm and move to town to llvo ami that ouo of tho hoya will nut tho farm. Mr. NoIIIh of Flounco Vock and two mon spent tho nlKht boro Friday nlKht and Saturday morning ho wont hack to Modford after iiomo tbliiKa no had' loft In Modford. ' Tho report camo to nto whon I tiiillillniiH 1350, 'J 1 acrou, 20 In npplea mid pears, 1 aero fluo building site, $1200, cod terms. TRADE tC nctea. South Dukotu: taka ncrrace. 40 ncrvs. fine biilldliu; ulte. J CO 00, take roHliliinci) part tnule. 80 acres trrlKiitfd In Idaho, 60 In al falfa mid crop; 180 ncroH. 5 ncrus buartiiK orchard equity 13600, tuko Kood rcnldcnco. 50 ncren under ditch, water rlfilit. 1 year nrcnard, equity $1800 tako rcaldonce. 70 dcr?s. 6S under dttch, 25 in applea and penra tn 3 year, 3 1-3 miles out, 1IS acre. 20 acres, 18 tn pears, closo In fine build in k sttu und view. tCO-acro ntock and alfalfa ranch; ISO norua tillable; under ditch; ITS per ticro; tako Income rroporty. 120 aores raw land; all fine fruit land; tako any ood property, S-room bungalow for ton aores. 80 acres, tillable; $2000; take town prop erty to acres, cleared; take residence In trade, 340 acres Tlosuo river; 80 acres bottom under dttch; take town property. Fine 200-acro ranch or uny portion; 60 acres In orchard; take good Income or residence proporty. iioilorn 8-room house, 3 lots, on- ravine; take a few acrou Boar creok bottom noil under ditch, 3 flno oloiu In lots for raw land. 30 acres llcnr Creek bottom for Dakotah lund. 340 acres, Applofrnto Valley, water rlaht, nil tillable, take city proporty. 17 aores. In pears and ulfnlfu; good liuiiKalow; taka otty residence up to 13, BOO. Flnu applo mid pear orchard, closo In, ulna year old, closo to town mid lilp- plnir point, tnkes;ood rosldenoo prop. urty In trade. 2 1-4 acioa truck, Rood houao, take lot as part pnymont. 1G0 acres Imporlal Vnlloy, irrl'gatod, ready to plant, $1000, trado ouo half, balanco cash. 1C0 acros South Dnkotn, tako fow acrcB or town proporty. WANTED Olrls for doiioral housework. City and ranch property t Hat. The finance committee of the city I'oiineil reported In tltaL body liihl tiijjht that, they could not see bow the oily nt thm time can pay n kiiI nry to the lire chief. The matter will come up n'iiin nt a Inter dale. TELLS HOW HE BLEW IN HIS SHARE OF JACKPOT WASHINGTON, D. C, Aujr- 2. Uow lii) nuil Lee O'Neil llrowne liuiler of the democrat in the Illi iiniH U'Kislalure, 'iblew in" their Minn? of the St. iAinis jackpot dipciiKed for llieir aid in eleeliiiK Lorimer, wiih ilelailcil lo the xenate invehti,'iitinft committee today by Stute Itepresen tutivt' Charles A. White, who eon fctwetl to Imvinj been bribed when the expohe firut omiie. White ileelarcil that be and Ilrowne took ti number of trips mid ircnernllv lived ImkIi on llio fruits of their ac tivities for Lorimer. FOR SALE Zota ("Oil HALE Lots 1 and 2 In block 2, JienKon aditltlon, and lot 4, Vxx)!awn lleltchtt, Went Medford, an a whole or nlnKly, I2S0 each; part time If wanted, ut C pr c-nt. Tltlo rcKlntpr i'd, axes paid. AddnuiM C, C. Luwrey, ltox 397. Norfolk. Va. 118 Acxeagr FOIt 8AM: 7 acre berry ftardpn or joultry land. 1 mlla from city limit on Central I'olnt road to be macada mized; ditch across highest , point; prlco f32S.OO per acre on terms, less for cash. Addres.i Uox 588 Medford. FOR SALE. MsceUaiison FOIt HA1.E First clans ticket. Portland lo Allniii-upoll. I25.0D, KcptcmbT 1C limit. 206 Cottagu streoU 118 WANTED. Xtooaea WANTED Small furnished houito or bungalow, munt b modern and close In. Address .A. I), care Mall Tribune. JaUseeUaneoBa FOIt SALE 1850; real barKaln; 1 1-3 ncrr-s. two miles south of Talent; one half acre fine yountf family orchard: Kood well, kitchen furnished. See K. u Cofhran. Talent. Ore. 121 Koosas FOIt SALE House. hl,-h lot. Kenwood avenue; S rooms, plumbed and wired; 1 block from pavement, new, not been occupied. Price S1S0O. Address box 588, Medford. F07i EXCHANGE. Steal XUt FOIt EXCHANOE-j-Mrdford and subur ban property, hutches, timber lands for other property. Address Box 199, euro Mall Tribune. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOIt HAI.E Olt EXCHANGE Flve-pas-stiiKfr auto. In iruod repair: price lit tin obJrcL Keo Walker, at D. II. Jack son & Co.', 118 1-2 W Main. FOR SALE OR RENT FOIt RENT OH RALE Now clKbt-rooin hounn and Kttrncn. Phone 6072. 418 Kouth Oakdulo. 115 FOR RENT Jnrnlhl Rooms. THE COLEMAN KOOMS Mot and cold wuter and baths, garage, $2.50 per week. Phono 177-L. 1005 West Main FOIt KENT Tw ii furnished rooms. 11.75 and 12)25 a week, modern. 730 W lttli. 115 Houses. FOR SALE Three room house, arge lot. close In; price right, terms. Box 522, phone Main 6662. Seal Xstatt FOIt SALE Wll sell cheap, two Rood mlnlnir claims, havo Rood assay's on them and conslderablu work donef Kood reasons for HelUn?, Address D, A. WrlKht. Medfonl. Oregon. Its MINING MEN ATTENTION I havo for salo SO acres of land about three miles from Gold HilUwhlch Joins land owned by tho three followinc min ing companies. Mlillonair Mlnlnjr Co., Grev Iacle tlnlni? f?n. nn.1 nintrwAli Hills Mining Ca All of these proper ties nave prouuecu gold in the paBt and show good prospects for further devnlnnmpnt- T)iIr HO nr.ra wilt i.a sold at a very reasonable price, for smau payment down and lone time and easy terms on the balance. For particulars address post office box 702. Medford, Oregon. 125 WANTED TO BUY Best bargain In good Income business property In Med ford. Address Vox. 52C, Ashland, Ore gon, lit FOE SALE Horses; good team, hon est and true, orchard trained. 1130 for team. T. E. Scantlln. K. F. D. No. 1. Talent, -phone 5074. 113 WANTED A good second hand farm wagon. Address Box 75, route 1. Central Point. 113 WANTED Boomers In private family. 345 Apple street, corner Third. Mrs. M. Cottrell. 113 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Position In doctors or den tist office, or any office work, not requiring bookkeeping; have know, ledge of type writing. Address Box 44 caro Mall Tribune. WANTED Hand laundry at 345 Apple street, corner Third. Mrs. M. Cottrell. 11 HELP WANTED. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Contractor and BaUder, ALL kinds of carpenter work. Contract or day work. 223 Court at. A. W. Dish. rnrnltare. H. F. WILSON tc CO.. dealers In new and second-hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Household stoves and range,. 1G South Fir stroet. Phono Malp 3161. Home 265-L. MISSION FURNITURE WOIIKS Cor ncr 8th and Holly I streets, Medford. Mission furniture mhde to ordor. Cab- ,n?.' ,y.rk of aU kinds. A trial ordor solicited. MORDOFP it WOLFF Cookstoves and ' ranges. New and second hand furni ture. Eads old stand. 18 Fir atroet. South. Phono 91. Home 283-K. Ated-ford. dranlt Work. hD KAY ORANITB CO.. 216 We Main street, manufacturers and dea' era In monumental and building gra.' Ite, crushed granite, common brick, at. pressed brick, coarse and fine washed MEDFORD BRICK CO.-JOeo. W. Prldd. P Na?lc- a. T. O'Brien Contrac tors and manufacturers of brick: deal- nooonfS1'' rm 208' M Mtalna; Machlaery. ";? ?hAT CALHOUN of Phoenix. Or.. Co Iff I???o'efi Quarta MJ" Crushed SSin"'7.1? Broa,lway. Denver. Colo Ki .Cta,0!n,0A nni Prices can bo had at PJioenlx. Oregon. Matt Calhoun. KoUry Jnbllo. 3Celp Wnita ICals HELEN N. YOCKEY. Notary public. The Mall Tribune. Trained Karats. WANTED Man .snd wire, man for ranch Trorlc, woman to board two to four men; house, tableware, etc.. fur nished: must be honest, mat people. Address applications, give telephone If any to Box 9 care all Tribune. 114 JANITOR two hours early morning. American either man or woman. Ad dress R. K. Mall Tribune. 114 A, TRAINED NURSE has a atriotly private home before nnd during con finement, adoptions, all disorders of women treated by licensed physician: no sign. 2548 1 California stfeet. near Stevens. San Francisco. Cal. n Zfataenes. MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut flow ers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 923 E. Main. Phone 3741. ". FOR SALE Garden and fruit tract, 1 1-4 acre, house furnished; can give Im mediate possession; loaded with fruit and fine garden truck. Inquire 60 N. Orange street. FOIt RENT 2 room furnished house at Clt North RtviTHldn avenue. Inquire 520 South Ivy ntreet. 115 E.F.L TT FOR RENT Furnish two room bunga low with pantry and closet, very reasonable. Inquire 517 Smith Holly. 116 FOR RENT A. 6 room all modem Ikiiikh on Ross court, with n large nli'vplng .porch; will leasu If desired. Tinny, Giirnett-Corey building. FOR RENT Three room house, two blocks smith lllll street grocery, on Hamlin street, IS per month. Phone Homo 197-R. IIS FOR RENT Five-room flat; largo sleep Inn porcli and bathroom; nil modern Improvements; free wator. Apply Oak ilalu Cash Grocery 115 FOR RENT Seven room bungalow; modoru. good garage. See W. Evcrhard, 909 W. Ninth street. Phono 6i7l FOR RENT 5 room modern house. In quire Na 60 North Orange. Mouatktvptst; Stooua FURNISHED housekeeping- rooms; mod ern conveniences suitable for ono or two couples. Call 504 Houth Holly. 114 FOR RENT Two room v suite of f ur nlnhed housekeeping rooms, gas for cooking, 222 South Holly Btroot. Tarau FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches garden land, general farming ranches Gold Ray Realty Ca, 21 W. Main. Officii fo IMbi FOR nENT Over the postofftce with heat nnd light Soa A. A. Davis. FOR RENT Office rooms In Elaotrlo bldg., modern equipment, steam heat, elcatrlo light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Hay Realty Ca, 216 W. Main at . KiscelUnsoaa. FOR nENT Garden land In tracts of from ono aero upwards, with water for Irrigation. Owner will furnish team and linplomoutn for cul tivating nnd Bccd for nlmro of crop. Inquire of Buffum. Itoguo Rlvor Elec tric Co., 210 W. Main at. FOR LEASE Fining, boating and hunt ing resort on easy tonus. Box 32, Mall Tribune, BOOM 811 mm BQTZiBnro FOR RENT First Class pasture, at I Bancs Ranch, phono 591, party R-t. LOOK AT TiHS Here la a chance to get a good farm cheap; homestead relinquishment, this county, near the Southern Pacific Railroad. 80 acres good new S-room house, frame up for barn, 21x32. 12-acres cleared and In crop, living water. 60 fruit trees, 2 chicken houses. Placo all fenced and cross fenced, owner obliged to go away, will sell cheap; less than Im provements cost For full particulars call on or address Beaver Realty Ca, Ashland, Orogon. Business Sfropetfy FOR SALS: Choice business property at a, bargain, on long time; easy term, Address Condor Water Power Ca Miscellaneous FOR SALE Splendid pair match bay mules. C years old, weight 2600 pounds sound und gentle, perfectly. J. M. Root, Main 3111. US LABORERS WANTED Ten laborers for work at Prospect Apply at room 102. Electric building. 218 West Main street Prospect Construction Company. WANTED Teams to haul poles on the Prospect pole line nt Trail; $6.00 per day; time paid coming and going. Ap ply C A. Akard. Trail. Oregon. 115 WANTED Carpenter familiar with making mission furniture and wood working. Address Buffum, care Rogue River Electric Ca WANTED Salesman fot exculslve ter ritory. Big opportunities. No expe rience necessary. Complete line Yak ima Valley grown fruit shade and ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Out fit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Company, Toppenlsh.' Wash. WANTED Sal es m en In every locality of the northwest; monoy advanced week' ly; many make over 81000 month choice of territory. Yoklma Valley Nursery Ca, Topenlnb. Wash. Xtlp Want d P male WANTED Girl for general housework at Penbro Orchard: family of seven: good wages to right party. Tolephono Sub. 610-R 1. 114 WANTED Woman for general house work, one who can cook. Wages 130 per month. Apply Buffum. Rogue River Electric Co.. 216 W. Main. FOR SALE Shakes. 2000 extra selected rlonr. utralirlit frrnln...) .umiw nlnn shakes. $12.00 per thousand. Also a iow yonow pine snakes slightly weath er stained $10.00 per thousand. Inqulro at residence one block east of Queen Anno school4 houso. H. C. Stoddard. 114 -' FOR SALE 1 60 horse powor steam boiler; ono 6 Inch dlschargo geared pump; one 8 Inch dlschargo steam pump; 600 feet second hand water pipe; all tle above Is In good condl Hon and can bo purchased cheap for cash. Enquiro city recorder office. City of Medford. FOR SALE 6 acres 1 mllo from town, now houso, plenty of wuter; family orchard und grapes. Enquiro 410 N. Ivy street, Medford. 126 FOR SALE Two buggies and single harness for snlo cheap. Court Hall, FOR SALE Self-feeding hny baler, In good repair. See A. A. Davis, FOR SALE Hay. Wo havo several car loads of first-class out, vetch, cheet, wheat and mixed hay that wo can nuina you vory closo prices on. Frank E. lilatr, wholesale commission mer chant, Eugene, Oregon. 135 FOR SALE Gentle driving horso: bIx years old and sound; not afraid of auto or steam engine; call at 244 Ivy or phono 5561, 116 FOR SALE Home, buggy and harness. 511 East Main, rear. 113 FOR SALE Fancy standurd brod driv ing mare, 5 years old, now rubber tlrod buggy, now harness, price $550, Would exchange for two good all around horsos, double hurness, light wagon or hack, or for horses only. En quiro nt East Sldo I.lvory, first barn south of Hubbard Bros. Wednesday afto.-naon and Thursday, August 2nd, and 3rd. 1911. 1M BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Architects. JOHNS A TURNER, Architects and Builders. Office 7-8. iti Main; phone Main 3471. Residence phone 744. rawEicnEnvES" stwest; "architects; 207 and 208 Gamett-Corey building. Abstracts. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT TITLE CO.. INC, Jacksonville. Phones Pacific, Main 11; Home 2006. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are ?.2?.dnediin& ra- Our stock la Sot !Jea,,1d' Wo .ruarantee everything put PaVtorlS. arenot 'he trust fia MalnTt oKIce "moved to 116 E. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO.. inc. Growers of high grade nur sery atock. Offlco 104 S. Fir. Both phones. Physicians and Borgeooa. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Pt,yalcllU1 and surgeons. Tdylor and Phlppa b dg rooms 210-211-312. Office phone sol' nl to 8p.Prn!ne "' ",C0 hour" " DC vKowW'P"? EVA-MAINS V;.. . . " Osteopathic Physicians. Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. DOffTM,A.SWV,?B'VNE Dentist rj. i,n. n,a,,. bId?- 123 B- Main. a administered for extraction of PhCo 44?s!,ePh0n0 Ma,n !. Night iietohone58"" Drgeo LOCKWOD. Phyalclau and DR. ' MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Pn?Ct,AVm,,ea to, leases of wS men. Offices over Haskins drun store. Phones: I'aclflo lOOl; Itoma 28. r- X' X' ,Vn Hcoyoa Dr. C, C Van Scoyoo. .. Dentists. n?i.Forejr b,dB" 8uUo st8- Medford. Oregon- Both Phonos. AoooanUnts. D. U. WOOD General accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office .Meaioru -Mini xriouno miuuing, pnone 6611, residence phone 1601 Assayer ana Analyst. ASSAYBR AND CHEMIST Earl V. In gels, B, Sc. General assay and an alytical work. Cement and asphalt testing. Best equipped assay office and testing laboratory In Oregon. All work guaranteed. Grants Puss. Or. Attorneys. COLV1Q & REAMES W. M. Coivlg. a L. Reames. Lawyers. Office Medford National uanK ouiming, seconn noor PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MBALEY Attorneys-at.law. Nos. 1 and 3 Post- otrico puuuing. A. B. REAMES Lwyer. Gamett-Corey building; MULKEY & CHERRY (B. F. MULKEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Lawyers. Prac tlco In all state uud federal courts. Rooms 11 and 12, Jackson County Bank bldg. Billiard Parlors. 3. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Cigars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Young & Hall building. A nice, cool lace to spend tho hot afternoons. Bill Potters. ' VBltNK T. CANON Bill poster and Dis tributor. All ordors promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson County Bank build Ing. Medford. Oregon. "Cigars aaVobooo. IRELAND & A'NTLE. Smokehouse Doalera In tobacco, cigars, and smok ers' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewis Single Binder, El Merlto and El Palon- cia. 212 west Main street. DR. J. j. EMMENS Physician und surgeon, practice limited to eye. ear and throat eyes scientifically tested and glasses supplied. Off Icon 216 Eust Mam street over Medford Hardware Company; hours 8:30 a. in. to 8 pm. both nhones. v " DK,a SA.".NP.E"?-ANp-GREET?PTaT- tlco limited to eye. ear. nosn in,) tnroat Office: Suite 318 Garnett Corey building. Both phones. DA VIES & lltLIS Chiropractors. 023 S.' Central avo, Phone Main 514. Officii hours. 3 to 4 p. m. Consultation and examination free. DR. EDSON & EDSON Ostopathy phy slciuns; hours 10 to 13 a. m. nnd 3 to 4 p. m., also by appointments; of fice In now Medford Furniture and- nuruwure diqck, room 429. Chinese Medicines. CHOW YOUNG S Chinese medicines wltl cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golt ers. throat und lung trouble, deafness. Paralysis, private dlseasea and " kinds of chron o and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation. Indlge n,w?IIJbo,ln,a badder troubloa. Hoe Brtntera ana Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTINQ CO., has the best equipped job office In WuThern O?o gon; book binding; loose leaf systems: ? VoVs-tre' POrUtt"d pS " Bummer Besorts. HUnographrs. ELt..V M. OUANjtAW Puim Block! Stenographlo work done quickly und well. igns. VALLEY SIGN "ADVERTlHINfFCOTa SIGNS will help bullet up your bust ness. Phone 802. 18 Riverside avenue. team Besting. O, C. PONT1 NO Steam und hot wa ter heating, dry kiln and power work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates given. Kiones; Puclfio 4801, Home H4-U resldenofr Pacific 4462. Rot 43. 37 South Central Avenue, Med for. Oregon, 7 I 4