f.!tr JWri H Aaffc-'iivrtv ,.- v J- 1 J BAGBPOUR, ftrEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, iMIDDFORD, OREGON, WWnNlgSPAY, AUGUST 2, 11)11. I- fa" Medford mail Tribune AN 1NDKPKNDI5NT NKWRPAPKU fUuMHUF.D DAILY r.XCBl'T 8ATUII- PAY nY.TIIR MHDFOUD 1'lllNTINO CO. The Democratic) Times, Thn Medford Mall. Tho Mrdford Tribune. Tho South' rn Oregonlan, Tho .Ashland Tribune. nrriro Mall Trlhunn llilltdtnc. - -.- .....- !--- Main Korlh Plr Homo 75. street phono. H-S7-S9 SOU, GKOIKIH PUTNAM. Editor nnd Manager Entered an second-cUiia matter at Mod ford, Oregon, under tho act of March 3, 18T. TO BEAUTIFY HIGHWAYS IN NEW YORK Official Taper of tho City of Medford Official Paper of Jackson county. rtmflOKXPTXOBT SATES. Ono year, by mall f 5.00 Ono month, by mnll 50 Per month, delivered by carrier In Mnitfnrri. JnrVxnnvllln nnd Cen tral Point .,............... .50 Sunday only, by mall, per year. . . . S.OO Weekly, per year 1.50 RWOM CXBCOXATXOX, December SI, 1910, 2731, Dally average for six months ending mil eud Wlr United Pra Dispatches. The Mall Tribuno Is on Bale at the Ferry Nows Stand. San Francisco. I'ortfanu Hotel News Stand. Portland. Ilowrann Kewn Co.t Portland, Ore. W.' O. Whitney. Seattle, Wash. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown A Question. "Whijn It rains In tho mountains," 1, asked of Undo NOd. "Do all tho forest rangers Go In tho watershed?" THE first day of September is the tiny fixed by law ou which residents of New York slate may see put in force one of the stranirest crusades on record. It is a crusade atrainst roadside advertising, already advocated by many motorists, among them members of the Automo bile Club of. America. No motorist who has driven his car beyond the con fines of city streets has failed to note the over-increasing' number of uusightly advertising signs which deface the landscape, particularly in places where the natural scen ery is most beautiful. None has sped along a country road or n tree-shaded lane who has not come on some such admonition as: "So-and-so's pills are good for that tired feeling." The motorists themselves, the greatest suffers by rea son of this mutilated landscape, have been the primary cause of this defacing, for the advertiser has sought to i'cach them more than any other class of persons by his flaming signs beside the road. It has been misguided ad vertising, for those the advertiser has reached have lynd his fulsome praises of his wares with disgust; that such things should be allowed to mar the beauty of country life, "but apparently not an advertiser has come to realize this. It remained for the New York legislature and for Gov ernor Dix to put an end to such advertising in New York' IVEY TO BUILD NEW LIBRARY Library Bonn! Met Yesterday After noon anil Opened BidsWork Will Start as Soon as Word Can Be Received From the East. at least, ana the governor accomplished this, or ac iesi made it possible, when he-signed the Ormrod bill recently. That wart of the bill of most interest to antoists provides ,A person cau mako his face pret tier by living, in a tobacco field. All right "for them, what chews." Tho government Investigation will prove if the shoo trust has a soul. The statement that Folk Is for Bryan may bo another Folk talc. I do not own an auto, I'm never In a hurry, And so I walk, contented;' No auto laws to worry. Frank Day of Salem lacked tho money to Becuro a marriage license. A short day and a sad one. Ono Medford man spends his tlrno wishing that ho were on' the commit-1 tee that Is investigating, "what is beer?" The Sad Eyed Cow. I know a sad-eyed bossy cow Without a speck of pride, Humility, was in her looks And toughness In her bido. I parted from that bossy cow. My heart In sadness aches, And yet there's compensation In The flavor of her steaks. YESTERDAY'S SCORES. National. At .P.lttsburg R Pittsburg '. 10 Boston 2 American Leagae. At New. York New York Chicago n .48 .32 At Boston R Boston 3 St. Louis 4 At Philadelphia R Philadelphia C Detroit 13 At Washington It Washington 1 Covenald 0 that any one who may place an advertisement 'on any stone, tree, fence, stump, pole, mile-board, mile-stone, dan ger sign, danger signal, guide sign, guide post, billboard, building, or other structure within the limits of a public hisrhwav is guilty of a misdemeanor." Better 30 1 from the motorist's view point is the pro vision which says that "any advertisement in or upon a public highway 'in violation of the provision of this sub division may be taken down, removed, or destroyed by anv one." Tlie act will tatfc effect on September 1 next, and on that day there bids fair to be a throng of motorists on all the country roads, equipped with instruments of all sorts which may aid them in tearing down the long-offending signs. Motorists even now all over the state are sharpen ing their knives and axes, preparatory to sallying forth, for the work of beautifying the highroads. It is to be hoped that other states follow in New York's lead. Value of the Small Newspaper (From the Portland Telegram) j forth to It every aid, whllo on the There is a very' lively agitation go ing on in the state press over the question of the deluge of free matter that they arc being constantly asked to print and much of which they nre actually printing. There Is no busi ness extant from which so much gratis work is expected as from the newspapers. Whilst this Is true of all newspapers, It bears with greatest force upon the smaller newspapers which lack the variety of resources the big communities afford. They are expected to advocate everything that is for the public Interest wlhch Is reasonable and within duo bounds', but .many things that aro BUgarcoated under tho gulso of public Interests too often conceal private Interests that solely aro benefited by tho dead heading and aro often times really inimical to the public welfare. There Is no claBS which gives up so much to the community Interests as these small newspapers, and there Is no class whoso wonc gets so little recognition and usually such Httlo compensation. Every enterprise In the community expectB recognition it expects to have constantly poured other hand It rarely expects to reel procatc. and when It does, nnd that with very bad grape, It does so little that It might be called Infinitesimal There Is no Investment that tho small community can make which Is equal to tho woll-conducted, self-respecting and self-sustaining news paper. It Is tho mouthpiece of tho community so far as tho outside world Is concerned, and by It the community Is most often judged. As a matter of fact, it is a good reflex of a com munity. For thiB reason It deserve to bo sustained' as a community In vestment. Tho wholo community should not bo united as It now usually Is In deadheading Its ways and Us schemes, public, private, good, bad and Indifferent Into tho newspaper. It should rcallzo that tho small nows paper has some rights which should be respected and It has some needs which must bo supplied. Every community Bhould get the point of view of tho newspaper so that It gets a fair deal with the rest of tho enterprises. When It does this It will find better newspapers, bettor service and all around improved conditions. Coast Lcajjue. At Sacramento Sacramonto Oakland ' R. .1 II. E. 4 4 .2 7 At Los Angoles R. Los Angeles 2 Vernon ' C At Ban Francisco R. Ban Francisco C Portland C 13 H. 7 10 H. 8 Northwestern. . At 'Seattle R. II. E. Soattlo 4 7 0 Spokano 7 11 1 At Tacoma R. Taconiu v G Vuucoiivorv 2 H. 11 3 At Portland R. II. E. Portalnd 9. 13 3 Victoria 8 10 4 ENTOMBED THREE DAYS: RESCUED JOPLIN, Mo., Aug. 2. Joseph Clary, who lias, been entombed In a mine 78 feet below tho surface here since early Sunday morning, was ex tricated today from his perilous posi tion. While tho rescuers today wcro working with foverlsh hasto Clary was talking soothingly to IiIb aged mother over a temporary telophono which had been rigged up botwecn her bedsldo and tho bottom of tho drill hole. Tho young minor's moth er was prostrated when news of her son's Imprisonment was finished brought to her. Bogging her not to worry, Clary told her ho would soon bo out. Gates May Die Soon. I'AKIS, Aug. 2. Announcement by liis physicians today is (hat the con dition of John W. Gutes, the Amcri onu millionaire, is critical, nnd Midi lixlleiilh may occur tit any lime. Only constant administration of! nvvin und-lumit stimulants has lcqit Gutes alive. Gregory-Collins Wedding. A quiet and prelty wedding was hold ut the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Bciijuinin M. Collins of Hums valley, recently, where their niece, Mibs Blanche, daughter of Mr, mid Mrs. S. C. Collins of Sams valley, was united in tho holy bonds of mat rimouy to Mr. Loren Gregory. Miss Gollius is u charming and accom plished young lady, well beloved by ull her relatives and friends. Air. Gregory is a worthy young fanner who -has purchased a ranch north of Medford, whore the couple will he at, home to their friends. IIusklnH for Health. EEAR DEATH REPORT IS BUT A SUE LOS ANGELES' Cal Aug. 2. Kuspecting u ruse in connection with tho reports of the deuth, in Acnpulco Mexico; of WiLson H. Evans, wanted here on a chargo of absconding with $28,000 from tho Fanners' and Mer beauts' hank, of which he was pay ing teller, officers of tho bank arc preparing today to scud n represen tative to Acnpulco to investigate. A private message from Acnpulco it is said, was responsible for this action. This message, tho contents of which are not made public, is un derstood to havo declared that lie jxjrtH of Wilson's "deuth"' wore part of (i plot to effect his escape. Contractor Alfred Ive-y, who has1. just completed tho (Jueon Anno mid Jackson boulevard schools, was awarded thu contract for tho crea tion of the Cunil'gio library in this city. Mr. key's hid was $17,2113. Two other bids wore received' thai. of tho Medford Ntick company of f.'O.tiS-t and It. J. Stuart at $18,872. Work will ho started on thu new structure us soon as mi answer unit bo rceived from the secretary of thu Carnegiu Library association in regard to the plaus. The board, con sists of W. I. Vuwler, W. II. Canon. Ed Andrews, 1 .1. O'Giira. ,1. E Watt, .Mrs. 11. 1 Thoiss and Mrs. V Hollis. Tho new library will accommodate 20J000 volumes. The building will ho located in tho park and will be two .stories high and havo a cement base ment, Willi the first story of light compressed brick. It will ho 7'.vM feet in sire and finished in oak. Tim general reading room, tho public reading room, librarian's room, stuck room will be on tho second floor. Jn tiie basement will be the librarian's work me janitor's room, check room nnd toi let. SCHOOL HOUSES AREjlPLETE Alfred Ivoy, Contractor, Is Ahead of Time With New Structures Bulldlnns Will Be Furnished Im mediately Relievo CoiiQCstlon. ork room, heating plant, museum' 'J ion's reading room, Sunday mom ' WARDENS ACTIVE IN PROTECTING TROUT SALEM, Aug. 2. To insure fit.li 'mum getting proper returns for the money they expend in fishing licenses, Game Warden Finloy and Master Warden Clautou aro overlooking iiothing which may produce results in protecting trout. Recently thu -tatc game and fish commission pur chased a number of small nets, which deputies will uso to seine out irriga tion Hols nnd ditches in which small fish have been caught. "It is our intention to try to make satisfactory arrangements with own rs of irrigation ditches," said Mr. Kinlcy. "Wo nil know that it is highly important1 that the fanner -diould havo water on his land, but if theer are fish in n stream it makes trouble to havo nil the water taken out. When ditches and ools go dry the small fish perish, and we will do much good in this respect." FLAHERTY WILL HEAD KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS DETROIT, .Mich., Aug. 2. The politically wise today forecast tho re-election of James Flaherty of Philadelphia as head of tho Knights of Columbus. Tho convention here is buzzing with activity in support of i'nndidntes for the various offices to bo filled and tho election promises to be spirited. The order has gained a new membership during tho past year of 17,000, according to reports rendered today. WOMEN TO BE SERVED TO SERVE JURY TACOMA. WaBh., Aug. 2. For tho first tlrno In tho history of Pierce county, women aro to bo regularly icrved with summons to sorvo on superior court Juries, beginning noxt week. Sheriff Longmlro will undor tako tho task of sorvlng flirmmons by personal servico on those to bo selected for tho September Jury. County Clerk MclCcnzIo today comploted a list of those to sorvo on Juries during tho fnll term, tho list comprising over C,000 names and about a third of them being women. LETTERS SH0WN-WHICH SHOW UP CORRUPTION DECIDING WHAT TO DO WITH SHERWOOD MAGEE CHICAGO, III., Aug. 2. Presi dent Thomas J. Lynch, Oarry Herr mann, Barney Droylfus and Charles Murphy aro hero today docldlug tho fato of Sherwood Magco tho Phila delphia National outfielder, whoso recent fight with Umpire Flnnorman brought him a season's suspension. Mageo, President Horaco Fogel of tho Philadelphia Club, Manager HrcHiiahun of St. Louis and Umpires Rlglor and Flnnoran aro hero as wit nesses. It Ib understood Mageo has admit ted that his attack ou Flnnorman was not Justified, and that ho has asked for niorey, WASHINGTON, . C, Aug. 2. Evidenco tending to show tho rotten condition of Illinois politics was of fered In tho Lorlmcr hearing today, when Htato Roprcscntatlvo. Charles A. Whlto resumed his testimony and exhibited letters exchanged between hlmsolf and Lcq O'Nell llrowno, anln orlty Icador In tho Illinois legisla ture" White, In previous statninuutn, assorted that llrowno had bribed him to voto for Lorlmor. Ahead of tic specified limn Con tractor Alfred Ivoy will oonipMo the Jackson boulevard mid Queen Anno schools bo foru tho end of this week. Tho contract called for their com pletion by August In. The keys to the two now buildings will bo turned over to the school board in ull probability before Sat urday. Then the work of furnishing them will bo uudertnken, and they will bu ready for occupancy before tho next school year opens. Tho two buildings will greatly re lievo tho congestion in the schools of tho city experienced last year. Mr. Ivoy is given general praise by tho school board for the manner in which he handled thu contract completing the work ahead of time ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL EXAMINED NEW VOltK, Aug. 2. Assistant Postmaster General tSowart was cross-examined here today ut thu federal investigation into postage rates, which is in progress here. Her bert ICuoble, counsel for tho inngu r.iiio publishers' questioned Stewart at length but elicited little more rem him than that he was in sym pathy with tho nositiou of Postmas ter General Hitchcock that tho mm; r.ziues should pay higher rates of postago for thuir advertising than for their news pages. FORCED TO BUY After KmiiiIiiImk the 1'lnest Lino of I light (Initio Plain Kier As sembled In .Medfnrtl. Two customers who purchased pianos nt Ellers .Music Hotnto last week mndo tho following remarks: "Wo woro simply forced to take ad vantage of this opportunity to place n. piano In our homo. Wo did not figure ou buying for another year yet but tho great saving In price and tho easy terms of payment coupled with tho high quality of thn Instru ments aro an Inducement that no purson can atford to pass by." Another customer who purchasud an Ellers piano and paid cash, only enmo In to see, but before going out found tho temptation too strong to resist, and whllo this sale lasts, which is only a few days longer, many more homos will bo niado musi cal and happy by ono of the many bargains that aro now offered. Then thero Is added for a few days for tho piirposo of finding out If tho poo plo aro reading our advertising a special coupon nnd a premium of two dollnm tor ono an advertised In another part of this paper, and this coupon with special premium, hi a further cut In our already slaughter ed prices. Only one coupon will bo cccoptod however, but any respon sible person can havo a now piano delivered to their homo by present Ing tho coupon as a first payment and cau arrango tho lialanro ou terms of JC, $7 or $8 per month. Not even Ellers Music, Umii" has over offered hik.1i big values at such Httlo prices before. Don't forgot that wo aro located at 37 North Fir street. Ellers Music House open ovcnlng8. NOTICE. To our frlondB and tho public gen erally: Wo havo our machinery mov ed to our now shop on Jackson street oast of Dear creek and wllUbo ready for business by Tuesday, August 1st. Wo tako this occasion to extend our thanks, for past patronage and hope bygooil work, and prompt dollvory to morlt a coiitlniianco of same. Como and sco ub, everybody. With tho now machinery to ho Installed wo will havo a shop co.ua Ito any south of Portland. MKDFOUO IJUILDERH SUPPLY CO. Patrolman Shot. PASADENA, Cnl., Aug. 2. Pa irolman Clarence E. Pock wart prob ably fatally shot Jnlay by (ho (Un charge of n pistol dropped from the holster of Pntrolman L. W. Colby Colby was wounded in tho leg. Thmrm Im Only Onm "Bromo Quinine"0 That la Laxative Bromo Quinine wen rue, world over to cure a polo im one day. Always remember tho full name. Look for thb signature on overy box, 26a. 6A rrxrv Crater Lake Stage Line Official Crater Ixiko Btago Autos leavo Hotel NM nt 8 n. in. Tues days anil Fridays, iirrlvn Crater 1nko same. o citing. Returning, leavo (Voter Lnko Monday ami Thursday. Connec tions with Hteanier Klamath for Kliiiuntji Falls. Hound Trip 9'J!rt.t)(, ono way 9tn.t)0. Medford to Klamath Falls via Crater IjiUo (ono way) JplH.flO Reservations and tickets at Hotel Nash or Crater IjiVo Onrngo. Miss Catherine Mears Teacher of IManoforto For thu past ten yearn teacher.' In the suburbs of llontoii. A pupil of Mrs. Frances A. M. lllrd und Mr. Arthur Footo of Ponton, MaHuachusutts. Resi dence 500 South King Htreot, Medford, Oregon. Newport YAQXHWA BAY OKxaoirs roru&AB buack H11BORT An Mml retrent for outdoor wttlmr of ull kliuln. llt'NTINO, riHIIINO, 1IOATINO, Hl'ltl-' llATIMNtl. HID 1NO. AUTOtNO. C'ANOi:iNO. DANU NO AND UOl.t.r.lt HKAT1NO. W'ltcro pretty wntvr iikuIom, iiioh utivtcn. inoou-ntonr.i, carnellnim run x found on tlin bench. Pure mountain witior ninl lliw bout of foot! at low prlcon. PreNli flxli, clnmis crnlm nml nyntcrc Willi nlmmlnncu of vruotnlilm of nil klmlfi dally. Camping droandi Convenient and At tractive with Strict Sanitary RfjruUtlom. LOW BOUND TKir SEABOK TICKETS Trom All Point In Oregon, Wash ington nnd Idaho, on sale dally. 3-DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY TICKETS from Fotitlirrn Pacific tiolntu rorllmul to Cottnur (Irovr: iilmi from nit (X A li. Btatloim Allmny nml Ml. Good Kitlinr Hiituriliiy or Humloy nml for return Humluy ur,Momty. Crtll on nny H P. or C 11 Annul for full partlcruln rrt ns In fnri'n, trnln uriteittitrit, ota: nUo for ropy of our lllunirnti'il Ixx'til'ii. "OiiIImkn In Ore gon," or wrlto to WM. McMURKAY Oeneral Faaienger Agent, Portland, Oregon. plenty of good acting---wonderful 2 electrical effects combined with special seonory-iiinkes It ono of tho most Interesting, as well as I Z lit. .'Ill ,ll.f tlM.tll, MfftU IIVriK uttii,..,! 7 , IIWM'I ,MJ W .11.(1,. I., J?I f1ll.f,VI., I .Medford' Fimirltcs ANNA VUltNON ,t CO. In their clover Httlo comedy drama entitled i "A RURAL COURTSHIP" I Mcdford'.t lovers of good comedy i acting wilt bo pleaned to unto tho I Bpoclnl engagement for four nlghta of tho well known performeru both aro capital performers nnd aro sure to bo big drawing cards for tho next four nluhtH. This l ! 1 1 ono of iho very hum double hills t j win mm nun unit im miiim nun', j VgmkgP T O N I (1 II T ( -OOOI) ONES -I TIIE HTAIt NPANtJl.E- MANNER Patrlotla Orniua. nt.. ifi.iin t,t I,, ..,,. IU,UI 11,11 l.lkll' rutww.ii y (lood Comedy. X X THE NLKUTII THU MI'HKirrKCUH A War Story. p it i c i: i v i: .v t s rtr Draperies Vfo carry n vrr cornplflte ltn of drapnrloR, tarn curtain, fixture", eta. nml in all clni nt unliolnlrrlng, A aprclnl mnti to look: nftir thin work exclualvoly and will give na good nrvlca na In poaalblo to get In oven tho largest elites. Weeks & McGowan Co Rock Spring Goal OV KAJTD AX.X, THB TUCB. Offlro, und Coal Ynrd, Twelfth and Front Ktnrls. Phono 7101. Burbidge TBS COAXi sCAB. AOENTH FOR BUIGKS AND LOCOMOBILES GRATER LAKE GARAGE O A H O h I S K O 1 1. AND SUPPLIES Pure Clear Sparkling You ean't afford to io without thiB aplondid, refreshing, drink. Cull up and order a case sent to the house, The purest, Bout healthful drink known is SISKIYOU WATER P. C. BIGIIAM, Aient. Where to Go Tonight t4-m.4Hh THE ISIS THEATRE lllg oUuhlo lllll lldny Muck .V NtheftelN MnHo prcHontliiK their delightful Httlo sketch entitled THE 1II.INI1 IIFOdAU'H DHICAM' ; Presenting for thu flrnt tlmo uu Jtlio Pacific coast their wonderful mm imurciuiun nine MKlien oi nil- mail nature ono of tliono acts that grip tho heart and teaches a good moral lesson Introducing I SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE Koiith Itheraldo New and l'Mi-lti Mmlcru In every particular, gn rook lug, etc. Women nml girls tuiiHi bring rrfcrvtircrt. WM. K.MITII. - PLUMBING HTEAM AND HOT WATKU 1IEATINO All Work Guaranteed Prices KoaHonablo 'M Howard lllock, Entrance on Otli Htrcvt. Coffeen & Price Pacific aoat Homo i!il) AFTER ALL IT NARROWS DOWN TO i l The Merrivold Shop FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES 181 W. Main St., Mcdlor. Books and Magazines to take on your outing 500 Titles in Popu lar Reprint to Select From Medford Book Store tj WW. fHl ftr ,V , f