armnFoitn math tiwutnw, Mrarwom), okwiox, wkdnksdav, aitm'st 2, ini 1. PAGE WIREE 1 ROGUE HEN IS E LIKE WOMEN 80 Opines John Hall McKay WliU'Oo llnontcs His Views nt Sumo Lcit(ii She "Should Havo a Vole Her Doscrvlnn Nature Disclosed. Following llui ichii'Im from ICuiiHiih Hint Iicmn ill' t lut t Mutu hIiow iulelli oihm, Joliti Hull McKay of New Vjirli, wIki i "In our iiiMhI" fur u I'mv wciiliM, iir iimiillm iiiitylni r Iiiih lnki'ii up llio Hi inly of Dm nolili UKiui viilhy hi'ii, anil Iiiih o.xhihiteil it rati) IuiowIi'iIkii of tint lilnl. Al an iiiiirniiiitii hohhIoii at lint Univntiitj i'IiiI) liiht nilit Mr. Mi'Kay kuvm Hditit of tin iiKiro iutiticHtiiiK ichiiIIh al ii'iuly ulilaiiii'il ilnriiiL' I tin roHriu ihi "Tliw linn'" until Mr. McKay, ' lint (ilaHMiticd ati a bird, hut art out of Din fowl family, hm all nrnilliolti kIIm know. Of tui cHii'('iiilly tin menUu nature ami nut liuvlni: any of tlid mljjriilory nr wanilcriiiK iuHtinrt of tli IiikIh, Iiiiiih uliow u I'L'tiiarUalilc ilrgrt'o of parallel in coiulinit to lai man Iumiikh, Thu lu'ii Iiiih hIkhi iIIh llkrri ami will peck on other Iiciih lliul would iicrforco lut frienilly. The) carry tlielr KiiidptK ho tar that it thtty enter a iient to lay anil thu ikjs of a hateil hen in in it they will Hiiratch It out. I have hcwi a hen ol Hiicli viudietivi nature that hIio would rally other heuw to aid her in puivc ciitiuK thu one that Iiiih mtide hei writ thy. Such a primp of hen will pick on thu iiufortniiate until life he (omen extremely wcariHonm. "Hi.'IIh, liko women, are ulno hate ful of their neighbor' children, and if a chick wander into the wrong flock the mother will peck it to death On the other Imiid a hen will rink any danger to protect her own chicks. I oliMcrvvd a hen Hpread her wiugn ovei her hruoil tluriiij; thu lat thunder and rain tttorm and remain there to drown, if necenhary, lint with every chick under her hhultcrtiij; feathern. "TIiIm himii' lien killed a big black hiiake only two week ago when the Miukn wan after one of her lialiirx." "She ought to have a vote, by all meaiiH," Mtiil a fiieud. "LcI'h have u bottle of beer," nug gctilcit another friend, who had not been following the lecture. "Hy all moan," milil friend No. !l Thu volo wax uuauimoiiH in favor of vol cm for Hacrificing iiioIIiitm and beer for thu bunch. "Yen," renamed McKay placing hih lemouado besido hi chair, "the hen hlmwH niOHt of tin; charactcrihtic traitH of woman. She in a natural horn goHMp. She will get off in a corner with n hen crony and gurgle and Mpicak and hipiuwk in a manner which IcavcH no doubt of the fact that mIic in telling hloriiw about tin1 vooNter who cHcupod hi coop the night before and did not wlinw up un til daybreak. If a rooster gocri to lied two iuchcrt out of hit iihiiiiI roost ing place ibis goHsip begin at day break. Hi favorite hen hecomeh clamoroiiH, and her friend chortle and cluck and Hipieak and Hipiawk iiulil that roohtcr is iihIiiiiihmI to crow in public. Ho will get under a hadc box and crow in the feeble!, most muffled pitch." "Women oughtn't to havo votes, anyhow," interjected the liiht friend "The. old wtory of the rooster chuckling over a new found worm, calling the hen over to get it, ani then eating it himself is a fiction'" Mr. MeJCuy resumed. "The rooster always gives (lie worm to the lieu. It is a sort of courtship gift. It is like sending a box of candy to a girl. The man watches the girl gulp up the can dy and then claims her as his own Heally, this is all true. The aveiago rooster ha a designing Sense, hut the hen, if she is bunked on the gift proposition, will not fall for it more than once." "A r there any suffrngent among fowl or birds?" asked thu second friend. "Wlwit are limy?" Mr. McKay in ipiircd. ".Main birds that do llio chores about the house, thu cooking and alt that." "Oh, yes," replied Mr. McKay. "The male robin is a HiilTriigcnt. Mrs Itobiii make him help out In the hatching very frequently, and instead of sporting around on the lawns the old man has to cover the eggs anil keep litem warm while Mr, Robin ul- tuudH mooting." Whereupon another vide was taken one llio Hiil't'nigist (picstion and the women lost again. STRONG EVIDENCE IS ' FOUND AGAINST BEATTIE Nil HO L RULES OF ROAD Now Traffic Ordinandi Atlojilctl liy City Will No Effect Speed Limit Much Routine Business Trans acted at Mcetlnjj. A large amount of routine, matter Were iliHciissed and disposed of h.V the city council at a meeting held Tuesday evening, chief among which wa the adoption of a new aiilomo bile (iidiiiiincc. This ordinance doim not effect the speed tegiilatiou ii llio city but provides for the enfore lug of rales of the road, The chief provisions arc that wagons, buggies bicycle and all other vehicles must keep on the light side of thu stiect In tinning a comer the vehicle must keep as near the middle of the street a possible. Vehicles punning an other vehicle front the far must pass on the Icll. Vehicle stopped on a street must stand on the right side of the stieel. Turns must he mink at street intersections. A large number of bills were al lowed' totaling nearly .i.ri,00l. . A plot of Siskiyou heights was ac cepted. Kanu' brothers were granted a Ii cense to sell liiptor. .1. M. Stamm was granted permis siou to erect a htick building on Wet Minn. A petition asking a s'nnit to n tunuci tnc nuruciicrg nniMing win referred to the building commit tec. An ordinance was passed author i.inif the purchase of property oa West J street to open the street lo Whitman. A building permit was granted in order that the store building just va rated by the Medford Furniture and Hardware company may lie remod cieii. it will lie mailo over into a amusement house. ' A GOOD SHAMPOO 1 IN COLD WEATHER ( From French Mount y Monthly.) "The true secret of keeping the hair fine, roft ami silky is the use of a dry shampoo powder. It is better than uulnng the head with soap and w'aN'r and applying hair tonics. Too much moisture ruins the hair -makes it dull, faded and brittle. "Mix together four ounces of the rox and four ounce of orris root and you will have a perfect tonic xlium jmio powder. Whenever the hair is dusty, or when you waul to dress the hair for a special occasion, sprinkle a little nt this mixture on the head and brush it thoroughly through the hair. "This will bring out all dirt, oil and dandruff' cool and refresh the sculp and leave the hair clean, fluffy and lustrous. Thero.x keeps the hair I nun thinning and graying, preserves it natural color and encourages it growth." f THEROX FOR SALE HASKINS' DRUG STORE Noted Painter Dead. LONDON. Aug. -'. Kdwiu Austin Abbey, . A., Ameiicaii painter com- niissfnnod by King Kdwurd VII. to paint his coronation, died here Abbey was Hut foremost American in artistic circles abroad. Ho was horn in Philadelphia, April 1, ISu'J hut for many years had lived in laug' maintaining Morgan Hall, in (ilouoestcrshiri, a a country w-i-deuce, and a town house in London He had been ill for some weeks. Ilnaklna for Hoaltn. CARDU! WORKED LIKE Jl CHARM After Operation Failed to Help, laraui wonted likc a inarm. RICHMOND, Va., AUK- 2,- Tho HtrouKost evidence couiiootliiK Ilonry 0, Honttto, Junior, with tho murder of his wife, wiih nbtaliiott today when two women, iiwhlnittH of tho Hnrnupili or Norfolk, told Dutoctlvo Hhoror that theyf whllo Hoeroted, had overheard Jloattlo promise lloulali lllurord that' ho would got ltd of his wlfu, Joncflvlllo, B. C "I Buffered with womnnly troublo," wrltoa Mrs. J. 8. Komi rick, In a lottor from this place, "nnd at times, I could not hoar to Htnntl on my foot. Tho doctor until I would novor lio nny hotter, nnd Hint I would lmvo to havo nn operation, or I .would havo n cancor, I wont to tho ltospltnl, nnd thry oper ated on mo, but I Rot no bottor. Thoy until inodleltieH would do mo no good, mid I thought I would lmvo to dlo. At Inst I tried Cnrdul, nnd hegnn to Improve, no I continued using It. Now, I nm well, nnd enn do my own work. 1 don't feol nny jmlus. Cnrdul worked llko n charm." Thoro must bo merit In this purely vegotnblo, tonlo remedy, for womon Cnrdul for It hns boon In successful ubo for mora than HO yenra, for tho trontmont of womnnly wcnknoBS nnd dlsenso. Plenso try It, for your troubles. N. II.- Write ll I.JIm' AJvUory Dpl. Outu htiogi AWJIdno Co.. ChotlanooiM, Trim., for tiiwmit NJ'nimufit, nJ64.aie I'tmk, "llomt frr'UnuM ur Wvtnca," itnt In pUIn w upper, pq nquttt. TREATIES TO BE SENT SENATE President Announces That Arbitra tion Agreement With Britain and France Will Be Sent to Senate Durliin This Session. WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 2. President Tuft let it be known today that he expects to send the aibitra lion treaty between Oicat liritaiu and United Ktalys mid probably (he treaty with France to the senate be fore the close of Ilia extraordinary session. The treaties will he signed in the historic cast room of the White House tomorrow afternoon. .Secretary Knox will sign for the United Stat.'s nnd AiiilniKNiulnr Hryec for (Ireat liritaiu. The French treaty, bearing Knox's signature, will be sent to France for signature by special mcHsuigor. Hnnklnn for Health. ELLIS WANTS A JOB IN SENATE Will Be a Candidate to Succeed Bourne In United States Senate His Action Taken In Order to Em barrass Jiutfjc Lowell of Pendleton. mmmmmmAAAiAmAfoAtomAmAAmm0 . .- 1 he Best is None 1 oo Good and you want nothing but the best when you have dental work done. If you want the BEST at a reasonable price let me do it for you. Call on me for free examination and estimate. You get only the best here. All Work Guaranteed. 1'OHTLANI),' Or.' Aug. l.Ex (,'ougrestmitu W. It. Kills of I'endle ton, who wan beaten for re-election by A. W. Lafferty at the hist gen eral election, will he f candidate lor the republican re-uomiiiatioti to the United Slates honalorshtp to succeed Senator JJounib it was learned to day. .Judge Stephen Lowell also of Pen dleton has been in the lield for the nomination for a year. IowcII'k friends must that Kills' entrance into tho raee is calculated more to embarrass Lowell than it is encouraged by pio-pect of suc cess. Hrmklnn for Health Consult Our Marinello Operator Kind out Just what you need la thu way of treatment and prepara tions. Consultation Ih free - ami It will stive you much care and respon sibility If you put yourself In the hands of our .Marinello expert. Your iintlsfnctlon will ho way beyond what It coHts you In dollars and cents. Ol'U MAItlNIXl.O I'llKIWHATIOXS are pure eoKinetlofl, made from tho best materials that money can buy. They are compounded by skilled chemlntB Into delicately odorous crcatim and ointments which never fall of giving desired results. Ol'U .MAItl.VKM.O OPKIIATOItS aro not mlrnclo workers. They are simple, natural methods for work ing wltb Nature to produce beautiful, natural results. Ollt .MAItlNKlM) THKAT.MK.VTS are taught the scientific physiological reasons Tor thd 'treatments they give. They work Intelligently, ho cannot all to help. A treatment giv en by a Marinello Operator In our well-equipped shop Is at onco rest, recreation, relaxation and Infinite benefit, both locally and to tho whole nervous itystctn. Marinello Is llio only Jleiitjr('ulttin! System using the celebrated I'rlMtmtlc. ltny. This In connection with .Marinello I'ryparntlons lias aceompllstictt ivully wonderful result vtith sUililstru rases of skin and scalp trouble. Our Marlnullo Ccrtlflcnto of Merit l your. Eimratjtco of aatlafac- tory work dottu under satisfactory conditions., Consultation Free The best advice of experienced Marinello graduates Is at your serv ice free of charge. Kaclnl and Scalp Treatments, "'Manicuring, llnlr Dicnslug ami Chiropody according to tho famous Marinello System only. COItA H. I'TI.KV, ItOOM .1, OVKIt KKNTNEK'S. Fkloup I , . - - t;, irA (J. ,. fjvw-w... da Waitsb urg Pure White Flour is the flour you have been look ing for it solves the problem. So confident are we of its merits taht we will sell it on an absolute guarantee. If you are not satisfied there is NO COST TO YOU. Could we do more? You will buy Waitsburg Pure White Flour sooner or later WHY NOT NOW? LADY ATTENDANT 22-KARAT GOLD CROWNS ..$5.00 PORCELAIN CROWNS .. $5.00 ERIDGE WORK (per tooth) .. $5.00 GOLD FILLINGS ....$1.50 AND UP SILVER FILLINGS $1.00 AND UP FULL SET OF TEETH, on rubber plato $7.50 BEST SET OF TEETH, on rubber plate $10.00 PAINLESS EXTRACTION. All other work in proportion. .REMEMBER THE MATERIAL AND. WORKMANSHIP ARE GUAR- Arrrji to be the very best. DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-208 Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank Building, Corner West Main and and Grape Streets, Medford, Oregon. Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Phone Main 653. I0I0I0I I 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $ .$$$$$$.$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $' v BANKING SERVICE r! 7 J &, Or 0 0- V tf 33- 75- M 71x9 h5vvvvvV'vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvs?vvPv The Medford National Bank assures you of the best service. Its officers aiiih in every way to protect the interests of its patrons, making use of every means of precaution. The directors and officers are all well known business men; men of integrity and known for the careful and conservative handling of jury and all business intrusted to them. T(s up-to-date S3'stem of accuracy, promptness and the same careful atten tion to large or small depositors, makes it a bank for all the people. IF YOU ARE NOT A CUSTOMER OF THIS BANK LET THIS BE AN INVITATION TO BECOME ONE THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK W. IT. GORE, President. J. A. PERRY, Vice President. F. E. MERRICK, Vice President. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asst. Cashier fh I. fJi fi o i eo eft eft (J VI' Vi 7K R1 FISHING CONTEST 1911 The first steelhead for the season has been weighed in, scaling 11 lbs. 9 ozs; was caught on a "Backus Fly." We have them. Medford Hardware Comp'ny :q 218 EAST MAIN ST. q: m IRRIGATION Nature Supplies the Land and Sunshine We Furnish the Water Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. OTJMMINGS, Manager ALLEN GROCERY CO. 51 (I - I O S . O N X T It A T A V K . Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building I Irrigated Orchard Tivcts Land for $150 Per Acre With Perpet ual Water on Easy Terms Can You Do Better? ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. CCTMMINGS, Manager r