i A 4,,, jj ,!,, iiKJtWr-v ,- ' & a mm v s i .--. .-.k-. .,' . S , , , V- f H.-..,,", w V PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATL TRT1VTTNK MW1YKORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, ATKIVRT 2. 1011. US' ' .. ffr j y LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. nmt Mrs. t'ndonnn left Tues day for ft vlidt with Antarln frlcmK Mr. nnd Mr. .1. M. Lawrence re turned Tuemlny from n weeks visit In Urn AtiKOlcA. Thoy will remnln In Medford for n couplu of weeks ho foro returning to their liomo nt Demi, Oregon. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Adams left Tuesday evening for Grants Pass whoro thoy will reside for a couple of months. Boo R. A. noImcB, The Insurance Wan, over Jackson County bank. Mrs. Anna Welch, who 1ms been In Medford for a couple of monthB !slt to hor slstor. Mrs. T. J. Williams, loft Tuesday for hor home In Leeds, South Dakota. Mls,s Ireno Plotnor, a niece of Mrs, li. 12. Knyart, left Tuesday evening for tho Uinnqun Valley whoro sho will Join a party of callego friends, nnd from which place they will ko over tho Umpu.ua trail to Orator lake. Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carkln, Qloun O. Taylor), attornoys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Bldg. Mod"ford. a II. Anderson nnd his clster In law, Mrs. Vance, who have been flpondlnjj several days out at their Sterling Mine property, returned to their homes at San Francisco Tues day evening. Mrs. Chessman left Tuesday even ing for Newport. Drlck Ico cream, all kinds and colors. RardonsUakery; phono 31. Prompt delivery. " Karl Miller, who has been spend ing tho summer In Mcdford, left Tuesday for his home at Interford, New York. He will attend Cornell University the coming school year. II. P. Mcintosh and Chas. P. Al bert and families returned Tuesday evening from a month's stay at Cin nabar Springs. Rardons Bakery now delivers Ices and Ice cream to any part of tho city. Mrs. R. L. McBride is visiting Central Point friends today. Joo II. Wilsou, Miss Ruth Wilson and Miss Carrie Johnson are en- Joying a day's fishing at Gold Ray. Ed Jannoy left Tuesday evening for Crescent City. Cali II. C. Brown, 425 Holly for plumbing and heating. Phone 2121. 115 Mr. and Mrs. T. Voge are In at tendance today at the Free Methodist camp meeting at Central Point. Orris Crawford and family left this morning for Gold Hill where thoy will visit a couple of days after which they will go to Colestln for a several days stay. A matured mutual life endowment policy Is the abundant harvest of the wise man. Seo J. F. Hutchason. Mrs. I. W. Thomas and her moth er, Mrs. Kendall, are visiting Ash land friends today. I. J. Hansen of Central Point, Is doing business In Medford today. Waists to embroider at Handicraft Shop, Kentners. 115 Earl Price of tho firm of Cofeen & Price is in Gold Hill today on business. Mrs. X. Hansen, who has been In Medford for the past three weeks paying a visit to her son Paul Han Ben, and family, returned yesterday to her home at Salem. Telephone 371, RardonB Bakery for cake, Ices and ico cream; prompt delivery. " Edward Ferrnesey, of South- Pasa dena, California Is In Medford, tho guest of Dr. "F. C. Pago and family. This Is Mr. Ferrnesoy'B second visit In the valley and It Is not Improbable that ho will Invest In an orchard tract beforo leaving. S. S. Pcnlz has gone to Butto Falls on professional business. Ho will return In a short time and can be found at his law office Howard block, Medford, Oregon. All disease, comes from germs. Kill the gerniB and you kill disease. Conkey'a Nox-1-cldo mixes with wa ter and kills the germs. For poultry- men, stockmen and housekeepers. Guaranteed by Warner-Wortman & Goro. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS I)y Phono 2271 Night Phone F. W. Week 8071. A. K. Orr, MM. LADY ASSISTANT. fe JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Embalmer I ' i :: : :: Successor to tho undertaking do-; ! ! pnrtmont of Medford Furnlturo Co. ; ! Office with Medford Furniture Co. ; Telephones: Day, Bell 851; . John A. Porl, residence, Boll 4111, ; Home 179U C. W. Conkllu 8601. J. H. Bat- ler 3671. AMUULANCH SKRVIOM Mrs. M. Helllnger and hor dniiKh tor, Mrs. A. Slover left this morning for Colestln. Mall Carrier Percy Woods Is en poylng a throe weeks vacation nt Col estln. Underwear to embroider nt the Handicraft Shop, Kentners. 115 Louis Hollo, of Mt. Hebrnn, Cali fornia, returned to his homo Wednes day after a visit of several days with Medford friends. Mr. llolle was for merly a j cldcnt of Jackson county. Plain sewing at 313 Jorth Ivj street. Phono 5091. Mrs. F. P. Harnes nnd daughter, Miss Goldle, and son Wllllairi, of Eagle Point, passed through Medford today en route to Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Foster nro In Ashland today visiting relatives. To hatch the chicks Is Important, but to bring them safely past tho first few weeks Is a problem. When there Is bowel troublo and Indegestlon In your flock, a llttlo ConVoy's Cholera Remedy in tho drinking wator, will bring quick nnd positive relief. Warner-Wortman & Gore. Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Bacon, of Alameda, California, left today for their home after a few days spent in looking over Medford and tho val ley. Mr. Bacon Is In the employ of the Southern Pacific at San Fran cisco, He likes tho Rogue River Val ley and may Invest In orchard land here. Are now buying peaches, prunes and pears. If you want to sell for cash at the highest market prico, sec us. Producers Fruit Co. 137 Mrs. A. M. Van Meter and daugh ter, Sarah, who havo been spending the summer with Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoc and family, left today for their home in champaign, Illinois. C. O. Powers has material on the ground for a new bungalow on West Catherine street. Baby chicks should not be pester ed to death with the head lice nuis ance. It means heavy loss to you If you don't get rid of the pest. Con- key's Head Lice Ointment at War ner-Wortman & Gore will savo you dollars. It's so easy to use. Ask for Conkey's Poultry Book, no charge. M. E. Morgan and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonney and Miss Llllle Wood are having a good time up at Dead Indian Soda Springs. The ladles of the W. T. C. U. will hold their county convention Satur day 10 a. m. instead of Saturday 2 p. m. 113 Dr. and Mrs. Ewing and Dr. and Mrs. Reed of Lincoln, Nebraska, ar rived in Medford this morning for a visit with Dr. Walter Stokes and fam ily. Miss Bertha McPherson came down from Colestln Tuesday for a day's stay In tho city. Her father, J. Mc Pherson, has been quite seriously 111 while at the springs, but Is now much Improved. Frank Amy and T. E. Pottenger and their families aro back from a weeks outing at Crater Lako and Un ion Creek. They will leave again Friday or Saturday for Crescent City or Dead Indian. T. E. Redden, accountant in the Jackson county bank, is spending his vacation at Pelican bay and Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Howe, of South Omaha, Nebraska, are In Medford for a few days. They aro hunting for a placo In which to live where the bllz bards and cyclones are not of so frequent occuranco as In their mid dle western homem. Tho Rogue River Valley Railroad Company has a force of workmen en gaged in louring Its track on Eighth street, between Oakdalo avenue and Fir street, to street level. In soma places more than a foot of excavation was required. Tho Pantorlum Cleaning and Dyo Works is Improving tho efficiency of Its plant by the Installation of an electric motor and gasollno distill at the works, on Tenth street, and a new Hoffman press at Its business offices on North Fir street. Three boys, their ages ranging PERRY FREED BYttYlOl Complaint Filed Against Man for Threatening pacific & Eastern Is Quashed On Demurrer Filed by Judge W. M. Colvlg. Thu cane of C. P. Perry, who was arrested at Hutte Falls Saturday, for an allogvd threat to Injure the engines of tho Pacific & Eastern railroad company, rami' up for hearing before Judge Glenn O. Taylor nt 10 o'clock today and was continued until one o'clock, nt which time It was again called. W. M. Colvlg appeared as attorney for the defendant. Perry, and argued at length upon the faulty wording of the complaint and offered a de murrer to proceeding with n trial of the case. Tho demurrer was sustain ed by the court and the case was dis missed. Attorney Cherry, assistant prosecu ting attorney, asked permission of the court to prepare a now ami mode fled complaint, which request was re fused after the court had heard the evidence upon which the complaint would he based. Attorney Colvlg announced to the court that his client. Perry, would prepare and file a complaint alleg ing assault upon hlra by F. F. Holtx. The complaint had not neon filed at two o'clock. Boltz Is the man who swore to the complaint against Perry. A WEALTH OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR Nothing equals an attreolo of beau tiful hair ns a frame for a pretty face. Without a background of nice hair a really pretty face frequently becomes plain and, with It, unattrac tive features assumo life and beauty. Every woman can Increase her nat ural charm by using Newbro's Her plclde. Herplclde annkos hair beau tiful.. The dandruff germ says tho J vitality of the h air. Herplclde kills' this germ and prevents the hair froml falling out, giving it a snap and lus-l ter, a soft, silky flufflness which can bo acquired in no other way. Your druggist will sell you a one-. dollar size bottle under an absolute guarantee. Send 10c In postage for samplo and booklet to Tho Herplclde Co., Dept.R., Detroit, Mich. Applications may be obtained at the best barber shops and hair dress ing parlors. .MKDPOUD PHARMACY Special Agents, Near Post Office; Night or Day. from 8to 12 years, havo been appre hended by William H. Boos. In charge of tho Natatorium tank for rifling pocketB while the owners of tho cloth-' ea were In swimming. No action has as yet been taken by tho authorities. Mrs. Harris, of Grants Pass, is In Medford today visiting friends. - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ..-- FOR- SALE Horse nnd surreyf horso 8 years old; weight 1300; must be sold Saturday on Main street at 2 p. m. 115 FOR SALE Good gentle family horso and good 2 seated hack. Isaac A. Armstrong, near city reservoir. 130 FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished, gas, hath, hot and cold water, sink; summer rates. 23-1 East Ninth. 118 WANTED Woman for day work to 'do laundry" for family of two. C22 West Fourth. 115 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, close In, at ?2 and $3 per week. 140 North D street. Ill FOREST FIRE BREAKS AWAY Stiff Breeze Carries Flames Beyond Control of Flro Fighters Appeal Sent to City for Large Force of Men to Help In Battle. WAR MMINENT buiiii; of moimrolilnl Mjmimtlikw. HuUHOH havu lioi'ii bin noil, Hooru.s of I I0I'HIIIH llllVll boon iimiuiIImI III ninny nHHiiMxIiiittlniiM lmo tieouito SAN IlKltXAHuIKO, Cnl., Aiur. 2- r'unuod by u stilt' lireeae, the for est fire on Sun licrtiiinliun riuujo, swooping umiIo the lochia iil'lorlH ui" tho tire fnthturs croxs-od thu divide tixlnv uiwl hi'iitloil (owtiitl (he Mojuvo rior untl tliort, lwiin n multitude of hhiokeneil ittiniiw nml Miioultior injr iniiw in itn "path. Whoro it will end in problematical, although it is now boliowd that only tho water of tho river nnd the doort sund, whom there i uotliini: to hum will check it. In ivpouo to uu appeal for aid to ihw oity, n hit: foroo of men i. en route to help head off thu tliuuci. uml nocorilin to telephone lucsmji",, those already on tho ground have succeeded put tliilly in doinjj IhN. lie poit.s from all sections of tho fire rone are les onoourajring today Hum I hoy havo been on any day uuoo tho lite started. The eastern fire so far lux boon eiiifiuoil to Lilllo Hoar alloy nml it wi.s ht'lieved to ho uu tier control nntil tho wind rose tlu morning, when the firo fighters he jrm to lute ground and unless tho wind dies down, the roKirt said, tho firo will soon again bu riiuniii full blast. PORTUGAL Many People of Wealth Flee Coun tryBrutal Oulrajjcs Havo Been Perpetrated On Persons Thouulit to Be Manners Friends. XTortlnd.Orvroo - TTlMMtBt 411.1 Vt (s-kool for Olrl. lV rn.iivv. nin.nvi nw wviw ,m.... .,.. ,wi i a C41,fU.f. A.Ult tat IloiiUrj CptrUBult, Mtl). Art. tUll,. QtMMlM. rortUWJJn.Tlin SISTIIll M'ri.'lUOIl Oft.ra23.HI. IlrUtwlIaU UADAJOS, Soain. AuuK. 2. Tor- ntit'd by tho piotpocl ol oiul wur i so humy people of wealth and positions- me Mooing from Portugal smuggling thitir money out of I ho oouutry that national fiiinnoial em hurrnsiuout is Ihioaloui'd. The flights mo dun to fear of tho rnrouuriot. the neorot snoielv which ougiiitiorod the roxolutioii and is still politioally supremo lhiotigho.it Poll ugnl. Angered by .recent neliil, on tho purl of tho mouarohisls, Him member of the organiration haw perpetrated a series of brutal out rugea on huge nutnlici-M of pi'rso'm cither known to be or Mispoctcd of rof v.w. Coutwro tr Ik SISUHS Of IH H01T KAMtS Or JSUS X0 HART CA .a. U Mujuu CM.,. Mux. Ait. Ilmln ! Ccaaur cUI Urpu ttLbt WJV) JW..U. R hSaj Mont nj utrlttiu.Tuiir.YriLM.tAiM.Kra4-M.AJJrtM tttrr turfman, st. am-. w.iv.,. v.'w New Auto Comp'y THE MOTOR HOME i Auto Repairing Our Motto: "DO Minutes Work Makes t Hour" gnu Second hand cars, pumpx, etc., changed for real estate or value engines, hoiight. mild or -x- Fnrmer Abler H. Whitman l!ar nge, 211 Ivy street. Near Now Medford Hotel. Dyer & Searle Mechanical Engineer. .Z- -,V7 MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Friday, August 4 10 ROUND CONTEST 10 Battling Nelson vs. Tommy Gaifney The Greatest Event Ever Held in Southern Oregon TWO FOUR ROUND PRELIMINARIES CHICK BOWLIN vs. DICK JONES; ROY SMITH, Eaglo Point, vs. EDDIE NEAL, Donvor Preliminaries at 8:30 p, m.--Main Evont at 9:30 p. m. SEATS ON SALE - Haskiiis, Modford Cigar Storo, Nash Hotol, Ireland & Antlo. i You can't mako a better Investment for your wife and fam ily than to Install a gas ranco In your homo with tho var ious accessories that help to mako housework easy. Lot us show you what It means to havo gas In tho house for fuel and lighting. Wo aro always glatlto mako demonstrations. Oregon Gas 6 Electric Co. MKDFOUI), OltRflU.V. As an Inducement for you to try a GAS HANOI-' wo will rebato 10.00 on regular prlco of any stovo you select until the first of August, Leave your order now. NOTH: raugca Installed without furthor cost to you on easy terms. I FANS ' They nro liiallliful F , F They nro military They ar comfortablo A Thoy cont onclialf rout nil hour (o nut N N - Thoy nro Junt the thing to jL keep )our customer In komI liuinor - Then why not buy one? Call at the Electric Building 209 West Main and Examine the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. , 0-- 'I 'l ' 'I '. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on band at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. err 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. tri A Bank's r Age THE For Nearly a Quarter of a Century JACKSON COUNTY BANK MEDFORD, OREGON has served the people of Medford and vicinity. At all timen there is ennsiderod first the interests of its depositors. This safe and sane policy has HELPED us to succeed. Your business solicited because wo can accord you the largest possible accommodations ron3i3tent with sound banking. Capital $100,000. Surplus $65,000 4t-Ht4i tfri For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining (jity of Hertford, on long time, easy pay ments. 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; cement sidewalks and paving inj also sowers, water and light. Long time, easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, ,'J50 acres alfalfa land, 80 acres fruit land, perpetual wator right with water for irrigating 1000 acres; long time, easy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 200 neves alfalfa land, ' balance fruit land, 1 mile from railroad, on long time easy terms. , 5000 ACRES LAND in traets of from 40 acres upwards; price $25.00 per fie.ro and upwards; suitable for alfalfa, fruit stock and general farming purposes; long' time, easy payments. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just within and adjoining oity limits, at a bargain, on 5 annual xmymonts. ' Gold Ray Realty Co. 218 W13ST MAIN STUKEC. L r4li..jiit.U..-..Ajfcj'-:J 'j'ii rli, Mriik ! r Ji j t, i t - v MiiMiMrti t K ' SitJ i