Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 02, 1911, Image 1

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    aronan HUtarital !
City Halt tfTfWHiH
rnllliur to (fl payor will lmv
on rtllvorrt by vlionliif of
flow by 0 j. m.
Medford Mail Tribune
Fair Max l)2.n, Hot lluml.
tllty 10 Mt cent. Mlu BO.
Dully Hlxlli Year.
FortyO'lrnl Ynr
MKniTORD, OlllfflOy, AVKIJNlffl DAY, AUGUST 2, 1011.
No. 113.
Roads nml Bond Issues Are Only
Topic of Discussion Around Cor
ridors and Yards of County Court
house Will Act Today.
County Court Is Urjjctl to Call Spe
cial Election for Autliorlzlnu
Howl toads IkxihIith 111 In afternoon
IllVlltll'll Jiicldiotivlllii. tint count)1 IH'llt,
In great uuiuberH to urge, uiioti tint
romity court Hit railing of n sperlal
election In tin county for tho purpoHo
of uutlinrlxlug an tudelitednenH with
which to liullil (lit bent system of
highways In the ittnlo JihIkIhk from
tlio number of taxpayers who are li
attendance and tlm hooittliiK thnt Ik
being done for good roads tlm county
court will keep ItH pledge Hindu koiho
t lino ago nml cull thu election, (loot!
ronilH 11 ro tint 0110 topic of conversa
tion itbout tin; county mmt today and
tint opinion mHtiiiH to ln overwhelm
ingly liffnvor of tlm movement.
Tlm county court will hear tint good
rondK men thin afternoon and will
limn nnnoiinco what limy ant willing
to On In tint mutter, In alt probabil
ity tint election will ho ordered,
Tln taxpayers present thin after
itooii nl Jacksonville, represent nil of
Hid mictions of tlm county showing
that tho demand for better highways
Ih not confined to any particular nee
tlou of tint county, Tho booHlorn
raunt In wiigoim, autotiiobllcii and on
tlm train, bouio nrrlvcd In tin morn
ing tint tho innjorlly appeared Hhorlly
after one o'clock.
According to varloiiH attorneys no
longer doubt riminlim that tin county
court can call an election and author
lr.o an Indebtedness for thn purposo
of coiiHtruclInK ttttr highways In tho
county. If 11 bond Ibhiio 1m not legal
tlmro Ih nothing to ntop the county
from liumlng warrants nud building
roads III that inauuer.
NEW YORK, Aur. 3. (Jrant 11.
Schley left 11 nick hud today to toll
tlm Stanley house coininltteo how his
firm, Monro and Schley, was forced
lo null tin Tonnossoi) Coal and Iron
Company to the Htcol tniHt during
llm panic of 11)07.
Car Jumps; Nino Injured.
NKW YORK. Aug. 'J. Nino men
wt'io injured when 11 speeding "Owl"
ear on tlm West Adam street lino
jumped tlu truck in rounding 11 curve
early today. Omidiiclur 1 W. Fox,
who wiih thrown from tho pint form
against 11 telegraph pole, may die.
Motonnnu 0. Sawyer wiih also
bmlly hurt.'' Ho Haiti tho airbrakes
refused to work.
WASHINGTON. 1). C Aug. 3.
Tlm Intor-stato commorco coinmla
hIoii today ordorml nil oxpross com
panies to ho amoud tholr taiitfii that
I hulr ratCH to Intormodlato HtatloiiB
lmtwoou producing and consuming
polutH Hhnll bo proportionate to tho
full ratoH botwoon those points.
APPLHTON, Wis. Following tho
roport from Fond du LiuOVIh,, of n
Leghorn lion which laid 71 oggH In
71 ilayK, James llnrgor camo forth
with a claim of 13!) oggH In 13!) huo-
cohhIvo dayH "from a Plymouth Hnuk
- ' ' t l
Rogue Is Given Tremendous Boost
fa S5 3afe.ilPv' fMfcoHl
TtiU pliiure ulilrli hIiohn Itallllui; .VcImhi ami Frnnklo Kdwanlx
wllh 11 hlrlnc of Iniut caiiKtit In ltKiio Itlver In Im-Iii ptilillhlied bronil
citNt titer llm t'nllctl Stalin. Tin Hauler sent llu picture- to all of IiIh
fileiult, tlm HHiiliiK edltorji, ami Mltlmut exception they art iinIii It. In
I'oniierlliin Milt) tin picture a IkmhI fur ItoKiie Itlver an mi nuttlerM pnra
dlHe hnx Im'cii neut, ami In Ik-Iiik iih)iI.
Underwood Denounces William J.
Bryan and Is Thunderously Ap
plaudedReplies to Recent Utter
ance of Silver Tongucd Orator.
WASHINGTON, I). ('., Auk. 'J.
Dcnoiiuciiii; William ). Itryau 011 the
floor of the. lioiiho today hh a faUi
fior ,denioeratie leader Undurwood
was ureuteil with ohoor.s today that
hhoweil that the power of thu '0jin
inoner" in not what it was in n for
mer day. TliuiideriiiK npplause from
thu ilemnerntK followed tlm htalement
of Underwood, which was in reply ti
a recent ehnrno by Hryau thai the
house leader was iv proteelionint.
"I know tlm Htnlemeut in fule, Mr
Speaker," said Underwood; "Yon
know it is fulsc, nud the demoeraoy
of this eoiinlrv knows it in falH
Itryau insinuates that 1 attempted
to prevent consideration of a revis
ion of the hlccl schedule. That also
in absolutely false."
Underwood then called upon Con
fjreHsuiau Kitehun to reply lo HryanV
statement that ho (Kitchen) had de
nounced Underwood before the dem
oeratio eaueus.
Kitchen stated that llryan was
"the most badly informed person in
tho world." Ho nsserled that Hryau
wiih not responsible, and declared he
never dreamed that any democrat
would slander Underwood,
Hy 11 narrow margin of sis votes
Until) Falls voted in iuvor of incor
poration Tuesday at one of tho most
hotly contested elections over hold in
that section of tho county. Tho ro
Hiilt of tho election will bo filed with
tlio county court nt oni'o and tho
neeosfinry order will ho issued nink
iui; tlio little vitiligo in tho limber u
full fledged town.
PAWTU0KI3T, It. 1. GottlUK up
In tho tilKht to shoot n cat wIioro
hnwlH woro dlsturblnK IiIh slumber,
Howard Plorco mlsHod tho foliuo but
hit Laura Jlonoh, iiKod 11. Plorco Is
hold for uuBiuilt.
European Markets Fear That Ncrjo
tlatlons Between European Coun
tries May Be Broken Off Owing to
Stubborn Demand by France.
William Johnswt.of Wenatchee, Who
Has Been lnsKctlng Orchard Dis-
trfcts for State Inspector Whitney
of Washington, Greatly Pleased.
Surprised at Peach Crop His Busi
ness Here Will Mean New
LONDON, Auk. 2. Kcnr that a
renewal of the Fraueo-Oennan-Hu),'-lish-Moroeeau
crisis impends was
manifested today in all Kuropcnu
markets. Cleneral dread was felt in
business circles that tho negotia
tions between 1'rnnco and Germany
mi;lit bo broken off owine; to de
mands Hindi) for compensation by
the kaiser, which Kraneie so far, has
steadily refuseif to unmt.
London mnrkets opened weak to
day throughout publication of news
that the date of the maneuvers of the
torpedo destroyer Mpiadron had been
advanced. Later the market stead
ied and became almost normal.
VIENNA. Autr. 'J. Proposing that
Austria, France and Italy unite to
break tho power of (Ireat Ilritaiu,
President Sylvester of tho lower
houso of the Austrian parliament,
caused n grout sensation hero today
and undoubtedly has greatly inten
sified tho already critical situation
existing between Great Ilritaiu and
Germany over tho .Moroeenn situa
tion, It is expected that Great llrituin
will immediately demand Sylvester's
dismissal from office.
LONDON, Aug. 'J. Correspond
ents for two London nowspnpors
woro today expelled from Agadir by
tho Germans because, thoy wroto ar
ticles on tho Moroccan affair which
woro anti-German in tone. It is cer
tain that tho expulsion will oauso
further irritation of tho voxed ques
tion, assuming us it does that Gor
man officials havo territorial rights
in tho region.
Government representations at
Berlin on tho matter nro reported to
havo been made.
Bacon to Design Memorial.
Money Paeon of Now York wna today
Boloetod by the, fodoral flno nrts com-mlsslouei-H
as designer and artist for
tho 13,000,000 memorial to Abraham
Lincoln In Potomac Park, Washing
ton, D, 0.
That tho Hoguo Itlver Valley will
bavu the best crop of pears In tho
northwest Is thojHtatemont made by
William Johmioujjof Wenatchee, who
has completed at) Inspection of all
tho fruit districts In Washington,
Oregon, and IdahL. Mr. Johnson is
working under tho direction of
Washington Stato Horticultural In
spector Whitney of Walla Walla, and
has paid several visits to this valley
this season.
In summing up tlio damage done
by tho recent wind storm Mr. John
son BtutcR tho loss will bo far below
one-fourth. "Some tirchardB were not
touched and others were quite badly
crippled," ho stated.
Ciood Pencil Crop.
One feature that surprised Mr.
Johnson was tho fact that there will
bo no inconslderablo peach crop in
tho valley. "I had heard that there
would bo no peachen hero and found
out that Homo orchards are literally
loaded. This Is a peculiar situation
to me as I am used to moating boos
ters who claim everything for their
sections and cannot show tho fruit.
Hero I find 3iioro than is claimed."
"Tho two things that I would re
commend for this valley to make it
perfect Is Increased garden truck and
less knocking by real estate- men. I
waH hero for qulto a whllo before
thoy found out that 1 wasn't aftor
an orchard and no less than seven
real estate men took mo around. Out
of thnt number thero were thrco who
spoko well of tho whole valley and
mado tho right sort' of Impression.
Tho rest boosted strong for their own
particular orchards and continually
knocked everything else. That is
tho kind that hurts a section and wo
havo weeded nil of it out In Wennt
cheo." Means Investors.
To havo ono of Mr. Johnson's ex
perience and knowledge speak so
well of thu valley moans much as ho
Is In touch with several Investors,
to whom ho will mako roport. Mo
is emphatic that tho ponr crop hero
la way ubovo any other In tho north
west and states that tho eastern crop
Is almost nothing and that tho Cali
fornia crop Is damaged almost C5
por cent by blight.
"Tho price of pears horo ought
oaslly to reach woll over ?3 or S-t, to
put It conservatively," ho Btated.
"Tho applo crop Is short and It Is a
flno year to havo a short crop, If
a short crop has to come." Mr. John
son has no patience with orchardlsts
who loso trees from blight as ho
states that propor euro makos such a
condition Impossible
LOS ANC1ELE8, Cal., Aug. 2.
Motions to quash tho indictments
ngaiust A. U. Maplo, F. Ira Bender
nud B. II. Connora, union men,
charged with attempting to dynamite
tho hull of records building hero last
Soptemher woro denied today without
argument by Superior Judge Willis
Two o'clock this iiftornoon was
sot ns tho time foe fixing n date for
Is Head of Probing Committee
rI5t sir ; D8HRwHHH';r-r' s ??Sl
ezadMtzv car
Former Judge Henry I). Clayton, of Alulwima, ono o fthc ablest law
yers In Congress, is chairman of the house committee on JuilIcJnry, ivhich
ii investipitliig the charges preferred by Delegate James Wlclcerttbam, of
Alat.Ua, who accuhes United States Attorney General Wickcrsliam of gross
corruption in connection with the Guggenheim Alaska conl land deal.
Author of "The Jungle" Is Sentenced
to 18 Hours of Labor Because He
Played Baseball On Sunday Ar
rest Was a Revenge.
WILMINGTON, Del., Aug. 2. Sen
tenced to IS hours of rock breaking
at Uie county work houso for viola
ting tho bluo laws by playing base
ball and tennis on Sunday, Upton Sin
clair, founder of the slnglo tax colony
at Anion and author of "The Jungle"
declared today a "hunger strike" aud
refused to eat.
Following an enforced bath, Sin
clair and his associates were put to
work on tho rock pllo and no anercy
was shown thorn. Sinclair, wild with
rage, threatened to Insist on tho en
forcement of tho bluo laws which for
bid every manner of business on Sun
day. If ho carries out his threat,
preachers, lawyers and Judges may
become Involved In tho conflict.
Sinclair's arrest was Instigated by
George llrown, an anarchistic philo
sopher, in revenge for Sinclair's ac
tion In having Drown arrested for
street speaking.
BKLLING1IAM, Wash., Aug. 2.
Speaking before tho Washington as
sembly, 11 Chautauqua organization,
in this eity last night, tho Rev. Otho
Williams, n local minister who was
a delegate nt tho recent Sunday
school convention in San Francisco,
declared tho California city is tho
wickedest in North Aniorica ami pro
dieted that if tho peoplo did not re
form tho Lord would again "stir
things" down there.
"Go Almiirhtv shook San Fran-
oiseo up onco beenuso it was so
'wicked,' ho said, "and although 1
am no prophet' I predict tho is not
douo shaking it yot, unless sho re
forms. Foe ho will nllow no city as
wicked as San Francisco to remain
ou North America."
President of Hayti Ready to Leave
Before Revolutionists Can Enter
City His Wife and Children Al
ready On Board Yacht.
POUT AU PRINCE, Hayti, 'Aug. 2.
After a riot hero today in which
four men wero killed and many in
jured, President Simon's power Is
plainly broken and ho is preparing to
flee beforo 4ho advancing reovlution
Ists, who already are on tho outskirts
of the city.
Simon's wlfo and children have al
ready boarded tho Yacht America,
which ho recently purchased from tho
Haytien government.
Most of the fallen president's lead
ing adherents will leave ou tho Alle
mnnla. Flriug along tho water front has
been Intermittent for hours aud a
numbero of soldiers are said to have
been killed. Tho city Is greatly ex
cited at tho prospect of looting by
tho revolutionists, and a commltteo
of safety has beou organized by tho
citizens to keep order, if posslblo,
when Shuou uud his supporters are
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Aug. 2. Do
ohtring that the reputation of Louis
J. Wilde, tho banker foe truth, vor
acity, honesty and integrity, is good,
almost 1000 San Diegans havo signed
petitions to bo sent to Portland,
where Wildo is nceused of embozzlo
tuotit. It is oxpected that thousands of
other signuturis will bo secured.
Smith Will Recover.
ORKLAND, Cal., Aug. 2. Eddio
Smith, fight roforco and sporting
writer is on tho road to recovery
horo today after hoing on tho vorgo
of doath for more tlm na week. Tho
physicians who havo been attending
Smith .at a local snuitnnmu state
ho has passed tho crisis and will
surely recover
Of WORK IN 1911
Already Over 300,000 Has Been Ex
pendedThis Month Will See An
other $100,000 Worth of Work
Completed In City.
Medford Will Soon Be Best Equipped
City In .the, State Many .-.
Are Busy."
Threo hundred and soven thous
and, four hundred, flfty-soven dollars
and sixty-two cents havo boon expend
ed thl3 year by tho city of Medford
for public Improvements. Tho paco
has not slackened and August will
seo another $100,000 expended. A
total for tho year will bo In tho
neighborhood of a half million dql- '
lars. The total expended Is based on
tho monthly reports of City Engineer
Arm8plger, which show tho following
April 1 15.27C.C1
May 94,358.10
June . , . .... 17.707.20 ,
July 100,115.05
Total J307.457.C2
Previous to April, the work, dono
this season was slight owing to tho
rainy season.
As seen by tho monthly report of
tho engineer July was the largest
month this year but in all probability
August will bo a larger one. Tho
total for tho year Is almost certain
to bo in excess of $500,000.
Tho money has been expended for
service mains and paving for tho most
part, although other work has been
conducted. Tho report of tho enKln-
eer however covers now work only.
During July tho streets paved were:
West Second, Holly to Columbia:
North Riverside, Jackson to bound
ary: West Sth, Oakdalo to Holly;
South Orange, Main to Tenth: Queen
Anne, Roosovolt to Oregon Terrace;
South Grapo, Eighth to Thirteenth
or 41,000 yards.
Sowors woro put In du.ine July on
Story Btreet from Shorman to Wash
ington: S. Peach, Eleventh to Da
kota; alley between Queen Anno and
Reddy, Roosevelt to Oregon Terraco:
alloy between Queon Anno and Jack
son bids; alleys, block 2G, sovon.
four and flvo; original town and
LIndley street from East Main to
Water mains, West Palm Btreet
Olson to Summit; "West Eleventh.
Peach to Plum; South Peach, Dakota
to county road; Parko and Hamilton,
Dakota to 11th: Knight, drano to
aTft; Knight, Summit to Taft; Allvo,
ueatty to Mantle; Mantle. Manzanita
to Alleo, a total cost of ?1G,5SG.13.
Twenty-six coment sidewalk ag
gregating 2, CC0 feet, wero construct
ed during July.
A total of 331 Bower connections
havo been made In tho last throo
months, 100 being mado In July.
PORT AU PRINCE, Hayti, Aug. 2.
Following a conference with tho
evolutionary leaders who are Invest
ing tho capital, tho foreign diplomats
bora toduy stated that thoy had
socurod promises to forogo sacking
tho city if It is taken.
President Simon has boon given
throo days to resign, and, at the
urgent instance of the various dip
lomats, Is propurlng to tako flight.
Tho United Statos Cruisor DesMolnc
and tho British Gunboat Motpotnna
uro being held In readiness to laud
marines at a momont'a notlco,
V Ti