jf iV"- KEiyPOR!) MATI; TRITONE, MIODEORD, ORWCIOtf, MONDAY, .JULY HI, 1911. PACE 'PUREE I.. 22 IV. ifc '' . r RATE HEARING PORTLAND SOON Commissioner Lnno Will Hold Session September 4 to Tako Further Tes timony Coiiccrnlnn Rates From California to Southern Orcnou Mill Illlul'MlltlU (!)lllll(!l!U ('iiiuiiiIm Hloiutr liiuiti will liold it nchhIimi In l'orlliutil Huiitrinlicr I li I it Ito In r Hut ti'Hlliiiuiiy imiiiimiiiiIuk Hid fri'ilit nil oh J'rom ('iilU'onilii imiIiiIh In Miiitlinrii Oh'koii anil Wlllumt'tlii vul li'y iiiuliT Hut now long iiml hlmrl lllltll HUUllltll (if till) illlCl'Mllltt! COIII IIII'ITO llttl. Tlilrt iimltcr I'Miiiu up in WiiHliiiijj lun, I). ('., IiihI April wlii'ii the Kniitlivrii Pacific (Miinpiiny pi'tltiniicil to poriiiiiiii'ittly contiiiiui the pK'Hcnl ntUm. Tlio pi'titioii wan pintc.xli'il iiml llin I'liininiKhloii HUHpcmli'd tlm cruiillnc nf tin tippllcntlon. Tim tlii'r npplii'iitiiitm involving niton on tile Alllllltio count line iiml I'cin Mnr ipictto riiiliniiil argunl tint hiiiiiu ilny, which worn not protontoil, liuvti Iiui-ii allowed", No tloulit the iiiiiKiitiinoo of thin iuvcHtiKiilion will lie fully nppicrlatoil liy all the coinuiuuiticM nl'fooleil. A fuvoralilc rciuljiiHtiiiciit of therm par ticular ratcN iik'iiiih iim iniich ami por linim more to ,tho futiiro ilcvclopincut of wcHlcrn Oregon (hull tho recent ilccihloii of the coiniiiiNHioii mi triinH coiitinciitaj nitcH. Five ycuiH pnh licit y work would not ciiiil the ml MiutMKCH which will follow n favor able iMHIXl of thcuc CUKCH. Much intricate work in CHHcutial to propci y prepare for thi hearing ami the limit is orv nhort. I'iiIimh concerted mid MyMeinatii' Nitpport U at once given to the piiiMiHilion, the licht roNiiltt. cannot he ohtaiiiud. DEER AT FT. KLAMATH ARE MUCH TOO. TAME TOOK SPLENDID UGPICIOIE Dnkowskl Had Cllmlictl to Top of Eanlc Crak to Secure Panorama View mill It Is Snltl to Be Best Ono as Yet. FONT KLAMATH. .July HI Hiiiiu Warden Alva I.ci'Sh U ivijitenlml to make a hpeciul dip to the Mini. & Utter rtiiwmil), on the ('niter mil" road h!x milcH t.i r.e here, to lake cant of a liiiuch of leer ihat am de clared to he ;vt'tiJ4 . lame ho workmen have ti oni'- theiu out of I he wn hefoie the',' dale fall a live oi hiiw tiiuhiir t.t ket i from killiiiu lliem. ChurlcM Hrophy, the cook at the mill, declares that he ha had to run I hem away from the cook limine with hIiiiiiIn hefore he daren walk outnide ill the early morning nx one big lniok Iiiih hecouio ho familiar Ihat he threatened to take the cook on hi ImriiH and walk off with him. He hii.vh if the gaunt waideu does not care for these deer or the open hoa- sou hit tlu utltry pietty soon there is going to he something: doing pret ty soon as he does not care to hi1 iiHsaultMl and will use force in pint tri-tiiig himself. Tim deer have also invaded the cook's truck million and almost devoured it and Mr. Hrophy Is net title; ipiitit desperate. KLAMATH KAM.H, July III --.I W. HtiiilmiiHou, the filonil of I), I) Hiikowskt, who In now Imlluvml to tin at the liottom of ('rater Initio iim tho lout uiiiii'm limly could not hit found ttftur an exhiiiiHtlvo nwrch, was Miow Iiik the piiiiornmle view of Crater Lake taken by the ilmtil uiiiti Inst full thai lit pronounreil by all to bo the bent over necureil of HiIm groat nattir- ii I wonder. This picture Ih nearly four Icel In letiKth. It wan taken from the top of Urn crag known ait ICiikIo Crest, eiiHt of where the road rcitchcs the rlin. It wan taken from niicli a high eleva tion that It shows tlm water on the opponlto side of Wlinnl btlnud, some thing not before noeii In a picture of the lake, In nddlttoit to tills It mug nlfles the picture until every tree and object on the Island shows up clearly and one am look down Into the crater III the top of the Inland which Is be lieved to hau beci the top of the mounter mountain 4 link nettled down In the center following the blowing out of the side In the curthqunko Unit caused this wonderful crator. This picture wiin taken from a point on the bluff that Is not only difficult to reach but Is severnl hundred feet above tlm rest of the Miirotinillng rim, It In Mr. Hloplieiinoii'M belief (hat Hit knwskl lost his life In tryliiK to reach this same spot when the snow was neveral feet deep Inst winter In or der to net repetition of the view In winter time In Irylug to make this point where the water would show over the top of Wizard Island the phn toKrapher was unable to see the many ilaui;oroti places on the surface and tumbled to his death nn4 a watery grnvu down nearly liOOo feci Into the lake. With him also went his cam eras as be had holb of these with lilui when ho attempted to climb tlm bluff CITY N0TICE8. riZMB OUMBD XX 0 TO 14 DATS. I'AZO OINTMENT I Ktmnuilccl to curs sny rant of Itclilnc. tillnJ. hnN,nu or protrudlnc l'llrn In C to 14 days in tioripv rofumlo,!. Ma CITY NOTICES. STOCKYARDS ARE SOON TO BE MOVED The stockyards are soon to he moved from (heir present locution to the I'aeille & Kiisteru junction. The work of moving tho pons mid eluiles would have lieeu commenced several months api hud it hcen Missible for the railroad company to have deter mined upon an itdeipiiitu water sup ply. The new location is outside the ciiy limits mid water supply from the city pipes cannot he put run toed and the company Iiiih decided lo put down it will. WHAT HAZELTON THINKS OF THE DIXIE MINSTRELS The Huri'lson Hros,' Miusticl .Show' which made llii.oltou Wcilncrt- dny eyeniiiKt has the distinction nfl hciiiK the only one to exhibit her efn sumo lime without a lot of I Mill- finding ciiticH piekiu Ik nllriiotioi to pieeitH iiHerward. A negro mju Hlrcl hIiow Ih in u (diiHH hy ilseli'; niitl a good one never fuils to please mi iiiidioiKHi where laughter mid amusement are Hought, Tho nouro Iiiih nil ear for miiMtt; ll is Jiaiurut wiiii iiiih; ami ii" ims liia way f roiiilorini? it. Tt ia not chiHHieal, hit! it in.hotlor- it is pleiiH- Inj,'. The Dixie MiuslrelH on Wcdi.osd'iy nihl gavo ii good onl'ortuiuinout-- ouo well woil h (he price, mid tlm au dience got ilH Hiilisfaelion of! negro melody mid laughter, lliulolon Her ald. OKDXMAHCD Ho. 103. Orillnuncit ili'cliirltiK the im-l of tlm let iirnvniifiil or UVsi rtrciiad utrefl front Holly utirot Ut West Oily Limits nml MNMfsnliiu tlm proM'rty iKiiffllcil iIktcIpv. led di-eliirlMK nticli unkchnmii'IiI. iiml ill riethiK Hie initry lleirvef la Urn diK-kel of clly liens. Tin- city ii f Mrdford Until ordain us follows Hrctlou I Tlmt no irolrHts Imvlm; twrii fllfil, ukhIiihI tlm IlltiiroM'incat of Went SiH-ond slrwl from I lolly strvcl lo Weil t'llv I.IiiiIIn due notice of the Intention of the council to cnne ald Improvement lo lie iiittdii ImvltiK heen Klven, nntt said Improvement limine lieen ordered mndc, tlm voiinvll tins roasldered tlm mutter Mini lierewltn uKciirlnliiH tlm prolmlile con I of uuikliiK siicli Improv fluent to lie inn sum or i.i.ui :h. And snld council ftirtlier finds Hint the Hpvelul mid ieciilliir Ix-iiefli iioerulnir up on ,'Hi-li lot or part thereof ur mljacenl to Nitlil Improveiiient mnl In Jtiwt proisirtlon lo lieiiefllH. to lie I lie remieullvu mmiiuiiiIm lieri'lnufter set opiHinllo Hit) ntimtier or iicMenpimn or earn lot or purl lliereor, unit micli iimoimts respectively urn here by declared to tin the proportionate sliuri' of each lot or imI thereof, of tic cunt of such Improvement, and Is hereby lectured lo bo iinm'mmmI UKulnst said lot or pareels res'ctlvely, the minio nppeur Ink' iibovo each descrlptloa, beliiK the UHtne of the owner of such lot or par cel AHHeftMineut fi,r pavliiK Went M.ioninl street fiotii Holly Mlrcvl to West City Limits Width thirty reel Assesmuent No. I II. II Toft, l.nt 1, block tl2, (IrlKliml Towiisltc or the City of Medford. OleKlMI. frontnKu 1 211 feel on the sorth side of West Second street, 120 feet, rain per fool 1 1 CO; amount l&f.S 00 AsMeHionenl No X V. l YoiniR and J. (' Hall. A p.itcel of laud marked (I)) on the map of Ihe city of Mmlford and recorded In volume A'i, mnu 100. 101 nf tlm county recorder's records f Jucksea counly, OrcKon, frontiiKo SKI 0 feet on the mirth Ml.ln nf V,nI M.tenml ylf.i.il k.'XI Hi feet; rii lu per fool l no; amount t I.SHJ .1 I. Assessment No, 3 I) II. Miller, A parcel of In ml marked (I!) on Die map of the oily of Medfoul and recorded lu volume 21, piiiie f.yr. of the county re corder's reuoids of Jacksoii counly, Ore Kim; froutiiKc 131.'. I rt feet oa the north side of West Second street, 132 t feet, late per foot ft. til), amount $t!01i.3l. AssesHinenl No, I Uenrue W, Isaacs ChIiiIc A parcel of land innrkod til) on tlm 1111111- of the city of Medford anil re corileil lu volutno . .. uuuo . . of tlm enemy lecoidei's lecords or .luckson county, Uickoii, fionliiKe 21)2 9 feet on the not III side of West Second stieol 2U8I) feutpiilto per foot Il.tiOj ainouul i.an.at. Assessnient No. fi -Mrs, I,. It. Puikcr. Lot I. block 3 of the AndeiNOn-Toft ml. iiitlou lo the city or .Moiirorti, ri outline SI) feel on the north side of West Sec ond Hi reel, AO feet; into pur foot II. ill): innminl $2.10.00. , ASHessment No. u Louise It, INiiKcc, Lot (l. Iiliu'k 3 of the Audeiiioii-TofL ml. dllimi lo the city of Medfoul, OroKOn; frontline tiO feel oa I lie north shin of West Meootui si I eel. an reotj rato pel foot Sl.tiOi aniounl t230.O0. Assessment No. 7 -llunim T. Whitney Lot tl. block 3 of Ihe Auderson-'I'oft iid dltton to the city of Medford, frontline tit) feet on the north side of Went Sec ond street i HO feet; lute per root SI, U0; amount S23(,on. Assessment No, S Kuinm K, Murphy. A parcel nf liiipl maikcd (LI on tlm miip or Hi" eiiy oi iiieiuorii inni leeoroeii in volume 2, piiac ilin of the county re enrder's iccords nf Jackson county, Orc uoni friintiiKC 2SN.72 fcot on tlm north side nf West Second sticeti 288,72 font: into nor foot tl.tiO; amount ll.tno.ll. Assessment No, II -TIutcsIu lluckucr Lot 1, bljl( H of Urn Kiilriuoiint iiddl linn lo Mho nlty of Medford, Oi'ckoii; d,f icel on inu noi'iu smo or iiu stieoit o,i root; ruto por anioimi vin.nu. ?rAHuunnient No. 10, Thercsla lluukiier. Lot' 2, bloclt a. of the l''alliuoiiut nddltlon la tho eity'nf MciUoid. oickou: frontiiuo limeiml I2I.1.K0, AsNeMSiui'llI No, 12 Tlmrcsln llllrklicr Lot 4, hloek r,, ofvlh" Kiilrmoiml iiibllllon lo tlm clly of Medford, OreKiui; fiunliiK" (13 feet (in I lie liuilli sliln of Went Hee- mnl slreelj r,3 fen 1 1 rule per fool 11,60, iimmini .'ii nu Assessnieiil No, 13 L II, V. Iliilincn Lot d, block A, of tlm Knlriiioiiril nddf Hon to Die cllv of Medforil. Oreuon. fronliiun S.1 feel on Die noilli sldu of West Hieoiid slreel; f.l feet, tutu mr fool II.QO) iimniliit 121,1 XII, AsNeMMUient No, II Mrs, A. Uncoil Lot fl, block 0 of Dm Knlrmoiint iidillllon lo'iim city or Ainuriini, MrcKon; rrnnliiK, r,3 feet on ihe north shin of West Her nial slleel, 63 feet, rulu mr foot II i)0 lilliotml 1213 HI), AsscNsmeiit No If. -.1 lleckiicr Lot 7, block fl or Hie Kalrmouat nildlllon to the elly of Medford, Oii-khii, froiiliiKe r,3 feet on dm north shin of West H.'eond street; r,3 reel, rate per foot II CO Minoioit (21.1,1)0, AHsenmuent No, ID, .1 llecltiier Lot N, block fl of tlm Kiilrmoiiut nildlllon lo iim clly or Meiironi, Orcwou. froniuKs 3 feet (iii the north side of Wont Second street. ft,1 feet, rain pit fool tl. 0, illinium ui.i.ne, ANnemoilefit No 17 .1 ' L. Di'imiii.r Lot V, block A of Ihe I'aliminint nddltlon In tlm clly of Medforil, (Jre?oii, front UK" (3 feet on Die nor III shin of West Second stiii'l 53 feel, tain per fool tl 60 ii.-, ux, f.14 nu AxKCHHinent No. IK J. I.. Deiinnitr l.nl 10, blork C of Ihe t'nlimount nddltlon to llm city or Me.irniil, On-unii, fronliiK,' filttm feet oil tlm north side of Went See. olid street, f,5 SH feet, rule por fool tl 60, minium t.ii ui AsneMHinenl No 19 - Olenii I'nbrlek Lot K. blook 2, of riibrlrk's nddltlon to llm clly of Medford, Oreuon, frouliiKn u I reel on me norm nine or West Hec- Olid Street. 7ft I reel, rale per fool tl 60 IllllOtlllt Mlfi HI AmieMioiient No 20 (lleiin I'nbrlrk Lot IS. block 2 of I'alirlcll's uddlllon lo urn cny or .Mciiroro, nreson. frontiiKo CO feet on llm north side of Went Sec ond slrrel, BO fcot, rnto per fool I.C0. illinium izau.uo, AsseHHinent No, 21 Jenn I'nbrlrk Lot II, blisk 2 of llm Kubrick addition lo the rlty of Medford, Oreon; frontnne ,i) rei on tlm norlli sliln or West Jnrk son stre.-t, HO feel; ruto per foot 11.60 iiliioiiut I23'i On. AsHcNMiient No 22 (llenn Pnbrlck. Lot 13. block 2 of I'librlLk's nddltlon to Hie city of Medford, OrcKon: frontnKu 50 feet on the north sldo of Went Second strict, U feet, ruin per fool H 60 n inn ii nt t23O.0O AsneMNineiit No 23 (llenn Pnbrlck Lot 12. block 2 of I'nbrlck's nddltlon to Ihe Clly of Medford, OrcKon, fronlAKe '.0 feel on the north xlde of West Hiconil ulreet, CO feet, rate per fool II 60 amount 1230 00 Assessment No 21 Jlrnii Kubrick l-ot II, blix'k 2 of'-J'brlck"s nddlllon to Ihe city of Medford, Oregon, froiitniin SO feel on the north sldo of West Second street: SO feel, rain per fool II 60. amount 1230 00 ASftcsMticni No. 25 cilerin Kubrick Lot 10, block 3 of Kubrick's nddltlon to the clly of Medford. OrcKon: frontnife 50 feet on the north sldn of West Sec ond street SO feet, rate ner foot tl 60 amount 1330 00 AmenHinciil No 26 cilenn Kubrick Uit 9. block 3 of I'nbrlck's nddltlon to tlm city of Medford, OrcKon; frnntnue ',0 feet on the north sldo of West Sec ond street, SO feet, rnto per foot 11.60, iiinnunt 1230 00 Asaenninent No. 27 A A. Ilnlcom. A Parcel of land marked (0) on tlm mnp of the clt) of Medford unit recorded In kotiime S6. puko S of llm counly recor der's record of Jackson county, Oregon rromuKe si i reel oa urn nnrin sine of Went Second street; 01 II feet; rate per foot 1160. amount 1120 ii. AsHciisinent No. 28. W J llurtze Lot 5, block 2 of tlm Columbus Avenue nddltlon to the city of Medford. frnntugc IS 09 feet on tho north slds of West Sec ond direct. IS 09 feet, ruin per foot tl 60, amount 1207 II AsKi-immeni No 29 W. J. llartzell Lot 6. block 2 Columbus Avenue nddl tlon In llm city of Medford, Oregon, frontline IT fl el on the north side of West Second street. 17 feet, rnto er foot II.CQ. amount 1214.20. AsNeMHtnent No. 30. W. J. Ilurtzell Lot 7, block 2 of the Coluntblln Avenue addition to tlm clly of Medford. Oregon frontage 17 feel on the mirth sldn nf West Second street. 17 fot, rate 1st roni ii. eu, nmoiiiii izic :u AsHCHiuncut No 31. AV J. llartzell Lot k, block 2 of I Iiu Colombo Avenue nddltlon to the clly of Medford, Oregon, frontage A3 feet on tho north sldu of West Second street. S3 foot, rati) per foot tl lo. ninsiint 1213 SO Assjstiicitl No. 32. Mngglo Hvuns. A parcel of Inud fronting 132.16 feet on the not th sldn of Went Second street and recorded III volume 83, page 163 of the count recotder's records of Jackson county, Oregon, frontage 132 M feet on the north side or West Second struct. 132 16 feet, rnto per foot 11.60, amount 1600 32 AntifSHUtfut No. 33. II Jv llemroth Lot 1, block I of Cdmcadcs addition to the clly of Medford. Oregon, frontage aa its reel on hip souili slilu or west Sec ond strict, SS 16 reel, ruto per fool $1.60, amount 1:55.11 AsHi'HNineul No 31 If. .1, llemroth. Lot 2, block I of the I'Miiieades addition to the city of Medford, Orcgun: frontage 50 feet on the snutli side of West Sec ond street; 60 feet, rule per fool 1 1.60, amount t230 00 Assessment No 35, If, J, llemroth, Lot 3, block I of tho of tho IMiucades ad dition to the city of Medforil, Orcogn. flouluge 50 feet on tho south side of West Second stieet, 50 feet; ruto per CITY NOTICES. Ih" city of Midford, Oregon, fiondige r,3 1.1 feet on Ihe smith side of Wist Sec ond street, 53 13 feet, rato per foot 11.60; amount 12(5.7)1. Assessment No. I. K N Wnrrmr nml 1 (I WotlmiilU Lol 1, block 2 of llm Welter irdillllon lo tlm lty of Medford. Oregon, frnntiige 53 43 fiet on llm xotilh sliln or Wefil Hccollil Slleel, 63 13 reel, reel, ouul I Lot' foot II 60. IlllliiUllt 1230.00, Assi'SNiurnl No. 3d II. J llemroth. I.ot 4, block I of the Kdincuden addi tion to the city nf Medford, Oregnn. frontline 50 feet on tho south side of West Second streut; 5(1 feci; rule sir join i en, amount :ju.uu. Assessment No. 37. O. A. Chllders The West half of tlm north 120 feet of a parcel of land marked (ID on tho mnp or iiik cny or .Mouroru, uecorucu in vol ume Nl, pagu 179 of tho enmity recorder's rrcordH of Jackson county, Oregon, front- iige ui I reel on (Iiu simlli sldo or West Second street, 53 I feut; ruto por foot tl 60, nmouiil t2ll 26, Assesmuent No. 3S. L. II. K. Hansen, The east hulf of tho north 120 feet of u pin eel of land niiirked (It) on the mnp of llm clt) of Medford ItccoriU'd In volume 75, pagu 5S6 of tho county recorder's refolds of Jackson county, Oregon, frontline 63 1 feet on tho south sldo of West Second street; 53.1 feet; liitu per loot tl."", IIIIIOUIIl iii.;u. Assessment Nu, 30. Mis. 1. L. liar cell. A parcel nf land uiiukcd (S) nu tlm map of the city nf Medford, Oicgon and recorded In volume 72, page 21 of the county rceoHlci's records of Jackson enmity, Oregon; frontage 2I2.S5 feet oa urn soiiiu smo or west weconu street, 212 S 5 feet, into per foot $1.60; amount ;' y. 1 1 AssesNiiieut No. 10, Herman '.Imllor. A pin eel nf hind maiked (T) on tlm map of Ihe city nf Medrmd, Oregon and re corded lu volume 61, page III of tho county recoidci's iccords nf Jucksou county, Oregon; frontage. 212.85 rent ua the south side of West Second Htrcot; '.M2.S6 feet, into per foot $1.60; amount $I7. 1 1. Assessment Nd, 41 Mrs. Anna Woltcr Lot X, block 2 or tho Wetter Addition lo tho city nf Medford, Oregon: frontage 7 feel on the south side nf West Sec ond stieet, 76 fcut, rato per foul $4. CO; amount $3 III. 60. Assessment No. 18. Mrs. Anna WoL ter. I.ot 7, block 2 ur the Welter Ad Mil Ion to the elly of Medford, Oregon, rrouuige i;i rcei on iuo south sum of west Mcuouii strcei: as recti Kilo font $1,110; amount $243.80. ito per Assessment No. 43. J. II Toft. Lol ii. block 2 nf the Welter nddltlon to the HMktni (or HoaHH. rroMU3 fci iMlT0T?moi fj'AHtiuasmont N Lot' 2, block , o to llm uitvofM fill foul on tho north side of West Sec ond IlfWl, 5 feet, into per foot tl-ilO; nmi) 1843.80, Asncsimcnt Nd, 11.- Thorcsla llurkuur. 1 .. tt. I.l..n1 It mx II... f,,l.ll,il..i, ,.,1.11,1,... Il.llt vi ,,,.,wn ia, ti. in,. ,,,., ...i.,.(, v ., .ill, k(ini to lliu cllv of Medford, Oregon: fronlugo bimSa font on tho north sldo nf West Sec end sti'ooll B fvot; iitv per foot f t.go, i m clly of Medford, Oieguu; frnntngo 63 reel on (lie suuiu smo or west Hcroml street. 63 feet: ruto Dec foot ll.dfl! amount $213 80. Assessment No, 44, It. j-j. HuiiHlKVr. I ,., P. I.L.nl.. , .. II... ..!,.. 1.11,1 , ,(. IIIUAft tl ,, ,11.1 ,,,.,,1 ,,,!,,,, ,, l I hi) city of Medford, Oicgon; frontline ,i,i rcei nu ine soinu mini or west r-iuc- ouil street; 53 reel; rato per fool 14. (10; amount t243.80. Assessment Nu. 15, Kind Woltcr. Lot i i.i. ...i i .. ,1... ii',.ii.... ...i.ii, i.... ,,. .i... 1vi;n tt wi i,,' tiuiii'i ,1,1,(1,1, , (,, lliu ty of Medfoul. Oregon; finnlngo 53 feet en tho south sldo of West Second street; 53 feet; rato por foot tl.tiO; uiumlnt $313.80. Assfssmeut No. Ill 12. N. Warner ami II 0. Wortumn. Lot 3, block- 3 nf tlm Welter Addition In Ihn city nf Medfoul, Oregon, fiontiigo 63,43 feet on tho south sldo of West Second street; 53,43 fcot, nun per iooi i,uu, iiuioimi fata. is. Assessment No. 17 John K Lnwrenco. Lot 2, bloclt 2 ef tho Woitvr iiUUItlun (u in l n per fool tl.R0: nmonnt 2 4 r, 71 AsHi-ssment No. i9i: N Wnnmr 1 1 nl Lol 2, block I of lli Woller uddlllon, to the clly of Medford, Oregon, final i lig" 53 4.1 feel on tlm south side of West' Hiriiuil street , 5,1,43 fed ruin p"T fool tl 60, iimounl 12(6.7. Assessment No. f0, K N Warner el ul Lol I, block I of (be Woller nil dlllon (o tlm city of M dford, Oregon frontage 63 13 feel on the south sble of LW.-sl Second street: 51 13 feel, isle per fool 1160, nriirttml 12I5 7H AsKesNineul No. 61--L H llllxb-r et .ux Tlm west half of n psrcel of bind marked (V) on the map of Die city of Medfoid and ri corded In wiliium 2. tinge 21 of the county record, r's records of Jm kon county, Oregon frontiiK'' 53 13 feel on the south side of West Second street. 63 13 feet; rate per foot $160 ' umount $24 4 10. I AsNcKMinoril No. 6Z. -o llltzler el ux Tlm east hulf of a tinrril of bind uinrsed i vi on urn mnp or win cny or .Meuroru mid recorded In volume 82, page 22 of the county recorder's reiords of Jackson county, Oregon, frnulngi 5.113 feet on tlm south sldn of West Second ulreet 63 13 feet, rnlo per fool $160, umount $214.40 Assessment No. 63 Mury l'elerson i.oi i, iiiocu i or rim i lenceni miD-nivi-1 sloe to Hit city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 66 f-ct on tl.e south side of Went H-cond street; 68 f,el, rate per fojt i $1 60, aniounl $ 257.60, .inn.-KPiineui io in. iirriry rt. nprngue Lot 2. block 1, of Ihn Crescent Hub-Dlvl-slon to Dm clly of Medford. Oiegou. rromnge b reel on in soum .sldo of Went Second street: 56 f-t, rnto P'T fool $160, amount $267 60 Ansenniuerit 'No. 65. Wm Knlllvnn et j u& ioi a, iiiock i uri'ii' i ni mio-oivinion in the clly of Medford. Oregon, frontage 66 feet on tlm south sldo of West Sec ond ulreet 66 feet; rnto tier fool t!60, amount t257.60. j AHHcnMincni No. 66. Mrs, Mnnme K I Whltemnn Lot 4, block 1 of the Cres cent Hnb-dlvlHlon lo the rlty of Medford, Oregon; frontage 66 feet on th south' side of Went Second street' 6(1 fect.i rati! ,er fool 11.60: amount 1267 60 Asucmuucnl No. 67. Henry A Sprnguc ; Lot 6, block 1 of tho Crencent Siib-dlvl-l slon to the city of Mtdfnrd. Oregon.) frontage 56 feel on the south sldo of West Second street: 66 feet, rain per! foot 1140, amount $257 60 I Assessment No. 6R. J K Hale The! north half of lots 3 nnd 4, block 4 of llm Crescent Sub-division to tho city of Medford. Oregon! frnntngc 10 feet m urn sou I ii sins or wesi isecoml street ids reel, rato per root 1160, nmou 1496 SO. Assessment No. 69. lid Iimnorl I, block 3 of the Olson addition to the city of Medford. Oregon frontage 54 feet on tlm south sldo of West Second i street. 54 feel; ruto per foot 11.60. ninnuni :is iv. Assessment No. 60. 1 Webber I.nl 3. block 3 of tlm Olson addition to the city of Medford. Oregon, frontage 51 feet on the south side of West Second street' 61 feel; rnto per fool tl.60, umount 124S 10. Assessment No. 61. T L Miller The west linlf of n parcel of hind marked j (X) on tlm mini of the city of Medford nnd recorded In volume 71 page S6 of ihe county recorder's records of Jncksnn counly. Oregon: frontage 74 91 feet on i lie south sldo or West Second street 7191 feel, rote or foot 11 60; umount 1311 5,S. Assessment No. 62. Tlenrv CJ Scales Tlm enst half of n parcel of land mark ed (X) on the map of Ihn city of Med ium ami recorded in tniumc i. page 273 of llm county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon frontngo 74 91 reel on the soutli side, of West 5eeond street: 71.91 feet; ruts per foot tl 60. amount t344.SK Assessment NO 63. R P Cowglll A parcel of land mnrked (V) on tho man of tlm city of Medforil nnd recorded In volume 35. page 4RI of the county re corder's records of Jackson county. Ore gon, frontagn 25 feet on the south side of West Second street: 25 feet, rate per iooi ii.tiu, amount iiii.oo. Assessment No. 64 T. W Dally The west half of a parcel of Iwnd marked I A) on llm map or the city or Medford Itecorded In volume S2X page 517 of tho county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon, frontngo 62 5 feet on the south side of West Second direct 62 5 feet, rate x?r foot 14 60, amount t2S7 50. Assessment No 65 Ernest T lluth The east half of a parcel Of land mark .I ('.) on Ihe map of tho clly of Med ford, Oregon Itecorded In olumo SI, page 174 of the county recorder's records of Jurksoii county, Oregon; frontage 62 5 feet on the noil III side of West Second street, 62 5 feet; rnto per foot 1160 amount 12S7 50 Assessment No. 66 Helen K. Rowc A parcel of land marked IA A) on the map of the clly nf Medforil, Oregon Ite corded In volume 66. page 2S6 of the county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon, frontage 75 feet on the south sldo nf West Second street. 76 feet, rate per fool"!! 60, amount 1315 00 Assessment No. 67 Wllhelmlnc Helse A parcel of hind marked (A II), on the msp of the city of .Medford. Oregon. Ite corded In volume 69, pugo 303 of the county recorder's records nf Jackson county, Oregon, frontngo SO feet on the south sldo of West Second street; 50 feel, rule per foot tl 60; umount $230.00 Assessment No 6S Hoy A Young The west 50 feet of a parcel of hind marked (A 11), nu the map of tho city of Medford, Oiegou and recorded lu vol umo hO. page 493 of tho county recor der's records of Jackson count v. Orecun. frontage 50 feet on tho south side of West Second street. 50 feet, into per foot tl.60, amount $.'30 no Assussiueul No, 69 Gim Samuels, A parcel of land fronting 80 feet on the south side of West Second street and recorded lu volume 46, page 219 of the county recorders records nf Juckson county, Orcgun, frontage SO reel on the south sldo of West Second street: 80 feet, rule ner foot f I 60: umount 136S 00 Assessment Nu 70 M. M. Maine. The cast 16 feet of a parcel or land marked (A II), on tho uuip nf tho city nf Med ford, Oregon and recorded lu ohuuo 46, pngo 211) of the county recorder's iccords of Jncksnn county, Oregon; frontngo 16 feet oa the south side of West Second street; 10 feet, rnto per foot 14.60, amnuiit $73.60 Assesment No 71 - M, M. Maine Lot 7, block 63, of Ihe Original Townslto of the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage -. feet on tho south sldo of West Sec conil street, . , feet rato per foot $4 60 amount 11D5.50. Assessment No, 72 Oco, H. Young Lot 6, block 63 nf tho Original Town site nf the city of Medford. Oregon, frontage 100 feet on tho south sldo of West Second street. 100 loot, ruto per foot 14.60; umount 1160.00. Section 2. The Iteeoidcr of tho city of Medford Is heiCby dliected to enter u statement as the assesHUieutM hereby minio In tho docket nf city Ileus, and to give notice by publication as required by the charter and ordinnnce No. 250 of said city. In the Mi dford Mull Tribune. a newspaper published and nf general circulation In said city. The foregoing oidlnnnco was passed by tho city council of tho city of Medfoid. Oregon, on tho 25lh duy of July, lull, by iuo louowing vine Merrick aye. Watt aye, Wortman aye, limerick absent, Klfcrt absent, Millar Appiovcd Jul' 2iitli. 11ML ' W. II. CANON. Attest: Mayor. UOIIKHT W. TLLKIMI, City Hecorder VlYPIPM To tho 'owner, or reputed ownor, of each pat col or propel ly tioscriooit in mo foregoing ordinance as named therein, ami In tho lien declared by said ordin ance, us recorded in tho docket of city ,'lens: You are hereby iioiirioa tnnt tua as sessment declined by tho foregoing or dinance has been made and tho Hen therefor entered In tho olty lien docket, and that tho same Is duo and you aro Ml KviRn -S5sSwsf. Vi J4 frl ':i SESS&W m-m w t" rrr. r'. w . ' (. . !&& UNDER CANVAS, MEDFORD TUESD'Y AUG. 1 DONT MISS THIS GOOD ONE PARADE AT NOON PERFORMANCE AT 8 P. N. 33 FISHING IS GOOD Judging by the fish brought in the "BACKUS FLY IS A WINNER." We have them! Also a complete stock of Rods, Lines, Reels, Spoons, Etc., Etc. Medford Hardware Comp'ny 218 EAST MAIN ST. a: m .$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ -jt 7 so-! y 33- Cfc- OS- f x 0-1 7Kv BANKING SERVICE The Medford National- Bank assures you of the best serviee. Its officers aim in every way to" protect the interests of its patrons, making use of every means of precaution. The directors and officers are all well known business men; men of integrity and known for the careful and conservative handling of any and all business intrustid to them. Tts up-to-date system of accuracy, promptness and the same careful atten tion to large or small depositors, makes it" a-bank for all the people. IF YQU ARE NOT A CUSTOMER OF THIS BANK LET' THIS BE AN INVITATION TO BECOME ONE THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK y. n. GORE, President. ,T. A. PEKRY, Vice President. V. E. MERRICK, Vice President. ,T0II2sT S. ORTII, Cashier. AV. B. JACKSON, Asst. Cashier hereby i emitted to pay tho wuuu to tho olty recorder within ten daya from tho Hiirvlco of this not lee, which Korvloo In muilo hy tho iiiiblWuitloii of tho foroKolim ni'dlmmcn mid thin not ce ttirco tlllios In tlm .Medford Mull Tribune, nurtnumt to an tinier or tho city eouacii or mini cny !(U1IT W TMljp'Mlf, Clly Hecorder. IRRIGATION Nature Supplies the Land and Sunshine We Furnish the Water Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. OTJMMINGS, Manager Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building i Irrigated Orchard Tracts Land for $150 Per Acre With Perpet ual Water on Easy Terms Can You Do Better? ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager .'Sl ;n