PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MtfOFORT), OKIWON. MONDAY, ,1TLV Ml, 1011. m IN f.". 7 LOCAL AND PERSONAL fT Wnllnco nnd Clmrlca Kititt loft Mnndny inoniliiB for their bomon nenr Stanley, North Dakotn. They have 1jimi limiting a tour of tbo Pa cific coaBt ami have boon visiting C. S; Colo and family in Medford. Tho gentlemen state thnl In tbolr bccUoii ot'North Dnltota thpro have boon four huccomIto poor wliont crops. When olio HpoakH of' wheat crops as applied to that country it means tho ono and only crop of -commercial Importance irrowu thoro. ' 'Kd Sleep, Wm. Vnnscoyoc, H. 1). Ohlttcster nnd Henry Sinnnona left thlshuornlnRfor a tfii dttya hnntlnR nnd flshliiKf trip to Lake of the WoodR, Rov. U F. Helknap left this morn ing for a few days visit at Klamath Falls. Seo It. A. Holmcf, Tho Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. " W. C. Green Is at Grants Pass to day on business. . Mr. and Mrs. L. Mtshler spent Sun day with Ashland friends. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attornoys-at-law, OTor Jackson County Dank Bldg., Mcdford. Horn Sunday July 30lh to Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Piatt, a son. L. W. Whiting and surveying party left Monday morning for Galls Creek where they will bo engaged for sev oral days running out tho Hues of the Ulucklngton ranch. Mr. Whiting tells that work in his lino is improving and that there Is much new work being talked of, both ns to subdivision of' ranch' property and the surveying of irrigating ditches. Brick ico cream, all kinds and colors. Rardons Battery; phono 371. Prompt delivery. Mrs. M. E. Lumsden is enjoying a weeks stay with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. King at tho latters camp near nutte Falls. - ; - Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Dlisaa-clurned Monday morning from a vislcjnnjteir daughters in Ashland. They also visited Kingsbury and Soda Springs during their absence. .Rardons Bakery now delivers ices nd ice cream' to any part of the city. Clarence Met and Win. "Wiser left today for a two weeks hunting and fishing trip up in the " Prospect country. Cali H. a Brown. 425 Holly for plumbing and heating. Phono 2121 115 Don't let lice cat up your valuable poultry when it's so easy to get rid of them. Conkcy's Lice Liquid, Lice Powder and Head Lice Ointment are guaranteed to do the work quickly. Get a practical poultry book free from Warner-Wortman & Gore. Mrs. T. E. Daniels left Sunday for a ten days visit with friends in Los Angeles. A matured mutual life endowment policy Is tho abundant harvest of the wise man. Seo J. F. Hutchason. F, W. Weeks returned Sunday from a two weeks business trip to Portland. Waists to embroider at Handicraft Shop, Kentners. 115 Mrs. Nellie Wing and Miss Delia King spent Sunday with Colestln friends. Telephone 371, Rardons Bakery for cako, Ices and ico cream; prompt delivery. " W. F. Isaacs was at Colestln over Sunday enjoying a visit with his wife and son, Master Richard. For Rent Largo vacant room, suit able for man nnd wife, with board in connection. Mrs. Fay, 310 North Bar tlott street. HI A. A. Alton and family and Mrs. Wm. Everett, sister of Mrs. Akeu will leave tomorrow for a visit with friends near Rock Point Mr. Aken will return Wednesday, but others of tho -party will ho absent several days. Underwear to embroider at ' the Handicraft Shop, Kentners. 115 Bert Orr left this morning for a few days stay at Shasta Springs, whero his family Is camped. T. 12. Daniels and a party of friends woroat Willow Creek Sunday and up on returning they drove over tho now Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phone 8871 Night Phone F. W. Weeks 9071. A. E. Orr, SML LADY ASSISTANT. r-r JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Embalmar Suctciior to tho undertaking do- . ! nnrtment of Medforil Furniture Co. ' ' Office with Mcdford Furniture Co. ; ' Telephones: Day, Bell 351; ',', ; John A. Fori, residence, Bell 4111, Homo 179L. n txt PnnViu ni t rt n.. ' 4 w. ,,. WWUMMK www, w &, UUfc- M tier 3571. b AMBULANCE SEItVIOS Mw Derby road, which is said to. lnv In very good condition, for n new rond. Mr. Daniels drove 100 miles In his ono day pleasure trip. To hatch the chicks Is Important, but to bring them safely past the first few weeks Is n problem. When thoro Is bAwel trouble and indexation In your flock, n llttlo Conkcy's Cholera Remedy In the drinking water, will bring quick and positive relief, Warner-Wortman & Gore, Four hundred tiers of hard and soft wood, dry and sound for sale cheap. Address "Falrvlow" Jackson Grain and alfalfa hay for salo at Oakdalo Park addition. See W. II. Evcrhnnd, 909 West Ninth street, phono 6671. ) Plain sowing at 343 North Ivy street. Phone 5091. T. E. Merrick, II. W. Lumsden and C. 1. Hutchison and their families drove to tho King camping grounds, above Uutto Falls Sunday and enjoy ed the day ns guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. King. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. Earsley. of I'tlca, Minnesota.' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Earsley and son Robert of Canby, Minnesota left this morning for their homes after a visit of several days with relatives In this city, they being Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Earsley of West Eleventh street. Mrs. R. B. Orr of Phoenix visited Medtord friends Monday. Mrs. W. P. Baker loft this morning fo ra weeks visit with friends in San Jose, California. Miss Ora Adktns of Portlnud, is in Medford visiting her parents Dr. nnd Mrs. B. F Adklns. G. II. Trenna, superintendent of tho Medford wnter system, returned this morning from a business trip to Vaqulua. Mrs. Roe and Miss Mabel Wamsley, of Eagle Point, returned todny from a few days stay at Newport. - Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Samuels are enjoying an outing at Butte" Falls. "Feather" Leonard and Eubert Allen, each accompanied by a young er brother, aro hunting and fishing In the Butte Falls country. Miss Jennie Cameron, of Minnea polis, Minn., is visiting Medford friends. Miss Cameron was formerly a teacher in the Medford schools. J. H. Butler spent Sunday with his family at Camp Nick. Mrs. Lucy Cuslck Boyno made homestead proof before United States Commissioner Canon this morning. BUTTE FALLS TO VOTE TUtSDAY Matter of Incorporating City Will Bo Hard Founlit Two Full Tickets Are In the Field-Result Will Be Close.' ' ' Hullo Fulls will vote on the mio. tion of incnrponitum nt ilic election to be belli Tuesdny mill at ore-sent then' j n prent ileal of speculation ilul lteutoil nrgument ns to the re.Milt. There are two tickets in the field with nominees for mayor, eonncilineii, treasurer nnd recorder. Should I lie incorporation plan fail to carry no officials of course, will bo elected. COURT? - ., . . . Probate. Estatc-JotXaicy V. Chandler. Order settling final account and discharging administrator. Guardian: of Estella Betz, order ap proving guardians report. Estate of Eliza Woodford, inven tory and appraisement filed, showing estate valued at $2700. Estate of David . Schocneman, ordered that September 2, 1911 be set as day for final hearing. Estatu of James Bigham, order ap proving final report of administrator. Estate of Wm. Erdman, order ap pointing J. L. Demmer, administrator and Emll Woiter, Paul Demmer and II. II. Lorlmer, appraisers. Estate of Eugene B. Hoke, order appointing Eugene B. Hoke adminis trator and Wm. Lewis, J. S. Norwood and Frank Palmer appraisers. Estate of Sarah J. Merley, order of final settlement and discharge of ex ecutor. . r Burgess, property on "C" street, Medford 10 Daniel L. McNary to Soloman Anderson, property in block 64. Medford 10 M. Elwood to Daniel L. Mc Nary, property In block 64, Mcdford 10 Pauline littles to John J. Anlt xen, land In section 5, town ship 39, 4 west 300 Win. K. Smith to Warren W. Drake, property In Ashland 10 W. S. Ilamuioud to Nicholas N. Kline, 5.20 acres In I). II. C. township 37, 2 West 10 G. W. Nlnetrout to II. N. Morse, water right 1 11. N. Morso to John J. Knttzen 5 acres in township 3S, 4 west 1000 Frltr Drocgo to Julius Albert Manke, 10 acres In township 36, 1 West 1500 Nicholas W. Klme to N. S. Ham mond, land in towushlp37, 2 west, bid for deed 1500 R. II. Dopp to John Dopp, re vocation of power of attorney Robert H. Jonas et al to R. J. McQtiold, land in section 3, township 36, 1 west 1125 Mary A. Ringer to W. W. Tay lor, land in D. II. C. 46. township 36, 1 west 10 John W. Chandler to John W. Chandler Jr., land In town ship 35, 1 West 10 John W. Chandler to Helen Clark Chandler, 40 acres In township 35, 4 west 10 Corbln Edgell to Geo. W. Stev ens, land In township 36, 1 east, power of attorney. . . . Nancy A. Conway to W. A. Beck, land in township 36, 4 west $ 1 O. & C. R. R. Co. to S. A. Carl ton, 40 acres in section 17, township 3C, 1 east 95 Emory B. Waterman to Joseph ine Sooy-Smitli, 19 acres In township 37, 1 west 25000 Bernard J. Sander to Leo B. Sander, land in township 3S, 1 east 10 Glen Fabrlck to Samuel"" Whit ney, land in section 30, town ship 36, 1 cast, contract .... Geo. A. Wilson to Mrs. Anna W. MANY SPEEDERS AREJHECKED City Makes Score of Arrests hut Of fenders Arc Allowed to Go With Simple Wnrnlnrj Next Time It Will Go Harder With Them. The campaign recently stalled by the city authorities to strictly en force the mitmnobilc ordinance in tip1 eity is Imvinjx much effect. To date a score of driver have been stopped and ordered to appear before Mayor Canon. As they arc for the most part first offenders they have been allowed to jpi with the warning not to eweed the speed limit again, It was fust growing lo Im the cus tom of a number of uutotunhili.stH to observe tho law on Seventh street, but to speed up on thu resident!!' streets of the city, whore thorn was little danger of an accident. For this reason the authorities started on the present campaign. DUDLEY TALKS ON PEDAGOGY Punctuates His Tuur of Const Cities With Talks On Proper School Tralnlnii Ahly Assisted hy J6hn Hall McKay. Still In Business - x Blniichtird, 80 acres tn. town shin 37. I west 2000 Win. Lewis to Frnuk II. Mud- den, land In towiiKhlp 37, 2 west ,..,., 1 S. K. Adams to W. S. Reese, land iu township 3C, 2 went 13500 C. B. Webb to Klslo 11. Wright, land In township 339, 1 east 18000 Howard S.x Dudley mid John Hall McKay returned Sunday evening from a tour of Oregon const counties. A most dultghlful outing Is reported although a portion of tho tilp was plcneerlng of the roughest kind. They went tn Crescent City from Mcdford. fiom there to Coos Hay then to Itosn burg and home. Mr. Dudley, ably assisted by Mr. McKay, did not waste his ttmo while! away, hut devoted It to an uplift movement among tho rural schools Mr. Dudley dellerod a number of addresses on pedagogy Interspeiscd with glowing descriptions of the ef fect of motoring over mountain roads oh oiio'h vocabulary. Mr, Dudley sketched his own career, and, so states McKay, was touudly applaud ed by the uppievlatlo, Imio toot auditors when ho told of his eaily struggles to scenic an education. The Southern Oregon Electric Company's office is now in the C. C. Ponting plumbing shop. It would take more than a fire to stop us from doing business. Southern Oregon Electric Co. r Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COJNTY WARRANTS city n im 1 1 iumiiuii rjija Money on hand nt nil Minos to loan on improved ranchos and fruit lnnd. PHONE 3231, 320 GARNETT-OOREY BLDG. vwwwwwwwww J Look for tho ad that describes the place you would like to own. HnsklnR for Health. 5 f 1 t t T TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY v New Cases. State of Oregon vs, W. S. Chapman, undertaking an appeal. Medford Hardware Co. vs. J. n, Wright. Action to recover monoy, Colvlg & Kenines attorney for plain tiff. First National Dank of Medford et al vs, Leon C. Taylor. Mrs. Leon C. Taylor and II. II. Taylor. Action to recover .money. San Francisco Mercantile Union vs. K. S. Morton, Alma V, Morton and Jesse Xeathamer. Suit in equity. Neff and Menloy, uttornoly for plaintiff. Marriage UceiDtCS. H. D. Chamborlaln and Pearl Wiley, llert Illpplcy and Fay Grlgsby. E. Itcal Khtate Transfers. II. C. Donney to A. A. Wilson, lots 21), 27, 28 and 29, block "Y" II. n. add. Ashland ....? R. II. Toft to Helen F, Rowe, lot 3, block 1, Cottage add, Medford , A. AndrowH to Norn D. Dryeon G17 acres In township 38, 2 West C. O. Ouches to Nora D. Rryson, land iu township 38, 2 west. Eliza J. Woolsonerott to II. C. 10 10 10 10 WANTED Man and wife, man for ranch work, woman to board two to four men; house, tableware, etc, furnished; must bo honest, neat people. Address applications, give telephone it any to Dox 9 care Mall Tribune. 114 LOST Ladies hunting case, gold watch and fob, photo in watch, Ini tials A, V. on fob, roward, Mrs. Anna Vernon, Smith's apartments. Ill WHAT SAVEO HER LIFE Mrs. Martfn Tells About a Painful Experience that Might Have Ended Seriously. Rivesvlllo, W. Va. Mrs. Dora Mortis, in a letter from Rivesvlllo, -writes "For three years, I suffered with vo manly troubles, and bad pains in my back and side, I was nervous and could not sleep at night. Tho doctor could not help mo. He said I would havo to bo operated on be fore I could get better. I thought I would try using Cardul. Now, I am entirely well. I am sure Cardul saved my life. I will never be without Cardul in my homo, I recommend it to ray friends," For fifty years, Cardul has been re lieving pain and distress caused by wo manly trouble. It will surely help you. It goes to tho spot reaches the trouble relieves tho symptoms, and drives away the cause. If you. suffer from any symptoms of womanly trouble, take Cardul. Your druggist sells and recommends It. Get a bottle from him today. H.U.-WriUta: Udlu' AdvUory Dp.. Chuti. hook Medicine Co.. ClutUnoota, Tnn lot hrccial Jmtrucliom, mi 64-pri kxxk, "lUnw Tituavtat for Wwaca," nl la plain wrppr, on f cquatt. I MHMiflminiuiiiuiinMiiiiilu You can't mako a better Investment for your wife nnd fam ily than to Install n gas range In your homo with tho var ious accessories that holp to mako housework ensy. Let us show you what It means to havo gas In tho houso for fuel and lighting. Wo aro always glad to mako demonstrations. Oregon Gas S Electric Co. MKDI-'OUD, OHKCOX. As an Inducement for you to try a GAS RANGE wo will rebate JO. 00 on regular price of any stovo you select until tho first of August. Leave your order now. NOTE: ranges installed without further cost to you on easy terms. FANS MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Friday, August 4 10 ROUND CONTEST 10 Battling Nelson v. Tommy Gaffney The Greatest Event Ever Held in Southern Oregon TWO FOUR ROUND PRELIMINARIES CHICK BOWLIN vs. DICK JONES; ROY SMITH, Eagle Point, vs. EDDIE NEAL, Denver Preliminaries at 8:30 p. m. -Main Event at 9:30 p. m. SEATS ON SALE Haskins, Medford Cigar Store, Nash Hotel, Ireland & Antle. 4 Tliry are liiallliftil F , F - They aro fuiultnry A Tliey nro ee-infortnhlo A Tlicy cost oiiclmlf cent nn hour to run 1.1 They nr JuM the tiling to JL 1 keep your cuvtomor in l K'! humor s- Then why not buy one? Call at the Electric Building 209 West Main and Examine the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. j. NOTICE! Thr reward of $100 whitdi wo offered for the ar rest and conviction of the man or men who set fires out in our timber near 'Mntfe Falls is hereby with drawn. Grater Lake Lumber Co. KDOAlt . 11AFFM, Manager. I Medford, Or., July 20, 1011. For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining city of Medford, on long time, easy pay ments. 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved streot; Cement sidewalk's and paving in; also Bowel's, walei and light. Long time, easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, 350 acres alfalfa land, 80 acres fj'iiit land, perpetual water right with water for irrigating 3000 acres; long fimo, easy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa land, balance fruit land, 1 mile from railroad, on long time easy terms. 5000 ACRES LAND in tracts of from 40 acres upwards; price $25.00 per aero and upwards; suitablo for alfalfa, fruit stock and general farming purposes;, long time, easy payments. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain,, on 5 annual payments. Gold Ray Realty Co, L 21GWJ3ST MATN STREET. W i i ti tW. A- m-