;' iV PXGE six lilED'FOUiJ rtfATTi TRTBUNK MEDFORD, OTtEOON, SUNDAY, ,TULY HO, 1011. f3 1 atf 11 vj I II 5 It 1 r 4 ll i ' i I' M WET AND DRY ISSUE IN TEXAS Prohibitionists After Scalp of Joe Bailey and Governor Colquitt Who Stumped State Against Them Legislature Has Dry Majority. DALLAS, Tcxns- July SO. Thnt iroliilition will piny n Mr lnrt ne uonting senatorial ntnl gubernntorinl elections here, and that Senntor Jos eph W. Bniley, whose attitude I known to bo fnvornblc to the liquor interests and who was rebuked in the statewide prohibition campaign, will havo the fight of his life to secure re-election, today is said to be cer tain. The state legislature has a "dry"" majority in both branches and tho showing of prohibition strength throughout tho state, which held the aulis to littlo more than a nominal victorj ' the spccinl amendment election, places an clement in power that is fully as antagonistic to Bin ley as it is opposed to the liquor traffic. The prohibitionists nre also deter mined to make an energetic effort to eliminate Governor 0. B. Colquitt who is eligible for another two-year term, from official life in Texas. Colquitt incurred the wrath of the prohibitionists by stumping the stale against tho prohibition amendment. Chairman Ball of tho prohibition executive committee is spoken of as tho most likely candidate against Colquitt- An avowed candidate to succeed Bailey in the senate is Congressman B. Bnndcll. Former Governor Camp bell who supported prohibition, is also almost certain to enter the race against Bailey. COST OF INITIATIVE U CENTS PER VOTE SALEM. Ore.. July 29. The cost tho Initiative and referendum and corrupt practices pamphlets for the primary, and general elections cost the state $23,249.06, or a cost of 19.7 cents per voter, according to figures submitted to Secretary of tSate Ol cott today by State Printing Expert Harris. Printing, paper and postage were tho principal items of expense. HUNTING DOWN WHITEJUVEIS Government Authorities Co-operating With State Officials Throughout Northwest to Break Up and Drive Out Bands of Girl Captors. GIVES UP SEARCH FOR BAKOWSKI'S REMAINS KLAMATH FALLS, July 29. J. W. Stephcnbon, the friend of B. B. Bakowski, who lost his life while in Crater lake national park last winter, has returned from the lake where he spent several days look ing for the body. Mr. Stephenson has practically given up all hopes of ever finding tht body of his old friend. He is thor oughly convinced that he rolled off the high peaks known as Eagle Crest and did not stop until ho laud ed in the icy waters of the lake, lie is also convinced that the body is now at the bottom of the lake where it will very likely remain. CONSUMPTION SAVES SOTHER'S EXTRADITION SAX FKAN'CISCO, Cnl July 29. Action by tho United States govern ment authorities in hunting down and breaking up tho gangs of white slaves who arc active in California, will be taken as toon a& evidence ha been secured to back up the belief thnt ramifications of the gang bore extend to Portland, Seattle and other cities of the northwest. Frank II. Dupue, head of the state bureau of criminal identification, who was directly responsible for the rescue of Helen Johnson Whitson from the white slavers, has declared bitter war against their traffic, and is laying evidence of the band's ac tivities before Assistant United States Attorney Herrington as rap idly ns he cau gather it. The methods tire simple but hard to distinguish from individual efforts along the same lines. The girls nre said to be brought to resorts main tained in each city by various induce ments or even by force, arc then drugged nnd later, when under full control of their captors are disposed of wherever wanted. Jumps Off Wharf to Death. SAX FRANCISCO, Cnl.. July 29. Brooding over his recent discharge from Company 8, Thirtieth United States iitfantry, James Merrill jumped off the wharf at the Presidio today, and though he was rescued quickly, died without recovering conscious ness. Merrill's mother is said to live in Hussonfl Wash. XQTICE. Kotlce Is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil of the city of Medford, Oregon, at Its next regular meeting on August 1st, 1911, for a license to sell spirt tous, vinous and malt liquors Id quantities less than a gallon, at his place of business at No. 25 South Front street, in said city, for a per iod of six month. CARNS BROS. Date of first publication, July 20, 1911. NOTICE TO ALL CEMENT CON TRACTORS AND BUILDERS That on and after the first day of August, 1911 the locai Ciment Work era Union No. 158 will enforce the following scale of wagej and hours: for finishers 62 1-2 cfnts per hour, for finisher's helpers J 3.50 per day, for labors' $3.00 per day, for box mix ers $3.50 per day. Eight (8) hours to constitute a days work. Hours from S a. m. to 5 p. m. and time and one half for over time and double time (or Sundays and holidays. F. H. Mc Donald, pres.; C. W. Damns, sec "" CAPT. EMERSON ANP BRIDE OFF F0K HONEYMOON. I . III lBBJRS? J& 1HMK''V f v Vw2t vJbbbJ PsK?( ' -CT. j, kw VnJ S8cirav CH9grB, v 1 1 kvNfltH II IBiifiSyfcpM rCvX !' 7 HHbVI V HMRrai ' JlXM L W Itv M I Mf BaBaBaBam 1 Bl aBBBVBBBakNt3l'3rc & "vjiW. I B V BF tm BBVBBVBBVBBVJ VB BBVBBBBBVBMSvJfe??&k. nvv 1"& 11 17 AHHlBHB ln EvKO ft v l A W BBBBBBBaaBBBBlMBBBtfT PSPPi'? 'v pi ? v BHHBiru Captain and Mrs 1.E..'E.teirsoit. The accompanying photograph of Captain Isaac Kdwnrd Kmerson and his new bride, who was Mrs. McCor.uick. was taken on board thu tsenm ship Amerika a few moments before that vcsm'1 sailed from New York Tho Baltimore millionaire gave the reporters in tho east a morrv chase when they tried to learn tho date and place of the ninrrinccr When asked about it "just before sailing tho eaptaain said: "Why, I thought every body knew about that. We were married at tho Marble Collegiate church, in Xew York, on July 5." Canptain Kmerson nnd his wife will re main in Europe for about two inontlw. t (700,000 COST M'NAIfURA TRIAL Trial of Alleged Dynamiters an Ex pensive Luxury Labor Unions to Pay Bulk of Cost nnd County Bal anceBurns Due Tonight. NO CHANCE TO SAVE EMPRESS OF CHINA TOKIO, July 'J9. It is believed here today that there is no chance of saving the Canadian Pacific steamer Empress of China, which lies on a submerged rock off Awa penin sula. The vessel was wrecked when on its way to Yokohama. HANGED HIMSELF OVER STOLEN BOTTLE OF MILK I.OS AXGKLKS. Cnl., July '-'O.-Awuseil of having stolen a bottle of milk in the exclusive Wcstlako dis trict, C. I Pinter, 60. weakened b.v deprivation, early today hanged himself with his scarf to the bars of a prison cell. I.OS AKUKIiKS' Cul.. July 2. The trial of John J. and James II. Mo Xamnra, alleged dynamiters, it was estimated today will cost tho county and defense not less than $700,0110. It was calculated that if'J'Jo.OOO will b tho cost to the county, and union labor, it was estimated, would spend .ftr7,000 in defending the two men. It was said that tho salaries of At torneys Darrow, Davis, Scott,, llarri man nnd Tyrol I for thu defense probably would exceed $:I00,000. Attorney Lecoinpto Davis and Jos eph Scott nre away from Los An geles today on business connected with the defense. Davis has gono to Portland nnd Scott is en route to Chicago and Detroit. At tho local of fico of the Hums agency it was said today that Detective. William J. Burns would arrive in Los Angeles tonight or Sunday. to otrms a OOZ.B or ova bat. Tako LAXATIVB DltOMO QutnltiB Tt tela. DruxilMa refund mony If It fatU to curd. E. y. OHOVET8 Ifnatur la oo Man bos. zte. x I Hasklna for Health. SAN FRANCISCO- Cal., July 29. Dangcr to his' life through his tuber cular condition today secured a re spite in his extradition to Oregon for W. G. Sother who is out on $500 aail here on a chargo of forgery placed . against him in Portland. To Slato Agent Lconnrd of Oregon, who is hero to take Sother north, tho alleged forger's physiciun pre sented an affidavit, that in his pres ent condition, passing over Mount Shasta probably would kill Sother. Ho declared, however, that the man would be in shape to go north in a mouth, and Leonard agreed to wait. Unculled for Letters. Tho following list of letters remain uncalled for at the post office at Med ford, Oregon, Wednesday, July 26: Andorson Elva, Dally Jno, Dials dell Q. B., noil Tom, Dooth Curt, Dovven llllllo, Drcazcal A. J., Brook W. D., Drown Robert A., Coliorson Mrs. Olive, Davlsson Mrs. C. W Fort cscuo Miss Margarita, Given Chas. 8., Olousopyre Clclppa Andlmo, Ham. inoiid Miss Edytho, Hannon Richard K, Hasted Geo L., Johnson Mary I., Kulllas Georgos H., Kllvlllon Frank J,, Kolly Herbert C, Lanklln Thos,, Lytlo Luwls Lester., Mattock Mrs. Hattlo, Medford News, MeyerB Mrs. MuniJ, Morgan J. T McShery Mrs. Hdltli, PanoutBos Tom, Paul Mrs. Al ta, Ross Miss Torcla, Rough Eddie, Root Buuan D., Ryder Chris, Suundors Alice, Tployun Dylon A., Vonuott Geo,, Wall Mis. R. J Whltten C. 3.. Young Wm, M. ,Nr OakUnd, Caonila The onlr Woman' Cotlfje on the Pacific Coast. Chartered 1885. Near two great Univeraitief. Ideal climate throughout the year. Kntrance ind graduation requirement! equivalent to !hoe ol Stanford and Unireriity of Cahornla. Laboratories for science with modern equip, merit. Excellent opportunities for home economics, library study., music and art. Modern gymnasium, fepeciat care for health af students, out-door life. President, Luella Oar Carson. A. it.. Litt. D.. l.L. D. For catalogue address Secretary, Mills College 1'. California. I' HHklnB for Health. CAMPERS' SUPPLIES Eatables for the camp are one of the most im portant features to be looked after. We not only supply tho best but we see that they are Neatly and Strongly Packed Here are a few sugges tions for the eatable box: Bacon Pancake Flour Beans Salt Coffee Bread Crackers Pickles Lsard Matches Flour Etc., Etc., Etc. Olmstcad & Hibbard West Bido Grocers. 49c 98c aissaMasMsssssvsssssssassstsstBsiasvawa-sssssssssfltsastasMaastsiaBMSMSMW Shirt Waist Sale Every Shirt Waist in the house, including all of our regular stock and the big shipment sent us by the factory mistake, is out on SPECIAL SALE We have all kinds and descriptions and they go at the following prices: Pure Clear Sparkling Ya eu't afford U wllkoat this splendid, refrcnulttjt drlnV. Cull up and order a case aent to the home. The purest, aoat healthful drink known ia SISKIYOU MINERAL P. C. IIIHAM, AimL SHOES AT COST Tlio Dnfflolil nlmo stock line lii'nn tnovtut to Houtli Cvutrnl off of Mitln, oppontto tbo MIhhIou rontuurunt mid tho Htnult In iitlll IiuIiik Hold at cont. M. S. Biden lit oiorutliiK tho moat uiodorn tilioo ropiilrliiK'bhop In tho olt)' nt tho Hitiuo locution. Uli'tn-ilitto olcvtrlcut ma ohtuory, Look for the RED D00T Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS f Money on hand at all timet to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 QARNETTOOREY BLDO. tjjfj-ffrfrrfrrfrr-"r 49c 98c $1.29 These prices will continue while stock lasts and the first ones here will get the pick. So come early We wish to announce that our entire stock of Blankets Comforts and Outing Flannel for fall is now in. Wc also have a large stock of Suit Cases; Telescopes, Grips and Trunks. Hutchison 6 Lumsden 1 C Cedar Poles We are now carrying in stock a full line of Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles. Let us figure on your needs. CRATER LAKE FUEL CO. PHONE MAIN 971 SPARTA BUILDING Another Hot Wave Coming VwfTBBaiKiasF VMaElai Get Your Electric Fan Now No matter how hot it tfets, there is always a refreshing breeze in the office of the house that is equipped with an ELECTRIC FAN. Few people are able to spend the summer where it is natur ally cool, and nobody really needs to, for this is the day of the electric fan. A Westinghouse Fan is acces sible to everybody all the time. A few cents spent for electric current, (whiph comes from any lighting fixture) will give you a refreshing, nevpr-failing breeze for a whole week. Call and see our assortment of fans. Our office is the coolest place in town on a hot day. Our electric fans make it so. You are cordially invited to come and be convinced that we have WHAT YOU WANT in this line. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. i .h.