ftWNlMn! f&f" " " "' " --Hfv' - t u -fw v in t , v r rirvr .-, i fj 4 I ! MTODFOKI) AM IF TIM HI IN 10, MIODKORD, ftlMWON, Fill DAY, .IVLY 28, 1011, PAGE THREE BARRETTS SELL AT $3.35 A BOX Pears From 3ulsun Drlnii Qooil Prices atChlcnoo Now York Mar ket $2.85 Western Prices liluhcr Than In Extreme East. J Jy - Bltiwart l-'rult (otupitiiy icput t thu hhIo of fruit an 1'oIIowh under tlntu of July 2A: Now York, N. Y.IFB cur H.'I.'.I from KiuitiiiiiiMilOj July II. TniKi'dy pruiii'M, 1). A. Miller, uvuriiKU 4-1.70; (ltoiKu McIJiiIIoukIi, uvtTUKu $1.(10 Jou (Ihmiii uviiiuo 1.70; Calil'iiriiiii it'll pltitiiM : I). A; Miller, uoriiuu $1.70; (Ionium 1'niiim: ), A. Mil lor, uvi'niKii $l,.l; lluitlctt H-ars 1). A. Miller, uveniKu ."r'J.Hfl; .Ion (Im-n, iiviiriiKO .fJ.70. PIT, cur fl'JIKI from Kuctiimciito, July H: llurtlctt poiirM: V. N. Ituiiyon, iivonio fJ.ifi; 1). A. Mllcr, iivoriiKn iJ.7fi; Y. T. Ito, $l,Uf0. Niiintcoii en I'M Mold today. !) maiiil inoihiruti, pi icon a hIiiiiIo low or. WVnlliur ry uufavoralilc Chloiio, III- HFKI) oar U.'ilM from HwiiIIm, July 17. Tragedy pruucH : Win. Snail, nvriiii l.ll.r); Crawfonl ppiiclion: Win. Hwall, avoTUKu fM!i. Car uroHH.-.l $lirj:i. I'KK car 2.101 from KuInuii, July 38. llnrllutt pours: All Coo company, mvdYiikh 3.10; rMlalc of (Irani Clunlliouriic itnniK 3.00; J. It. Cliatlliournc, nvv rK' 3. 10; Chun Illu, uvi'rup! $:i.l( K. Iook, iinriiKa $l.'2!t; (1. W. I.niif; don, nwruKit 3.30; Wicknon plumn, Ah Yoke, nvuniKP $J.-10; Ilurhaiik pliiiiw: Mm. N. Hcry, average fl.70; SatMuma pluuirt; II. II. Clayton, uvij. rao 1.(10; TriiK'cdy pninon: S. Honda, iivcniko .$1.1)0; Union Karly pcaclicH: It. Ilaruyama, nvnniKO l.'JO; MaHhliiKton pluuift: J. Maruy auiti, nvcriiKU 1.(10. Car ronm-il 1.0H3. Kn i'ii can Hold toduv. Mar. kct in MtroiiK'. owiiiK to light arriv alt. Wcathor cool ami iMimtil. SPEEDERS ARE ROUNDED UP Many Numbers Tnkrn Last Nlylil Offenders Must Appear Before Mayor nml Explain Why Tliey Were Running Fast. Tliu piillco not liimy In Urn Hiilmrbx Tlitirmlny nli;ht anil microi'ili'il In lal- lit K Hi" miinlmriT of tlm cnrH ami In woiuo ciihi'h tint iiamcri of the drlvom of all who worn ilotot'teil uxrumlliiK tho hhiii limit, Tlm illffnriiut ouch worn notified, today to appear huforo tho mayor ami uxphiln. J. W, Kuyi'H and V. c (ln-iin aro (Irxl on ttiti llitt. HpOdltw; Im tho clinrKO. Thu offoiiHfi In itnlil to hnvo lii'i'ii committed at flifiO p, m. at Hoc onil and OIohou NtreetH, A. McI'Ihthoii Ih charKod with npiiimIIiik on wont Tenth al 7:58 p, in .Mono llitrkdull Ih hiiIiI to liavo Mn'i'dcd up on North Central at 8: in p. m. Car No. O.lfl at 1 S : :t H a. m. Ih hmIiI to hnvu linen travelliiK too fiiHt on Wi't Main. Tlm JuckHonvlllit Auto KtiiKo wiim too uuxloun to reach JnclCHonvlllo any tho police. Churned with npccdliiK on Wont Main at 12 HO a. m. Car No. 1067 Ih charged with tirenkliiK tho rcKUlatloiu on Oakdalo at l-'HH a. in. Car No. 3fiU4 dlNplaycd no llghtH at 1:.'I0 a. in. and mum explain. NEW CASES OF CHOLERA POUND NKW YOIIK, July 28 -With i'ho. era vlrtlniH conn(autly arrlvInK hnro on Italian llnom, two mmpertii Uolnt ed.at llullavuii honpllal ami ten new cJihoa (rout n cargo of liumlKniuU Mho arrived yenterday now Isolated al Kwlnhiiruo Ulnnd, tho city aulllor ItleM admitted today thai tho Hltuattou In New York In imrloiiH, Alarmed hy the Influx of thono who havo heeu Htrli'lten with tho dread dlHoitxe, thu utato and city health of flclalrt aro ronttantly In conference an to thu ht-Al meaiiH of controlling tho malady. Tho Mtato health de partment will take action aftur a gou. oral comparing of notcM at Albany next Moudiiy. YESTERDAY'S SCORES. Nfitloiinl I league. At Pitthhurg H. I'ilthhurg 7 Itrooklyn (I At Cincinnati It Cincinnati 7 New York I At ChioiiKu ' KJ Chuuigo -I MoNton () At SI. Louirt-r- H. SI. Louin 3 Philadelphia American' ICAgiio. At New York ( 11. New York 0 St. LouiH I At IkiHton- It. Dorilon 'J t.'hicugn , ', . 8 At Philadelphia It. Philadelphia 3 Cleveland (I At WiiHhington It. Washington , , 1 Detroit 7 Count Icague, At Lort AngolcH It. I.oh Augcli'H . . . (s , . , . 1 Portland 2 At Oakland Oakland 0 Han FraiuiiHco .' 1 At Suomiiicnlo t, Suonimcntn , .It. Vernon 1 (11 iuuingH.) 11. (I 7 0 0 II. (I B. I 1 3 Hindu's Victim Dead. CHICAGO, HI., July 'J8. -Archie Hunt, one of thu eight ietimi of the munlcroiiH fire which M. IIiihHiii, an liiMauu Hindu, imurcil into a crowd o tho Hlrecln from a 10 cnlihro rifle, in dead today as the ickiiK of the woiiihIh ho rccovied. Following Ilunt'H death the Hindu wiih fonnally charged uith inurder. G0T525.000 FOR LORIMER VOTE WASIIINOTON. U. C., July 27. Testifying hetoru tlm henate ltriuicr iiiM'ntigatiug committcn hitrj today, II. II. ItoltHlaw, hoti of tho Statu Sen ator I). W. Ilollnliiw of IIHiioik. wh., coiifcHHi'il to having hcen hrihed to volu for biriiner, prchcntcd evidence that hiM father's confoiou wiih cor icol. Tho younger IIoIInIiiw, who i jiniduccd tho original dcpoMt hlip. dated June 1(1, 1(100, showing (hat his father on that date i!cositcd fJ.fiOl) in thu Htalo hank at Chicago. This was I ho data on which tho elder lloltslaw declared ho received thu lorinipr hrihe. I). W. lloltslaw, tlm confessed re eeivcr of lrimer ciihIi, unci had heen summoned to appear heforu thu com mittee hut had heen unable to do so on account of illness. Young Holln law declared that Im hail discussed tho Lorimur affair .with his father several times1 after the latter con fcijscd and his father said hu thought it his duty to tell tho truth. in ni:ri:iu:.ci: to aixkuko uoi.nur At Newport. Tho falno HtatomontB appearing In thu vnrloua papers of tho Htato, for tho purpoao of mlolead lag thu public, wo wish to aay In our hohalf that tho O, & K, railway com pany havo authnrlzod iih to place a train checkmuu on all Incoming traluu for tho rnnvAinlonro of tho tourlutH, or ho would not bo allowed by tho railway company to oporato. Wo al- ho chuck your baggage from your cot. (ago or camp groundtt iHHiilug you a regulation railway baggage, uheck. Don't bo deceived or mlolead by nr- tlclOH printed by Irreopomilblo partleu. Ah to our reliability wo can icfor you to Mr. J, V. CoIIIiih, general baggage agent. 8. V. Ity Co., Portland, or Mr. J. T. Walsh, Hiiporluteiidont, C. & K. Ity Co., Albany. Our rales aro roan onablo In ovory particular, and we will HatlHfy you. Signed, Tho Newport TiaiiHfer Co. HaskltiB for Health. CITY NOTICES. i , Northwestern League, . At Portland It. II. K. -. , t . Porlland . 1 'I ' X! t' , Vancouver 3 11 1 , , At Taooma . Tiutoinn -I JO (I Spokane 3 8 0 . t Al Victoria Vlotoria 4 0 0 e Seattle 11 13 1 x HoBklUB tor Health. KSHOX.UTX01T. lie l( ivjtolwil liv the ultv eniinoll nf ..- i &. . ' -. - - - mo eny or Aiuurorn, iircKoa: That It Is tlio luleatlDii nf the cmuiell in lay it t'liieh wuter iiiiilu on Ivy street from ClKhth Hticot tn NJnth Htrool nail to hnhi'HH tho 1'omI thdieof upnii the nronmty fioiitlnit oa sulil em lion of salil Hlrotii -In pi oiorl Ion to tho rioutiign of hhiii iiotoriy. tiiu uoiineii win uieiH at mo couuoii uhitiiihnr In tho city hall In miiIiI city on ihn i&th iiny or aukuhi. iuii, ut 7iau p. m , nt whleli tliiio all prntoHlH ugalasl thn lnvinir nf said watnr iiiiilu on sulil piirtlini of mild Hi reel ami thu itHHt-HH. inoiit nf Ihn eiiMt thoioof imon (ho m oil orly frontliiK theteoa will he lituirtl. The fniouiilng ri'Holulloii wiih iiuhmciI hy the ulty uoiiaoll of tho city ut1 Med. roiu on inn Jbin ouy or .iiuy. iimi, oy Ihn followliig vote) Mm rink aye, Wall aye. WortuiHii aye, lanniioK aiiHoat, Ul- run annual, Diuiar ayu. Appiovitil Jiny ama. W. It, CANON, Mnyor. . AttoHt; uoirr. w Tin.h'iju. City ltvcurdvr. WETS CARRY TEXAS . BY 3780 MAJORITY TETRAZZINI MUST PAY HAMMERSTEIN 19 ACHTIN, Tiixmh, July 28. - Uliof- flelal roluriiH JiihI complelcd glvo thnj wolii a majority of .1,780 votes In tho Htatowldo prohlbllloii electron ' A meeting of the exccutlvo coin-i inltlco of tho prohibition organiza tions at Kurt Worth Halurday linn' been called by Chairman Hallto out-' line plans for coutcMtlug the election. I The leglHlnlnie, which U controlled by the prohlblllonlntH, will begin a' special hchhIoii next Monday, and it Ih exported, will stall an InveMtlgatlon NKW YORK, July 28 An order on a Htlpiilatlou Hlgned by United HtalcH Judge Laeomlt settled today tho litigation between Mine. Tctnu Inl, tho operatic utar, ami Oiicnr HammerHtelii. ilammerHteln getu 1 1 II, 25.10 for breach of contract when Tetraxzlnl wont to Han KranclHco some moutliH ngo liiHteail of appear ing under llainuierntcln'H direction j ll"ri'. HaHklim for health A HANK HOOK WIMj MfJHTK.V tho htirdeu of caring for your money. IJepoidt nir ciihIi In the Far merit & fruitgrowers Uauk and you will not have to Hit mid worry about I tiM safety. TIiIovch don't slcal hank books; nml If flro destroy one, you don't Ioho anything, an you would If It wan tho cash ItHolf, Open an account today and you'll uleep easier tonight and eery night. lf w wwme r Farmers 6c Fruitgrowers Bank FANS They nro licallhful FF They nro Mtiltar They aro comfortnblo A They cost one-half cent an hour to run i. They are Just tho thing to X. keep your customer In KihhI humor Tlicq why not buy one7 Call at tlxe Electric Building 209 West. Main and Examine the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. 9 For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining city of Mcdford, on long time, easy pay ments. 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; cement sidewalks and paving in; also sowors, water and light. Long timo, easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, 350 acres alfalfa land, 80 acres fruit land, perpetual water right with wator for irrigating 1000 acres; long timo, oasy paymonts. 340 ACRES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa laud, halauoo fruit land, 1 milo from railroad, on long time easy tonus. 6000 ACRES LAND in tracts of from 40 acres upwards; prico $25.00 per aero and upwards; suitahlo for alfalfa, fruit stock and gonoral farming purposes; long time,' easy paymonts. 6 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on 5 annual paymonts. Gold Ray Realty Co. 21G WEST MAIN STREET. Crater Lake Stage Line Offhlnl Crater Cake Hlngo Anton leave Motel Niodi at H n. m. Tiicm (layn and Friday, arrive Crater Jiko wtmo evening, Itetiirnlng, leave Crntir Lako .Monday ami Tbiirfid.y. Conriec Hoiih olth Hfenmer Klamath for Khimalh fallH. ItouniJ Trip 92ff,00, one tny lft.OO. .Meilfonl to Klamath Talln via Crater fsiko (one way) 9IK.no ItcHcrviilloii ntiil thkelM nt Hotel NiinIi or Crater I.nUo Caragc. uiiiiiiihmiiliuiHniiimiiiiiuiXHnini In a Class by Itself It Ih a great big loaf, mado from tho bout high grade flour. I'lICUMlHS IlItKAI) Is moro like that good old home made bread that mother used to make than any other on the market. Ask your grocer for PKCULEKS IIUKAD and Inslxt that you get It be cause there Is none so good. RARDON'S BAKERY Corner Main am) C.'rnpo Street. Pure Clear Sparlding You can't afford to io without this splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and ordor a case sent to the house. The purest, saogt healthful drink known is MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Aieif. You can't make n hotter Investment for your wife nnd fam ily than to Install a gas rango In your homo with tho var ious accessories that help to make housework oasy. Let tin show you what It means to have gas In tho houso for ftiol and lighting. Wo nro always glad to mako demonstrations. Oregon Gas 6 Electric Co. - MCIIFOKI), oimoox. As an Inducement for you to try a OAS RANGE! wo will rebate Jfi. 00 on regular nrlco of any stove you select until the first of August. Ceavo your order now. NOTE: rangos Installed without further cost to you on easy terms. f-4- Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS " Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. I I City Property Bargain LOT 60x125 East Front One Block Off W. Main PRICE $300 TERMS: $50 Cash, $10 a Month 3 1U1YJ.I COHEY BLOCK I I I IHI 1 iJ lit C C; C; i ill il! C! li C; O C? C & O & & O dfC'CCC1 && L i' il- il? 2' C d; C li.' il! it! C" (t; t!! . . HK- & t x ft tO r CO- to- f tO- t7 ?- f BANKING SERVICE 0 m rj fi fJi -eo m b!' WK SS S S! St Si S SI .fcSCCfc fcJ l(v't '' m' u1 ' h -' -' r -' -r -' - - - -r -r t '' -- - -r y 'tf t' - -j' -j' t r '.- '" 't1 H -c Jt' v 'c 'f f H V yN The cdford National Bank assures you of the best service. Its officers aim in every way to protect the interests of its patrons, making uso of every means of precaution. The directors and officers arc all well known business men; men of integrity and known for the careful and conservative handling of any and all business intrusted to them. Its up-to-date system of accuracy, promptness and the same careful atten tion to large or small depositors, makes it a bank for all the people. IF YOU ARE NOT A CUSTOMER OF THIS BANK LET THIS BE AN INVITATION TO BECOME ONE THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK W. II. GORE, President. ,T. A. PERRY, Vice President. 1 E. MERRICK, Vice President. ,10IINT & ORTU, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asst. Cashier Cedar Poles We are now carrying in stock a full line of Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles. Let us figure on your needs, CRATER LAKE FUEL CO. PHONE MAIN 971 SPARTA BUILDING m ; HI HI W - r,. , , jjjjji .. ww4' $Y