Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 28, 1911, Image 1

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sriflsn wiitinftiaSS
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ratling- to ctt iniir wilt )iv
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Medford Mail Tribune
I'nlr Max H, relative Hit
mldlty 1! per rout. Mln 50.
Dully-MUtli Vi-nr.
Puriv Mint Vt-iir
MEDFORD, OREGON, 'Fill DAY. JULY 28, 1911.
No. 10!).
GET $7000
Same Fii'lht Tariffs Will Hold Here That Govern In Spokane, Baker
City ami Other Inlnntl Points Transcontinental Shipments Can Be
Routed via El Paso Gateway at Same Rates for Medford as for Port
land, While Shipments From New Orleans Will Cost 7 Per Cent More.
Trank H. McCune Writes of Result of Recent Rullnn. by Interstate Com
mtrci) Commission as Applied to Local Business New
, Principle Stimulates Commerce In West.
First National Bank Recovers On
Bonds Secured By Robbers When
Train 16 Was Held Up In Cow
Was Slxty-elQhth Package to Be In
sured In Such a Manner
By the Bank.
Dislodged Sled Loaded With Stone
On Steep Hillside and Is Caught
Every Bone In Chest Broken Rib
Penetrates Heart.
Man Had Died In Meantime Noth
ing Is Known of Man's
Past Life.
(Ily Frank II. Murium Rate Expert
of III" MimUdhI Truffle Ilurcuu,)
I liiivn Inmu Informed thul !tn d'
clidon tendered by Hut lutorstrite com
inoreo coiumlnHlon In (tut Spokane,
Reno, Phoenix, unit Hull Lake cases
will effect Medford am! other viiltoy
piilnlM Hut Miuuo uh It effects linker
anil Kpokuim, in other words, theiui
en pen woro decided liy the eoiumlNttlou
In itecorduuett wllh tint now fourth
t Briefly stated, tint ntortH of Com-
liilHuloiiorrt I'routy cuul Initio decide
Ilin ponding limes In connection wllli
Mm applications of tint curriers un
tie r tint fourth section. All applica
tions filed liy tint carriers In transcon
tinental torrltory No. H cover every
tariff rontnlnliiK rales In tho went.
Tlii'int applications tiuvo nil boon do
nlt'il except Hint on special couuikmII
tie Hut rate to Intermediate polutM
from Chicago hIuiII not litt higher thim
107 per runt of Hid Pacific const rnto,
fioiu Pittsburg, MG per rent of tho
Pacific count rnto ami from Now York
"df I " '"" . racuio ioaM rnio.
I V l Ail Jklliir rHlin mnnnt lui .VfAJ,t.i,t til
I 7? M Intermediate point.
Meiiford In MciirNttori. an transcontinental whip
nieiilH can lio routed via tint El 1'imo
gateway through to I'ortlnnd. Mod
foul ami all polntM south of Portland
Mill got Hid benefit of thin decision.
In other words, on rlco Hlilpped from
Galveston to Portland tho rnto Ih 00
cents; Medford will gel tint name rnto.
If, however, rlco Ih shipped from Now
Orleans to Medford, tho rnto would
h 7 per cent higher than tint tliroiiKh
rnto, In other words, rnto would ho n
trlflo oor tHc.
Tho railroad companies; nro order
ml to put Into effect those now nit oh
on October I Tit h. There seems to ho
u lltlltt difference of opinion yet an to
whether Hut lutortato coiumarco coin
iiiIhhIoii Intended to settle tho problem
uh above outllnml, hut HiIh mutter, I
think, will bo cleared up within a
low weeks.
Dlsciliiiliiiited Against.
Meiiford being situated between
Poitlaltd and Han Francisco Ih ills
c.rliuliiiitcd uKftliiBt (ih between thuHO
rltli'H and tho cUIoh of Uono and Hpo
knno, Tho Houthurii Pacific Coiuptmy
him mado application for relief from
tint operation of Hut amended fourth
necl lou In Hut hii me tnminor an tho
trniiNContliKtutuI linen Moucht In tho
Mpokuno cane and which the cotmnln
hIoii Iiiih denied under Hut roiwrvii
Hoiih affected Hut territory eant of tint
Mliwourl river, nttch renervatlun nunc
Iiik from 7 per rout In tho Chicago
xomt to 'St per cent in tlm Atlantic
Henbourd vectlon which currier nro
allowed to devluto from Hut termluiil
raten In a higher chant" to an Inter
mediate point.
Thin rule In itxtomiml to nil polntu
wentwnrd of tho Pacific cooHt termln
Hevon tlioiiHiiinl ilollnrH wiih today
paid to tho Firnt Nnlionii! bank of
lliix city liy the Commercial Union
AHKiirauyu company, limited, to cover
Iobm-h HUKtniiied when train 10 was
held up mid robbed in Cow Creek can
yon ono month npjo today. In one
of tint reK'iHtt'reil ioiiclien Hie bank
bud .$7000 wortli of IioiiiIh wliieli tliey
luul itiHiired for nnfo delivery.
For Homo timo tlm Mmt Nutional
bank lias made u imicticu of nliippinp
vitliiublu ttiipers and currency in tlie
rej,'iHtercd mail ut tho name time
placing mi insurance aj;ainHt Iohh on
tint tariff from tho cnnlorn territory
niimliu; raten to Medford and South
ern Oregon, Portland In made tho ban
Iiik point, and for thin rcnuon tlm
territory lyliiK voittli of Portland doc
not come under tho ruling of tho com
iuIhmIou In tho Runtio of helnK Inter
mediate to u terminal point.
Hope, for ltellcf.
However tho principle enunciated
iIooh npply to Medford and undoubted
ly will bo extended to her commerco
by tlm commission If properly prcnwit-
ed by couiilalut, providing tho Houth-
ern Pacific Compnny, doog not volun
tarily mnko tho adJiiRtiucnt to South
eru OrcKou at the name time ratcH
nro checked Into other territory under
order of the couuiiIhhIoii.
Tho denial of tho commlnHlon In the
application of tho cnrrlem for relief
under tho amended fourth section
hldn Medford hope for relief from tho
extortionate ratcn exacted from San
Kranclnco and other California points
In her cumo now mihmlttod for com
modity ratcH from Sun Krunctuco.
Tho henefltH that will uccruo to
tho Interior cities under tho commis
sion older In tho lteno and Spokane
cases will kIvo tlm Interior absolute
control over Its torrltory as against
coast el t leu, meeting tho coast hulf
way on goods shipped from Missouri
river torrltory, providing tho Interior
has tho sumo outbound rnto un tho
coast cities, ns In tho caso of Oregon
Interior cities hnvo not an equal rnto
with Portland. Hut this is n matter
of equity to ho adjusted by tho stnto
riillroailTommlsslou ns appealed to by
Medford In lior pending cases before
that body.
(ContlnuiMt on I'mce e.)
nls situated on tho main lino. Under bu vnluablcH to be traiihiwrted. Oi
Juno '28 they dispatched $7000 of
Central Point school district bonds to
Washington to be placed on dcMwit
tboni with tbo jxiHtoffico department
in ordor that they might qualify ns
u depository for postal savings de
posits. In neenrd with their usunl
custom they sent tho bonds liy reg
istered until uud insured them, tin
premium being .f'2.10. This was the
mxty-ciglith package to e insured
by tlm bnnk the otbers all "being
Bnfely delivered.
Hut on tho night of Juno 28, the
train wuh held up and robbed.
Tho bank nt onco notified the in
surance compnny of the loss and n
Hporlnl agent was sent nt once to
Medfonl. An investigation was mnde
and the claim would hnvo been paid
then but word was received thnt the
bonds had been found in the litter dis
card ed by tho robbers. So jmymenl
wns delayed until this whs investi
gated. Two days ngo it was defi
nitely learned by tbo postoffice au
thorities' that the bonds were lost and
today tho bank received n check for
$70Q0 to roiuibut-Mt them,
Tbo bunk will now nHsign its in
tonst in tlm bonds to tho insurance
company who will ask the district
to issue new bonds to replace the
"This demonstrates fully tlm value
of insurance," stated President W.
S. Crowell of tlm bank this morning.
"For thciuvestment of .f2.10 wo were
nblo to recover $7000. In nil we
hnvo registered (18 packages nnd
hnvo lost one. Wo carry every form
of insurance fire, burglary, forgery,
hold-up, and our experience in this
matter demonstrates fully thnt it
William Lane, ngej between 3C
and -10 years, wn crushed to death
beneath a load of hfavy rock at Pros
pect Thursday afternoon. Death was
almost Instantaneous, every bono In
tho man's client being crushed, one
rib penetrating tho heart. Fellow
work men could lend no aid.
I,ane, first appeared at Prospect
flvo days ago when he secured a Job
with tho Prospect Construction Com
pany. Thursday with a number of
other men ho was engaged in load
lug rock unto a sled which was al
lowed to slide down tho steep hill
side to tho place where tho rock was
needed. Several loads had been sent
down when suddenly tho sled caught
In Its descent and stopped about six
feet from tho bottom. Lanej wont
down to dlslodgo It. When ft was
freed it caught hi in and crushed In
to his body. Ho lived for possibly
30 minutes. : "
Tho companion! of tho man at onco
notified tho officers of tho company
In this city and Drp. 11. Porter was
dispatched at ouc.-i tho scene. He
madu tho trip to Prospect in less than
threo hours.
Dr. Porter had been deputized by
tho coroner and held an Inquest. Ac
cidental death was tho substanco of
tho verdict. Tho body was strapped
to a plank and was brought to Med
ford this morning by tho doctor.
Lane had nothing In his effects to
throw any light on his past history.
Ho had told Bovoral that ho had work
od tho greater part of his life around
horses. Two fingers on his right
hand woro missing.
Military Preparations Proceeding
With All Speed Country Not to
Be Caught Napping- Whatever the
Outcome of Negotiations.
PARIS, .July 28. Complete com
mand of tho French army in cao of
war was this afternoon voted by the
cabinet to General J. J. C. Joffe, who,
at a hurried meeting of tho presi
dent's advisers, was formally named
as chief of tho general staff.
Steam Up On Battleships and Troops
Moving Toward Strategic Posi
itons, England Awaits Pos-
sible Clash Over Morocco.
PARIS, July 28. Despite state
ments emanating from tho foreign of
flee that the Franco-German difficul
ties over the Moroccan situation will
bo amicably adjusted, tho war office
Is more active than it has been for
years and military preparations pro
ceeding with all speed indicates that
whatever tho outcome of tho diploma
tic negotiations, tho country is not go
lug to bo caught napping.
Indication that war is really ex
pected, despite all the diplomats say,
camo this afternoon when all the cav
alry was ordered to bo In readiness
for active servlco, and arms, ammuni
tion and provisions by tho tralnload
were rushed to tho forts whoso line
stretches along' tho German frontier.
Leaves of absence In every regiment
of tho line have been cancelled and In
every barracks in the land only the
word to march Is lacking to put
Franco actively In tho field against
tho foe.
LOXDOX, July 28. With steam
up on her bultleships nnd her troops,
regular and militia, moving steadily
toward the important fctrnlegic po
sitions of the country, Britain today
is waiting for a ito.o.sible clash with
Germany over the Moroccan situa
tion. England's position has been posi
tively outlined and no more can be
done until the Frnnco-Gennnn nego
tiations over Morocco huve been dis
posed of. The outcome of the dan
gerous situation hinges on whether
Germany will withdraw her demand
for a Moroccan port. All the diplo
mats who are watching every move
with strained attention, concede that
France cannot grant this demand.
They expect thnt, warned by British
determination and the apparent cer
tainty that France will stand firm,
tho kniscr and- his ministers tonigiit
will agree to qoncessions.
Tho whole situation Tn a nutshell
is that Germany has rflnde
which will not be granted by France,
and which, should France weaken,
would still be opposed by England.
Germany must back down or fight.
Which alternative the kaiser will take
is uncertain, and England, ready and
armed, waits.
Belief General at Berlin That Mon
arch Wiif Find a Way to Sidestep
Issue Press of Nation Silent
Awaitinn Cue From Crown. m
BERLIN, July 28. -Whether Ger
many will back down In her Moroccan
demands on Franco or whether tho
kaiser will now elect to fight for tho
supremacy of the Fatherland in world
politics, probably .will be decided at
Swinemunae'Uonlght.' On the return
tho emperor- to that port from his
cruise In northern waters he will bo
met by Chancellor VonBethmanu
Hollweg and foreign secretary Von
Klderlln-Waechter and tho wholo
situation will be gone over.
,In Berlin tho feeling is strong that
tho kaiser, by somo expedient, wilt
avoid a clash with Franco and En
gland, but it is not doubted that any,
small misunderstanding niay preclpi-.
tate a world war. By tomorrow tho
kaiser is expected to bo in Berlin and
It is possible that his position, if it Is
decided tonight will bo then known to
tho world.
Presumably awaiting a cuo from,
tho government, tho Berlin press to
day is practically silent as to Premier
Asqulth's statement on tho Moroccan
sltUationin theTJlrtlsh'liouso of "com
mons. The feeling of tension is ap
pareatly relaxed as tho result of a
more hopeful aspect of tho Franco
German negotiations over Morocco,
and tho feeling seems to bo growing
that an armed conflict will yet bo
WASHINGTON, 1). P., July 28.
Kvidiiiuio lendiiiK to confirm reports
that Kdvvurd Ilines, tho ChieiiK
mlllioimiro lumberman accused of
havinjr corruptly caused tho election
of Hmmlor William I.oiimor, boasted
of his uulivitiea was given today ho
l'oro tho HimiitO'IiOriiuor investigating
("ommittoo by Albeit MeCordio, a law
yer. "In May, 11)00," 'MoConllu Bind,
"Wort Cook, a jDiiliith lumberman,
who was a client of mine, told mo
two or threo wookri boforo Loriiuor
win-, elected thut tho day before Mines
had boasted that lio. hud oleulotl Sou
utor BtopluiiiHim of Wisconsin, who
nftorwnrd 'throw htm down' by voting
for l'reo lumber. Cook doolared
J linos told him ho luul had trouble in
keeping southern senators in lino for
I ho tariff, nnd said ho know Loriiuur
would bo elonlod."
MuCordlo then rooitod tho dotniU
of Ilinos' allegod convocation with
Governor Donoon nt Springfield on
May 2(1 as thoy luul lutuu told to
Cook by tho CbiuiiKuaii,
A warrant was Issued by Justice
Glonn O, Taylor Friday morning on
a complaint sworn to by II. C, Oarnott
charging vagrancy, for William Cook,
John Cnntroll, John Doo Barry, Borl
Or a no and Richard Rao Pontoll,
Thursday evening as Mr, and Mrs.
Gnrnott woro returning from an au
tomobile rldo to Jncksonv'llo thoy
drovo up behind a wagon and at
tempted to pass, Thoroupon tho flvo
oemipuuts of tho wagon bogau to
curso, discharge firearms nud
threaten Mr. Oarnott. For aotno ills
tnnco Mr. (lurnott was unable to got
by and when ho did ono of tho men
attempted to lasso hi in with a rope.
Tho men are said to havo boon drink
ing. x
With Mr, Gnrnott nt tho tlmo woro
two little girls usldo from his wlfo
and a friend. As tho language usod
was moat Insulting Mr. Gnrnott was
naturally vory much Incensed, On
reaching tho city lio called in tho po
llco but thoy could do nothing owing
to u lack of Jurisdiction, This morn
ing, howovor ho Hocured a warrant
ami will prouocuto tho flvo offondoru.
NEW YORK, July 2S. Intlmntious
by Gilbert Perkins, head of tho Por
klns Detective Agoncy, that agents of
William J. Burns had rifled his of
fices of evidence tending to provo tho
limocouco of John J. Mcframnra of tho
Los Augolos dyunmltlug and other
crimes of which ho has boon accused,
woro branded horo today by Burns
as absolutely fnso. Burns said:
"Tho statement that I or my men
rifled or took from Perkins' otflco
records of his Investigations in dyna
miting cases Is a malicious and lib
elous fabrication, Tho story Is fatso
and a dollborato uttompt to got pub
lic, circulation of a malicious and lib
elous lto, It is bolng circulated in an
attempt to crento soutlmont for John
"PorklnsMiaa no uioro right to huvo
such n story clrculutod for his bonoflt
than I would huvo to hnvo a story
published acuiiBlng tho most promtu
out cltlzon of Amorica of bolng u
chlekon thlof, My men had absolute
ly nobbing to do with tho so-called
rifling of tho Porkluu offlcos,"
NEW YORK. July 28. Just 36
hours after ho beat to death William
Jackson, a rich old man long known
In Wall Street as "Uncle Bill," Paul
Goldel, aged 17, a bellboy iu tho
Iroquois Hotel hero, was this after
noon Indicted for murder.
District Attornoy Whitman, near
whoso rooms In the hotel tho murder
was committed, rushed tho wltnessos
to tho crime beforo tho grand jury
and tho Indictment was ono of tho
quickest on record. Judgo Crano an
nounced that Geldel would bo ar
raigned ou Monday and that nu early
dato for tho trial would bo fixed.
Accomplice n Witness.
Patrick McCrane, who got $1 of
$1S for which tho dead man's watch
was pawned by tho alleged murderer,
and who Is held as an accomplice,
will not bo 'Indicted at present but
will bo hold as a witness.
Cowering fearfully In his cell In
tho city jail, weeping nnd praying
flint ho will bo saved from the olectrlc
chair Goldel, today makes no denial
of tho crlmo, which it Is alleged not
ted him $C,75 in cash nnd a gold
watch which ho pawned for $18.
Hobbery tho Motive.
Goldel, who was discharged nt tho
Iroquois Hotol last Friday, declaros
ho did not Intend to kill Jackson and
that robbery wns his solo motlvo, al
though ho did not expect to gain any
largo sum.
Goldol was traced by nn ompty
ohloroform bottlo found In Jackson'a
room. It was found that tho choloro
form hnd boon purchased by a woman
named Kano and thnt Goldel had stol
en tho bottlo from hor.
EUCH3NI3, Or. To urrango for a
systematic firo patrol to gunvtl
against forest fires, a mass meeting
will bo held horo August 1.
OTTAWA, Out., Following an all
night session, parliament' it is be
lieved will be ordered disolved either
today or tomorrow as the result of
the obstruction tactics employed by
tho conservatives. Parliament was
still in session this afternoon but no
progress on reciprocity with the Unit
ed States has been made, according
to Premier Lnurier, who after con
sultation with associates, has about
decided to inform Earl Grey that the
situation now is such that a geucrnl
election should bo called.
Tho premier declared today tint
the question of refortuipg tho rules
to curb tho obstructionists will be
ono of tho issues iu the coming oiun-Pis-
NEW YORK, July 2S. Today's
stock market showed considerable
strength at the opening. Canadian
Pacific took tho lead with a gain of 2,
Erie second preferred-rose 1 1-4, Un
ion Pacific, Reading and American
Beet Sugar 1. Smaller gains were
scored in a number of other issues
Prices receded after me opening but
with a firm market the larger part of
the early advances were maintained.
Tho market closed strong.
PORTLAND, Ore., July 2S. A
voluntary potltlou In bankruptcy was
filed In tho fodoral court today by of
ficials of tho Phoenix Mutual Flro In
surance Company of Oregon. Tho
petition recites that tho concorn's
liabilities uro 250,000 and Obsots In
cash 2.7G. Tho company was warn
ed a short tlmo ago that tho Insuranco
commission would throw It Into In
voluntary bankruptcy unloss consid
erable Improvement in Its affairs was
shown. Tho company was organized
a year ago.
WASHINGTON, D. C, July 28,
Progressive republicans iu tho sen
ate today pledged themselves to stand
by tho democrats in whatever com
promise tho conforcs ou tho wool bill
may reach. Tho adoption of tho con
ference also will ho suppoited hi tho
WASHINGTON. D. C. Julv 23.
Tho statistical report of tho inter
state commerce commission, nn ab
stract of which was issued today,
shows that California led in rail
road construction in the fiscal year
1910, tho now oonstruoton amount
ing to 2u'0 miles: Only four other
stntes showed a construction of
more than 100 miles.
BREMERTON. Wash., July 28.--What
Is believed to be tho first step
by tho government in tho formation
of a reserve fleet for tho Pacific took
place today when orders were receiv
ed at the Bremerton navy yard from
Washington to placo the famous old
battleship Oregon and the cruiser St.
Louts in commission. Tho cruisers
Charleston, Mllwaukco, Pennsylvania
and Galveston will soon bo added to
form a reserve fleet.
According to reports reaching horo
ton warships will be commissioned
for the reserve fleot on tho Atlantic
The resorvo vessels will bo manned
by naval recruits who will bo advanc
ed to tho uew battleships In tho ser
vlco as fast as they aro fully train
ed. Tho reserve vessels will not crulso.
Look at tho ads that offer em
ployment and you'll find tho right ono
Medford Assumes New Importance
f (From tho Portland Journal)
f Medford should assume new linportanco undor tho prlnclplo laid -f
-f down In tho Spokane rate decision. Speaking of tho Spokane caso,
f tho commission Says: "It is a manifest economic wasto to haul
traffic from tho east over tho Cascade mountains nud back ngaln. -f
Tho interest of the carrlor and tho public as much require that this
business should stop at Spokano Instead of going on to Soattle, as
that it should orlgluato In tho middle west instead of upon tho At-
lanttc seaboard." -f
Again tho decision says: "To a disinterested observer It would -f
seem to bo In tho true Interest of these transcontinental lines,
-f which begin at tho Missouri river, to mnko rates which would
f build up Interior points ns against tho coast. A haul to theso
- points Is shorter and loss expenslvo. Tho distribution from theao
f points Is oasler." $
Medford Is seeking a reduction of rntos rrom Son Francisco, by -f
which It has hopo of strengthening Its position as a jobbing eon tor. -f
It claims that tho Southern Pacific demands a San Frnnclsco rate,
which Is almost If not qulto equal to tho San Francisco ruto to
Portland and back again to Modford.
Substitute Medford for Spokano lu tho new rato decision, and
4- Modford, undoubtedly lias a strong claim for a roductlon or its San
-f Frunclsco rate, a clatm thnt, onco realized, would add mutorlally -f
- to Its commercial position,
f -r f -f
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