:N IK i w MflDFOTtT) MATT; TPJBUNE, MEDFORD, OPEC) OX, WEDNESDAY, .TTTLY 20, 1011. PAGE OUTREE ' VALLEY CHARMS PORTLAND PARTY Editor Piper ol Orruonlan nml Sen- utor Mulnrkoy Head Automobile Excursion to Crater Lake Former Says County Can Dulld Roads Now. STRONG DEMAND FOR BARRETTS ! California Pears Sell at Chlcauo for $3,10 and $3.15 Per Box Market Good Owing to LlQlit Arrivals Weather Favorable for Buying. nr.nfi oomu) in n to h says. , I'AZO OlNTMKNT Im Kimrniiloeit lo rum liny rimn or Itrlilnir, lillml, lilnmllnu or prulrmllNK iUm In A to 14 ilay or Mbuny rnrumlcil. fcOo, NOTK'K TOAMj OICMKNT UON TUAOTOIIH AND HUlMHCItH That on mid nftnr Him flrut day of AiiKimt. 1011 tliii locnl Omiont Worlc rn Union No, If.H will (tuforco tlio following nnlo of wiiK't n"'l Iioiith: for flnlnlinrH 02 i-'i cmiI par hour for fliil.ilior'11 liolpcro .1,fi0 per clay, for Ifibom 13.00 por ilny, for lox mix orii $3,150 por dny. KIkIH ((f) lion to coiiHlltuto n duyH work. Mourn from 8 a, in, to G j). in, ntid Unit! arid one linlf for over Umo and doufolo Unit' for Htindayn niid liolldnyn, V. II. Me Dor.nld, prim. J O. W. Dnmlti. hoc. PAYMASTER DEFEATS ROBBERS IN A I If. Worker, pnymnlrr of llio (Moiin DUEL Itiin (Vml eoiiimiiv, niid former pres ident of llio Ohio flUtrirt of tliu Unit Vii.r .Inly -'I. ! i'tl M,n(' Worker of Arneripn, put lie lifcliunwiicii to fhjjlil iii it pixlol dnol followed, Werker regained WHKKMNO. V. Held up by four mined men lotlii.v while enrryiny .f.'iOOO in eimli, Willimn wliiel powioii of (lie eiifili. Ho wn hIui( lull Iiim wound 1m not eoiiilore sor ioitH. Tlio holdup ncniirroil nonr Mnrtln'rt Ferry, Ohio, whilo Worker wut en roiitit to KihIi run to pay off I lie miners. All ilellKhled wtlli llm ll"ue Klvur valltty mid looking fonviud to llm itiiiit when limy will liiiv oreliiinlrf of their own lieie, mi ituloiiioliilu pmty oouHtiiiK of Mr. mill Mih. l-MKiir 11. 1'iper, Mr. uiitl Mih. I. N. HeMmer, Hlnlii Heiiuior mid Mm. Dim Muliu- l(ey, mill Mr. mid Mih. Onknr lltiher iirrivvil fiom J'oitliunl TueMilay mm left for Ci liter lake WVilimmliiy inoiiiinif, eneoited hither by Mr. mill Mih. John D. Olwell. From Crater liikn tlmy 10 ln Klamath FiiIIh mid llend to IIuimI Kiver mid llieueu to I'm (luml. tlimmh Mr. nml Mix. Kleinhner will leturn l'or a day or twoh' tiHhiiiK in the Hoipu!. Th par Iv left Portland Sunday. All of the. party ntti prominent in the Mieial mid uivii) litn ol Iliu me IroimliH. Mr. Piper in iiiihiiikiiii; '! itor of llm Oreitoiilan, Mr. Klelhhner in proprietor of llio wholeMilo nmr eautilu eHtablihliiueiil of FluMmcr, Meyer & Co. Mr. Malarkey Ih one of tlm iibb'iil lawyent and iiiohI elo ipifiil oratorH of Oregon, IM Htate hi'iiutor I'ioiii Multiioiiiali county, proiuiiieut in HlitieH, mithor of the Malnrkey bill for the eoiilrol of pub Im ulilitli'H, mid mentioned iim I'liu ilidiito for the United StateH heuate. Mr. Iluber in uiaiiai;ir of tlm Daib'tr AHphalt company. Tint ixitorH went taken on u tour of the orchard tliHtricl by Mr. Ohsoll nml all exprexHcd tlirinKulviw n elinrmeil with the valley mid enam ored of the life of tliu orehardUl. Tliu iiowth mid pro(rcrtM of Medford Hiirprixcil all mid in all mvmberH of the party, both oily nml valley have cnthiiHinHtio IxioHtern. Mr. Piper pretlletcd thai more nod more iutcrcht would be taken in tin to'ctiou by Portland people, nml lli'it couxitbirabbi Portlautl capital would find its way here. He (boui;Iit n nie. ciul hOHniou of the lcpHlature uniiec erinary to HiM'iire mmd roadH mid thiitiKlit the county abundantly mi thoruud to call a hpuuial election and pniceed with roud cunHtruetbin. twoIalenT i BUI L DINGS BURN Htewail Kijilt company icpoit the miiIii of fruit uiiibir date of July 21 iih I'oIIowh: (JIiIcok", III.: PFK car :M!I7 from Kiicrnineiito, July 1(1. Ilaitlctt peuiH: D. A. Mil ler, itv. .fll.ll); V. II. Dean, a v. 1.10; HlepheiiHou & Van hobcu KcIh a v. :i.(ir, Koyal Coin: (,'. K. KobertH, itv. tLIK). Iliiibmik PIiiiiih: II. Ktew- art, .l.70. Car i;rimH'i, .f 1 (1711.00. 1101-; car Kl'Jtl, from Kacrmueiilo Julv III. Hartlett imarH. JiiiueH (Ireen, nv. i'AAfi; KtcplietiHon iV Van Lobeu Hi'ln, av, 11, 00. ItoiiHovelt pluui!!, oJc (licen, av. ."ji.f0. Tragedy prune: Joe (Ireen, nv. .f I. lift; N. Jen Hen, av. fl.llll; Purple Dunne pluum: HtepheUHou & Van I.obuii HcIh, av. .fl.llll; (l.'.r(;i! MhC'iiIIoukIi, a v. $!.(). WitMliiiiL'Inn pluiiiH: KtepheiiHon Vim liben ScIh n v. .f l.fty. JeflcrKou dIiiiiih: StftihciiMiu & Van Lobeu Sebi, av. l.:i.'. ('ar ijrohKed .-Urillrt Twelve earn Hold today. Market in Htrouc; owIiik to li)bt arrival). Weather cold but clear mid pleaHaiit New York, N. Y.- SKID) car 7707 froni SwiiIIh, July PJ. Tracdy pruucH: William Sivall, nv. fl.Sfti William Hwnll. "M" av. .fl.ilO; T. J Mull, av. $1.8.1. Cniivfonl penclie! William Swall, itv. .fl.llft. Kiejitecu ciirrt hold today. Market in hIioiil; owlui; to lilit nrrixals. Weather ery favorable. I'liiiatieipiiia, i'a. hl-KU car 8220 from Swalln, July 10. Trairedy priuicH: William Swall and Parr Itrtm,, nv. l.ftft. ('ar arrived in bad ly wrecked condition. Car iroHed rHfili, KiL'lit earn Hold todav. Mar ket ik HlroiiK. A"CURE"?F0R BALDNESS A fire which canned a Iohh of about f'JfiUt) wiih expei ieuced by Talent at an early hour Tuesday iiiorniiiK'. Two buibliiiKH burned but their content! were, Mivcd. A hunt fiejit was inailc to pruviint the flaineH from HpremlinK but u rapid rcnpiniHO by tliu bucket hripulo bcbl the flniucH in check. The fire in Hiipposod to liavo start ed from eleetrio wiren. It in believed that tlio wind Htorui of Monday whipped tin wires about in hiicIi a inauner iih to wear the iumihitlnu iiwny. Then in llio eveiiiuf when tho current wiih turned on it htnrted n blaze. Jarvin & Thuiber owned mm of llio buildinjjH destroyed. The other wiih an old building which housed llm Tal ent hotel. BOBBY LEACH GOES OVER NIAGARA FALLS IN BARREL NIAdAHA PALLS, N. Y., July 2(1. Hobby Leach ycHlerduy piiHHcd alive through HorHCHboo i'nllu in u barrel. Thin irt tliu necond time that llm feat ban boon HucccHHfully no coiiipliHhed. Leucli wuh taken out of llm barrel at the foot of tliu folk Ouu lee; wan broken. THIRTEEfTcOWS ARE PLACED IN CITY POUND BY POLICE Not having any ilrunkH, viikh or olluir offendtuH to iutohI and bimi iichh bciuc; dull tlm police force went out WqdnoHilny morning and nrruHted JII iiowh, plauliiK tliem in tliu oily pound, Tho ownurHliip of tliu cowh Ih Htill Hlirouded in myHtury, Tlm bo viucH were waudoriiiK nbout tlio HtrciilH of tlm city Hint making free with olovcr on varimiH Iiiwiih. HoHklaii for Health. Tlio nhovu exprenHloit In ono which Ih uiteil frequently In connection with luilr prcpitratloiiH, JiinI exactly whut Ih iiiujiiii by ll In each ItiNtanco Ih a iliicMtlon. llulducHK k not a il I Hemic and hence doeii not permit of n cure. II Ih a rcHiilt Invariably lo be traced to l lie dandruff Kcrin and if tho con dltlon btiH beromo chronic, that In, If there lit complete atrophy of the hair folllclcH, a "euro" Ih absolutely Im poMHllile. Approiichlii); bnldnetiH, Recti In fall liiK hulr, tuny alwayn be checked and If tho hair folllclcH art! not atrophied the hair iniir bu Induced attain to Krow. TIiIh Ih nr-compllHhcd by rculnr nppllcatlotiH of Newbro'ii llerplclde, which cleaiiHen the sculp and Icllln the dandruff Kurm. Tho ilcntriicUoii of tho Kcrin docH away with tho iiccu iniilatlonH of Hcarf iikln and thiu ellmluutuH tliu itioBt common viiumy to bDautlftil hair. Hoft, cloKHy, fluffy hair cannot Krow on an unit heap. Tho Hculp uitist tie kept clean ntid froo from dan druff. Tliu bent remedy for doliij; UiIh Ih Newbro'ii Hcrplelilc, which rt ccIvch tliu lilr.licHt endorsomuntH front profcsulonal men, tho ntago and thu IiunL peoplo overywhero. Ilcrplcldt! In nold mid cuarantcod In ono dollar hIxo bottleg by till dniK kIhIh. AppllcatlutiH obtained tit all flrnt-chinB barber Hlioim and hair ilrcHHlnu piirlorn. Addrt'HH Tho Herplcldo Co., Dopl. It., Detroit, Mich., ciicIohIuk 10c In noHtniiO or ullver (for uamplo mid booldet. Medford Pharmacy, Hpeclal nKentH, near 1 O., uIbIiI or day. PASSING COMMUNION CUP ,AGAINST LAW DKNVKK. Col., July 2(1. That the miHlont of piiHsiuc; -a church com muiiioit uup from one peiHou to an other durinii divine HcrvieoH will be n violation of tliu Diilfn law rculnt iti common drinking cnpn, in tliu be lief uMUTHHcd hero today. The law Htutcs that it hIiiiII bu it nuHdemeanor for ehtirohuH to fur ninb any cup, vchho! or otltor roccp taulu whiclt in uncd promiHiuioiiHly iih a common drinking imp. Tliu law hooii will bu in uffeut mid tliu Htate board will meet shortly to iHhdiihh thu application of the law, IIitHkliiH for liealtlt. Thmrm im Only Onm "Bromo Quinine" Thmt Im Laxative Bremo Quinine U9CO THE WOULD OVeR TO DURE A COLD IM OHK OAT. Always romombor tho full natno. Look for this olguuturo ou cvory box, 9uo. 4'SbA ?rwX City Property Bargain LOT 60x125 East Front One Block Off W. Main PRICE $300 TERMS: $50 Cash, $10 a Month E. S. TUMY SOI OAK.VKTT CO It BY JM OK I I i IHI I FANS They art! titvnltliful F ' , F They lire nnltary m Tliey are cotiifortnblo A llicjr cot onc-lialt cent an hour to run 7ST M J- They are Just Che thing to J- liM'p your customer In Rood humor Then why not bay one? Call at the Electric Building 209 West Main and Examine the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining city of Medford, on long time, easy ptiy munis. 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; cement sidewalks and paving in; also sowers, water and light. Long time, easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, 350 acres alfalfa land, 80 acres fruit hind, perpetual water right with water for irrigating 1000 acres; long Umo, easy payments, 340 ACRES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa land, halancb fruit land, 1 milo from railroad, on long timo easy torms. 5000 ACRES LAND in tracts of from 40 acres upwards; prico $25.00 per aero and upwards; suitable for alfalfa, fruit stock , and general farming purposes; long timo, easy payments. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on 5 annual payments. Gold Ray Realty Co. 210 WEST MAIN STREET. y& $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$ . $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ si? $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ fh fh ff fh m fJt H fj) y h fft W y ' M BANKING SERVICE The Arcdford National Hank assures you oNhe best service. Jls officein aim in every way to ju'otect the interests of ils patrons, making use of every means of precaution. The directors and officers arc all well known business men; men of integrity and known for the careful and conservative handling of any and all business intrusted to them. Its up-to-date system of accuracy, promptness and the same careful atten tion to large or small depositors, makes it a bank for all the people. IF YOU ARE NOT A CUSTOMER OF THIS BANK LET THIS BE AN INVITATION TO BECOME ONE THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK W.J I.(JOI IK, President. .T. A. PERRY, Vice President. k E. MERRICK, Vice President. JOHNS. ORTH, Cashier. AV. P. JACKSON, Asst. Cashier J: Ji Ji 'h Ii M ) ii t) m ji ) ) r ) h Jf fi J) f$ $ 8j $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ .$ .$ $ a: a 0 FILTERS FILTERS FILTERS mmmmmmmmmmmammm tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt immmmmmmmmmmmmmmm We have just received a shipment of Faucet Water Filters. Will fit any faucet and filter the water. This is just what you want. 25 CENTS EACH WHILE THEY LAST Medford Hardware Comp'ny Cedar Poles We are now carrying in stock a full line of Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles. Let us figure on your needs. CRATER LAKE FUEL CO. PHONE MAIN 971 SPARTA BUILDING IRRIGATION Nature Supplies the Land and Sunshine We Furnish the Water Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. OTJMMINGS, Manager Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Irrigated Orchard Tracts Land for $150 Per Acre With Perpet ual Water on Easy Terms Can You Do Better? ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager if 1 y