;.jf - S A I A - i 1fM.JttWMi I J'WTir ,1. 1 &. . tir '. umgon HlstWlfijU Milky. City llatt jtiJfi&fcitSl ,'fl SUBSCRIBERS riiitur to ki piir win tiv nut dHvtrit by plionliif of rio by 0 V m. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER rir Max. 00 Rl. Humidity SO par ont Mln. 04. X. .tolly- Hlxth Vur. rnrlyO-Mrnt Yimr MUDIWRD, OlMWON, WI'IDXKSIMV, .JLTLY 20. 1911. No. 107. SAYS MORGAN IS BUT HIRED MAN OF JOHN 0. Man Usually Esteemed the Money Klnii of America, Is In Reality Only the Servant of Rockefeller, Accordion, to Report. MORGAN IS TRUST ARCHITECT; RECEIVES ENORMOUS FEES Stanley Presents Report liy Huddet C. Townsend, Former Special U. S. Investigator. WASHINGTON, n. C, .1 uly 'Ji. Tlnil J. l'ivrpoiil Morgan, usually es teemed tlm money king of Auit'ric.t, it. in i entity only tlio Hcrvnut or John I). urkir'ltrr, whom1 c"Ii)nii form Iihiimm up behind tlio builder of liiuttf iim tlm real power in Aiiu'iieim fi nniico, was tlio gitt ' rrMrt by lluddet C TowiihoiiiI, u former p ciiil United Stales iiivetttigntor, which mum presented to (tin Iioiiho committee invent ignting tlio it t eel I runt today ly ('iiiigrcnHiniiit Stanley, chuiimuii of I hi) committer. Stanley tli'darrrt tin- rrxirt which wiih miiilo in 1UIMIH to Attorney ()eii eral Itonnpaito showed conclusively t litil probountioii of tlio hied trust tiniler lint .Sherman law would have been Mii'cexsful. Averting that the trait eoutiolled IK) per rent of the farm machinery hintinem, Towiihcud said in bin ro- IHirt : Morgan (In n I-'ee. "Ilnmbl MeCormick, ouo of the hruvient -htockholdcrtt in Iho mucin Tho McComilck family therefore, Ih already distantly related Ity marriage with thn great American family of tlm (runts. .Morgan i the Iriihl arehiteot tiHiinlly employed by tho Itockefclliirit. He in a good build er and ret'oivpu fahuloiiH IVcm. George W. I'erkiiiH Ik Mm nwooialc. "Therefore, if a harvest trout wore formed I hIioiiIiI anticipate home of the ciri'iiumtaneeri of its organization it would ho designed and con Ntrueted liy J. P. Morgan & Co., pndiahly through I'crKinw; the amount of the fen charged would in dicate the character of (he worlg it would ho organized in hiicIi a way that tho Itnokcfcllcr iutercHttt would ultimately ttftMiro control. IIIkIi I'Vo for HuggcNtlnu. "The Vrieo pil l Morgan hull oiitoK tho iiaturo of tho transaction. FIo million dollars is rather high for the nitnpln Horvico of Hiiggchtiug to pcoplu how they can agree on .1 Icgitimtiio traiiHaolion, It in iiiiiihumI even in illegal traiiKiictioiiH, hiicIi at creatine a trtiHt which may evailu the lawn, DoubtlcriH if proceedings arc instituted Iho manner of Iho defense will demnustruto thai tho fee was earned." Monitor Keuyou, who wan former ly an iiHHiHlaut attorney general identified tlm Towiisend report. MAKE WILDE OREGON'S EXHIBIT SALEM, Or., .Inly 12(1. "If Iho Ntato of Onlil'ornia Ih no deeply inter ested in Louis J, Wildo wo might consider hiin as Oiegon's oonlribii tiou to tho I'aiiniuu exposition mid thereby hiivo tlio money which might ho appropriated by tho next logisht luro to hep out Iho show," Haiti Gov ernor WohI IIiIh morning, when iibked for hiH vIowh 011 tho nttitiido of (I oven 1 or JoIidboii with relation to tlm extradition of Wildo who in wanted in this sluto for embezzle ment. "This would at loimt Im 11 Hiiviiif; of mouoy to tho taxpayom of tho Htato though it would k'u'o no relief to Iho tlutuHiinclH of Hinall dopoHitorh who woro robbed of their HiiviugH through tho Hlllo by Wildo of hirt bo gim IioihIh to tlm bank. j'llo uood entertain 110 feaiH about getting 11 fair trial if lio ix brought book huro. 1 do not think that tho governor of California or of any othor utnto has any right to uaauuio tlmt ho G R SLAIN AS SHE IS ON HER WAY TO OFFICE Man Leaps From Concealment In Al ley and Fires Shot After Shot Into Body .of Pretty Stcnoorapher Attack Came Without Warning CAUSE OF CRIME IS SHROUDED IN MYSTERY Officers Pursue Murderer and After Hard Battle Succeed in KHIIiif) Him. HACHAMKNTO, Oil.. July 2. - lmilng from conrealmont In tho al loy between J nml IC Htrectn on Twolflli Ntruot, nu uiildentftled man toilny drew u rovolvcr and, with nn out h . begun firing idiot, after nhol Into (ho body of MIhm Anna Dudley, a Monographer In O10 office of tho ntato engineer, who wan punning on her way to work. Hho died nltuoit In- Htautly. Attracted by tho womnu'a screniiiH, it crowd gathered within ft fow cc ondtt unit followed tho murderer, but woro kept at buy by another funllndo of iihotH until tho fugitive had gulli ed a good Hturt. lcM'rnto llattlo I'tdlouw. Within a hulf an half of tho rrlmo tho murderer, HtippoHcd to bo K. II. IJmory of Ban KranclMco, wnn ur roundeit In the brunh near tho Amer ica 11 rler near tho end of Sixteenth atrcet, where In a dcHpornto battle with a coro of offlcorn he wnn killed by a nhot from n tmnip-gun In tho huiidit of Captain, or l'ollco l'cnnlnli I'lKhllnKW'eratcly, jho bruto cou finued tlToiinovcn butilo ovon after ho hud been wounded Movnral tltnett llu fired at IciihI 40 hIioIh nt tho offl corn who wero hemming him In. Concealed In iho hrutth and reload ing bin weapon from tlmo to time, the murderer had the decided advantage of bin pumuerit and wKiickhch of tho battle declare 11 to ho a miracle that Homo of tho offlcorn wero not. killed Nolo In I'oiiiuI. In tho pocket of tho dead murder er w:iH found tho following note, torn out of a notebook: "July S, la 11. CrltlrlBin. 1 should have nhot thin of A. Dudley hint AugUHl mid blowed tho don ul l'JOfi O'Karroll Btrect, San Fran cisco, and killed a halt dozen to or bettor, gotten nil tho " The vlleut of cplthotH occurred where blanks are loft In tho above note, which wait uimlgncd. Mhttt Dudley hud a premonition IiihI night that Hoinothlng tcrrlblo wan about to happen, and confided hcr feum to Mnt. DurlltiKton. with whom Hho had been friendly for soma time. Mra. Darlington would not iIIhcuhh tho nnturo of tho trouble In which MlitH Dudley told her alio wiih Involv ed. A note addrcHHcd to MIhh Dudley and Hlgned "Jeannotto," wiih found among tho dead woman'H offecta. Tho note apparently wait a reply to one unking for coiiiihoI, written by MIhh Dudley, and ndvlHod that tho latter "hold tho fort"; that Hho practice ChrlHtlau Sclonco and everything would bo all right and that hIio al low "no man to get tho liont of bor." Dining tho runllado and whllo the bulletH wero flying tblckcHt, lltllo Joe Plenum, 9, walked calmly up to tho firing lino and pointed nut thn half concealed form of tho murdoror bo hind tho Hhrubbory. Ho stood with out n tremor and wntched tho battle from Hturt to (IiiIhIi, rofimlng to heed tho warning of tho offlcorn to nook Hholter. "I hoo you got 11 fihotgut," ho re marked calmly to Captain PonnlHh, "That'H tho Htuff for that follow- lot him havo It." HAYTIAN REBEL LEADERS QUARREL AMONG THEMSELVES WASHINGTON. I). C, July UO.- Quurrols uinong tlio rebel loadorit liuvo reriiiltcd in koiioiih riots 111 llay ti, nooording to udvloes reoeived bote today from Port An Prince. Tho oruifior Doh Jfoiuoa nml tho Gunbont Cliehlor liuvo boon ordored to land Ainerieiinmarijie a pveHervojinlej;. Would'st Be a Champion? Then Chop Wood 7 ll I blZ.. KjBrTL:- JE4f4mi xf,&ar'. WTi. WOODPILE BEST WAR CLOUD HANGS BLACK OVER EUROPE Announcement Made That Lloyd George May Become Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Thus Giving Of ficial Sanction to His Speech. FLEET TO REMAIN HOME READY FOR DEMONSTRATION Aggressive Policy of Resistance to German Aggression Decided Upon Asquith Talks. KS ON TO VOTE UPON GOOD HIGHWAYS Southern Oregon Mining Bureau Pe titions County Court to Immedi ately submit to People of County Question of Incurring Indebtedness WOULD SPEND MILLION IN ROAD CONSTRUCTION Favor Plan of Issuing Warrants Un til Legislation Makes Issuance of Bonds Possible. DEMOCRATS SEE VICTORY AHEAD Illinois Situation Looks Good to Bourdons Dcnccn anil Merriam Both Busy Working Up Splits In Party Factions. will nut ho given n fair trial in tho Htato of Oregon if brought luiok and tried for tho offonao with whioh ho 1b charged." SlKINCSFIi:i.l). III.. July Jli. Ociuocmlio leadeih today are predict ing tho election of the entire demo cratic slate at the htato election next year, basing their prophctty 011 the threatened hplit in Mho republican party. Following the uiiuouiiccmeiit from tho headipinrtern of I 'nil'. Clmrleit V, Merrinm in Chicago that the Minon puro progressives of tho Morriani htamp will icfiN) to wear the yoke of tlio Deneen prngiesMvos, State .Senator Waller ('. Jones of Chicago, it in Hiiid, will be advanced as the Merrinm cainliiites for xooruni' at tho convention which meets in Knxt St. I.oiiirt oil July 'AS. With both the Deneen and Merii nm men busy trying to promote 11 Kplit in the ranks of the other fuo lion, the battle promises to be tho most hitler political fight .since the Yalcs-Lowdcn uffnir in 1!MU. SEVEN MEN TO RULE PORTLAND I'OHTliAND, Or., July 2C When thn proposed cominlHtduu charter Ih Hiibmlttod to tho votora of Portland next January It will provldo for a mayor at a tmlnry of $11000 per an num and hIx coiumlHalnnortj at a Hill ary of $1800 each, according to tho lumouncoiiioiit today of tho' charter rovlBlon conimltteo, following u meet lug ot that body last night. Tho comntlttoo, aftor much dlseiiH Hloiii deoldod that tho coiumlmdonorH and mayor itbould bo olectod for terms of four yoaiH oneh. Othor city offlclalH nro to bo appolntod by tho coninilaBlonom. Tho mayor will havo tho powor of voto, EXERCISE-BAT Battler Tells How He Had to Chop Wood When a Boy In Order to Live Now He Docs It to Keep In Condition. A woodpile m.ido llattliug Nelbon tho lightweight champion tit tho world. Hat him never forgotten this fact. There was ft tlmo years ago when tho Durable Dano chopped wood In order to get three squares a tiny. Now he chops woods for tho exorcise. To all attplrants Nelson recnmmenilH tho woodpile as a means to gain tho end. In short, bis advice Ih: If ,ott would bo champion, chop wood. Hat doesn't thop wood Indiscrim inately. Ilo Ih u artist nlnug that line. Kvory trick of tho ax Is known to him. For SO jears ho has been cutting trees Into lengths and shapes Hultablo for the kltchon Htovo. Tho first four jenrs he cut It nt so much per. Later ho cut It with a world's championship iih his stipend. Ho clalniH tho Illinois championship, hav ing cut and stacked, goodness knows, how uiany cords per day. "You can't bent 11 woodpllo tor a training stunt," says Uut. "it's tho greatest developer you over mot up with. In two weeks before I mot Joo Gnus lu that long contest at Cloldflold 1 cut 'i'i cords of wood ami tho 23 Is not a Joko. It gives a man wind, muscle and htninlna. It Is great stuff. "I started cutting wood becaiiBO I was hungry. It was tho only thing I could tlo. Money I mndo from chop ping wooil paid my way in to see my first prle fight. Ono of tho mon wiih a dub, but bo won for nil ot that. So I cliallonged him, Tho purso was $0. 1 scored tho quickest knockout on recoid, striking but ono blow. Tho $5 lookod protty soft, so I looked for another fight. I havo had over 100 slnco and havo boon a world's champion. All duo to tho woodpllo, So If j on want to bo a champion chop wood." MAD GUNNER SHOOTS AT MOB Armed With Springfield Rifle, Man Opens Fire From Chicago Opera House at Crowd of Passersby and Is Nearly Lynched by Victims. CHICAGO, 111., July '20. Three persons tiro known to have been bhot in a crowd in front of the city uuu county building ye&terduy afternoon when 11 swarthy man, as yet unidenti fied, but who is believed to bo a Fili pino or a Spaniard, stood in front of tho Chicago opera house niul, armed with im unuy rifle, fired into the stream of passersby on the oppoaito side of tho street. The shooting oc curred at 3:15 o'clock. Tho mini was arrested after n torrifio buttle. Tho arrest of the mad marksman almost resulted in a lynching. After the man. who used tlio latest Spring field iirmv .rifle, and shot four times point blank nt tho crowd had been arrested, 11 mob of several hundred charged him. It took two wagon lends of police to protect tho mini. Tho patrol wagon in which tho pris oner wns placed was attacked by tho mob and tho horses wero whipped up and, heading directly into tho people, started off at top speed, bowling over tho angry mon who surrounded them. .Mnny persons wero severely injured. It is reported that the man who did tho shooting is n soldier from tho encnmpmenl nt Grant park. LONDON, July 20.- War between Great Britain and Germany, the im minence of which is stirring England as it has not been stirred for years, wns brought appreciably closer today by tho semi-official announcement that Chancellor of the Exchequer Da vid LIoyd-Georgc may become secre tary for foreign ntfuire. This appointment, if it comes, will menu that the chancellor's recent speech wnrning Germany to keep her hands off 1:1 Morocco, has received tho official sanction of tho cabinet, and many diplomatists say, would be tantamount to cji open threat of bat tle. The announcement that Lloyd George, who voiced the threat, may take over the reins of the country's foreign policy has shocked the con servatives, most of whom believe that the Asquith government has resolved to make the kaiser "back down," even if it comes to a hostilo demonstration. Northern Crulso Cancelled. That the government believes that the chances of serious troublo are great is seen today in the cancella tion of the Atlantic fleet's Norwe gian cruise. This will hold tho bulk of Britain's sea fighting force near the shores of England, ready, if ne cessity arises, to make n. demonstra tion against Germany or to steam into the North Sea to meet a descent of the kaiser's fleet That the Anglo-American situation is more acute than had recently been deemed possiblo is generally admitted. Germany's interference nt Agadir, her evident intention to gain a foot ing in Morocco, and the presence of hr warships nt Agadir in particular, are considered here as a thrust at Englund, rather than nt France. Look for the nil that offors it to you, second-hand, at a real bargain! RECIPROCITY BILL SIGNED BY TAFT WASHINGTON, 1). C, July 2b President Taft roeeived this after noon an ongrossed copy of tho reci procity bill, signed and sealed by Vico Prosidont shermim nml Speaker Chump Clark. Tho president's signa ture wns attached, tho only thing neo est-nry to make the agreement law. Look among tho olnssifiod ads for tho nddress of your next boarding place I ATTACKS PAPER TO AID LORIMER WASHINGTON. D. C, July 26. In order to discredit tho attacks made by tho Chicago Trlbuno on Senator Lorlmcr, former Judge Elbrldgo Han ecy, counsel for the Illinois senator, today Introduced Into tho records of tho senato Investigating conimltteo a btatoment from tho lata Governor Alt geld of Illinois charging that tho pa per hud avoided tho paymout ot $25, 000 annually to a school fund for rental ot tho land upon which Its building stands. Hnnecy then went on to cross-examine James Kcoley, managing edi tor of tho Trlbuno, as to his papor's Investigation ot tho L,orlmor case and particularly as to tho matter In which It nttemptod to sustain tho bribery confession of State Roprcsontntlvo Whlto. WELCH BUYS LINK IN EUGENE RAILROAD EUGKNR, Or., July 2C That tho Corvallls and Alsoa railroad has boon purchasod and will bo UBed as a link In tho proposed Corvallls-Kugono lino, whclh Is being promoted by tho Wolch Interests, becamo known horo today. Officials In admitting tho purchaso of tho railroad stated that tho work of olectrlfylng tho lino will bo start ed before tho outl of tho wcok and rond extensions to connect with It will bo started from Eugono lualdo of a mouth. "Whcrens, the building of a per manent system of highways is a prime cssentiul in tho development of Jackson county, particularly in tho opening up nnd development of tho mining industry nnd "Whereas, section 10 of nrticie XI of the constitution of Oregon as amended at the last general election permits counties to incur indebted ness for permanent roads upon ap proval by a majority of those voting upon the question, therefor "Be it resolved, by tho exccutivo committee of the Southern Oregon Mining bureau, representing tho mining interests of Jnckson county, that wo hereby petition the county court to immediately call an elec tion and submit to tho people tho question of incurring nu indebted ness of at least one million dollars for the purpose of constructing a system of permanent highways in Jackson county." At a meeting of the executive com mittee of the Medford mining bureau held "Wednesday, tho above resolution was unanimously adopted. By-Inws for tho bureau wero approved and other routine business transacted. CANADIANS TO VOTE ON TREATY OTTAWA. Ont., July 26. Tho vot ers of Canada will dccldo tho fato of tho reciprocity measure With tho conservative party committed to con tinued obstruction, tho liberal gov ernment, headed by Premier Laurler, has determined to appeal to tho peo plo In a general election, to bo called within tho next two months. It tho liberals win, tho agreement will bo passed; it tho conservatives aro victorious, Borden, present lead er ot tho opposition, will becomo prlmo minister and reciprocity will bo dead. Parliament probably will bo dis solved within two wcoks and an elec tion data fixed. KIDNAPPING STUNT PRESS AGENT DOPE NEW YORK, July 26. Lillian Graham, ono of tho girls who aro un der Indictment horo for tho attempt ed murder of Mllllonalro W. E. D. Stokes, today Is lamenting tho fact that hor press agont over Induced her to cngago In tho "kidnnpping" stunt which for somo daya has kept Now York interested. Tho stunt failed. Lillian appeared today at a theater whoro sho hud been employed, wns greeted with complaints ot "coarso work" Mooso Have Good Time. Crater Lako lodge, L. O. O. M. 070 mot Inst night in regular sossiou at tho K. of P. hall with a largo at tendance whero tho degree team han dled tho work in a creditablo man nor. There woro soveral Mooso who wero astray in tho wilds of Medford that woro brought forth. Afto tho initiation a program waa presented. Under and Smith put on a fino thrco-round bout that was a fast mixup. Ruder showed his old time form and surprised n good many of his friends. Thoio wero several piano and vocal selections giv'en by somo of tho members which wore greatly enjoyed by all. Tho incmboru and friends then enjoyed a buiiquet nnd smoker. 1 M $ 1 ! 1 r 1