fcs: i.umi.... tv ' I 1t.fi .,! J .. r t J . ,- nyi '- liiiiii it "7 t rft , ft., f k W.fjlV .4l...iMil'frWtt'''l'ti3Wv?-t City Hall iKi"rfPw ay ) SUBSCRIBERS mill n to vk ppr win )lTi una lllvrd 6y phoning- of ftoa toy 0 p. m. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Max 09.0. 1 Humidity aa pr cent. Mln 01.S. rreo .13 Dully Hlxtli Yenr. Puily-I'lrnl Ywir. MEDFORD, ORMON, TUHSDAV, JULY 23, 1911. No. 10G. MY E All EUROPE INTO BATTLE War Scare Over Morocco Alarms England Great Britain and France Allied Against Germany and Spain In Foreshadowed Simple. TRUSTS WAY TO GET AROUND m LLOYD GEOftGE SOUNDS DEFIANCE TO THE KAISER Enyland Not for Peace at Cost of Sacrificing the Supremacy Ob tained Through Hundreds Years. LONDON', July W.-War between England Germany, with France and Spain respectively ullgui'd on cither Hide, today i probably mom immi nent (hail it Iiiik lieen for many yearn. Ah a result of tint recent hpi'coh of David Inyd-Gcorge, chancellor .f the uxchctpicr, MHtiwh financiers to day think that (Jurmuiiy in in earnest and that war, which may involve the whole continent of Europe, in by mo means iitiposnilli "Not since July, 1H70, has the in ternational situation been ho critic nl," snyn tlio Morning Post, and the other London newspaper icflcet the general alarm. NtiH-k Ktrlutnge- Nervomi. Tito stock exchange Is very ner votiN. Lloyd's Ik alarmed and ha untitled whip owners Hint tlio prcs ent raten of insurance will not ob tain no far iih a war rink is con eerned nftur August 15. That the alarm i not confined to neHHpapor mid financial nircles only " ' " WMHuvldimltoTny,'when tlio foreign offieo admitted that it expects (lor many will demand either an cxplnnn nation or a disavowal of chancellor l.luyd-Gcnrgc'H speech. Thin !k the result of thu attitude of London newspapers regarding the crisis, thuy having (U(tcd various members ol the enhinet in the statement that the chancellor's speech wan intended to notify the kaiser that he must curb (lerman territorial aggression in Af rica. Warning to (Jenimny. Chancellor Lloyd-George's, decla ration that, whiln England wan for peace, she would not he. for peace at tlio cost of sacrificing tlio supremacy which she luiri obtniucd through "the deuialH and efforts of liuudredri ol years." Thin statement wa regard ed by tlio London prcHH as an out (Continued on Pugo Two) "Interlocking Clause" Is New Device Adopted by National City Crowd to Reorganize Standard Oil and American Tobacco Monopolies. STOCKS CANNOT DE SOLD IN INDIVIDUAL CONCERNS STOCKS DROP BUT RECOVER NEW YORK, July SB. Thti order of thointorstntc commerce commission reducing freight rates caused a sharp reaction at tlio opening of today's markets. Itailroad issues sold heav ily and lost from one to two points in (ho first trading. Union Pacific, declined 1 and Northern Pacific. 1, Heading and Atchison l'j "lid Southern Pacific and (Ircat North ern preferred 1 and General Kleu triri iyt, Later tlio market hardened, Heading, Union Pacific and Atchison recovering a point, Thu luarkot closed firm. Hoiids were steady. GREAT LAKES SWEPT BY TERRIFIC GALE DETROIT, Mich., July 2R. Heavy damugo Iiiih boon dono, many bouU arc missing uud seoroH ot other yoh milu aro roportod wrecked us a roHiilt of u gulo whlcli luut night and today swept tlio great lukou, The luinbor bargo Lucky Lucy was picked up nour Travorso City without n crow, The bargo wu'a In bad condition and It Is feared tho crow' was drowned, Tlio sloop Mavournocn Is poundliiK to pieces on Mackinac Hoiicli and tho yacht Voucodor wiih wroolcod at Heaver Island, Tho Riilo ronchod a voloclty of 70 miles an hour. I Holding Company Takes Surplus Shares of All Companies and V Turns Them Over to Trustee. NKW YOHIC, July 25. That the f 111,000,0110 National City company, to be oM'rated by directors of the National City bank, was organized to nullify the supreme court decisions in thu Htandard Oil and Tobacco Trust cases is a rcort current to day in Wall street. The new concern, it is asserted, is to be the holding company for both the trusts. The two trusts, it is reported, will be split up into their integral concerns, in conformity with the court's decision, but the control of each, it is alleged, will be retained indirectly by thu National City company. The stock of the National City company and of tho National City bunk will be interlocked under thu plan, it in said. The owner of the National City company stock cannot sell without ulso selling his stock in the bank. Ah the bank stock is con sidered a virtual gold mine, there is little likelihood that any of it will be ttold. When the reorganization plan of the oil and tobacco trusts is an nounced, it is believed that the stocks of nil the companies composing the trusts will be turned back to their original owners with an "interlock ing clauue." ThiK will prevent the selling of the stock in a single com pany and holders must sell all thu stock in the various concerns or (Continued on Pngo Two. ) CONFESSES TO HAVING SLAIN YOUNG COUP J. H. Wilson. Former Section Fore man at Rainier, Admits Killing Archie Coble and Wife Without Cause While They Were Asleep. WAS SUDDENLY SEIZED WITH MURDER PASSION Mania Grew and Impelled Him to Crime Had No Grievance Against Victims. OLYMIMA, Wash.. July 25. J. II. WlUon, former section foremun at Itnlnler, today confessed to Sheriff Ouston that he killed Archie Coble, and wlfo. Ho attld a wcelc before tho murder ho was walking down the railroad track when something htitrned to urgo him to kill soino one. Tho murder mania grow and finally Impelled him to kill Coble and bis wlfo with an axe an thoy lay nsleop In their beds. He could glvo no other explanation for his action and told Shorlff Canton that bo must have been limine, for he had no grlovance against the Hnlnler barber. Wilson's confexnlon will bo re peated till afternoon to n steno grapher after which ho will sign It In tho presence of a notary. "BUSTING THE TRUSTS" A COSTLY OPERATION 4 Jy Hii- v. AK ' ,uBMHDfl!LIilililiiililiHk tl iililiV ."! OH$ sIHhHHbIIIIIIbx yLLLV ", x&mmJEILKbSLLLb .k''- vMHSUKr m mu ti H f COLD WAVE HITS NORTHERN ILLINOIS - CIUCAOO, III., Juiy 2.ri. Closely following an unparnl- "" lulled hot wave, the mercury day dropped rapidly here. "" Thu thermometer registered as "" " low as fill degrees, within 'A "" points of the coldest weather "" " oYiiiiriiMH'eil in rliienu:o nt this " time of the vear sinco 1895. " - f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f -f-f-f That $09,000 docs not represent all the money paid to Frank B. Kellogg, tho government "tniHt buster," during the last twenty years, admitted a few days ago by tho department of Justice in Washington. He had an expense, account of 122,000, which was paid by tho government. This Information was obtained by the house committee on expenditures In the department ot Justice, which Is trying to find out Just how much It costs to ''bust the trusts." PLANS SAWMILL FOR MEDFORD FAIR D COIGN WN REAL JOY RIDE WITH DEATH Not satisfied wtli thu relative nier its of the lluiok and the Cadillne au tomobiles as demonstrated July -1, Frank Knuicr and Jimmio Corrigan at an early hour this morning went out on West Main and ran several races over tho courso of the Fourth of July races. Ah n result the two young men will probably pay a fine In thu police court this afternoon. In addition to this Kroner will bo forced to pay a largo repair bill on his car which was badly damaged when lie hit a telephone pole and tore the front nxlu from beneath the ear and Hinashed up its body. Krom all accounts of the racu and accident it is a matter of surprise that both of the men wero not killed. Last evening tho two men got into an argument regarding t)i rolativu merits of the two makes ot ear. Thcroii)on a race was proposed. At 2 n. ill. enme tho test. Several times they circled tho course and then Cor rigan brought hid car back to tho garage and climbed into tho Duu'k with Kroner. Away they went on a real fast Joy nice, with dcnlb. Krom reports it seems that the Huiuk got into trouble throe times, partially overturning tho first two times but not injuring it. Kiuully while rounding the first cornor off tlio Jacksonville road, tho car loft tho road and connected wtih a pole. Tho right wheel and lamps were torn away while the axlo was badly dam aged. Chief of Police Ilittson is uwniting the appearance of the two men this afternoon when lie will take them into court for exceeding the speed limit. If the plans of U. V. Dorrance. a pioneer lumber man from the Will amette valley, materialize, a sawmill and box factory in tins city on the site of the Trail Lumber company nt tho end of Tenth btreet. He is or ganizing tiie Sugar Pine Lumber company nnd is meeting with splen did success. Mr. Dorrance plants to capitalize his company for $25,000 or $35,000, So far ho has succeeded in securing the following subscriptions: George L. Davis $2000, D. V. Dorrance $2500, J. T. Gagaoii $2000, Frank Gngnon $2000, Frank LnKouche $1000. This is the result of one day's work, and there seems to be every prospect of success. Mr. Dorraliee plans to capitalize make lumber at a cobt of $S a thou sand, paying $1.5"0 for stumpage This lumber he claims can be sold for $20 a thousand. In addition he finds u large field here for a box factory, lie will receive his stumpagu west of Jacksonville. Mr. nominee's experience has been wide in the lumber business and ho bolicves that nowhere in tho state at tho presont time is there a better opening for a mill and factory. One mill will bring others, ho states, and this will soon be a lumber center. Tho peoplo of this city should buy "Mado In Oregon" goods from tho local merchants whouovor tho price and quality aro oqual to Eastern made goods. DRIVE LORIMER FROM POLITICS WASHINGTON, D. C, July 25. James Kellcy. managing editor of the Chicago Tribune, resumed the stand in the Lorlmer investigation today. Attorney Hanecy, representing Lorl mer, questioned Kclley as to tho per sons interested In the Tribune Com pany. Keeley said that Mrs. It. S. McCormlck and Mrs. R. W. Patter son held tho majority of tho com pany's 2,000 shares of stock. He sketched the rapid rise of Medill Mc Cormlck, president editor of tho pa per. Keeley said that he had not dis cussed the confession ot state rep resentative- C. A. White with McCor mlck except briefly after It had been published. He said "that McCormlck had opposed Lorlmer for years and believed that ho should bo driven from Illinois politics. -- -- KAISER ORDERS OUT 100,000 RESERVES BERLIN, July 25. An of- fieial denial that 400,000 re- " serves had been called out was "" i&sued at tho German war of- "" fico today. Only 100,000 men "" are affected by tho order, it "" "" is assorted, and these have "" "" been summoned for tho ma- "" "" ncuvers which aro heldnnnu- " ally. Tho foreign office inti- "" mates that the report was cir- "" "" dilated in order to creato "" "" sentiment in favor of France. "" i DAMAGE it Y WINDSTORM NOT HEAVY Investigation of Orchards Show That Early Reports of Great Damage Were Unfounded Total Loss Will Not Exceed $10,000. EARLY REPORTS HAD ENTIRE FRUIT CROP GONE Bartletts Escape Damage to Any Great Extent Howells and Anjous Suffer Most. A thunder and wind storm, the heaviest ever recorded at this season locally, visited tho Rogue River Val ley Monday evening and did consid erable damage to tho fruit crop. The wind gained a vclouty of CO miles an hour. Investigation of the var ious orchards today however fall to show damako to the extent reported nt first. It is extremely unlikely that the loss will total $10,000. The heaviest loss seems to be at Hiilcrest. Hero considerable fruit was blown off and limbs of trees broken. In tho Marshall orchard the An jous were hit heaviest, the loss be ing about a box to the tree Bartletts and apples wero untouched. The Houston Bartletts and New towns escaped all damage. The Hover crop was untouched. A modlum loss was experienced In tho Potter and Gould orchard. Very little loss was suffered In the Goro orchard. The Burrell Bartletts wero not damaged to any extent but tho How ells and Anjous wero hit hard. Tho Bear Creok Orchard loss was heavy in spots. Comlco and one block of Bartletts escaped entirely. Only a small amount of fruit was lost by A- C. Allen nt Hollywood. The Randall orchard noted for Its fine black of Newtowns was not dam aged to any extent. Earl yapplcs suf fered considerably. Tho apples in Griffiths place near Jacksonville woro hit hard, tho loss running ovor two boxes to -tho tree. Tho Gaggett orchard was damaged In spots but not seriously. T. Conro Fioro lost a few early apples. HU total loss Is very small. Tho Bates and Merrick orchards escaped damage. Tho Tablo Rock section was not visited by tho heavy wind and no damage was reported. A summary ot the damage goes to show that not over six cars of fruit was losta. Professor O'Gara stated today that tho wind reached a velocity of 60 miles an hour. Ho quaged It by timing smnll objects carried by the breeze. Telephone wires were Interfered with to some extent. Electric lights In tho city were out for an hour owing to a break in tho circuit. NEW YORK, July 25. Tho final decreo of divorce separating Nat Goodwin and Edna Goodrich was signed today by Justlco Blschoff or tho stato supremo court ! SPOKANE WINS LONG FREIGHT RATE BATTLE HI II II 0 Interstate Commerce Commission Or ders Reduction In Western Ship ment Rates to Interior Points Long and Short Haul Decided. READJUSTMENT OF SCHEDULES ORDERED BY NEXT OCTOBER Reno, Phoenix and Other Cities De cided at the Same Time Af fects All Ipland joints. WASHINGTON, July 25. Tho in terstato commcrco commission has decided tho famous Spskano rato caso in favor of Spokane, deciding tho long and short haul, knocking out the back haul provision and or dering a readjustment ot rates all over tho country, ending tho discrim ination against inland cities. Tho effect of tho decisions will bo to notify tho carriers that they will bo allowed to meet water competition to a reasonable extent, but that tho lo cation of the markets hereaftpr will bo left more to tho play of commer cial cauac3 than to the will of thu traffic managers of railways. Many Cases Involved. Tho cases Invohed aro those of tho city of Spokano against tho Northern Pacific Railway company, known popularly as the "Spokano rato caso;" the Commercial club ot Salt Lake City against tho Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Jtailway company and oth ers; tho railroad commission qt Nev ada against tho Southern Pacific and others, and tho Maricopa County Commercial club against tho Santa Fe, Prescott and Phoenix Railway company and other carriers. These aro tho first decisions an nounced by the commission In which a definite principle in respect of the long and short haul provision is laid down. While tho opinions fully rec ognize tho Influence of water com petition to a marked extent they draw a lino upon indiscriminate "markot" competition. Former Opinion Confirmed. Inasmuch a3 tho cases generally (Continued on pas 2.) WHY SOUTHERN OREGON IS ONE OF BEST MINING DISTRICTS Apropos to tho occasion of tho new ly awakened interest in tho mining industry of Boutliom Oregon, tho ro iient meeting of tho mining congress in Orants Pass, tho suoooHaful or ganist ion of tho mining bureau at Medford. It might bo well at HiIh timo to statu for tlio beiiofit of tho initiated a few of the reasons why southern Oregon ia a good mining district, with tlio word is, is empliusised by capital letters. Tho recent display of minerals nt tlio Clrnts Pass mining congress nuwt lmvo uonviuoed oven tho most skep tical of "MisKourians," who have to "bo shown," that Houthem Oregon and northern California aro produc ing at tho present timo us great a va riety of minerals, and as good in quality iih aro to bo found in any other mining section in the west. MinomlH that spuuk for themselves to the intelligent practical mining mint, of the reliability and perma nency of (Ho lodges, and wins in which thuy nro found. Great Variety of Metals Found Practically Every Formation Known Duplicated Here. Geologists tell us that this is tho earliest land to appear above tho surrounding waters. This being tho oldest laud on tho ooast, mining ge ologists toll us that tho oldest for mations of primitive rooks aro tho most prolific in mineral bearing woalth. Wo find horo all of tlio formations that carry mineral values in this and othor countries.. Wo huvo horo tho limes nnd porphyries that made tho Loadvillo and Aspou mines, Tho nndesitea uud phouolytcs that nmdo tho Cripplo Creek mines of Colorado, tho Sohistii that mado tho Homo stake and Father froBwcot mines of North Dakota, Tho green stouo porphyry, slato and dioryto, that en oloso tho mother Indo of California. Tlio grittiitu that makes tho butto, and granite mountain mines of Mon tana, and the Clear creek iniues of Colorado that for the past JO years have mado their annual production of millions of dollars of gold and sil ver. ' Wo oven find horo reefs of seli cious conglomerates, carrying pay values in gold. In which aro found the Hand mines of SouthAt'rica. With these formations in evidenco why shouldn't tho mines of south ern Oregon go down! Can any ono give a valid reason why tho same for mations that oarry minerals to an unknown depth in othor states should not do tho same horo? At ono timo theso mountains horo woro hundreds of foot abovo their present elevation, mineral hearing veins went down from that point to tlio present olevatioiu And there is no reason to doubt lint they will con tinuo to go down to an unknown dopth yot to bo explored. Tho "mills of the gods" luwo been grinding tlio tops of those mountains off for eons of ages, uud that tjioy Geological Formation Most Favora bleLand Oldest and Best Min eralized Vein Depth Great. havo "ground exceedingly fiuo" is ev idenco by tho millions of dollars caught in mother nature's sluice boxes, of gulches, orcoks, nnd river bottoms, which huvo been industrious ly robbed, by tho hardy miners for tho past 50 yenrs, nnd aro yet being profitably worked. It is an undoubted fact that tho big bulk of our placer gold is of lo cal origin, eroded, washed and con centrated from tho surrounding mountains. Thoro aro low ranges of rounded hills in this distriot, from whioh all of tho gold haso not yot been washed into tho nearby gulches, with scarce ly an aero of those hills, that would not pay to work. If wntor oould bo scoured in sufficient quantities to work tho ground advantageously. This samo grouud docs not carry a trace of washed gravel, proving con clusively that this gold is of locnl or igin. Now is it reasonable to suppose that these gold carrying viens came down through theso hundreds of foot of tho eroded portions of these moun tains, nnd then censed at this point, or do they go deeper? Either tho geological history of this country is entirely wrong, cr theso gold bearing veins go to an un known dopth. Willi tho pcrpomlcr anco of ovidenco in favor of tho geo logical history being correct. Pockot huntinc has been n sorious drawback to southern Oregon. Had thoro nover been a siirfaco pockot found horo, this country would havo been opened by mining capital long ngo. Its reputation of n ponkt country has gono nbrond to mining conters, nnd it is hard to overeomo this prejudice. Sovernl of tho Cali fornia counties labored under tho stigma of hoing poekct counties for (Continued on Pago Two.) SITE CHOOSEN FOR BIG FAIR SAN FRANCISCO, Cal, July 23. Tho directors of tho Panama Pacific Exposition company today selected as n site for the 1015 fair, Ilarbor view, Golden Gato park nnd Liucola park, all to bo connected by a boule vard system. The site selected begins nt Tele graph hill and ends in Liueoln park. For tho present, tho sito is to bo known as University City. A per manent namo will bo selected soon. The site selected is in tho nature of a compromise. Tho originnl sites named were Ilarborview and Golden Onto park as sepnrato places for holding tho exposition. SNOW IN JULY AT FORT WAYNE INDIANA FORT WAYNE, Ind July 25. With predictions ot frost to follow yestordny's snow jnlurry, all Fort Wayno wrapped in overcoats and shivered today. Tho thormomoter dropped from CS to CI degrees and raw wind was blowing. FIGHT PR0H0TER KILLED BY TWO HOURS' SWIM STOCKTON, Cal., July 25. After 6ponding two Iioium swimming nt tho Stockton Hot Mineral baths, George F. McGnldo, San Francisco light promoter, who recently camo to Stockton to accept n position ns matchmaker with th? local alhktio club, is dead hero, A post mortom examination today showed death waa duo to dilation of tho heart. His wifq was walking with him on tho street whoa ho was stricken last night.