I Twwnw MTJIWOM") MAIIiTUIRUNIO, MRnifOM), OKWION, MONDAY, .JULY 21, 11)11. TAGE THREE u i Our Correspondents BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. Dr. ICiihiihoii of (Vntntl I'olnl lint who Ih liiHitO'd on tint outlu'voil IiuhIh Iiiim Iioimi In Mouftinl (or novurat ilnyn III uttllllllllllt'll UN It WItllllhH, In til" html rimi'H, 1 1 In own clitlin U IkiIuk coiiltmtnil, II, 1). MIIIh In nliiiilliK liy Aw, (ho Iwittnr from (llnuor Untulc to it nttmr voir nmir tlm mill for flrn nioiec. lion. Tim mill I it liloMtiit ilown f(ir r Ipitliw unit miiny of tlm limn ifro Imi v- l"K. I.IIWIK DOOIIIN IlIlK KDHtl llOWII tO iMoilfonl on IiiihIiii'nn, Hii will pur- Ichtmo it film Hlor.k boforo rotiirnlnit iih tlm touilxl tli'iniiml Ih uri'iil. It Ih tlm imimrul hollnf Hint homo loixt u MnuiiiK nri'M nun mm urn lliiftir" flrn wnn Htttrtoil by koiiio din- Htilnlittmil imrHiin. Duff Kiuii' linn luttirnml to tint Ivitlloy to In) with IiIh nick wife, Mm. KiiiiKH In not mitmlliiK vnry fun!. Tlm 1'itflflr & Knntiiru mllwity Hun. Iny cxgiiihIoii wim woll pntronuuil. Mr, tUnK lin" l"in ","1 'tt imliiK vttrythliiK to mnko tliuno cxcumlonn popular. If tlm lorn I pcoplo wll do tlmlr part tlm railroad will moot tlmlr domtindn. J. I ll'iiKhim, 0. Mnrcy hnvo both Imhui In tlm valley and frvlKhtitil n lwrK roiinlBimionl of thoro kooiIi to thin point, Aaron Hrrk and wlfo hnvu norm down to tin) vitlhiy an wUnonnmt in oiio or morn of Iho land nontcntn. O. Ailnitm, Htanli'y Hpoiicr. John Wliinluhnm and wivcrat otlmra nro payltiK a vlnlt to Modford. JiiiIko 1iiIk hnn nulhorlxi'd Mr. Itarkor of tin? bank to put hi roin lortnhltt nnd rfi'iilrnhly located room to nonm ont of tho many vlnltorn. ltaiiKr Holt hnn been ImvliiK nonm norennary Kovominont work doim at lidKo I'olo. Wii harn thai mtvornl of tho wit iifiturn In nttndattro upon tlm land nintt'nU hnvu had tholr chnracti'r Itn pcaclo'd. Tlm town In ntlrod up vory mlich ovir tlm Incorporation movement and tho land troiihln of our pmiplo. WOODVILLE ITEMS. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mrn. I. (). I.oro. John flrlm and Mr. .K..l aiHinUHnluriUy In Urantn I'm. Mrn. W. J. Knjomnn nnd children. Mrn. Julia Owmt, CJIon Owon, Mr. und Mrn. tl. 15. Fax, Mr. Harvey nnd daiiKhter, Minn Mary Olnon, Mr. Htur. tomtit, C. II. Hnntttl were nmotiK tlm Ontral Poliilorn that wore In Mod ford Haturday. Mr. anil Mrn. C. K. Walker of HiIm city liavii removi'd to Medford t re nldo permniietitly. J. V. Merrill. J. II. Downing. J. B. Monwell, C. V. Jefforn. 0. B. Tix were Imfnni Commlnnlon Canon But unlay iih wltnennonn In tlm cniio of tlm United Hlaten iiRalunl J. II. Downing. Mrn. Fred llonnclKraven of Phoenix npenl Kiinday here with her parontH, Mr. and Mrn. Alexander. Alex OIhhoii left Htiuday ninrnltiK for an extended vlnll with IiIh nlnter, Mm. Miller, of Biwim mid hln broth er O. OIhhoii, of llonebiirK. MIhh Irene WIIhoii and Clatlun Mo Heady Hpuul Huiiday In Ahhland. Itev. J. I). Hacker, nddrCHHed tho Y. M. 0. A. Huuday afternoon. Mm. Campbell, MIkh Cumpholl, AJUw lilla Jmii'H, Mr. and Mrn. Dorlln, Mr. and Mrn. V. 0. I.owIh, Mr. und Mrn. Kenneth Heche, MIhh Nettle IwIh, Marrltl Kindle, Howard nunlnp, Frod Kami, Hoy Dtinlap, J. C. Cllno l.lttlo. field, Aiinley II. Wortinan, Hartxoll llolmeH, Hpelit Hunday afternoon In Med ford. V. J. Freeman returned Hunday eveuliiK from California where he turn been for hoiiio two weekH ut w bed nldo of hla brother who U very III. i Mr. and Mia. V, W, lllrdnoyo nro roJolcliiK over tlm arrival of another mm on TtioHdny, July m, Or. Hay wan In Woodvllle on Wed iienday lookliiK after hln luteroHtn In connection with the "Homo HUtko Ml no" here, Mr. I.oti Merrlam hnn koiio on a campliiK trip Into Cow Crook can yon. Mr. Hlducy Myein ami Minn Viola the count on Tuenday. They report ed very film cool weather over there, A. It, JnyucH, ntiperlntoiideul of the "Homo Htako Mine" ban kio to Healtleou biinlueHn In connection with tlm mine. The mine In nhiil down durliiK IiIh ahHouco, Minn Helen Kennedy, of the ntate library coiiiiiiIhhIoii, wan In Woodvllle hint Wodnendny, Minn Kennedy came to noo tho nchool offlcern In reKiird to piiIIIiik In a traveling library In oWodvllle but nlm found that the Im prnvomout Club had nuo hern ulrendy, and an they are planning to uy few boown to ntart a itilillc library here, nlm helped the ladlen to choone a lint of denlrublo bnokn to ntnrl with. Minn Alice Whipple returned homo on Monday after npendlni: neveral weekn at Trail, Ori'Ron. Mr. and Mm. Sidney Potter have an their Kiicntn thin week, tho Mtnnen Kophle und Florence derrick, of Med ford. A party of Woodvlllo youitft pen plo npent Huuday at tlm McKeo naw mill. AIiioiik inoao in inn party were the MIchch Ilcnnle nnd Illniichc 8ea man nnd Julia and Jennie Martin. Charlie Palmer wim In Woodvllle on bunlueiin Innt Ttieadny. Manter Churlon Carr, of Modford, In upending the week at the home of J, W. Jncobn. Judge (lllmoro wun In OranU Pann Tuenday nnd Wednendny of this week. Tho Ilaptlnl Hunday nchool of Orniitn Puna had a picnic In our park on Friday of hint week. Tlm Im provement Club ban put In n plat form and croquet netn and ban or dered nwlng nentn for our park, and the merchantn of tlm town have each but In n neat no that now we have tlm park fitted up very nicely nnd are glad to havw p(Vple come and en Ji y It with iih. Manter Cnraon Garrett hnn go'10 l0 KlutnMMth Fnlln to ntay all niimmer. Mr, Charlen Wukemnn and family left thin week for Klamath Fnlln. Mr. Wakemnu ban taken a contract to haul lumber nnd will be gone until Into In the fall. Mm. J. P. Wlnf In .on tlm stick lUt thin week. Tlm weuther ban Jiiodcrnted In Woodvlllo and overy onu In very iiiucli relieved, Huuday wun tho hottest day we hnvu experienced In Oregon but no one wan prostrated ut n tem perature of 111 degreoH. INLAND EMPIRE HARVEST NOW IN FULL BLAST KI'OKANK, Wiibli., July a-l. Ilur voHJinu; of one of tlm InrKOnt crops in Iho Iiiluuil umpiro Iickuu luy mill will coiiliimu for the next thtvo weekH. Harvesting is already iiiulur tiny in custom Oregon. For tlm lust two weeks, liurvimt liuuils liuvu been poiuing into eiisterii Oregon, Wusliingtou mid Itiulio, seek ing employment, which is plentiful. In iiutioiputioii of heavy wheal ship ments Inter, riiltroud oompuiiios luivo guthored curs on wmolioiiHn Hidings nml nro piepnreil to move Iho crop to market ut the curliest opportunity. Portent hummtiug weather pruvuils GOLD HILL ITEMS. NAT GOODWIN'S SUIT BRINGS EDNA TO AMERICA PARIS, .Inly 34. Kdim Cloodrioh, the uotruss, has uhundnnud her plitu ol' spending tho summer in. Paris nml is prepuring to hull for Amurieu im meiliuiely. The ohiingo in her plans is believed In have heen cuusrd hy tlm suit stiirled in California hy her former IiuhIhiihI, Nut Goodwin, (o ro gain possession of properly duiuUid to livr bul'uro tholr uittrtitigo. (The -News.) Fred Chmupliu urrived fioiu Chi eitgo Huuday, und with liis hrother Churlcs will install coiihiilernhle new muchiuery nt their big electric dredge on Fonts ereek. Lima rook from the Hughes flur ries on Kunos creek bus recently been shippud to (lulice for flux in the Almcdii Htncltcr. All tlm muloriul nee cssury to the operation of u smelter exist within u radius of it few miles of Hold Hill, und it is tho opinion of many mining men thai with the de velopment of thu mines of this dis trict u Hineltor will hecomo it ncucsM ty ut or near (Jold Hill. (lood roads und chattels belonging to what la khowu us "the Comptou colony," consistim of sevcrnl fumi lies from Counoil Bluffs, lit , urrived this week, und tlieho ' people urc building on their tracts of the Mc Donald ranch, on ltogtui river four miles west of Hold Hill. F. I). Harbor left riunduy evening for Meuford, Out., before ho will close up his business ut'fuits before removing with his family to become it permanent resident of Hold Hill. He purchased thu J, i. Hnmmersly resideuco lust Saturday, which is one of Iho most sightly homes in (he oily, nnd will occupy thu same upon his return. ltoiidmiisler Hayes hits a crow ol men busy on the Kvuus creek road, about 10 miles ithovo Wootjvillo, put ting it in shape mi that heavy 'I rat' tic will ho possible ovo.r it front the Meadows district. It will ho it diffi cult und expensive piece of work, lis there is considerable blasting to do, hut it will ho worth tho out lay to pro vide Iho people of the Meadows mi outlet to (heir nearest shipping point which is Woodville. 0. K. Miller of Sums vnlley, said Thursdays (,Vo uro father proud of llio vnlloy this suinwior. Wo hnve the hoM crops reported from nny purl of southern Oregon, both in fruit und Kruin. Wo wil have about u third ol it crop of peaches, und what thoro ii of them will bo lino. 1 tun count ing oil a thousand Iioxch of commer cial fruit." Mr. Miller shipH his peaches to Porlliiinl every year, where their reputation uwsurcs u ready sulo ul lop prices for his en lire, output. The sum of HM8 will by paid the Columbia Hridgo company of Poll- land, for erecting the new 111! foot Hlcel Hpnii bridge ncrns Koguo rivor ut (lold Hill. Two bids were cousin crcd by tlm county commissioners' court in scsxinii Katiiiday morning mill t Hero was oiny if.imuji) iiinerencc in thrm. Frank II. If itltt bid HI!i:t for tho job. ThlA bridge when com pleted will be the largest nod liest on the Itogiic. H , lak-h the place of the old , bridge ut Hold Hill which bus stood there since 1870. The spun of nice I alone is 111! feel und wilii the approaches it will be clone to .'l()0 feet ill length. i NOT1CK. Notice In beroby given that tho un dernlKiied will apply to tho city coun cil of tho city of Modford, Oregon, nt Its next regular mooting no AugiiHt Int, 1011, for u llcouno to ncll nplrl toun, vlnoiin and mult lliinorn In quantities lenn than n gallon, at hln tilaro of biiHlucHS at No. ZC Houth Front ntreot, In nald city, for a per iod of nix mouth. CAHN8 imOH. Onto of flrnt publication, July 20, 1011. " WESTERN CANADA FOR RECIPROCITY Keen Interest Displayed hy Reprc- scntatlvcs In Parliament May Pro- loii Discussion Far Into Summer and Possibly Into the Fall Months. OUTPUT OF BARTLETTS IS DISAPPOINTINGLY SMALL of IhirtlcIlM from the river is disap pointingly small. Thi hIioiiIiI hnvu been one of the heaviewt wil-ks Tho (taliforiiia Fruit Distributor whereas il in comparatively light. It Weekly Cireiilur says under dnto of1 is not expected that (here will be July 21!: j many more shipped next week than Pears, I.Vv'i cars. The output tin. Thrip in reMirtcd nt work in some sections, und may luivo the f feet of further lediicing tlm small (iianlity offering. Thu demand Ss very Htrong und it has been impossi ble to supply ail that liuve heen asked for. Hnnklnn fnr'lfnnith. WINNIPBO, Man.. July 'IS Poll tlclaiiH today declare Hint tho keen Intercut displayed lit reciprocity by teprctteiiLnttvon of Western Canada may prolong dlncunslon of tho pro posed pact In parliament far Into tho summer, and possibly Into tho fall months. Western Oanndn strongly fuvom tho proposed agreement with tho United Htaten, and thun far has had but little opportunity to voice Its Kami on tho matter An Indication. of Iho feeling toward tho measure In seen In the unanimous vote of It by tho legislatures of Ban- Iwitchownn nnd Alberta. Manitoba Is Dm fouutnlnhcad of opposition to re clproclty. Hnsklnn far Health. FANS The oro healthful . FT? They nro iwnltarjr - A Tlicjr nro coinfortnblc A Tlmy coat 'onc-lialf cent aa Iiour to run JLI Tlicy arc Junl tlm tlilnjc to JLI keep your 'customer In Sfcood humor Then wlijr not buy one? Call at the Electric Building 209 West Main and Examine the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ sj; $ $ $ $$$ $ $ $$$ $$$$$$$ $&' . i v 7j fm fh f 1 fft 'ft f 'ft o y tjy tfs- j y ' ff TVZ'P $$ofofr&fofofefr'fcfofrvfr'frfofofrfcfofofoy''p'p$ fp $ Sl BANKING SERVICE The Med ford National J3ank asHiiros you of (lie best service. Its officefs aim in every way to protect the interests of its patrons, making use of every means of precaution. The directors and officers are all well known business men; men of integrity and known for the careful and conservative handling of any and all business intrusted to them. Its up-to-date system of accuracy, promptness and the same careful atten tion to large or small depositors, makes it a bank for all the people. IF YOU ARE NOT A CUSTOMER OF THIS BANK LET THIS BE AN INVITATION TO BECOME ONE THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK W. II. GORE, President J. A. PERRY, Vice President. F. E. MERRICK, Vice President. .TOIINT S. ORTU, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asst. Cashier 43 i V) CO CO CO CO CO CO fi CO CO CO CO CO CO f& TJJ -6J fi CO CO CO fi fi CO fi a FILTERS FILTERS FILTERS MM We have just received a shipment of Faucet Water Filters. Will fit any faucet and filter the water. This is just what you want. 25 CENTS EACH WHILE THEY LAST Medford Hardware Comp'ny w m For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining city of Medford, on long time, easy pay ments. 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; cement sidewalks rind paving in; also sowers, wator and light. Long tiino, easy paymonts. 430 ACRES LAND, 350 acres alfalfa land, 80 acres fruit land, perpetual water right with wator for irrigating 1000 acres; long t.imo, oasy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa laud, balauco fruit land, 1 milo from railroad,." on long timo easy tonus. D000 ACRES LAND in tracts of from 40 acres upwards; price $25.00 por aero and upwards; suitablo.for alfalfa, fruit stock and general farming purposes; long timo, easy paymonts. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS, just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on 5 annual paymonts. . Gold Ray Realty Co. 21G WEST MAIN STREET. Cedar Poles We are now carrying in stock a f uljl line of Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles. Let us figure on your needs. CRATER LAKE FUEL CO. PHONE MAIN 971 SPARTA BUILDING IRRIGATION Nature Supplies the Land and Sunshine , We Furnish the Water Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED NOUMMINGS, Manager Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Irrigated Orchard Tracts Land for $150 Per Acre With Perpet ual Water on Easy Terms Can You Do Better? ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. OtJMMINGS, Manager a 3 H i , t'i 2