' vttf 1 PXOE frOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRTKUNE, MEDFORD, ORttClON, SUNDAY, .TITLY 2K, 101 1. v.- I1? 1 L !1 . AS Medford mail tribune AN iNDni'MNDUNT NRWHI'AI'KIl f'UUMHIU't' DAILY KXCKl'T HA.TU11- DAY HY Tllli. MICDKOHD IMUNT1NO CO. Tlio Democratic Tlnum, Thn Mcilforil Mull, Tlio Mnlford Tribune, Tho .South urn OrcRonlnn, Tho AMilnml Tribune. North Homo Kir ft. ntrcct; phone, ln. S5-Main 30SI, OKOItOlJ PUTNAM, IMItor nnd Manager Kntereil n necoml-class matter at Med ford, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1S70. Offlclnl 1'aper of thn City of Medford Official Vapor of JackKon County, .. BtTBBCRXPTXON BATES. Omj year, by mall "SJ1 Onn month, by mall .o 1'er month, delivered by carrier In Medford. Jacksonville and Cen- tral Point .SO Runrtay only, by mall, per year.... S.00 Weekly, per year .......... 1.50 RWOBK CIRCUX.ATXOW. Dally averace for lx months ending December 31, 1910. i"2U mil rented Wlr United Irt Dlipatcht. The Mall Tribune in on nale at the Ferry News Stand, San Francisco. 1'ortland Hotel Ncwn Stand, Portland, llowman News Co.. Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. MEDXORS, O JUKI OH. Metropolis of Southern Oregon un4 Northern California, and the fastest crowlnR city In Oregon. Population U. R. census 1910: 8840: estimated, ml 10.000. Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, giving flnent supply pure mountain water and tx teen miles of street being paved and contracted for at R cot exceeding $1, 000.0C0. making a total of twenty miles of pavement. Postofflce receipts for year ending March 31. 1?1, flhow Increase of 4.1 pel cent. Dank deposits a gain .? 33 per cent, lUnner fruit city In Oregon Ilogua Jllvcr Spltienberg apples won sweep stakes prize ana tmo or "Apple Xing' of tho World." nt the National Apple Shew, SpoVane, 4AAA .. .A .. h J. VAIP,AIII M.. rlnt 3?iUa la 1910 nt Canadian International Appls Shove; Vancouver. . u. Rogwo Mlvcr peara brought highest prices In a.U markets of the world dur ing the ftnst six yrars. ... write Commercial club, lncloslas 8 cents for postage for tho finest commu nity pamphlet .over written. TO SLOVENLY CITIZENS. A dirty yard generally indicates a slovenly possessor at least onejacking in civic, it' not in personal pride. There is no excuse for filth except lazyness. Many dirty yards make a dirty city, and a dirty city repels people rather than attracts them. People that have no personal pride should he compelled to clean up com pelled by tho municipality whose health, prosperity and future they endanger. Vnsightly row's of weeds along curhings, left to dry and rattle through the summer, should be cut down. Every year, as the paved area increases, this nuisance be comes more and more noticeable. Clean up. Don't wait until you arc forced to, but have pride enough in your home, your street, your city to do your share in making them attractive. LOST THOSE CLUSTER UGHTS. liirht. for which JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown ... l . . . ... . Tlr A" h.'ic- hrwmiif nt huso t lister in? its Y Main street properly owners, with the exception of two or three moss backs, signed up for last spring' The council accepted the power companys proposal, and left the details of contracting for posts, etc., with a committee. Since then nothing has been done. General Apathy seems to be in command of the cam paign for the city beautiful. But while clubs lire adjourn ed for the summer and forest and stream or seaside lure from the city, is the time to make the street improve ments. No more time should be lost in dilly-dallying. Those cluster lights ought to be in now so that the city may be more attractive.. If work was begun now, tho lights would liardlv be in place for the time the fair is held and surely we are not so lacking in enterprise as to leave Grunts Pass the only city beautitul that the night rinds m Southern Oregon. t i . A CREDITABLE INSTITUTION. nunc Mum $11000. Tho tnlul for tV four ,venrs boni(j more Mum $17,000 or ono mid two-Nurd limes inure than tho entire tract s liim four yours ago. Ami while nil Mils ninouut of uioiioy litis hoou received for tho peach crop it must ' ho considered Mutt ii splendid pear ami upplo orch ard of 'Jo acres luw been tlruwitu closer to it hcnriiiK up', hi fact Micro Is muuo t'mil on Iho trees this seasoii, Orchard men predict Mint four moiv crops of peaches iit'iiy safely he taken from the pouch trees before the apple trees will have attained a Sir.c which will iieccilnto the re moval of the poiuih tiers from iuuouk them. .Mr. lloltlriil),'o is sua! lo have re fused $2500 tin uore for this tract. While Mr. Holdrid' and his two sons have beca Hiving their lies! ef forts toward making ihw orchard a money producer and leadluir'it up to be one of the best orchard lraot in the valley the sous have not been losing sight of future. Hach has m. quired acreage near b and have put out orchards which Ihev luie prom ised themselves to make as thrifty coin producers jis is mow Iho original tract, Someone, has sa'ul Mint all orchard men are noi iiolitrnigcs. mat is true, but it is-quite true that there aro but fuw localities in the Koguo river valley which will not produce as abundantly for Jones, Smith or Johnson as they would for a iioiurioge ii given lue same care and nt tout ion. - vy I wr6to soruo.vers. atid some there were . , tf ho' calldd it. worthless, truck; Twas -copied "dtfwn ia Chlco though And credited to, ' - - ruck. Did' 'J Speaking -of 'Raines. . yoir note'tho.'Klineh'ammer Hammer -wedding at. Grants Pass the otner aayr t I. Cream registered ata Portland hotel yesterday. Didn't mention whether his first name was Ice. Primrose, tho minstrel- man, ia suing for divorce. Tho primrose path is an unhappy one. IK the hotel Medford Southern Oregon will have a hos telry that will be a credit to the cntiL-e state. Any city of 100.000 inhabitants might well be proud of siifii an institution. Business men of Medford who helped finance the hotel, are entitled to recognition, tor i flinii' Tntiirficm nnrl rmfni'mnco There is probably not another city of Medford 's size in the country where hotel men could be found with the nerve aiid courage tostarfc an institution so creditable to the community and that a large part of the money was un selfishly furnished without thought of profit and solely to benefit the Rogue Piver Valley is a glowing instance of the spirit that has made Medford and will make it the midway metropolis. The new hotel is five stories in height, contains 100 rooms and is euipped with every modern convenience de signed to comfort the traveler and sojouraer Tt will' be furnished elaborate!', and provide accomodations equal to those of any hotel "in Portland or San Prancisco. To make such an institution profitable everyone in the city should lend his support and assistance, to the end that those who have backed their faith in the city's fut ure with their cash may find their foresight justified. Another Hen Tale. Mary had a little ben, The surest thing you know, It. gave an egg to heri each day .far Cheaper than V ' . sir; ierj ei I'tlio. grocer - ' . r. r'r v. A Bat Uo Royal. .A'rfyr'auinfc'foj' a"Blv6rcc at Port ltafyMfs.'ttoyainyU her hUsband outside. tho court for a fight'' Jour- nal. y "'T . I? s tell ''AJaiah oveKnEngmnd'clalms' he: I NatiGoodwIn'a 6oa. Can anyone 'tel whai)hiiroDJect-ls?f t - ,, - : Np Alyflp,' a .'spark, -plug -Isn't- a hojse,1 yn(ir drlres'whenho -takes--ht Slrl'drlyjng. ,. ' ' '. . I, -f 1: & ., ,K "" -' A'tJwana.' .' ' '" " Irjeamod ?1 poHticans- olnibe ;'. Vjion.a mighty' hH, ' . To "stay-iiutll o'lectlohs' passed""' "' ' .vAn'd aliof.lhem-lccpt still. k - I 'dreamed- tho "icoplo worit to vote" '"A'nld ,n'o ouc told them" ifow ' ' Tier-be'sU-ones' wore -elected- and ,aTJio jwor orifc nnj io, bow..,!j. And; Vhcn'I 'wok l-'thonghr a. -while pr,pojje harp yet to wakeXilp- ' To'vo'to as ij had. dr.ee med. . PARK THE EIGHT-OF-WAY. s TraKcdicB, in Headlines, .-; y i"olilci(go' Tribune. !'.tok''Eni.of Tbo'sqop." , ' ' u (dn'tTlo Had :a tLoud. In It.'" " mDbuuII'v Smoked sjxty. of Tbe'in in -a Day," -. 'ador Was bia,nnVWbrm Eaten." "jrp'Couldn't Bwiirf." ,-' , ' . 'I't was. tho 'Savings of a Lfetjm'o.f "Angry Ifufdiand Pyortook Them." Ila'Jtich father Had Cut Him Orf;" "qiiiluffeur.fiays Jlo-Dldh't Sco'Illm.v . ' sit . r r- t -.! To W)ij,cli.,W Add, ,, "Changed jSeata In Oanoo" "VJf read letter." , ' ' "Mot 'old QollGgo Chum.'; "Could idrlnic or leavo it alone." "Eraciiced on1 Cornet' ' ' "Tickled Mulo'e hind Leg." - ' "Slippod on "oiuy" Banana."' " KpIBtJR0irt IfltiR qeorK6.and Qticon Mnry loft horo toiy for Lon tlon. Tho kliif,' will tiiko up a number of jnjporlqnt cOhforcncca f prior 4to pftfjiitmont's considorntiou of1 tlies IbVjH? vetp bill noxl wo-pje Ilasklna for Ifealth. "SJO valid excuse can be offered for the retention of frame li-' shticks on the railroad right-of-way between Sixth street and' Main streets! ' The Southern Pacific wjll comply with any request from tJiecif council and order their removal. Notice given novf to move within six months would work no hard ship upon occupants, give ample time to secure other quarters, 'and' permit .the completion of the parking of the '.square ih; the heart of. town, adding greatly to red ' ford's" 'attractiveness and "creating a favorable impression of the city with tourists and strangers.' Xots on this riglit-of-way strip were leased by the rail rbad"jn'eaydays fo'help aloiig the commercial growth of file city -by 'aiding shippers. .The lots were leased for a-dollar a, year, subject to cancellation, on : thirty days notice. -, ; v ;" ' Tlie'originayessces.liaye outgrown their quarters. The shacks are riaw a. source, of jucomq to"ovn'ei,s not engaged in business.- There islio reason why the occupants should nonsecure quarters, of their own, either lease some other portion of the rjht-of-wayat nominal sum, or buv land. ijikerthp rest pfus, and make possible tho beautification qf the city. - , . ' . ..... ' The generosity and public spirit of the 'Southern Pa cific has bqen grossly abused, not only by shack owners .who reap a prpfit by renting land belonging to the rail road, but-in other, cases, such as-the Rogue .River "Valley railroad, where space let for depot purposes only has beer, sublet Tor nierchantile purposes until the depot is almost JpsCin tI?cpop oonf and .red-lemonade; . The. Southern Pacjfirj should cancel the lease to all buildings pot,. used by their owners for purely shipping purposes, Init used instead as ihconie producers from land obtained under, false pretenses in competition with mer chants who own or rent business property. Public opinion will back pp ally such effort of the railroad -it wll go turther and demand it. NAT GOODWIN TO DESERT STAGE FOR FILMDRAMA $1000 REWARD FOR 'MISS GERTRUDE ILG SAX l,IIAX(,lV('0.rnl..liil '-':'. Willi u reword of .tluilll lor uilur uititlou of the whereabouts ol Mors (lortrudo Hi;, Hmtcd li the ruiuil uud t'ricudrt of l lie luiliij; juirl hud iv possibility tltul Hie Htitto will oiler mi itdditioiiul sum, cIToil todu.v lo locate (lie yottiit; woiiutii who di-n.n pctircd Moiiduy were icdotiblcd. The most iiuporttiiil clue wo t'liruixhct! by three women livin.ir neur AH'i.lo J'urk who eluiiu ti luivo seen u vuun ivotimu iiiihweriiij; Miss l'.-. detenp tion. . FORGED A DEED: SENT UP FOR THREE YEARS I.OS AKdtil.KK, t'nl., duly W. Mi-s. I.illiuii I'uxloli Klyiin, emiMclcd of furKitiK n deed li iroicitv bcloiijr lug lo Mrs. Jennie II. Dcuu was sen lenced today by SupeiiorJudp' Willi to servo three .vent's, in Sun- tjuAiitii' penilenliary. When mmiIciico ih pronounced .Mrs. c'lvnfi collop-cd. Ldwiird I'lyun. the uouuin'i bu band, aNo iiupliented in the crime was arrested in Denver bill broke pi ' and c.M'tipcd. SKATTIiK. Wash.- Hill l.aiisc for tner Inisehnll star, and repiesuuli' . (tarry Hcriiuau on the Pacific OuM is in Seattle today lookint: oer t'u Korthwcsiern league pla.xcrs for li riucinnali Reds. LOS AXGEIiES, lab, .July -J2.- ' Xat Goodwin, aotor, announced toda ! his intention of tleriinj; the Ioiti mate stno for tlio tiha drama. This nnnounccmunt followed the incorporation of the Co-opcratic Film company, of which Goodwin is vice president. Xat, it is understood, will personally produce tho picture plays in. addition to nctinj them. Ib is to receive, it is said, the Inr-jeM salary over paid-Jo a motion picture actor, and Ix-'siibw? will receive a gub stantial share of the profits. The Germ Which Produces Dandruff riimlly Causes . ItaiilncM Kill llm Gcrnt ami Hiwc Vour llulr Xcwbro'!fircrtlclilc Will Do It. Did you ovcrtrj to discover a reason for tlio dying of a valuable' plant? You perhaps found that life was d6stroycd by somo Insect or paraslto working nbout tho roots nnd napping away tho elements which go to support plant life. Tho dandruff genu. exorcises the same destructive Influence, upon tho life of tho hair. It forces Its way down tho follicle around tho hair bulb and thus provonts tho hair from get ting proper nourishment. Tho hair dies nnd drops out. Xowbro'H Horplcido provonts this by killing tho germ. It also frees tho scalp from the accumulations of dirt and scarf. With tho removal of these obstacles to a clean, healthy scalp, tho hHir will grow naturally and luxuriantly. Horplcido Is known as tho Orig inal Dandruff Germ Destroyer. Ono dollar slzo bottles aro sold and guaranteed by all druggists. Applications may bo obtained at tho better barber shops and hair dressing parlors. Send 10c in postago or silver to Tho Horplcido Co., Dept. It,, Detroit, Mich,, for a nice sample of Ilerplcldu and a booklet tolling all about tho hair. MHIMWlt!) rilAItMACV Special Agents. Svnr I'ost Office Night or Day, ROBERT J. LOGWOOD C II 1 if O 1 It A C T It X r o S'p i r I a I I t O Ii r n n I r 111 o a s c s ; S p o c I a f t y TKMI'OHAUll.Y l.OC'ATKI) II I t N. It A It T Ij II T T I'll o ii t ITU in o I II- K Nu 0Mnd, Clifv n!a Tlic only irian C Mrs- i Hif IVi-lfr C- L'tiitcif' l ' Nr . , i I r r . .. -Ideal clmt n ' i .r I r . )01 g a T tu , lit ' ( nt t .1. r hoc of miiiim! an . I MiM.iiy ' I ..i t.lb'4lurti for tt. r-'tjv ih .' i r t m'it 1 xctlH-i .'(tt(ittun in . I i . re ii iln i . Mill -Y Itlllt, mi '" MoUvrn i. miii4iiiih Sltclal c.ir for Iti' l! ttutlcn'.. 'K .,wf lafc.--)'".! tut. I ' I '.IV far M . tltt l. I I T .. alll 'kite A.i'n- Ciiii', XI U t'u'i.i, J.. t'.' u In a Class by Itself It Is a great big loaf, mado from tho best high grade flour. IMtalti.KSS DKKAIi Is moro like that gooil old homo mado broad that mother used to mako than any other on tho market. Ask your grocor for l'KKItliKSS ItltKAH nnd insist Hint you got It be cause thero Is nono'so good. RARDON'S BAKERY Corner Main and fJrapo Street. A Little Tale of the Wealth-Produc-inj Soil of the Rogue River Valley No moro convincing jiroof can be introduced as to the prodildiyenodK of ii noguoHiVervnlldy orchlirj tniin an occasional recituj Af what those orhenrds oxv really doing. It was Icbs than four yearn ago that V. D. Iloldridgc purehntipd u 25-noro ipplc, pear and peach or chard dp near Talent. For (his prop erty ho paid $400 mi ncrc. 'jho entire acreage wns set lo np-i pies and pears with peach fillers on J'a uoros of it. When Mr. Hohlridgo purchnfied the tract- the poach trcw were jurft beginning to bear and the fruit from tho orchard that year, 1.008, nutted him IgOO; in 1000 hif crop of pcaohcH brought him $1000 and in 1010, .f.1000. Ho is now liar vesting lib? crop for this yoar and as it is turgor than over before it is es timated tjiat tho not U'lurns will be HOW ONE WOMAN WON Her Health and Strength Back Again by The Use of Cardul. Tampa, Flo. -In o letter, from this city, Mrs. K. C. Corum writes: "I was all weakened and vorn out with wo manly troubles. My husband brought ino somo Cardul as n tonic, and, from tho first day, it seemed to help. I had almost lost my reason, but, thanks to Cardul, I did not. Boon, I felt and looked liko a now woman. I think tho remedy is wonderful. I recommend it to my friends, for I havo rcceivea great benefit rrom it. Cardul acts specifically on tho weak cned womanly organs, Btrongthenlng tho muscles and nerves, and building them up to health. It helps to refresh tlio worn-out nor vous system and rellovea tho effects of overwork, both mental and physical. l'Ifty years' successful uso fully prove tho merit of this purely vego table, tonlo remedy for women. In every community, thero livo somo who havo been benefited by Cardul. Tho beneficial effects of this tlmo tested woman'a romedy, soon show themselves in many different ways. Try It. N. fl. Write to: U4lf'A4vloryDrpt.. h- ruM M4lcln Co., Chitunoogi, Tnn., tot hvtcial Imtructioni. nj 64.pj( buoU, "lloint Trluwr.t, for Weratii," MnlJa pljn wtvpr on lequut. IT'S TOO HOT" TO COOK Why nut let miiiki of, (lio ivinld's best cooks do tlio hot work for you V Hero ii ro a few suggestion- all o tlio highest grado Cantieil (U)otlH', IlKIKI) IIKIM', iickm:i ia.Mii TONrit:!-: MtN'CH IIICItltlNfJ, .SALMON, KII'I'IMtHD Hi:itItIN, HAHDIMX, i)i;vii;i,i;i) ham, HKVIIiI.KI) MIJATrf,', ' COM HOAHT IIKICI', VHAIi I.OAI-, coit-NKi) ih:i:p, JA'NCII TONtJIIK, OYKTi:it KOtJI'H, 1IAKKI) IIIOANH. CARNATION MILK 10 Cents Olmstead&tUbbard West Hldo (iroccis, NOW OPEN New Klectrlu Ultoo Uepalr flhop Work dono whllo you wait. Sat Infliction tiutirautcml. F, L Shennan IIU No. (irapo Hlivet. r Where to Go Tonight TUXUillT- i li s 12 I Crater Lake Stage Line Official ".'rotor Lake Hlagc Aulo-t lcao Hotel .N'iikIi at H a, in. Tin' ibiyn and Krliliiys, aiilvo Cralcr UlltO HJIUIO CXtMllllg, llctui-iilug, li'inu Crater l.ako Monday and ThuiMlNy. ('ounce lions with Steamer Klamath for Klamath 1'alN, Itoiiud Trip $2.1,00, one way Sin. 00. Medford to Klatuatli I-'iiIIn la Cralei- l.iko (one ay) !?tH..10 Ite-ii'i'Mvllimi ami tlcketn at Hotel Niith or Cialer l'iKo (iaragc. ft -(Jiuul Oni'H ,1 TIM, XITOMIMilCIl I ii.wooit .maim: nni: i nut 111, (i M UK KOI J lVHI'V:i'SIA I 'OMi;i OK I MU.'llhTAMHNt;: Iti'Hl Nlmw In Town for Hi (ViiInj I'ltll'i: 10 CIIN'I'S I -f.M.Js t s s THE ISIS .THEATRE Y .(5i:vrs l-'ou UUIGKS AND LOCOMOBILES it i u i o t it i i: ii i i, i, j .... . I in j' Maun u idiom an i.ipnu ."THUItl'J I'HAHf'i: SISIIIHS" SlllKI'I'V lllHUI'lH l,iiincill1-iiiii'N lutioiliirliiK TIiomi Tliij liiini'lnn iiiiil'TH 'Iho Mlsiei Sulla ami OIUo Ii CRATER LAKE GARAGE1! n,AH o ii i x i: o i ii a ni syrn.iKs Pure Clear Sparlding You .'(in'l afford to ito Hilhout this sploudid, refnwhiuu drink, fall no and ordnr a case mt to the Iiouko. The puroiit. mo-t 'n-a'thiiil Hnuk known m SIvSKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. SHOES AT COST Tim Dufflilil shoe Moi k ban been moved to Koutlr ('i-ntrnl off of Main, oppiodto tho ' MI-hIihi reHtaiiranl and tho HtockU still bohijDKilil at cost. M. S. Biden Is opcratlni; tho ihobI modem shoo ropnlrliiK shop In tho city at the samo location, t'li-to-dato electrical nia cliliifry. Look for' the RED DOOT MEESM NbMnSuftWf -4prtff9 W Y "Ztn'W i-i ft ia ni?; KMM APPELL'S Noutlt African WATER BAG Keepi water cool -K liinira or loiurcr, la mm or eliadei I'reit lifxin i Toko no ubHlute ,, rf). p c - ior, vuiveyoi ', niortsincn, iiorkmca, farm cm, teaiiutcM, anyone cxnoird to dry or warm weather. Lfiel by U. fi. Gov't, Stroiijf, Ji;ht, c;iy to carry, (lturini.Kj Till loiter Tynlflea Hie Allltuilo of All Ueru nemlfmcni rikl.nl, Indiana. WLIIt In HtuJi irccmlr I ln. ixciilmi In ,liiil out ill line of uii( tuuili Alilcaii Wtitr lli(i. Wlltf llumlht tufctiulnlr Uilci fbulbii iLtJracil. V U,ra ope (i your 21 ftlloil lutl lil.l lHwilirr,. mtlnt I in all Jay, iin Ihiui h thl ttvtlirjlurt imi ivr ivu in im fflj, niajn lueinoiiiliif I luunj Hit wale r apaikllnr anil ai cold at Ira wairr, ll miamlf la a buun If lliiiia llilu( lu llie aflil ri.,u,. Yiuri Hnnttlj, W I!, WIIIKR I'On 0AU5 11Y DHAMIRS JIVItnY WlllilUl M4U. If Ailnin Alipill Viilirllni('o.,I,or(liiiiil1Or. t'liiuiiion hard ami noft Hlum j iliiiiiiiri of I heir iiko Thin UJ portltlM-ly the Kri'Hlent Juvenllo tut In America linluy. iih they hn 1h'iiiviiiiiiiiuiuviI by the leiullim ni'vKiii'in throiifthou'l llm eaul mi Iho iim.il wonilcrful child iliim-. i K l hut ivor ulanid the Miiko I'lioliii; over KkIUik IiIk i In nil fir J :til u-k plHriw tlmni In a elan I where all inauiuterti aro ttrlvliiK lo play UiIh wonderful ait ami IIm ntily hy a lurlcy tnuvn that Mr. 1 I (inrili'it Iihm Miicurml ilit'in for four t nlitlilii and four nlghlx only hi s don t mliw i-iiltiK Hieiu. llcii'-i Aiiiiiliui- Knoi'U Out I'AHDKV AMI HOUMI1S J IU-. lll.IT. AMI III.A'IV. j imrounritiK a iiuucil m muni iioimeime (01 Ifi mliiutiti that will lo lunch harili-r Hutu J rimy t fM K. tall ''e ilfil III tilil- llf.. llHM Ihx'II r l.ax I eve met with xcrci'tua i where thrj htie apii-arul j PLUMBING sii:.im ami nor vti:u 1 1 i:ti ( j All Work (liiaranterd I'rlciH IteaNonablo ii," Hotuiiil lllork, Hiilram-o mi Dili Sln'il. Coffecn 8c Price I'nciric :io:m Homo l!IO AFTER ALL IT NARROWS DOWN TO The Merrfvold Shop FOR Recent Fiction l.'M V. Main 8t Afcilford. Draperies W enrry a vry comnletn Una of ilrniuTlim. Incil uiirfnliiH, flxttiroi. iito.. ninl ilo nil cliiHKi'H of iipliolHtnrlnir. A niikoIhI mini in look uriur thin work ix i hiHlvcly ninl will kIvh an koihI mrlrn h In iiohhIUIh tu tlut In even tlm lurKVHt cltlrM. WeeKs & McGowan Co FORGET THE WEATHER but icmi'inber to (alio n (level opiiiK lank ami dovelopo .your niuiH wherever you nro. Medford Book Store r tu ;; W&urJLlKtMiittnU'L ' u iV .'-aV-il' 1 -. .41 a-,.. J Jtfttufr-,, ; V. .' V iiHammmmmmK