M'HH ' i i T MTO1)TT6rP MATL TRIBUNE, MISDFORP, OREOON, SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1911. PAGE THREE; IS BREAKS 001 Nervous Slrnln Tm Gruat for Wom an ami Slio Is Taken to the Hos pital Siiffprlnif Froti) Pnrllal Pnralysls. EXECUTIVE BOARD I.OS ANHKUW, July 'J2 -HunW. iiiK fioin iirvoiiH imixhntliiu - nul puilllll IMIIIllyHtft'lli' till) llMVlT lilllK .Mr. Oitio -J, MiiMimiKiil, wilV of tint nir-iMinJiwMoil ilyiiiiiiitltir, wiih lalom I'Mlny to tint I'Mi'lrio lniifiil fur tii'titincnt. v A lnillttirt Ihhiii'iI fmiii llw Inihpit nl Imfum mioii hhI.I (litil it wiih like ly that .Mih. Mo.Muniual would nuf. IVr Ihn Ionn of iln iiho of her lownr! liniliM utiil potMililv would Im piiniui. iH'iilly piiialyxcil, Ai'imniliitf top.1oiu l' Tyioll, an iittoiW'y who Iiiim IhiIi Mim. iMc.MimiKiil'ri tioi1)Kiiiiril mikv FOR MINING BUREAU At it iiiiinfim; of tlio lioaril of ill nictorN ofMlio Hoillliirii Orison Allti liiK Itnii'Mii hi'lil at Ihn NiihIi drill Mntunlay nflnniooii tint following oxccijIIvu I'Oimiiillui) of I'ivii uii'Ailx'if iippoililuil hy Ilia ph'xlilmil viihJ'uii filmed: ('. If. Kay, (I. U. ),vIm, J. I Hmlrty, (Iixiiko I'liliiiini, V. (I. AQIilmliiigi'ii. $000 rtewnni Offered. MINNKAI'OMH, .Mriiii..liilv U2.- ItitwuiM of Mint wn oflVmil today licia hy tlio NoiIIhmii Pacific railroail for Ihn capture itntl conviction of the Illicit iiuikIcciI liauilitN who h'ilil up ami iithhcil pHMMCion on th Korlli (.'oiiHt train near Tower (Jily, N; I). linen KUhcclH no far liiivn Imcti aptiiiiMl at (WlHon, N, I)., three mom at MelroHc, .Minn., ami tlirm .Inlliu litotheiH Mm held hy the uii llioillics nt'Tohui, N'. I). 510 1 01 GUIS HOLD Tl Minister Cables That End of Present Government Is NearFear Loot hnd Rapine Wlicn Flebels Enter Capital. n WAHIIINOTO.V, I). C, July 22. (!ah!a deMputeliert from United HlnteM Milliliter KnniiHH at J'ort An I'riuee to thu hlato department twhiy iiy that the end of thu pieiuiit linylian overniaent in near. He nyn Hint the diplomatic reprcMcntiitivuH of the powerM are anxioiwly awaiting the arrival of United Statep wniiOiipH, fearing that loot and rapine will fol low the entrance, of tin! rehels into the city. BLOW-OUT CAUSES ' ACCIDENT TO AUTO A blow out Friday illicit canned the Jacksonville nuto hUiko to nworvo from tlio rond, fttrlko a concrete, cut vort, and (IiihIi wildly Into the.dltch, lireilpltnllUK ("0 driver and occupnutH onto tlio Kroiind, InJurlriK one of them, W. M. Poole, the harbor, break I DC n wheel 'and bndlnK the front oxlo of tlio car, a Cadillac, operated by the Uoirr Creek Kurni!. Mr.- Poolo waa hroiiKbt to Med ford by Dr. Bhearer and found badly briilHod, Thu other imHucngerii, A. Knucli, chof of the Imperial hotel, Portland, and .1. Kretzor, chef of the Nnidi tnfo, wero badly Hbaknn up hut iiotWlrtunly hurt. The driver Harry Treat wbh uninjured. EUROPEAN WAR SCARE STARTED ! Think That England and France May Clash With paln and Germany Owlny to the Moroccan Em-brolyio. fhe treiiKiiry of the republic, he -. .... lmt for Hie "help wnntetl" ad) ?""' ,,H ,'",',l' l!m rs"l0, """' " nave jollowcd her every movement day ami nihl. Kvoii the preeinetn of her home, Tyndl miiil, were hunt ed hy liiiiiiH' hIimiIIih. iliHiiMed as Jiook aK.giiti and jieddlerH. Ho far won thin espittiiaue carried that tn d'leetlex in an automobile Mhiurn .Mr. Me.Mnninl lo the hoitpilal. I.al TliurHilav Hudriet Altorcot John I). KredeiiekK ordered (hat nil! Kurveillnitec over Mm. .McMa ol hIioiiIiI cnewc. TIiIh ordtr, naid Tyn il wiim iolnted hy tlio lluniM dcleietive. sotu'i: von num. her arrival here, hnr eoudilion U the t K ' r "J ""J ,,"?-!! ,l"1'1 I l",wor is ,!PI"" ,(,: -li.eet re-ult or the mlA,u HyM.Mi.lJiJVv Mi,Ht,,r ,''"r"I"H r",ls "" kept oil her by IIiiiiih' deleleivcH, lm arr jpr-l.V trrzr. Ktmbolit Petrel today i cu route to 4 I TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS. 4 !- r I Would urge you to consult mil, If, for nny rettaon you suspect your alnht Is fnlllnR. Put ting It off merely prolongs tho disco mforl; RettliiK glnssotf now will prove, perhaps, tlio muting of your eyeslKht. My know ledge, gained by fitting many cnseH Just llko yourn promptii mo to say thrft a personal visit will result In your becoming one of "my permanent patrons. Cordially Youi-h DR. RICKERT Eyesight Specialist. Ovor Kentner's. sglks nnuNi-rrn wine. Illdrt will he received hy school lxmrd nistrlcl No, lo at clerk's of. flee. I'or grading and sidewalk on Jack- hiii street, front (J8S feet) of new I wot side school house. All surpluue dirt to he graded on scjiool lot mm dl tectvd, tddeuitlg (T. fiet wide) laid according to city siieclNcatlnas and grade. Parkway lo he left to grade, lot hirtlde of walk to tie left on sloiio about lf degrees; present hoard walk lb he taken iiji In sections end left on fcelino) lot. Illds close July 20.. Hoard leservcH the right to reject au or all bids and mld contract to be paid la school warrants running nhout I year at it per cent. OlUtf C11AWKUU1). 101 I Bl w i ; .1; gtinbolit Petrel today (JoimivcH lo aHcertaiu tho Hilu:iti)o PAHIS. Hy treating Jhoprene with the essence of'ttirjM'iitioe, hi. Richard, no the Acndemy of Science is in- there and the gunboat Peoria is due formed Jjy Sf, Hallcr, has produced llnsklns for Health KACL VON METST MEVCfi Accused of huxlnvr l.n.inkdu'c of eighteen rohbcncK, "Cotml" Jnrl von .Mctr. Mcer, who mivs he is a lieu tenant in the Norwcigtnn nrmy ami thu xon of it hanker of !.omIoii and ChriHtianin, wnn nrrrled in lliook lyn, N". Y charged with burglary. According to the piiwoncr'H Hnte iiiiiut he is on IciiMt of uIhimcii for thrctv.ynrs and eiuuo t. Aincni lo xtudy the American mvIciii of hank ing aud-to find fi'lirunnttu wife,.H theie are loo many blonde fills m Norway. nt,Port An Prince this iiflernoon from .Sim Juan, i Robber Sent Up for Life. LOS ANOKI.KS. Tal., July 22. Life iuipriKonmcntiii FoIkom peniten tiary was (he Neuteuee meted out this afteriioou hy Kuiwrior Judge Willin (o W. C ogen for having nibhnd V, T. Iteid, a diamond Imikcr, of thou Hands of dollars worth of precious clones nfler Heid .hnd been terribly bcaleu. Itogers and another man, a perfect imitation of India rubber. The manufacture however, is costly. WASHINGTON, I). ('. Mnnnger MeAleer of the Wnshiiigton Ameri cans nays that he made the biggest find of the season when he signed Catcher Henry, the former Amhert amateur. LONDON, July 22.-.War between Great Britain nml Frunco on one side ami Germany and Spain on the other is ohelieved hero tod.ty to be far from impossible us a result of the Moroccan imbrolgio. Political audi ir..n.iii:ri t..g..;i i.iu ,vnn.iiii.7t .1; f.u, the outlook and predict that unless Germany reccdos from her uttempl grab a part of tho Moomh conntry the long expected war which it has always been believed Kaiser Wilhclm will one dny cause, w:!t develop out of the present clash in interest:' The statement of Chancellor of the Exchequer LloVd Goore nt the lord mayor's banquet hero last niht is pointed to as u sign of alum- THE MARINELLO SHOP Look for the ad that calls for yon among the help wanted ads. SEATTLE, Wftflh. Lee Hnrklcy of Seattle, professional, won the Pot latch trajwhoofcrs' tourney yesterdny with the remarkable score of 149 out who has not bVen apprehended, roll-'of 1.10. Kllis mid McLaughlin of Se- bi'd Iteid in broad daylight in a downtown office building. Look for thu loser of the articles you hnvo found for a prompt, ud umv bbvo him a lot of worry. , ', nttlo and Welshon of North Ynkiiun tied for Mu-ond with MtJ Iiok nt tho "For Sale" ads nnd nt some of tho things that arc adver tised for nalfl. -M--"fr'!"W--H ! FOR SALE OR CHANGE Beautiful New Residence in Ashland, $10,000; 8 rooms and bath, sleeping porch; large, basement; strietly modern, 270 feet frontage, 150 feet in depth; fruit trees in heaving; finest view in valcy. Address Owner Box 144, AslancL Oregon 4-"H-44-ftH-:- -H--MH ADVERTISE nr tow Wunt a' Cook Wnt a Clark W.nt Parts Want a tatJa Wast a Servant Strl Want to U m ano Waist to U a Carrlar Want to U Town ioptty Want to SU Tor Srocirlta Want to BU Yonr Xardwara Want Onatomara for Anything Advartlsa Hydlr la Tola Tapr. AdTrtllnr I tha War to ftaccaat AAvartiatnr Srlajm OoatOMira AflvartUUf Xaaa Cuatoaara AOrtritMag Znamraa SaocM AdTarttatjqr Skowa SnartT AdvartUing Shows lnck AdvarUainf Za "Sis" Advartlaa or Bsst AdvartU Xiomg AdvarU WaU ASTXKTJ At eaa In This Paper MANICURING CORA E. UTLEY Room 5 Over Kentner's Phone HI $100.00 REWARD For the arrest and conviction of the personor persons who set fire Satur day afternoon, July 22, 1911, to our timber west of Butte Falls, Oregon. CRATER LAKE FUEL CO. Edgar S. Hafer, Mgr. i- s i. t e . i The Cost of Good Dental Work t - -,---;-- - is NOTHING--1 . Compared to the Comfort Received From It But the cost of Poor Dental Work is great, no matter how cheap you secure it. I do only first class work and my prices are within the reach of everyone. I have the finest equipped offices between Portland and San Francisco, and I am adding new equipment daily that I may give the public only the highest grade or work at the most reasonable prices. I use only the most expensive quality of material and all my work is ABSOLUTELY GUARiISTEEp. Come in for examination and estimates, they cost you nothing and may save you many dollars. Lady attendant ' ' . . n k til'- ' ; ; i f 22 Kart Gold CrQwns Porcelain Crowns . . Bridge Work (per tooth) Silver Fillings . ... t $5.00 5.QQ 5.po 1.00 AND UP. Gold Fillings . '. ". " . '. . . . $ 1.50 . . " AND VV Fyll Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate 7.5Q Best Set of Teeth pii Rutber Plate 10.00 Painless Extraction . 50 ALL OTHER WORK IN PROPORTION tf ; " " t REMEMBER The Material and WorHmanship are . v . fi i i. 4- i 1 'N. M ' H a l to Be tKe very best DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-208 farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, corner Ay est Main and Grape Streets, Medford, Oregon OFFICE HoyRS: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.-Sundays, 9 a. in. to 1 p. m. , Phone Main 653 t f fotjlWWMWWW