A it, PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MKD.FORD, OKl'XION. SUNDAY, JUIiV IM. t!)11. L'JJ.--' 1 l:i -f 'u INKS MAOERO f . i GREAT PATRIOT Dr. F. Cauthorn, Well Known Sur .scon, Visits Rogue River Valley ' and Hay LocateHas Been for Past Few Years In Mexico. SATS TRUST JfY iriLZ, ESCAPE PfilSOX. Dr. P.'Cawlhorn, TVmnciTv tr oit phyxicinn rorUnnd nml one of tho best known surgeons in tho north woht, who for the pnst few yenr. has been practicing liis profession in Mexico, is n recent nrrivnl in Med ford ntid mny decide to locate hcrt upoirnn orebnrd. Spcnking of con ditions in Mexico, Dr. Cnwthorq snid : "I left Mexico becnuso of tho rev olution. It will bo some time before quiet is restored there, but conditions will stendily improve. I regard Mn- dcro ns n grent mnn n patriot, nml probably the savior of his count rv, ' ''The mistake wo Americans made was to underestimate the revolution ary htcrngth, and to overestimate the administration of Dinju Why the en tire country was ablaze with revolt, and a million men could have been mu!tcrod if arms could have been furnished. "All tlint John Kenneth Turner Knid about 'barbarous Mexico' was true, except that he generalized in stead of specializing. If ho hnd con tented himself with citing (.peeific instances instead of spreading con ditions in certain locanlitics over the nnt ion, there could have been uo come back. "There may be other revolts and it may be sometime before penco is re stored, but each outbreaw will di minish in violence and conditions Krauunuy oeuer lor Humanity in Mexico." !- . lH M,nnkv .?M!Iil I iMWfflM i If Ma i i i I tfisv -v Sari '-A-1 lf44w pFMv " TffI wflVlliiik- h f m- -s1 w m lBBBHHMBMiHII. ,. V .,V v J( ,t4 t tl M i BMHMRSHrMKLV. , - jaH - i' RMMHl3at "k.'"' lHBHHBglBiv.i v m Ynnk - inBy lp7 HjH0Vrf WEST POSTPONES TRIP TO LAKE Sudden Illness ot Llttla Daunhter Helen Causes Governor to Delay Visit to Crater and Fishing Trip Planned for the Rogue. A telegram received Sutmdny rvom Governor West, plates that on ao couut of the Muldou and serious ill ness of iis little daughter Helen, he would have to postpone hi ooiitem- plated trip to Crater Lake until later in tin. wivt.iiii 1ml Hmt Im M'milil 1.1111. . iiiv .-V...-.F.I, win ...... ..- ........ .... ly make the trip before tho sea&on was over. The governor was scheduled to ar rive Sunday morning in Medford ami leae at once for the lake, spending a week along the r'ner fishing and at the lake. , JZDXfmr ir snzs- BERLIN. July 22. Tho decision of the Russian government to organize troops of boy soldiers in connection with the elementary state schools throughout the country has excited unusual interest among German mil itary men and the new scheme will be wutched very closely with a view to ascertaining its value as a means of increasing the fighting efficiency of a, great power. If the results achieved in Russia prove successfnl, it is certain that n demand will be mnde for a similar rmy of boys in Germany. ' Di-trict Attorney Edwin Sims, of Chicago, created a mild sensation a few days ago when he announced that the big trust meat packers could not be sent to the penitentiary even if convicted under tho anti-trust law. Heretofore it was generally believed they could be both fined and impris oned. Now Mr. Sims says : "The packers are charged with n misdemeanor and cannot be sent to a penitentiary. The fact that the government has not place of de oi ntnetof its own in this district ga ve rise to the rejwrt that if sentenced to serve terms of one year, as provid ed by the Sherman act, tho packers would necessnrily be at, liberty." According to official reports sent J to Berlin, the Russiau cabinet re-' solved lost week to introduce military i training for boys between the ages of 12 and 15 who are attending the statoi schools in European Russia. Durins- the last few years, boy soldier corjv. have been founded by private efforts in many Russian towns and it is now intended that those already existing shall receive official recopiition, and iiuw jui ranc ji-Kiiiii'Iim iiru in no ur-i gamzed under governmental control. The military" training of Russia'-., future citizens is to be entrusted to non-cotuniissioiiod officers, acting under the supervision of officers specifically told off to undertake this duty. In future, Russian boys will not only receive physical training but will IcAni while still nt school, tho rudiments of warfare as practised in the twentieth century Tho people of this city should buy "Made-ln Oregon" goods from-the local merchants whenover the price and quality aro equal to Eastern made goods. ti A BOX BARRETTS SOLD IN MONTREAL The Producers Fruit company of this city have been advised of the salo'of a ear of California Uartletts at Montreal at .$T a box. A car at New York was sold Friday at $1.2.") and $1.75. LOS ANGELES. Oil., July 22.--Fcurful of the effect of tho news might hnvo on the prisouor, Jailer George Gallagher declared at the county jail this afternoon that Ortie E. McManignl ,the self confessed dy namiter, would not be told of his wife's serious illness. "McManignl," said tho jailer, ''is also on tho verge of a nervous break down, and I bdievo that it would work more hunu than good for him to know that his wife is tho victim of nervous prostration. He already has lost 15 pounds since he was brought hero" and is becoming more emnciated every day. "Ortie is devoted to his wife, de spite their differences of opinion -)( the McNnuiara cac, and it would break him upheknew that she had been taken to 'a hospital. "If I can prevent it he will not be told." LIGHTS MAKE rt I T NIG BRIGHT Mall Tribune Bullillnn Outlined With So. Tunstcn Ltytits First Building, so Illumed In tyoilford Pace Is Set for City Beautiful. It makes the night hriuht.' Tho Mail Tiibuiio buildlim Is by far the best illumed struct lire in Med ford. It has set the pace for tho elty beautiful. Tho building hns been outlined with electric globes the firs't building in Medford to be so illumined. Two hundred tungsten globes blare with a white light, revealing the graceful outlines of Mho building. Above them is the glare of the big Mail Tribune sign. The work was done by Ihu South ern Oiegon Elect fie company and the sign made in Medford. MURDEREO HIS WIFE. (Continual from Pao l. conrcas that I killed his wife my self." Tho girl concfaled nothing ot her relations with Ileattlc. She said with in tho Inst tew weeks they hnd visit ed a number ot houses together and that the banker and nho'liuil been out automoblllng at least twice a week. On Monday night when th" police say Ileattlo was ahseul from his homo until dawn, tho girl said he remained with her until mldnlKht, Detailing tho hltth ot her child, Paul llimlllo collupiied When Inhl tho alii declared It had boon, limn' h jof his eoimln'M luletd ami has slim- Italelgh, N, (., and thai It wih named Henry Clay Ileattlo. W'hon tho baby, died, Nho said, Ileattlo attended to IIh burial. ht'iiu under tho cat a of piHlnhuiM. H hi said by tho pollen I hut hi' h" ' td a full eonfesslou or hhi putt In tho pui'cliiiiio of (tin weapon. 4',,'i'i ' i Southern Oregon Mining Bureau Now Ready For Business Assays mnuY for tfUl, silver, load, copper and other niiiUM'als. Alines and mining prospects, surveyed, assay- i ed and mining maps and reports iiiaito tlion-oii I iy competent mining assayers and engineers lor reasonable compensation. Mines and mining prospects listed for lease, and sale, and advertised in w leading mining journals of the United States. v. Capital. secured for developing mines and min ing prospects. All mine owners are earnestly reipiesled lo send samples of (Jieir ores for exhibition pur poses, and send full description of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau 216 West' Main Street. Medford. Oregon rtrrrrrffrrftrtr, nniNO Yoim watch in asij iiavi: it ci.kan no and unPAiitnu. ' MAKL'S IT A IWITIII't'I, TIMH IMKCi:. - PUT IT IN SHAPE FOH Till: DAILY SWIVICH YOU EXPECT IT TO HENDEIt. m:t us i.ooic youii watch ovnu wiru. UL.ADU TELl. YOU JUST WHAT'S THE MATTKIl WITH IT AND HOW MUCH IT WII.U COST TO l-'IX .IT. MfMWMWJW)Ww ft A. I No mattor how difficult a Job of Jow elry ropalrlnjyou may have, hrlitK It to this storo with tho fooling that It will ho done promptly and properly. If you want any ongravluK dono, we'll bo glad to Borvo you flrst-clniiti work at right prices. Jewelry Repairing A and Engraving - - wm , MARTIN I RFnnY A 4 Jbm. A AJkl Jfc "Jfc - m. THE JEWELER, MEDFORD, OREGON, NEAR P03TOFPIGJ 444C444f4h-44f44tf-4'e'-44t4--! -t--rn ? mm0m0 t t Fife! Fire Fire Fire .. JL JUL v -ir Fire A - - - PjnSS"5 ' - - Has nine of the old line fire insurance companies that are time tried and fire tested and have paid millions of dollars in losses. They paid out $15,00Q,000'in San Francisco's fire paid one hundred cents on the dollar. If property owners, would pay the same at tention to their fire insurance as they do to otheri business 'affairs- there; would be no mutual fire insurance companies in existence. NO MAN WOULD THINK OF DE POSITING OR EARNINGS IN A BANK THAT HAD NO CAPITAL OR SURPLUS. Yet it sometimes happens through lack of judgment, lack of prudence ,through sake of friendship, or because he is offered "cheap" insurance. When fire comes he finds hiinself leaning on a broken rod. Mutual fire companies are incorporated associations or societies, seldom having any capital, reserve funds, or net surplus. Mutual fire companies are rarely carefully man aged, only a few have enough business to warrant the employment of practical under writers. For that reason they have ceased, doing business. All fire companies must realize and fully prepare for the fact, that out Of every dollar of premium received there will be a certain ratio of loss, and for each dollar of liability assumed there must be a proportionate amount of sccurtfy set aside for future losses. .Reduced to its final analysis, mutual fire insurance means that a man indemnifies himself by carrying his own risk-thus saving premiums and, if he escapes loss by fire, he has the cheapest kind of insurance. But if he should be unfortunate in having a fire S. B. GRAHAM . , '-.. he would have the most expensive kind of insurance under tins s,iinf ) The unexpected has happened, a large assessment is necessary to meei. ilia losses. Then comes the test of the mutual company's existence. They cannot stand heavy losses. After all quality finds its level in fire insurance as it does in everything else. Courts invariably hold that policy holders in muttials are liable as ineinbei'S of the company, that a solvent member pay the share of the insolvent member -so thai, a man must practically mortgage his property when he becomes a member of a mutual fire insur ance company. Bear in mind that like everything else that is purchased the substan tial is always the best. Some fine mutual companies in the state of Oregon would fall away short of paying one hundred cents on the dollar in ease of a heavy conflagration. ,4Hark from the town by tho mournful sound." Same is true of some mutual fire com panies in Oregon. Pacific Mutual of Seattle went out of business, lately some mem bers paid as high as $1)00 assessment. Mutimls in Oregon are issuing policies on stores and public buildings. Drop up to Graham's fire insurance agency over the post office and let him show you Vests reports of all the fire insurance companies doing business in tliei United Slates. 'All business men know who "Vest" is. His relations to the fire insurance companies arc same as Bradstreet and Dunn to business people. M GRAHAM'S AGENCY Handles the Folio winy Companies Continental, New York Philadelphia Underwriters American Central, St. Louis Security, New Haven, Conn. t i . , Fire Association, Philadelphia Peoples National, Philadelphia Agricultural, New York Union Assurance Society, London ' Protectot Underwriters (Phoertfx) Room 3 Over P. O. P&ones: Main 3681; Home 279 r .iiti.iiii....i...i.