1M 33 FOUR , j rEDFORB mail tribune, ansDFORDr orcrcgoy. Friday. ,tuly 21. ion. . - i J f 1 .1 If I1 j 1 1 1 1 i i P l m 6 k t i" MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE" AN TNIlKt'KK'niSNT N'P.WSPAPRK rl'lllAKUKI) OAtl.V HNCKl'T hatuu- DAY U Y THIS IKUI)I(U IMUNTINQ I'O. The Itomftomllo Tlmm, TIio MiMronl Mull, Tint Mtxlfonl Tilbuno, The 8011U1 oro Ornconlnn, TJio AMilnthl Tribune. Offico Mnll Tribune HulUUnp. 25-2T-20 Nprili l'lr ntroet; phone, Muln 30S1, Oi:01lOIi PUTNAM, KiHlor nnd Mntinnrr MntArml ni KiMnmWrlnKs nintlnr nt Mh1 fnrrt, Oregon, under the uct of MartUi 3, tain. Official ranor of tlio Cltv of Medford Official mper or jncKson wumy. Onn srenr. by mnll ..,.JS.0O One month, lv nmll ... .OP I'or month. deliwtvd b carrier In Mmlforrt. Jackon lllo and On- trn Point .. .. &g Humlhy only, bv mall por ypnr. - - 2 00 Wsekly, per venr -S0 errtwr nrannT.ATinw. jSrillv nvcraRp for Ms months ending uaoemnor si. isuu. ;i.i. mil lenttd Wire TTnltca Pmi Slipatchc. Tim Mali Tribune U on sale at the Kciry News Stand, San Pranolsco Portland llo'I NVwn Sinml. Portland Ilowman New fl Co. IVrtland. Ore. W O Whitney Seattle. Wash vrtT,riWTV ftW.VfJflK. -.Metronolln of Southern Oregon anil Northern California, and tho fastest- Population V. S census T1910; SS40 .im,j, 1411 in Afin rtvo ltuiulred thousand dollar Clravlly Water Syatcm completed, iflvlnir finest supply pure mountain water and six teen miles of street belnc paved and contracted ior ai a cuai ucviihhk -000.OC0. making n total of twenty mllea of pavement Postorflce receipts for year ending XfMwin VI 1Q1 t,n? lnirnftA ftt II neS cent. Bank- deposits n Rain of 2! per cent. Banner frutt city in Orejron Itotru River Splticnberp ripple vroa sweep- fliaurs prize mm mm vi "Appls Xing of tho World." ai the National Appla Show. Spokane. 1909, nnd car of Newtowna won ., 1v4va (n 1Q1Q at Canadian International Apple Show. Vancouver, a , Horuo Itlver pears brouRht hlRhest prices In all markets of the world dur tnp the past six years. Write Commercial club. Inclosing 8 cents for postage for the flnesUcommu nlty pamphlet ever written I A WO WOMEN MD Ml 3) MURDER Police Go Back Four Years In an Endeavor to Find Cause for Mur der of Banker's Wife Banker Is Now Under Arrest. A DYING INSTITUTION. N 0 American Tote, or carnival scents to bo complete without imitation rovaltv created out of tinfoil for the occasion, for Americans dearly love a throne, even if it is a lake one. The various numli-tmis and festivals all have their i i. .. , ..".. ..i 1..1.. t .. .1.... :,. -. carmvai Kings ana queens wnose uiu,v ior ;i uu.v is u head processions, lead grand marches, mumble fol-dc-rol, wear gaudy medieval eostuincs, just lile tho real !ir ticle. . n rorllamiy ros,c caittiival has' its" l?e. Qrcgonious a Icing, just aS 'the little dinky country fairs have their queens, only in the latter the people vote for their fav orite at so .miicli per vote to secure ueedeu tuiuis, wiuu n sccreh' clique ;tibnfers' the rat,her dubious honor in the former instanco! , v lu't Seattle has gone both' one better. It is giving a "golden potlatch.' Apot latch is an Indian feast, the giver of which bestows gifts' upon his tribe. Of course there is a king for the potlateh. There is also a whole court full of nobles, including grand dukes. Surely a delightful combination an Alaska Digger feast, presided over by fendel English monarchs and Russian nobility! What a earicaFuve upon royalty! How depressing it must be to the thoughtful monarch like King tteorge. whose duties, after all, are simply a perpetual round of carnival reigns. The growing democracy has ruthlessly stripped the oilce mighty institution of royalty of its disrnitv, nower and sacredncss and reduced it to a parade figure head. As such it mav be a useful institution, for snobs must have a throne to fawn about, and the human circus a central figure for its holiday. The real grandeur has departed and only the hollow kernel ot pomp and panoply, the gilded shell of an outgrown institution re main to conjure memories of departed glory, for in the twentieth centurv, kingship is little more than a joke, a dying formula. THE CHANGED OREGONIAN. t r RICHMOND, Va.j Jny 21. '"Two women" ami" a man"1 tho old. old story today wns rivcu hero ns the solution of tho mysterious murder ot Mrs. touis Benttie, jr., who was killbd by n sbotguti as sbo rode with her husband in nu automobilo over tho Midlothian piko near icre. In vestigating tho crime, the coroner's jury uncovered tho skeleton in Beat tio's closet and Detective Scherer predicted the arrest of the banker at the close of theinquest today. Tho detectives went back four years to find tho woman in the case. They discovered that Beulah Bin ford, u brunette beauty and school days sweetheart of Bcattic, was, ac cording to Henrico County, tho moth er of Beattie's first born sou, now dead. Last nfcht a dozen sleuths sweated tho Bint'ord woman on Scherer's farm nine miles from here, to which place she had been spirited from Richmond. The clew to the woman was given when witnesses to Beattie's wedding remembered that when a mysterious veiled woman appeared and sat in a jear pew of the little Mnncheslci church while tho ceremony was per formed. Questioned during her ex amination lats night, the Binford wo man is said by tho police to have ad mitted that she was the mother ol Beattie's dead son, born July 2-k 1909. and that she had received money from Benttie to remain awi from Richmond. She returned here three weeks ago and, accgrding to the police, wns 6ccn in Beuttie's uu- tomobilo on two occasions just prior to tho tragedy. At tho inquest this afternoon Bent tie will be confronted by tho woman Lacking evidence of murder, the po lice nro endeavoring to trnce the own ership of the shotgun with which Mn. Benttio was killed. POPE TO SEND ANOTHER CARDINAL TO AMERICA PAK1S, July 21 Information coming from rollablo sources states Unit tho I'opo has decided to appoint another American cardinal nnd that his rcaROiiB for thl.i appointment aro ljasod partly on, his deslro to nvold the cry Hint tho Amoiican church Is dominated by Homo. It is paid that for various diplomatic reasons tho honor s likely to fnll upon Arch Bishop Jiunea S. Qulgloy of Chicago, Dock Laborers' Riot. OAUDIFr, Wales, July 21. Strik ing dock laborers horo today resum ed serious rioting, which first brpko out Inst night, Aftor a hard battlo today tho Btrlkors repulsed tho po lice and troops woro called out. WITILE the leopard cannot change his spots or the .Ethiopian his skin, a greater change than cither has come about in the Portland Oregonian for that great journal has reversed its former policy and is now friend ly to other sections of the state anil actually lending a helping hand. It is with much pleasure that Medford people notes the changed attitude. -Time was, and not so long ago, that the Oregonian .ieemed to think no good could come out of Aredford, and acted accordingly. Seldom was the city and its achicv6ments mentioned, never in a complimentary vein. All this has changed. The Oregonian now has only kind words for Southern Oregon, the Rogue River Valley and Medford in particular. Several editorials the Mail Tribune has reprinted, ouc. of them today, reflects -the cltangell attitude. '. ' ' ' .T" ,. ' " It is the fate of most newspaper chiefs to work with out recognition outside their offices. Tt is but right that he people of Southern Oregon should know that the change in tho Oregonian 's attitude is due to its qditor, Edgar B. Piper, who guides that journal's policyalthough his name does not adorn the columus. TJulike his great predecessor, Mr. Piper has seen the Rogue River Valley as well as other sections of tlio state and intends to see more of it ,and while the Oregonian may lack" the sting and venom that made it famous in davs of. old, it is broader, in its views and fairer in its treatment, and a better newspaper for the people of Oregon. . Mr. Piper will visit Crater Lake the latter part of the month. "When he does, the attention that his poition merits, and that his courtesy deserves, should be shown him. In him. Crater Lake will have a powerful friend, one who can help where help is needed. iviLZsT.'tirr a lixausi ,m sinew hack, li ' .JA.X-1.GLi r-i.?i.lt? James Radloy, lu an Antoinette, wilt lu untotur iho w who aro onto red In the great KukIHIi avlattou mco ft lite I'll Uuowi, UWrs h stnrtH Jul !!!!. PRODUCERS . FRUIT CO. Our of fh'.o hi now located In our puolc lug luniao, mid Ih open for tlm mmnnii Kiom now on wo will liuvo (ho dull) ropotU all iniirUotn, iihowlug prlinw ronlUud by tho Onljfornla l-'rult I)l tilliiilotii, and all tlit'v iihlpport. An' 'dim IntoroHtt'd tiiMnvltod td fiimo III mill Itiult'tliPin ovor and com imm pibien. Uy tdilpnlug wILn tin jrou will Imvo all tln nilvmitiiKii f tl"1 lurKt'flt mid inoHt ooinplotu dt'vlduuu rolling orKiutltmlou In tho United Stutoi and at u lower ront tt you tlimi In Iho pant. l.iiht your wu dmudled nnnrjly, tvn ihuimund ear IoiuIh, or Htivonty-Hjx lr coiit of tho I'litlro California crop. ItouieinluT wo V ( ( li . N O T M I N J All fruit Ih sold, on lt l;iillvldiwM iiiprltH, and tmrh iimwnrii nnimi mid iirlwrt ii'iillrod for aeh nhlpuu'iit nr liuttllshml' In tho Htnloi;ucti. I'oollnv wau tried mill fulled yem urii In CJnll forula. If you want to boII boo uh, If yo want mntorlal, liiHpuol our Hitniples. nnd Rel our prlroM bofnro iitirclint lug. IMIOIll'PllltS Kill' IT (Mi U M. .MHCenny, NorUiwineni A'hI Home I'liono i!IU. Cuelflo 70111. Where t.o Go Tonight rw- THE ISIS THEATRE I'xtinoullnary i:iiMeiiiCiil of Tin: i. a lumii.MMM immi BUTTLING NELSON E TOMORROW WARM WEATHER KILLS MANY FISH L Durable Dane Will Arrive on-Sattir-, Water In Tributary Creeks of Willam day Morning's Train From Portland, ettc Becomes Heated and Spccklec. to Train for His Ten-Round Box-i Beauties Die -Larue Pools Llnei! injj Contest With Tommy Gaffncy. With Dying Fish IlattllitK Xclson 'will arrlvo In .Mod ford Saturday inornlnj; to train "forj his ten round otjltli Tommy Onff iicy next FrdayilRjit., Walter $.Mc Callum was. ndvlned, by wlro thnt tho Ournliln Dano wlirtoavo Portland on; Train .N'o. 15 tonight. Tho baltlor'8 visit in Medford Is! attracting much attention through-! out Southern OrOKon and no doubt a largo crowd wilt bo presont to neo' tho mill. HaskliiB for Ilenltli. ' SIMMNdFIKI.I), Or., .July 21. Thousands of 1kIj in tho WiHujuottc river Imvo hcon hillud ly tl hoi wcathur.qC.tlio ptit two wvi'K". mw cording to miKler who trturtivtl i'rop; a fi.-hin? expedition into the heitd wittcrs of tho ntreaiii today. W'aU'i in oreeks trihutnry to the river, into which the fish had tine, huo he roine heated hi the hiiii'h ruyn, uh to kill the tinny triheu. l,are poolc the luniks of which are hidtdlv lined with dviiitf fi"h, were toiuid hy llic phrtv. i'-wr FIRST GAME IS SET FOR SUNDAY Ashland Boys Will Visit Medford and Open League Season at Ball Park Central Point Is to Play Grants Pass. The first entne of the Koj,'iio Hiver Vulley Icugu? will bo played at the local ball park Sunday between Ashr land and Jlcdford. At the same time .Central Point will pluy Grants 1'aj.s on tho lattor's home ground. A number of new fuces will be been in the Medford lineup. Buigcss will pitch. The game will faturt nt 3 o'ejook. WILL RESUME HEARING IN LOVE DIVORCE CASE SOON BAKKH, Ore., July 21. With tho arrival from Now York today of Ben jamin Tufika, attornoy for Mrs. Mar garot Hums Love, who Is contesting her husbnud's feult for dlvorco hOre, the hearing Is expected to bo icaumod next Monday. Arguments vlll bo inadd about August ID from present Indications, Depositions of Now York witnesses woro opoued todny and theso jirobab ly will bo read in court Monday. Lov6, who formerly was a million alro, Wall Street broker, bought suit for dlvorco In this state, following tho filing of similar papers by Mrs. Lovo In tho New York courts. Look nt tho ads for tho chance tn buy tho property you need at n "right priee." no; FEAR OF CASTRO STARTING A REVOLT NEW YORK, July 21. No fear of former president Castro provoking a successful revolt agalnat tho Gomez government is folt in Carras, the Henezuolan capital, according to Thomas P. Dawson, special American minister to the Venezuelcan centen nial celebration, who ha3 returned from tho South Amorlcan country. Dawson states. that Castro's only followers aro the peoplo of tho Au dean provinces aud eomo scheming office seekers. . i Envious Women You Can Ifavo Just as Lovely a Head of ifalr uh Any Woman Don't fiel bluo because7 your hair Ib lifeles's and faded, got a bottle of Parisian Sago and seo how quickly It will become brilliant and fascinating. Use It dally for a few days and note how quickly scalp Itch ceases and dandruff vanishes. It stops falling hair too and makes thin scanty hair grow thick and pro fusely. It's tho real Invigorating delightful hair diossliiK for men, women and children, and best of all, If It doesn't do Just as advertised got your money back, it kills tho dandruff germs, and for 50 contH you can got a Junto hottlo at Chas. Strang's and drugglslH ovorywhoro, Tho girl with tho Au burn lialr Js on every bottlo. Ilasklns for Health. vf.t.err' JUST OUT Medford Mail Tribune Official Map of Jackson County, pre. Compiled especially for the Mali Tribune by tho Jackson County Abstract Co, Approved and ,offl cIally,adoptcd by tho county court, July, 1910. Shown ownership of each parcel of property, township-nnd section lines, county roads forest ro servus, railroad grant, city and town boundaries nnd all .other necessary Information. Tho .only convenient, handy, complete map of Jackson county published lu many years, Slzo 29 by 40 Inches, on heavy map paper, tlnnod at both ends. No homo completo without this map. It sells for $2.G0, but will bo-given away free to subscrib ers to tho Medford Mall Trlbuno. ' ' ' HOW TO GET THE MAP FREE SUUHCRIIIE TO THE DAILY MAIL. TIlinUNfi FOR ONM YEAR IN ADVANCE ". t ffi.OO OR FOR THE WEEKLY MAIL TRU1UNE TWO YEARS IN ADVANCE AT $1.00 A YEAR,..00 AND THE MAP IB YOUR8., , Or get ono now subscriber to tho Dally or two new ones to the Weekly, remit nnd wo will send tho rnan' ' Old siibscrlnoro may socuro tho map by paying up nfroara and subscribing' In advance. Medford Mail Tribune .27 N. Fir Street Medford, Ore. Powder WARNER. WORTMAN & GORE. NOW OPEN Now Electric Shoo Repair Shop Work douu while you wnlt. Sat Infliction gunrnutecd. F, L. Sherman U'i S. UniiHj Strict. Italian .Sheet Hlugor anil Mind j cIiiiim Kitr tho first tliuo in veiling Meilford'H Imeni of i;oud tininle X -will be liented to iuu of Iho best nfllR money enii heeure, iih Hit' J luaiiiilteiitenl has Necureit, after ve(H of tiying, tlm illKitiitiire log a ioutrai't for tlileti ulghlii at mi eimriiKiUH expemio the gieut Hal-v Inn Hlreet HIiiKern and MiimIi'Iiiiih. J Tli In Ih punltlvely tlm greatest net X of ltn kind lu AiuerlOa, l'oM'HHeil of beautiful VoIci-h, uh both meg iiuteil opera sliuteis and WMiduJJ fill iiiiihIoIhiih Don't iuIsh seeing and he.uliiK (hem. f 4 a fqmffmjM, i TONKJIIT AIui)N the Very Ilenl iikj iii;,urr:i ji.m VtS'W I'M A mil.l) IH HORN t 'rut; si'iitri' op Tin: i.ioutv I'ltlCE 10 t'ENTS Crater Lake Stage Line Official Crnter Ijike Stage Alitor Iciim; Hotel Niuili nt H u, m. Tiiex. d.iyw anil, PridaM, arrive Crater IjiUo Htni, eveuV'g- , Itetitrnlng, Ifiivo Crnter latko Motuliiy Mini 'I hurxlny, Ouiiiec lloti4 wjlli ."jlriiiner Klituwilli for Kliimath I'litN, It'iiiml Trip )?U.".()0, one. uny $1.1.00. Medford to Kliuuutli I'alU tin Crater liko (one uiy) 9tN.no Itesenutloni an 1 1 tlcketN at Hotel NiihIi or Crater lnko (iirage. In a Class by Itself It Is a great big loaf, mndo from the best high grade flour, . , 1i:KHM:SH IIRKAD In more like that good old hpiuo maio bread thM mother used tf) make than any other on th" markot. Ask your grocer for PEERLESS HREAD ami fnnlftt that you got It be cause there Is nono so good, RARDON'S BAKERY Corner Main and (JriiKi Street, The. tvnrnt enJnir will soon T ; ' ' n '. .l)0(lj(,re. V(u havqi'tho nocos- 1 ary' rnipilrvnoiitB 'p . inttke 1 '1 1 1 1 work easy lu warm ' weather. Seo us for tho best of 10LI2O TR1Q FANB and tho host of prices. SOUTHERN OREGON ELECTRIC CO. 27 SOUTH CENTRAL. r ' PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATINO All Work (lunninteed Prices Rensnunblrr "5 llnuiinl IIIim-W. Entrance on ill It Street. Coffcen & Price Pm'lrle :to;il lloum u 1 tt Rock Spring , Coal OJT RAMS AI.I. TUB TIMX. Offlrt mill Coal Vim), Twelfth mid I'nuil SlrreM. I'liono 7IOI. Burbidge TXB OOAIi MAR AFTER ALL IT NARROWS DOWN TO 1 1 The Merrivold Shop FOR IP Memo Books in I W. Main St, Medfonl. Draperies Wn entry ft vory onmnlnln linn of ilrnpitrluit. luro otirtnlnH, nxturcn, nit)., nnil do nil clitNitH nf uiiliuUlnrlMK A npunliil nmii to look nfW Hi In work nxrliiNlvi'ly ond will rIva us good ttnrvlcit ns In ixmnlblo to Kut In uvun tlm larut cltlnM, Weeks & McGowan Co i PORGET THE WEATHER, hill 'ranninbar o luko 11 devel oping tank and dov(iloi(i your 1'iliiin wliurovor you are. Medford Book Store rfj-k'& 'J'.f' A s i !- n, '