MTgnFOlW M.ATL TlimUNK MOT-FORD, OREOON, FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1911. PAGE THREE MEDFORD WOMEN SMOCK HAYTIAN . -(4 (Cx-Cannlliijl From Vootloolsm Says Our Meg Curse On Our Streets and Our Women Need Moro Clothes- Mi'tlfnril'Worsu Than Native Land Havlil .lolin lliiiiiy AIImii XntaliOH wi'khniuuir, Jr., of llujlt, WumI In Mm, wii-Niiiillml fiom tlm viioiIvdIhiii eiiH, vihi I (mvi'lliiK throiiKli lhl . country to Iiiiiiii (iimmium In )! Imrlc ' In hi iiiiIImi limit iih u ('IiiIhIIiiii iiiIh Rtnimry, Iihm tmuu mmiiilliiK u fow iliiyt In Mwlfutil, unit ovlilitnlly In not Miirc wlnHliiu- .Mij.UokI or lliiytl iidimIh him WtiMli'. imvlil Joint llmiiy nU Hwiioliluui titr, Jr., ny lliitt men liuvo no " out for many uoiutui ntul : I r I m will "tlinlv fniiU. lultdiiK unit nil hIiii:." Whlrli In no ilonlit trim. I to ultui lullf tfi tiuth wtifii li Hiiyw Hint mmw Milfoiil ynrilit look lllm pic hiiin - but ilmn of nnirijo tltu yunlH iiivrnly rurtwt llitf natiiitro of, tint nmlfltmin. . tin ultui thlnliH tlint wo hIiDiiIiI iiiuIo "tlioai r.lrlM an woniuit that ;i)t t)iwii th Mtrt'jj" to wour inor' clullitw. Not thin tint wi'iitlnir, DuvliJ Hut rimil whnt tho ixrniiiilliiil, who by tlio way Ik an lilaitk mh tlio ant of niMiltra, ny iihnut our iH'tilKlitcil city, ami how bo miyn It, To tlio IMItor: Doar hIih, I mil fitun tin liilaml of llaytl Wont tn 17BThIiiiiiIn Touring Thin Country talklnif In Hrliofll ami Church tut on ICtlncMlloiinl WorltH ami Mlimloimry WnrltH of tin Varloiiri l.nmln, that I havi vImIIki! llirt' arc koiiio of tlm Hi I n K that I wwlll mty Hhmilil Im tltin In Motlfonl anil tlic an Hi" Thin That Ih :tiiK I" That lty h tni'ii who An not wlial thoy nhoiilil lie ftmt that Hit') ni'fwn to Have no He MptH't for tlio many women ami i:lrln In that illy with tlmlr I'onln, talftim; tml ChikIiik ami IMIm; VulKnr on Urn Mtrfnt 1 uih In thr 1'aik tlm nrtlii'r Ortlitir Unf ami fellow told anotlntr iiiii' to nomotlHiiK wiJcnr ami llmro whm an women mttlnt; not r0 feet Kwjr i li tut of them Ami the wwiiiuit that live In that hrhK liouim Month tnt liirneit an look Horror that mIioiiM not ho ullowmt no jtluco lion or any orlher jiliiro that Ih all to that. Thr are Iota of Iioiimch on tlm IVn ,iriV,'H' '."' HIioiiM ho clean iii ami 1 1,.. ,iMi. Vnv.tu l.kl III'.. .. .. l.,i.. .... iii.i ,,,,,j , , , tin iwwrt im Mil lit'?. I1" I not ! Ik lit Hoinex. old tin ratin, paper TO ADJUDCIATE IMOYER PLANS WATER RIGHTS: PROTEST STRIKE Slnlu Hoard of Control to Hold Scries of Mcctlti(s In September to Hear Claimants to Water of nnijue and Its Various Tributaries. Tlm Hlale lioanl of eonlrol will hold meeliiiKH in 8eitimlmr to inl jmllentn wftlef ritfliU nlonj,' tlio Hojjiio river mid IIm trilmlnrieH in Hie three I'onnliieH of-.lii'lcHun, JoHephlmi mul Would .Havo Federation of Miners Walk Out On Day Mcfiamara's Trial Opens at Los Anodes Lend Moral Support to Cause, SAY TEO'S PROBE WAS BUfA BLUFF Gary Is Reported to Have Said Steel Trust Was at Times In Close Touch With if President and .His Corporation Commlsloner. i 1SICA WASHINGTON, I), c., July 21. That former Prwjiclwit IUiomcvcU'w wiilely ndvurtiKcd jiroljo of tli tccl trimt in HHJ(J wiih largely a Muff w.ih the u'isl of Suk'rcHtinK minntcH of the United SlnlfH Btcol eorporitiou whifcli went rend today by ('(lairin.'in Stan luy 'of (lie riotiHeitivcHti,'ft(in corti initteu at the mnwum here of that body (odny. According (a (lie minutcfl, Elberl HUTTK, Afont., July 21. CluirlfH II. Moyer, ireMlden( of the WeHtern Kederutioii of Miner, today iiHkud (lie eouveiiiion of Hint orgiiuirulion to eiiKHK1' ' " (,'cuerul strike on Ihe t'uri.y. The fiMt ineeling will ho heldi lliv Hm .MeNaniiira'H' trial otietiH in Kuiliitiilier UT at tlm city hull uljLon Aiu,'len. x AmIiIiiihI. The Heeoml iiielinu will 'e Moyur urged upon (oday) peHHion eptemher iiH at Medloid city liall.' f the ininerrt' t'oiii;ntioti (hat a gen t)u Keitiniiher ,'ltl, (lm henring will eral wtrikn tlm day McNninnra'H firnt he ill the Tmil hotel, nl Trail, On! face tint Califoriliu court would lend October 1! at Kiieniau'H hall, Hold great moral Kiipporl o their caunc " Gary, lieadof the (rust, told it Hill. On October ,'l at tint court which would prove oriiinllv iih effee-' oxcctitivo commlltce (hat .(hoy need lnme, OrnnU Vnm. On .October 7 tit.tiVn iih the fiiiunoinl Htipport whiclifiiot fear tlio jiivcKtlgntion wlifen Kie hall, Applegulu and on ()e(oliur " yenteriluy benpoke lor the brotli-1 HoM'Vflt and QVymiihHioner of Cor , nml for Hie following :it dayn uficrH beforo tlm gntheiing here. I porntloiiR Onrficld began Ihe probe Hi; olllee of the board at dftlcm. I Tlio idea of Aloyor is to have ev- According to I lib nnmitcH, Gary Bahl "c nro in cJohc touch with thf cotiiiniHHionqr of cororatioim, nnd hi times Willi tlio,prej!idcnt liiniKelf." Herbert Knox Smith, present chrn miHNioner of corp"ratliii)Ha testified today Hint (IiC'cJokc toueh" iiroba- bly Wnn maintained through (Jeorgc V. l'erkimi, who he aid, liad frt ipiently conferred with Gury. MRS. SHONTS NOW REFUSES TO DIVORCE THEODORE i. ' NKW VOniC,' July 21. Xhul Hn. Theodore V .SliontK who wu re eently reK)rtcd,to bo about to tfu her liiihbuud for,. divorce, did not do no hi'uatiii hlm'did not denire (o )cr jnit ShnutH (o reranrry wits j,(nted here frtdny by Mrw. Mnry JfutringL'r. n eloe friend of the wife of the New York traction magnate. Mro. MntnitiL-cr dcelnred Hint frs. Slioiitiilroj)jH'd her contempluted nc tion beeatiHc her nttorneys liad forced nn ndeqnate finnncinl settle incut. She tmid the trouble between SJioiiIb and hi wife arose when SliontK reduced her allowance to ?200 a mouth. L TIME ' IN FLY CASTING Chris Gottlelb Explains How Success Comes to the Angler Fly Casting a Fascinating Spert. Scientific, Quick and Equal to Shooting. (rvmn iiftlliiitn.l u'lll, (In. U'.iuii.r-ii -..,. ., ook ,,. aong no . , ,.Vderation oft .MinerH, walk out iih a riiun I ulll wa In that city , demonfitration ,,k,..,.hI nlleged ..,.. layn ami th laui:ua;ert that I herd ' ntoMi,m r i.,,,,,- 7r in your lreet It wm Bhorklng to ( (IjH(,uf(H0,f nt length at todav' hi. Ili uliu lwi.ll, llli.i I.I.II.. nlii, .1......,...,, rt 1 .,. .,., ......j ... nn,., ......,.,.,. HJO, Qt ,,, (.onV(,tJon ,,,, volo .a that allowed on hero arc llori U ,,roi,bly will be taken before .., ... .. ,....hB ,n . ,..., , IIIWu ( ,1() (,,0..rt hiMIBB , vcn (;,,nHi(I. ernblo opiHiHitiou already Iiiih deel- ojted to AUyer'n plan and it U be- to trcatlui: clgnrtt elKcrettii ilrlukH or iiiythliiK milootiH ctoite mt NIkIiI at tl. ti. In ilfinnl i.nDitvi until itu.nilfii' . . .. . .. ... . i' ' '" ' i nevci! tnu vote on it will lie dice. MOilllUK fl, li. III. , r--nr lloya not allowed on thetitrt'Mt after. CORVALLIS DENTIST IS uiim p. m. niiicHM accompany ny par Mi til OlrlH upt allowed after 8 p. m. bint liiiii:nni;i'H in not allowed on the itrceei or roadM, A lit oh do not ruu forty ' mllen through mreeta cither Say, Mr I think that tht.y Miould make thoHi ulrlH an soiueu that l'i-h Down the Mtrecln of that city to wear mote clot hex mime of them you rati' Xro half of thler baric Arum, UrcuHt, that nice way to drctuicd on the Strcedi, of ipiy town, that Nattorlum should ho tabooed ulrln women half Naked, and lot of them i;lmc awlui aim; with men with half of hrciiHt out Hart, out, no Htoeklug on short hIckh It Ih wtouk ''nit Ih all to that. lly one from llaytl Went IihIIch Hlilnvvlil Juan i:nrliiilr, Alunde. aiuhoHex Huiilor De .ammbaUaba enbacauaea .'IIhIihIo tut It lu. ocMteit In-ddlcri. lly David John Henry Allen '.nm boHM Huackllauuer Junior of llaytl V ImlleHiind excaunltml from vouiIooIniu Cult, FREED FROM SUSPICION CORVALLIS, OiVJuly 21). DrJ'H. M. North, a dditiht, nrrehted on the chargo of killing Mrrf. KWtn N. Grif fith, im enjoying bin freedom today, following the action of Justice ot the IVaeo I.11110 liiht ni;iit in diMiiixwioug the. eiiKn for lack of evidence. The prosecuting uttorney'.s office did not uphold this action. The tentiiiioiiy of Rev. ('. H. Horc, at whotU) home North Ktayed the night following (he crime win a dih appoiutiueut to Hie proxectttion. The niinihter told of hearing North, talk ing in hi sleep, repeating the words: "Am I guilty, or not guilty f City to Work Geary Line. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., July 21. Active work on tltu Geary Municipal Street railway wll begin July 31, ac cording to an anuouiicemcnt nt the mayor's office today. Black Hand Active. CHICAGO, 111.. July 21. Black hand dynamiters , today wrecked the Htore of VinccntflLiCognntH on South Clerk htroot he'eanse th"o Italian re fused to comply with demands for money. Fly cfihting. What of it? you ask. If you throw out your lino and a finny creature h ttbnggcd On the othi!rv;nd, very well! You pull Mr. Fi'hIi in and that ends it. Not, ho, my gentle friend. Let Mr. Clirin Gottleib explain. Jn the first place Mr. Gottleib is n most entbusiuHtic di.s'ciplC of 7naak Walton an well us one of the cham pion proftHsional marknmon of the world. He ha recently cotno to mako bin home in Medford, after vis iting the valley nnntialy for several yeara lured hither by the Rogue, which he declares the greatest ang ling Htrenm in America. Here, wiyn Mr. Gottlieb, you catch real fish not minnows n in tho effete east. Mr. Gottleib ay that fly easting is a game, u big game, u fascinating game, nn exhilarating feport, n sci entific ns baseball, nn piick an ten nis, nnd requiring the eye of the tar get nhootcr. it's am Ancient Sport. To cast a fly is ns old as huitory, according to Mr. Gottleib. ' In fact, if Hcveral outline pictures, cut on the hide of a slab of limestone with his Juckknife by some Babylonian Wal ton can be relied upon, it was a fav orite game on the banks of the sa cred Euphrates even in those days. The1 only titne a caster swats a fly in when he is preparing to make ex periments on Rome new body of water' and Grants to learn the flies that hover over that particular water. Then he takes the specimen and care fully prepares models with which he decoys the fish with a dummy of the brand of food that he (the fish) has been used to grabbing. KcBJie of Tlmo Needed. "To become au expert at fly cost ing requires considerable strength,' Mr. Gottleib said, "However, muscle nlone will not turn the trick. Pa tience and good nerves are a more prime requisite. Next to that comes a fiense of time. What kind of timet Why, tho same as in music For in stance when the first cast is made and the line is drawn back for the second one it mnt bo allowed to re main in the air just n certain time, then it must be shot back. If timing is not exact n slack in the lino will hrenk it as it is brought back. "Id casting for distnnco nnd nc' curacy ono must have a good eyn nnd know through skill obtained only by years of practice just when to hold In and how hard to (brow. Mont of the notion is in the wrist only. Hut when a big steelhoad globs" your fly, then the real music begins." Hnsklns for Hcaltn. " AGI'STS FOU BUIGKS AND LOCOMOBILES GRATER LAKE GARAGE OASOLIXK 0 1 1 A X J) 8 U P P J, I K 8 1 Hold 3MDIVIDUAI, HXBVXCa X8 BABY lly una or NKW IDHAft CUI' na.t tlm nap that iimla It MOTUinit you Hhotlld buy nn down eupM ntul oan gruKM caps nnd luitro youi) mllluimn dnllvcr thtt txtliy'K ntllk In unmn twittln from which It nursdH Irnnt pern Ih'o of Itifoollon. Tlm bn)y niioutil Imve tlm beat. Any nlpplct tltu, Toy Mtdford Pliammoy. ROBERT J. LOCKIVOOD V II I It () r It A V T O It X e r v o 8 p o c I n I I h t V li r n I o ) I n n s c 8 n 8 p o n I n 1 t y TKMI'OItAIUhY LOCATHD I I X. Jt A It 'J' 1j V. T T I' ho no Homo 2 l 0 - K tot t.tu. CKnof4 br ik SIJITtaS OF TH MOIT NAMES Of ItSUS AND MARY C.y, st,uZl, ..4 CtUttltu Chthi. ilmlf. Art. llocyrlon Jn4 Ctmmr dl Dtftt. MnUrfi mJDtt IM,n tttnti Mcral tml lft!lnulTrillnr.WrK.?foiAnncuixrmM.A,Mrn $itrm tvfxxion. u. UmU Aiu,, a.i.. NEWPORT -YAQUINA BAY- Oregon's Popular Beach Resort t Ah Ideal retreat for outdoor pastimes of all kinds. HUNTING, FI8HIXO, HOATIXG, SUKP IIATHING, Kill- ING, AL'TOIXG, caxoeixo, daxcixo axi SKATING. A"hcro pretty water agates, moss agates, moon-stones, carncltans can Im found on the bcacli. Puro mountain water and tlio best of food nt low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crab nnd oysters, with abundance of vegetables of ail kinds dally. CAMPING GIIOUXDS CONVENIENT AXD ATTnACTIVE WITH STRICT SAXITAItV REGULATIONS Low Round Trip Season Tickets FR05I ALL POINTS IX OnEGOX, WASHINGTON" AND IDAHO ON SALE DAILY 3-Day Saturday-Monday Tickets from Southern Pacific points Portland to Cottage Grove; also from all C. & E. stations Albany and west. Good going Saturday or -Sunday and for Fpturn Sunday" or Monday. Call on any S. P. or C. & E. Agent for full particulars as to fares, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our Il lustrated booklet, "Outings in Oregon," or write to WM. McMTJBRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon : : -: : ; ! i: : - : : : tomKtoAmim (jlviiA 1 xvEMO V A.L SAJLIL ra -?;-. . 11CJ T7UIKh 1 fl f '-Sl 3f9rKSfu. N" 1 l' Vkl tt ,m JL3!;SV Ih about Thirty Days "THE TOGGERY" will remove into the Barneburg building, now oc cupied by Russel's Confectionery Store, and Has inaugurated the Greatest Price-Cutting Sale ever attempted in the State of Oregon. ..!.,.,. No inflated prices to deceive the public, as are sometimes used for these sales, but a sale where THE TRUTH ALONE IS TOLD; where genuine prices and. genuine reductions are given plainly, and where misrepresentation is not laid on "values'-in short a .' f 1 .1 i "TOGGERY BILL" SALE ASK OTHERS ABOUT IT ' All $10, $12.50, $15.00, $16.50, and $17.50 Suits at n the ridiculous nrice of ... . Tr - 9 . k.K en j w m m All $20, $22.50, $25, $27.50, $30 and "$3&00 Suits wiir go at .... o, q.ou, $6V and $15.00 i One-Fourth 'Off on all Blue and Black Suits "Vl t One-Third Off on all Extra Pants t i r j CpitM 1114 Kr AzZr iu.i-uk.auu. On all Hats (Stetsons excepted) the slashing goes recklessly on-Shirts, Underwear, etc., i - all share the same fate : No Extra Cluiryo for Alterations THE TOGGERY . Good Pair Suspenders FREE with each suit OF COURSE MEDFORD'S .RELIABLE CLOTHING HOUSE