3CC ' MlmrOtlD MATL T11TBUN15, AnWFORT), OKTOflON, WTCDNTSflDAY, JULY 19, 101T. PAGE MVM Isn't Mutt a Cross, Crabbed, Ugly Old Cove? By "Bud" FisKer CQH.WRfc'Ji M AUTKUj ON tMHTfl. THINi ft. PIMN, 'KrrrfciNMvGlUNncy '"'W If Ynurwi(C "!UrTtiKrYJlt rov &Ufettlrr, i W WOM'T CUt'l'Iff. ) fTuPi ;"' " 4 fXGiT-ouiAMT? rZw.u?tau.3sW TL,U "l , t; f Vj IHIVT ?J po You fAMTo fCCEWW! WioiSJ?, ' ' Hu.YWr ) &r jW,voHrr , filillllllllllllllli Wfliwwo VowMN-TMtfr ' mWItm?SS5? r V J-- f ' TJtT J pWW, V&vr-V,C WT X fttrr ,4.0T? Tr Iti, Auu x TtU.f5ttM?x Mi5t HOT. "5K ' AM? 1 ( ' ' Jr-Tt n "y " ishy mot, thhu-,& i i -.r.nuNiw l"iw" hot ? "-yv T0 t i . mr o iuCH THING- v -rouvjuiTTttUU C5rx - V J Osf ' -A- FGBU T I A" i...... .' -! 1 . -. I ...... . I rnmii,r.vMdii i .m v. .aHK, hiAi I I i . r. -."a t jjrs-i '" - i. vzriiyj. '''TSIr-i VfiD N!s?;Bs?i) 1 I flWf ys& lj tfTjy ,! Our Correspondents BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. Uncle Hun IMtiiDtiHOii ami tt In mm Clin i low are lii t ho valley, John Kwiiiihiiii has guno down to Medfonl on business. Jlu rouurtit tliiirn iiitrU In tlui Falls. Tint saw mill lum clotted down anil will limtnll now water wheel ami do other needed repairs, ('nop Mnlimoy Is down to Mod ford attending hi land claim content. U O. linker nml wlfu nni vUltlng M''dlonl In (ho Inti'reiit of Mm. link rr'n Iniiil clidm wlilrli lit Miir con li'sli'd. Mi'imru Jvffrli'n nml DowiiIiir of n nn(iirviii)d Inmln nru In ntttMi dnncii lii'foro tho Uiiltml HtAti'H coin mliiiloni)r, (liulr liomuati'ftdii ImiIiik conti'Htrd, Mr. Ilamiott linn built nn uddltlon In lllll Mntthown utoro mid opoiu'd it Hhomnnkor hIio. Mini)' i( (ho mill men nro IcavIiir hm IIktc Ik not work fur thitiu. H'-vitiiI of Urn iinini' on tho putt lnn for Inrnriiorntlon nru tho nnmi'i vf (H'rnoim who Imvn Immui luinporary rcKldi'iitti of tho town nml who have nft for oilutr rlilmuM, It lit Kt'iioriilly hullovcd (hnt'lntnr I'MtH of Mcilford mid Jnrknonvlllo nro behind Ihu liiruriiorittlon movoment ami Hint nn effort In IipIiik mndo to bullil up it political mnrhlno mid In troduro InfliKincim nilvnrno to tho bent dovolopiiuuil of tho town. Tho offlro of JiiiIro I'onlx In nt priwnt ticmil and for rout. Thl 1h a nlro hulldliiK ndnptcd to Iro cnmui, elKiir, millinery and tho racket bunl ticHii, tho I'lno Melt lliinkliiK Coinpauy Inu cIiiuko of it. J. I. HiikIiv Ik iIoIiik n flno bul Iickh nml eoimlnntly uddliiR tu his utoro uttrnctlonn, Homo coniplnlnt In mndo that nioro than Koft drlnkn nru tiold In noma of our utorcH. Tho Kntchol Morchnnt had bottor look out n ho In wull known nnd his work rt'roKiilKud, Thoro In uood of u IokhI iidinlnlntrn. lon mid iMiforeoiuoiit of Inw In our iiildtii nn Jiumy imrlles nro tk'flitiit of Inw mid oritur. , Tho rrcabytorliiu peoplo nru ntlll liopliiK o oroot tholr church building HiIh yimr, hut Hioho who nhould Imlp nnd ronitor iiMHlMtmico nro HOinnwlmt "urouchy" nnd It In ulthur rulu or rain policy for Ilium. , Tho town Hhould koop In mind Hint iieroHHury iirmnKouioutH for huwohiko, pulillu buldliiHM mid wntor nupply and ninny othor riiiilromciim aro oflupn tlnl to Hip propor Krowth and ilovolop mont of Kit luturi'iitu uid that much mouoy miiHt ho ftiriiluhud to supply and pay for Hiuho convouluncqH. A bonded liidohtodiioHU menuu tho inortKiiKliiK f ovory homo and nil property within tho proponed linen of Incorporation nnd opro snddlo tho town with u debt It will ho a conlln uoim Imrdon. It taken men of flu iiiicliil ability l( lUHiiatto corporato nf. falni nml kooiI, hard common hciiho to run inunlulpnl atriilrn. Hutto Fnllii linn not tho required financial ability neither, tho-mon to uudortako Hqnli tunkH, and It In not rlKht, to burdon tho people ,ut, thin tlmo. Thoy ro pot ready or ahlo to undertake the work. If Hutto Kalln J.umbor Com puny would tako u Iohh uoltlli votr of c'oudltlonn nml work lu harmony with tho community dlnpoHltloii to develop unil ild u tho i?rovtU, mid lipbtilldliiK oLour town mid otr,orBUlt Inblo liidunoomntu to outnldo qfpltal ami ImliiHtroH and louo rlglit of tipoculntlvo foaturoa, It would not bo Ioiik lioforo tho cIiibh of mon and tho kind of unturprlaoH makliiK tov tlm matui'lnl Kiwth anil qonUnuoiiH proporty of Hutto FiiIIb would bo In iivldoncn moro thuii at prosont, Wo iindui-Btiuul that imrt Harris who luiH formorly iiinntiKml our mill In In Kltiuiutli county coniumtiul with u "merry o round uubIiiohs," Dort h O. K. nnd nmny wish him bnok horo, CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mellln Condon ot UviW HninpDliIro In vInKIiik J. !' Hiikh mid fnmlly. Mm, (I. K. Vox npunt- Tuuadny In (Irauln 1'aM, Dr. Ilromloy of WUcnnnln, nn old (rlnd of W. II. Norcronn of, thin city ylidted Mr, Nornrowj pud fnmlly tho flrnt of thin week and loft for tho north fucHdny morning. Knrby H. Miliar npent Tuemlny In Urniitn I'nnri, ArnoiiBor W. T. (Irlovo nnd Deputy AnKeniior Trunx npmit Tiieedny horo on official hunlucxN. Minn Nora Heebo, Mm. !'. W. ClnR rndn and J. H. Ilnrnett spent Tueadny morutiiR In Mfidford, C. W. (loffom. J. II. DownliiK. J. K. Honwell mid 1'otttinnntur, U. K, Tex wero nt Medford Tuesday an wltnecHcn In tho content in ho of United Btntcs nfiulnnt C. W Jeffurn. Comirllninn A. J. Dunlnp. Mr. and Mm. Wntklnn npent Tuenday nfton noon In Medford. Mr. and Mm. T. M, Jnnen npent Ttieiiday evening In Anhland. Tho JarohM'U-Hado Company have a lnro force of man mid toauu back flllluK newer dltehen. I'eoplo ran now routo Into our city from olthcr tlm eant or went mid of Pino atreot. Atl other ntreetn will noon bo open to travel, Minn lliuel Ilenderann, who have been vUltliiK Mm. V. I'flco for nov eral dnyn, depnrted Tuesday uvciiIiik for North Platte, Nobranka. Minn Inn Aimtlu, ono of Central "olul'n popular young ladles left Tuemlny evening for Benttlo, Waah liiKton, where mIio will remain for an Indefinite period. Minn Hazel Kunrkntedt returned .Moiulny from a abort vlalt to Granta Pan. At 3:45 p. in. tlm alarm of flro wan Riven, dt proved to be tho residence of Mr. Uradney on Oak ntreot. Chlof Knnckntedt and lila flro company wero on tho nceno Immediately. Nino mlnuten after tho nlarm of flro wna Klven tho flames wero extliiRiilnhed. Tho Iioiiku and oontenta wore a total lomi. MIha Allen Whipple of Woodvlllc, who haa been vlHltlng nt Central Point nnd Prospect, for tho paHt two weekn, returned to her homo Mon dny ovonlnK. Htnble, bonrdliiK or mtlu nlnblo within ono hundred feet of any building In Mid city occupied In whole or In part by any school, church, hotel or nodal cliib organized under tho lawn of the Htnto of Oregon nhiill bo and conatlttito a nulaiinre. Kectlon 2. The vatabllahment and inalntnlneiico of a livery bnrn or atablo, bonrdlng or nalo ntablo with in ono hundred feet of any building orcupled lu whole or In part by any Hchool, church, hotel or aoclal club, organized under thn lawn of tho State of Oregon, la hereby declared to be a mlndomcnnor and tup wuno In here by prohibited. Kectlon .1. The tnalntalnancn of any audi livery barn or atablo boarding or aalo atablu which hna heretofore or may horenfter bo lawfully ontab llahcd and maintained aha!! not be rendered unlnwful ty rcaaon of any church, nchool, hotel or aoclal club thereafter entering Into tho occti pnucy In whole or In part of nny building within ono hundred feet thereof. Section 4. Any peraon who nhall vlolato any of tho provialonn of this ordinance nhall upon conviction there of bo flied not moro than fifty dol larn or be Imprlnoned for not moro than fifty dnyn. Suction 0. Whvrcas, tho preserva tion of (ho peace! health and aafety of tho public la about to bo Impaired by tho opening of certain livery atablen an emergency la hereby de clared to exist and thla ordinance nhall tako effect Immediately upon Ita approval by tho mayor. The foregoing ordinance wan pasa ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on July 7th, 1911, by tho following vote: Merrick aye, Watt aye, Wortman aye, Kineilck ayo, ICIfurt absont, and Mlllnr aye. Approved July 8th, 1911. W. II. CANON. Attest: Mayor. ItOHUItT W. TKI.FKK, City Recorder. NOTICH TO CONTRACTORS. Honied propoaala for tho erection and completion of a brick nnd con crete public library building will bo recnlved by tho library board of tho city of Medford up to 4 p. tu., July tho 2Cth, 1911. Plana and BpoclflratlonH of tho work ran bo aeon nt tho offlco of J. A, Mcintosh, architect, room 1G Post Office building. II Ids shall bo accompanied by a certlflod chock for flvo )or cent of tho amount of tho proposal, and tho successful bidder will bo required to glvo a siiroty bond for tho faithful performance of tho contract. Tho DICK TO DICK LETTER WRITER HAS BEEN FOUND WASHINGTON, D. C. July 19. It was reported hero this afternoon that tho sorgennt-nt-armn of tho houao Iiiih located Richard S. Ryan, alleged author of tho famous "Dick to Dick" letter In Now York, and linn num monod him to appear boforo tho com mittee on expenditure lu tho Inter ior department, which Is Investigat ing tho alleged Guggonholm grab of Controller Hay, Alaska. It nlso d,ovoopod today that Don Carr, uhbIhIuiU tQ Uip Bqcrntnry of tho. Interior and who wuh a figure In tho Pluchnt-Halllugor controversy, hna resigned, NOTH1W. PocahoutiiB Council requests all niepibers to bo In nUendanco Friday ovenlng July 2lHt for raising up of appolntqd chlofB and retroshmuntB, NOTION TO AUTOMOniWSTS liddy Roddy has opouod nn nuto mohlln aupply npd repair stntloij nt tho ISnynrt placo ou Rogtio Rlvor, on tho road to Orator I,ako. 10G ORDINANQH' Nvo,' ?. l Atl ordlnmico prohibiting tho es tablishment mid malutalnauco of liv ery harpa and stablon andMidMrdlng and sales Htahlea within a dtstanco of ono hupdrod feet of any building In Mm oiiv nr Meiirnrn ocouniou in who o or In part by nny pchool, church. limel or social ciun, Thn city of Medford doth ordiilu nu fnllnwH Section 1, That It 1h hereby do plared that tho oBtubllnhmont aU nmtutnliinuco of w Hvory bum or RANCHES i 1-3 ncrpn In 8-ycnr Nowlowna nnd Jtiliktlmna: good crop; .6. room hoimn; wntcr rlsht with plnco; cheap for inlck nolo. TRADE " 5 iicrcs ItourliiK orchard cipilty $3S0O. tuko Keo'l resldoncn. -'u ncrs under ditch, wntor rlKht, 1 yenr urciinrti, pquuy loo laKo rosldonco. 70 ncrcn, 5 under ditch, IS In apples nnd penra In year, 3 1-3 mllea out, $135 ncro. 20 acroa, 18 In pears, cloio In fine build- Ins alto nnd view, t9-noro stock and alfalfa ranch: 160 norqn tillable? umlor ditch; ITS per noro; tnku Inooiuo property. ISO ncrcn raw lnnd; alt flno fruit land; tnkn nny Rood property. 5-room bungnlow for ten acre, flno 7-room bungalow, modern; tako small tract. 80 neron, tillable" 13000; tako town prop orty. 30 acres, clearod; tako residence in trudo. 140 acres KoR-ua .rlvor; 80 aorea bottom under ditch; tnko town property, Fine 8QQaoro ranoh or any portion; to ncrra In orchard; tnko good Income or rosldeuco proporty. Aioticrn 8-room house, 3 lota, on paving; ,-tako n fow ncrcn Dear creok bottpiw soil under ditch, 1 .flno cIqso In qa for raw land. 30 noros Xloar 9rook bottpm for Dakptah . land. t , 340 adroa, Apidegntn Valley, water right, nil tillable, tnko city property, 17 acres, In pears nnd alfalfa; good hum;now; tnko city rcaldonce up to 13,600. 300 aoros, Shormn Ooupty, 0 acroa whent nnd nlfalfn, buildings, crop gooH, tako valloy proporty, $30,000 In Dorkely and Oakland prop orty for hlllaldo fnilt land. Kino apple and pear orchard, oloso In, nlno your old, ulosu to. town mid ship ping poliltp tau Baud rosldeuco prop. prlY h Irndo, , WANTED Olrla for general housework. City and ranoh property U list nnuoh ban(ls. 1500 on Kilt edge tract, Wood ohopprav I n I E. F. L n KOOM Ml rxxrva axrxxpnitt board reaervca tbo right to reject nny or all bids. MRS. I). P. THEIB8, Bccrotary. LOST I.OKT Hntlirday twtwrj-n Axhlund nnd Mttlford, two men's coula, ono Kray nnd mm brown. 1'Iphiio rrlurn to Or-Kon Ornnltn Ciuniutny. Mvdford. 10S I.OJ4T A llKht tan coat It was left In covirnl rlc on Court atreot, driven by man koIiu: toward Central Point July It, Ix-jivo at 310 Court street; reward. t I,, llox 98. 10S tUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOK3AM3 Furniture of 10 room Iiousp, complete, cuntrnl. location, lease cheap. Call 10 North Grape street, next Farmers A Fruitgrowers Bank. FOr? EXCHANGE. Ml SaUta FOIt EXCIANOEJ Medford and aubur ban property, ranchea, timber landa for othor property. Address Box lit, car Mall Trlbuna. WI1.I, TItADU country home In Jack sonville with nil modern Improvements for modern bungalow In Medford. Ad tires owner box 74 Jacksonville. 101 FOR RENT rnmta4 ooma. FURNIHIIHU ROOMS nlco cool sleep Inu rooms, 320 Bouth Onipe. 10& l-OH HUNT A 6-room all modern bun Kulow, close In, on North Holly. Tumy, 201 Ournett-Corcy bulldlnc. 10.' FOIt rtHNT Ono office room. Tnyler & 1'hlpps building. J'or particulars A. C Tuyler. 11. II. No. 1, Central Point. 105 FOR 8ALB A 81J00, Uulck truck. Rood us new for $800. A. X. K. euro Mall Tribune. 106 KOIt nnNTnithcr bouse keeplnir or sleeping rooms, two or three In suite. 108 Kaat 14th street; telephone 6061. 10J roil KRXT 5-room modern buniralow, Includlmr bath complete, two porches, hull, nt J16.S0. Address R. D. M.. care Mall Tribune. 102 FOR RUNT 5. room furnlahed bunca low nt I28.S0 on eaat aide, a beautiful homo. Address R. D. M. care Mail Tribune. 102 rOR RUNT 4-roora cottneo on West Ninth street nt 113. Thla is connect ed with sewer nnd city water. Adf dreBS R. U. M., care Mall Tribune. 102 THE COI.KMAN ROOMS Hot and cold Water nnd baths, traraRe. $2.50 Pr week. Phono 177-U 1005 West Main t l-OR RENT Furnished rooms for trana lents. No. 10 N. Qrapo atreet, next to Farmera' & Fruit Qrowera' bank. 1 FUR RENT At the CottaRe, modern furnished, rooma equipped with private telephone service, hot and cold run? nlng water, alceplnc porche's, bath ao commodatlona and heat If dealred. 804 West Tenth at Phono call private exchange 141. aroasa FOR RENT Furnlshod houao. Enquire 518 KlnR street. 107 FOR RENT Two room house with city water. Call nt 37 South Cunlral nvo nua 101 l)R RENT 7-room house, modern Im provements, sleeping porch, froo wa, tor, cheap rent. Apply OakdnJe Cash Orocory. ' 101 FOR KENT House. Tho bunRnlow 1 am now occupying qn,Park nycnun will bo for rent July &: soven rooms; large screened kitchen snd alcepliiR porches; bouso can bo seen from 10 to 3. Tele phono 71. Harry It. Tuttle. FOR RENT 5 room modern house. In quire No. 60 North Orange. FOR nENT No. 607 8. Central, a sov-n-room bouso, with bath, electric light, largo closets, bedroom on first floor. Apply to 239 N. Uartlott at. f raruu FOR IU5NT Fnrma from 48 acrea to 400 aores, alfalfa land, fruit ranchea garden land, genora farming ranchea dold Ray Realty Co.. 316 W. Main. nstntss Fxopsrty FOR SALHOR RENT Good oponlng for general morchandlsa atore in new town with 116.000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 13 miles from Medford. Gold Ray ReaRy Co.. IP W. Mln- Qffleaa fox aa FORRENT Flno office rooms. Enquire of Young & Hall. t' FOR RENT Over the poatoffloe with heat and light. Sea A. A. Davla. FOR RMNT Office rooma In Eloctrlo bldg,, modern equtpmont. ateam heat. oleQUl'o light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Hay Realty Co., 316 W. Main at MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Pasture, I will have 12Q norca of first class pasture July 10th Isttucs ranoh. phono 691 party R-. 101 FOR RENT KlocaUaasoag. i Van RENT Garden land in tracta of from one cr upwards, with water for irrigation. Owner wilt furnish team and implement for cul tivating and Med for share of crop Inquire of Buffum. Rogua Rlvar Elec trie Co., 311 W. Main at. irOR LEA8E Fishing, boating and hunt ing resort on easy terras. Box 32, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE. Mo FOR HAI.E Threo room house, large lot, closo In; price right, terms. Box 622, phono Main, 5662. ' FOR HAMS Small house and lot on North Riverside, lot 100x140 feet, gar den, fruit trees on lot; cheap for cash by owner. 1310 North Riverside, post office box 714. 101 3Ual XstaM MINING MEN ATTENTION I have for sale 80 acres of land about thrco miles from Gold Hill which Joins land owned by (he thrco following min ing companies. Mllllonalr Mining Co., Grey Eagle Mining Co., and Black well Hills Mining Co. All of theso proper ties have produced gold in tho pnst nnd show good prospects for further development. Thla 80 acres will be sold at a very reasonable price, for small payment down and long time and easy terms on tho balance. For particulars address post office box 702. Medford, Oregon. 125 FOR SALE In Moonvllle. Bama Valley, Or., two lots with good barn and seven acres of land. 1-3 In alfalfa; also other town property. For particulars address or phone Mrs. M. E. Gardner, Sams Valley, Or. FOR SALE Garden and fruit tract. 1 1-4 acre, house furnished; can give im mediate possession; loaded with fruit and fine garden truck. Inquire 60 N. Ocanga street. RANCH FOR SALE 160 acres in Sams Valley. Or.; three miles from poatof fice; about ten acres in fruit, mostly apples, in bearing; flvo living springs of water on tho place; beautiful loca tion; terms reasonable. For particu lars address or phone Mrs. M. K. Gard ner. Sams Valley, Or. LOOK AT THIS Hera la a chance to get a good farm cheap; homestead relinquishment, this county, near the Southern Pacific Railroad. 80 acres good new 5-room house, frame up for barn. 31x32. It-acres cleared and In crop, living water, 60 fruit trees. 3 chicken houses. Placo all fenced and cross fenced, owner obliged to go away, will soil cheap; leas than Im provements cost For full particulars call on or address Beaver Realty Co., Ashland, Oregon. FOR SALE Jackson county lands In Ilogue river valley, Oregon, by tho Jackson County Realty company, H. M Coss. manager. Office in G&rnatt Corey building, room 317. Farm lands, garden lands. fruit lands, stock randies, large and small tracts of Im proved and unimproved lands. Ofico phone (6S1; residence -141. FOR SAL 205 acres alfairu. land, all Irrigated and In cultivation on maca dam road, 8 miles from Klamath Falls, 1 1-2 miles from town site on Modoc Northern ono mile from railroad; tdoal for subdividing; price 821,000. For in formation address box 415 Klamath Falls, Oregon. 113 BaaUesa SFropaxly FOR BALE Cholca business proparty at a bargain, on, long tlmp; eaay terms. Address Condor Water & rower Co. acisoellaasoaa FOR 8AI.K Solftfcodlng bay baler, In good repair. Seo A, A. Davla. FOR SALE KlscellaasoM FOR SALE A breeding pen of six pure bred whtto .leghorn bona nnd a roostert all batched In 1010; also have & few leghorn cockerels. Homo phono 3007 noar Jackaonvllle. Mrs. E. E. Oman. FQRSALE First class grain hay at Isaacs ranch, phono 591 party R-4. 101 FOR SALE Now 5 room bungalow, 1 1-4 miles from post offlco with 1 or a uorea under dltoh. finest hurry and garden land In valloy, 1 noro plowed, ready to plant. Idenl chicken ranch, sco owner No. 20 South Pench or post offlco box 843. James Howling. 105 FOR SALE 1 60 hursq pqwor steam boiler; ono 6 Inch dlschurgo geared pump; ono S inch dlsuhargo steam pump; 600 foot hccoud hand water pipe; nil tho nbovo Is lu good condi tion and cap bo purchased ohoap for oash.'EnquIro city rocorder office. City of Medford. FOR 8AI.U Thoroughbred Poland China boar, four months old. Cull at Uarnuni fin m, near Phoenix. 101 X FOR SALE llox .tent 12x10 feet, with furniture and coon stove, pjice jsa.ou, Inquire nt Sydlnrds Grocory store, West Jackson etroot. C. M. Arndt. 103 FOR SALE FOR SALE Six five months old mules, the b-st big young and perfect every way. Address rne at 723 I) street. Grants Pa, Oregon. W. U. Toner. 10S FOR SALE 1 charter oak cooking stove, good condition, cheap. Call 410 N. Ivy street. 103 FOR SALE acres 1 mllo from town, new hous. plenty of water; family orchard and grapes. Enquire 410 N. Ivy street, Medford. 12S FOR RALE Unfinished house and lot. cheap; 1-3 cash. Address 235 Realty street. W A. L-o. 106 WANTED. WaoallasaoM .irTKI Will the parlies who found the table eg out on Oakdalo avenue pteaiui return to this office and receive reward. "-jtfM WANTED First class Japaneseo wants position as janitor or elevator boy; updates good English. Harry Ito, post office box 762, Medford, Ore. 106 WANTED Four or five room furnished bungalow, close in. T. II. Hendrlx. Eagle Pharmacy. WANTED Men to board and room. 333 South Riverside avenue 103 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Position on ranch by mar ried man. Address post office box 401, Medford. 103 WANTED Washing to do, rough dry. 143 North Grape. 103 WANTED By newcomer. English house work in private family, state salary. Miss Anning, Phoenix. 103 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Srnraltnrs. H. F. WILSON & CO.. dealers In now and second-hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Household stoves and ranges. 16 South Fir street Phone Main 3161. Home 36S-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cor ner 8th and. Holly streets, Medford. Mission furnlturo made to order. Cab inet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF ft WOLFF Cookstoves and ranges. Now and second hand furnl' Jure. Eada old stand. 18 Fir street. South. Phone 8). Home 283-K. Med ford. taaKe Works, OOLD RAT GRANITE CO., 316 Wee Main atreet, manufacturers nnd dew er In 'monumental and building gra Ite, crushed granite, common brick ai. pressed brick, coarse and fine waahed river sand. BEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy. O. D Nagle. Geo. T, O'Brien Contrac tors and manufacturers of brick; deal ers In pressed brick and lime. Office in Garnett-Corey block, room 209. 2d floor. Phone No. 3181. seining Kacnlasry. SEE MATT CALHOUN of Phoenix. Or., or the Denver Quarts Mill ft Crusher Co.. of 1710 Broadway, Denver, Colo rado. Catalogues and prices can bo had at Phoenix, Oregon. Matt Calhoun. Music EMILY T. STANDEFORD. examiner for tho New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, harmony, piano, and musical history. Studio. 345 North Oakdale. phone 7211. n rotary Stabile. 5'ANTED Position on ranch by exper ienced man and wife. Home phone 83-K 104 HELP WANTED. 2lp Wasted Kale TEAMS WANTED Wanted, two four borso teams to work at Prospect Ap ply at room 103 Electric building. 218 West Main street Prospect Construc tion Company. HELEN N. TOCKEY. Notary public jtmiiik your wors: 10 me at me sign or Tha Mall Tribune. Xralasd Sfnrses, A TRAINED NURSE has a strictly private honvi before nnd during con finement -adoptions, all disorders of women treated by licensed physician; no sign, 2548 California street, nenr Stevens. San Francisco. Cab 116 jrnrsenes. WANTED Carpenter familiar with making mission furniture and wood working. Address Buffum. care Ilogue IUver Electric Co. WANTED Salesman for exculslve ter ritory. Big opportunities. No expe rience necessary. Complete line Yak ima Valley grown fruit, ahado and ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Out fit free. Toppenlah Nursery Company. Toppenlah, Wash. WANTED Salesmen n every locality of the northwest; money advanced week ly; many make over 11000 month choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Topenlsh. Wash. 3Clp Wanted Temale WANTEDWpman for, general house work, one Who can cook. Wages 830 per month. APP1? Buffum. Rogue River Electric Co.. SI W. Main. MISCELLANEOUS BOARD Good tabto toa.rd at 310 North tuiriioii, s diocks irora Business cen ter. 111 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Arcblcte, JOIIN8 A TURNER, Architect! and Builders. Office 7-8. 336 Main: phons uain 3ti. itesiaenco pnone t. POWER. TlEBVESTSrSVEST. Architects; 207 and 308 Gamett-Corcy building. Abstract. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT TITLE CO.. INC., Jacksonville. Phones Pacific. Main 11; Home 3006. Accountant. I), it WOOD General accountant Your books audited and kept for n reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Medforct Mall Triouno iiunuing, pnono 6611. resldenco phone 1601. Asaayw ana Anaiyat. ASSAYEU AND CHEMIST Earl V. In gels. B. So. General assay nnd an alytical work. Cement and asphalt testing. r Best equipped assay office and testing laboratory In Oregon. All work guaranteed. Grants Pass. Or. Attorasys, rtii.vm jk miAMK.s w. m. Coivig. c L. Reamea, Lawyers. Office Medford National Bank buliaing. secona noor PORTER J. NEFF, V?li. P. MBALEY Attorneys-at-law. Noa. 1 and 2 Post- office building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnett-tjorey building. MULKEY & CHERRY B. F. MULKEY, OEO. W- CHEHHYl JJiwyers. 're tlco in all state and federal courts, ltooma 11 and 13, Jackson County Bank bldg, MlllarA alor. a T. BROWN ft CO Billiards. Cigars ?nu ami i-Tluas. vv ih . lull building. A nice, coot ylace to apend. tha bot afternoons. BUI Xtoatsrs. VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and I Die- tributor. Ail orners promptly. i". lloom 39. Jaokson County Bank build ing, Moutora, uregon. Otirara ea4"r6taBOO. IRELAND ft ANTLB. Smokehouse Dealers in tobacoo. cigars, and smok ers' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewis Single Binder, El Merlto and Kl Palen oia. 212 Weat Main atreet Contractor and Builder. ALL UliulH of carpenter work, Contract or day work. 225 Court at. A. w. Blah. ' MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut flow, era, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs, 23 E. Main. Phono 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put ont We are not in the trust ft n. Patterson, office removed to 116 E. KOOUE RrreBTVATEEY NUUdfciltY CO., inc. Orowers of high grade nur sery stock. Office 104 8. Fir. Both phenes. ghyslclaas and Kargtoss. ' DRS. CONROY ft CLANCY Physicians and surgeons. Taylor and Pblppa bldg.. rooma 210-311-212. Office phdne 50l! residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to g p. m. DRVaPtRCAR,LPW' dr- EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnett Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. D?fUT.EM,a..wV.DEANB Dentist. niilC0Jn, nlto bldg., 123 E. Main, uas administered for extraction of Ilotn ..Telephone Main 681. Night phone 4432. D1J?,iPBARNS Physician and surgeon. inS?, irnoU'!&f.e' bldg., rooms 311-213, phone 65.01. Residence 113 Laurel at. phone 2092. DR. s. a. LOCKWOQD, physician and DR. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD, practice llmltod to diseases of wo men. Offices over Haaklns drug store. Phones; Pacific loot; Home 28. ir. w. M. Van Bcoyoo. ' Dr. a C. Van Sooyoc AA Dentists. Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 318. Medford. Oregon. Both Phones. DR. J. J. EMMENS rhyslclan and surgeon, practice limited to oyo, ear. and throat, eyes scientifically tested and glasses supplied. Offices 316 East Main street, over Medford Hardware Company: hours 8:30 a, ni. to 8 p. in. DRS. SAUNDERS'TND'T'GREEN Pra nuo ,uui nu id oyo, oar, nose ana throat Office: Sulta 318 Garnett Corey building. Both nlionoa. DAVli;s & 1 RLE Chiropractors, 633 "Hi wuninn uv. cnono aiain B14. Office hours', 2 to 4 p. m. Consultation and examination free. Ohlnsse Keaiolaes ' ' CHOW YOUNGr8"Chlneso medicines; Will pure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and Ml kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation. Indices tlon. womb and bladder troubles. See me at 241 8. Front at., MoAford. Ore. Phquo Main 42. frintera and Publlehtra. MEDFORD PRINTING CO.. haa the beat equipped Job office In Southorn Ore gon; book binding! loose leaf syatoma; SutMPaP.orteta: '? I'oft'and prices! 37 North Fir street Summer Baaorta. BYBEE SULPHUR SPRINGS Hu miner rooori, nuniipg, iisiiing, bnthlng stream; home cooking, Address Wal laoo Galbrcath. Woodvlllo, Or. 106 ttaographsra. ELLA M. OUANYAW Ialm Block". Stenographlo work done quickly and MISS L, J. .KINGSTON. 403 ' darnel it- 9S. Pacific 6381, Residence, I'rfciflo 1361. , Mfiiii. -"ALLEY SIGN ,AlTVl'HVriBlNd'"C67a SIGNS will help build up your busi ness. Phono 802. 18 RiversldP nveniin. 8Ham Bsatlag. C. O, PONTING Steam and hot-'wa'i rer neaiing, ury-uiin ami power work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimate fiven. Phonos: Pacific 4601. Ilom 24-L. residence Paclflo 4462. Box 434, 37 South Central avenue, Medford, 1 t w r-Wf'TT h m f.r.iJ rjk'hi'i'tViTTt.')'' h v5 -&W fjs&vyWip H&Z9 a e Z....iL'2L. I tltrrTTf r"v ssfa