""(n'Rimqil it IWTOFORT) MATT, TTUBTINTC, MTCDFORD, OTCTCCION, "WEDNESDAY, .TTTLY 10, .19.11 PAXJE TTIHEE V ,t, rf TO SAN DEIGO ON MOTORCYCLES Two Portland Yuulhs Rcai.ti Mcilfnnl On Uiiliiii) Vacation Trli Roiinli Mile Ovrr thu Unii(iias Plan Side Trips to Famous Resorts. M. J, .Ioiii'h of I'nrlliiiiil, wIki (wo yimi'M iii uiiilicil Tor llin Tiiliiinii in iMidl'iud UN pi iiilur iiml ('lyric KIh'uIs, mUii lit I'liilliunlMin'iit lint day limn Wi'iltiiwriii. I'll totllii tu Sun Uii'o ('ill., upon n iiliiiin viicnliiiii (tip 'I'lii'y urn inulttiic the join tuy mount 'il upon iiiolur t'cloH, ami inpoit u IiiuKIi t lip lii'tui'i'll ('(itllll'ii (him1 mill IIiiiiiIh I'iikh. Miiny liili'ifHliin wiili- trips ittv pliiiiucil lur lint hip, nun iif wliu-li Im In t'rultM' IiiIvk mi tint niluiii Hip mill minlliiT pmlinlily will tulic them In Vimcinitt' utility. Tint tout win nm ili'itliln In pilul ilii'ir innlnri'yi'lii iinnMH tint iiilcriiiitinnul lioiiinhtiy liin into Old Mumcii. Joiifri IiihI y'lir wiii(t fmiii I'nil land In Sea 1 1 lit ami Tiicnina nn hi iiioliircyrlit and Iiiih hud Inuring i-v-pi'rii'iii'ti mi iIuh lyHi of niiilnr. ttotli ludrt am iiiciiiImth of tint I'nrtlmnl .utnri).i'lit Hull." SlimttH in a w'll kuotwi I'liitliind iitlilctt', luting a ntnr liaHki'tliall pln.M'r and liili juinpr JniK'H in ciiiplnjii'il hv a Portland pint, logritph (NlaliliKlimiiiit iiml will try In Ufl it imiiuImt of hiiup hlintH for iinii in uilnriiiiig lint Portland Mntiir ')ri' idtth'i nrw Imiiii'. Although it wax Hit original luteii linn n' lint nmt to return home h AtigtiNt , it mim'iiih likitly that it will bo mm-nil dayn Inter befitm tln-y Hlci-r tlutir iiiaidiincH hack to lint Martin; Miiiil. Tint route ohom-ii f.ir lln1 lirnt hall' of tint (rip in ia Kite niiiii'iitn Milli'V, lint, cniidiliniiH heing fuuirnbht Ihey will ri'tiiiti li the i'iat route into Orison. LOCAL CONCERN NOW SELLS POLES For many Years All Electric Llht, Tcli!iliuiii! anil Telunrapli Poles Have Ducn Shipped In Change Is Now Dclnii Made In Matter. YESTERDAY'S SCORES. Nitlloiuil Inuue, At Now Yuri;- H iw i nrk Oliuilmiail K Al HrtNikl)ii-i 'rV'' ' It Ilrooklyu ? 3 St. I.onU 8 At llontnn Tl llnnton , c (liltniKi) H At I'hlhidelphhi It i'lillniliilplilit I 2 IMltHlinrj; "J - -1 Alnrriran lAViguo. Al Detroit , It Detroit Hi llOHlon 7 . At Cliiviiliiml i' II Gletehutd 9 Now York 0 At Chimp," (;iili'ii;o WfiHhliigtou , . . , At HI. l.oulc U .SI. LoiiIm a I'hllailiiliihla I'i I'aclflo (NiiihI lnguc. At Hun Kraiitluro 11. II. K. Hitrruuieiito 4 !) U Oakland it t! t At Portland It. II. K. Portland :i r. 0 Han I'rniieiiico 0 I) 1 .Vorfhwehterii League. Al Vuiiioiivor- It. II. K. Vniinuivor 7 II I Vh'torhi '!' 1 At Hmittln II. It. 10. Hoatlln 0..7 .1 Hpokaiiu 1 8 U At Tacoina H. 11. K. Taniinu , U G 4 Portland 1 U 1 AMERICANS SYMPATHIZE WITH ABDATEMAGGIO VITIJItllO, Italy. July 19. That Aiiuii'lruiiH a 10 thoroughly In nyinpa Tim cIII'oiih of tho tippor Hood Itlvor to hUuiiji out thu CumoriiHt Houluty lu ludlcatod hy Kirtu of moiioy which acn coiiHtitiitly huliiK mnolvod hy (Urn llano AhhatdiiiiiKKlOi luforiuur aKiiliiHt th(t.Oain()ri'htH clniriiod with tho iiiur dor of Uomiarro Cuoccolo and IiIh wlfo. Tho lali'Ht kUIh, all of which 11 ro tKiquoHtnind hy tho director of tho jiiIhoii under thu Italian law prnhlhl IIiik it prlHoimr front rocidvlnj; prim (tiitti, coiihIuI of a chock for SI GO and throe friiaroH of a ntock, both coiulnt; from Now York. FII.BS CUB11D IN 0 TO 14 SAYS. l'A.O OINTMKNT Ih KUuruntoMl to ruin nay on mi or Ituhliiu, blind. IiIim'iIIiik or protnulliiK ilhx la 0 to 14 dayn or nioiioy rormiduil. COo. It' the liuulter owiioim of JuuIimoii county could hiin 1011I1.01I thu piu ithiiHe price of all Ihc lolejihoiic, ltl. -k'l'iph and ulcetrio liht pohu which liavi) Ini'ii UKed in lln) county lor the pitMl leu or IwoUo yearn ticir lunik iiecouutM would huu piolitt'd uin teiially. Nt'er Iiiih thuio licen nny Mtt t of thin nidiiHti'v tukcii care ol hnie, imtw(hluuriuiK tin. iant that all thu liuilieieil xeetioliM of thu coun ty Ih lihcially Hpnuklcd with a nplon. did ipiality of cedar (icdm. '1 II ooiiiploliuu mid oiuraliuu of (Im Pacilin tV l.tiHteiu imlioml into Untie I'iiIIm Iiiih iiiiiiIc thu opuuiii up of thin eedar polu iiuliiiiliy a "-ii Inlily and thu uppoituiuty m heiuu taken nrivmitiiKu 01 by Maunder Hald ol the Cialnt l.ako huiuhcr ciiiiiinu Iiiih Iiiio huliliucrt in thu Hullo I'ulU neetion. Mr. I Infer ntnteH (hat the output ot IIiIm indiihliy, Mo lur aH Inn eoini'mo in fiinceriled, In llmlled only hy (lie deuiaud. The eouipauy Iiiih aiteady supplied thu Komi ter Kiedii, eoinpauy wild two oiiiIoikU of It) lout poliMi r one in it Piohjm' power IniiiMiiiHhiiiii line. The fiiiupaiiy will hooii eair a supply of poleri in .Med I ord and will have in IciikIIih fioui 'J.'i to 10 leel PRIMROSE, THE MINSTREL, SUES WIFE FOR DIVORCE POIl'O.A.N'D. Ore., July lj fleorK" II. Prliiirime, Ihu faiuoiiH inln- Mtiel, Iiiih hroiiKht milt at Oregon City for dlvorco from IiIh wife. Kmher Prlinroiiii eliuiluK domrtlou. The rotipln worn uiuriled at .Mount Ver lion, N. Y,, la April lit OT., an, the complaint h tat en that Mrit. Prltnroite left him 011 July 7 lunl year. ItelliiipilNliineiit of property Inter oxIh In Porllmiil Ih nuked In thu ac tion. INSTITUTE NEW LODGE TONIGHT s Loyal Order of Moose Will Start Lo cal Order Tonlijlit Deoec Team From Grants Pass Will Bn Present at tlic Festivities. Moilforri Inline, No, (170, I.oyal Or der of .Miioho, will hn iiirttituted al the IC, of P. hall Hum evening. Heroic (he evening' iM HiiiiiikIi the loiltt will have itx chatter, officers will he elected, mid 1.1(1 Mcdford and Itopic llivor valley men will he duly iu Htulled iih Moohe. A 1110111; the lealurcH of thu evening noido fioiu the nlual mid wcicl wotk, will he a mtiHieal proKimu, two hoxuit; evcntH, and n wre.sllin nuiteli. The decree (emu fioiu OraulH Pnx will he prcKeiil to help in the work mid lo felicitate the new tiicuihcrx 011 liiivliii; ucipiiicil the Moo mo iiiee of diHtiuclioii. All the paraphernalia Ikih armed and, from a few hiutH dropped, Ihete will hi) most decid edly HoiucthiuK doing, MiMklmi for Ifenlth. AOKNTfl FOIl BUICKANI) LCMOBILE GRATER LAKE GARAGE (I AHOMN I. ( I h AND HOri'MKH NOW OPEN New Klectrlc Bhoo Hejmlr Hhop Work doiiu while you wait. HaU Infliction 1; ti u ran teed, F, L. Sherman l$2 Ho. OraiK) Hlrcot. HAMU Of IIMI AND MART CU. J,Ui, ,l lil.it I. it Cntm (.U.lf Art ILcUvalbJCklar litHmilTlll( WlM IUAabiHn'iMi,tA4uil mint wrftto u u..,; j,j.-,, hutf - Portland, Orron X f IUtMDt a4 D.jr Bthml tut 01,1. lov CII(UU, A4fil u4 lUuiUff D.prUMlt, I Mtt. Art. KlMitln.aiattalta I iWc.uio-.idr.Tiif: mirjri:it hi i-kkhikI triiifva, Bt. tivivria iimii HIS TROUBLE NOT OF HEART Real Facts In Regard To F. R. UulTman's Illness. Reller Ob tained By Curing His Stomach Ailments. WayncsvillcN.C Mr.F.K.Hulfman, ol Ihli city, says : "1 suffered dreadfully with what I thought was heart trouble, and tried various medicines In vain. Alter other remedies had failed, Tlied ford's Black-Draught restored me to health. I would not feet safe without Black-Draught in the house. I consider it worth its weight in gold. It cured my indigestion, and by this means I was restored to health. I can not express my gratitude for its benefits." Good health depends on the condition of your digestion. Poor digestion and good health do not go together. Thedford's Black-Draught will thoroughly cleanse and set in order your digestive system. It has done this for others, during the past 70 years, and is today the most popular vegetable liver remedy on the market. Try it. Insist on Thedford's. Price 25c. MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. ill -1 4ifi P Vlri'irdllkJ ll'HBJilllJJJl XOTiri: TO AM CiaiKXT CON. TU.WTOIIH AMI ItUll.lll.HH That on una nftor thu first day of AtiKUAt, 1911 tho local Citnont Work em Union No, 168 wilt enforce the follow Iiik urate of wngo and houm: for flnlHhers G2 1-2 rnti per hour, for flnlHher'H helper J3.50 per day. for hthorH S3 00 per day, for ho'x mix nrrt 13. GO per day. Weill (8) houm to cotiHtltuti) n dnyn work. Mount from S n. in. to C p. in, and time and one half for over tluio and double time for Sundays and holiday. P. II, Mr Doi.ald, preit.; C. W. Dninln, bug. ManklnH tor itoaltn. ill 0 SASH DOORS 01 save Vs to 74 5t on Pncl Dooii, fiift quality $1.30 Qlilcr.ouml, J.in., r ICO It. 30 ct(. Ccdif Sidinj, 4 and 5 ft. . $ 8 xr M. 'louiin, 4 (ltd 5 ft. . . JtlprrM. Diop SiJin, 4 ond 5 ft. . $11 xt M. All No. I and I good (Urulttd flodc. SrnJ uA4l llM C.I .loju. Nj. "J tiurtl.ii Ifpm uuil.(UMr, &. mlJJI.mto i (Mobn. Um 1K, nil lo ntloj, l'ip ayHl..i, SmuvI ui Vvur lift 1 ,tuulum piuti ioJ I iiU. O09HTSllK7J aW aV L. .at fcrlmr5tLi In a Class by Itself It Ik n Kreat IjIk loaf, inadu from tlie hem IiIkIi Kriiilo flour. l'i:i:itl,l-SS UltlCAI) la tnoiSi Ilka that kooiI old home iniulo bread that mother iihccI to make than any other on thu tharkut. Auk your Krorer for mKHLKSH IIUKAIi and Insist that you get It be en tuu there Ih none ho cood. RARDON'S BAKERY Corner Main ami GrnM Street, Tho worm uentlier will boob Im hero. Wo havo tho nccos wury regit I re in en ta to mako work easy In warm woathor. " "" MaaKMMa Soo us for tho boat of KLKC TniC PANS and tho boat of prices. SOUTHERN OREGON ELECTRIC CO. . 27 BOUTH CKNT11A.L. oiQNirriNQ the industries" Thlt li the tltl of a btautlful ti-pngt book, which will ilov any boy or Ctrl bow to SUCCEED. Drop poitil la tbe mall TODAY and It will b aaot FRCS. Tb alta of tba Collets li to dlcnlfy and popularlta tb lnduitrlei, and to terra ALL tb people. Itoffiri couriai In Aerlcultura, Civil Enclnctrlns.EUctrlcal Eng!nr!ni-.MecbanlealEnclnerlnr,MlnlnrEnfin. ttrlnc, Foreatry, Dometlo-ficifnc and Art, Com marca, Pharmacy and Muilc. Tb Colltc opm Sapttmbar 1 3d. Catajoc fr. Addrcit: REOISTRAB, OEEOOM AORICOLTURAL OOLLEOE, CorrallU, Oref on. I I City Property Bargain LOT 60x125 East Front One Block Off W. Main PRICE $300 TERMS: $50 Cash, $10 a Month E. S. TUMY 2 0 1 CAKXETI CORKY UbOCK I IHI I FOOT TROUBLES Chiropodist CORA E. UTLEY Room 5 Over Kenlner's Phone III Pure Clear Sparkling You omt't afford to do without thin nplondtd, refreshing drink Call up mid order a case sent to tho hotiue. Tho purest, most healthful drink known ii SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER r. C. BIGHAM, Aient. 7 $ $ t $$$$$$$$$$$.$$$$$$$ $ $$$,$$$ if $.$$$$$$.$$$$$ .$ $K BANKING SERVICE Tho Medford National Bank assures you of the best service. Its officers aim in every way to protect tho interests of its patrons, making use of overy means of precaution. Tho directors and officers are all well known business men; men of integrity and known for the careful and conservative handling of any and all business intrusted to thorn. Its up-to-date system of accuracy, promptness and the same careful atten tion to largo or small depositors, makes it.a bank for all tho people IF YOU ARE NOT A CUSTOMER OF THIS BANK LET THIS BE AN INVITATION TO BECOME ONE THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK W. H. 0 OK 13, Presidont. .1. A. PERRY, Vioo President. V, 13. MhJRTCIOK:, Vico Presidont. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asst. Cashier 3 -ey? & n & m Weight :? Quality ffl BEST "n nr 1 Square Grocer Store h omt mo 01 C-fcziimmnAH i BEST 1 Hqi Measure Value GO To be "on the square is so essen tial in our life that only those who practice it can hope to win out. Squareness means friendship be tween a store and its customers. On this rock of honesty has our growing business been built. You find sixteen ounces to tho pound or four quarts to tho peck. In your pur chases tho quality and value of our groceries are as sure as the rising sun. Tbe high standard of our customers Is a safe guldo to our methods. It Is nlco to know with whom you deal isn't it? Wo arc always tho sanie tho Square Deal Grocery, For weight, measure, value and quality tho following cannot bo beaten In this town: ALLEN GROCERY CO. 83 S. CENTRAL AVENUE FANS They nro healthful I FTT They are ttaultary I -" A They nro comfortable They cost onchulf cent au hour to run N N They are Just tho thing to X kevp your customer In good humor Then why not buy ouo? Call at the Electric Building 209 West Main and Examine the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. M ll i r i . ., I 1"T"