r '.a H PXGTS ST3T rTWfwriWlWHT 'p' rr r MEDlTOTm StATTJ TTHBTOR MTCT)FORT, OTCTCCION, TTTCSD'AY, JULY 181911. f ' f i i i ' ji r t . iii . 'I h W ' CHOSING STATE FISH SCREEN 'WV Oregon Game and Fish Commission Passing Upon Screen for General Use, Designed to Prevent Fish From Entcrina Ditches. anaunmnaa I'UllTLAND. July 18. Ueforo tho f Isli nml Rnino coiiuiiIhsIou, Inventor? ami patenters of fish screens to pre vent fry from enterliiK Irrigation ditches and at the samo time preveut the ficreen from fllllnK up with de bris, . nro showing their Inventions with n view to tho adoption of some design for universal use. Among the modelsl shown aro several by J. C. Altken of Woodvlllo, whllo Henry Keed of Gold Hilt will also have one. SpeaKMng of fish screens, Game Warden Klnloy said, "No one seen. to reallzo what nn Important matter this Is. The way things have been Eolnc. our hatching of trout has come practically to naught. In streams whero Irrigation intakes are numer ous. Trout released, follow these currents caused by tho Inflow of wa ter Into Irrigation canals. In a short distance, owing to the segregation of tho water, they find things very un comfortable, because of the tempera ture of the water, which gradually grows moro shallow, until tho Intake is closed, when millions of fish are left to dlo on open fields. Of a mil lion trout released, It Is safe to es timate that scarcely moro than 100, 000 live on this account. Tho law provides that screens of the right character shall be provided at the ex pense of tho owner of the ditch con cerned, "The acceptance of a screen Is another delicate matter. It Is my policy not to impose a hardship up on any ditch owner. Wo had have a number of devices submitted for our consideration. Some of them keep out tho fish, all right, but they are easily clogged and soon keep out the water, as well. Others aro too com plicated and still others too expen sive. WTe are trying to secure a de sign that wllll be effective, Inexpen sive and permanent. I bellevo we have ono that will do the work. One of its 'strongest features is that it can bo made by any farmer or ditch owner with material lying around u sol ess. "DAN" JOHNSON ILL JT" "-', "4 "i i-ai 'milling BBBBBBf v BBBBBH Hipfe HC BBBBBI IIbjHINbM aH JiBBBBBE5HlilfBH BklHi I "Dan" Johnson. CVOTO SY MAW Ai c Tho famous baseball mngnato who Is 111 In the east. CLAIM WRECK WAS DESIGNED Father of Drowned Seaman Charges That Santa Rosa Was Deliberate ly Put Upon Rocks In Order to Col lect Insurance. STANDARD OIL FINANCED WAR Wall Street Politicians See In Visit of Lord Cowdray Confirmation ul Stories to Effect That Trust Paid Cost of Mexican Revolt, NO EXCUSE FOR HIGH INTEREST .Excessive Rates Blamed for In creased Cost of Living On Coast Money East Begging at 3& and 4 Per Cent. I PORTLAND, Or., July 18. Ex cessive rates of interest are resjHHi sible in u 'great degree for the high cost of living on the Pacific Coast, according to Percival Roberts, jr., a director of the Pennsylvania railroud and the United States Steel corpora tion, who is in Portland today. "If u man is paying from 8 to 10 per cent on the murtguge on his prop erty it advances tho cost of Ids liv ing more than do u few dollars nn tho jirico of a suit of clothes," he "said. It does not seem right thai the pcoplo out here should be com pelled to pay such heavy interest rates when in the east money goes begging at Wj and 4 per cent." Roberts will join James McCrcu, president of the Pennsylvania com pany, with whom he is travelling through tho west, nt Seattle, whence they will sail for Alasku. LOS ANGELES, Cat., July 18. To eorrubate his rhnrge that the steamship Santa Rosa was beaehod by deis,g, Robert llewson, of Santa Monica, father of Second Officer Edward Hewhon who with three, sea men was drowned when the vessel went to pieces, today announced that he would ask F. M. Rudolph of Loin poc to come to Los Angeles and tes tify before the court of inquiry. "Rudolph told my son, E. V. llew son of Pasadena, 'that the Santa Rosa was deliberately put ash'ore" said Hewson. "Rudolph declares he was remonstratiug with Captain Faria about the Santa Rosa's course shortly before the vessel struck. Ru dolph said that a deck hand told him of an attempt to bench the Sauia Rosa the last trip down but that Cap tain Alexander had frustrated the plan." ' ' The probe into the disaster was re sumed at 9:30 a. m. today by In spectors Holies and Rulger. NEW YORK. July 38i Proof that Standard Oil baeked the Mil lion uprising in Mexico is seen by Wall Street politicians hero today in the visit of Lord Cowdray, the Mrif ish financier who-e syndicate hold- immense oil deposits, obtained through concessions from President Dine, despite lite fuel that the Standard Oil company was a ladder for the same properties. With these concessions, Cowdray's syndicate was in position to force Standard Oil to reduce prices or suf fer disastrous competition. The charge was openly made and strenu ously denied that the Standard finuueed Madero's revolution in re turn for a promise he made to can cel the Cowdray conceons. It is now reported that Cowdray. is tryimr to sell his concessions to the Standard after having vainly tried to dispose of them to John W Gates. ORGANIZE EAIR ASSOCIATION Committee Named to Draft Constitu tion and By-Laws for Permanent OrganizationStock Subscriptions to Be Sold to Citizens and Farmers ICE BARONS GREED BLAMED FOR DISTRESS NEW YORK, July 18. That greed of Ico companies in holding large supplies of tho commodity and trying to choko high prices out of thkcom munity is responsible for great dis tress is stated hero today by Police Commissioner Waldo after a long In vestigation, Waldo declares that of 430 indep endent Ico dealers interviewed, 229 complained of prices charged by tho trust, which, iu ono district, raised thu prlco from S2.2C to ?5 per ton, Waldo declared tho Ico companies havo 300,000 tons stored along tho Hudson and that their clulms of a shortage aro falso. Between 25 and 30 business men of Medford met Inst night for the pur pose of discussing the advisability of perfecting a permanent fair associa tion. It was voted that such an or ganization be effected and u com mittee consisting of J. A. Perry, G. L. Davis, Dr. Helms, J. Suminervillc and If. A. Rader was appointed to draft a constitution and zy-laws and to present them at a meeting to he held at 3 o'clock this afternoon in the directors' room of the Fanners' & Fruitgrowers' hunk. Following this there will he issued a call for n mass meeting for the purpose of perfecting the organiza tion and for securing stock subscriptions. FIRST AUTO REACHES Rl OF CRATER LAKE A Cadillac automobile was the first auto to reach the rim of Crater lake this season. It was driven by C. H. Miners, of Klamath Falls, who reach ed the lake at 7 o'clock Thursday af ter having bucked big snow drifts for four miles. Ho went through, over or under, from two to eight feet of snow besides climbing tho very steep grado to bo encountered on the last mile of the trip. It is now easy to drlvo to within one mile of tho rim, which point Is! at tho bottom of tho big hill last climb In reaching the rim. From there It is yet soft and will be for sov era! days, or until the snow goes. fags Did You E,ver Notice that the man wlio drinks Pabst BlueRibbon TL Br of Quality 19 sa ne vcr quite tisfied -with, any other beer. It has a mild, delicate, mellow flavor found in no other. Order a cxc today. Jim HkI, Al, MulfofJ lc A Stunt Ct, Phoo:Wl M & ' W'llA en THE VALUE OF PUREDRUGS nd thai NttcvNsniry oxperl tanca In Compounding tf The value of medicine lies equally between the purity and power of the drugs and the method and manner of their compounding. The drugs we offer are strictly of the highest class. Our training, experience and equipment assure that all medicines be compounded right. Bring your prescriptions here to be filled MEDFORD PHARMACY XKAIt POST Ol'Klt'H. IMIONK NK1IIT Oil ll,V MAIN 101. ix) it saw: nom.i: on im.vrt.'irr NASH HAH. jJavavJS Wisp lllllNO YOUIt WATCH IN AND I1AVW IT (JMOAN 101) AND UICPAIIIKD. MAKKS IT A K.MTIII-TIi TIMM IMKCH. PUT IT IN HIIAPK KOI I TDK DAILY HHHVIOI3 YOU BXPKCT IT TO HBNDKH. l.KV UH I.OOIC YOUIt WATCH OVKU WI8'U (H.ADIiY TKM, YOU JUST WHAT'S THK MATTWIl WITH IT AND HOW MUCH IT Wild. COST TO FIX IT. No matter how difficult a Job of Jew elry repairing you may have, lirlnt: It to this store with thu feellut; that It will bo douo promptly and properly. If you want any. oiikmvIiik douo, w'll he glad to servo you flrst-cliiHH work at right price. Jewelry Repairing and Engraving - - MARTIN J. REDDY THU JEWEIiEK, MEDFORD, OREGON, NEAR POSTOFFIOE 's'N(r4vr'rr'g, a a Buttling Nelson is here today for his six round bout with Luiuiie Aihi. of Seattle tomorrow nfclit. Tl.e Battler is confident of beating Aus tin and says that this l'ij,'ht is I he first of a number of minor battle he will engage in to work back into form before trying to induce Cham pion Wolgnst to ;ive him anotlr'i chance nt the championhip. Look ninone; the classified ads for tho address of your next boarding plaool HuukliiB for Wealth, " HEYBURN WAVES BLOODY SHIRT WASHINGTON, D. C, July 18. Waving tho "bloody shirt" In the senate, Heyburn of Idaho indulged freely In his specialty whllo speaking In opposition to a bill by Senator Wil liams of MisglHslppI, which provided for tho erection of a confederate monument In the Vicksburg national park. Whllo Heyburn roasted tho confed eracy and accused tho newspaper re porters of having misrepresented his speeches, Senator Williams left tho senate chamber, refusing to listen to tho Idaho senator's tirade. "It Is a sliume," said Heyburn In his peroration, "that thoso who tried to overthrow tho government should now bo depicted as heroes at govern ment expense. SHOES AT COST Tho Duttleld shoo stock has been moved to South Central off of Main, opposite tho Mission restaurant and the Stock is still being sold at cost. M. S. Biden Is operating tho most modern shoe repairing shop In tho city at the same location. Up-to-dato electrical ma chinery, f Look (or the RED BOOT PRODUCERS FRUIT CO. Our office Is now located Iu our pack ing house, and is open tor tho setisou. From now ou wo will havo tho doll) roports all markets, showing prlccB realized by tho California Krult Dis tributors, and all other shippers. Any one Interested Is Invited to come In and look them over and coin pa ro prices. Dy shipping with ub you will havo all tho advantages, of tho largest and most comploto deciduous selling organization in tho United States and at a lower cost to you than In tho past. Last year we handled nearly ten thousand car loads, or soventy-slx per cent of tho entire California crop. itemember wo POOL NOTHING All fruit is sold on Its Individual merits, and each growers namo and prices realized for each shipment nre publlsh6d In tho catalogues. Pooling was tried and failed years ago in Cali fornia. If you want to sell seo us, If you want material, Inspect our samples, nnd get our prices boforo purchas ing. l'UODUOEUH P It U 1 T OU, K. M. McKeany, Northwestern Agciil. Homo Phone 212. Pacific 7001. FISH! FISH! FISH! BUY YOUR FISHING TACKLE FROM THE Medford Hardware Comp'ny WE HAVE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN MEDFORD THE FIRST SALMON REGISTERED AT OUR STORE FOR 1911 CONTEST WEIGHED 29 POUNDS AND 10 OUNCES. &: Crater Lake Stage Line Official Crater Lake Stage Autos leave Hotel NuaIi at H a. in. Tut, lays and Fridays, arrive Crater I ,aUo huiho t:onliig. Itftttniliig, leave Crater Tako Monday and Thurnda.y. Connec tions with .Steamer Klamath for Klamath Palls. Hound Trip $'M.OO, ono way $15.00. Medford to Klamath Palls via Crater Lake (ono way) $1H.B0 Kcscrvatloiifl and tickets at Hotel NumIi or Crater Lako flu rage. G BATTLING NELSON TO FIGHT WITH AUSTIN PLUMBING KTI3AM AMI HOT WATIMt HKATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable 23 Howard Itlock, Kntrauro on Dili Htrcct. Phone :t0!l. Coffeen & Price NOW OPEN Now Electric Shoo Repair Shop Work dono whllo you wait. Sat isfaction guaranteed. F, L. Sherman 82 So, Grapo Street. IRRIGATION Nature Supplies the Land and Sunshine We Furnish the Water' Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Irrigated Orchard Tracts Land for $150 Per Acre With Perpet ual Water on Easy Terms Can You Do Better? ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. OUMMINGS,.Manag;er ' IIOQUIAM, Wftuli., July 18.-Do-cluriiiK that lie is iu line eomlitioi1, Very Serious It is a ycry serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine Black-draugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, (a firm ly established. It does not Imlttto other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN F2 I m !: , I lii If Bank's Age For Nearly a Quarter of a Century THE.'TAnirsmvr cottiv'ty rank MEDFORD, OREGON r, f. i has served the people of Medford and vicinity. At all tirneo there is considered first tho interests of its depositors. This safe and sane policy has HELPED us to succeed. Your business solicitod because wo can m-ccicI you the largest possible accommodations ronsi3tent with sound banking. Capital $100,000. Surplus $65,000 mm i a