. l. y H v , ff .( PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE. MFDEORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY .tS, .1911. "orr- M f I '6 I iIqcal and personal I I J K. 13, Minor nnil wife loft Tuesday for an otitlnt; nt Colestln. Head luttuco nt tho l'lnocroft gar U6n. Kcnl estate ngonts report consld orniblo activity In house rentals. One nt alert tliat Ihoro was moro demand for hoiiBcs last week than thero had Ih'oji fornhofour previous weeks. UerahulmH In 21 and 3 inch pots, whllp they last at 50 cents per tlorcn. Medford Oreonhonso. Phono 3741. li ' 100 Mr! and Mr8. Henry llrown of Knglo l'oint visited Medford friends yesterday. ''MraiAV. N. Everett of Portland. Is InHfedfoVd 'for ii vHIt with her sis ter, Mrs. A. A. Alkon. Mltcholl & Iloeck make Icclesa re frigerators that keep your butter and milk In perfect condition without , ice: ,. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. O'lirlen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Orr, Alfred Weeks, Mrs. Orr and Miss Gertrude Weeks left this morning for a 10 days stay nt Shasta Springs. J.' H. Ueeson and family left Mon day for Newport whoro they will re main for several weeks. See It. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man. over Jackson County bank. Tho Medford Urlck Company has been-awarded tho contract for the erection of a 35x70 foot two story brick building for Crown Bros., at Eaglo Point. The material to bo used will be telected red brick and black morfar. Workwlll commence on tho building In nlout two weeks. GCranuhns In 2 Vt and 3 inch pots, while they last at 50 cents per dozen. Medford Greenhouse. Phono 3741. 100 Mrs. Dclroy Gctchell, who has been In Minnesota for several months on business will leave this week for "Medford where Mr. Getchell has been stopping for several weeks. They have decided to make Medford their permanent homo and will erect a 'magnificent home In some part of the city. g Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carkln, 'Glenn 'O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,' 'over Jackson County Bank BIdg., Medford. ? S. G. Hood and son from Billings. Mont., nnd E. C. Roberts of Salem 'Oregon, old time friends of J. G. Medley-are visiting the latter. Mr. Hood is a cattleman and Mr. Roberts is a retired stockman. They made the trip by auto from Salem and may locato here. TheyVill visit Crater Lalio before they return. The case of tho United States vs. JCora Dahnck was heard on Monday in "Medford beforo Special Agent Butler. Mr. Saling &. Thomas represented the 'United States whilo Judge Pcntz was counsel for Dabask. The case was closely fought and the chances are most favorable that Dahack will be victor, as he has presented a very strdng'ense. C. H. Moore, district superinten dent for the P-aclflc Telephone Com panl, is In Medford on business. Mr. and Mrs. 13. A. Hildreth of Butte Kails, returned to their home yesterday after a several weeks stay 'in Ashlaud. Mrs. Nora Story left today tor a visit with her Bister Mrs. Darlings, at Hornbroolc, California. Frank Wacholz and family of Forest City, Iowa, arrived In Medford , today find will visit a few weeks with Louis ICnlpps and family. They may decide to locate here. , Col, and Mrs. II. II. Sargent of JJanall, P. I., -will arrive in Medford' tonight for a visit .of several weeks' with Mr. and Mra. M. L. Alford. Mrs. Sargent Is u slater of Mrs. Alford. Mr. Sargent is an officer in tbo United States army but ho may decide to. Invest in orchard land in tho valley nnd retire from army service. E. R. Muddox und family arrived in Medford this morning from Browns ville, Oregon. Mrs. Maddox was in Medford u few weeks ago and while hero purchased the Rev. .Matlock place on tho eust Bido. Mr. Muddox will reside hero und will engage in tho green house und early vegetable bUHjness. l;r. Lockwood has returned from u trip to Portland und Clatsop beach. Brick ice cream, ail kinds and colors. Rardpns Bakery; phone 371. Prompt delivery. Mr, nnd Mrs. Rnnco Rouse of Ash land nro in Medford today on busi ness. They are accompauied by Mrs, C. W. McKIbhen, or Texas. j Telephone 371, Rardons Bakory, for cuke, ices and ice cream; prompt delivery. Mrs. A. S. Wolis and children left this morning for a visit with friends 'ntiWIldervlllo, Josoplilno county. She wub uccompnulod by Mrs. S. Rohbin eon who has been visiting here. Grain und alfalfa hay for sale at' Oakflalo Bark addition. Soe W. II. Wor'hnnd, 909 West 'Ninth street, phouo5071. ' Mrs. W. C, Bradford nnd Mrs. It. A. lllntt roturnod this morning to tholr 'homo Jn Shasta c6untyf Calif or 'ula. Tlioy wore hero In attendance !nt tho funeral of "Mrs. Mumior'a child "which w8 held Sunday. Call 11. a Brown, 425 Holly for plumbing nnd heating. Phone 2121 115 Mr. Franklin of tho Medford Nur sery has relumed from St. Louis. He reports crops In Missouri anil ltnnsan badly burned. In western Nebraska the wro.it Is too short to cut and the corn Is badly hurt. Many stockmen have shipped their cattlu out. Mr. Franklin bought a lot of pear trees which he will set out along the lines advocated by tho department of agri culture Jay Gore nnd sister, Miss Mary, left yesterday for Oolestlue. Rardons Bakery now delivers Ices and Ice cream to any part of the city. DALTON ASKS FOR NEW TRIAL OAKLAND, Cal., July IS. Coun sel for Henry P. Dalton, who was to have been sentenced today for having accepted a ?5,000 bribe from the Spring Valley Water Company, se cured from Superior Judge Brown a stay of execution until Monday, when a plea for a new trial will be heard. Attorney Charles H. Falrall. in Dnlton's behalf, filed his appeal for a new trjal today, based on alleged technicalities, among which is tho clnltu that when District Attorney Donahue was testifying on the wit ness staud he told the Jury that Judge William Ellsworth of Oakland had told him that he believed Dalton was guilty of a similar crime, for which he was tried several years ago, the jury disagreeing. The court ordered Donahue's statement stricken out, hut Falrall claims that It made an Im pression, never-the-less, on the minds of the Jury. DAHACK CONTEST CASE ON TRIAL " Homestead Case From Butte Coun try Has Hearing Beforo Commis sioner CanonOther Land Con tests Pending. All day yesterday and until ten o'clock last night testimony was be ing taken In tho land contest case wherein the government Is the plain tiff and Xern Dahack Is defendant. The case Invohes tho homestead en try of Dahnck In which the govern ment Is endeavoring to show that Dahack has not complied with the homestead law as lo residence upon and cultivation of the land. The tes timony was taken before A. M. But ler a notary public and eight or ton witnesses gave evidence. S. S. Vents n!,e Iti)innL'a nttnrtlnv ...... ,. .........,' . Today testimony In a similar rose, event, tnvolvlui: the homestead entry of Charles W. Jeffries. Is being taken ENJOY REFRESHMENTS IN SEATTLE GOLDEN POTLATCH OPENS SEATTLE, Wash.. July IS. - Under smiling bKIor nnd with n cooler tem perature Soattlu'H second day of the Potlatch week Ja hying celebrated. This inornniR hundreds of visitors were taken for an automobile trip over the boulevards and n long tho shores of Lake Washington, A shooting tournament this utter noon and concerts and receptions this evening constitute the day's pro. gram. At 1:30 o'clock tomorrow after noon a formal entry of King Kdgur D'Oro and Queen 'Daphne, on tho gold ship Portland, will' occur. They will be saluted by the warships in the hnr hor nnd by scores or pleasure yachts, and greeted by thousands when they land. The Portland was tho steam er that brought the first shipment of gold to Seattle in August. LSU7. Pot- latch week Is In releliratlou of this beforo V, S! Commissioner Cannon Tomorrow the case of Mike Mali oney will be heard. TUNNEL 300 FEET UNDER EARTH STOCK MARKET ACTIVE FRACTIONAL GAINS NEW YORK, July IS. Tho early stock market was active. Canadian Pacific advanced 2 sobh ntter the opening. The general market was firm, large fractional gains being made in the active stocks. The de mand fell off after the opening and the market declined fractionally, some of the leaders losing early gains. Canadian Pacific later made a further gain on good crop prospects. Trading was kulct during tho noon hour. Great NoTthern preferred rose 1 1-8 and Union Paclffi;, Northern Pacific and St. Louis and San Francisco sec ond preferred 1. The market closed firm. Bonds were steady. TACOMA BOASTS 35 DLIND PI6S Technical. Shortage. Discovered In Books of City Thirty-five Thou sand Dollars in Liquor Licenses and Drug Store Fees Overlooked. oo TACOMA, Wash.. July IS. A "technical shortage" whereby the city has lost thousands of dollars will be shown by the report of the state ac countancy bureau, which has been checking the city's books. W. W. Clark, chief examiner, submitted to Commissioner Pettlt today a report showing where tho department of public safety has overlooked $35,000 for liquor licenses. In addition the examiners hnve found that the city failed to collect llconses from the eighty-two drug stores which accord ing to tho pure- food ordinance, should pay $3 a year for dealing In leu cream and caudles. In going over the books of the licenses Issued by the government It whs found that thirty-five "blind pigs" aro being conducted in Tacoma. I A nirly of Medford mining boost ers compose! oi roiouci i u, any, J. L. Unmmersley, II. S. Dudltty, IM gar 1 Infer, ,'lnlm Opp, Dr. l It. ltuyt Kohert Teller, ,, nnd John MeKny were taken in automobiles to Hold , Hill Monday afternoon, the guests of , h. Harher and W. A. Marvin, two of , (ho officers of (he Oregou-Ontiuio I Mining company. At the company's mine the uue.sts were Imiiqueted at a depth of over IlOO feet in the mine tunnel. Ilaaklna for Health. Look at the "For Side" ads and nt Rome of tliu tilings Ihat mo adver tised for Hide. i i . . i ii HnBklna for Health. Wealth of Hair Clint. Strong Su the ViVpnrntlon that grows Hair, stops Duuduiff and .Make llalr Gloriously Bndlant. , Money hack says Chas. Strang If Parisian Huge doesn't orndlcato nil dandruff, stop splitting hair, falling hair and scnlp Itch, and put Ufa and lustre Into the hair of uuy man, wo man or child. And Parisian Sago Is ho pleasant and refieshlug. No cheap perfumery odor to carry around all day, no 1Ih .agreeahle concoction that dlKgimtH thi) semo'H, hut a daintily perfumed tonlo thut proves Its gooTlnoHH the first Huh you use It. Baldness nnd faded hair are both caused by dandruff germs. ParlNlan Sago kills the geruiH and cuiihcs the hair to grow abundantly. lirgo bottle for 50 cents at Chan. Strang's And druggists everywhere, ttlVKH QUICK ACTION. Leon B. llnkln reportH that A HINU1.K DUSK of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded In Adter-l-kti, tho new Gorman ap pendicitis remedy, relieves constipa tion, sour stomach or gas on the stonw uch almost INSTANTLY. Many Med ford people nr being helped. 8 ACRES Hntnlt Iihii; nil of S iu-im plunt .ii to orrlmril. J-jmr-uM im.; ipmrtur tut to muitli of city IIiiiUh lirIo $.1500. kooiI Ixrms. 3 ininlern tmtiKulown for ri'nt. ovsb TAKMcms and muiTCiaow. SXS' BANK. White & Trobridge IT DOES NOT PAY To Take Chances with YOUR EYES Many of the most difficult en-uvs in this vicinity have been suc cessfully fitted by me. A call nt my office will cost you nothing nnd wll convince you that you take no chance here. The beit i the oheniwst. DR. RICKERT Eyesight Specialist. Over Kentner's. Look for the nd thut offers it to you. second-hand, at a real bargain' ESPEE APPEALS RATE RULINGS PORTLAND. Ore.. July 18. Ap pealing direct to the United States supreme court from the decisions of Judges Wolverton nnd Bean In the federal circuit court, the Southern Parafic will challenge the right of the Oregon state railway commission to make orders alleged to be in conflict with inter-state commerce. W., D. Fentou, attorney for tho Southern Pa. clfic, gavo notice of his intention to' appeal tho case tomorrow. The United States supremo court will bo asked, practically, to define Intor-state commerce. Tho stafo com mission and the Judges of tho United States circuit court havo held that the state commissions have the right to Ihsuo orders uffecting rates be tween points within a state. Tho rail road claims that tho commission lu changing such rates, really changes tho through rate from points outside tho state to points within tho state, which they claim Is nji Interference with Intor-Btato commerce and thus beyond the Jurisdiction of the state! commission. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTlKERS y Phone 8271 Night I'hoaes F. W. Weks 071. A. E. Orr, M9S. LADY ASSISTANT? THREE FOREST FIRES BURNING Tho several forest fires In tho sur rounding mountains aro now well under control and no seriouB results uro looked for unless the wind should rise during this excessive dry weather. IOIIM A PFRI V,V.. . . .. Undertaker anil Embftlmer Succewor to the undertaking de ' i partnfent of Medford Furniture Co. ; ; I Office with Medford FarnJturo Co. 1; Telephones: Day, Bell 351; i John A. Perl, residence, Bell 4111, ; ' I Home 179L. C. W. Conklta 3001. iler 3571. AMBULANCE BRRVIC j. n. uui-; MiMMtf,iMJJ THE REX MARKET WK ALU TO SKLL TIIK BUST 31 HAT IN TIIK CITV, AND AM VK AKK TO PltOVK IT IS A TICIAL. Isn't this n fair proposition? 10 lb. Pail Lard $1.20 5 lb. Pail, 65c 3 lb. Pail 40c Vac. Phone .1071. Homo 111. I I mi City Property Bargain LOT 60x125 East Front One Block Off W. Main PRICE $300 TERMS: $0O Cash, $10 a Month E. S. ITUMY 2 0 1 A It N K T T OOltKY II LOOK 1 J Ilusklns for Health. K V. P P $ ? ip P 'P P T P 'P p p p P j5 p S !j5 $ P P up "P 'P P ! P "5p Sp p 'P ( P 'V ? 'P 'P Piv w, iff xf f f fi fi tir 00 ' 9- f 7K BANKING SERVICE I'lie redford National 3ank fissures you of the host sorvico. Its officers ai'm in dvavy way to protect the interests of- its patrons, untieing use of every means of precaution. The directors and officers are all well known business wen; men of integrity and known for the careful and conservative handling of any and -all business intrusted to them. Its'up-to-da'te system of accuracy, promptness and the same careful atten tion to large or small depositors, malces it a bapk for all the people. IF YOU ARE -NOT A CUSTOMER OF THIS BANK IET THIS BE AN INVITATION TO BECOME ONE t THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK ' ' W. IT. QOH'JOfPresidcut. " J. A. PFiftRY, Vice President. 1i TO. MERRICK, Vice President. .TO'irN S. ORTfT, Cashier. -AV. Ii. JACKSON, AsstCasliier ip 'P J? 'P P p i $. $ 'P 'P $ $ ft, $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$ $ip $$$$,P$$$ P j? lj $ $ ipyli ) CJj li Jl V) m CO if CJ fa Ji fi Ji ) Ji CO Hiiiillilllillliiiiiiiiffliiii Billiiiliiiiiiiiniiilimn You ean't tunko a bolter InvtsMuoiit ftir your wife mid fam ily than to Install n K i.mK" In your home with the vnr louti atTesnorlea that help to make housework emiy. I.et mi show you What It menus to have hum In the hfiliuo fur fuel and IlKhtiuit. Wu aio always iduil to nuiltu dt'iuoiiMtiatloiiH, Oregon Gas & Electric Co. " MKiti'tutn, it::i).v. An an luducomeut for you to try n (IAS ItANOU wn will rehati) lil.OU on reKiilar Irlc of any ntovo you iiebict until the flint of Aupiiit. I.eavu your order now, NOTU: riiiiuoii Installed without further nmt to you on easy terms. NEWPORT -YAQUINA BAY- Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Place to Go for Perfect Host ami lOvery Conceiv able J'orm of Healthful and Delightful Uecreation ITSFAUILITLKS ARID COMPLIOTM Rest of food and an abundance of it. Fresh water from tho moun tain streams. All modern nefossities, such as tele graph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day. .Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pa cific, to Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Fast en! R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout ifi&.lBftJllrtilJUl FARE PROM MEDFORD Season six-months tickot $11.10 Our elaborate new Summer Hook gives a concise description of Newport, including a list of hotels, their capacitv and rates. Call on, telephone or write A. S. ROSFNHAUiM, Local Agent, Bedford. Vm. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining city of iMedford, on loiig time, easy pay ments. 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; cement sidewalks and paving in; also sowers, water and light. Long time, easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, .'WO acres alfalfa land, 80 acres fruit land, perpetual water right with water for irrigating 1000 acres; long time, easy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 1200 acres alfalfa land, balance fruit land, 1 mile from railro;id, on long time easy terms. 5000 ACJ.RES LAND in tracts of from 40 acres upwards; price $25.00 per acre and upwards; suitable for alfalfa, fruit slock and general farming purposes; long time, easy payments. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just within and adjoining city limits, at 'a bargain, on 5 annual payments. Gold Ray Realty Go. 216 W'FST l AIN'STR'FIOT. i m- i.V 1 ' ' ' 1