Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 18, 1911, Image 1

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ratlin to kI pniir will )ii
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Medford Mail Tribune
Clcnr Mnx J(MJ, Mln 87,
Ilnr i!0.m
Dully Hlxlli Yeiir.
I'mly-KliMl Vr-iir
No. 100.
$1000 IS ALL
Pre-election Campaign Puhllclty Bill
Passes Semite Lliiilllnn Candidates
for the Toun to Ten Cents a Voter
House Democrats Likely Refuse,
Wlckcphnm Makes Special Trip to
Chlcauo to Consult With Former
Vice President Fairbanks.
It Ik iri'ilict'if today I tut t tin limine
will icl'uwc to concur in tint pic.clci'
lion eutiimigu publicity hill adopted
.c.lcrdiiy in (lit senate. Democratic
leaders ill tllii llOIIHu d lint fnor
a number tit' ituu'iiiliiii'iitt added hi
tlit senate. That amendment cover
ing lupciiHtw in primary euiiipnigiiw
i piirtieulntly repugnant, it n ax
scried. Tim hill was finally panned liy the
Hfiiiilt! fixing the limit of Id t'iil
ii oer. Ciiiuliiltiti'ri t'tir tin sennit
a in limited in mi c.pemliluiii nl
$1000 in ilin piiimiry ami
CongrcHMiunii Rucker (demociitt
MiNMoiiri) chairman nt' the Imii'i1
eniniaitlee on the campaign publicity
lull, Haiti tin afternoon that he be
lieved Him sciiulc ami hoime. would
leaeh mi agreement mi the measure
ami Unit it would finallv ho enacted
into law. Ilo tlipercditcd icMirh
that the hoime would block the pan
iigt of the hill us miici'd hy the sen
ate, nsNertiiig that with a row minor
changes h tiHIuvt-il the house would
aeeept the hill.
Reports that the Intent turn in
Ihn Controller hay situation is cans,
ing the iiilmiiiinlriitinn considerable
worry have heen -iv'ti
color hy it Secret eoufereiiee uhi'h
took place loilny al Chicago between
Atlornc General Wiekcrsliuui ami
rormer Vict President Charles W.
Fairbanks, during which, it in in
inoieil, Fairbanks gave
regarding the Hituatiou in AIiimI.h
gained during his vinit to (he uotrh
cm territory.
Officials Maklno Desperate Efforts
to Check Spread of the Plague In
Tenement District of New York
Strict Quarantine Is Enforced.
Secretary of tho TreitMiiry Mar
VciikIi Iiiih Installed a new wushiiiit
muchluo In the Iniri'iiu of cniuuvlui:
mid pi In tint:, at WiiNhliigtou, which
will make illrly paper money now
Hy thin device tho government
hopes fo mm Mineral hiniilreit tlmiin
mid dollar!. Dirty hills liiHteail of be
ing tleHtroyeil will he returned to tliu
hunks clean an new.
Delegation of Grants Pass Mining
Congress Working for Next Semi
Annual Session Here Yrcka is
Leading Opponent for Honor.
Quarter's Business Shows $500 In
crease Over Previous Three Months
Increase In Number of Consumers
and Extensions of Mains.
Quartz Mining Taking a Boom In
Southern Oregon Large Num
ber of Delegates From Medford.
FORJ 0,000
C. C. Hall Sells1 Fruit Grove Just
Coming Into Bearing, Near Central
Point, to Michigan Man Planted
to Choice Varieties.
NHW YOltK. July 1 K. ICmillcliiK
that ir cholera obtains a foothold In
tho crowded Italian sections on tho
upper eiiHt Hldu or Manhattan that
It will ho it lH'rculeaii labor to check
Hit Bpruad, official! or tho city health
department, aided hy experts from
tho public health ami Marino Iloapl
tal Horvlc.ti at WiiHhliiKtou, art today
putting Into' effect tho moxt utrliiKfiit
ipmruntluti roKiilatloiiH. A deiipornto
flKht will ho iiuido to prevent tho en
trance of tho phiKiio which, If un
controlled, mluht depopulate, n lari;o
part of tho city.
An purl of tho precaution! of tho
health authorlth'H, not only will all
linnilKrantH from Italy ho hold for
ohHcrvatlou, for ton day! at Hoff
uiiiu'h Inland, hut all cabin "immuinK
oni, uiiIonh thoy can Hhow thoy havo
not huuu In porta whoro cholera Ih
provalent, will ho hactorloUmlcally
oxanilnod. 4 "!TII1I(J
AHulHt'ant Hurgoou Oenoral Cofor,
who wiih Ioiik Pioiulnunt In United
Rtatou health work on tho l'aulflo
ConHt and who Ifl pornonul roproBeu
tatlvo of HurROon Qonoral Wynmn,
today Ir InHpoctlnu tho dotontlon
choloni cam pa on Iloffnian'o and
Bwlnhurno'H Iflland. Atdlnpr In tho
luapoctlon In Dr, Ilormnn UlgRa, n
Hpoclallflt nttuohud to tho Now Yorlj
health dopuctnioiit.
No now ciiHoa of oholoru woro o
portoil hoio today.
City Ifoeordcr Tulfcr'n rcjorl to
tho w liter committee of tliu oity
council at itn incctiin- tont-lit will
hljow iui iiireait pf apjiroximately
f.ltlO- in water rcceiptH for tliu
imuitliH of June, July and August
over thoHu fur .Mnroli, April anil
'I'lie rcceiptH fnun water uncrrt Tor
June, Julv ami Auxunt thiiK far liiue
been .ftUHI7.ll. Tliero in (lclimpient
f I'Jtlll, which when paid will make a
grand total of .f7K(17.2l.
The incrcuho of .1(10 for the thicc
Hununer months oer the Hnnc
mouth.s !h the result or water main
e.lciiHion and a corrcxioudiu in
erciiHti in the number of coiiHiimers
nOHHMMUJ, Oro., July IS.-- Al
h'KlUK that J. O. Dralvo, Intended to
hrliiK tho adiiilnJMtratlon of Juntlco
In DoukIiih County and In tho Htato
In to contempt ami to Hcmidallzo ami
vllllfy Jiiduo John H. Coho and JiuIko
J. V. Hamilton, JiiiIkch of tho uecond
Judicial dlHtrld or tho Htato or Ore
Kim ami to caiitio It to bo hellovcd
that Judt;o Hamilton was aldlni? and
HHHlHtliiR In tho dofeiiHo of Itoy Mc
Clallan, who wiih recendy tried for
murder In thla county, JiiiIko llaiull-
ton Iiiih Hworu to a complaint charKliiK
Dralio with llhol. UraUo wiih arrcHtud
and tho ciiho will ho heard Friday.
QUANTS PAHS. Or., July 18.
Tlic Southern Ort'Kon mid Northurn
Cahrorniu Mining coiiKrcHH convened
in tliw city today with u p'li'Tal at
tendance of jniniiie; oK!rators from
the 1'aeifio .State. Already u con-
tent Iiiih developed between Medford,
Or., and Yrcka, (Jul., Tor tliu honor
of entertaining the next hciui-iiuimn!
i Ih couceiled hy coimervativo
mining invcHlorH that the intluntry in
the territory under junHilictioti of
thin coiiKrcHrt in in the way of it
lively revival of tpiartz mining, mi
iudiiHtry which Iiiih lacKcd jtince the
panio of 1007. A number of nule
or mininj; properlien are expected to
rcrtult from the meeting here at this
Among thone jircKcnt from Mell
aril lire: Harry Stoddard, K. ('.
Irelnud, J. A. Wohterluiid, J. W.
DrcrtHler, Robert Kiiht. I,. C. llnm
rai, O. K. Hotw, W. H. Harr, Joe
IlammerHley, IMgar Harer, II. S
Dudlity, J. II. 3Iefcty, II. H. IHx,
Dr. C. If. Ray, J. Demtner, Wil
liam Ct.lvij,', J. II. Carkin, Z. Cnm-
erou, V. V. Streets, L. I J. Hrown, R
HoHwell, Kd Kntlrewfl. A. II. Davis
Dr. J. K. Retldy. Waller McCailum.
Colonel Frank II. Ray, W. A. Mar
vin and Joe Itoenior.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cat., July 18.
Argument over the attempt of the
authorities of Portland, Or., inter
ested in tliu wrecked Oregon Trust &
Savings hunk, to vxtruilito Ixmis J.
Wildu began today before Governor
..Attorney Ktlwitrt A. Luctv of San
Dit'Ko, reprcnentiiig Wilde, presented
reahOiiH why his client should not be
given into the custody of tliu Oregon
officials. He declared, however, that
Wildu is now in Sou iDego and will
not further contest extradition in
casu Governor Johnson decides
against him.
Track of 64 Acres of Which This Is
Pa'rt, Sold 10, Years Ago for
$3000; Now IVorth $50,000.
C. C. Hall yestJnhiy sold his nine
acre apple unil K)or orchard to H. A.
Latta of Two Jtucrs, Mich., for
$10,0111). The orchard is just coming
into hearing. It is situated north
and east of Cent nil Point and is near
the celebrated iferritt apple orchard.
This land is part of a 64 acre tract
which William Holmes of Medford
purchased in 1010 for $3000. Later
Mr. Homes Hold one ncre of the land
upon which the buildings stood and
five acres of implanted land to Mr.
Hall for $800.
He also sold later to Mr. Hall un
der contract, nuother five-acre tract,
of the same land, but this Mr. Hall
afterwnrds traded buck to Mr.
Holmes receiving iu payment one
work horse. This tract today could
imsily liu sold for over $o000. Mr.
Holmes does not state what he re
ceived ror the r&tjwiuder ,,f i,;s 04.
acre tract whcnMie disposed of it,
but that is material in. so fnr ns this
story goes. The fact, however, with
regard -to i.ti-pr3Ct i;lu"5.,jjiny- be.
tirieny Pinned up when it is told that
three months ago the oil acres were
sold hy E. F. Guthere to Guv V
Chaffee of Grand Rapids, Mich., for
3'J,f00. and tliu recent purchaser
would not take $40,000 for it at this
Hy putting forth n little energy in
addition almost anyone will he able
to figure on that a 154 acre tract of
land which 10 years ago had a vniue
of $3000 is now worth very nearlv
Good authority upon fruit produc
ing profits cbtumitcs that any part
of this tract of land will pay for
itself with two crops.
" 18. Census bureau an-
"" nouuecmcuts today fix the
"" center of iHumlntion of the ""
" ITltiln.t C.iir i,,1 ,, l.i.lC
" miles of I'nionville, Monroe
"" county, Indiann, :U miles
" west and seven-tenths of a
"" mile north of whoro it was in ""
1000. Grtwth of the Pncitio
" States is given ns tho reason
"" for the shift.
pppppppppppppppppppppppppHpjpjnjPL .M' HHB
WRv?lt a
Lord Kitchener Is slated as Sirdar of Egypt, to bring peaco out of
turmoil and quiet the country.
Interstate Commerce Commission Or
ders a Reduction In Rates From
Points In Willamette Valley to San
WASHINGTON, D. C, July 18.
Oregon and Washington lumber
manuracturers who have beeu fight
ing high Southern Pacific rates, won
a big victory here today when the-In-
ter-stato commerce commission or
dered that road to cut Its rates SI. 50
per ton on rough green fir lumber
and laths from all Willamette Valley
points to San Francisco. 1
The $5 a ton rate, as applied to
tho Wendllng branch of tho Southern
Pacific, was declared unreasonable
and a reduction to S3.75 was sug
gested as reasonable on shipments
from stations on tho west bank of
tho Willamette. From all other
points $3,50 was specified.
Tho Willamette valley rntes have
been in Iitigntion since 1007.
The supreme court of tho Uuitod
States lust February denied tho lc-
(,-uiuy 01 iiiui mersintn eommoree
commission's order of 1007 reducing
tliu rates to $3.40 and $3.05. The
T1 .
rresciu ueeision makes the rates
from tho cast bank of the Willam
etto river, not including Wendliug
$3.;"50 per ton and those from the
west bank, north of Corvallis, $3.7."5
per ton.
President Taft to Censure Pure Food
Expert for Irregularities Secre
Jary JNilson to Be Scapegoat of
Cabinet Scandal and Likely Resign
NHW YORK, July 18. Indict
uients charging thorn with tho at
tempted murder of Mlllionalro W. M.
1). Stoges woro returned by tho grand
Jury hero today agaliiHt Lillian (Irah
am anil Kthol Conrad, who shot tholr
uldoiiy a(lmlrer In an apartment hero,
ho alleged In an endeavor to black
mail him for SLTi.OOO.
Tho Indictments for attomptod
munlor woro found against thu ad
vli'o of UlHtrlct Attorney Whitman,
who urged that hills charging felon
ious iiHsault ho roturuud.
CouiiHul for tho two gliia woro ill-
rcctod to produco thorn In court to
morrow to ploail.
Alius Oiitlnim and MIhh Conrad, who
hud boon out on lunula of 10,000 each,
tiro iippeniinK In viuulovlllo at Hum
moiHtoln's roof gardon us "Thoao Two
OF S22.000
From a commercial point of vlow
Jackbou county has an Industry which
puts tho wonderful Comlco pours,
Nuwtown applou mid all other money
making fruits which havo mndo tho
Iloguo River Valley world famous, ho
far In tho buck grounds as to not
entitle them to enter tho "also ran"
This, as yet not fully developed In
diiHtry Is nothing less thun thu pro
position of glusoug root, which Iiiih
yielded Its grower at tho rato of
SU 2,000 an aero.
Up near Prospect In tho heart of
tho forest close to tho head waters of
Rogue rlvor thoro lives ono 10. 1
drahaui and his finally, Thoy live
upon a homostead of 100 acres which
tho government guvo thorn, but not,
however, until Mr. Graham had earn
ed It hy faithful and continuous resi
dence, mid hy luboious and thorough
cultivation. Mr. Graham's labors
have born directed almost entirely to
tho planting mid cultivation of this
peculiar hut profitable glusong plant
mid now ho litis ouo-elghtli of an
aero of them at a marketable ago, In
fact ho has markotod some of his
three year old roots at a piico which
Most Profitable Crop Per Acre Yet
Discovered Largest Plantation
In the State at Prospect.
Rooms too fabutouR toba worthy of
tho credit which tho figures will bear
out. Mr. Graham has proven that
from one aero of land sot to ginseng
plants, three year old, ho can pro
duco $22,000 worth of roots.
Three year old ginseng roots havo
a market value of from SG to $S per
pound, Ago and slrov greatly In
creases tho mnrkot value por pound
mid' roots from Sto 12 years old havo
n marmot value of $20 per pound.
A pecullur feature rognrdlng tho
ginseng root Is that It has no market
value olsewhoro than In China whoro
tho light yol!6w roots aro usod by tho
Chinese for overy concolvablo domes
tic and medicinal purposo ami speci
mens resembling tho liiuuau body
of ten com maud tholr weight In gold
bocaiiBO of supposed occult virtues,
bunco tho efforts of grown In Amorlca
to produco tho roots Is as grotesque
ami ridiculous forms as possible, This
may oftentimes bo accomplished In
transplanting tho roots.
That Mr. Graham Is making a
crowning success of his vonturo in
this country is vouchsafed for by
Prof. p. j. O'Gara of this city, who
Is tho government and county path
ologist Tor this section and under
whoso Inspection tho roots aro grown,
a 8tato law requiring that tho plants
bo inspectod three times during each
yoar. .Mr. O'Gara returned Sunday
from ono of these inspection trips.
Thoro aro but few localities In
North America whero glnsong can bo
successfully grown mid only two of
theso In Orogon, tho other locality
bolng In a small favored spot of the
Wlllamotto Valloy, uear Salom, The
government Investigations In produc
ing tho plant havo disclosed tho fact
that tliero are no speclu of Insects
which Injuro tho plaut and that no
fungus diseases, which cannot bo
oaslly eradicated, glvo It troublo.
Mr. Grahum Is proparlng another
enclosed section for planting.
Mr, Graham's ginseng farm la tho
largest and oldest In tho stato. Tho
plants nro grown under a lattlco work
and half uu aero Is ouclosod.
WASIUNGTON, D. C, July 18.
That President Taft will publicly
reprimand Dr. Harvey W. Wiley,
chief chemist of the department of
agriculture for irregularities he is
suid to have condoned, but that Dr.
Wiley's job is safe, is reported on
reliable authority Gere ns the way the
chief executive will take out of the
dilemma which threatens to disrupt
his cabinet.
Wiley is expected to receive the
reprimand gracefully.
Attorney General Wiekersham's
decision against the "pure food man"
Doing uius approved, only Secretary
of Agriculture James Wilson will be
left to bear the brunt of public pro
tests. In viow of his thus being
made "the goat" of tho affair, it is
believed that Wilson probably will
Wiley today finished his reply to
tho charges thnt ho had overpaid Dr.
II. II. Rushy, a New York specialist,
and Secretary Wilson took the docu
ment to a cabinet meeting which "s
considering the affair.
Body of John E. York of Grants Pass
Found Tied About With Rope and
Heavy Logging Chain In Stream
By Boys Who Were In Swimming.
Suspected Man Last Seen Friday
Upon Roseburg Road Trav
eling Alone.
PARIS The condition of John W.
Gates this afternoon Is very unsatis
factory to the attending physicians,
who stato that tho patient's heat falls
to respond to treatment.
GRANTS PASS, Ore., July 18.
Halley Wilkes alleged murder of
John E. York was arrested this af
ternoon at one o'clock at Glendale,
twenty miles north of Grants Pass.
It Is alleged that when Wlekcs was
arrested today he had In his possess
ion several of the horses belonging to
York, having sold tho remainder.
-GRANTS PASS, Ore., July 18.
The discovery was made last evening
about C o'clock that the body of a
man had been found In tho Roguo
river about ono hundred yards abovo
tho city park on the south side of
the river. The body was found by
Geybert Harvey and other boys while
bathing in tho river. Tho body was
later brought ashore and Identified
as thatof John E. York. Ho has a
three quarter Inch rope around tho
body, about the feet, and also a heavy
logging chain, fifteen feet long
around the neck. The boys wero at
tracted by the sight of a foot stick
ing out of the water.
York was.probably murdered last
Thursday night, July 1C. Ho camo
here July 2 from Shanlko, Oregon,
where he bad been hauling freight.
After coming here ho was employed
by Schell & Cchell for tho "Warron
Construction Company for hauilng
rock for tho street paving. Suspic
ion has fastened on 'a man picked up
by York near Medford named Halley
Wilkes, 23 years old, weight 150, flvo
feet S or 9. He had blue eyes. In
flamed eyelids, red face, was smooth
shaven had dark hatr and a reddish
caste of couutence, apparently a
drinking man. Ho had stoop should
ers, woro dark clothes, a dark shirt
and a black soft hat.
Little Is known of Wilkes. Ho
was very cratmed when at work.
Wilkes has not been seen here since
the murder. Ho was seen Friday
last at 4 p. m., four miles north of
Grants Pass
LONDON, July IS. Tho Franco
Spanish difficulties In Morocco may
yet involve Great Britain aud Gor
mnny In a four comored dispute
which may result In war Is feared lu
diplomatic circles hero toduy.
Tho tension between tho four pow
ors, already grave through Gormany's
landlng'of troops at Agadlr, is Inten
slflod by arrest of French Consul at
Alcazar today by Spanish troops. It
Is not bol loved that Franco will swal
low tho affront, and Great Britain, by
community of Interest, Is oxpocted to
lino up with tho French ropubllc if
mnttors conio to a crisis.
In vlow of tho fact that tho arrost
of tho French consul followed a con-
foronco nt San Sebastian botweon
King Alfonso and Prlnco Ratlbor, tho
Gorman ambussador, It Is bolloved
Germany has glvon assurances that
sho will back Spalu and that Alfonso
took tho oxtromo step of arresting tho
French consul, confldont that tho
kalBor's lolglous would stand at his
back lu case of troublo.
American Sugar Refining Company
Grabbed Preferred Stock of Na
tional and Backing Suit to Freeze
Out Common Stockholders.
NEW YORK, July 18. Washing
ton B. Thomas, chairman of tho
board of directors of tho American
Sugar Refining company, was thu
chief witness today before the house
llurdwiuk uommittco which is inves
tigating tho activities of tho alleged
Thomas unwillingly admitted thnt
the trust had gobbled a lnrgo slmro
of the preferred stock of tho Na
tional Sugar Refining company, und
that it is backing n chancory suit iu
Now Jorsoy with tho object of forcing
out tho common stockholders, prin
cipal of whom is a son of Honry O.
Thomas admitted that tho Na
tional company was in a position to
become a potent fuotor in tho tnido
if tho trust did not control it, und
that real competition might result
from its being foot looso.
Full admission that in Soptcmhor,
1808, absolute domination of tho su
gar trado wns aimed by himsolf and
Hnvemoyor was drawn from Thomas'
roluotant lips. Ho admitted that ho,
Havemoyer, and other trust officials
woro named as a" committee for tho
purchaso of all competing companies,
aui that thoy planned to fix tho
priuo of sugar overywhero. lie ad
ded, howovor, Hint no far aa be
know, tho committco never mot,