Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 16, 1911, FIRST SECTION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Constable Shinier Returns With Mini
Who Hail Rcihly Jewelry In His
Possession Wnlvcs Examination
nml Is Indued In Jail.
I), .1. (Iill'fln Ih luilm'il hi I lin ciiiiii
ty jnil awniliiii; mi invoxliKiillmi ly
llio ninil jury iin Id IiIh pail in lliu
rolililiiK T llm Ih'ilily jnwclry mIom'.
(liHTiii uriivcd in .MimH'oiiI Huliiiiliiy
iiuiriiiiiK' IiiivIiik Imi'ii liniiilit linck
1'ltUII 1'ui'llllllll ullUm lit) WIIH III'
(tuiiptiug to (linmiMo of niimiilornlilu
Ifpon IiIh iiitIviiI In t IiIh (Uy Orif
liii wiih talii'ii liul'mo .liiNtico Tiiylor
who ImmiihI him uvur following IiIh
wnlviiij xiiniliiiitloii. Hi-iltly iili-iili-lli'il
lint jowulry. (liiffin iIi-HIiicm to
iIJhimihh llm nunc lint hliilcs that lie
hurt not Im'i-ii in Mi'ill'iinl for it your.
Cliii'f lllttxou, Iiohiivit, Miyrt hit wiih
hi'io .Inly !, Tlu iiiiiii hiiri mtrvnl
fivtj yciirH in Hnn Qiicnliii for lunu
la ry.
Portland Doctor With Pnrty Travels F. C, Enon Is Taken Before County
to Point Near Rim In Automobile
Snys Road Is Not Bad Pastes
First Auto Stanc.
Dr. I!. DoWllt Coiiiiiill nml unity
of INutliinil arrived in .Mmlfortl Sat
urday ijouiinix in hy way of ciititorii
kOri'KOii ami ( 'rater In ). llm party
ilrova (heir iiuu'lilnn In a point injur
llm rim of t lie laid! ami Hay that in
a wi'itk miti will Ih ulili to ilrivu
iirn to tin lodi'i
"Wo liiivn hail a ihohI iliinhtfnl
trip," mIjiIch Dr. Council, ami ('rt
ti'r lake Ih truly woiuhtrful. Tho
ioiiiIh urn very pirnl coiiHlcloriu Hie
fact that thi'y havt' jiih( lict'ii opi'iicil.
Vd uii'l tho find aiilouioliilo idiipi
at I'ri-HpiM't Fruluv."
Dr. Couiu'll and IiIh put ty left for
INirlhiiiil in thulr emu Saturday uf.
H'iiiIith i(;iilil furnliih tho dimlri'il Iti
foriiiatlou, jah. ii:i:ni:y.
To tint IMIIor Tim following
ipiiHitloim would rorlaluly ho npproc
liitml If you can diro tho Unit to an.
hwt Ilium or xin'HM jour opinion.
1. What Ih tho toinimruturn of Dm
I'lilVdrMit Hpneo?
2. Wind iIIhIhIoii of the ntoiu Ih tho
rorpourolo of tint ultinKimrotinT
a. Hiih a ti'tnponitiiro, lowitr than
tlm ImollliiK point of lltili li'ilr'Ku
ever hi'im rtmrheil?
I. What would tho action of a tout.
iralur of any 10 iIikmih ahovo
;thnoluto zero 1. ho nit Iron or teel?
f. What Ih tho theory xImIuIiik a
t'lirviMl hall?
(i. How iiiany iiiooii'h liait Jtipltitr
ami Iiiih ntty of (ho other plnuotH of
our Kolmr nyidm ntty?
7. How in tiny ntotlotm hnn our
earth, nitil iIovh tho moon rcvolvn up.
piiidti our imrlh I u. If wo rnuHliIor
our motion out Ih Ihtm ttuilor?
ThnukluK ui In nitvanco, i.'Ki, I
tried to find aiiHWor to tho ahovo
In noun of Kelvin & I'lcljcrliiK workN
hut fulled I'rotmtily fome of your
AiiHwur 1. Alwoliiti xoro, 2--AhU
tho pollceilllin, .1. Yen. i. Makeji It
brittle. C.--Ank Courl Hull. O.-flve,
Yin. 7. - KlKht. It iiIho depcndH upon
tho uunilier of drink.
Court and Tried as to His Sanity
Afictl Father Prevents Rash
1'. C. KuoH wiih eoininillod to I lie
Hlute iiiHiiui) aHyluiu Saturilny hy tho
county court alter ho had been vx
aiuiiicd iin to h mildly. The man
attempted lo cut Mm throat Friday
livening while tdmving hut wiih pre
vented by bin aged fa (bar.
Kiioh ban not been in good health
for home time, Friday evening he
turned to bin father and Hinted that
he giiCHHfd that he would end it all.
Hi father, culling for help, seized
him and prevented him from carry
ing out IiIh plan. The (mlice were
Hiiuuuuufd and the man taken to
JiirkHoiivillu where after an examina
tion hu wiih committed to the awy-Ititu.
Famous Llhtwcl(jht Will Box Ten
Rounds With Tommy Gaffney at
Opera House July 28 Will Train
(or Week In This City.
Look for the loHcr of the articlcH
you have found for a prompt ad
may nave him a lot of worry.
Homo proHperlty dopondit upon
homo Indimtry, nnd otato-wldo pros
perity will ho Krentor If fnctorlcA
itellltiK "Made In Oregon" Roods nro
(ititronUed u ythu local morchanta.
llnttllnK Nolaon one of tho Rrent
eHt IlKhlwelKhtH' the world hnn over
known will appear In IIiIh city July
28 and will box Tommy (Jaffnoy for
ten rouiulK. NolHon will arrive In thin
city thin week for tho purpoue of
tarlnltig, which will probably ho done
at tho Xatatorlum cynnHlum.
Nelxoti Ih Hiiro to draw a big crowd
ii h ho Ih one of tho moist famous piig
HlHtH the world hits ever Hcen. Ho
Iiuh been through nbinc very hard bat
Uch and Ih now trying to ot Into the
"come hack" cIohb.
Tho mail order hotiKtii of tho Knt
would not bo so pronpnroim I ftho
pcoplo of this community would In
Hint on having "Mado In Oregon"
KooiIh from tho local merchantn. Tho
btiHlnccii of this community would bo
better cornorvod If tho buying pub
lic and tho merchant) would help
along tho "Mado In Oregon" Idea.
Look for the nd that describes the
place you would like to own.
County Court Orders Election On
Matter of Incorporation After
Hearing, Arguments for and
Against Boundaries Changed.
Look at all of tho real estate m!n Look nt tho ndn Hint offer cm
and at much of tho rent cHtnto ad-1 ploymont and you'll find tho right olio
v'jrtincil, beforo itivcKlintr. oon.
Tho county court Saturday Indued
an ordrr calling an election at Unite
Fnllii on AugiiHt 1 for tho purpoxo
of determining on tho matter of In
corporating tho little vlllago among
tho timber. Tho order followed a
hard fight being many opponent and I
ndheranU of the movement
The original petition asking that
an election be called covered a large
area of land In that neighborhood.
Tho new petition cut thl down con
siderably. Ncff & Mealey arc appear
ing for the petitioners.
Support the manufacturers of your
homo city first, last and all tho time,
and yon will help yourself lo prosper
ity. Iiut If your local factories can
not supply your wants, Insist that the
merchant carries "Mado In Oregon"
goods from other Oregon sources to
supply your needs.
Look nt the "For Sale" nds and
nt Rome of the thing that arc adver
tised for nale.
A Bank's Age
For Nearly a Quarter of a Century
has served tho people of Medford and vicinity. At all times there is considered first the
interests of its depositors. This safe and sane policy has HELPED us to succeed. Your business solicited
becauso wo can i.cccid you tho largest possible accommodations ron&tent with sound banking. Capital
$100,000. Surplus $5,CG0.
mmmUf2lmmtmSfSltmmmmmM nil HI I ID 11
Cofjiffhl 1909 f C. C. ZfmmtrmiB Co.--Ne.22
THERE was a time when we
used to put things in the
cellar or the well to keep them coel, but
nowadays we have miniature ice houses,
where we may store the eatables during
the hot weather from day to day. For
one reason alone you can't afford to buy
a poor one, for you pay the difference in
price in the ice you have to buy. When
you get one from us, right here at home,
people you know, you are bound to get
the right kind. First we don't handle any
other kind and even if we wanted to we
couldn't afford to, for just figure how
much it would hurt us if we sold you an
ice burner for a refrigerator. If you have
one now that is useing too much ice, what
you save in a single season on the ice bill
will buy you a good one.
1 EjEj 1 rl
4-lin nnnlnnnnnnln nt t-1 o4- nblrr
Lilt JJtl JLUlllltlillA Ul 1U01-WU03 UV111
Neglecting your teeth and fearing the Dental Chair. Which do you value the most, a few measly dollars
or good health? Would you let loose of a few dollars now if you thought it would save you a great many
in the near future? You would if it was a commercial proposition, wouldn't you ? Well, doesn't the
same rule apply to teeth and health? Wouldn't you rather pay a small dental bill now and suffer no pain
than to pay a large doctor bill later and perhaps suffer much pain and sickness? Think it over.
Not upon the modern dental office as a chamber of torture, as was the one of a few years ago, but as
godsend to suffering humanity. At this day and age the dentist whose office and methods are not up
to date is to be shunned and avoided, while the dentist who has a modern office is to be sought after
instead. I have a modern office fitted with every available electric appliance for the relief of pain, and
the performance of first-class dental work.
To Reason. If you need dental work you want the best you can secure and you do not want to
be robbed to get it, you want to pay a reasonable fee and you want value received. Take
a minute and read my prices below, then call on me for examination and advice which will cost
you nothing, and remember that if I do your work, it will be ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED.
22 Karat Gold Crowns .... $5.00
Porcelain Crowns ...... 5.00
Bridge Work (per tooth) .... 5.00
Silver Fillings . 1.00
Gold Fillings $ 1.50
Full Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate 7.50
Best Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate 10.00
Painless Extraction .50
REMEMBER The Material and Workmanship are guaranteed to be the very best
DR. BARBER, The Dentist
207-208 Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, corner West Main and Grape Streets, Medford, Oregon
OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.-Sundays, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Phone Main 653