rm-f ..! itr..nrrr ritaitf"4 - t . - j.v . . , 0 I 4 v . .. PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATL TRTBUNR, MEDFORD, ORKGOX. TUKS1UY, ,11'liV 11, 1011. LOCAL AND PERSONAL . . t ' ; : . Mr. and .Mrs. J. D. Atfilrtiwa t)f CIohIicu, Indlnnn, Iinvo locntctl In Modford nt 202 South Ornngo street. Mr. find Mrs. llobert Hubl have jnovml from thu Coltngo to n now homo on Itoss Court. o'.'K. Qcorgo of Derby wns a Mod ford vlnltor Monday. Mltclioll & Iloock mftko tceless re frigerators that keep your butter and milk ,ln perfect condition without Ico., fr, ' V. S. Sexton of San Francisco la npondlng n few days hero on business. U. S. Collins Is spending his vaca tion In tho.dillls above Steamboat, Gli'nin Coimell has been attending thu Cbuutauqua at Ashland. See It. A. Holmes, Tho Insuranco Man, orcr Jackson County bank. "Will Lnuntz of Indlnnn has bought property on Ilonrdinan street and will loqato thero soon. O.- K; Gregory and wife, Mrs. Wil liam II. Jones and Mm, Clayton K. Stlltz. of Philadelphia, liavo been looking over tho ltoguo River Valley with mi intention to purchase land. Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carkls, Glenn 9., Taylor), attomcys-at-law, OTor Jackson County Bank Bldg., Modford. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wilson are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hntchlns at Dunsmuir. The following Modford people, for merly residents of Galnsville, Texas, were guehtR ,pf Mr, and Mrs. D. C. Wilson nt Ashland, Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boyd and four children, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker and two children, Mrs. M. P. Gurley, Misses Marion and Vega Gurley, Homor Gur ley, Mrs. Llwio Sites, Miss Aleue Allen and Glenn Allen. Mrs. Boyd was formerly Miss Bonnie Jean Phe inlster and Mrs. Walker was former ly Miss Johnnie Sites of Gainesville. M. C. Wright of Medford was also a member of the party. W. I. Vawter Is In Portland on business. Head lettuce at the Pinecroft gar den. Miss Jennie McLeod of Medford registered at the Hotel McLeod ,at Roseburg, aSturday. Mrs. B. F. Mulkey and Mrs. Ben ton Bowers, of Jacksonville, shop ped In. Medford Monday. R. If. Mason has been a guest of S. J. Jones at Rosebnrg. Call H. C. Brown, 425 Holly for plumbing and heating. Phone 2121. 115 George A. Wolcotl of Kansas City Is looking over tho valier this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Leslie have been attending the Chautauqua at Ashland. Major Cannon spent Friday In Roseburg and while there did a llt tlo boosting for Medford. A fine driving horse, large, sound and gentle, for salo at a reasonable price. Address "Falrvlew," Jackson ville. Miss Lorena Belknap, a recent graduate from Willamette university nt Salem, bas been visiting her grand mother, Mrs. Baulah Akers, at Drain Grain and alfalfa hay for sale at Oakdalo Park addition. See W. II. Everhand, 909 West Ninth street, phono CC71. Don Roder and Jake Waro visited recently in Pendleton. They will spend tho summer In the harvest fields In that section. Big Bale on willow plumes, at Home millinery, 1021 West Ninth street. ', 96 ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petch were recent visltprs at Roseburg. GreaJ sjaughtor on hats at the Homo millinery, 1021 West Ninth street. 9C Medford Hardware for baseball goods. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Green of Port laud nro guests of Dr. and Mrs. Por ter, , Party leaving tho city wishes to dlBposo of Cary Flro proof safo at a bargain In use only eighteen months. Address A 29 Tribune. 94 Mr. Green waB Injured in a street railroad wreck In May and 1b now recuperating. THOUSANDS ASK FOR CLEMENCY FOR WOMAN OTTAWA, Out.. July 11. Wheth er Mrs. Angelina Noopolltano who slow her husband at Sault Stu Marie, rather than he forced Into a Ufa of shame, shall be hanged, go to pris on or he set free probably will ho settled hero Thursday, when the Do minion cabinet will consider her case. The pressure brought to bear on the government to at least save Mrs. NYopolitano from tho gallows has been terrific, hundreds of thousands of names having been signed to pe titions from all over Canada and the United States praying for clemency for her. The Impression is general thnt Mrs Xeapolltano will never ho hanged. NEW FRENCH CABINET SELECTED BT PREMIER GAILLAUX W COUNTERFEITERS ARE GIVEN SEVEN YEARS IN JAIL PORTLAND. Ore., July 11. Ar rested at Oakland, California, Lor enzo R. Itialdi and Americus Martlu nell are under sentence today to serve seven years at McNeil's Island for passing counterfeit $5 national bank notes. The men were convicted In federal court here mainly through In formation given government authori ties by Paul Shaver, postmaster at Oakland. In the arrest and conviction of the two Italians, secret service officials believe they have captured the men who for several months operated ex tensively with spurious bank notes In this sections of the north west. The notes were made In Italy and sent to this country through tho mails. One of these letters, containing twenty- six counterfeit bank notes, forward ed from Portland to Oakland was found on Martinelli when he was ar rested. Rlnaldl was caught at Fresno just after he had received another installment of the same bad bills. jvonV.julss steeg MONS. JOSEPH CAILLAUA MONS.OEAN CRUPPI Qr, CAN SIGN UP FOR EASY TERMS Residents on Jackson Street Have Ten Days In Which to Take Ad vantage of Bancroft Act and Get Installments on Paving. MAN THOUGHT TO BE 1 WANTED HERE IS CAUGHT (Continued from Fa.ce 1.) store your city. Advise quick. (Signed) E. A. Slovcr, Acting Chief of Police. The description answers the jew elry taken from the local store. Con stable Singler leaves tonight to get the man and bring him to Jledford. EDNA SAYS NAT WILL NOT , TRY TO BREAK AGREEMENT Weeks & McGowan Co. ' UNDERTAKERS J)y Phone M71 Night Phones F. W. Weeks 9071. A. E. Orr, LADY ASSISTANT. PAFtlS, July 11. Edna Goodrich said here today that she did not be lieve Nat Goodwin would find It pos sible to break tho famous Goodwin- Goodrlch ante-nuptial agreement of 1903. "Nat Is a fool to try to break this agreement," said Miss Goodrich. "This trust fund Is tho only thing that will save him from dying penni less. But his half of tho income will assure him of enough to live on the rest of his life." BONOS WILL SOON BEFI 9RWARDED Residents of Jackson boulevard have ten days in -vliioli to rail at the city recorder's office and take ml vantage of the Bancroft net, under which thej have ten years to pay their assessment for street paving. The assessment ordinance U pub lished today. If the residents do not sign up within ten days they mu-.t pay the nsses-ment in 11 lump sum. HOKE SMITH WILL' GET SENAT0RSH1P S. A. Kcan & Co. of Cleveland Ad vise City Recorder That Bonds Have Been Printed and Will Be Sent Here for Signature Soon. ' City Recorder Tolfer Tuesday re reived n letter from S. A. Kcan .V Co., bond buyers of Cleveland, Ohio, saying that the bonds hud been printed and would soon be forwarded to Medford for signature. As soon as the huds arc signed mill relumed the niofiey"will be avail able. This is the .?;IS,0(I0 authorized nt a recent city election and will he expended for Vnter mains and the improvement ut the fire department. 1ST WAIT FOR IEW ARMORY When Requisition Is Made on County In Order to Get Work Under Wny, Reply Is Received That $7,500 Is Not Available Now. WILL ERECT BUILDING 100 STORIES HIGH Bumper Wheat Crop. WALLA WALLA, Wash., July 11. If tho first wheat threshed this year may be taken as an Indication of general ( prospects, there will be a bumper crop in this section of Wash ington. Two thousand sacks of No. 1, forty fold, stored In the warehouse at Lowden yesterday, teats heavy and shows a yield of flfty-flvo bushels to the acre. Harvesting is general throughout tho valley today. Embezzler Surrenders. j ' 1 ;; 1 1 1 : 1 Successor to tho undertaking de-: ' JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Embalmer '' I ! partmont of Modford Furniture Co. ; Office with, Medford Furniture Co. : j j; Telephones': Day,' Bell 351; I : John A, Perl, residence, Bell 4111, I ! Home 179L. 1 . O. W. Conkllu 8601. J. H. But- I 1 i: 2ler G71. AMBULANCE BEBVIOB CHICAGO, 'July 11. -'Declaring Hint he had embezzled $000 from the Puci)io Electric railway, for which ho was agent nt San Pedro, Cal., a man giving the name of Raymond Duncan, 24, surrendered to the police here toduy. Tlie self-confessed embezzier said he was the gpn of W. B. Duncan, agent for the Southern Pacific ut Los Angeles. He claimed drink was responsible for his theft, and that n I.os Angeles lumbennun induced him to steal, ATLANTA. Ga.. July 11. -Hoke Smith of Georgia was only two vote snort of the necessary number to elect him United Stntes senator at the first separate ballot taken here today in the legislature, receiving 21 votes. Senator Terrell is Smith's nearest rival. It in believed that Smith wil. be elected on joint ballot tomorrow morning. Wreck Claims 15 Lives. imiDGEPORT, Conn., July 11. Hetween 12 and in persons wen killed and about "0 injured in tin wreck of the Federal Express, east- bound, on the New York, Xew Haven & Hartford railroad near hero-earlv today. Twelve corpses have been re covered from the wreckage, whicl immediately caught fire. The wrecked express train ran 011 lo n siding and tumbled over u bridge into the streot nt Fairfield avenue All the dead so Jar recovered wen' found "i the forward conches. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY t 4 4 4- 4- -f -f FOIt IIKNT A front office above Fanners & Fruitgrowers Hank. In qnlro room 20C, 99 FOR SALE Lot in Walnut Park uddltion. Price S30Q; small cash paymont, with easy terms on re mainder. Address Pout Office Box 838 or II, M. caro Mall Tribune office.' " THE' COLEMAN IIOOMB Hot and cold water ( and baths, garage,' i.uu per ween, i'lione ir-ij, juuij West Main. ' W $50,000 Blaze. NORTH VANCOUVER, II. C, July II. Flro which broko out in the Wallaco Shipyards limited, at about 1:30 o'clock this morning, totally destroyed the entire plant of the company, and ut 2:30 o'clock the flames threatened tho mill buildings of tho North Vancouvor dumber Company. Tho cause of tho blaze Is not yot known. Shortly after the first alarm' hud been sent In tho building of tho plant were a mass of flames and tho efforts of tho firemen had little ef fect on tho flro. CLKVKLANI), July 1.- Wc President Mortimer of the I'nitod States Kcnlty company of New York today announced to the Xaticmal Building Owner.-, and Managers con vention here that plans had been drawn for a HlU-ntory building in JN'ew Yoik. which 1 to he l.tiOO feet', high, the tallest ntructiiru in the wofld. M01 timer said the plans hnd been niilunilled to him just before he left N'ew "York. His company control about $."10,000,000 worth of New York skyscraper-.. FIFTY THOUSAND ELKS GATHER AT ATLANTIC CITY ATLANTIC CITY, JT. J.! July 11. Fifty thousand good fellows yell ing: "Hello, Bill," mid cnrryitig banners have stinted in to "wake up the town" today, '(hoy nro delegates to the first contention of the F.lks hdd here. Equal in numbers, if not in noise, is the International Chris (ion Endeavor congress, also meeting here. Ihese two gullMTings make a folul of 100,001) people, tho largest number of visitors ever eiitcilaiiied here. Ashland will have to wait until next year for her new armory, tin county court announcing that tho J7.C00 appropriated by tho county will not bo available before- January 1,1912. The message from the court was a surprise to tho AHlttntnl'TH who had rested easy In the boiler thnt the county's money would bo available 011 demand, Tho site for the Armory wan se lected by Coveruor West and Adju tant General Fiuzer during their visit hero about two mouths ago. This site Is on II street livtwtfon. First and Oak atreots. The IIR.UOO appropriated by the state became available about the first of June. Tho JT.fiOO appropriated b the city Ik also available. When tho matter was firm taken up with tho county court it was the undcrMtaudliiK of the local commit tee that the county would ndvanci tho appropriation Jmt as tho city would do. TAFT BULKS AT THE RECALL OE JUDGES New Indictments Asked. LOS ANOELEa, Cal., July 11. District Attorney John It. Fredericks and Deputy llorton appeared beforo tho grand Jury and asked now indict ments against B. If. Connors, F. Ira Bender and A. II. Maple, charged with having attempted to dynuinlto tho Hall of Records building. Judge Frank R. Willis had order ed tho former Indictments quashed WASHINGTON. 1). f ' , July 11. The Joint resolution for tho udmls- Hlon of New Mexico and Arizona was reported for pasnugo today by tho noiinto commltteo on territories. It Ik bald that president Taft told Sena tor Binlth of Michigan that ho would veto the mvusuru If tho recall of Judges provision tvero likely to re main lu tho Arizona constitution. Look nmong tho chissificiT'adH for the address of your next boardiiijr place I flfl f ft A f1lHt tl1 lwi I MAIltdllt ts-fjlu tsitio Tho loss la estimated at nearly of tll0 ,,, t0(lu ,m(, ot ,JC0n com. j0'000, plied with. Forest Fires Numerous. OTTAWA, Ont., July ll,-- Con tinued drought has rondored tho for est country of tho Ottawa Valley as dry as tinder, and numerous bush fires uro reported. Tho most serious loss thiiB far was at Eganvlllo, where tho flro swopt tho town, leaving two thirds of it in ashes. Tho total loss thus fur from tho fires Jb In tho neighborhood of 1500,000. Western Road Stocks Gain. NEW YORK, July 11, Tho sortiigth of western railroad stocks was tho font uro of today's opening mnrket. Union Pacific gained 3-4, St. Paul aiid Southern Pacific 5-8 and Croat Northern preferred 1-2. Othorwjso tho changes woro confin ed to small-fractions, Trailing was dull and tho -market closed firm, Bonds woro steady. Crater Lake Stage Line Official Crater La led Stage Autos leave Hotel Nash at 8 a. 111. Tiich- . days and Fridays, arrive Crater fjuko same evening. Bediming, leato Crater Lnko Monday and Thursday, Coiiuc lions with Steamer Klauiatli for Klamath Falls. Hound Trip $2.1.00, one way glff.OO. Medford to Klauiatli Falls via Crater Lako (ouo tvay) $18.5(1 Beservatloiis and tickets at Hotel Nash or Crater Lake Caragu, Nr 0tUnd, Ctlifornla Tlie only Woman', College on the Pnclfic Coait. Uiarlcrrit 1BH5. Ncr two urcnt UnlvemlliM, lilMI climate tlipniuliout tliu year. Kntranco mil ifrailiialloii rtnmitiiK-nt eiiilvalcnt to :lioe ut Stanford mid I nlvrmity of California. l.nlKjratorlit for ickiicd wild moilrrn rniiln. inciif, llxcrllcnt oiorunitU-i fur borne rionomlct, library study, riiuilo anil nrt. AlciiJcni (,'ymiiaiiiiin. fliieclnl caw for lu-allli of ttudcnti, init-i our life. I'rcnlilnii, lairlbi CM Canon, A. M l.ltt. U.I.I.. I), i'or ) California. THE REX MARKET VN AIM TO Mi:iili TIIIJ MKHT MIJAT IN TIIK CITV, AND AM WU ASK TO PHUVU IT IS A TRIAL. IfUi't this n fair pioioitltl(iu7 10 lb. Pail Lard $1.20 5 lb. Pail, 65c 3 lb. Pail 40c Pite. Phone 11071. Homo I II. MEDFORD IRON WORKS 10. (I. 'lYowljrifljrr, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST lAlMcimlH of lOngiiics, Spraying OnlfilH, PiiinpH, Boiloi-s and iMachiiHM'jr, AtjiK in So. Oroon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. ysrah-t'.sJt PLUMBING vSTfAM AND 1101 WAIIK IHIING All Work rSuariintttQtl 1'ricun ItiutHonahlu COFFEEN SL PRICE 'jm iiovvAJti) iH.ooic. KNTitANi'i: on itttt si'iii.'irr. nioNK nun --r-4n4rir.-4mm4Ur.. FANS They nto bealtlifitl F F They nro winltiiry JL A They an' comfortable A . .. x Iliey -OH oiie.lntlf tent all hour tit run N TsJ - " They nr Junl the lltlug ti JL l keep jour cnstiiiiier In l good liiiutor - Then tthy not buy win? Call at the Electric Building 209 Wost Main and Examine the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. NEWPORT -YAQUINA BAY- OregoiTs Matchless Beach Resort '.i'c 7: it .'; ' Tho Place lo flo for Perfect l?esl, and Kvery Conce.iv ablo Jfoi'in ot' JJoaltlii'iil and DoIiliYl'iil Recreation ITS FACrLlTircS A RIO OOilPhlOTlO--I!eH(, of food and an tibutKlniicaol' it. IYh!i walei- IVoiu llics monn tain Hi roams. All modern necessities, such as iele tfraph, (oleplioiie, marlcels freslily provided every day. .Fuel jn ulMindaneu. Ootlaes jiartly J'uriiislied or lini'nrnislied io lie had cheaply. Strict iininicijial sanitary regulations. NEWPORT is reached by way of Ihe .Soiilhern Pa cific to Albany or Corvallis, I hence (Jorvallis & JOast ern R. R. Train service daily and (ho trip a pleasure throughout .Mtolld&lM FARE FROM MEDFORD Season six-montlis tickot $ll.l0 Our elalioralo now Summer Rook gives a concise description of Newport, including a list of holtds, iheir capacity and rates. Call on, lelcphono or write A. S. ROSJ3NI3AUM, .Local Agent, JUedford. WM. MqMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon