a; 1 1 Js $ f. 1 PXGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNR iMUl)lX)KD,'OKEtiOK, SUNDAY, JULY 9, 10lf. V v w tier1 a'j my1 WOE TO START BAND STAND SOON Medford Concrcto Company Making Cement Blocks for Ground Floor Cement Is Given by Different Lum- t i her Companies. The bnnd stand in the park Is an assured thing' now and work will" be xinrtcd on It Immediately. Tho Med ford Concrcto Company who ore to make tho com on t blocks which will form tho ground, floor, start work thU week on them, It .takes two weoks for tho block to dry, so that work la the nark will not bo started until tho -blocks arc ready to place. The Concrcto Company liave offer ed -tho services of two men to furnish tho gravel and a committee from the Greater Medford Club has secured enough cement to make tho blocks. Tho cement was most graciously do nated by the Big Pines Lumber Com pany, the Woods Lumber Company, tho Medford Lumber Company and tho Clarjc-Honory Construction Com pany. Tho "committee from the club hopo to be able to secure donations from the lumber company's, mer chants and evory one Interested so that tho band stand can be properly built. Tho public lavatories and toil ets, will be on the ground floor, the walls and floor of this part being built of cement. Tho bond stand will be about eight feet from the ground and will seat thirty men. The struc ture will bo. twenty -feet across and will bo octagaval In shape and when vinos and flowers are planted around It will be very attractive. V Built of Rogue River Granite i t i 'i H ' inlMflF '"I "" ki vAriliriMMIBl .- .iMtfllliHi!iLi'3)&4ii"L39IHHMa2 ibwhrhhrH' bab v f b x TxHH sbVbbbVi f'vsBBr i IBFmmKhBbKAbbH J BB & St. Mnrks bU'ok, completed within the paU year by Ihe St. Murks Kpis eopnl elmrelu One Million Dollars Being Spent in Building (Continued from paro 1.) ERECT BUILDINGS. (Continued from Pago 1.) of the Mirivings nnd dust will bo in stalled. When completed this will bo one of the best equipped shops south of Pdrtlnnd nnd will be able to put out the best work in all kinds of houso finishing, cabinet work, innntiefc, etc. The firm's growing business necessitated the change to larger quarters. EUGENE, Oro. Notification was received today that tbo Phi Gamm Delta fraternity, one of -tho most ex clusive collego . organizations, has granted a charter to-thc Beaver Club. 000 brick and 30 carloads of lumber. The contract price for its erection was $1:20,000. It will contain 100 rooms and will be five htories in height. Business men of Medfoid raked $10,000 by popular Mibscripf tiou, purchased n lot and tendered it to the sisters ns a bomu. It in to be completed by January 1. L'p to date in every respect, it will be a splendid addition to the city. In order-to accommodate the great growth in numbers of school children, the school board recently let n con tract for two new school houses, one oa the -west nnd the other on the ens.t Mdc of the city. Each of these buildings will cost $40,000 and will be ready for occupancy by the first of the coming school year. The First National bank, the first institution of its kind here to pass the million dollar mark with its state ment, having outgrown its old quar ters, has had its old- building erected some years ago torn down and hut let a contract for a new building which will have a. solid stone front and will cost $50,000.- As this insti tution stands in .the heart of the city the building will be a great addition. It will be well finished in-ido the marble to be used costing over $10,-000. One of tlie handsomest buildin It is two stories in height and cost $ 10,000. Many Other HuilnesK Mocks. Mnnv other business blocks are bo ing elected, including the following: ereclr.l in the eitv is Mhe Sparta ilu-mess college. .V-'.,000: garage bWk. which is inst ready for occu- -fl-'.OOO; Slewing, $1.,(I00; Seher- jKincy. It cost $30,000 and is bm.t j nierhorn. fl.",000; Smith apartment of white pressed brick. It stands out at the east end of Main -street, owing to n jog in the property line, and has created much comment owing to its rich nppeamnee. Mail Tribune ltlock. The Mail Tribune block has been completed and is a handsome two story building of reinforced concrete with a white plnster finish. It is the finest newspaper office in any of the smaller cities of the northwest. The building cost $'25,000. Next to it n four story apartment house is being erected, at 1111 estimated cost of $30, 000. A local Mnonio building associa tion bus been formed and local Ma sons will soon break ground for the erection of n four-story Masonic temple, which is to cost $40,000. The Davis building at the corner of Central invenue nnd Sixth strce's, house. $10,000. 'In addition to these the government has appropriated $110,000 with which to elect n fed oral buililin in the city. A'-ide from these buildings the res idences in course ot erection range from the $2500 bungalow to thu man sion LONG OFFERS TO C0NSTRU0T MILLION DOLLAR HOSPITAL I'OKTLANI), Or.. July 8. An of. fcr of $1,000,000 for the construction of a national hospital at Kansas Cify, the money to be delivered with in 10 years-. wusmndo today by It. A Long of Kansas City, beforo the Christian church convention, in ses sion here. Long tipulnted, however. that a like sum should be raised by the Chri-tinn church for tjic under taking, tie .said that the monny would he only given with thu under standing that the hospital bo 11011- .is a handsome building of white brick. sectarian. SUPPLY (RAVEL FDR THb PAVING Medford Concrcto Construction Com pany Closes Contract With Clark & Hcnery Co Making and Ship ping. Scwcr Pipe to Ashland. The Modfovd Concrete Coictnio tioii company has closed a eoiilnuit with tit"-' Clark-llenery company for 15,000 yurds of high grade washed sand, gravel and crushed ook. This coutr-act nlouu is enough U keep '10 company hi operation for four mouths nt a steady run. This company has, within the hA six weoksj shipped five cai loads of sewer pipe to Ashland. The payroll in connection with the sand gravel, mid scwcr pipu business, is $500 11 week. An idea of the volume of sower pipe business done by tho Medford Concrete Construction com pany tuny he gained from the fact that in April, May and June the cunt, pany sold tho city 125,000 feel of pipe. The goods are "uuidn in Med ford'' and the concern Ih oi of the latest Af the local mnnufnctnrics. With n prospect of lower frcin, rates on cement the company will put in a machine for manufacturing fo ment tilo drains In nil sixes. This will mean that ranchers, or others, mny drive to Medford and get a load of drain tiles and that there will lie no freight charges or bother of get ting up a carload order. Haaklni for-Health. AH Under Cover Waiting for you with the best stock of lumber in Soutnern Oregon. Try us, corner 3rd and Evergreen. Medford Lumber Company Medford Teni 0& Awning' Co. - te1 11 III B MAxn-wrmicit oi-' AWNINUS, TIINTtf, CANVAS COVIlltS HI- Al.l KINMS ItiMiniiUc Veiitllutlug Vliidot AwiiIiiki Can ln I'liued on Any lliillitliiK In Tlm-o .Minutes Without S-ivu Ky or 'I'aikN, Alio Ail 11 a Ventilator. Wo nhu)H ker-p on I111111I 11 supply of fn-i.li mint.' ti-nln. CABINET WORK We manufacture anything in this line. Store, Of fice furniture and Fixtures, Mission Furniture, Etc.- WORK DONE IN OAK, FIR, WALNUT OR ANY WOOD DESIRED Mission furniture works 115 S. Holly , Phones: Howe I99L, Pacific 3362 - 1 r k a . ' 'f-V Mr. i -. ' w - ' H" t' K if O . J v, 9 f ' - s' " ' U HH k tL ft H rmr mm vf A mi i i -4, &.: r, f " ": r?..W.7 "-'!: rrf- v , m i. - t ' w V f ''.ft 't' i . W f aT- - It J, 4' ' r i, i i f K y .-Ft- I oi rtil r HI- H H n.H ' ' ' ' . .... .! f,. ,inii ill il I iff