SA-,, BUILDING SECTION MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE BUILDING SECTION m ?0VVY-imiH'V YtiAIt. MmifOlil) OWSCJOtf, SUNDAY, JULY 9, 1011. No. 92. MAKING MEDFORD THE BEST BUILT CITY IN OREGON VAST AMOUNT OF MATERIALS FOR BUILDING Seven Hundred Cnrlonds of Lumber, Forty Thousand Barrels of Ce ment, $125,000 Worth of Brick, $30,000 In Paint. SI, 0000,000 BEING SPENT IN BUILDING The Heart of the Business District of Medford TOTAL EXCEEDS RECORD OF YEAR AGO BY THIRD Brick Is Made Locally as Are Ce ment Products Stone Supplied by Local Quarries. Many Fine Business Blocks Delnnj Erected and Scores of Attractive Residences In All Parts of the City Are Under Way With More Planned SUBSTANTIAL STRUCTURES TO HOUSE BUSINESS FIRMS Stone. Brick and Concrete Bulldlnus All Represented Appearance of City Rapidly Changing. H UftHMf Tim following HliiiuittM h Id the amount of building ma terial which will ho used in .Mcilfiinl tliirhiK Mil, have been fiirnihi'tl by lending dealer in the vurioiH hues: Lumber, 700 carloiiilri, or H.000,000 foot, valued at $:ioo,ouo. Cement, -1(1,01)11 barrels, or P.'O.OOO wicks, valued tit lfiO,U0U. I'aint to an iiiiioiiut of :in,ooo. Iliif-k to mi nmoiint of .ll!r,000. Iluildliig hiiidwuni to an amount or-.tot,miO. For ordinary 'building materials ctutbtHtiitt; of lumber, brick, paint, hardware and eemnil. .Medford with tlii year expends- over .tlloO.OOO, no. finding to estimates furnished by leadint; husiiliirfrf finurt of the oily dealing in these liiu-n. Tim money expended for tlnr hiipplics will ex ceed thovoconl of 10 1 0 by oiie-thiid or .fJOO.OOD. It will icqulrn upproximalcly 701) carload of lumber or 11,(1110,111)0 feet to htipply t)it demand locally during It'll. This Imnher n valued at $'JO a thousand or .fJHO.OOO. Over f 10,(100 barrels of cement valued at :i.(U a barrel or $1X1,000 will bo used In various improve ments. Much brick Is lining mudu locally and sold to contractors, A certain amount of ftriek bus been im)ortcd. Over .fl'JJi.UOO will bo expended for this material nlono. I'aint will he spread plentifully, over 1:10,000 going '"r- 'his. Building hardware will he used hi Inrgo onlers, the total cost being es timated at .r)0,)00, Aside, from theho estimates, stone mid cement blocks will swell thti to tal as will plustur, wiring, plumbing and the like, heiligTbIT theatre if aided Calvin IIoIIIk loft Saturday even ing for Portland, after having looked tho ground over thoroughly regard liiK a theater In Medford. Ho real that Medford Ih all excellent hIiow town and Is quite wIIIIiik to liiilhl a theater on the sumo terniH and condltloiiH that his comiiauy Ih building them In other places, name ly; to have a curtain number of IioiuIh taken hy tho citizen. Tho IioikIh would draw 7 tier rent, and with thu pVopqrty all cleared of eiH'umhraucu except tho IioikIh, which would represent about one-half the actual property, It would make a ho unity an Kilt edged as u real estate mortgage, A theater tuur the mnnngoinoiit of Mr, Holllg and IiIh auuoclateH would eiiHtire tho highest claim of attractloiiH that conio to tho Pacific, coast, mid thuso investing In liondH could he us Hiired that thu house- would ho run on Htrlctly IiuhIiiudh prluelpleH and the 7 per cent InteroHt paid promitly, There are uovorul oxeollont loca tions that can iu uoettred at a roiinon ahlo figure, In addition in spending close to a million dollars for paving and other improvements Medford will upend no less than . 1,000,000 in business blocks and lcsidvnecs during the present building hcasou. .January 1, llll'J, .Till tiud nearly 20 new Iiiim iiosh hlocks erected, while the num ber of new homes can only be esti mated. No lexs than 7f buildings for rcidonco purposes are now in course of erection. In every direction streets ant partially blocked by huge piles of building materials. Lumber ami brick dealers have estimated Hint this yuiiKs record will exceed that f HMO by 3.'l per ecu). Hotel .Meilfortl Is t'mtcr Way. This mhisoii will see among 'the new buildings ejected a modem five story hotel, which U to be the Mer of any hotel outside of Portland in the state. lt will contain 10(1 room, and cost $IW,0I)0. The hotel, which will be known as the ".Medford," eame ih the result of a three-year agitation for a commodi ous new hotel. Local business men, headed by Dr. K. Hartou Piekel, mem ber of (he slate board of health, sub scribed tolhe building fund, The ho tel will bo opened about September t. Store's Home to Cost 9100,000. Another of the large building blocks being erected Ibis year is to be the home of the .Medford Furni ture & Hardware company and will cost $1(10,000. This building will be four stories in height, of concrete and be the largest More building of its kind in southern Oregon. It wilt be ready for occupancy iu the fall. Fin ishers are now at work. Hospital Will Haw 100 Itooms. Tho Sisters of Providence are erecting u modern hospital iu Ibis city to be called the "Saered Heart Hospital," which will require 1,000,- "I " '" ' WXFmmBSSmLBaKSStBAmmM V""- '.I" MiivAnJHLSaLj . - mmm.R--jw.-mmci t. t.-rxjfK ujit .'yrrxH. .j, vks- v- -.j IMMiBaHmiil lIRH " ?'- '" JTT' r"3Wt? w! . i M m Fourth of July parade marching do wn Main street. Elk' lodge hi foro ground. MANY HOMES BEING ERECTED Medford Sash & Door Company Re port Many Calls for Residence Fix tures Which Shows Healthy Tend ency of Building Operations. jilt I a il oil on iwibo !) "We ure having lots of calls for work for homes at present," stated .Mr. Hansen of the Medford Sash A Door company Saturday. "And that fact H)eaks well for continued build ing activity in Medford. Of cource wu have bad oiir fiharu of the big work, and recently you will note we havejind a very large share of it, bin the home building feature is what impresses me n being a good sign for the city." This concern has been successful iu being awarded contracts for build ing material on au unusually large percentage of the new buildings in Medford and are experiencing a pros perous year. ERECT BUILDING FOR OPERATIONS Building Supply Company Constructs Structure 80 by 80 Feet, Two Stories High as Workshop and Factory All Kinds of Finishing The large building erected by- the Huilders' Supply company, ens't ;f Hear creek on Jackson boulevard, Is near completion and will be a marked addition to lunnufactunug Medford. Tho building is S080 feet nnd two stories Ingle The hlrgc machines are to stand on concrete on tho firt floor mid nil the light machines will be operated on the second floor. The first floor alone will have more floor space that the plant now being used by this growing concern. The officers, workroom, glue benches, etc., will also bo on tho sec ond floor. A paint room and glass room will be put iu the ground .floor and a blower sy-tem of getting rid MASONS PLAN FINE TEMPLE Will Be Built of Oregon Material Throughout and Local Firms Will Handle the Job Even the Furni ture Is to Be Made In Medford. (Continue! on naco X) Medford's New Hospital Now Under Construction Plans have been completed for u four-story Musonic temple to cost not less than $40,000, to bo erected at the southwest comor of Maui street and Ittversido avenue. This building will bo second to nono in the state in point "of beauty nnd utility. It will lmvo a frontage of 43 feet on Main street mid 141 feet on Hivorsido avenue. Iu addition to tho four stoncsf there will bo n full basement uudcr the entire building nnd extending to the curb line of tho sidewalks, in which will bo installed the heating plant, fuel rooms, ware rooms for stores nbove, janitor's quarters and u commodious and modorn cafe. Tho first story above basement will continue two mercantile storo rooms, tho nir lobbys, vestibules unci rest rooms. Top Floors for Lodge. Tho second story will consist en- mvg vi tu4ti.v k.iaivi ti ivvuif i hall-1 EAGLE POINT BANK BUILDS Handsome Two Story Structure Com pleted for New Financial Institu tionFixtures All Made In Med ford by Mission Furniture Co. Tho bandsomo two-story building just completed for the First State bank at Eugle Point, is largely the product of JTedford workmanship and reflects credit nliko to Eagle Point nnd this city. The .bank will open its new doors Monday and its omcers have been busy receiving compliments from customers and vis itors. All of tho fixtures and practically all of the bank furniture was made by tho Mission Furniture Works of Medford. Part of tho work is done in oak and part in Oregon fir. The locul-concern that supplied tho fix tures is coming to the front in this line and is proving its capability of turning out high class work. It cm- ploys a number of skilled workmen and tho ambition of each seems to bo how good nnd not bow cheaply a piece of work can bo done. It is n homo industry that is deserving of encouragement us it has shown that it can do work as well and us reasonably as outside firms. BEST PAVED CITYQFITSS1ZE IN NWS City Council Orders Hundred Thou sand Square Yards of Additional Hard Surface Pavement at Its Regular Monthly Meeting Friday. TOTAL PAVED STREETS TO EXCEED 24 MILES IhtHomout finished and a hundred men at work constructing walls of Sacred Heart hospital on Nob hill. Iliiihliiig Mil cost .tl'2,u0 and will contain ,100 room, ho la'rgot hospital in Oregon outside Portland, together with wido corridors, ball-1 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., July 8. ways and stairs. Tho third and That tho Kobort Dollar Steamship fourth stories will bo used for lodgo company of Snn Francisco is con- purposes exclusively. K,est rooms, templating n change from tho British parlor, library, commandory nud'to tho Chinc&o flag is admitted to- radB have- also called tor tho laying day by Stanley Dollar. Ho said this ' n asphalt macadam road botweon movo would bo nindo with the expeo- thla c,tX n"d Central Point. Medford Million Dollars Is Approximate Cost of Paving Medford Streets Work Is Being Pushed. Nearly 100,000 squaro yards ot asphalt paving was ordered by tho city council Friday evening. Thoao streets which will bo paved aro North Grape from Sixth to Vermont; South Ivy from Eighth to Thirteenth; Rose avenuo from Seventh to Fourth; Beatty from C to Manzanlta; Ben nett avenuo from Howard to Roose velt; Tenth street wcst from Oak dalo to Holly; Washington from Genesee to Roosevelt; Hamilton from Oakdalo to Oleson; Oleson from Sec ond to Fourth; Third from D'AnJou to Apple; Mistletoe from Main to Tenth; South Peach from Seventh to Eighth; Newtown from Scvonth to Tenth; Bartlett from Eighth to Ninth; Orange from Tenth to Elev enth; Minnesota avenue from Geneva to Roosevelt; Alloy of block 2, Cen tral arcifuo, running - "north and' south; alley through block 21 from East Soventh to Sixth, and alley from Eighth to point sevcnty-(lvo feet from Seventh. llcst Patcd City. Tho time Is close at hand when Medford will bo known as tho best paved city of Us slzo In America. Threo hundred men, modern machin ery and nearly 150 head of horses aro employed in transforming her streets, which .heretofore in mld-wln-ter havo been but streaks of mlro into boulevards open to traffic tho year around. To date nearly 300,--000 squaro yards of pavement has been laid whilo contracts for similar quantity has just been lot. When completed Medford will havo nearly twenty-four miles of paved streets, costing nearly SI, 000, 000, a trem endous amount considering tho pop ulation now estimated at 10,500. Threo years ago thoro was not a single squaro yard of paving in tho state south of Eugeno. Then it was that Medford, an ambitious Uttlo city of 5000 souls started an agitation for better streets. Each winter found her thoroughfares impassiblo. Tho agi tation grow and a contract was lot for 35,000 yards. This was laid on tho principal street of tho city and so obvious wore Its bonoflts, that tho following season an additional con tract was lot. This soason this has been supplemented by a contract as great as tho first two together. Other towns In southern Orogon havo pro fited by Mcdford's examplo and now aro having their streets surfaced. Tho county court recognizing tho bcuoflts to' bo dorived from good other lockers and dressing rooms, banquet hull, unto rooms, kitcliou, lodge hall, and supplementary purt nients, will ul bo arranged admira bly and providod with every facility essential to comfort of lodgo attend ants and their friends. The ventilating and heating sys tem throughout tho building will bo ideal. By pressing n button, mech nnism will be sot iu motion thnt will givo entire change of air in tho lodgo apd banquet rooms in but n few mo incuts without chilling anyone of causing discomfiture. This -will bo au emergency arrangement supple mentary to tho regular ventilating provision which will for nil regular occasions bo ample. White Pressed IJrkk Wulls. Tho exterior of tho building will bo of white prossed brick and gran ite with torm cotta trim. Tho building dosign throughout is massivo mid will, when completed, impart an aspect of dignified gran deur. Tho designing nnd decoration ot the lortjro room mid fixtures will bo tation that tho Chinese government would grunt it n subsidy. a modorn adaptation of Egyptian modes. There will bo special fcuturcs of lighting that aro entirely original und will ndd muo hto tho attractiveness of tho interior. The firm of Power, Hooves & West aro in ohurgo of tho work. It is the intention thnt all work and all ma uteriuls shall bo providod, ns far as possible, with local people. All ma toridls Mnst bo of Oregon production. Tho Masons boliovo in patronizing homo industries, consequlmtly all fur nishings will bo purchased of homo merchants or olso mado in Med ford. The special furniture of tho lodg room will bo do&igned by tho archi tects nnd will be built in Hertford shops of nativo woods nnd finished iu ft way to proouro uniquo effects of tho highest degroo of perfection known to tho craft. pointed tho way. Who Is Doing It? Tho glguntlc task of making Med ford tho best paved city in America Is in tho hands of tho Olark & Hon ory Construction company of Sacra mento and Stockton, Cal. That they aro doing a good job and aro laying a superior pnvomont is ovldoncod by tho fact that thoy havo just boon awarded tho second contract aftor laying six or sovon miles ot their uhj plialt pavoment Iu tho city. Thoy now havo moro work than thoy can complete this season, which will ox tend until tho rainy soason sots In, but thoy aro making great offortH to got as much ot tho work dono us posslblo. Thoy will comploto their original contract Into in July und then will start on tho work ot laying tho additional 300,000 yards of pnvomont. It may bo that a third contract will bo given them next sea son but oven If this is not done Med ford, for Its size, will be the bet paved city Iu tho United Stat. n v. t; 1