Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 09, 1911, BUILDING SECTION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 10

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    I -I
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Medford Mail Tribune
The Dmi)crntle Tim en. Thn MndfnrJ
Mall, The Medford Tribune, The South
nm (iresonian, Tiie Anniana Tribune,
Offlco Mall Trlbuno Building, 25-S7-20
North Fir Htreet; phono. Main 3021
Home 75.
ORonOi: PUTNAM. Editor and VmnRKfr
Kntpmd am RcnnllAnB mntfnr r
Medford. OrB0ii, under the act o(
marcn , i7.
Official Paper of the Cltr of Medford
uinciai I'aper ot jocKaon (jounir
One year, by mall 15.00
one month by mall .60
rer month, delivered by carrier in
Medford. Jacksonville and Cen
tral Point SO
Sunday only, by mall, per year.... 3.00
Weekly, per year 1.60
Dally averace for six month, ending
uecemocr si, isiu, zai.
Toll Xreaaed Wire TTnlte ris
The Mall -Tribune In on sale at the
Ferry News stand. Bon Franeiaco.
Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland
Bowman Nowa Co., Portland. Ore,
W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wash.
City Council Passes an Ordinance
Defining Districts in Which One
May Be Operated Came at Re
quest of University Club.
A Suitable Place of Amusement
fas. f
;ft sy
An ordinance, backed by the
Rogue River Valley University club,
which was hurried into action by the
report that a livery stablo was to be
opened by R. H. Bradshaw next door
to their quarters in the Mail Tribune
building, was passed by the city coun
cil Friday evening, which defines a
district in which a livery stable can
be opened and maintained. No livery
stable can be placed within 100 feet
of any church, school, club or hotel.
Clarence Reames, for the Univer
sity club, appeared before the council
and spoko for the ordinance, which
was passed unanimously. Mr. Reames
called attention to the fact that a
livery stablo bred a great many flies
and that it was unsanitary, and for
this reason should be restricted to
certain districts. The new ordinance
will not effect any livery stable now
in operation.
Charles Gay of this city, who has
served for several years as deputy
game warden, resigning recently, has
been appointed to a position in the
state penitentiary. He will have
charge of that institution's commis
sary. Mr. Cay will make his home:
at Salem. He leaves July 14 to as
surae his new duties.
Chrysanthemum Circle, No. 84, will
imeet at the Angle opera house this
afternoon to drill for special work
at lodge on Tuesday night. Your at
tendance in desired. 92
IN noooi'daih'.e with its established policy, tho. Mail
Tribune, today issues a special building section sum
marizing the building activities of the year, thus showing
the world what wo are doing, and what is being done to
make Medford the most attractive, the best built, and most
metropolitan city of its size in America.
"When the work for the present season is completed
Medford will have a paved area consisting of twenty-four
miles of hard surfaced paved streets. She will have tbirty
fivo miles of cast iron distributing water mains and as
many more miles of sewers, and twice as many miles of ce
ment sidewalks.
Medford is doing more building and has done more
building for tho past three years than any two of the
smaller cities of the northwest. This pace is being main
tained nnd still there is scarcely a vacant storeroom oi resi
dence in town. The demand is greater than the supply,
which accounts for rents being higher than they should be.
The country has developed along with the city, even
ahead of the city. There are now planted in the neighbor
hood of eighty thousand acres of commercial orchards,
principally choice apples and peal's, which in another five
years will mean an annual shipment of at least 5,000 ears
of fruit, and in ten years, 20,000 cars. As this fruit is the
finest grown and commands the highest prices, it is no
idle dream to conjure the Rogue River Valley ere long the
richest section of Oregon.
A general revivaf of mining, one of the principal re
sources of Southern Oregon, has begun. The organization
of the Southern Oregon Mining Bureau for the purpose
of systematically developing the mines of this section, by
assisting miners, assaying prospects, interesting capital
and advertising the possibilities marks the .first real effort
made iu this region to develop this long negcetel resource,
since the days when the placer mines yielded their bo
Announcment that the Great Northern railway board
of directors has voted $25,000,000 to be available at once
for the extension and construction of the Hill lines in Ore
gon, means the'speedy completion of the Pacific & Eastern
from Medford to a connection with the Oregon Trunk in
Central Oregon, thus giving Medford two transcontinental
lines and open up a new trade empire to her merchants J
and jobbers. The completion of this road will start lumborp Zu
manufacturing upon a large scale m the great iorests' V0H l)V Mrs. Jonn M. il0ot.
through which the railroad crosses the mountains.
Effort is also being made to secure manufactories.
The Rogue River Electric company, which is constructing
a 25,000-horsepower plant at Prospect, at a cost of a mil
lion dollars, offers free power for a year in any quantity to
any manufactory which may locate here which does not
conflict with an alreadv established business. Cement fac
tories and other concerns are planning to take advantage
of the offer.
"In the development of the valley, the need of the truck
farmer has been keenly felt, and this problem is being
solved by the Rogue River Canal company, now construct
ing a $2,000,000 irrigation system, which offeis suitable
tracts at moderate cost, no money being asked for the first
two years, and the paj'inents being strung over a series of
years so as to enable the thrifty and industrious farmer to
make the property pay for itself .out of its earnings. t
Effort to secure terminal, lower andistributive rates
out of- Medford so that a jobbing center could be created
here as natural and geographical conditions warrant,
have borne fruit already in reductions ordered by the
state railroad commissions. Several cases aVe now pend
ing before the interstate commerce commission as well as
the statejpiilroad commission, upon which a decision is ex
pected by September, and there is little doubt in the minds
of the Medford contestants, but that the city will secure
the relief prayed for.
The growth of Southern Oregon and of Medford has
only been rapid in comparison with the rest of the state.
It is not due to a boom in any sense of the word, but the
result of systematic efofrt for the development and erploi
tation of one of the most beautiful and picturesque, as well
as naturally rich countries on the face of the globe.
tfiri; .- : ' - - i,. -'Ws.wti
; !:S Jill 'f l-iNv ' ' -'-13'
mm votes
Cummins Ainciulmuitt to Cnnaitlaii
Reciprocity Aiireiincnt Diifnntml
in' Siiiialo Willi Only Bare Qiiiiiimi
Proscnt Protest Is Matte.
Tho Xntatoriiun, t'oinploU'tl willt in tho past year nl a 'nl nl' $ (15,(1011. ('onlaiii
rooms. Tinlash baths, auditorium, ilanciui; halls, hillianl rooms. IxHtliht; alhy-,
nasiuai. thoatn, etc.
NuittihiiUtf iool-., lini',
lioutiiiir ffalli'iii'M, uyu
WAHIII.NMITON, I). (',. July S.-
Tlio I'uuiiulUH aniuailaioat to (ho tool-
IMOdlly tlKI'Vl'IIHMlt IIIOVllltllK I lit m I
UiiMtt la ailiiilttvul friMi'fniiii Ciiiiuila
wan ilxroiili'il la (hi Hiiaato tialay, II
to a
Only a luiro iiionim wan iiintmul
Wll'll I'tllllttllltM' IIKMlt IllllOtlllllll'lll wu
't(l I'll, ClIUimlllM Ulllott(i IIKIllllHt
tiiiiliiK a vtito oa li Ik Ihmiich an im-
, ran
'I'lio ii'iitilillcaa tn'(ii;nMtlvoi4, with
liilli'V, Hliiuiioiit) ami Tlmniloli, ilma
'luratH, Hiiiniii'(l CTiiiniliiM' nioat
llofon tho volo wan lakioi llalloy
niailo a motion la adjourn. Thin wait
, di-fonlfil, L'S to 111.
I'lI.llM CUItlil) XH 0 TO H UAYfl.
V.V.0 OINT.MKNT In KiinruiilrKO 10
rur mi)' tilli nf IIHIOIIIT. Iillll'l, lilxmllllif
or tirotruilliii; pllrx la la li Unyn or
money n'fiimtixt. BUn.
H.iNliliiH for irmtlth.
KtiKoao Smith of tho .Monarch Oil
UeflnlnK company was so pleased
with tho Fourth of July oolehratlon
and tho aarado that ho cave a ton
gallon can of Diamond auto oil to
tho winner of tho first prlio for tho
Medford's $50,000 Southern Pacific Depot
Mr. Smith has made. Medford tho
distributing point of southweatern
Orogon for their lubricating oil nnd j
tho Medford Automobile Supply coin-
pany are tho firms that has secured .
tho contract.
'..,'" ' . " n V-'
L J0L '.' " 1 lH',i
iiiHOBfiBBw "
Y TTP'M)I'''IT W'wrr7WWtrwTnrr2'Jmi' wipwwiMaJ1 "wmwn unmmm m" , J"jRr
tMrfmHH.lffcirM'B I SUFI Mflv -Arw njflw-.,
toAloiiiLTl.' f.'-wfri r "; ,w ,
(From Southern. "Stylo Hook)
"Divnehinjr nmirlnSinir of Iho half
is a mistake. Tjo much water lia
milled more than one head of line
hair. It is possible to remove more
of tho natural oil of the scalp than
is beneficial, and1 a certain amount
is required to kcc the scalp soft nnd
pliable, afl'ordim: good growing
''round for (lie hair.
'Dr&hnmpooirig renin vch dust and ;
excessive oil, refreshes and invigor
ates the scalp and leuvoK the hair
clean and fresh. Mix four ounce
of orris root an.d four ounces if
therox, and you have a dependable
slinii)xn powder. .Sift a teaspoonful
upon the head, then brush it well and
carefully through the hair and your
shampoo is over, with no hours of
waiting for your hair to dry or ex
posure to the danger of enlehiiig
cold. Tliorox promotes (ho growth
of hair, and makes it light, fluffy
mid beautifully lustrous,"
Medford Concrete Construction Comp'y
Manufacturers of
Crushed Rocks, Screened Gravel, Washed Sand
for Concrete Work
Delivered to Any Pait of the City.
C. J. SEMON, Manager, Office, Farmers & Fruitgrowers
Bank Building. Phone M. 652
Plant, North Riverside, Phone M. 6091
If you are a builder or are having building done, you are interested in good ma
tenal and workmanship. Doors, Sashes, Screens, Scrolls, Store Fronts, Panel Work,
Veneer Work, etc., etc. Look at our plant, get our prices. Our work may be seen in
Medford's best buildings and homes. -
WE SHOW SCROLLS, CAPITOLS, PANELS, ETC. That will make a plain houne protty. Their uso is
not expensive either for our mill work is all as moderately priced as good materials and good workmanship
will permit.. Come and see how much of your house we can save you from having made to order. From tho
front porch to the kitchen door we have things that will save you time and money. .
Medford Sash $ Door Company