PA13E SIX JMEDFOTID MAIL TRTBUNE, MEDFORD, ORTCCION, FRIDAY, ,TULY 7, 1011'. LIVERY STABLE I CAUSES 1 Neighborhood of Fir and Main Ex cited Over Prospect of Having Stable In Midst Charles Palm Rents Storeroom for Purpose. MANY LEAVING FOR FOOTHILLS Camping Season Opens and Towns people Arc Preparing to Seek Re spite From Hot Weather by Taking to the Kills. HitBtncBfl men and merchants In tho vicinity of Fir and Main streets are highly Incensed over tho prospect ot having a livery stable In their midst, and have raised a fund to fight Its Installation In every possible way as a public nulsanco. Tho store room on North Fir and tho alley, formerly used by W. M. Hodson as a garage and later by Mor doff as a second hand store has been leased by It. H. Bradshaw for livery Btablo purposes. It was proposed to remodel tho structuro and transform It Into a livery stable, keeping a number of horses thore. As necessary repairs cannot bo mado without a permit, tho city coun- ell will be asked to refuse tho permit Tho building lsy owned by Charles W. Palm. $45,000 PAID KEENE FOR HIS 57 YEARLINGS NEW YORK, July 7. Desirous of preventing further contradictory statements respecting the price paid to James R. Kccno for his 57 year lings, Harry Pnyno Whitney made it public today that the sum was $45, 000. Tho pick of tho bunch will go to Joyncr, at New Market, Eng land, and the rest will be raced in this country. NIGHT POLICE NABS BURGLAR. (Continued from para L) The camping season is at hand and many locnl people aro preparing to take to the hills. As tho hunting season docs not open until later in the season this year it has a tendency to keep a number in town until the first of August but in spite of this daily wagons loaded with camping outfits aro seen departing for the timber. A largo number of people are pre paring to camp this season at Butte Falls. Many beautiful spots abound in that region suitable for the es tablishment ol camps aim tuc new train service makes it possible for business men of Mcdford to take their families there and lenvo them for the summer while they attend to their business in this city leaving Saturday afternoon for the camp by train and returning Monday morning in time for business. Along Rogue river many camps are being pitched nnd the parties arc spending their time in fishinjr which is beginning to be good. DODGE BUYS BIG PIKES PAINT DEP'T. PITY SAVES BOY A TERM IN JAIL Mrs. Dowel, Who Chased Youngster Down the Street and Recovers Her Watch Which He Had Stolen, Will Not Prosecute. Although sho was there with the goods when It came to chasing a thief up tho street and holding on to him until tho officers relieved her ot tho task, Mrs. K. J. Dowel fell down when It came to sending "the poor man" to tho pen. Sho renlged on prosocut lug nnd tho officers will bo compel! ed to turn him loose. The man, who gives his name us Will Johnson, swiped ft watch from Mrs. Dowel late Tnursday evening and attempted to flee. Sho swung onto his coat however nnd refused to loosen her hold and In the mean tlmo cried out right lustily for aid. Officer Clncado came to her aid In a hurry and tho young man was lodged In Jail. Sho recovered her watch and now refuses to prosecute. MANY DELEGATES NAMED SY CLUB Large Body of Business Men to Visit Grants Pass to Attend Mining Con gress July 18 Good Program Has Been Arranged. MAJOR WILCOX STRIKES GOLD ON HIS ORCHARD off near tho junction and at that time dropped a part of tho loot he had with him, and that this was what the two men found. The police have a dragnet out throughout the state and if the sec ond burglar attempts to get rid of any of the loot he will be caught. In this case, as in most burglaries, a large amount of "easy money" was overlooked. Two traveling cases containing in all $16,000 worth of jewelry had been left in the Reddy store over night by a salesman for n large wholesale house- Ira J. Dodge and his brother Bur- detto L. Dodgo purchased the. paint department of the Big Pines Lumber Company and will conduct the busi ness In the future. Mr. Dodge states that for the present tho store will re main in its present location on North Fir but this fall a permanent location will be secured. Mr. Dodge Is planning to increase the business and make Medford a distributing point for Southern Ore gon in tho matter ot paint Tho stock will be Increased until it is the larg est In this section. Raskins for Health. L. Harry Wilcox, owner of the Ar rowhead orchards at Table Rock, has made an interesting mineral discov er' on his property, which, according to reports coming from practical min ing men who have inspected the prop erty gives promise of yielding high values with development. The prospect was struck somewhat bv nccident and only the chance visit of an old prospector who "knew the color" when he saw it, brought the find to tho owner's notice. A little work wns bufficient to trace up the mountain side to where indications of u ledge was discov ered nnd subsequent development work has shown n very encouraging condition. It is said that under a heavy cap of Invn and hardpan, such as may be found in many of the broken up sections of this part of the state, and which is generally passed over by the casual prospector, has been found a well defined strata of heavily mineralized matter which shows encouraging prospects and gives good promise of satisfactoiy values with intelligent development. Central Point Herald. .Medford will send ft strong dele gation to the mining congress to bo hold at Grants l'ass July 18. A splendid program has been arranged and mining in southern Oregon .should receive considerable inoiueii turn as a result. The following delegates have been named by the Medford Cointueroiul club: J. F. Reddy, J. 1). Hoard, F. W. Carnahan, W. M. Colvig, Goorgu E. Boos, C. H. Ray, II. II. Loriuier, W. II. Canon, K. C. Ireland, R, L. Ray, Howard Dudley, J. 1). Olwoll, Ed. S. I later, J. F. Aluiuly, R. l Lit tle, F. M. Graham, L. B. Brown, B. M. Collins, Fred, L. C. Branson, F. J. Newman and J. W. Opp. NEW BANK AT EAGLE IS The First State bank of Kaglo Point was opened today for tho first time. Ooorgo I.. Davis of this city Is , president, Frank Brown Is vloo president and J, V. Mulntyro Ih caHh lor. Tho board of directors consists of (loorgo Davis, Frank Brown, (Ium Nichols, Will Von dor Uollen, mid J. V.Mclntyro, ACKLEY BOOSTS MEDFORD IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY f- C0L0R OF THE HAIR CAN BE PRESERVED ("Aunt Delia" in Home .Monthly.) "Oftentimes a woman's hair be comes dull and faded yes, even grey and thin long before nature intend ed it should, simply heenuso she has neglected to give it tho proper care. "Proper euro does not mean drenching with water and soap or tho application of so-called tonics. Too much moisture tends to make tho1 Vealp hard and scaly and tho hair lifeless and brittle. "Tho hair will respond quickly to proper treatment. Put in a fruit jar four ounces of orris mot nnd four ounces of thorox. Shako until well mixed. Onco or twice a week hprin klc a tnblespoonfu! of this powder on the head nnd brush it well and com pletely through the hair. "Dry shampooing by this method removes dust, dirt and dandruff from the scalp and leaves the hair freh. clean and beautifully lustrous. The rox helps to grow hair, preserves the natural color and keeps it light and fluffy." THER-0X FOR SALE HASKINS' DRUG STORE Hasktns for Health. The Tillamook Headlight in a io- cent issue states: li. 1). Aekloy, wifo and daughter aro in from Medford on a visit to their relatives. Ho bought five acres in that city when ho went there, and siucu then sold about half of it for more than double tho money ho gave for it. Ho informs us that they have tho real live boosting spirit at Med ford and aro getting a large number of now pcoplo to locate there as a result of the activity of tho Com mcroial club. City propetly has tak en a jump, and they expect to outdo Kugeno for civic improvements. To give some idea of what is going on thoro, ho says that in two years, which will end this fall, '-'0 miles of hard surface pavement will bo laid. Mr. Aekley was ono of the early set tlors of this county, and when he came to Tillamook had to come in over tho trail. He is well pleased with his new location, and will visit hero for about two weeks before re turning to Medford. WAPPY'S WIFE EXAMINED. JUST IN PLAIN WHITE DINNERWARE Wo havo just rocoivod a full lino of plain whito somi porcelain dinner waro, popular gooda, pop ular priced, also lino of toilot waro, such as com binottos, ohambor, wa3h bowl and pitchor, otc. Jardinieres Tho beat lino of hand finish jardinieres in tho city, in fancy de corated neat green and Ivory finish in size 7-8-5) and .10 in, an extra well made and fine finish line, prices 7fe to $2.50 eaelt. "We have a few of those hanging baskets or fern dishes left, prices 75e. to $1.50 each. Cut Glass Tumblers We will put. on sale tomorrow 20 doen needle etched blown glass tumblers, also a few star. cut. blown glass tumblers in ex tra good quality, spec ial price for Saturday IOc EacH Glass butter churn, 1-2 gallon, size worth $2.20 each, here to morrow $1.50 each. (Continue! from ! 1.) before tho grand Jury ycfttorday nf tcrnoon. Ilcnn was tho principal wit netts for WnppeiiHtvlu. Mra. Charles W. WappeiiHtotn, wife of tho cx-chlcf of police convicted of accepting a bribe, wan called bofore tho grand Jury at 10:30 o'clock thin morning. Her nppenranco In tho big gest sensation of tho latest (tension of tho Jury. She was on tho lint of witnesses In tho Wnppenatoln trial, hut wan not called. Her testimony today will probably consumo most of tho tlmo of tho grand Jury. Mrs. Wappenstcln was cloactod with tho grand Jury only twenty min utes. On leaving sho said to Attor ney Morris: "Thoy will call mo again whon thoy want mo." HOSIERY Ladies tan silk hose, Hfic pair, 11 for . $1.00 Mens silk hose, black and tan, ilfic pair, .'1 for $1.00 Ladies silk lisle hose, extra light weight, double heel and toe, mercerized garter top, pair 25c Ladies .Jersey ribbed vests, lOe each, 'A for 25c Ladies union suits, size !-;")-(, each .. 35c Ladies union suits, an extra good value in sizes 4-f)-(), also extra large size 7-8-!), each .. . 50c HUSSEY'S Local Post Oards of the Fourth Col ob rat ion, in eluding auto wreck, parade, etc, 5c oach, 6 for 25c rf MJ I - Paints - Varnishes - Oils ANNOUNCEMENT XJ u Vj,4V THE DODGE PAINT COMPANY HAS PURCHASED THE ENTIRE PAINT DEPARTMENT OP THE BIG PINES LUMBER COMPANY A FULL LINE OF PAINT PRODUCTS OF W. P. FULLER & COM PANY WILL BE CARRIED, AND THE BUSINESS CONDUCTED ON THE BROAD FAIR LINES WHICH HAS MARKED THE PAST MANAGEMENT OF THIS STORE-MR. D. J. STULL, ONE OF THE BEST KNOWN PAINT MEN OF SOUTHERN OREGON WILL CONTINUE WITH THE NEW FIRM. Your business is desired, be it the largest contract or the smallest retail order. Our prices and our responsibility you will find right ' .. xj.j I i i.t l , M L.-t y THE DODGE PAINT COMPANY CORNER SIXTH AND FIR STREETS OPPOSITE BIG PINES LUMBER CO. j ; . ; ; . ; ; ; ; : , ; : ; : ; : ; : : ; ; ; ! : 000 m