Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 06, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Our Correspondents
Mini V ill' our ciliciiH ulm xpunl tin
Kouilli nl JltiMn I'iiIIh I'liinu luiul. ilu
lljilili'tl willi llmt hi'fllim of ciiiiiiliy.
Tin iM'li'linilinii uiim a diM'lili'il hiid'
I'I'HN, tVll ltl'1'llll'lllM IM'I'IIH'll tlllll COD-
ttiinii'il tin (YiiIiiiI I'oinl ioiitii ox
ci'it lliiinur I'cail, huh ill' ('iiiiiii'IU
in ii 1 1 I). I1'. IViul, ulm in Mnll'i'iiiin
I'llllll llll illJlllCll llllldl', lllll llllMH III
lii! iilil' lii Willi; hi iiii t ti t ill uiiil In
n 1'i'w diiy.
Mint Alary Alt'" in iimimmIi'IIi linr
iwiilt'iicii thai uiim ii'ri'iilly vry
iiiiii'Ii iliiinuui'il liy Hie for a (.'in
IMiiary ilwi'lliiij,'.
lliiiii('tH in now on uilli a iiihIi at
llni 'iilral I'li'ml hIoich alter tlm
lull mi Hut Fourth.
II. Ji flaiilt'iiiT afliT vIhKIiik rcl
aliviiH anil fri'iiuls limo i'or llio punt
ui'nli liu$ iiilurui'il to Jiih homo in
AliN. IIIlii I(ot nf HiuiiIk I'IM
lius Ihm'ii veiling .1. I'. WllliiiuiH anil
..will, anil All. I.lim'r ('IiIIiIoth.
All n. Xaiicy Thoiiiihou, win Iiiih
hi'mi .Ulliiu uoilli, ii'tuiiii'il Ilium
Mi. II. I!. ItiiU'onl mill I'liililriin,
ulm liuw been uniting- tilatiiirt in
Wooihillc, H'lunu'il In their hoiui'
licm Wi'ilni'Milay al'tiTiiiiijii.
Tln (Ynlial 1'iiint H'Hic that wen
Mliuiiiiitt in Aii'ilinnl Wi'iIucmIuv itl
li'iiiooii won Mihm lli'iiui', .Mr. aful
.Mi. Tom Hcldicr, C. Hall, N. Jit
i;v, Ali-N N'nrali ltili .1. S. Har
ni'tt, AUkm lluillcr, (lcoro I'unlicy, it.
0. Iliinlai, .Mix. Itnrtnii, Mm. Kiiuel,.
Mlnlt ami iluiiyhli-r, Mix Hitrcl.
AIim, l.llinlt ami iliiiiglitnr, Mis
.Mililrl or lioi'L piiinl, hint! hftm
vixitint; ri'lativi'M in Central I'oinl.
T. .1. Ki'Imi, our Mip ciii ii man, Iiiih
a now wiil'oii which 111111.18 llu ioi
corn ainl miiiiiiIm loot, ami IiihIi- hot-
tir ami now lucuti'il mi Iho corut'r
of Kirsl ami I'imi ntiot'tH.
Air. ami .Mix. Hryloy mjhmiI tjn
l'otirlli at Kay (lohl.
Tlnt'iai'iahitrH of tint Al. ... I'liuroli
louili'ii'il ilu-ir imntor, Hcv Aliliirli,
ami I'limily, a it'i'i'iitiuii at tlm uliurrli
Wfilmfiilay I'Vttiiiiij. Ilov. t'ouii, tin
Prwliytcriiin miiiiHtcr of (Vntral
Point, jjavt n very iiiirniriii(o nil
ilii'tw. A hhoit iirok'raia wuh rii-
iIitciI, rtfrtnittilH t'oimlhtliij, of
iiiiiiii ami wal'i'iH worn, ami
a tiiKNcnt KjM'nt a most enjoyable
Ht-ali'il pniniHnU for Hut erection
of a brick ami rnncrntu pulillo lib
ra ry ImllilliiK will ho riTi'lvi'd by tint
library liourri of tli city of MudforJ
up to : p. in. July to, Hill.
I'latiH ami HpoulflmtloiiH of thi
work can lu m'on at tlio offleu of J,
A. Mrlatojih, architect, .Mcdford, Ore
r.mi. aftor July Ctb.
Tlu IiIiIh hIiiiII bit arroiapiiuloil by a
rorilflin! cliiK'l; for S per rent of tlm
manual of proponul ami Hid Hiirooiw
fill blililur will bo roiiulri'i) to ctvu a
umlty burnt for tbo fulllifut purfor
iniiiico of tin contract,
Tlio tmaril rvH'rvr-H the rlcht to
roji'cl any or all IiIiIh.
i Mlia. It. I. TUUISS.
II iii'ri'K, (Ihhii lii, 4 ucri'd la ulfiilfuj 10
iii'ri'H In '1 yi'in old (irolmnl, 275 iiltc
-1 1-2 iiriiin la V yi'iir Nhwiiiwii nail
.liuiutliiiiiit; k'""1 crop; r.-rixun liotimi;
nwiIit rlitbl with plui'ot Mluru upciiIiik;
r lump fur ipilck milt.
70 nrrcN. AS unilrr il I tell, :5 In npplnn
nml pnnrH In 3 yuar, 2 1-3 iuIIok out,
liar, iiito.
to hitch, is la pi'iirit, olono la flno liulM-
Iiik hIIk and vliitv.
ICii-iiitii Htiick nml ntfutfn ranch: 60
iiiTi'ii llllutiln, uiiilur illlchl )76 prr
ihtiij I ii l(o Inoiiiiio priipnrty.
i:u iicriH ruw liiiiil; oil flno fruit land.
I nk M any kooiI prupiirty.
(roiini tiiiiiKiOnw fur Ivii ncri-o.
film "riiniii Inuidiiliiw, iiuidorn; take
m ii in 11 Iritot.
SO iitTi-H, tlllulito; f 2000; take town prop
0 nort'H, rlimri'il; take rraUlcnro la
t nul ii,
SI0 nuroH ltiiKUii river; 80 nrrr bottom
uiiilur illtcli; ink" Iowa property,
riim L'Oii-iiiTi' ranch or miy purlloa; 00
iiiTcH la oii'li.inli luku Komi lucumo or
ii'Hlili'iico piopnrly.
Aiiiiliiin Km'imiiii Iiiiiino, 3 IdIh, on puvlai;;
luku n fuw iiitoh lk'ur orii'k liottoia
mill uiuli'i- illtuh,
It iii'ikh Willi flno litilhlliiK hIIc. oIohh In;
luku minium ii'Hliloaco oa Wont Hlilo,
10 iioii'H In nriiliiiril.
Hplnmllil niiliitlvlHliia $76,000: tnka In-
count proporly.
nr, iuTi'H In liotloia; 1R itnnm orohnnl: 3
iiiTi'fi truck; lmlunco iilfulfa: 8-roimi
limiHo, Komt luirii, pinupliiK plant; tuko
liiciiinn prnporty flrnt pnyiiuiit.
10 hitch liliiclc frou null, now B-room
Iiiiiihc, on niulii romll luku roHlilnnoo.
10 iu'U'h, liottoia Hull, all la nrcliuril;
K'xiil biilhlliiKH, tuko roHlilciu'o pmp
1 1-3 iicicm, piiiaplnu plant, flao vlow,
tuko miylhliiK kihuI,
y film hIohii In lotn for raw luiul.
ill) am oh Hoar Crook liottoia for PuUotah
40 anroH imuI nmlilonco In n towitHlto
mlilltloii In ArUoim ,tlo Kil or-
cliaril laud. ?.'IUfi0.
lloatitlful PnBiulntia rcnlilonco for
lionrliiK orohnnl, I12.B00.
(llrlH for Konoral hoasework.
City ami ranch proporty to Hit
Tlio now boliil ami rculauiant aro
woll putiouluil and hiiiiiiIIdh a much
iiim.mIihI want,
llitttu Fa I In Ih In tbo lino of "In
corporatlou" ami alrcaily utaiiy ami
lulvorno opIiilmiH mo afloat, Tim
iimiHllou whulhur liutto Fa I hi Htiull
ho InrorporaU'il in iipporimiHt ami
iIuiIiik tliuHo warm ilayii tlio utri'iit
LOinui.i ami Mtom kioiiih p'toum! with
iirKiiimiutH pro ami run, It Ih llkoly
thai lm:orpoiatlou will bo voloil down
liutto Fa I hi ci'lohrati-d tlio Fourth
of July In a i;raml Hlylo, thnro worn
iiiaiiy mivol fiMiturim nmoiiK.tho piiMt
llinoH, Tim baml wuh uroilltabli, tin
oratoiii of tlm day wuru woll ii-colv-cd.
Hullo I'alhi Ih to hn coiiiplliiiiint
uiffor tho vory :rialltahlu citluhratlou,
Tlm J'aclflu & KuHti'in railway ran
ftporlal trul mi nil duy ami humlrmln
took ailvantiiKo of tlm npoclul rutcit
to npijud a day amldut tlm nhady
KrovoH ami uloiijc Ihu ImnkH of tho
beautiful wator foiirni'M, Tho picnic
wiih a Kfut hiicichh ami all tlm inur
cliaulH rojiort kooiJ trmlu,
.Mr. Kruil ModyiiHld Ih off ml a trip
to ti Ih imniutalu homo ami will upend
Hiimctlimt niuoiiK tho plan ami Iml
mm in frm:raiici, '
II. I). MIIIk accoiupiinlcil by .Mm.
Mlllri Ih vUHIuk In Mmtfonl.
iHiuic I'atton, H. M. (MiivciiKor, C.
I'. HrliU'.H anil HyviTal otluTH aru
down In tho valley nml will atlmid
tlu county court momuIuii.
Tlm (ourlMt (nncl htm not In am)
uiaiiy am tlm campcrri and vlHltorM
coiuliiK to liutto KoIIh to enjoy the
Hpli'iiilld Miimiaor udvautiiKcu or tho
town and IiIIIh,
A uri'iil iiiany of tlio town pi'oiile
went to tho valloy lo enjoy tho Med
ford colcbratlou and all report thai
Medfnrd did hornclf proud.
Thero have, been flvo new iitoreii
opened In liutto FnllH and nil the
rcHldoiii'fii nro filled mid u Hleady do
iiiaiul foutlum-H for honieH,
C, K, I'oworH ban removed from
tlm offlro bulldlilK' of JuiIko H, 8.
I'entx nml now occuplcn IiIh reldeiic"
with "HlllllH."
Tint ymitiir men of liutto Kalln are
doliif; tho proper HiIiik In inarrylui;
from abroad mid brliiKliiK their
brldex to liutto Knits,
Tho l'renbyterlun church bulldltiK
will bo boKUti piiHl an noon uh the
fluauclal iiiatterH are arranged with
Iho board of hiirch exteiiHlor.
Tho roudhod of tho 1'aclflc &
ICitstern Hallway Ik IioIiir put In
Hplemlld condition, and travel over
the road Ih rapidly IncrcitHliiK. An
exprcxH Horvlco will noon ho Htah
llihcil and em loin; the annll will bo
carried by train.
John Wlininlphain Ik mnkliiR ex
cellent headway In IiIh wood contract
and Mcdford will bae Inruu iiiantl
Hen of wood from liutto FallH which
will decreaioi tho contly fall.
Any jinrtleH dcHlrliiK to Intervew
JmlKe I'eutz upon local or IiuhIiichh
mattorH will find Mr. Pent in Mcd
ford where ho can bo coiiHiiltcd ami
will bo iilciiHcd to give Information
coucernliiK coudltloiiH and proBpectH
of liutto Kalln.
(leorKo Mmlley, vice prenldent of
Jacknou County Hank Iiiih been vlHlt
lui; our Hectlou mid HpeakH wull of
our town nml country.
Itov. M, Joiich will noon mnkn n
trip to Mcdford and other valloy
polutH and will attend tho ineotliiK
of tho PieHhylorlan whllo away.
Hen FredeuhurK Ih hnrvcHtlUK n
flno crop of liny mid fencing IiIh
ranch with an IntoiiHlty of purpono
that others would do well to follow.
John Ohonchaiu nml family aro
nicely homed In tho rcHldenco prop
erty at tho fallH. Churloy Ohonchaiu
and wfo who haxo been vIhUIii their
fathor mid mother, havo retunaM to
Portlmul. ""
L F. L
VAN DAM A, 111., July (5. Miss
Ilnxul .Schmidt, iliuiKliWir of former
Alilermiut HelunitU, it linek in her
tranea-liki) Hleop today after hoiiiK
awake twice Hituui Saturday, oiioli
time for aliout an hour and a half.
While itwnko hIiu wart norvoil witli
fried ultiokeu and potatooH, which
hIio Hniil Hhe relished. Then hIiu went
to Hleop hkiiIii. Mi8 Sehmidl'H Bleep
him liiHtcd 82 dayn duriut; which time
Him has only beou awako for TTort
perlodH, four or flvo times.
city Notices.
rnxrvu Bux&sixa
Thnt on nml nftor tho first day of
August, 1911 tho locnl Comont Worlc
oi'H Union No, 158 will onforco tho
following hcuIo of wuroh nml linura:
for fl'J 1-2 contH por hour,
for (Inlahor'a holpors U.G0 por day,
for Inborn 3.00 por dny, for box mix
cm :i.r.O por dny, Kluht (S) boura to
roiiBlltuto u dnyu work, llonra from
8' to C p. m. nnd tlmo nud oifo
liulf for ovor tlmo nml doublo tlmo
for SumlnyH nml linllilnys. P. H. Mc
Dor.nld, proa.; 0. W. Datula, boo.
In llni Circuit Court of tho Htiilo of
OriKdii, fur Iho county of .Iiickhoii.
In I ho mailer of Urn application, of
Joel lliirtlxy ami llliilotli A Marl by,
liuiiliunil unit wlf", to H'kIkI'T lltl to
Ihu rollowliiu ilcMcrlliod real propurty
Hltiiiitcil nml IicIiik In tlm county of
Jinkmili anil Htale of OrrKou. to-wlt!
Tbo Mblwiiy 'I'raiT, iicrorillmc to tho
plul lluircof oa flic nml of noonl la
voliiriio U. lit iuk VU pint record of
nil Id .liickiion county vh,
I' IC Mm I In, W T Vorlt, W. N. Cmap
licll, R A Nye, A. S. I.ooiiiIh, C Ii Man
uliiK, Jhh, I), UiivJiImoii. Mnrry AtcCuc,
J'ohImI 'J'i'l(riipli A l.'iililn Coiiipuay, a
coriioriitlou, Mmy I' I'nrlow, W II llnl
i,l Ih, .MiiwkIo H TowiimiiIiiI, NIcIioIuh w
Kline, Iru Klui", OiorKx 1 rinikllii Kline,
.M lilu KlHly, UiiKi'ii.i I'.lnly, .MIiimIc Hlnly,
(I A Uuiibip mid I'oiiua Hunlup, IiIh
wife, l.ollle Neiir, I.ooihIh Near, Klla
Koontr, Motile A CoIkiiiiiii, Hie IicIih
of l l) J'ounilray, IIki IioIi or Knink
HlHly, Hie helm of J M M(t'nl), tliw
Iii'Iih of IfMiiic HiicliH. Ib lndrH of Holi
iiiiiii HiicIih, Hie lioini of Morrln rl'imn,
lln. IiiIih of I Mime II Doliell, Hie luilrx
of HiiiiiIi Aid Koiiilray, tlio hi-lrn of
Miirlliu (Mirlii) Culver, tin- lelrM of
Miirtlm Ann Hlxly. Dm lieirn of Bolm
Colver, the ifrn of .loltn golncy Colver,
Him lii'lrn of Doiinu I) Culver, tlm In Iru
of lllrmu Colver, .!r, ilu tndrH or
TIioiiiiih ClitiM. (he blrH of I' II, O'Neil,
and all whom It limy couueni, dvfea-
To tlm aliovn iiuiiied il fondriiit, ('. )',.
.MiiiiiiIiik, .Mury l) I'nrlow, (JeorKo
rrunkllii Kline, I.onrnlM Neur, I.otll'i
Nour, J'.Ita Kooutr. V II, ItolmrlH, At
Ida Hlxly, lioaau i)iinliip, Urn lieirH of
H. I. roiiailray, tlm lielrn of Krnnk
Kluly, the lielrn of J M Ale-Cull, tlio
hlrn of Ihiiuc HiicliH, lb helrx of Mor
rln Union, the Ih'Iim of Iciiiio II Oiilicl),
tho lulm of Kimi 1 1 Aid ruiuidrny, Ihu
hlrH or Martini (Mnrln) Colvor. tlm
helrrt of Miirtlm Ann Hlnly. the helra of
Holou Colver, III" ImlrH or John Qulncy
Cdver, III" helrc of Uoilliu I). Oolvcr.
tlm helra of llliiim Colver Jr, Iho ImlrH
of TIioiiiiin Clinne, the ImlrH of I. II
O'Noll, the liilrn of Koli-uiiin HiicIih, nnd
all whom It may conc.-ru. ,
In Iho inline of Ih Hlute of OrcKon.
you, and eiitli of you, are liurehy ro
iiulreil to appear mid uiihw.t tho dp
lilkallnn riled iiKullint you In tlm ahovn
Kiilltled (viino, which Ih ii cuiiho hrouKht
for tlm purniM of rrxUterliik' tltlo to
the uliovo dcmrllivd proialneH, mid you
ur mi reiiulred to npiM-ur und hiimhit
on or le'forn Urn lUlli day of AukioiI,
A. I. IUII, ami If you full lo ho up
p.'iir mid (iiihWit for want llurrof tlie
uppllemitH herein will apply to Hie court
for the n lief herein nail In c.ild appllca
tlou ilniimodi-.), which Ih ua uuplloiltoii
to roalHlir tlito lo tlm uhovo dt-Hcillfd
lireiulHOH, Hald application heliu; now on
file III III" office of tlm clerk of Hitld
court III JurkHoii.llle, JuckHon county,
(ircuoa Tlm ditto of tlm order for pul
lleiillun of I lain Hiiniuionn Ih the lut day
of July. A I), IVII. mid It Ih
puldlMlnd liy ordi-r of llonorulilo !' M
the IKIli d.iy of July, mil, at 7:X0 p
Culklim Judae of the clriiult court of tho
Hint.' of OrcKon, for Jacknou county.
The date of tlm flrnt pulillcallon In
July ti, mil. und Hie UuIh or Iho hint
piilillcutliia Ih AuicuhI IT, mil
yiliieHR my hand mid tlm Kent of my
court lieielo ufflxnl thin Clh day of
July, lull
w u coi.i:man.
County f'lcrk of Jurknoa Comity, OrcKon,
mid ex.offlclo Clerk of the Circuit
lln 11 rcHolvtd hy i)i. tliy council of
tlm eliy or Modford-
That It Ih tlm Irilurtllori of tli council
In cutine lleiuieti nvenili) from Howard
Htrict to Itoonoveit iivitiun In mild city
to ho Improved pinchiK on both nldex
of tlllll direct k roncrele ourh mid Kt
ter nud hy pnvliiK Ido xunie for n vldlh
of 'Ml feel Willi HHpliiill pavement, con
HlntlUK of a tline Inch iimifIihIIIc con
crete hum1 and a one Inch nuplialllc
WenrliiK (Oirfate, nil In accordance with
the ueiicral Hpiclflcallonn prepared hy
Die city eniilueir of nuhl illy, und with
additional Hic(irii nlloriH Hiilniiltted hy
Iho Chirk Ai M'fiery Conntructior. Com
puny, both of wiilch, Kcnernl and ad
ditional MpccJrletiliouH, are on file In the
nffliw of Urn c)t riLorder of mild city,
and aHHCHH'llm cunt thereof on the prop,
rrty ndjlicciit lo nalil luiproveoiiint
Tlm council will wet nt lh council
chnnlhcr In the city hall In wild oily
on Iho Uth duy of July, mil, ut 7 30
p, til , nt which thne nil prutoxtM anliiMt
Ihu mnklntf of mild Itntiroveinetit mid
I Iho IIHHOHHIW, of llm cont thereof, iim
nforcHald, .win ne in aril.
The city reoriii!, r In hereby ordered
j lo piihljnh Ihln resolution once in tlm
Imlly Mall Tillmne, n ii'-wnpaper of
Kenernl circulation In nld city, mid to
pORi tile natim mi ixpureii ny irie cntir
ter, at leant" Irf-n dayn before tho date
of mild iicetlnir
Tin roreKolni HHolutlon wuh twnHeii
hy the city council or tho city Of Med
ford, Oii'koii, on Ui. joth day of June,
liilt, liy Iho followliiK vote:
Merrick nhnetil, Watt nye, Worlinnu
ay,. i:merlck nye, Klfert nye, and Mil-hi-
Approved July Int. IS 1 1.
. W. If. CANON,
Atlentt Mayor.
City Itccordtr ,
lie It ri'Kolved by I lie city council of
tin' city of Mcdford, (Jreuoii
Tliut It In the Intention of the council
lo lay a ( Inch Mater inula on ItooHowdt
uti-nue from it point 930 feel north of
Main atreet to north Hide of Jacknon
ntrect und lo iihhi'Hh tn coMt thereof up
on ih. pnwrly rroiilliiK on mild portion
of i.ild nlreet In proportion to the front
age of mild property.
Tlm council will meet nt the council
chamber In the city hull In wild city on
tin- Uth iWiy of July. 111, at 7:30 p
m, nt ulilcli tlliti all iirotenln iiualiinl
tin luyliiK of Mild witter main on eald
piirtlon of nahl ntrtet nud Urn tmHcnmneat
of the cot (hereof Umn the prupvrly
fmutliiK thoreim will Imi heard.
The forctiolnif remilmlnn vtan ranncd
hy tho city council of Mcdford on the
Suth day of June, mil, by the followliiK
veto itnnick ntment. Wait nye, Vorl
IU.UI nye. l'morlck aye, Klfert aye und
Millar aye
Approved July Int. l'Jlt
AttcHl Mayor.
HOIII'ItT W TKI.I'l'.ll.
City llecorder.
lie It rnnolvci) by Ihu city council of
inn ny or ieoi(irir
Tlml I Im lit., InlinlNtn ,f II... .f.,i,tll
to can mi Hhcnniu Htreut from Ocnene
Htroet to Hlark ntri-et In nald city
to b Improved bv pluclni; on both nlden
or nuld nlrc(t u concrete curb und Ktit
ler und by pavlnir the name for a width
of 30 fei'l with tiHphnlt pnvenient, con
hIhIIui. of a three Inch iiHplialtlc con
ciete lmH nod a one Inch umdialllc
weiiriiiK Hiirfnce all In iicconlance with
the j-cnorul np.clflcatlonn prepared by
the city enaineer of Maid city, und with
iiildltloniil nlH-ciflcatlonn nubnittted by
the Clark ti llnry CoiiHtruatlon Com
luiny. both of which. L-eiwral nnd ad-
dltlonul npeolficatloiiH, are on file In tlm
office of the city ricorder of nald city,
i mid iihmohh the cohl thereof on tho prop-
erty adjacent to nald Improvement
The council will meet nt the council
ciiainocr ip tin ru) nan in nam city
on the Ifcth duy of July. 1911, at 7-3n
P in., nt which time nil protentH niculiint
tlm tiinklni; of nald Improvement und
the iinneHHlmr of the coHt thereof, u
uforenald, will l h.-urd.
Tlm city reciirdi-r in hereby ordered
to publish thin rt-Holutlon once In the
lially Mull Trlbuno. u newnpupxr of
Keneral circulation In nuhl city, und to
no. I the n.ime a it required by the char
ter, at leant ten iluyn before tho dale
of nald ifievtlm:
The foreRoini; renotutlon wnn p.ihhc1
hy tliocltyeoiii!Cll of tlm city of Med
fnrd. Orcirun, on the 30th day of June,
mil, by Iho followliiK vote:
Merrick ohHctit. Wntt nye. Wormian
ac. Kmerlck nr, Klfert aye, and Mil
lar uye.
Approved July Int. 1911.
AtUAl: Mayor.
City Itscordtr. ,
Varnlahtd oo.
I'OH HUNT KumlHhfx. roomn for trann
Inntn, iio. 16 N, Orapo ntrect, next
to rnrmnrn' tc I'rult arownrn bank.
Foil HHNTAt the Cottnue, modnm
furnlnhed rootnn i(Utnpcd with private
telnptiono nervlce, hot and cold run
nltiK witter, nleflplnt, porchm, buth ac
comrnodntlonn nnd hfct If denlrcd C04
Went Tenth nt. Phono call private
exchanuo lit.
I'OH HUNT Nice newly furnlnheil mod
itii riotriif. Mm, Johiinoii, comer of
Hleventh nnd I'ront. Phono C511, ;tl
I-'OH HUNT llouneHeepliiK roomn, up
ntalrn front, nicely furnlnhed, khh,
hath, nlnk 234 I'ant Ninth. 92
nt 8att
Ilu II rrnolvcd by tlm city council
of the city of Mcdford:
That It In tho Intention of the coun
c,' to can ho ItooHoM'K itventie from l'.tnt
Male ntrctit to Jacknon boulevard In
Haul clt) to be Improved by pluclUK on
lull I nlden of nuld ntreel u concrete curb
mill KUtter mid liy pavliu; the nuuie for
a width of 30 foot with unphalt pave
ment, cunHtntliiK of a four Inch unphaltlo
concrete luine und u ono mid one-half
inch iiHphitttlc weurlui, nurfacc, all In
uccorditnce with tlm Keneral HK-clflea-tlinih
prepared hy the city cnulueor of
nuld oily, nud with uddltlonal npeclflcu
noun mibmiticd by tlio Clark & Hcncry
Conntructluu Comiwuy, both of which
Kcporul nud addlttouill npeclflcullouH, are
on file in tho offleu o ftho city recorder
of mi Id city, mid hbhohh the cent thereof
on tho properly adjacent to nald Im
provement. The council wilt moot ut the council
chamber In tlm city hall In nald city on
on file In the office of the city recorder
m, ut which tlmo all protentH ukuIuhI
the uuikliiK of wild Improvement mill the
iihiu nHllil of tho cent tin-roof, uh ufore
nulil, wit) bo heard.
The city tecorder In hereby ordered to
put llnh llil roBOlutlou oace In the Dully
Mall Tribune, a nevvnpaper of Keneral
eh dilution la mi Id city und to pout tlio
hiiiiii km oiiilred by the charier, ut leunt
tun dttyH before the date of nald incut
Itih' The foreisolnir rcnolullon was paused
liy the city council of tint city of Med
foni, OrcKon, on tho 30th day of June,
It'll, by tho followliiK veto.
Merrick itbHout, Watt uye, Wort urn
iilije, l.uiorlek aye, Klfert uye, nod Mil
lar no, ,
Approved July int. mil,
W. 11. CANON,
Allen! :
HOlll.KT W. THM-'KH,
City 1 tecorder.
He It rcHolved by tho city council of
the city of Mcdford:
That It In the Intention of tho council
to cailHo MlnncHOtu uvenim front llvuevu
ntreet lo Itoiinovelt avenue In nuhl City
to he Impi oved by pluclni; on both Rlden
of nald ntreet a coacretu curb and uut
ter and by p.ivlUK Urn name for a width
of 30 feet with anihalt pavement, eon
HlHtlaK of a thrcu inch impliiiltlu con
crete IniHo and a one Inch unphaltlo
went lui mirfacc, all la accordance with
Iho Keneral upcclflcntlona prepared by
tho city eiiKlaeer or nuhl city, and with
additional npeclflcattouH mihmlltcd hy
Iho Clark St llcaery CoiiHtructton Com
pany, both or vviiicn, Kcuutai unit an-,
dltloual HpoclflcutloiiH, mo on file In tlio
office of iho ctly iceoidor of mild city,
and miHcHH tho coat Ihetcof oa tho prop
erty adjacent to nald Improvement,
The council will incut at the council
chamhor lu tlio city hull la nnhl city
on tho ISth dny of July, 1911, ut 7:30
p. in., nt which time all protentH militant
the nmkllik of nuld liuptoveiuunt mid
tim aHHCHHmK of tho coHt thereof, an
arorenald, will he heard,
The city tecorder In hereby ordered
lo imhllnh thin icHolutloa once In tho
Dally Mall Tribune, a nownpapor of
Keneral circulation lu nald city, and to
pent tho nume uh required hy tho char
ter, at leant ton dayn before tlio tlato
of nald moetlnK.
Tho foicKohiK lOHolutlon was tumsort
by the city council of tlm city of Med
foid, Oickuu, mi the 30th day of June,
tll, hy tho followliiK vote:
Merrick ubnont, Wall aye, Wortmun
aye, l'morlck aye, Klfert aye, and Mil
l'ir uye.
AppioViHl July Int. 1911,
Attent: Mayor.
HOlll.KT W. TKt.V'HH,
City Wecoiiler. .
Look at tho "For Salo" ads and
nt BOino of the tliinjjs tliut avo mlvor
tised for snlo.
He It renolved by tlie city council of
the city of Mcdford
Tliut It In the Intention of tho council
lo cauKo Orange ntreet from Tenth to I'luvcnth ntreet In nald city
to be Improved by placlliK on both nlden
of nald ntreet u concrete curb and ut
ter and by pavlni; the xamo for a width
of 30 feet with anphult pavement, con
nlntlnK of u three Inch nnphultlc oon
crelo bane and a one Inch , anphaltlc
vvoiirlui; nor face, all In accordance with
tlm Kenernl niieciflcutlonn prepared by
the city enKlnecr of nald city, und with
additional npeclflcullonn submitted by
the Clark & llcaery Connlrucllon Com
uny, both of which, Keneral und ud
dltlonnt npvclflc-atlonn, are on file In tho
office of the city recorder of nald City,
and nnnenn tin cont thereof on tho prop
erty ndjnccnl to nuld Improvement.
Tho council will meet ut the council
chamber In the city hull In paid city
on the ISth day or July. 1911. at 7 30
p. in. ut which tlmo ull protests aiulnnt
the muklitK of nald Improvement und
the iinnennlnK of the cont thereof, as
nforcnald. will bo heard.
Tlu- city n-corder In hereby ordered
to publlnh thin renolutlon once in tho
Dally Mall Tribune, u nevvnpaper of
Kulicrnl circulation in nald city, and to
pool tho name a.i required by the char
ter, at leant ten dayH beforo tho dute
of nuld meeting
Tbo foregoing renolutlon wbb named
by tlie city council trf tlio city of Mcd
ford, OrvKon, on the 30lh duy of June,
mil, by the follow I ni; vote:
Merrick nbnent, Wntt nye, "vVortmun
aye, limerick uje, Klfert uye. nnd Mil
lar aye. ,
Approved July int. mil.
Attent: Mnyor.
City llecorder. ,
He It rvnolved by the city council of
tlie oily of Mcdford
That It In the Intention of the council
to cdtiHu WimliluKton ntreet from Cell
tmeu ntreet to HooiMVult Ave. In n.tld city
to Im Improved by placing on both nlden
of mild ntreet a concreto curb und gut
ter and by paving the nnme for n wldtli
of 3C feet with unphnlt pavement, con
Hinting of a three Inch nnphaltlo con
creto liimo nnd a ono Inch nsphnlllc
wearing nurface, all in accordance with
the general npeclflcatloaH prepared by
tlie ctly engineer of nald city, and with
additional npeclflcullouH nubmlttcd' by
the Clurk & lb aery Construction Com
pany, both of which, gonerul nnd ud
dltlonul npeclflciitloiiH, art on file lu the
office of the city recorder of nuld city,
und uhhchh tho cunt thereof on tho prop
erty udjnceut to nuld Improvement.
The council will meet ut tho council
chamber In tho city hull In nuld city
on the ISth dny of July, 1911. nt 7:30
p. m , ut which tlmo all protents agnlnnt
the making of nald Improvement tint!
Iho nsnoHHliig of the cost thereof, as
urorenald. will be heard.
Tho city recorder In hereby ordered
to puhtlnh thin resolution Amco in tlio
Dully Mall Tribune, n newspaper of
general circulation In said city, und to
punt Iho name nn reuulred by tlio char
ter, nt leant tea duya beforo tho date
of nald meeting ,
Tho foregoing resolution wuh panned
bv the city council of tho city of Mod
lord, Oregon, on tho 30th day of June,
1911, by the following vote:
Merrick absent. Watt aye. Wortinan
nye, l.tnorlck live, Klfert aye, nml Mil
lar ayo.
Approved July tn 1911. canon
Attest: Mayor.
Clly llecorder. ,
LOST Klk tooth, sot In gold; Klk head
sotting. Hoturn to Tribune offlco,
recolvo 'liberal rowan!. 90
LOST Kit of tools In canvas roll. Suit
ablo rovvurd to finder. V, J. HurUoU,
phono 10S1. 'JO
LOST A bunch of koy between Fruit"
Kroweis Hunk ami Mooro Hotel. Ho.
turn to this office, 90
FOH HALE A half Interest In a good
paying bUHlueHn; nono hotter In town:
about 1800 to $1000 reuulred. Address
J, A. M., Hox 701, postofflce. 90
FOH JIHNT Kevon room bungalow,
modern. Hen W If. Kvorhard, 909 W.
Nliilh, phono fi07l.
LOOK AT TIIIH Hr Jn a chnnco to
got a Rood farm cheap; homestead
relinquishment, thin county, nenr tho
Hon (hern Pacific Itnllrond, 80 ncrra
good new S-room house, frame up for
barn, J lx.1 2, 12-ucrni cleared nnd In
crop, living Water, 80 fruit trees, 2
( hlcken housen. Place nil fenced und
crons fenced, owrmr obliged to go
uwuy, will noli cheap; Ichh than Im
provements cost. For full particulars
cnll on or uddres Heaver ltenlty Co,
Ashland, Oregon.
FOH HALH Jackson county lands In
Itoguo river Vally, Oregon, by the
Jacknon County ltenlty company, II. M
Conn, manager. Office. In aarnott
Corny building, room 217, Farm lands,
garden landn, fruit lands, stock
ranches, large and small tracts of Im
proved and unimproved lands. Oflce
phone C91; residence 141, '
FOH H.KNT No. 607 H. Central, a iv-en-room
house, with bath, electric
light, largo doncts, bedroom on first
floor. Apply lo 229 N. liartlett l,
FOH HUNT llouno. The bungalow 1
am now occupying on Park nvenUH will
Imi for rent July 6; seven room; large
screened kitchen und nlcpInK ixirclms,
houno can lx seen from 10 to 3. Tele
phono 71, Harfy II, Tuttlt.
I'OH HUNT S room modern houso. In
quire No. CO North Orange.
For- exchange
Baa! Sstat
FOH KXCHANOK Mcdford and subur
ban proporty, ranches, timber lapda
for other proporty. Address Box 199,
euro Mall Tribune.
Hcrakjlng Booms
I'OH Hf'NT New 7 room niodrn houn-,
rent reasonable post off(c box 99
clly or cnll ut 720 Welch ntrect.
I'OH HHNT Itounokeeplng rooms. 40
North Ilartkt.
FOH IU:nt 2-room nul housekeep
ing rooms; bath, gas. 222 Ho uth Hotly
Baslatss Property
FOH HHNT A splendid located store
room In liutto Fulls, suitable for
confectionery, cigar and refreshment
parlors Price 10 jwr month, with
lea no. No objectionable or Illegal busi
ness. Inquire to a T. Darker, Pine
Kelt Hanking Co, Butte Fulls .Ore
gon. ,
FOR BALE OH IU3NT Good opening for
general merchandise store in new
town with 116,000 monthly payroll, on
railroad. 12 miles from MedfonL-Gold
Hay Kealty Co.. 20t W. JIaln.
Offices for Bnt
FOH HHNT Fine office rooms. Enquire
of Young & Hall. tf
FOH HnNT Over the postofflce with
heat and light. See A. A. Davis.
FOR HUNT Office rooms In Electric
bldjf., modern equipment, steam heat.
electric light, baths, toilet, hot and
cold water. Gold Hay Realty Co., 216
W. Main at.
FOH RENT Farms from 40 acres lo
400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches
garden land, general farming ranches
Gold Ray HeoltyCo.. 216 W. Main.
FOR III HE Ono team and hack for
week or more. Suitable for camping
trip, l'nquiro at 301 East Muln. E.
l. Fr 92
Bnsl&tss lropvrty
FOH HAI.B Ucst property on West
.Main street. Inqulro at 1310 West
Slain street. 92
, Abstracts.
T1TM. CO.. lNC(,Jacknonvlllo..l,hones
Piiclflc, Main llj Home 2008.
i. J i. WOODOiTaerni nccountniii. .our
books audited and kept for a rcitnonnhl
figure: your liunluons sollclled. Offleu '
Mialfortl Mall Trlbuim (Jiillillnif, pliuun
1811. reHldmicn lihoiio 1601
. Asinyar'ana Aualyst,
AHMAYKIl AND I'.ilT.Mllfl'Rnff'V Til
gois. ii ne. Unnoral assay and ml
nlyticnl work. Cenieut lind unphalt
tenting. Iient equipped nnHity nftlco
and testing laboratory In Oreeun. All
. work iuilrnnteed Ornntrt Pans. Or;
Attorneys. ''
maTicCTB f: TfnoWf?rT,fr,vye7r tefu:
phono Pacific 3 6 r. 1 , 232 Kant Main
ntreet, Medford, Oregon 90
U Heames lawyers. Office Medford
National Hank building, second floor.
Altorneys-ftt-lnw Nos. 1 and 2 l'ost
office Injllillng.
A. u"jlfiAMEiMGwyirr Uarnutt-Corey
Ml)t,K"KV tr CUinillVdl F MHI.KI'V.
OKO W CHERRY)- Lawyers. Room
12, Jacknon County Hank bblff.
FOR SALE Choice business property
at a bargain, on long time; easy term
Address Condor Water c Power Co.
I'OR HAI.E Household furniture; bar
gain. SOT South Hamilton street. 92
I'OH HALE Twelvo young dairy cows
for Halo. iniiHtly Durlium und llnl
furd 11.'. 00 rwr lioini. Wrlln tioxt office
.box 313, Ashland, Oregon. 14
FOR 8A1-K Offlco desk and chair,
maps, nlno no my furniture. Apply 130
Went Sixth ntreet 91
I'OH SAIj; Cheap, now 1911 four cylln
ilir 5 passenger, 30 horno power, four
door touring car. Only used a couple
of months and an good on new. Cash
only considered, as owner Ih leaving
town. Address Rox 18, care Mall Tri
FOR HAM- A ladles new saddle, worth
$50.00. Will sell for 125.00. Inquire
JJainlIcroft Shop. 94
FOR SALE Self-feeding liny baler. In
good repair. See A. A. Davis.
FOR SALE One bicycle In good condi
tion. 418 S. Oakdalc. 91
FOR SALE A breeding pen of six puro
bred whito leghorn hens and a rooster
all hatched In 1910; also have a few
leghorn cockerels. Home phone 2007
near Jacksonville. Mrs. E. E. Oman.
FOR SALE Furniture of boarding and
rooming house, center of business dis
trict, very desirable, first-class patron
age, leasd. a bargain If sold at once
Call No. 10 North Crop ntreet. next
Farmers and Fruitgrowers bank. 92
FOR SALE Furniture of -room house,
flrnt clans condition, also electric fan.
Enquire 42S West Fourth; telephone
481. 90
FOR SALE Furnishing for eleyen
rooms, all for house keepjflg. Lease on
house. Call at 711 North Central ave
nue. 93
FOR SALE Southwlck hay baler cheap:
flrnt-clnsH condition; Inquire at Regar
ranch, three miles west from Medford
on Jacksonville road. 92
Billiard Parlors.
a- T ILU?.VQi. 'f CO- Milliards, Cigars
nnd Sort Drinks. Up stairs. Young &
Hall building. A nlco. cool ylaoe to
spend the hot afternoons.
BUI Fosters.
VERNE T. CANON Mill poster and Dis
tributor, All orders promptly filled,
Room 29. Jackson County Hank build
ing, Medford, Oregon.
Cigars and Tobacco.
HlELANn A. AMTf.l- (........
-- , , . "- i,,.nriiuii,ii
"" in iouucco, cigars, and smok
ers supplies Inclusive agent of JLmwIs
Single Hinder, El Murlto and EI l'alun
cla. 212 West Main street.
rural tors.
II. F. WILSON ft CO.. dealer In new
and second-hand furniture and hard
ware. Agents for Household stoves
??-d. ra,n.Se."- ,',6 South Vlr street. Phone
Main 31S1. Homo 2GS-L.
ner 8th nnd Holly streets, Medford.
Mission furnlturu mode to order. Cab-
,n?,t ,wo.rk of aU kinds, A trial order
solicited. '
MORDOFF ft WOLFF Cookstovcs and
ranges. Now and second hand furni
ture. Ends old stand. 18 Fir street,
South. Phone 91. Home 2S3-K. Med-,
ford. I
Qranlta Worts.
Main street, manufacturers and ilea
era In monumental and building gnu
Re. crushed granite, common brick m,
pressed brick, coarse and flno washed
river sand.
O. D Nagle. Geo. T. O'nrienllcontra
tors and manufacturers of brick: deal
ers In pressed brick and lime. Office
.?a.arSieil"Co?ey.Viock roon- S09. 2d
floor. Phone No. 3181.
Mining Machinery.
SEE MATT CALHOUN of Phoenix. Or.
? lht S'fYT. Q"1- Milt i Crusher
co. of l'I0 Rroadwuy. Denver, Colo-5?".-
. 9a,jUf"l"'s and prlcen can b
had at Phoenix. Oregon. .Matt Calhoun.
EMILY T. STANDEFORD, examiner for
the New England Conservatory of
Music. Ronton, harmony, piano, and
musical history. Studio, 215 Nortli
Oukdale, phone 7211. 1.3
FOR RENT Garden land In tracts
of from one acre upwards, with
water for Irrigation. Owner will
furnish team and Implements for cul
tivating and seed for share of crop
Inquire of Buffum, Rogue Hirer Elec-
trlo Co, 21s W. Main at.
;rOR LEASE Fishing, boating and hunt
ing resort on easy terms. Box 32,
Mail Tribune.
AT CpST One lot, 6 blocks north of
depot. Inquire No. 5 East Third at, 96
.H ousts
FOR SALE Three room house, large
lot, clone in; prico right, terms. Uox
52.. phono Main 56C2.
duy to be nold In one week: modern
new bungulovv, corner Oakdule nnd
Hamilton; will sell for cash this week.
25 r cent clienper than any similar
property in city. Cull at residences;
will only bo hero one week. 90
FOR SALE $1100 buys a 4-room house
and 2 lots on Wont Tenth street,
Tumy, 201 Oarnott-Corey building. 91
FOR SALE 2-story modern house, 7
rooms and reception hall, large
porches, stationary tubs, 2 toilets,
buth, good well, second floor rear
porch, ghtsa and screened for sleep
ing room, piped for gas, II. and C
water and electricity, fine gas range,
2-t.tory barn, 3 malls uud auto room,
Mock and chicken corral, lot 57x200,
4 beautiful oak trees well located as to
(.hade, flno lawn, rones and assorted
fruit trees; a rare bargain In price
and terms to quick buyerv J. U. Ander
son, 401 South Newtown.
Bsal Estate.
FOR SALE CHEAP Ticket to Council
Hluffs, Iowa, good until July Slat, via
Portland, Salt Lake and Denver, stop
over privileges on route. Phone Main
18-11. 98
FOR SALE In Moonvllle, Rams Valley.
Or., two lots with good barn and seven
acres of land, 1-2 In alfalfa: also
other town proporty. Far particulars
address or phone Mrs, M. E. Gardner,
Sams Vultey, Or,
FOR SALE Garden and fruit tract. 1
1-1 acre, houso furnished; can give lm-
Miiodlato possession; loaded with fruit
and flno garden truck. Inquire 60 N
Orange street.
HOMESTEADS Government land In
Central Oregon: 320 ucres homesteads
and desert claims to be had. For parti
culars, address Win, Hurrlson Smith,
euro of Hnrtlott Bros., H. F. D. No. 1,
Ashland, Oregon.
Valley, Or.; throo miles from postof
fleet about ten acres in fruit, mostly
apples, In bearing; flvu living spring,
of water on tho place; beautiful locu
tion; terms reasonable. For partlcu
lara address or plume Mrs, M. E. Gard
ner, Sums Valley, Or,
FOR SALE 205 acres alfalfa land, all
Irrigated and in cultivation on maca
dam road, S miles fiom Klamath Falls,
1 1-2 miles from town Bite on Modoc
Northern one mllo from lallroad; Ideal
for subdividing; price $21,000. For ln
fot mutton address box 415 Klamath
Falls, Oregon. 112
FOR SALE 40 acrea of excellent raw
hind, located Just 3 miles west of
Central Point at $20 por noro; a
Krnnlto noil 10 feet deep; Investigate
this, Tumy, 201 aaractt-Corey build
Inil. !
WANTED Pony team, pole, buggy and
harness must be cheap. Apply 130
West Sixth street. ' 91
WANTED A good, serviceable horse
and buggy for country use. Address
Foothill Orchard. 93
WANTED Man and wife with small
family wants work on fruit ranch. Ad
dress G. H. Klukkcrt. Ashland, Ore-gon.
WANTED Position on ranch by man
and wife References. Address R. F.
D. Box 3S. 95
WANTED Position on ranch by man
and wife and boy 17 years old. Ad
dress M. G. care Mall Trlbuno office.
Wanted Mais
BOY More mouey In one day may bo
earned with mo than during un en
tire week in other ways. Applicants
must be bright, neatly dressed, clean
bands and face. I want the manliest
boy In the city Como early prepared
for work. Charles Henderson, corner
Eighth and Orange,streets, Medford,
WANTED Curpenter familiar with
making mission furniture and wood
working. Address Buffum, care Rogue
River Eleclrlo Co.
WANTED Salesman foi exculslve ter
ritory. Big opportunities. No expe
rience necessary. Complete line Yak
ima Valley grown fruit, shade, and
ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Out
fit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Company,
Toppenlsh, Wash.
WANTED Salesmen In every locality of
tho northwest; money advanced week
ly; many make over $1000 month
choice of territory. Yakima Valley
Nursery Co., Topenlsh, Wash.
Blip Wantta rentals
WANTED Neat und competent inalil.
white or colon-d for general house,
work; small futility, good wages. Tele
phone Main 321. Jacksonville.
WANTED Woman for general house
work, one who can cook. Wages ISO.
per month. Apply Buffum, Rogue
River Electrlo Co., 216 W. Main.
MONEY TO LOAN I have $3000 to
loan on Improved city property at cur
rent rates. Earl S .Tumy, 201 Gar-uett-Coroy
building. 91t
WANTED--Marrlcd lady housekeeper In
woll located comity home, customary
wpges. Address Box 75, route 1, Cen
tral Point. 93
HOARD Onod tablo board at 31Q Nortli
Bartlott, 3 blocks from business cen
ter. Ill
PARCELS POST 15o delivery city":
menaengor Borvlco lOo city. Phones
7001; Home, 2.2; residence, 3311,
JOHNS & TURNER, Archltecta and
Builders. Office 7-8, 32C Main: phon
Main 8471. Resilience phone 74
207 and 208 auruott-Corey building.
Hotaxy Public
HELEN N. YOCKEY. Notury public.
i-Jln.y.,urmW.ork to me a' 'be sign of
The Mull Tribune.
V TRAINED NURSE lias n strictly
private home before, and during con
rlnomtnt. adoptions, ull disorders of
women treated by licensed physician,
no sign. 2548 California ntreet. near
Stevens. San Francisco, Cal. J IC
ew, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 923
E. Muln. Phone 3741.
QSFl NURSERIES Our tres are
fSf'i11?'- BT""e- Our stock Is not
""iGated- Wo guarantee everything put
out. We ore not In the trust, fir. 11.
Patterson, office removed to IIS E.
Main st.
CO.. Inc. Growers of high jrrade nur
nery stock. Ofrico 101 S. Fir. Botlt
Physicians and Surgeons.
DR3. CONROY. & CLANCY Pnyslclans
and surgeons. Taylor nnd Phlpps bldg
rooms 210-211-212. Office pfione 60
residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a.
m. to o p. m.
CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians.
Moved to rooms 410 and 417 aarnett
CoeyJUMg.pjione Main 6351.
Office In Rial to bldg.. 123 E. Muln.
S.. -l"Jn Is tereU for extraction of
Phone uT3'ethot"i Main 681. Night
D nrJEAS-T.'.ysIclan ""J surgeolT.
-11-212, phone 5501. Residence 113
I-aurcl st. phone 2093. J
burgeon." :ociVOOD' Phy-lctan ' ami
practice limited to diseases of wo
men. Offices over Hasklns drug store.
Phones: Pacific lOOl; Home 28. v
Dr. W. M. Van ScoyocT
ur. v. -. vun ocoyoc.
.. Dentists.
Gornett-Corey bldg. suite S18. Medford
. Oregon. Both Phone":
UlhA' J- JJMMKNS Practice limited to
disease of tho eye. oar, nose and throat.
"i -- . main ntreet.
tlce limited to eye, ear, nose nml
a..?.!' s'. QarnStt-
'j """' ut pnonea.
DAV115S & IItLIS-Chlropruotoriitail5S3ir
hours; 2 to 4 p. m. '"
Ciilne'ie Medicines. "
CHOW YOUNG'8 Chinese medicines will
cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit
ers, thrpat and lung trouble, deufnean.
parul sis. private diseases und "l
.!l?.0.f chronto and nervous ailments
Stomach trouble, constipation. Indiges
tion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo
ieBt V .R YS?at 8t- Mcdford. Ore"
Phono Mnln 42.
Printers and BnMlshars.
equipped job of flea in Southern Ore
gon: book binding; loose leaf syatemS;
Mir'a-tre' 1'0r"Bn1 ri
Sumuior Beaorta.
.uri, luiuiiug, risuing, luUhlUB
stream; )io;no cooking, Address Wal.
luco Oalbryath, Woodville. Or, lot
ELLA M. GUANYAVt'palm Ulocic.
Stenographlo work dona quickly and
miftS L. J. lUNUSTOU, 462 ' Garnett:
PlIMV lllllllll.ty- All nu .!..... ... (
nr f, ,V, iiM. ., " ,l'lMlvni lllllllll
0.1, tauniij Boat,
HcsldcHCi, Puolfio
SIGNS will j.elp build ,.P your lua"
ness. Phone 808. 18 Rlversliln avenue
ttam Healing.
0. C. PONT1NU Steam und hot"wa"
tor heating, dry kiln nud pdwur work.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Entlmaies
given. Phonos: Pacific- 4001, Home
134-L. residence Puclflo 46a, Box 4J4,
37 South Central avenue. Modford.
PMgon, "