PTOE Toxm rRr)FOT?D MAIL TrcTBOTTCMflDTrORD, ORF.OOK TTIFRSPAY, .TniYV (?, 1011. T l J VT f Wf I 1,1I'"'"I hi. . - V X !. ;: 1 .1 hi , m iv Bedford Mail Tribune rs.,r.,rr,-rir--. ,'', tetg-rrf-' -r ' mlj. AN INDUrKNIDiNT NHWHPAPKH rUUUHUr.O IMtlAT KXC:rT HATUll UAT 11 Y T1IH MISDKUIU) PIUNTINO CO. Tho lemoerntlo Tlmen, Tho Mrdford Wall, TI10 Modfnnl Trlbuno, Tho South- rn urcffoman, two Asnuuui Tritiums. CONGRESS MARKING TIME. ' Orrico Mall Trlbuno HulKllng. S8-37-39 North Fir ntrcot; phono, Main SOU Homo 76. OROUOn PUTNAM, Editor nml Manage! Kntrrcd im socoml-clnsa matter n Mmlforil, Oregon, under tho act of March 3, 187. Official Paper of tho City of MeUord uiuciai rapor or jncKaon uouniy DBBCXITTIOK &ATEB. One year, by mall 15.00 wi montn ty man Per month, delivered by carrier In Mrdford. Jnrk.innvllln and Cen tra Point BO Runriay only, by mall, per year.... 3.04 Weekly, per year l.tQ BWOHS CEROOLAIOW. Dally average for six month ending December ai. 1910, 4731. TaU Seated Win UalttA Trm Blapate&M. Tho Mnll Trlbuno la on tula at tha Ferry Hews Stand. Kan Krancltco. Portland Hotel Now a Stand, Portland, unwman nutth vo roruanu. ura. W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Waah. irxDrou. ousoH. Metropolis of Southern Oregon ami Northern California, nnd tho fastest growing city in Oregon. Population U. a census 1910; SS40; ektlmatctl. 1911 10.000. Flvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water Syatem completed, Riving finest supply pure mountain water and six teen miles bt street being paved and contracted for at a cost exceeding $1. 000.0C0. maktnc a total of twenty miles of pavement. Poatofflco receipts for year ending March 31, 191, show lucre so of 41 pes rent, uamc ueposits a gain or :: pe, cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Itogui ntver Spttzenbcrg apples won avrcep prue ana imo or "Appla Xt&r of tli -World. a the National Apple Show, Spokane, 1909, and a car of Ncwtowns won Tlrrt Tiixm U 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, B. C. norue River pears brought highest prices in all markets of tho world dur ing ths past six years. write Commercial club. Inclosing S cents for postage for tho finest commu nity pamphlet ever written. I TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS, j PARIS. Plans arc now under wny by which the .trench govern ment will offer ?JO,000 ns n prize fur A curious situation is presented in Washington, Most of tho insurgent republicans, who bitterly fought- tho Payno-A Id rich tariff bill, arc opposing tho Canadian reci procity treaty, which is a step toward free trade. Demo crats, very larirolv, are supporting reciprocity, while tin stand-pat supporters of the administration are opposing it-. Democrats have taken advantage of the situation to attempt, with insurgent aid a revision of the tariff and seek to uso reciprocity as a club to secure tariff revis ion support. The president has announced that ho will veto all tariff legislation. Congress is therefore, merely marking time through the hot weather. The object ot a protective tariff is primarily to shut off competition from abroad, liven if it is not altogether prohibitive it never the less exposes the consuming pub lic to the extortion of private protected interests to the ex tent that it is levied. A ten per cent extortion, a hundred per cent tariff to hundred per cent, extortion and a pro hibitive tariff to whatever extortion the traffic will bear. From figures furnished by the census of IflOO statis ticians showed that bv far the greater part of all property in the United States had passed into the possession of about nine per cent of the population. The census ol lJ)u) undoubtedly shows a continuance of this tendency toward concentration. Yet the federal government raises its rev enues in such a way that the nine per cent who own most of the wealth, need pay but nine per cent of the taxes, if indeed they pay that much: while the 01 per cent who own the smaller share of the propertv pay at least 91 per cent of the federal revenue. Tariffs and internal revenue taxes are taxes on con sumption and it is impossible to raise revenue by such means without distributing them in this inequitable man ner, it tedcrai revenues would be raised tnrougn some form of direct taxation, even if it were as unjust and iniquitous a form as that through which most state and local revenue is raised, the owners of the larger share of the property would pay a far more equitable share of the taxes than they now do and the owners of the bal ance would be relieved of a part at least of the unjust share of the burden they are now forced to bear. Does not this show who really gets protection from the tariff f Why then does cougress not got at the root of the trouble and 'quit its silly summer dilly-dallying' KEEPING COOL IN SUMMER. Pope Praises Tuft's Peace Programe I BHHESrf "J"WM I roix "6 PikiMTmc WASHINGTON, l). C, July (J Popo Plus, In mi tiuti'Krnph letter ly the npostnllu' dolegntl) to tln WhhIi- yiy& x. jof tho letti'r was forwartleil timlKlit ,to tho White Houho. Tim n)thiiiMO of tho pontiff I ill imrnllol tho Ni'niiolltiiiio. Unpin ilruiik ln'nvlly, rofiiBOil to HiiniiOit IiIh wlfo mttt hIu okoil nut, ti livelihood by ncIIIiik liroiul. Oil tho Hniuliiy iiieret'illiiit tho tinKotly Onnni wuh ttntnlt unit tlireatoiioil to Kill liln wire. Thiit nl;ht ho wuh ilniuK m;iilii, On Momlity liioiiiliiK after a bonnier In tho Onpru honui hud lofl, tho wofhaii imtori'il Iter liiiKbaml'ii room nml Hllt IiIh hUiiII wIUi mi axo. HnnkliiB tor llealth. ' Where to ,Go Tonight ington apnliiiulH the kail taken by'ri'cteil chiefly to Tnft tor hla airoin tho United States In tho world-wide campaign for International peace. AN plisliincnt of an arbitration treaty Oreat llrltaln, tho flrat and only with though the pontiff did not ment on ,(n , . . . , tlon, and bin eudeaorH to promote the namoof President Tnft. a copy world-wide peace in the inventor of the best life snviiifr nnmrntiis which can be attached to nil aeroplane. PARIS.v-That the signatures on ' nn nKTCenicnt which called off the preat French railway strike were forgeries has jnst come to light here. v The order went out, each lender lc- g lievin fho other had ."tened it, M Guerard, sccretiiry of Uio National Itnilwny union, declares the strike or- dcr was forged. JOLIET, 111. Peter nennes, who lives here, is entertaining hopes that ho may secure part of $300,000,000 i which ho says the French govern- mentis going to gie the hciw of GeQrgc irennes, who loaned France ; .$00,000,000 years ago to build a If nnvj. CHICAGO, 111. Convinced tint ( linrcgulaied aviation is dangerous, ' State Senator Gonuan is preparing to Y introduce n bill to control flyers nnd '. flying machines which operate in the J state. CHICAGO. 111. Because William Hummel objected to the way be was cutting his hair, Harry Dav, n bar ber, ejected him from tho chair. Day was fined $5 for sending man into tho world with hnlf a hnir-cuL JERSEY CITY, NT. J. -When George T. Boijton, retiring clerk of the street and wuter board, was denning out his desk ficre ho found n certified check hidden away for which search had been made for 15 years. WASHINGTON Sealed boxes of testimony taken In the contest of Patrick V. GUI for his seat In the bouso of representatives as a mem ber from Missouri were opened hero today. H ' ALUANV Memorial services In honor of tho lato Senator David IJ, II 111, who was also governor of New York, will bo held hero tonight. A number of prominent democrats will mako addresses. 8ALKM. Governor West granted a requisition for Albert Winslo.v, held at Seatllu for alleged theft iff gems and money from Mrs. Vera Mueller, who claims ho duped her by a mock marriage. Mrs. Mueller tho warrant in Portland. HWOIO (O OREGON CITY, Or. A sudden fainting spell caused by anting ico (-ream resulted in tho death of Mrs. Elizabeth Von Dcr Abo at her home. She had been troubled with heart dibl'UBC. 4 I , SEATTLE, Wash. Piofessor lliu'hohcl Parker of Now York, who exposed Dr. Froderiok Cook is en route to Valdez today on tho steam liip Admiral Snnipsnn, In February Mio will mako nnolher attempt m pnnle Mount McKinley. a ii in ii ! i in, ( IlttskluB for Health. MAN" has effectively solved the problem of artificial, heat and it is easy enough, in a steam heated house, to keep warm and comfortable during the very bitterest January weather, but man has not yet adopted a univer sal method of keeping cool during the hot summer months. A few of us escape, the hetit by retreating to the distant mountains or to the sea shore, but by far the most of us must stay in town and swelter. There is a way to keep cool luring the hot days pf sum mer. First, it is essential not to worrv about the heat, not to be always thinking about how hot it is. The next thing to do is to take things easy, do not work too hard, walk too fast or play too vigorously. The problem of keeping the home cool in summer should be no more difficult than keeping it warm during the winter. The viy to keep the house cool id to keep the heat out. Excess light always means excessive heat. Wherever the sun is allowed to beat into they are sure to be hot. Keep the windows t-urtained and shuttered and put up awnings, if possible. Awnings al low enough light to enter for all practical purposes and at the same time keep out the excess light and accom panying heat. The liousc should have plenty of air. Keep the vindoys up and the doors open, after seeing that they are properly screened, of c6urse. The secret of bodily coolness is evaporation. Upon rigid tests it is wonderful what a degree of heat the hu man body can stand without serious discomfort. There have been men advertised as human salamanders who had developed this power to a point whore they were able to stay in hot ovens for a considerable period. The body maintains automatically an even temperature of about 98 degrees. "Whenever the heat is in excess of this fig ure the pores of the body open and emit a tiny bit of mois ture. The evaporation of this moisture carries heat away from the lody and keeps it cool. Persons that sweat easily and freel" seldom suffer much from summer heat. This excessive moisture keeps their bodies cool and comfortable. Acknowledging that tho evaporation of moisture keeps the body ctiol it is easily seen that a breeze will aid this process. With the air stirring the moisture evaporates taster and, therefore, cools much quicker. AVhere the air is very still and well saturated with moisture, called hum idity, very little evaporation can take place, hence we suf fer from the heat. Tt is a well recognized fact that we arc often very comfortable on days when the thermometer hovers in the nineties and on other days suffer intensely when the mercury is much lower. This is because no evaporation takes place on such days, owing to the humidity of the air. PROPOSEDILOAH EXCITES JAPAN Mikado's Papers Discuss Sixteenth Article ofVour Power Loan as Vi olation of Open Door Agreement Made for Manchuria. MURDERESS ISJET FREE District Attorney Yields to. Pleas cf Women of. Lendvlltc ami Refuses to Prosecute Italian Woman About to Become a Mother. PRODUCERS FRUIT CO. Our office hi now lueated.ln our pack lug house, and I open for thu mmnuii. 1'iom now on wo will havo tho dntlj reports "II markets, allowing prices realized by tho California Krult Ulti trlbutnrH, and all other hlpporn. Any ono Intenmted Is Invited to come In and look them over and cow pnro prices. Uy uhlpidiiK with us yon will lmvo nil tho ndvuutnRos, of tho largest and most complete detilduous HcltliiiT ontauUatlnn In tho United States and at a lower cost to you tbnn In tho past. Last Sear wo batidlod nearly 'ton thousand car loads, or iiovonty-slx per cunt of tho ontlro California crop. Hemomher wo 1 O ( I, N O T II I N a All- fruit In sold on Itn Individual jnorltH. nnd oarh r.rowors nnnio nnd prlres realued for ouch nhlpmeui nro pulillsheil in tun catalogues, roounit was tried and fulled years oi;o In Cali fornia. If you want to soil see us, if you want material, Inspect our samples, and Kt our prices boforo purchas ing. 1 It () I) U O K It H V It U l T V o. K. M. McKcuny, XorthweMerii Aueuf. Homo Phono lill!. I'uclflo 70OI. THE ISIS THEATRE The tmrin wontltor wilt soon l hero. Wo lmvo tho nocoi- TOKIO. July C. Tho Jnpaiiwo press today, a excitedly discussing tho slxtix'titJi artlclo uf tho four- nover loan which Is held to bo a violation of tho agreement for equal opportunity In Manchuria. Tho nlloB fd American contradiction In the agreement of principles previously declared la most rerouted. Various conjectures nro beliiK mndo as to tho real Inwardness ot the proceedings In thjs Franco-Japanese and Anglo-Ku&glan negotiations, an to their being hold hep.irately, and demands are Insistent for an explana tion of tho disputed sixteenth ar ticle. In a long Inspired article today the Kokumln a semi official organ, sas thcro Is good reason to bollovo that tho governments of Franco and Rus sia will be favorably Instructed In tholr financiers, but If America and Germany object to a satisfactory hot tlemcnt or tho qufHtlon Japan nnd RiishI.i Jointly will mako a formal protest to the Onlled States, nor mally, Kugland, Franco and China. CeklriR correspondent ,Morrlsoi of tho London Times, In dlspatchex re ceived here today, declares that Jap an's position In .Manchuria Justifies Hiich a protest. LKAOVIM.K, Col., July K.-llopn for Angelina Neopolllauo tho woman xeiitcurcd to bo banged In Catindu for killing her husband, Is scon hero today In tho finale of a similar cas, that of .Mrs. Assuula Capra. The C'apra woman, who la about to be come n mother, will bo set free, I)Ih trlct Attorney Hogan yielded to tho picas of the women of I.oadvlllo and refused to prosecute. In many reperts tho Cnpracaae snry requirements to mako work easy In wnrm weather. Suo us for tho best of Kt.F.C TRIC FANS and tho best of price. SOUTHERN OREGON ELECTRIC CO. 27 SOUTH CKNTilAL. Ilxlinoiilluary l.'uKiigomeiit Fin no! of Midi VAN Vl'.U'V ANI VAN I'IXT Tho Chattel lug Chimin A Light Comedy Intiodurliig FONVIJUHATION AND MONO Tho Homowhat llffinut come- dlaiis who havo placed a laigo: hiiiIIo on ovorjono's face who linn had tho pleamiro of neelug (hum. ; An net so full of fun ami chatter 1 that you hardly havo ttmo to mlnti ; seeing them, and tin imio )ou; don't, an everyone who does inlmi. ; en ono of tho very best teamii nn ! tho load, NAT THEATRE Is now open every night, and HaU urdny unit Huuday afternoons. Tho coziest and coolest theater In town. Finest ot light and tho best film subjects, Change of program Sundays, Wodiii'sdst) and Fridays. Ad nils slim 10c, Comu once mid you will count nualn. U-GO ,.."WH8B TKH OIOWOI GO" : ; TONIOMT l.'nllii' Change of Program VAI'IUIVIM.IJ MoviNtJ I'urriMiix AdinUlin .NOW loo. t Frechles CLEVELAND AMERICANS FOR PORTLAND BEAVERS CHRISTIAN EHDEAVORERS ' ' IN ANNUAL CONVENTION ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., July 0. An uriny of ao.000 Christian JCndeuv orors aro encamped here todny in nttendanee at tho 2.")th annual con vention of (ho Cbrihtian Kndeuvor so ciety which will continue u week. Mnny prominent spcnkorH havo been engaged to addrenh tho ronvem tiou. IMoxldunt Taft ban promised to Rpcnk, if iioshihlo, mid tho olhur oratorB includo William J. Jlryun, former 'Vico Piesidout Jt'nivbaiilcH, .fuilRO Hen Lindsay, Hooker T. 'iibh ington, Cominnniler Kvn Hoolli, Rov. F. J. Horsfield or Knglnud, Rev. S, 11. Gray ai New Zealand, NEW YORK YACHT CLUB l ' RACES NOW IN PROGRESS . NKW VOItlv, July (l.In tho yneht rnceB sturtcd hgro today by tho No)v York Yacht club many of the best vessels in tho feet nro entered. Tho contests aro bcin held off Hunting--ton and will continue tluoo days. CANADIANS WIN THIRD HEAT AT HENLEY COURSE LONDON, July (1. Ottawa today won tho third heat of the Orand Chul lengo cup men over the Ilenloy coinse. The Canadian oarsmen de feated tho Hclgiiin crow nfter n littrd fight. PORTLAND, Or., July 0. "Speck" JlnrkiiuSK and Kukcijo Krajip of tho Clovcland AmurieaiiH may be pitehin for the Heavers beforo tho end of thu season. It has been known for somo time thiit .MeCredie was nfter lvraip but tho fact thai ho had a lino nut for Ilurkuess today was nun's to fans here. At proM'nt AlcCredio is stalled in his attempts to laud them beeaiHe the New York Amerieaus hnve ro fnsed to lot Ilarkness o from the American league and the St. Louis Acmricmis lmvo nn intorost in Kiapp. Should JrcCrodio fail to uud tho Cleveland duo, I'itclior Fred Lam lino of thu I'ortluml Norlhwoslern league may bo uuiiexeil to the HuuV-ors. Franklyn Fylcs Dead. NKW YORJC, July ). Fru;ikin h'yloH, newspupcr man and play wright, is dead here ut his homo af ter a long illness. Jfo leaves ono son. Fylcs win born in 3847 and wroto many plays which havo been iro diKsed, jirobubly tho best koyn bo ing "The Oirl I Loft Hehind Mo," whieh ho wroto in eollalmralion with David ik'Iuflco. PH.D3 CUBED IM 0 TO 14 SAYS. 1'AHO OINTAII5NT Is Kimrantw.l to cum any mho of llolilnjf, Mlnil, lilf-eillni; or protruding p)In In (I o 14 1ii'm or inonoy rurunileJ. COc, HasklHslor UcaltU. New Drug Thai Ojilckly Itemotex These Homely Spot,s Thoro's no longer tho Mllghlent need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as a now drug, otblne double strength has been discovered that Is a positive euro for theso homely spots. Simply get one ounce of otblne double strength, from your druggist and apply a little of It at ulgbt, and in the morning you will seo that oven the worst havo begun to disappear, while the light freckles havo vanish ed entirely, "It la seldom thnt morn than an ounce Is needed to complotol) clear tho skin and gain a beuutltul clear complexion. Ho suro to ask for tho doublo strength otblne, as this s Hold un der giiarnntno of monoy back If It falls to lomovo tho freckles. Crater LaKe Stage Line Official Crater Ijiko Hlagn Auto lene Hotel Niihli at H n, in. Tuc djiys and l''rldiiy, artlvo Crater IjiUe mtiuo evening. IteCiiriilug, lenvn Critter Imko .Momlity mid Tlnirsdii. Couuer IIoiin Wtli Hleamer Klaiimth for Klamath 1'alN. Hound Trip .0, oun way ijlin.OO. .Medrortl to Klamatli Fnlbt la Cntter IjiIio (ono way) ijtlH.50 Iti'Nerratloim and lickets at Hotel Nn ni or Crater !nko (Jarage. NATATORIUM swi.mminu run uatiih JUKI DANCi: SATCHH.W NHHITt jllll.MAHl) IMIIIOU Coolent plnco In timn. TONKHIT sltlvely the last rhanro to eo tho grealent moving; pletnro over taken, tho great aiitomblol emeu that took place at IndlauapollH on May ,'inth; don't miss It; also two other good photo plays. Tho New li-ea 'I lie Wager and llio WiigV Ijinierw O N H I) I .M j; Draperies Wo enrry wry cnmjiletn line of rirnpcrlnn. inm riirtuliio, flxtiirta, oto, nnil ilo nil clnnsoM of onliotsinrliiK A Hprnlnl limit to look nftnr tliU work exclimlvnly nail will glvo a jjood Norvlrn im Id iiohsIIiIo to got In uvea llio lureest oltloa. Weeks & McGowan Co Trimmed Hats and Shapes at i ..2 ' Price zmmzw' WOOD FOR SALE Limited amount of Dry Ash, ottlior Dock or split. Low prlco. Phone 3311 FLAGS That's All I . i M Medtord tt i 4 F t 4 m Book Store AFTER ALL IT NARROWS DOWN TO i i The Merrivold Shop FOR PICTURES 1HI W. Mitln Ht., Medford. J NOW OPEN Now Hloclrlo Bhoo Ropalr Shop Work domi whllo yoil wait. Hat. lurautlou guurantood. F, L. Sherman a Ho, (Jrwpo Htroot. .J!4LMr Rock Spring Goal 0 HAND Am THB TIMS. Hfflco and Coal Yard, Twelflli and Front Btreots, 1'boilo 7IOI. Burbidge ', XXB OOAli KAW. lJ AJMi,.,A.AJfc v I Ui . t- .