rrr METEOR!) MATH TRIBUNE, MUPEOUD, 01 MOT ON. TlltTRfiDAY, .TITLY fi, 1911. PAGE THREE tj IP K 1 ST . 1, b l At WHJ ' t. i rro ii , : I 1 JO BOXED APPLE EXPORTS DOUBLE . Over Million Boxes Shlppctt From Now York nml Boston Last Year to British and European Markets ns Aiinlnst 500,000 Previous Year. KxpoitH of boxed tippli'M I'lmn New York mid HonIiiii lor (ho Heimon 111 -1 1 mwKMle. 1,1(111,1110 lio.xmt art eouiitiei wllli ru),TM Ihixi'h dur illK till) H I'V ilMIH MI'IIMUI, UecOldtllH In i'iniirt'M ciiiiiilli'(l by .Mulilon Ter. litiue, freight luolier mill I'm winding iijteiil. 01' HiIh Mininiiil, ,iiiiiio ii. eeived :illl,'JUH boxen; London, filll,. Illll; (IIiihkiiw, ll,llir.j UiiiiiliiirK, 77.UH1; limn lH.IIHll, and (ho m. iiiii'ti (o vmioiiN (itlmr pliu'cH. lioHloii whipped to Liverpool fill,lll2 boxen; io Loudon, lll,'J7.'l ; In (linn Kvf, JII,II2H, nml In Mmti'liitiT 'JO, HI". Tint total oxpoitM HiitpaxHuil all rciMMtlrt hinrn 1HIHI, tint ncuiod iippniauh being tlui mmMin of !M). J (I. Tint lii'MvinKt (pimitlly expotled fntm New York wuh on Oftolior IS, 11110, wbeu 7.'l,:i'JU boxen wnm hhlp ped. Or iIu'hi., Liverpool j-ot 15,7(111, Loud 1(M. l."ill ; OlaHKow, 1110, and HiiiiiIiiiiKi 7207 boxen. Tim iH'an-Ht upproueli to thin witn on November jy, lino, uintii ti7,yu boxen WIT.-1.. ported. Loudon led, getting lU.IIIt'J boxeH'.JJmnbtin: third with .'I.'IHO; iliinj;iin- next uiih IIOUO, while Hro iiii'ti pit only J'JHif boxen. CoinparlHoii with other himihoiih: Hal. Total. Jkoii.oo lin.r.n nioo.oi yoo.oiti looi. oy yuii.-iy? inoa.iw -jiy.r.s? liitin.oi :iHS,07r, liwii.iw H7.:m A Hint From Paris ssHvJbHksstK''V vsHI BBBBHBBHbBBZ YE,' bbbh bbbbbbbbVbVbbft vbbbSH bVbTbbbbBbb'&S'' BHI bIbbbW'S'',?? ""' - -I?-1 m. . ) ttKr.to. BHbbbbNU BBBBBlrl,rMt' BHBBBrfl bUBl fHmbF;-' bbH aBE ' bbbbI 3 rtiwn TiMBBMiWJ' bK2bbIP.j BBPVtWp1 I BipWKiBMai''A g& iii(ir..0!i -Mft.710 3000-07 y:y,oii 1I107-0H 'JKoVJOII UHIH-Ol) - .VJ0.702 looo-lo 0:10,7:11 JlMtMl 1,100,(110 YESTERDAY'S SCORES. At llrooklyn llrooklyn G, Hon ton 3, At riillmlHpliln I'liltndolphln G, Now York t. HrcontJ Km Plillmlclphlii 1. Now Yirk 10. At IMUMiurK IMtlHlitirK .fi, St. I.oiiIh ,1. v niotu mritiuHr mi, t ituoh UXttU'B VUriUV"'- M11' ,w " UlllU) ckx VYSART STAR IS GIVEN RACE Raclnn Commlttco of Fourth of July Celebration Overrule Decision of Jutlnes, hut Affirm Declaration . Dcclarlnn All Dcts Off. Aini'rli'iin. At lloHton HoHton 2, WahhltiK- ton 7. At Di'lrolt Di'trolt S, Chlrii;o t( At Olcmdanil Cluvuliiml II, St I.oiiIh 7. Norllmt'fttcni, At Honlllo It. II. K. Koattlo r. (! 1 I'ortlaml t n At Hpokann It. II. K. Kpnkano .1 11 Victoria ,.; I 11 It At Tacoma It. II. K. Tarmna K 7 'i Vancouver i) tr u (,'oMHt. At Portland It. II. K. Portland 1 ft S Kacraiuanto '. 0 0 0 At I .on AiiK'dt'H It. II. K. I)H AllKoli'H t 7 Oakland ft It At Han FranclHco It. II. Han FranrlHCo 0 I Vornon 8 i:i WEARING AN OVERCOAT PROOF OF INSANITY 1IOSTON, Miixh., July (1. WIumi ii liithky hij: oop hiiw Aloxiimlcr l'olrof Kki wcnriiiK mi ovorcont on Ilic Htrrnt thorn today ho lii'HJInlcd not n itihiuto, hill look him in. Alexan der I'oiikIiI with hittoriu'HH mid cnlliu miiKin, hut hu hud Lo u" uIoiik At tho police Hlation it was learned Hint ha hud oHoupod from thu Httitu iimaiio asylum. CANADIAN PACIFIC NOT ALLIED WITH THE ERIE MONTKKAIj, Quo., July O.-Tlio lepoit Hint Ilia Canadian Paoifie hud liel'u neokinc mi allianee with the Krio wuh ot'lVutlvoly qiuiHlicd today hy Sir TIioimiih SlmuKliiiPHHy, presi dent of llm (!aniiilinii Puaifio. He declared (hut noither the,Cnnu dimi I'aeifio nor any of iN allied !oiiipuniim hud til any limo lieen no. KoliatiiiK for a (iontrollinj,' interest in thu Erie. HUNHI-JT MAHA'.INM I'OH .HJIA' VaiallonTIni" at Ioh AukIcn Heaihen Tho (all of tho cool turn liroozo hy Peter I). Kynu, liouutlfully llliiHtratod In four coIorH. "Tho Bpoll" by O. N. & A, M. Wllllnmaon, IIunllnK, (InhliiK, luotorliur, fiction'. On huIo all iiowh utumW. Tlio rarliiK rointiilttfo of the fourth of July celetiratlnii has I untied thu (ollowliiK Hlati'iiieut; The rncliiK roinuiltteo of tho fourth of July racurt hold at tho rare track, after a rarcful InvetitlKUttou by lutorrntliiK dlidiitorcati'd imrtlen. who wltnvHHeit thu fifth heal of thu free for all pare, have derided (hat thn JudKe erred In thulr deelidon Klvim out that Alford K. and Vyant Hlar iiiado a dead heat, tho undlHput ed tentlinony of wholly dlHlntereHted Ktveu out that Alfred K. and Vyrmil heat and raro. Wo farmer tiellevo that decision declarhiK all lieta off mum proper under tho clrcuumtaaces Tho roiniiiltteo In tryliiK tn puil off another rare hutweeu thoxo two horHen In tho near future, to iiIihoIii lely deelde tho superiority of tltene homo. A. K. WAHK, UIIAH. K. TUI.Ii, J. I.. 1 1 HI, MS. ;. i.. sciiicu.MintiiouN. MllDrOHS MARKETB. SiUII rrleci. Yi'Ki'liildrN, Potatoes- 2(JjU.2ft pur cwl; 3iv pound, OiiIiIiiiko 2c. ParHiilps --2 '.ii. I.ettiico -5c head. CarrotH 2VjC. , Heels 2 lie. OiiIoiih llerinudii, I Do. " Celery- -7ftc and l doi;. Oaullflowar lOffp IGo luiad. Turnips 2c. ltudltdies ftc. hunch. Onions (ireen, ftc bunch. AsparaniiH Ida Ih. Ithubarb So lb. Fruit. Strawberries 10$' lf!c box", t'ocoiinulu lOu each. PruneH Dried, tic lb. Lemons 'ItOc doz. OraiiKes 2ftfp-IRo doz, Orapo fruit 7fta iji'll do. nananiiH 30A !t0 doz. Mutter I'.'kkh ami PoiiKry Huttor fresh ranch, roll, COc: croainory, flfic Kkrs froali ranch Is 8 doz. Poultry lions, dressed, 20e; live, Ilia; sprliiKS, droHsod, ilOu, live 20c. Turkeys sistrpao. dressed. Meats Hoof Cows, 10df20c.; Bteers, 13 J6 012 fie. Pork 2 Offla 2 1". Veal Pressed , 1ft 2 ftc. Mutton- 12 IS f 20c; lambs, lft 2riu. Hay ami Feed. Hay--Timothy, l; alfalfa, $12; Kiiiss, $H; khiIii hay,' lift, Oraln When;, $1.20 bushel; oats, ?:i7 ton; barley, $115 ton. Look at tho ads for tho chance la Imy thu properly you ueod at a "riKlit price." '"""" t " I UdBkliiB for Hoalth. FRERAKERS CAUSE BLAZE Nearly 100 Cords of Wood Destroyed On Griffin Creek Volunteer Flyhtcrs Have Difficult Time to Get Flames Under Control. Fourth of July ct'lchratotH it'luin liiK home Tuesday from Mudford were lesponsihli) for a destructive i'iro in tho (Iriflin ei-uek district. Nearly 100 coids of wood owned hy Will Clore, which had just hceu cut hy .foil ii Diivih, were burned mid several acres of brush and j;rasM were burned over. Thu Tiro would linvu deHtrovcil additional property had not a fiirco of voluiilcwr lire fire fiKhtcra headed hy Arthur Potion checked the prorens of thu flamus. Thu fire was started hy a cureless handling of firecrackers. A lare hunch was thrown into a pile of dead hrusli undflhu fire started at once. No effort was made hy tho party to stump it out. MYSTERIOUS SLEEPER AT REDDING IDENTIFIED KtiDMNU. Oil., July II.- The mys terious woman who was taken from the Oregon Kxprcss hero in a cata leptic Ntatu declarcH today that her name h .Mrs. I.aura Allward. She refused to statu where her homo is, but said that shu wanted to go to Colfax, Wash., where she has friends, as hoou as she N able to travel. GOLD SEEKERS LEAVE RIR HILLS Stcrlinn Road, Infrequently Traveled, Is Now Bclno Used hy Many Pros pectors Some Go in Autos, Some In Waijons, and Some With Burros, PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING i 1'riceB KouBonable 2 COFFEE.N (St. PRICE Z li. HOWAItn HIOCK, KNTItANCK ON 6th STREET. PHONE SOS X All Work Guaranteed f44t BEST FOR THE EYES BEST FOR THE MONEY BEST IN WORKMANSHIP This I can earnestly say of my tnado to fit KlasBoi. I'Ct mo personally tell you moro about them. DR. RICKERT Eyosight Specialist. Over Kontner's. s- -ssr r-s THE REX MARKET Wi: AIM TO KKhlj THE 1 1 EST MEAT IN THE C1TV, AND Alih WE ASIC TO I'ltOVE IT IS A TltlAIj. Isn't this a fair proposition? 10 lb. Pail Lard $1.20 5 lb. Pail, 65c 3 lb. Pail 40c I'ae. l'houo ;t()71. Home 111. NEWPORT -YAQUINA BAY- Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort Tho Place to Go for Perfect Rest mid Every Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Kccrcation ITS FACILITIES ATCE COMPLETE Best of food and an abundance of it. Fresh water from tho moun tain streams. All modern necessities, such as tolc graph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance Cottages partly furnished or "unfurnished to bo had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. NEWPORT is reached by way of tho Southern Pa cific, to Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & East ern R. R. Train sorvico daily and tho trip a pleasure throughout , dwtttAi Vfe UMtll FARE FROM MEDFORD Soason six-months ticket $11.10 Our elaborato now Summer Book gives a coucis.o description of Nowport, including a list of hotols, thoir capacity and rates. Call on, tolophonc or write A. S. ROSENBAUM, Local Agont, Medford. WM. McMURRAY Genoral Passengor Agent, Portland, Oregon rived at tho Weeks & Mcflownii store on Went .Main street. This firm sold out practically all of Its old kooiIh durltiK tho recent fire sale and n now stock was ordered. I'art of this utock In now liolni; shown In the show win down at tho store and In attracting n ureal deal of favorable attention. PACKERS PLEAD NOT GUILTY TO CONSPIRACY CHICAGO, 111., July fi. J. 0Kdon Armour and nine oilier Chicago packers indicted for violation of tlio Sherman niititrust law, Imvo cnlerod plens of not RuHty lioro Io ehnrgcH of linvinjf formed n orimiiiul eoiispi rncy in restraint of trade. FORESTRY OFFICERS ARE TO BE MOVED SOON The road to KIciIihk up (Jriffin crcuk whieli Ims of late years been used ulmont exclusive) v by old main iS'cImoii and woodcliopjiorM, lias re-, ccully witncHhcd a (,'rcat deal of I nil fie. Griffin Creekcrs are putting! much faitli in it minint; revival mid busu that faith on (lie larc number of prospectors, some in wagons, hoiiic in uiitos and some with the tried and trusted burro, who pill's daily along thu road to lose tlicinKclves in the bills where they hope to find n k0'"' en realization of their dreams. "During the past two weeks each day lias seen u numbi-r of prospec tors traveling this read," Vtated a (Jriffin Creek rancher this morning, "and all seem to be equipped for a lengthy stay in the bills. Some are grizzled veterans,nnd others are evi dently 'tenderi'eet' to judge from their outfits. The movement is all the more noticeable inasmuch as the road bus been little traveled of late years save by old man Nelson und wootlehoppers." NEW STOCK AltUIVKj; A brand new stock of furniture. many dexlgns of which have never before been seen In Medford, hnH ar The offices of the Crater national forest will hu moved August 1, to the Hcberiiierborn building on South Kir street. They are nt present located in the Jackson County Hank building. PICKLES MUSTARD OLIVES A largo lino of bent quality goods. Loganberries Strawberries Peaches Apricots Beets Cauliflower Cucumbers Tomatoes and all vegetables and frulti. In season. White Carnation FLO UR AT $1.65 a Sack Olmstead & Hibbard WEST SIDE QBOCEKS MEDFORD IRON WORKS R. O. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. J A Original and Standard Whatever roofing you are using on any building,, you, are paying the price of Rubcroid. There are 300 imitations of Rubcroid, and all of them cost more in the end than the genuine. These imitations in some cases even have names that sound like Rubcroid. Frequently they are sold as Rubcroid. Before they arc laid and exposed to the weather they look like Ruberoid. Twenty Year of Service Rubcroid was the first ready roofing and is the, only one that hxs made good. It has made good because it is made of the best wool felt, impregnated with materials manufactured exclu sively by the makers of Ruberoid and which cannot be found in any other roofing. il Lumber Co. MEDFORD, ORE. CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS CLEAN AND WELL CARED FOR TEETH MAKE A FAVORABLE AND LASTING IMPRESSION and show thoughtfulness and pride on the part of their owner. No one wants to have dental work done in n dirty office or by a dirty dentist who uses dirty in struments;! have a clean office, use clean instruments and endeavor to keep clean myself, so if you need first lass dental work and want it done in a sani tary office and with' sanitary instruments and want it done at prices that are right, read the following and call on me for examination and advice which will cost you nothing and if I do your work it will be absolutely guaranteed. 22-KARAT GOLD CROWNS ..$5.00 PORCELAIN CROWNS .. $5.00 BRIDGE WORK (per tooth) ....$5.00' GOLD FILLINGS ....$1.50 AND UP SILVER FILLINGS $1.00 AND UP FULL SET OF TEETH, on rubber plate $7.50 BEST SET OF TEETH, on rubber plate $10.00 PAINLESS EXTRACTION. All other work in proportion. t REMEMBER THE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP ANTEED TO BE THE VERY BEST. ARE GUAR- DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-208 Fanners and Fruitgrowers Bank Building, Corner West Main and "and Grape Streets, Medford, Oregon. Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays. 9 a. m. to 1 p. in. Phone Main 653. IRRIGATION We Have Water to Spare and Acres of Land And Are Willing to Share it With You Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building FOR TERMS SEE Rogue River Valley Canal Co. and ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager U M ;t 4 5