p mT)VOnT) MATF, TKrnUrTTC, MEDFOTID, OTTTCnON, SUNDAY, JULY 2, 1911. PA'GK FTVTU LOCAL AND PERSONAL NAM, 'M'SKS IUU ZOO. Clliiiiluiiiinit, AhIiIiiiiiI, Oiukoii, .Inly ll-1 H. "Ilollor (linn ovnr" Mmi'i iiiImh II. Hun, I Id II (IIIIIh, Hcimluiy, for liooldut John I'm Kin nniiln u pi (iroMHlonul vliill In Hid I'liuiily mkiiI l-'rhluy moiii liiK. Mllolmll H llomjli initlut IritlciiH n1 frlitoriiloni Hint Iiimiii your but (it iiiiiI iiiIIIi In iinrfiu'l coiiilltloii without John A IIi'IhIi'ihou mill A. II. (liny 1 1 it it IminIiikmii ut tlio county couit Iioiiho 1'rliliiy. ' win A liiulu" iiinl nutty wom , iiinoui: tlm iiimiy who inotoioit from Milfoiil to .liickHoiiUIItt iIiiiIiik Hi" wiuik. I'or'tlio il;ht Mint or Miitnul Hit Iiimimiiro, nun W. V. Monro, room JO 'J l'hlii liiillillui;. .1. Tlioiiiillliv, of .lni'kiioiivlllo hint tint i'liaiiiilon liny imoii liiMciilinutM thin Miiiiion. Off mi m-ro ami u half ho rut iiomly olht (ohm of itrulii tin) mitt IiIh iilfulfii luiin'il out iniiKiilrl toiitly, too Mr. mnl .Mm M. Dmuiuor, who llvo ni'iir Jiii'kNiiiivlllo, vIhKimI tln'lr old hoiiio In Mi'ilfonl 1'ililny Hi It, A. Ilnlini'n, Tim Irmurancu Mho, ovttr J nek hod County brink. Unhurt ( Htnltli of (Irani I'iihm IiiiiI hunlni'xn In tlio rlrcolt court (or .ini'liMonvlllo county t IiIm wonk. Mr. WVttt, urclilturt In rhnrKii of tint IiiiIIiIIhk of tin' loiinty jitll, Iiiin Im'i'U In .IuiUmoiivIIIo m'VkiiiI iIiiick hili'ly. Aalilnml Htcinn I -n tin dry. Mcdford affirm plum; No. 1301. HiTinuii I'owoll, who In mdooil III County Itond Hiipurltitoiitli'iil llnr iiioii'h officii, wan over from Jiii-kxmi-vlllo ouo ilny thin NMiok. V K. Wnlkor, foroiiiiiii of tlio (Val or l.itko I.iiiiiIht Company wont to .lacki'oii Crock dlMtrlct Friday to look ovor Hint corpurntlon'M IioIiIIiikh, Cnrklu & Taylor (John II, Carkln. Olnan O. Taylor), attoruoyii-nt-ln oviT Jnrknon County Hank IIIiIr., MtMlforil. Mm. May Cox Ih tUltliiK roluthcn llvliu; nt Jni'kHoiivllli'. Will Mulh-r wan at tlm county mmt l'rldny morulni:. amilntluK a youiiK man who arrlvi'd from California n fow moiitliH lino to MiTiiro a Klory llrki-t, Hiitd letluro at tlm I'lncrroft Ktir Ion. Mutt Calhoun of I'hoonk Ih taking mhaiitaKu of tlm rc-vlwil of mining Intermit to Ntiiily tlio iloiniiiul for M'tVrat iirtlch-M minora iiimmI. Mm. Ml nnli' Stout In vIhIHiij; hor Inroiit)i. Mr. ami Mm. II. T llmiton of I'oormaii'x Crvk. Chaiitauitiit, Anhlnnd, OrfRon, July O.JS. "Ili-ttor than ovor." Don't nil ll, Noiul to W. II. (IIIIIh, nocrotary. for liooklot. I), W. Htauford and IiIh two ilmiKlitom Kinlly mid NarclNMii from Kiiiiihim City, Mo , havo romo to Mcd ford to iiinko tholr homo. Moth of tlio otitic I nd I ''it an ihtoiiiiIIhIh'iI In iiiiimIc and paliitliiK. Chmitamiiiu. Ahlanil, OroKon, July fi-I.H. "Hotter than over." Don't iiiIhh It. Soud to W. II. Ollll. m'crulnry, for hooklot, K. H. I'outz haw JiiHt returned from Montana and In now hoIIIiik Htork In lnri;i'Ht uiithorlzi'd cniltul utock if mi Idaho hank that hint tlm IarK't iiuthoiht'd capital Htock of any hauk In Idaho. A. T. Arnold, Kcuoral wcrotiiry of tlio Hominy hcIioo) tiHiiocliitlon of WcHt Vlrnlnlu mid hoii of Mm. 0, ,. Ariold of t til h city mid MIhh (Jrahnui. IiIh UHHlHtmit In Huiitliiy hcIiooI work, mo HpclidliiK u few (hi)'H In Mcdford on tlinlr way homo from tlio iiatlounl Holiday kcIiooI couvoiitlou at Kan l-'innclHco, They havo liooti travol Iiik all over tlio cdmhI mid arc enmi ty charmed with Mcdford and tlm valley. Tlmro will ho tin final content ho twccui tlio I.enttH and the Fats, the latter having decided to Ittuoro the challcii:o of tlm detoatod playuiH, Mr. and Mm. (loo, Kutch of In depoiidoiico, mo vlultliiK her hIhIuK Mm. I'aul HaiiHen. They cmno hero In their auto and will remain noiuti I lino IooIiIiik over tlm valley, Mr. mnl Mm lloiton of Hun Krmi (Imco havo JiimI" iiiicliiiM('(l a IIMI iiiro Htock ranch iixiir HioiiHhord fioiti C A Htock Mr. mid Mm, Htock huvo Hindu many win in frlmiilM dm Iiik tlmlr Nlny on lhol,lltlo tint to who wiHii iiiciii won wiiopivor tiicy may ilccldo lo locato. Mr mnl Mm I lor Ion will taku Immetllalo pohiichhIoii, C, A McAilliur mado the imIk D. H. Doollltlo from Clevolmid, Ohio mid IiIh ft lend Mr, Tlckuor of thin city have JiihI imiicIiiihiiI mi al falfa run rh two inlli'H north went of .Mcdford from I,, i. LoomiIh The now owuem will erect IiuIIiIIiikm nt onto mid Mi Tlckuor will mako hli lioiim thme C. A, McAilliur mado Die aalo. Como on Iiii)m. . There will ho a hi); ric dmico at tlio rAulo Opera limine Moutlii) mid TiiOmlay ovciiIiik I'rlxo waltrliiK uacli ovciiIiik. Don't foi U"t tlm AiikIo Opnra Hoiino dunce Only fie a tluuco. (Ihen hy a IhiikIi if kooiI daiKicm. KM to:i'.'-i;ii:M cnllH MatthewH for fur ulttiro and piano packing, ntorac.o and tinuHror. 87 MIhh Knlty Htandeford who luui a rharllrcil nchool of mimic in Kan tian City, MlHiiourl, for a number of yearn luni opened up u Htiidlo In Mcdford. I-Mwiinl Carlton of Tahlu Itock iipcut Haliirday In Medford. W. W. WIlKon of AHhlmid wjih a Hatiiiday vlnllor. A Dun bin- uf IMf.owooil, Callfor 11I.1, Ih In Mcdford for the fourth. ' MIhh UciihIo I In I ley Iiiih been vlidt Inn frli.'iiilH at Chleo. Ocoikc II. Ilolfmau Iiiih been at Corvallln vIhIiIiik iiii old frloud, C II. Olim, loliu D. Olwell Iiiih returned from a hhort biiHlncHM trip to Han I'rau eUro, Mono llmkdull and Aunt In CVir iln left Hut unlay ulcltt to look tiver lotue ojclinnl proportlcH In dm Hood UUer dlHlrlct. JaiuoHlt. Kelly Itnii left to vlnll lth frlemlH at Oakland, Oregon, ov r (ho fouith. . Mm. Harry II. HIckM left Saturday eiiiiK Tor Olympla. WaHhlnKtoii. Wmro Mint uan called hy the IIIucsh f her mother, who Ih not expected tti , I 1 j ' v HiB IBB ffWBEfwv1 tfBH i MANY ORCHARDS 4 f HOW TO REACH THE 0FFICIAL3 BY PHONE DURING CELEBRATION f f f 1 f f f f f f f f f f f If y 011 have any tniHliieHH with tte Ciiurth of July com inltlocH during tlm ceKMira 1I1111 with b open tomorrow call the follow Iiik numhem. Thene phoiicH woro liiHtalled free of charKo by the Homo Telephone Company iih a mat ter of accommodation to the public. 112-1. Hall Park. 207-1, Unco Track. 11M-I. Oakdalo and Main. '.'I. Main Htreet and Orlf fln Creek. H-K Orlfflu Creek Hoad County Hoad. II-I. County Hoad mid Oak dale. I Committee Hoom. NAWWHAl. TUSKK It4 C.POMX ZOOLOGICAL PARK. The lollectlou of headH and liornii In tlio admlulHtrallon btilblliiK at the 'llroiu .oohmlcal I'ark, New York, Iiiih been enriched hy tlio addition of a tare itpccluien of the head of a narwhal with two IuhKh. The ppcul men Ih the gift of II. CtiHlmlr do lthmii,who piirchaHOd ll In Hcntland for tir.O. SID BROWN MARRIED TO MISS COTTER AT OAKLAND Weililiii" alilioiiiieeineutH liiue been teeciMil in .Meiltonl Irom Sid Kroiiti -tntiOK llnit Mr Hrown was iiutrrici! lo Mim Aiiiiu Cotter nt OiiI.IiiihI. (ul on TliurilH, June 'J!. Mr. mnl Mr. Ilninii ImiIIi Inae 11 iiit of friciiiln in thin city wlin jr tlicni On. htuootli oht of loyiigu on the miitriuiouinl sea. Mr. Ilrowu is one of Meilfonl's prom inent .voiiiik hiiHiiu'nH men while Mi ('oiler lia. n liot of frieml-4 here Iinx iiiir resided in tliix eily for sonio lime. rii.iuiTi:ii ciia.voi: act An net that ban cjiused much fnv oralile comment In the I'antiiKca cir cuit comes to tliu IhIh this wcok. Hveryone likes charncter chango ar 'IhIh and Hartyno and Hardy havo their act perfected. They also slni; and dance. Norm: -in co.vruArrous Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phono 21171 NlKht 1'lionci V, W. Wwk S071. A. H. Orr, 8WSI. LADY ABSIHTANT. tr Mm- X . . JUIIN A. PtKL ;: ... . . Undertaker nnu KniuMlinor Ruccoiior to tho undertaking do-; , partmont of Modford Furnlturo Co, Office with Mcdford runilturo Co. T.ki....i....u. ri.... tiii iri, ' f' &ujuiiwiiua, Jfi will iiui) John A, Perl, rouldonco, lloll 4111,; Homo 171'Ij. 0, W. Coukllu 8001. J. II. Dut lor 8B71. A.MIIUDANOIO 8KUVIOI $r--4 Wo ncitlco that boiiiu morchnntn In other cltlcu aro iihIuk considerable paco ndvertlHltic "Mado In Oregon" oudH, That Ih iih It should bo. Tho merchant intiHl know that IiIh Indivi dual prouporlty Is to a Kreat extent dupoudeut upon tho prosperity of tho Uatu at larKo, and If OreRon tnnnu iactu(om uro patroiilxud, that It will moan Kfeater pay tolls, mid uroator pay rolls mean a larger iOKreo of liroHporlty for ovory man, woman and child In Oregon. Healed proposals for tlm erection of a brick mid conrrete public lib rary bulldliiK will be received by tho library board of the city of Medford up to 2 p. 111. July 10. 1911. Plans and specifications of the work cnu be seen at tho office of J. A. Mcintosh, architect. Medford, Ore. Kon, after July .lib. The bids shall bo accompanied by n (orllfled check for 5 per cent of tho amount of proposal and tho success ful bidder will be required to kIvo n surlty bond for tho faithful perfor mance of the contract. Tlm boa id leserves tho right to reject any or all bids. MHS. H. P. TIIHISS. BEING NAMED County "Clerk Receives Many Rctjls Iratlons of Orchard arid Farm Names From the Randies Tliroiih out County. Tiic law passed by llie I11M ItU Inline Kivinc Miohc ovwiIiik funus 'ii orelinrl Hie Hjclit .i w cxeliiHtv use of naiiHN for their posscsioiiH i not previously applied for U lieinf oliservcil hy mmi .ownerK Ihniiicliou Ihc lfoKiie Kiver valley. The cmiiil' clerk IifiK IsKiieil crelifieales to lie follmviii-,' ami there are oilier nppli cations pendiiie;: N'o. l'Tho OakeK Orelmr.l," Tn hie Hock. J. (1. Pendleton & Hon. .No. 'J. -"lUxer-idc OrclmnW KoKiie Hiver. John h Morrill. No. .V "Kairvicw." Slerlinc, ..l' Nickcll. No. !. "Tahie Hock Orchard." T.i hie Ifoek. ll. 0. WiiMibuni. No. Ti.- -'Woodlnun Orchard," On Iral Point. A. Ouiro Iiero. No. (I. -4,llilUo) Orehanl," Jack sonville. T. V. Hester. No. 7. "The Hear Creek Oreli fink" Medford, H. Hopenhor. No. H. -"Day Inn Orchard-." Af.li Innd, Ki'ardi & WaM-r. No. II. "Arrowhead Orelinrd." Ceulral Point, L. Harry Wilcox. Anyone wishing to adopt n nnrni can apply to Hie connlv clerk. Th fee for issuing n certificate N onl' il. This proposition is rather nove one mid i nlrendv pniving popula tliroilKlioilt ti Htllle. Hnnklns for Health, Send a Messenger O WED SON PI- AMUASSADC1! .2 $1 L I Jtr " -f -" - - - " 1 irroiTvWMn mi: Support tho inaniifncturem of your homo city first, last and nil tho time, and you will help yourself to prosper ity. Hut If your local factories can not suVply your wants, Insist Hint tlio merchant carries "Mndo In Oregon" goods from other Oregon sources to supply your needs. Loo); for tlio loser of tlio ai lidos you Innu found -for n prompt nd may save him a lot of worrv. vlLV 5S HELENE DEM Pr-V The eiiKiiKunient has Jmit boon an nounced In Pails of MIhh llolono Do maroHt, daughter of Mib. Warren G. DonimoHt, of Now Yoik, to Mr. John l.elnliiniin, mm of tho Amoi'lcmi Am hiiHuailor to Italy, that will meet with the ap oroval of the recipient 0 'Mtr message. Any old kint f n messenger won't answei Tlie beat should always b sent "if" you wish the re eipient to pnss a favorabl verdict. What yon think about busi ncss stationery isn't quite sc important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy 7J ItaiJ.irJ fstff Jtr h. until ttntUntry wmmi mm "Lidr Ut untrr.Mjri" because it pleases you, bu because it influences the maf you write in your favor. Oin IIammhi Boxd ia clean.criip jwr, m.de lor clean, crii butincu loUv ll oM on lli Uitumillon (hat there, economy in q ulii A hndoriie pecinten UtV given upon request, thow. lu leiterltejids tml other luunet. (ormt, I'rtoted, litliofirapt.eJ and cngrated oa Ih white and lourleei coI'V MiJ.liyllAWMIIIK PAfM Comfanv, the Mly uper maler in he world makinc U)nl uiMrrekklutively. i HinijiV!! ADVERTISE xr Want Want YOU A Cook a Clerk Want n l'rtnor Want a Sltu.tlou Wut a Strvnut Olrl WAUt to B.U a riAno VAitt to Belt a Oarrtir Wnut to Soil Town Property Want to Boll Your OroctrUi Want to Soil Your Hrdwro Want Ouitoiuors for Anything Ailvortlai Sally In Thla VApor. Artvorttilnir ! tlio Way to Sucoon AdTortliluir Brluiri Onotomen Advortlitnir Xeops Outoiur Ailvertlilug Xniuroa Suoooii Advortlilnir Bhowa Snorgry AilvertUlnc Showi Xluck Ailvertliliiir i "Bli" AAvortlao or But ArtvortUo J,ong .dvortt Woll ABVBBTISXl ' At Ouo Medford Printing Co. In This Paper -'I Tho arm weather will soon lx hero. Wo havo tho neces sary roqulromouts to mako work easy In warm weather. Boo us for tho best of ELEC- Meaeaeaeeaae.ieaBeaeeieaeaieaiejeaeieaHHaib.ea TRIO FANS nml tho heat of prlccfl. SOUTHERN OREGON ELECTRIC CO. ' U7 SOUTH OENTKAL, Y Enjoy ourselves 'A :r'" ' HAVE A GOOD TIME! LET THE EAGLE SCREAM! When tho Fourth is over bring your tattered and soiled garments to tlie And we will put them in good order for you. Dress Up - for the FOURTH You will doubtless want to outfit yourself in a brand new suit for the National holiday, which falls on Tues day, and we would call your attention to our splendid line of jj MEN'S . SUITS $15 and up No Better Suits Made Than m mmmmmmmmm tWHMMaMiHMMi .wsMaHMnaoa.iM wmmmmmmmmmmmmammm. These Hand Tailored Men's Suits ' I M Sf rictly hand-tailored 2 and 3-lmtton coat suits, with hand mado, unbreakable fronts that will not fall down, wrinldo and lose their shape after a few weeks' wear; hand-felled collars, hand-worked buttonholes; trousers peg, semi-peg or medium cut; vests of the best very latest models, pro ducts of the very best American factories. Knox Straws $4.00 and $5.00 ji lilli ' ; 1 1 K Pi "MmcpxrefJr Corx-etcri ' ' Clothz&ra tsassassssssssss0 Oregon -, .iAf ' y;. MEDFORD A . I 1 n I 'A & ! .1' M