I V ft. wis PBE TWO aiEDFOttD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDtfORI), 01WG0N, SUNDAY. dUTW 2, 1911. S. BR VV1 ) . very pretty reception wits jr'tven Wednesday afternoon liy ili Thonintnif Honolulu. The hoi S .MHO ie was Ihc guest ot Mw Atfiitw Ivnm nut! Miss Jonnt' KI.mui. very prcUily eeorotod, tninntitios of A nmt delightful afternoon w,tj pink rjsos vbcinj imed in the 'living! given' the ProMiytortnu ,Mitonnry room. J?ed roses wero used in jjho'soeiety Friday afternoon 'at' tin dining room ' und nasturtiums Te-, innn-o. when MrOiWUls cnler- tooiied IllC walta ill (ho inimii. nmm. . Inin.i.l rl... inili.... -it1. M .'rOf.. .... ).... l iitr iiiiiiv- ii . nii;3i- 11.-11. , - . - --- i ..... .., -.-....,. wlhu-e the jmnndolin club played. -W The limine us doeoniteiwlh rW- filHtinK.Misjs Kentner -were, Miss Mae) and sweet pens and' maii' Chinese curios were in evnieiice. yuue n number of the Indie; were in ook- llinm tuine; Mis Merrill jveuriiur (he sown Tho Greater Medford Club hold the Inst mooting uf the yenr Inst Monday when elect Ion of of fleers took place, Messrs. derrick and nynrt appear oil before the elub and' naked thu an- TlminnS, Miss Gillete of Chicago hnd i'tHs.(ff"nne Of sorih DnDkota; Mes dames ' Kentnor. Demd. Willinn ' rw.wn.nod JJ. B. Davis. .Mrs. Kich- of n Chinese prinoV-.s, and Mrs. K. . ojlon served in tho lining room ns- Warner being uttirtil in a Lao wo- h msicu iy .miss iYanrcs iork and given the Presbyterian MKionnry Miiss Jean Budge, and each guest Kllis, MnSdy nod fnrsdi were also hi J.T!?':?"i?,1..wi,h a fluworbyIisH 'costume. "A pleasing program was jMuiirnnc iicucn. .miss Joy rolger given. .Mrs. .Dlaek and .Mrs., Green served fruit punch in the music mom. had papers on China. Mrs. English T(ho door was opened fyr the uests and Miss Elder sung ' a duetaud by Master Lewis Kfcffy: f there' wero several ins-trumeulal numbers. Tyineal Chinese reires.li-, nmiear-d tilt) as Lalstnueo jlif tho wtunon In holpltiK t 'jtan.utiry the Nntntorlum -with plnuts and lnes .and n committee was ap polnte'A to confer vlUi tlio mnunge mont. All tho committees Vir the year wero released with the excep tion of the bird committee and the band stand committee .Mrs. U. C. ICeutner w'ho tins Ijc-en most vf fldctit an tlio ilnd(aimt the iwst yenr rerusnd to hold the office tor the coming j ear. Mrs. Kontner has done fiiilo.mUil work anl feaV.es tho ehib In very iiuod shape Jir8,'!tJ.ll. J'lckel was lojted prosiuont. .mtr. noma nrat vice presu dent. .Mrs. tloo. llacEOtt. second vlco inenUlvut, Mrs. ijttVnrne.r, recor,dn; necretary, Mlas Fnnlo Hnsktns. cor responding secretary niv,d Mls Kllta Uckh, Putnam treasurer. Hat Rat f?r Pet "sTSl ,PA:y&aims..litiaxas! Xl-: YORK: July i AVIth u largo live ral' perched on her wUouhlor,' Mrs. Mqrtlmer Hancock, wlfo ofta In honor .of her guest, Mrs. Barnes of Grand Forks, X. D., Mrs. William Budge" entertained jnOst delightfully gt .ltinelieon ,"cdnesdij'. Boscs were Vised in abundance for decora tion, red roses being used in the re rcption .room and pink roses in the dining room and quantities of sweet peas were used in .the library. A most delicious luncheon, perfect in nil appointments was served, after winch bridge wujs played, Mrs. Luke winning first prize and Mrs. Barnes "receiving a guest prize. The invited giicts, besides the honor guest, were yAlchduuies Daniels, J. D. Ieard, ljiikc, Nye, lerrick, Purdut, Dennis ton', J. "M. Boot, Wise of MaiiVato, Minn., J.' 11 Stewart, York, Ken'tncr, English', Egglcston of Chicago, E. '. Ahn,er. Tho proposed mcctincr of the -Question club was 1ield at the lioino "of Miss Tonne Ylynn last Thursdnv ovening, -when the young ladies were tieiightrully. entertained. Tlie mem bers contributed to tho pleasure of tho ovening -by music and readings, JUiss zela. Whit was the honor guest. The table was prettily dec ' 'orated with, pink ramblers and cau dles of the same color were usdd. The oolorFcIieme of pink was carried out in the dainty refreshments which were served. . .Mrs. Donmiston entertained with n fridge lunche6n, Tuesday for the pleasure of Mrs. 0. J. Barnes .if .Grand Forks, N. D. BosCs were used .fdr decoration, llrs. "Barnes wonthe first prize at bridge and also received the truest prize. The guests were JUesuiunes Uanies, .Nye. Merrick, (English, Kentiier, Budge, Luke, WTatt, 'arsons, Jinrbour and Brown. .The Lnd-a-handswmet Wednesday morning with Miss Marion Foster. They will .meet every Wednesday morning during the "summer, at the High sehooj building. J Miss Myrtle Boberts of Albany iV1 ffivu i" Jtfcdford. fib n day. She will imhke hn 'exteiided visit Jiere as mnn's address. Mesdamcs Johnson ments were scr-cd, including rice, which was eaten, with chop sticks, tea and wafers, and Chineic candy and nuts. 'Under red, white and blue lights and Japanese lanterns a gav crowd: gathered last night on the lawn of ti. ii.uui:vm.t uiifi uiijuym me uo- jntality of tlio Ladies' Aid soeioly of the rsl Methodist church. An elab orate musical program was rendered. The booths where were sold candies and dainties mid where fair young ladies presided also were decorated in red, white and blue and the whjte covered tables w.ero strewn with cut flowers. The program consisted of music by the orchestra aud quar tet, solos and ducts. The refresh ments were ice cream, cake, luucli and candy. There whs a large attend ance. Mrs. M. M. Taylor was hostess to the Jacksonvjlle .300 0lub In,t Friday evening, entertaining in the most de lightful manner. The house was artis tically decorated in red rambler xose. and at the close of amusements dnin-. ly refreshments were served. .Mrs. Taylor's guests lor the evening were; Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Collins, 3fr. and Mrs. II. Luy, M. and 3Irs. Lewis ,UI rich. Mr. and Mrs. IL Crouch; Misses Louise 3romeyer, Nellie and Isabella Collins ;3Ies?rs. Clyde Shaw. . Wil son, J. P. Wells, C. at Cntlin, Mr. aud Mrs. O. Krause 'and Ms Fay Sears of Medford, and .Miss M. ,B. Towne of Phoenix. The famous gamo between tho Fats and the Leans was played Tuesday tternoqn. anu the j;amo wob thoroughly enjoyed by a larse crowd The Kt;iv.iyl ataud was packed us were tne uietvcaers una (lie automooiies made, quite a llno-up. The cmtumvs ot tho teams wero very vtchlng anil' consisted of bath ing suits'.wttUvlints and the Fats with pink stockings, the Leans baby bluu aud Mr. Kontner was most coquet- tlshly arrayed In a unlquo creation, having a style all its own, with fluffy skirts of red and blue and red bow In the back. The men all nlayad they were boys again and had as much fun as the octators. . A-very good,8um was .realized and It will be of great assistances to tho band. M-Fu- Jur Hancock of. the ttoynl British stltors. nttrnetinl considerable utteli-i I tlon n tho corridors of tlKi Waldorf sroria jusr uoiqro sue uepnriou lor Kshovllle, y. C where she is to puss the summer with her father. Dr. Wos ..... ..J..t ' Mrs. Hancock arrived from India k few days ai?0, aiitl utter visiting San! Francisco and 'tBYlcagu. catno horto' renew old irlendslilpH. During Tixt long Journey irom the far eistTthe white rat has been lior cijimtaut com panion. Attached ,to the pefs JewoJet collar Is a Rold chain which Mrs.' Hancock useias'a imckluco. Blrdlo'' tho ratcuris hla jbng tall around Vrs. Hancock's neck -and rests cointort- ubly upon her 'left shoulder, with every appearance contentment. Colonel Kay of NVv York-to ox peeled to arrive tu Medford Huiulny night. Dr. Bay nivt him in Sun Krunqiseo and" will return wili him, A blind concert wilt", ho, hold In tho park Buudtiy atteriKiou iiud It Is hop ed there will bo conceits each woolt, during tho summer. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Kugcno Foster of Kings highway lelt last week for California, where thoy will spend the hbmmer. ' i Mr. and Mrs. C. Ji. lloynton, who have been touring California tlie past two umUthS willietuiu soon to Med, fo' ... i -M. 1 . ,11. A Harg'ravo Jtjfi TJinrs or .OnUitin, Canadn. She e.s 'S- day for .Ontario. Canadn. She e.s teqts ,o ljo away several mouths. A birthday dinner for nine-j-enr-old Catherine Tnttle was jjien Mon day night at the Jiome of her parents on Onkdale avenue. Games, music and a C' o'clock dinner filled out the .Va 1 ?.. n.. -J." """un una evening, xne guetta were Dorothy Parsons, Mercedes! Barber, Maim Seeloy, Helen JJunt, Elizabeth Fuselmun and Dolly Parker.' Mrs. J. A. Wes,terlund returned' last week from Mansiuieta Boy,( Wash., where she has jieen visiting; for, the past month. ' There were quite va qumbor of dinner parties at the Nash Grille fol lowing Hie reception at the Golf Club Friday. , Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Be(?kwth enter tained In hqnor of 31 r. ,Ed. Burgess and their othervguests were Mr. and Mrs. Conro Flero, Miss Burko and Miss JIablo ,ilurke. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Daggett had as their guests Mr. and "airs. EJvan Renmes. Mr. Wheldon Diddle entertained Miss Riddle, Miss McArdle. Mr. Can terbury and Mr. Don Clark. 31 r. and Mrs. plwell had as tholr dinner guests Mr. and Sirs. Fred Cowlcs. t Jlr. Sterling was host to quite a, large dinner 'party. A picnic party, with .Prospect an the objective input, has .been made up by a ,iiimber pi the olficers oi thd Kogiie .River Electric eoninanv. wives ind .friends. The nariv will leave Midford klonday afternoon, wiH sjend the night nt Trail and will ar rive n,t Pros"j)e't the nea-t noon. Carriages and 'dutomobiles will he used to make the beautiful mountain trip. At Prospect there is to be a, big; celebration with n baseball game be tween the Electrics nnd Prospect as the climax. Ainon (hose who will be in the party are .Mr. nnd Mrs. Ebel, Mr. and ,Mrs. Dixon, .Mr. and .Mrs. .Buffum. Mr. Childers, 3lr. Ev- n'ns and .Mr. ratten. Mrs. J. T. Sullivan nnd dnuditerH Jmve r(jturned .fronvja visit in Sinik-! ane & Couer d'AIenc. Miss Dra wm graduated (ins y$nr rom the convent nt .Coeii'r d'AIenc ' I . i ' . i, The coming veek will be a busy one, there will be ".something doing every minute.' Horse races, automo bile races, foot races, swimming eon- tests, broncho, busing parades, spe dies and dancing. There will hit all kinds of umuseiueuts so that everyone can bo entertained. " I John Caddow of Potto Falls aud Miss Loulso BJley qf New York City; wero married Wednesday evening by tho Kev. Wm. Lucas. The ceremony, wnB performed nt the pnstor's huinu and the newly married couple leftj later In the evening for llutto Fnlla whero they will reside. y Mrs. ItnrmM nnd MUs Harnes who have been visiting Mrs. William Budge and .Miss Triechler, left Fri day for '(heir home in North Fork S. D. They will vitt in Seattle nnd also take the trip through Ycllow-i stone park.. m Mr. John Cndow of llutto Falls and Miss Mary Loulso Riley of .New, joik were iiniieu in iimiriiiiunj iiibl Wednesday nt G p. in. by Rev. Wm, Lucas at the rectory. They left on Thursday for their home nt iliitto; Falls. . J Mrs. Geo. Daggett leaves soon "for the east wheru "sic will remain for several months,' returning this fall accompanied by her daughter Miss Dorothy. Mr. Daggett will remuln In town and they' huvo rented tlielr house. ' ' ' I Miss Gllcon Iteldy will return from- school Monday ovening nnd Miss J. D. Jjowllng of Sacramento will nc- coiupa,uy her. .Miss Laura Pago entertained a few qf her friends TJiursday , . Tlie ,St. Mnrk'tl Guild held tho last tneqtiiur 4t (ho your Thursday. The iu.t.u)t;qtj(jg will, he in Uolouor. Jlrs. .Malilon PuiNliu ciiterlniued fr.'and M'i-s. .DaiiieN, Mr. Ji ) licnw ll luqelieon Thursday. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Clark pro iv eeiviug eOugrufulntioiiH on the .bii'tli of u Pop, ,hurii Jimo '10. ' ,Mr. nnd Airs. J. .0. N.tf huvo re' turned .froni Crescent City. Tliy made the trip liy auto. Mrs. J., I). HounMoft for Portland Woonesday evening. In will ,bo there some ,tunes lr. Will vMijrr'mnn ipil family of mvimiHi 'jire tij gliosis oi .Mr. George Mejiiuuiu.' 3frs. IL K. Morrison left Thurs dnv -fiir'Cliioinin. where mIiii will snotnt Hie sumutcr. '1 1 . Ir.tnnd Mrs. Edgqr Ilnfer e.xpcl to cove ,1'or (he eusl some ime W moiilli. The .Tliursdiiy .Bridge uluh was en- .trlniuojl )y .lis's ,Siira Reiley hint VC0K. The Ideal .Mandolin club met nt the. lionie 'qf Istr. Root last Thurs day. J Mrs. Clarence ICuight eijtertaind nt .Bridge Thursday evening nt her home on East Main street. Mr. J. ). Cuthhert of San Fran cisco is the guest of his sons, Messrs. George and Joe Cu(hbert. a Mr. Hugh lliimo of Portland, ed itor of Jho Spectator, Is spending a few daysin Mod ford. .,Mrs. JMoe leaves Sunday for a visit In Minneapolis. She will bo away two months. Mr. Arthur, Geary returned last week from a trip to Portland. t Mr. nnd Mrs. John Tomlin left for Kansas City last week. KNttLUNl.G A!.'!(hGK ., for tho hill you owe uloaim that Ihnio will never ho any dlHplilo about your payment of tliat account. Tho chock Itm'lf Is all luillHMilablo ovldoiico of paymout. That Im only ouo of Urn advautagini of hnvlpg an nerpintt at tho Firmi!iM & Frult,giovorH .ftank. It, alone, should bo sufficient lo'ln duco you to liocnmo a doposljor. Will you 7 Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank MERFORD IROM WORKS 1Q. G. Ti'o'hridgo, Prop. FPJJN0RY AND UAOtlUf 'j Jc'ukIh pi" KiijufuyL'H, Spraying Outl'itu, Pnnipij, Uoilcia and Aruuliiuory. Admits in So. Orogon J'or FAIRBANKS, MORSE & 00. Hi fhiVj lUUPXfuiuJ ( Kmnrfninn tN.rt3Mad. CtMttim The cnlr Woman Col fee c on IheTAClfic Co JO. Clurirml' IMS. Nrr two ttrnl Unlvcrillio. Ural climate ihtouglioat the ycir. Kntnnce ind gndaillon itouircmcnU nillnt ta tboto.ol hlanforil intl Wnlvenlty o Calll.irnla. UabontoflM or identic with modem eiult ment, Jictleiit opjiortunitlei for liome economic, library ituil. muile. ami art. Modtrn cymnailum. Kptclil care ,lor licaltli t ituilratt, outsloor life. I'mMent, LuilU Clay Carri. A. M.. Lin. I).. I.L. I). 1'or ratalodue 'iildrctt ftectetary, Mill College I'. II.. CallfornUi WHEN bread was called the '.'staff of life" the delicious crackers, cakes anl biscuits of today were unknown. A Imkor in Ihosti clays meant a man who baked bread. A baker novadays means more it signifies an artist who tickles your palate with those fjakoy crackers and other tit-bits that give you an add ed appetite for food and help digestion. "Who's your bjkcr," moans much. It means better health, a healthy stomach and happy days. f you study the mat ter as we study t, this is your bakery for we know yourtnecds. We already supply many of your neighbors. Try lis .next time. . ALLEN GROCERY 0, ai! S. G K N T II A h A V'.i: N V K t .. ww-n'W"rr-tfr j. ,;, 7 WRWW al iloMW.'..fK-.-C.',-.s,i,V-,-i.iVi 5T tiL vMv.iKvvaT,iuv"'',''i"',,,ri v" ' . 16 v ij i i t i i VISITORS IN FOE THE FOURTH MEPFORD v A V 1 -t We invite you to call at pur store w here t . gtrpng priae inducements ar-e beiaag mads during our clearance sale. v AA 4". -! a 4 1' -m t rv4 t I S -jf (.l 'T' P V K ? t- .! X -ml fwmmi mi T.V11 V. )-V '.., . 4 1 , t.l. .T, H..-i'- .