MTCDTORD MATT, TRTOUNig, MKDVOTW, OIUKJOX, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, .1911. MANY FORMS OF PAGE TirUETU SPORTS OFFERED Moilfortl Fans Will Havii Chance to Soo Dnscbnll, Tennis, nnclii'j, Gull, SlioolliiH, Swliiunliiji and other Games Dnrlnii Next Few Days. PRNC E OF WILES IS INVESTED WITH THE ORDER OF THE BARTER. Moilftllll fmiM mo (III" l(t IlllVft (llVII lipoltlll'. llllldil llppoilHCll lllltlll)! lilt noxl row i)h, mi iniitloi- wlmt tmoilti. kiiiiio iiiIkIH Ihi hIiwiIIiik, luimilmll, Kitlr. IihiIh, linntit rnrliiK, llllto lltCllllf. HWlllllllllll Vlll't'X, llOXllIK, bronco liunlliiK and huvitiiI ollior (01 urn or imHlliiut urn protmiitml Thorn lll tin HoiiM'thlnn ilolni; cvi'ry uiliiiito nltiir the Imll hIiiiIh mlHii;, ThO I'VUIUH Will IIHH1 ut till) Com. try rluli Piltlny iiftitriiiintt wltitu tlm Klt'kitlri lHllllllrll nolf tciit I till lllfllt will Imi iIiiimI nvor tin) now coiiiho or the dull. TIuimo who euro llttlii ror Koir iiinl mom ror mIiiiiHIiik will nt tint witmi tlnm Imliilc.ti In o hIiooUiu; innti'li ror a IimihIkomio Mlcillnt; oliul li'ii:it nip. TIiIm mulch will Im liolil on tlm croiinilH or tint cluli. A (oiiiiIh loiiiiuiiiH'iit Ik Ih'Iiu: ainiiir.i'il (or tho itininliorn or tin club, rtlno oir tlwlr now cotirtH. Hndinliiy u pool loiirniitiiciit. nt the UtilrMlty rluli will bo unilor way Tryotiih ror nu'liiK ponlim at tho tinelt nri iiIpo attrnrtliiK roinililornulu at tention, Hlllitluy ii(ltrunoii tho Moilfnrd luimilmll (itani will moot Cranlit I'uhh In tint flint nniuo or tho hi'iihoii. Thin fin mi In ituhi'iliilml ror - o'clock, .Momtay, tho Fourth o( July racon opKii. Thorn will lm a luilltltuiln or iIh'hO. a tounlit (ouruniuout will opin on tlm court or thn OaKilalo Ti'IiiiIh flu t. A btmcbnll kuiihi Ik Hiilii'ilulnil ror tho nrtnruoou. Tinwilay will hpm tuivnnil rncH at i thn truck ami at tho park. Two) KtuniM or biwolmll arc m'hoitulml, onn J In thn mointiiK ami thn otlmr In thn nrtnruoou. In tho pvouIiik a tun-rooml ImixIiik match hurt been arrnnKwl bo Iwni'ii I'ninliln lMuim!n of IIiIh rllvl ami Toinniy Galdtoy or HpoKaim. Thn tciinltf touruaiunut on tho Oalulalc court will nlmi lie coiitlnucil. lavHa'Bxv. rrv&ti,nixrvjvz. ov tiix rantta or vtaleS. nrciK. vza.J.&'i2Z,& the, K:rrri r&rD avatrtr ur ncr. pRodnssio-rr to sr. George's ckapj3l RJDdiHIT KL3rcl TLO liEirT JXTKIE. Off dONTsTALUXJ,-H:DC , iftoruTEuij A2rr prjcitcle. or "waijEi5 TflFT AND FAMILY ilORE JAPS FARMING . ' LEAVE FOR BEVERLYi IN ROGUE VALLEY WAHIIINtSTON. I). C. .M 'i'J. I'rifililciii Tart InavoH hnro tomorrow tor tli-v.'tl). Miihh., to untnhllMh Ills family In tholr miminnr liotiio Imdiro In koch to tuilluiiapnlla Riimlay to fji'Miil thn ('mirth of July with lor iimr VInt-IriMliiit Chnrliw V. Kalr hiuikn. In a niicceli at Imlltuiapiill Cuwl- limit Tatl will ilcflnu )il position on .M Ulrokn who P-untl) Icawil a ('(italUumUlo iicroK' fiom (:omw A. Morto, otr tint old i;. K. AmlurMii plniw on Amlrt4oii cmck, imti Iwucd miothor 16 tww from Mr. MoriHi off tlio old Van DuuUp placo north of Hour crtfuk. Mr. Hlroko Iiuh 52 acron under cultivation, moHt or It In to miitotw, and tho hnlnuro In cnhlmi;). An Itivtulon or cut worm In the to- tho ttirirr. Iln will Iwivn lndlanapoll"",l"" W!,H k,,lwl ott w,,,, Plon he- DECORATING FOR FOURTH OF JULY PLANTATION PLATE REFEREES FOR BIG BLAMES OARROW FOR WIFE'S ACTS McManltjnl Declares That Spoused Mind Is Belnjj Poisoned Against Him hy Attorney for Prosecution, Who Declares It Is All Bosh. LOS ANGELAS, Cnl., Juno 'JD. -IJcdarjiiK that hit wifo'n mind In !io inc iKiinoiiud itgniiiHt liiin by Clarcuno Dnrrow, chief of comif-cl Tor the Mo Knmarn hrotlicra, Ortio K. Mc.Unui Kl, indicted on Iiarj;ca of tlyniunit HifC tho Llewelyn Iron Works, today cntcrtuin.s little hope of effecting n rccoucillintion with hia wife. "All during our mealing in (ho court hoiiHC," said MuIatuRul, in hin cell, "J hud her in my nniiH. Tho men from tho district attorney's of fice were mighty kind to her idu T do not know what caused her to faint. "I uitcsB it Li nil off though, for her mind Iioh been poinoned by those ilick guys rfh the other wide. Why, my wife oven told me that if I didn't ngree to see Harrow I should never see her ngaiii. Maybe you think that didn't hnrt." When shown McMnnignl's slute ment today nttonicys for tho de fence claimed that it was "all bosh." YESTERDAY'S SCORES. Nat tonal IrcuKin'. ,H-, l Now Vork Now yor(a, lion-1: ton 0, At I'hlladnlphla I'hllailelphla I, lliooklyn 2. At IMtlNliurK I'ltlHlnirK 3, ('In I'lnuall a. (.'illicit In thn ninth hy iit'.ri'ttittiiiii. At Ht. I.ouIk Ht. Loula 7. Chlot- ror tho tmpltul on tho uvoiiIuk or thn I'oiirth. At Dntrolt Detroit a, Ht. LoiiIm At Loh I.oh Auulni) Han Krntiolnno J'oMHt 1-aKiic. AnohM It. II. 10 Aincrliiiii U-agun. Ilimton-Nnw York I tain. At WnnlilllKton U'liHlilliKtou rhllailnlphla .t-IC. At Clnvnlaud Clnvoland C-fl, Chi i'iiko 1-3. . V-'J, '"AraSUV.:....;... Hnnnimnnto o Cortland u At Han Piaiiclito Vermin Oakhtuil 0 1 10 s I roro doliiK u KrcNit dual of damngu. Nino JHiniiue have licon omploycd, hut two worn turned off Saturday. Mr. Ulroko hn contracted IiIh tomu tnoH to tho local cnnuorlux nt Jl.r.O per ton and IiIh caliliuno at $1 1.R0 iwr ton. Tho Adhlaud Carnitine J'nwnrv Ini: iompnny will take turn of con- . 3 jll!Pblv of the product. nya tlia VaN ,,, floy Uncord. The dt'comtiou of biiMinew ho it preparatory to the observation of (ho Fourth o( jhily in this city i 1 rondy tinder way and tho city b .Saturday nights will take on a fontm uiipcarunco in w'bu-h red, white mid bine will bo tho predominating color-. Tho city hull lins been decorated m well at the bhsinecs houses alon Front htrcet. In every direction mon urn at work pulling up the strcam ern. Alerchant.s can be ecii hourlv oi tho btreets carryiiij; gteat bundle.-, ot bunting to Iheir; flacih of business whero thoy will" be thrown to tin brew. McdfordjMill be well dress -d for the two dnyrelebration. Ilasklns for Health. .Viiillnu-Mfciii lMKun. At I'ortlnud lrlliuul-St'ltlf, wot KrouiidM. At Victoria Victoria i" r, o Tiuoma z h o At Viincouwr Vancouvnr a S 2 Spolimtc s 11 o Scoops Around the Infield With rour KiiuifH mhmlulnd (or thoiahout Frank Iniiiivm' IiiuhIn. Ho has' Hint or tho wcnlt, It Ih up to tho Hen- a Imautirul row or bllntorn nloug tho, ulara to nt out and do a llttlo workjtlpH or IiIh riiiKom and uuIchm theyj thU wwl, LiiHt night (our playm hvul up hy Sunday It may ho that' only ithownd up at tho hnll grounds I they u 111 Intorrnit with hlu woilt. Iuk in innponn to a can ror prac.ticn, anu ,ih (awning thnm, hut (our kuiuch in iiiiIchk I IiIh wiiiI.h out hotter tho rent of tlm week onn Mr. Itopor or tho down-valley town will grab tho rour nullum HtralKht. Mllnn, StnvuiiHou, Ht'hult and Wlltmu woro tho faithful ouch, althoiiKh J'ug lHancH did a Ill tin work oaiilor In thn day, (Iiiiiich can't ho won without a llttlo team work, andjiraethn In Hpota doenn't do much finod. C'omo on, you hall plnymri, and do a llttlo work. lliidy Hulnilt. Hhownd up In uniform ycHterdity and pulled hoiuo hot ouch aiouud Hhort, Mndford'H (avorlto hall (OHHiir throw tho ma llttlo high to find when ho wont In, owing to IiIh woil; through tho homhoii with Mt, Angol at Hecoiid Iiiiho, hut hoforo he had linen In haruniiH long ho wm wlnglu' 'em iitralght acromi and with out loHlpg any Hpond. Ijjidy will piohahly ho hcuii at ahort Humlny. Ho hit 'cm on tho iioho at hatting prac- tlcn, too. Moio work him been dnuo im tho diamond by Mnuugor Hull and tnauiH hnvn cut uji tho lurield around nocond to a coiiHldornhUt degree. TIiIh tutor fcrod with MIIoh to hoiuo oxtont In tho woikout, hit iih Court promlHOH to havu tho Inflold rolled hoforo tho big gaijio Huudiiy, Shorty will ho In condition to nub all cIiuiicoh, Curly WIIhou'Jh thn faithful hoy, all right. l(o hIiowh up ovory prac tice, although ho Iiuh to cqmo rroin jackHonvlllo to do ho. IIIh oxpniiHos ror practlco aro 70 fonts JuhI to gel over and hack, Now, whom ho can pull thtH ror tho henorlt of tho Moil ford loam, why can't tho hoj'H around town got a llttlo work? Tho rutiH aro worrying homowhat thrcn dayn am ciidiikIi to tiring now ouch, let alone curliiK up tho old ouch, I H a hot onn goto puHt tho liiffchl and tho outfielder haektiiK It up lota It away, then (hern Ik gidug to ho about tlircn ImHoti, chalked up hy tho hatHiuan, Sluco tho gnoia wan cut and cleared away on thooiurield hoiuo Hpecd baa been developed, llnrotnroro the ball Iiuh been checked In about 20 (not after It panned tho Infield. owing to tho kiuhh, Now It will go clear to tho fence ir It Ih only ordi narily hit. It men ihi Hpcedler base ball. KtovoiiHou wuh one of the fallliful at tho park yesterday. Iln got a llttlo halting practice and hold down tho rii'Ht hug while tho infield wan working out, Stovn looku to ho In thn pink of condition and will prolmhly win n home with Mndford faiiH Sun day. Iloh Dragila w will ho In the hox for Medrord Monday and will ho giv en a chance to go Htralght through with tho gumo, Holt Iiuh pulled out each ho Iiuh been In with a good deal of credit. Hnrn'u luck to you, old kid! ThifdoH will probably he noon' on July 1 In tho Iion. Ho Ih iald to ho a Htiictly a Httikeout man and ban won hoiuo hot gumoH, Ho Ih duo to uniyo In Muilford Saturday. Captulu McCarthy left TuoHduy night to take a placo with a team In tho WiiHltlngton (Sato league. Won der why'thny licli) hlu tinln up nnar (Irantii PaaB' - lO ROUNDS 0XING CONTES ss ""- Hrjsf AT THE MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY E-VE'G, JULY 4 Between Fmnlrie Edwards, of San Francisco and Ed Gaffney, of Spokane Also Two 4-Roimd Preliminaries WON BY TOGGERY LONDON, Juno 29. August Hel mon't Toggery won tho Plantation plain of 200 sovcrelgiM for 2-ycar oldH in tho distance of five furlongs at Newmarket. Aurctto was second and Green Cloth third. Printing of all kinds nt Portland prices. Mail Tribune office. T NEXT T Walter McCallum, who is manlng the boxing contest which Is to bo pull ed eff at the Mvdford opera house next Tuesday evening betAcen Tom my Gaffney and Franklo Edwards, today announced tho officials who will servo that nlgliL Jack McGlynn will referee the preliminaries, Owney Patton will officiate as master of cer emonies and do the announcing, Bob Tolfer will act 83 timekeeper, while It. H. Hanauer will roforeo tho main event. Edwards Is working out dally and will be In good condition for tho bout. Gaffney will arrive Sunday or Mon day. Ho has been training at lloso burg. Requests were received today from Roscburg for 20 rlngsldo Boats for for tho contest, showing how wide spread Is the interest. Uaskins for Health. mmMrmfr&m I PRELIMINARIES START AT 8:30 AND THE 9 MAIN EVENT AT 9:30 Admission -Ring Sido $1.50, Reserved Seate $1.00, General Admission 75c FINE DENTAL WORK At honest prices is something that is hard to get. THAT IS MY MOTTO, con suit me before going elsewhere examination and advice cost you nothing and may save you many dollars. Did it ever occur to you that two thirds of the stomach trouble of the present day is caused from neglecting the teeth? Think it over. 22-KARAT GOLD CROWNS ..$5.00 PORCELAIN CROWNS .. $5.00 BRIDGE WORK (per tooth) .. .$5.00 GOLD FILLINGS ....$1.50 AND UP SILVER FILLINGS $1.00 AND UP FULL SET OF TEETH, on rubber plate BEST SET OF TEETH, on plate PAINLESS EXTRACTION. All other work in proportion. $7.50 rubber $10.00 : ; : . , : : : : - : - ; REMEMBER -THE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP ARE GUARANTEED TO BE THE VERY BEST. DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-208 FARMERS AND FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG., CORNER WEST MAIN AND GRAPE STREETS, MEDFORD, OREGON. OFFICE HOURS 8 A. M. TO 8 P. M. SUND AYS, 9 A. M. TO 1 P. M. PHONE MAIN 653. MMWJWMWMWlflWlllWEW up i d i ii i iih tiiini mi mwmtmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmfmMmmmmmammmma fll p " Unexpected Guests rr-L ants to The farmer and his tifc were about to sit down to a cold supper when ihcy saw some .old friends driving towards the house. The Rood wife was equal to the occasion- hcr New Perfection Oil Cook-stove. Shu had it lit in a moment, and her guests hardly were seated on the porch before a hearty hot nieal was ready lor tha table sausages and eggs and long rashers of streaky bacon, and rolls just craped in the oven and fresh coffee and the hostess herself as cool and neat ns if she had hot been near the kitchen. She never could havo mananed it with an old-fashioned ranee. Tho New Perfection is the quickcst,most convenient and best cooker or tho market, QUifiMtf&Jtag' MJiili I, 2 uJ 3 liinvB r. with loatf,tlurquouMufiuucle.l chiian.Tt. Hnaumly finUhtJ iKroujhoul, Tin 2 nil 3-bumrr Hoitlcn U had with or willioi't ctkintl lop, v. nich u filled wiih dron liehret, lowtl rck, tc lMluvrnrwhtrei or vmiolor do ciuuive circuUr to iho nctrtU eDcy d tho Standard Oil Company tIncorporUl) IRRIGATION Diversified Farming With Irrigation Means Independence Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. CUMMINGS, MaDager 5 Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Irrigated Orchard Tracts Grov Garden Truck. Why? Because Our Long Season Com mands the Early and Late Crops ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager J SMN i i t ". i - pi i s 'i, I H