PXGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKUOOX, THURSDAY, .IIJXIQ 29, 1011. i w i s PRESERVE FRUIT FOR EXHIBITION ' H. '0. Frohbaeh, Former Secretary " ef Ashland Commercial Club, Pcr- 1 fects Process Which Will Enable 1 District to Make Suitable Displays fy)r years tho llogtto Klvor valley hnBbech at a tllKaiivanlaBo at tho vd rlo8lamf shows and expositions for the reason thnt tho actual products or tho soil have not been exhibited on nc count of tltoro botne no one In this locality who has inndo the processing of fruits anil vegetables for exhibit purposes a bliBllicsts. H; Ot Frohbaeh, who spent Tuesday ntjftctlfdrd, states that while secro taryjofi'tho Ashland Commercial club hbrenllzcd the opportunity open In this valley and has for the past two years experimented and now believes that ho has a perfect formula for pro cessing, not alone fruits and vegeta bles, but flowors, tho latter, however, will hot be taken up commercially by him. Mr. Frohbaeh has leased a por tion of tho basembnt or tho riow Hea ver building at Ashland and erected a bandy laboratory therein. Anions the various articles which are used are largo GO-gallon barrels and numer ous stono Jars wherein the fruits re ceive the chemical treatments. ' Mr. Frdhbach has several glass Jars filled with the finished products and show that he hasorlginated and that his formula is successful. A Jar of Btrawberrles is especially fine, for that matter strawberries are consider ed to bo one' of the auost difficult fruits to process. Mr. Frohbaeh re ports that upon his recent visit to Portland ho carefully examined the processed fruit at tho chamber of commorce, but that there was not one Jar of strawberries there. It will not be very long before tho early varieties of peaches will be ripe. These should not be too ripe, although tho more highly colored tho more beautiful they appear under glass. Thoro Is probably no other peach growing district where a greater va riety and hotter quality of. peaches are grown than right here in Ash land, and this district ought to take advantage in making this known at various exhibits in the future. Weds an Earl mmmL '.-HI BUTTE FULLS TO MATE Everything In Readiness for Old Time Jollflcatlon on July 4 Two Bands and an Unparalleled Ag gregation of Rlproartnrj Stunts. A Hint From Paris ..K133 MARY COXON. LON'DON, June S'. Viscount Chelsea and Miss Marie Coxon, a niece of Lady Jardlne, wcro married av Christ church, Down street, on June 7. Deliberate secrecy surrounded the ceremony, which was witnessed only by five or six Intimate friends. Tho announcement on January 10 last of the engagement of the vis count and Miss Coxon surprised so ciety. The bride Is a pretty girl of 21 years. Tho bridegroom recently became heir to the earldom of Cado gan, and an income of $500,000 an nually, upon the death of his 7-year old nephew. A short time before he had been declared a bankrupt. LORDS REFUSE TO BE SHORN OF THEIR POWER BETRAYED BY WIFE'S ' UNEASY CONSCIENCE PORTLAND, Ore., June 29. Be trayed by his wife, who told his em ployers that he was ?G00 short in his accounts, Robert Russell, a clerk in tho Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Company's offices, Is In the cltyJall today charged with embezz lement, and Auditors are examining bis books for other alleged shortages. i,-When arrested he gave the name of ,A. W. Fowler as correct and Bald his wife's first husband was named Fowler so he used tho congnbtnen of Russell to saxe explanations. v When she gavo information con cerning Russell's alleged embezzle ment, Mrs. Russell said her con science lmpollcd her to cxposo him. j OREGON STATE EDITORIAL 4- ASSOCIATION PLANS MEET Officers of the Oregon State Ed itorial association are arranging the details for a three days' session of tho association in Portland Septem ber 21-23, incluHive. George M. Cornwall of Portluud, and W. A. Sltewmau of Oregon City, president and' secretary of the association, Jiiivo mailed notices to 17p publish ers in the stnte, urging them to at tend the meet tings, which will be held in either iiie assembly hull of the 'Portland Commercial club or the "jinks" room of the Portluud Press club. The purposes of the gathering, which murks the annual meeting of tho association, are a rejuvenation of the editorial asuoicalion and an educational stimulus. Advertising (ilid its value to thendvertirfor and tho publisher will bo discussed. The officers of the association are Keek ing to bring to Portland nt that time one or moro cost oxpcrls who will address the assembled publishers. SHOOTING TOURNAMENT 1 ' ' AT OLYMPIC GAMES STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Juno 29. Tho great International shooting tour nament will be held here In connec tion with tho Olympic games or 1012 on Juno 29. No more than 12 com petitors from each nation will bo per mitted In individual events and onu tenia from each country In team competitions. Look ut all of the real estate nils anil ut tniiuli of tho real estate ud vertisod, before investing. LONDON, June 29. That the house of lords will refuse to pass the governmcnt'ij bill depriving them of the veld power was made certain tonight when they passed the amend ment fiitheretl by Lord Lansdowne, which provides that the question shall be submitted to the people at a general referendum. This is re garded as serving notice oon Mr. As- qnith's government thnt the lords Anil insist either on another general elec tion or on the king creating enough liberal peers to pns the bill. Con servatives believe the lords will do the latter. Titus is shown by Lord Lansdowne in immediately introduc ing further amendments . thnt home rule and other vital government measures must be submitted to a referendum. UUTTE FALLS, Juno 29. Kvory thltig Is now complete. The table Is spread, the feast la ready, the Ameri can englo Is perched on high and ready to scream. Tho committees, the merchants, the people of Hutto Kails have been silently and busily working for the past six weeks to ward having tho biggest and best, the most gorgeous and glorious pic nic in the history of Southern Ore gon. Victory has crowned their efforts. They have secured an unparalleled ag gregation of attractions. A platform program of harmony and eloquence. Two of tho best bands of tho state. One of 22 pieces, nnothor of 1C. Thu former the Rogue River Valley bnnd, of Central Point, the latter the Uutte j Kails band of Uutte Kals. The old time honored ".Mulligan's" parade, races, contests, prizes, from $1 up and lots of them. Halloon ns centlon. base ball, bowery dance and a genuine patriotic good time. These nre a few of the attractions. Tho word has gone out and the people are coming, coming on foot, horse back. In wagons, on boats and last but uot least tho Pacific and Eastern It. R. has found it necessary to construct seats for use on every thing on the road that's on wheels. From Mt. P'U to "Happy Holler" they're coming. Even nature has responded and In harmony with their efforts tho boun teous rain has made everything fresh pure and clean. Tho cool mountain air is laden with health and comfort. Tho cool shades, the sparkling wa ters, tho magnificent scenery all In vito you to thron dull care away and come If for only a day come away from the heat, 'the artificial attrac tions, the aft repeated and common. Drawnlgh and get close to the bosom of that fond mother nature and she will speak in kindest tones of pence, purity, health and happiness. iwim im yiih ' !jkt.u BKr1 iff iv "m ltfSiAi swa iH '1 ts US'- -m mem mm tiHI M I V.WilHI SJt0.wlLi' - w W-i- ! Ar iC.bi; IJCWWv1 0S&5&&! SOT iMi4atS 76.000 FARMERS VISIT TRAINS Southern Pacific Demonstration Train and Accomnanylnu Lectures by University of California. Pro fessors Well Patronized. uutut wri nt. nu. Green liberty satin empire gown, NEW 8TE1ER LINE " FRISCO TO PORTLAND Haskins for Health. CANYON CITY RESIDENT IMPRISONED FOR MURDER BAKER, Or., June 29. George Anderson, a well known resident of Canyon City, is under arrest tdday charged with the murder of George Uarnes, u pioneer member of the Or egon bar, whom ho shot down-in the streets. It is said that the shooting was a result of a grudge long held against Barnes. REDMEN TO RAISE BIG CHIEFS ON SATURDAY On next Saturday evening, July 1, 1911, the "raising up of chlefB" will take place on the council sleep of tho buck moon at tho wigwam of Wea tonka tribe. No. 30, Imp. O. R. M. Racing 5500 Miles With Death. P DAVENPORT, la., June 20. A 5500 milo race with death was started here todays by Willie Whiting, uged 14, in order that he might receive the blessing of his dying mother in Hollo lulu. His mother, who left bore in April to visit her daughter in Honolu lu, is eritieally ill and pleads that Iter boy be sent to her. Hasklns for Health. BUTTE FALLS HOTEL Will serve every Sun day an exceptionally good dinner for transients iNear 0kUnd, California The only Vbman't College on the Pacific Coait. ChartcrtU 1865. Near two great Univcnlllti. Ideal climate throughout the year. JCntrauce ind graduation rruuiriMnrnt rnulvalent tn iIiokc of Stanford and I'uivcrtlty of California. Laboratories for bciencc with modern equip, mend ICxcrlkut opportunities for home economic, library study, music and art. Modern synumtiti"), Kncclat care for health of studepu, out-door life. President, Luilla Clay Carson. A. Jl.. l.itt. I). I.L. D. U,,, IalloHur ailrcss Secretary, Mills Colleue 1'. J., California. i IF A FIRE STARTED IN YOUR. PLACE Would you have anything at hand with which to fight it? The Chemical Powder Extinguisher is cheap and easy to uso and Is kept filled at no expense. J. C. NEKF Crater Lake Garage. PORTLAND, Ore., June 29. A new steamship line ( compote with the presont lines operating between Sin Francisco and Portland will bo In operation within a twelve month, according to Captain Harry Ktnken, uho announced today thnt articles of Incorporation for the Portland, San Francisco Paget Sound Steamship Company. Tho proposed organization which Is being backed by local capitalists to a large extent, will be capitalized at $160,000 and a steamship will bo built at an estimated cost'Of $225, 000. The headquarters of tho com pany will be at Portland. Look for the j "help wanted" .id that seems like !a '"prospect" and answer it promjjfly. SAN l-'ltAXClSL'O. June !. More tlmiit 7(1,000 California further nUonilnl the leetui-etioi' University f CaliVurnm'pi'ol'esKors. given under the allspices of tlR Southern 1'iteilie company during the yeltr 1010-11. The e.uet number of auditors to IIhm leelimw during lhi Inlesl leolniv tour was 7tl,'J!ltl. Thin i nu intnease of Ur7."i over the yeur JUOlMO, antl nu inorciixo of JlS.lllill over Ihe your lUUS-l), when Ihe iigrieiilturnl demon stration train was first inuuguiutcd by tho Soutliern I'ueifio company. Professor T. Cluike, superin tendent of the University of Cali fornia extension in agriculture, has tho following to sny relative to thte special agricultural and horticultural and horticultural demonstration trains: "Tho special agricultural and hor ticultural demonstration trains now being operated by tho Southern I'u eifio eompauy and eo-openitetl in by the University of California college of agriculture, m by fur the uiuM extensive effort of iU kind (hut has ever been put forth In any part of the country. A spirit of co-operation with thu producer is niani tested and the Southern Pacific company, tee oguiziug the fact thnt the recognizing the fact that its bbtt iiilctiwtH are bound up in Ihe sitcccx of the pro ducers lnix joined with the collete of agriculture nud experiment station of tho sliite, in bringing to thu farms and to the wprkers thereof improved method of procedure whereby lift -ter return!) could he obtained." The Southern Pacific agricultural and horticultural demonstration train is always ueeompanied by an operat ing official of the company, nud u ually bv Ihe ngentx of the district! through which it traverses'. TO CORE A COLD XX OWE SAT. Tnko LAXATIVi: IlltOMO Qulnlno Tnt iota. nrtiRclntn rffuml money If It falln o cure. II V. cuiOVrrs utenaturo la on moh box. 35c. 0W-' J. W. MNYAUT, Proiltlont J. A, PlfllUtY, Vloo-Presldont 5 F. 1C. MWUltiaiC, Vlco-ProihU-at JOHN B. OHTII, Oniililor V. 11. JAOKSON, Aun't Onnhlnr. The Medford National Bank Capital. $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 nwn tiKPtmiT mix its van uknt. a (JKNIMIal liANKINd lUlHtNICSB TUAN.HAt7t'Kn. Yl KOIiUilT VOUIt I'ATHO.NAdi;. 2 res4srfr Campbell & Baumbach I t MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Monoy on hand at all timos to loan on improvod ranclies and fruit, land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. r -rtt rr DAHLIAS Now Is the time to plant Wo have a choice assortment of fine growing plants In pots. All tho novelties In 1911 Dahlias. J.T.BROADLEY&Co. Greenhouse near City Ilescrvolr Storo O and Central Avenue Phones Sll and 1151. ''' --sssss Miners' Magnifiers Absolutol' necessary for examining ore. AUTO GOGGLES A fine line of the latest and best DR. RICKERT I Eyesight Specialist. Over Kentner's. '0J4W4 THE REX MARKET Wi: AIM TO SKIjTWlIK IlI-T .MKAT IN TIIH CITY, AND A1jT' WH ASK TO PKOVti IT IS A TllIAIi. Isn't this a fulr proposition? 10 lb. Pail Lard $1.20 5 lb. Fail, 65c 3 lb. Pail 40c pac. Phono 3071. Homo 111. te' ttti'' The Natatorium MEDFORD'S AMUSEMENT PALACE HRrJsH 1411 jJHRL - IH" tih 'viHi '.' A DRY PLACE ON A WET DAY A COOL PLACE ON A HOT DAY SPECIAL FEATURES JULY 1-3-4 Swimming, Bowling, Billiards, Shooting All under .one roof. FANS They art licaKlimt F , F Thry an Miiiltnry JL They nro romrnrtalilo A They cost oiii'-hitlf cent an hour to tim JLi They an' Jutt tbn (blue lo JLI kcfi jour t'listoincr In t Uh'1 linmor Then why not buy one? Call at the Electric Building : 209 West Main and Examine the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining 'oily of Aliidfol'd, on long Units, easy pay ments. 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; (bliioiit sidewalks and paving iii; also Rowel's, water and light. Kong time, easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, 3f0 acres alfalfa land, 80.aoi'cs fruit land,. perpetual wider right with water for irrigating 1000 aoros; long lime, easy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 2()0 acres alfalfa land, hjilanoe fruit; land, 1 mile from railroad, on long time easy terms. 5000 ACRES LAND ill tracts of from '10 acres Upwards; pi-ice $20.00 per acre and upwards; sultahle for alfalfa, fruit stock and general farming purposes; long time, easy payments. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just within and adjoining (Jit limits, nt a bargain, on f , atinual payments. Gold Ray Realty Co 2f(iWHKTMAINSTmWT. ' ---it ti0ttiifnft4t tr