; s V t ' f i f - r I:' t TV 1 S f A f J" ' PXGE TWO ftCEDFORD MAIL TRTBUN13, aillDFORT), ORIWON. VUI)NMUI)AV, ,WNTTC 28, 11)11. !$ 4s f' i U I it i f It r! M ' i' ;;. Hi f LOCAL AND PERSONAL TltcT Lad ten Altl Society of tho Mcthndlnl church will holil h lawn fontlvnl nt tlio homo of W. II. Meeker, 311 llnrtlctt street. It tho weather 'Is not good It will ho hold nt tho church. Kvoryono Is Invited. Chnrlca Nlckell of Fnlrvlew ranch near Sterling, passed through Med io rd Wednesday on his way to Sams Valley, whoro ho has hiislncss of an Important nature A. slight accident occurred on Kast Mnln street today when Mrs. Lewis wns thrown out of a carriage, being Injured. v Harry Wilson of Eagle Point Is ''spending a few days In Med ford. Hnrry 13. Foster who Is doljig con Blderahle field vork for tho Prospect Construction Company, left Wednes day to Join his crew after a few days nt home. Tho funeral of Mrs. W. C. Harris was1 hold at tho First Presbyterian church at 10:30 Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs". Henry Kleti are unending the week at Ashland at tending the nnuual encampbeut of Oic G. A. R. J. A. Wcsterlund has returned from a pleasure trip to Klamath Falls. Ho helped with the building of the bafc'y lodge. Mr. and Mrs. D. It. Andrus have returned from a visit at Ashland. Mrs. Polk Hull is attending the W. C. It. gathering at Ashland. II. 11. Harris of Gold Hill spent Wednesday In Medford on business. Mayor J. II. Beeman and Mrs. Beo Dnnn of Gold Hill spcut Tuesday In Medford. ' Arthur Dewing of San Francisco is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alice of this . city. Carkin & Taylor (John II. Cnrkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attornoys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Bldg., Medford. William Duncan has returned from a two weeks visit at Portland. Henry Allen is spending a few days with friends Jiving near Ashland. Tho Pnutorlum will be closed on July 4th. SG Thomas Kelly of Davenport, Iowa, who has been visiting his brother. Judge K. K. Kelly, left Tuesday for "the Alberta Country where ho will visit for a month or so before return ing home. Mrs. John A. Wcsterlund has re turned from a three weeks visit to Tacoma where sho was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. It. .Brown at their 'summer, homo on Man ram I tall ay. Ashland Steam Laundry. Medford office, phono No. 1201. Chautauqua, Ashland, Oregon, July C-18. "Better than ever.' Don't miss It. Send to W. II. Gillis, secretary, for booklet. Seo It. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Medford Hnrdwnre for electric Irons. For the right kind of Mutual Flro Insurance, see W. V. Moore, room 209 Phlpps building. O. A. Kastman of Plattvllle, Wis., is spending a few days visiting II. L. McBrlde of this city. He may locate here. Mitchell & Boeck make Iccless re frigerators that keep your butter and milk in perfect condition without ice. ? 'j. H. Johnson of Woodvillo is vlslt IngMcdford. ' 'rTho Pantorium will be closed on July 4th. 8C II. D. Penfleld of Penbro, orchards was In Medford Wednesday on a short Frank Allen has returned from a trip to Los Angeles. George K. Boos, secretary of tho Commercial Club, was In the valley jesterday gathering cherries for pro cesslng. Ho was fortunate In getting some fine specimens of Hoynl Anns, but Is desirous of getting several var ieties of cherries, and also wants ber ries of alt kinds. 13. C. Jeronio who has been with the Prospect Construction Company for the past few snonths will leave Wednesday evening for St. Paul where ho wli. enter tho service of tho Great Northern Hallway Company In the capacity of traveling car agent. From St. Paul he will go to Chicago and travel east, and south out of that point for a few months. Mr. Jerome was formerly with the Great Northern Hallway, having been employed by them for several years and his re-' turn comes through a promotion. W. H. Wilson, who is well known in Medford, having been employed four years ago upon the Southern Orejjoniaii mid Tribune as reporter and printer, has sold out his interest in the Crescent City news and retired as editor of that journal. Tho desire forniore out of door exerekc brought nbbut the change. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Xeff have re lumed from nn automobile trip to Crescent City and Eurekin Thev were nccompuuicd by Mrs. Frank Burtcbell, sister of Mrs. Xcff, who hns been visiting the latter. ELKS ARE BACK FRMJUMTH New Lodge Is Instituted Local Members of Atitlcrcd Hml Loud In Their Praises of Manner In Which They Were Entertained. hook nt llio, nds for tho olmneo In' Look for tho "help wivuted'' 'id Iniv tho properly "rluht pi ice.1' you need lit u that HoeniH like u "pitpeel" uiiMWer ll pronnilly. ami Local Klks leturued Tuesday e oil ing from Klamath Falls where they attended the Institution of a now lodge of the order, with nothing but praise for tho manner In which they wero entertained. On Monday and Monday night one form of entertain ment after another was offered. "Noxer was a new lodge Instituted more auspiciously" stated Clarence eUanies, exnlted ruler of the local herd, on his return. "Kverythlng was a splendid success and Klamath Falls will long be remembered by Klkdniu, "One of the finest features of the entertainment was a groat parade which was hugely enjoyed. The new lodge starts with a membership of more than eighty. Thirty-eight Klks from this city at tended the Institution. The members from Ashland Increased the total to sixty-five. TUESDAY'S BASEBALL. R yislt. Chautauqua. Ashland, Oregon, July C-18. "Better than ever." Don't miss It. Send to W. H. Glllls, secretary, for booklet. William P. Mealy returned Wed nesday from an extensive tour of tho east. Chautauqua, Ashland, Oregon, July C-18. "Better than over." Don't miss it! Send to W. II. Glllls, secretary, for booklet. Mr. and -Mrs. O. M. Boynton aro expected to return to Medford In tho near futuro from Southern Califor nla. "' Jlead lettuce, at the Pinecroft gar National League. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 3 1 New York C 7 At Philadelphia R Philadelphia c Boston 3 Cnlled in seventh, rain. At Pittsburg R Pittsburg 1 Cincinnati 1 At St. Louis R St. Louis 4 s Chicago 5 7 American League. At New York R Washington 5 C At Boston - R Boston 3 Philadelphia . v. . . . . . 7 At Chicago- ' " R Chicago 3 Detroit "..... 0 Coast League. At Sacramento R H E Sacramento 4 5 1 Portland . .. 5 5 r At Los Angeles R H E Los Angeles 3 S 6 San Francisco 2 7 At San Francisco R H Vernon 4 11 Oakland 0 10 Northwestern league. At Vancouver R Vancouver 4 Spokane 3 At Victoria R Victoria 5 Tacoma 3 At Portland Rain. FAILED IN EXAMINATIONS SO HE COMMITS SUICIDE I10STOX. Miu.., June 2S. He calico he failed to jins hi final ex aminations nt Harvard. Arthur 1.1 wyu Smith, 23, today U n suicide by prussH! ueid. Smith was found dead in n closet of n Harvard donnitorx xxith tho poison vial by his side. lie was the mm of David 0. Smith, nil engineer ot, fcnlt Lake. 6 IO ROUN DS OXING CONTESI AT THE MEDF0ED OPERA HOtSE TUESDAY EVE'G, JULY 4 Between Frnnkio Edwards, of San Francisco and Ed Gtaffnoy, of Spokano !. . Also Two 4-l(ouiid Preliminaries PRELIMINARIES START AT 8:30 AND THE MAIN EVENT AT 9:30 Admission -Ring Sido $1.50, Rosorvod Seats $1.00, Gonoral Admission 7fic i GOLDEN RULE SlX$KT MAAZl.K FOR .ll'LY Vacation Time at Los Angles Beaehes The call of the cool sea breezo by Poter B. Kync, beautifully illustrated In four colors. "Tho Spell" by C. N. & A. M. Williamson. Hunting, fishing, motoring, fiction. On sale all news stands. Hasklns for Health. II C 3 II 4 0 NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE 'RmI.UM al Da School tor rhrof Blitnot St. John Dtotli Cll.f IU. Atttntl u Il.MaUrjr If ul Art. XlotJtt. OyKAulim. ror eUlo hldrm TIIK MHTKR M. OtnreZJ. St. Helen IJU11 Ottl. 5 .t(Eplxrljx X?&rtAli, im. I irKllIOltl DAHLIAS Now is the time to plant We havo a choice assortment of flno growing plants In pots. All tho novelties In 1911 Dahlias. J.T.BR0ADLEY&C0. Greenhouse near City Reservoir Store O and Central Avenue Phones 511 and 1131. Is (iiiurantccri by Medford Pharmacy Sccial Agents. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phono 2271 Night Phones F. W. Wecka 2071. A. E. Orr, 8602. LAD! ASSISTANT. JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Embalmor ; Successor to the undertaking de- 1 , parimuiu 01 mnuioru v urnuuro uo, ; Offl xvith MetlTord Purnituro Co. Telophonos; Day, Bell 351; ; John A. Perl, rosldouco, Boll 4111, Homo 179L. 4 n TV Onnlrlln 91(11 T TT TJ. Z A W, . . WW.l WWVA. W. A. A.U.-7 I lor 3571. I 'AsrnnTiAKnia'HKitviOH tr Nearly everyone has dandruff, and must reconcllo themselves to the Idea of becoming completely bald or resort to the use of Ncwbro's Herplcldo. The manufacturers have absolute faith In Herplcldo to kill tho gorm and roinovo all traces of dandruff. So perfect is this belief that all dealers are Instructed to sell tho preparation with a "money back" agreemont. Such supremo confidence is thojiest evidence In tho world of tno merit of Hcrplclde. They know the result, hence the guarantee. It protects tho purchaser. Used as dlrcctod, Ncwbro's Herpl cldo kills the germ that causes dand ruff and prevents tho hair from com ing out. It stops itching of tho scalp, which Is so disagrccablo. Send 10c In postage or silver for sample and booklet to Tho Herplcldo Co,, Depf. It. Detroit, Mich. ' Herplcldo Is for ualo by all drug gists, and applications may bo ob tained at good barber shops, .ML'DI'Oltl) IMIAHMACV, Hpetlal AgenlH, Near Post office. Night or Day. BUTTE FALLS HOTEL Will serve every Sun day an exceptionally good dinner for transients. VwrnM mi i hq iwr4 KutfrumoW Kuppenheimer Clothing for a nobby, comfortable, up-to-date Suit. Bettor tailoring, more style, neater fit, finer materials, low er price A LOOK WILL CONVINCE YOU. GOLDEN RULE SHOES Aiv Bettor. The Vrire is no higher. Why not have thy best Men's Jine Shoes'? Union made. $3.50, $4:00 $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 OUR CLEAN SWEEP SALE runs all next week, Goods are moving rapidly. Bel ter get in while selections are good. Akins Benton & Co. (vsriNwr'!wr t J. W. lflNYAUT, Prnldont J. A. PKItllV, Vice-President F. 10. MHUUICIC, Vlco-l'iosldit JOHN H, OIITI1, Cmhlor W. U. JA0ICB0N, As't Cashier. The Medford Nationaf Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 sakj-i Diciusrr imj.mch roit hiont. a ItUHINlCHN TKANHAOriCI). Wo HOI.IUIT (IKNKHAIi IIANUINCJ VOIJU PATItONAUK. scsiMwl4srr- r Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Monoy on hand at all timoa to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. P- - O-0 s -. FANS They aro lic.illliful F F 'lliey aro Miinltary A. A They itrv rtimfmliililo A 'I hey ott (iiio.lmlr it'lil an hour to run 1ST "NT J. 1 'I hey aro Jutl th thing to JL t keep Mir nistiinicr In q gtMMl liiiiiinr 'I hen why nut buy ono'. Call at the Electric Building 209 West Main and Examine the Large Stock ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. -; TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY f ttttttttt tttttt FOlt BALIS A Bouthwlek hay halor choup; f!rnt cIbbo condition: Jn- fjulro at Regar ranch three mlloa west from Medford on Jackoonvlllo road. .02 trrr-r0Tttr,4n The Natatorium MEDFORD'S AMUSEMENT PALACE Uaaklus for Health, . j KmBFtvfjMT2&A it 9nsri bH b B9 MilfliftMJHlHft nb v,irhife V A DRY PLACE ON A WET DAY A COOL PLACE ON A HOT DAY SPECIAL FEATURES JULY 1-3-4 Swimming, Bowling, Billiards, Shooting All under one roof. --440Hr0tftft0tft0tt00Ht4ft9tt9 For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining city of Medford, on lonj,' lime, easy pay ments. . 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; foment sidewalks and paving i?f; also sewers, water and light. liOiig time, easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, .'550 acres alfalfa land, 80 aeros fruit land, perpetual Water right with water for irrigating 1000 aeres; long time, easy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa land, balance Fruit land, 1 mile from railroad, on long time easy terms, 5000 ACRES LAND in tracts or From -IO acres upwards; prion $25.00 pur aero and upwards; sliitahle for alfalfa, fruit; stock antl gonoral fanning purposes; long time, easy payments. l 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS ;jnst within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on 0 animal payments. Gold Ray Realty Co. 21fiWMRTArAINTHTRRliJT. frUf I A. !! 7 &"?