Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 25, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Image 9

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No. 81.
Tin (healer MnUonl Huh
will hold a regular meeting "f
.Monday, .Imin till, In lint Huh 4
room a) tho Nittnturliiitt, 4
when election of officer will -f
V l lirlil. Thin In Hmi hint unci- -f
lug of llio year untl it full "
-f trmlmien In 1ckIiti1. All mem-
Inm-n who lntvo mil Mihl (heir t
4 tlui'N n ri' tvipicMtcil In ilo nil lit 4
UiIn time. 4
4 4
A vnry pretty progressive iliiiuiT
putty wiih given Hutunliiy night by
MinH Hcrlhu P.uglish niut MIhh Madge
Klddcll. Tim honor guest wiih Mi
Lueiln Train', wliu in llio guest of
Minn English. Tlii) tables were ar-
milL'll nil tilt) spilcinUH VCIUIldu
which WIIH enclosed with ItlllltsllH lf
tiiailriinn ami piuo. Hoses were "Hi'il
for table decorations. Alter the
dinner (ha availing was spent in
dancing. Tliu invited guests worn
MiHMt'H Lticil ('nine, I lintel Davis,
Alii'o Struct, .Mint TIiimiiiih, Kulijcr
Elizabeth Fuller, (Inrtrinht Triechler,
l.ilcihi Miiihlmll, Star MurMiall, Mil
tlroil Ware, Milium Deuel, Elolhii 1 1 1 1 -nick.
Sarah Kcilny, (Hint, Phoebe
IIlllICO, HcnH Kciltlier, IVril I Illicit-
ixini ami ICutlt MeArdlo; Unwind Hill,
Mr. ami Mr. Wcnlz; Messrs. limit
ly ''u Knot, LiuduPy, Ira Dodge.
Cecil Ware, Don Cnlvlg, Trcvc Linn
mm, Jiiku Ware, lloh Deuel, Vernon
Vnwler, Merrill, llurdrtto Dodge,
ltalih Canterbury, Middle, Kitlph
Ware, llnrdwel, Diddle, Tinny timl
Ueiiorul ami Mr. Sony Siuith en
It'itniiifil iniiht charmingly in honor
of llio -"-'ml birthday til' their son,
(Jeruld, at their country home, Fri
ihiy night. Karli umiokI iliil munc
stunt liiiiii the evening ami n very
iuteroidng lime wiih the lesiilt.
Among those present were Mcmsiv.
iirunkc, Haihotir, IlurgpcH, WYbh,
llrevurd, Cowles, Middlehurger,
i . - iiiiMf. iwmicu, .Minuting nun uouic.
Tim Ladles Aniil of the Presby-
terian elmreli will meat in (lie Huh
room Tuesday aftermiou to finish
the work on liuml. Plans will lli-n
he made for the nnpinu sale, which Is
hood to ha given.
Mihh Wihnii Ilurrinii will enter
tain (he dills' Huh of Ilia Prexby
lerian Hiureli at her home, 707 West
Eleventh street, Wednesday iifleiiiomi
nt :i oVIoek".
Tliu uWnt of tliu wmtk will ha tins
fnriual opening of the (,'ounlry Huh
Friday iifleruoou. Tim Huh Iiiih ii
iiiohI piHuii'Hipm location, hcing hi(
iiiitod on n knoll coiumamliit a inA
nlficiuit view of Ilia MinroiimliiiK
country, Tim roof gulden in uiohI
Hiarmiui; mill will ha a ilHiuhtful
pliico to Hpcml it hot afternoon. It
overlook (he ((olf rotirHa ami (ciiiiih
cum In. Tennih iiiiiIcIich, ii lmiIC tour-
iiumcul iiml a kIioo( hy (he kuii Huh
are Hclicilnlcil with u larca niitnher
of uiilHi'N for each iivmil. There, will
ha n piiy.e for dm plf toiirnaiueiit,
it pn.e for lln IichI nKN Hcorc ami
oim for (Im woiiicii'h approaehiiiK ami
pultiut; coiileHt, LuuHmoii will he
xurveil at the Huh Iioiihu ami playing
will liu at 2 o'clock. The kuii Huh
will iiIho IioIiI a Hlioolinn match, A
reception roumiittee Iuin hern tip
pointed to leeeivi) llio j,ui'MtH of the
afternoon. Thane on tliu com
mittee ar MemhiineH Vawtcr, Dm;
Kiiit, II. ('. Keiitiivr, llcckwilh, I Infer,
llamil, Carpenter, Iteildy, I'arHoitN,
K. H. DiivIn, Hicrn, A. K. KeiuneH
Madden, ('iimmiiiKN, M!m Iturke,
MinH Ilallowcll, Mix. Mcl'oriuick ami
Minn Met'onnaek.
The Monday afternoon Sewing
Huh met with Mi'hm Ikrllut KiicHmIi
liiNt week. The yount; Indian Hpcml
an afternoon each week wwliij; and
reading. Tliona prcHcut were MiNHnn
Folfjer, I'lir.aheth Folder, llnr.H
Davin, IIchn Kentncr, Madp ItiddHI,
I.iieila Crane ami Mae TIioiuiih.
Mhh May Itohsou ave ipiile an
elaborate dinner Sunday at the Nash
Krill, to Mr. McArdlc, Mix Ituth Me
Ardle, Mr. Italph CanteHitiry and
the iiit'iuhcrH of her eomiuiiiy. Litter
the party ere taken over tliu valluv
by Mr. MeAnlle.
Mr. anil Mm. John Toinlln, who
luiva lived In Medford (or tliu punt
year, return to their home In KnnnnH
City ..Monday. Thoy havo been very
popiilnr ntid uindo niny..(fleiul dtir
ttiK their ntny hero ami will ho i;reat
ly uiliuieil.
Mr. KiihHcll Mauaiier Kuturtaiiivd
tit the Kiihh grill Saturday eveiitng
in honor of Mr. and Mr. John Toui-
lin. Other incmbofH of tlm party
weru Mt'HNrN, Chris Gottlieb, Van lii
Car mid Howard Dudley.
Mr. Theresa Porter f Tncotmi
is dm yuoul of her brother, Mr. V. K.
Albert Cuyp s "Start of the Chase"
I HWIM.IIH ! - -ll I ,!
Thirt picture wan wild recently for $:i'2,000 in the .Mnnricc Kaiin art alc hi Paris. It kIiows dose to
a rji'ifd chateau placed to the rii;li I and in front of the entrance to a wood, a group of young sortHnien
who nru conversing with the whipper-in. The oldent of tlm group, wciiring-n Hiextuut hunting jneket, in rid
ing a gray borne which i.s turning it head as if taking part in the conversation.
Mr. Arthur deary left for
luuil hint week.
A HttrpriHU party was given Mrs. I Tl' Mlwiloiiiiry society of tile Prm. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson, MUs
Mary It. Orr last week, by a number ,,'t"rla church will hold their July K(.ri Hutcliinscii mid Mr. Hob DuuH
of herJ'riemls ami a !iior.t enjoyable jin-.tlng Friday afternoon. Juno -TO. rt.turnei1 WednoMlav from Portland,
evening wiim spent. Among lhoKu' ho regular meeting falln on Ji- making the trip by auto.
iirPNcnlwcroMr. and Mrs. Leslie. Mr.i ' The soduty will meet at the) . . .
,.,..1 Km niiiiiniN. Mr nii.l Mm. iimiineJ whcto a ChlncBO tea will bu
...... . .. ....., ... ...... ....... r
Mr. Hen Sheldon was hot at diu-
Ileaaulicu. Mrs. Duller. Mrs. Vekh:jB'V0. All the Indira of the conKre-,1K.r nt !l0 Xnhh Fri(lny BVCnjnK. hj.
MisscK .leuuiicssu Duller, (logdi ami
Miss Kdith Fish untertaiiied ipu'.e
a nuinhur of Medford friends at hor
llOlnc near Phoenix Saturday after
noon. '
".TlieTuHlM" of SI. UFarkV clmrcli
will ,huvo n iiicuia at Woodvillc
Mr. S. A. NTyn and family will leave
early in July for Fish lako, where
they will camp for the summer.
MisbCH Qraee ami Mahle Myers of
Cedarville, Kuh., are tliu guests of
their mint, Mrs. C. II. Pierce.
Mrs. John White mid Miss Ze!a
returned Friday from Berkeley.
gallon ami ineir menus are mviicu ,,,,.(. MIkno- Itrlli.. K.mlUh
i -" - .-
and Luvile Crane and Mr. Iiardwcil.
to attend.
Judge G
C. Carllfts, one of tho
Miss Gertrude Trieclilcr entertained
lea.llng attorney., ot Grand KorkB. S. I infommI ut aoo wlnclay after-
accompanied hy'Mrs. CorllPB. Is
vUltltiK his son, Herald Corllsi, nt
the la tier's Phoeolxlilch.
Mr. Charles Taylor is the guest jf
.Mr. Vernon Vawtcr. Mr. Taylor is
quite an athlete mid a member of
the university football team.
Mrs. Chester Wolscy, who has been
visidng Mrs. Kdgar Hnfer, left for
her home in San Frnneisco. Tues
day. Mrs. L. H. Kgglt'Ston of Chicago
will arrive this week to be the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Mnlilon Purdin.
noon. ery dainty refreshments
were served during the nf tenioon.
Mr. Sterling entertained nt dinner
Cur Mr. and Mrs. Tomlin Thursday
ev-Viiug at the N'ash.
Mr. James Anderson will return
this week to his home in Calumet.
Miss Inline Flynn entertained the
Question Hub nt her home Friday
Mr. J. K. Watt and family returned
last week from a trip to Portland.
Quite nn exciting, although some
what unpleasant ndventure wns ex
perienced lately by one of the men
who has lately become tho possessor
of mi auto. CiHin becoming profi
cient in the art of driving he invited
n party of friends to accompany him
on trip to tine of the neighboring
town. After having dinner there a
start was made for Medford but in
the darkness the wrong road was
taken. An auto, unlike a horse, does
not recognize roads mid it was some
time before the mistake was found
out, when frantic efforts were mnde
to head the rnnchinc for home with
out avail. After wandering around
the greater part of tho night, during
which time that region of the coun
try was thoroughly explored, the
right road was finally found and the
party reached Medford in time for
an early breakfast.
Miss Margaret Tomlin, who has
been visiting her brother for several
months, left Fridny for a short stay
in Ashland. She will go to Cali
fornia from that place and is plan
ning a trip to Japan Inter.
Mrs. A. A. Holmes, wife or Itov.
Holmes of the Baptist church, who
Is visiting relatives In Minneapolis,
is fjuito ill with appendicitis, for
which an operation has been consid
ered necessary.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Olwell hn
Mr. mid Mrs. Speck for dinner guests
nt the Nush grill Fridny evening
Sweet peas were used for dccorntioi
and u very elaborate dinner wiu-
C. W. Strang of Medford, who i
attending the 0. A. C. has been
elected a member of the Heta Zetn
chapter of the Kaapi Pei froternity.
Miss Lucille Crane i.s the guest
of Miss Berthn English on Oakdnlc
avenue. The young ladies were
room mutes at college.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Oatman and
Miss-EtfmJeft last-week for New-
iwrt, where they will remain for the
A. G. Woods of Missoula, Mont., is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. 01
woll. Mr. Charles M. English returned
Inst week from a two months' visit
in North Dakota and Colorado.
Dr. ami Mrs. J. L. Helms returned
Thursday from n wedding trip
through California.
On Inst Wednesday evening nbout
seventy members of the Mcdfotd
Young Peoples' Union met nt tho
homo of C. II. Pierce on East Main
street nnd enjoyed a good s6clal
time. A program including musicnl
numbers, readings, nnd gnmes holp
C1 to fill out out evening, nnd fol
lowing refreshments pntroiolio songs
were sung after which tho members
The program included readings by
Miss Welch, Mrs. Leslie, nnd Mr.
Croncwcll, n vocnl trio hy Miss Mnr
gnret .Tncks nnd tho Misses Mary nnd
Edna Gore nnd n duet by tho Misses
The union is an organization com
posed of tho Young Peoples' societies
of tho Prcflbyferinn, Baptist, nnd
Christian churches. It is only nbout
three months old but tho work it
hns been doing for tho various ho
cilics show that it is n success.
Tho officers arc as follows; Presi
dent, Miss Dcrthn Pierce; Vivo Presi
dent, Mr. Ernest Price; Secretary,
Miss Genevieve Wortman; Treasurer,
Mr. Clarence Kvnns.
A very' pretty reception wns held
Wednesday evening nt the homo of
It. E. Pierce by the Union Christian
Endeavor societies of the different
churches. Japanese lanterns wcro
used on the lawn, where gnmes wcro
enjoyed by all present. Quite u pro
gram was given during tho evening
nnd Inter bountiful refreshments
were served. Those assisting in tho
program were Miss Flora Welch
MNses Mnry and Edna Goro nnd
Miss Esther Hnrrisoli. Mrs. Con
wcll and Mrs. James Leslie
In the membership contest of the
Pythinn Sisters which has just
closed, the winning side wns most
delightfully entertained by tho los
ing side. An unusually jolly timo
was enjoyed by nil present nnd deli
cious refreshments wcro served. E
pccinl praise is due the Messrs.
Hnswell, Phlneger nnd E. A. Trow
bridjgejjr., who had churge of tho
Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Piekel left
Tuesdny for Los Angeles, where tho
doctor will nttend the Medicnl con
vention there. Before returning Dr.
Piekel will attend tho State Medical
convention in Portland.'
Mr. Olson entertained n pnrty cf
Ashland friends nt the Nash grill
Tuesday noon.
Mrs. Homer Rothermnl entertained
the Thursday Bridge club Inst week.
Last Mcctlnrj of Year for Greater
Medford ClubMrs. Kentncr Re
tires Will Aid lit Erectina Band
Stand On City Park.
Tho lust meeting of dm your of
tlm Greater Medford Huh will ho held
Monday iifteiiiouu ut tho Huh rooms
in tlm Nntatoiiiiin. Election of of
ficers occurs ut that time, mid all
incmberH tiro reiiliustcd to nttend.
Mrs. II. C. Kelillier, who has linen
tho efficient president for tho past
year, Iiiih rufuscd to accept tlm nom
ination. At n special meeting held Mon
day of lust week,, it was decided to
assist the baud mmi in electing u
baud stand.
Mayor Canon, Couimilmaii Meis
rick mid i committee from tlm Huh
decided upon the location of the
baud stand, which will bo in tlm park
near tlm corner of Ivy ami Eighth
street. This will not interfere with
tlm situ of tho library building, as it
is off to one Hide. The building
will Im very simple ii design hut will
contain what has long been needed
in Medford, public lavatories.
Tliu platform for tlm baud will
liuvo mi Hovntion of seven or eight
feet. This space will ho used for
that purpose. There will Im a room
for men mid oun for women mid
thchc rooms will bo well tukvii euro
of and will bo locked when the
watchman of tho park leaves tho
premises. Tlmru will ulso bo a room
where tlm tools used in tho park
can ho kept. These tools are now
kept in u piano box under one ofjbu
trees for want of u belter place.
A committee from tho Hub will
cull upon tho H!i,ciiH to scotiro their
UHHisjuucc, us tho Huh funds are
not sufficient for this purpose. Sev
eral merchants huvo offered to do
their share in donating material mid
if each oim helps a little tho proposi
concrete company has offered to
make, the cement blocks, which are
to bo used, free of charge, if the
material is furnished. Some of the
merchants havu been seen mid have
offered to do their share. With
some assistance tliu club will bo able
to put up mi attractive structure
which will be mi addition to the city
nnd also one which has been long
BOSTON, Maass., Juno '2. That
Harriet Kelly, stuwardis on the
steamer Governor Andrew, was a
man was not exposed, until an an
topy wns held over her charred 10
uuiins. Sim was one of tho two per
sons burned to death in dm fire
which destroyed tho vessel. For 3(1
years she posed as u woman.
Murphy Bests Sammy Smith.
NEW YOKIC, Juno Jl.E.ldio
Murphy of Hostou today has a well
earned decision over Sammy Smith
of Philadelphia idler 10 fust rounds
Murphy heat Smith at every angle
lion can easily ho put through. The-of tho game.
WANTS 525,000
Man Locked in Cold Storage Vault
On Hot Day Demands Heavy Dam
ages $900 a Minute for Injuries
Alleged to Have Been Sustained.
WASHINGTON, f. C, Juno 24
How much would you glvo during
this weather
to ho Incarcerated In a cold storage
room for a Uttlo whliu? Doesn't It
strike you that It would nuiko lite
morn worth tho living nnd add snlco
to tho enjoyment of things in gen
Nuvorthulcss, n Wnshlngtonlnn hy
tho name of Samuel L. Iloxwell, a
very approprlato cognamon, hy tho
way has entered a suit against a lo
cal market compnn for "Injuries"
locked In the cold storage plant of tho
company on June 1.
Washington on Juno 1 was suffer
ing from an extremely hot spoil and
tho Inhabitants wcro wishing that
they could get nnywhero to obtain re
lief from tho sweltering heat. But
Roxwcll, according to his sworn state
ment, was unceremoniously thrust
Into the cold storngo room and de
tained there for half an hour, much
against his wilt.
Instead of thanking tho market
company when Jie emerged from his
cool sojourn, Iloxwell proceeded at
once to his attorney's and a suit for
S2r,000 damages for his alleged In
juries wiib tliu result. Ho claims that
his health hns been injured by tho ox
perlcnco nnd that $900 a minute is
not too much recompense.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 24.
A continual stream of letters' giving
tho postmaster general ndvlco on how
to run tho postoffico department, con.
fesslug tho sins of tho writers, and
which ho allogcs ho received while asking forvonoss and pardons for
sins committed, through tho use of
canceled stamps or other petty mis
demeanors, hns continued tor years to
pour Into the department, and Indi
cations arc that it will go on forever.
As an examplo of the queries made
and advice- given, free ot cost, the
following letter from n Memphis,
Tenn., prospective contributor, may
bo quoted: "I write you a few lines
in regards of having some postol
cards and stamps make with my pic
tures on them nnd what thoy will bo
worth n hundred and wish you would
wrlto us, nt once, and let mo kno.
tho prices on thorn. What Is tho small
est amount you cnu mako up for
2L With water, water all nround,
mid like tho ancient mnrinor, ''not a
drop to drink," nu excursion party
which hns been lost for days on
Great Salt Lako wore found today on
nu island. All were safe, but nearly
starved, thought their thirst had
been their worst privation.
Every Big Nation Boasts Several
Among Its Warships United
States Has Four With Four More
Under Way.
LONDON, Juno 24. A completo
list of the world's dreadnaughts
either now in commission or to be
commanded noxt year at tho latest
has been compiled by Editor Allan
Hurgoyno of the Navy League An
nual. Tho list follows:
England Twelve now in commis
sion, four to be noxt vonrf fivo this
year, four to bo lauuchcd next year,
mid tlireo to he laid down.
Gurmnny Five in commission,
(Continued on paga 8.)
Preliminary Program of Great Two-Day Celebration in Medford July 3 and 4 Everybody Come and Have Good Time
Monday, July 3.
8:110 a. in. r0'inilci clm race for
ttiiloH of !() hnrsti power or unity r,
$llm cash uud additional prizes con
sisting of many valuable accessoyos.
,10.;:i0 n. in, Hall game, Medford
vs. (IranlH Pass. Prior lo this gmno
ut the ball grounds tho following coii
Icsls will 1iik placo for suitable
morcliiiiidiho prizes. All participants
to ho ball players in uniform. Dis
tance ball throwing, uccuraoy of ball
throwing from homo plulo to second
base, timo of homo run, timo of run
lo fii'Ht on bunt and 100-yard sprint.
1'JiOO m. (K)'inilo frno for nil
mito race; purse $100 cusli, and
many valuable umiessorios.
;()() p, in. H u cos begin ut race
track, (Ireeii pace half mile, heats,
two host in three; purso .$10.
'J:!)!) I rot, half niilo heats, two best
in three; purse .ffiO. Itunning moo
of saddle horses owned iu Jackson
county, half, milo uud repeat; purso
Pony rnt'o, 14 hands or under,
ipiarter mile, two best in three; ptuvo.
Novelty inulo ratio for loams, walk
ouo-eighth mile, trot oiiu-eighth and
go-iiH-you-plonso ouu-foiivth mile,
hitch to any vehicle; purso 'J5.
Hicyolo race for hoys under 1(1,
hull' milo; prizes, valuable actios-Korios,
Sir Knight ring spearing cotitonl
for prize.
.7: p, in. Free exhibition on
Main street by Medford fire depart
ment. Kveuiug, bund concert and
Hwiuuuiug races at Nutatorium for
priroH of .f'-T),
Admission to tho Nututorium free,
Tuesday, July 4.
fl ru ml street pMrndo of Medford
poliuu force, Medford firo depart
ment, militia, boy scouts, trades un
ions, lodges, decorated uiitos mid ve
hicles, county road building machi
nery nnd private construction machi
nery, bicycles, floats, oto., led hy the
Medford nnd OranlK Pass bauds.
Prly.o.8 for tho best decorated mitos,
flouts, bicycles, draft team, driving
team mid single driver. Pnvndo onds
ut city park where a short program
of music nnd speaking will follow,
then oi( Ivy street in the park the
following contests will bo pulled off:
100-yard sprint, JiO-yiml sprint,
100 yards for boys under 15; 75
yards for girls; 75 yards for mar
ried women; 100 yards fqr fat mon
over 200 pounds; threo'-lcgged race;
egg race; tug of war, to. AH for
good priisos.
10:510 a. in. XViun pulling con
tost; htirscs or inulos, weight not
over 2800 pounds to team uud afreo-for-ull,
First prize, ifJO worth of
harness to eac)i.
11:00 u. in. Hull gnmo at tho
ball park,
2: 00 a. in. Knot's ut tho traeo
track, flrecu trot, to bnggy or cart
us contestants may agree, but nil
must hitch alike, half milo best two
in three. Ptue $10.
Freo-for-nll trot or pace, half
milo; best two in three. Purse $200.
K milling race, half mile, best two
in tlireo; purso $25.
Kuuuing race, mile dash, free for
nil; purso $150. . -
Ladies' relay race, 2' miles,
change horses each half milo; purso
$150, divided (10, 25 and -V") per
cent. No entrance fee.
Motor cyclo race, single cylinder
machines, live miles for prizes of ac
cessories. Grand bucking broncho contest,
under management of K. S. Ilaull,
This contest is for valuablo prizes
and is separate from tho racing
inanagoment. It will consist of con
tests in riding tho worst outlaw
horses, stcor roping, clu- It will fol
low immediately after thu races on
tho Fourth uud a separate admission
will bo charged.,
Evening, baud concerts uud swim
ming contests nt the Natntorium
for prizes of $25. Admission to the
"Nat" free
Tho ntito races will bo ovor nsix
milo course starting west on Main
street nnd ending on Oakdalo at
Mnin street, running north.
In all horso races, except relay
race, an entrance feo of 10 per eont
will ho charged with not loss than
four entries, Entrios close at 1 p.
in., day of race. For entries see
Kobert Tolfor, scorotury.
Ball games Thoro will ho ball
gamos at tho ball park between tho
Grants Pass uud Medford teams nt
2 p. m., Sunday, July 2, 10:110 n. in.;
Monday, July II, 11 u. in., and 4 p. in.,
July 4.
Droncho busting contests ut tho
raco track ut 4 p. m., July 2, uud
immediately nftor tho races July 4.
Tho P. & E, will run special trains
from their dopot on East Main
street to nnd from tho raco track
Monday and Tuesday afternoons; 20
cents round trip.
Streets will bo beautifully lighted
uud decorated and $10 will bo given
for tho host decorated business room
A teui s tournament will bo held
by tho Southern Oregon Tennis asso
ciation on tho grounds of tho Oak
dalo Tenuis club, July 3 mid 4,
Chairman Program .Committee.