,,(, kf " UU . M- l 1 L i,U J.., LUl MUCH INTEREST , III AUTO RACES .8illilil ior Will Star! Enry on Flpt pay of tho Cclcltrtui of Fourth In TN? qily-Mwjy En tries to Ito ffih, MftWCfRT) MATL TUfmjNE, MISDFOTII), 01?1W0NT, RUN DAY. ,TPNK25, 1011. (Iii'i(t iuliTiiHt In ImiIiik lnk'ii In nti!t!i"iiill ii!Vf t( hiKi' iliin; urc on July tlril. Tim rhiKM inert vlilcl will ciiiiiiuiHo of caiH rajml from -10 liormt power anil niiilor will Mint iriipiii)tly at 8::ill n. in. Sovuinul liM'fil c'ii Imvo eulgieil mifl IHMII.V Olll'IH JHMII (liaillH I'HH to IMfM'. wooil, .t'lilTfurniii liuvti iiimln imiiilry Mli to 'ruler pivoiiiiiiK'l)u raiMi mill llm enlulilluii i,if iliu coiirho. Tim oIiinh men lotah fill miler IllK in Iiiiko fiolil of nIoi'Ii enix to pink fiinu hliiinlil IniiiK a luro iium lit'r of I'nlrli'M. In llm free for all race hiivoniI lilli'owrri'tl caiM have entered ami Ihoio I talk of noiiin !I0 luiom-itowir earn iiialijiit; u try for in J iiionoy, (IraiiU I'liNM Iuih hijth liopi'i of winning llm I'roo for all ami llm 'oiiiniU'y.u'!t!ivt'il iiiijitir.v nver llm Ijlmim today lepirriinj; I'm eliinn rue ART C, BURGESS ,. GAME WARDEN Sinn L Sandry Appoint j Local Man to Plnco Vacantctl by Clinrles Gay, nclijncil pay Ho Will Enforce Lavy. Art 0, llum'Hii Iuih boon iinnufut- en) ilonuty fliili apd uiiiuu vnriluii (yr thin ilhitrlrt by Hum I.. Hiuiilry, ohlnf deputy rlnli and kiiiihi warden for OoukIuu, Joi')ilmi, .IiiuUmoii anil Car ry i-ouiiIIom, Mr. MurKOHH Iuih iihhuiii- cd IiIm new dulloti and Ih IioIiik mIiowii about tlm dlHtrlrt by (Diaries (lay. wIiiiiii Im succeed., Mr. (Jay ImvInK roulKiiud tlm office, owIiik to otlmr lorommendu prominent bind iit'HH timii In thin city. Mr. Hiiudry In nppolutliiK IiIm Informed him tliat If no wan found imuliictliiK IiIh duty In any way uil he. would Im removed, '.Mr. Ha miry tin ntnrlnd out mi a rc- lllilu of strict enforcement pf tint f;atiio iiuwh ami inie t lint lis d emit oh uiiul all mukn Kood. Mr. UurcvNu Htiitud Haturiluy Unit Im wanli'd I no aid of nil sportsmen I .l.fcllUI( 111.7 UMIkV WW liuiiliii'HH, Interests, Mr. HurKoss lind tlm (Ion of a utiiubiV of pri Aai3.fii3vi!irf OLD AGE AtlD Will AUTO TOURIST ESCAPE 111 HURT Runaway Teato on Rnofccvclt Av ijuo Tosses Bahcl'Granrlmotlicr ami Fntlicr Into the Qitcfi Man Is On ly One Injured. i i (! ' '-".., -,,., ,,,.., ,.... . ..inn .III.-.'- - ..... ,..,. ., and were told that if tln-v cotdil nial:!lti tliu roiinty In tlm t'liforrfiumit of itrraiiK'vumii(K with tint driu'i aiit-',,t' lu.w id w'nulu llku o Iiuvo any fI llkv.uuulil work nilil and day Iumic ,,f ,l 'ltlj) ri')irtid tg IiIm. Iilt llicir car in romlilioii, I"" xtnlod further Hint Im oxportM to ' Tlm I'luu or iil niL'u Ik (II) iuilcjtrt''lt ft Ivnil and foo allku In IiIh or ijud will htutt promptly ut 1'J (I'florlf !for,B ' urrvu Hie Kitiut) and flub tttWHI tllili lr1 tlllU'M Tlm I'ouiho ix fi uiilt'H in IciiKtli, limkiiiK 10 lap to cIiihh rant and lU liiliii to tlip "fru fur nil," anil hIiuiiIiI (irjvo iiiU'ri'fitiiijf to tlip t.itolii(orf. f Tlm ioiin(j will Im well patrolled mid clmekcn will bo Mulinimd ul .'lll Irilll Mini ..r.i-k .....1 '11...! ' " ...... ...t. i.f.i.i. llli' hIiimiIh on llm coiirxii will Im roped ud all tint cnthrt inadx floord and in.. .1........ in -.. i,:.. .' i ... ..... y" "" ",M" ""' imi: ii'i.v ri- run UolilllMlll of YoldWllU IK '- fort to.provnlo fpr llm Hafoly of Hit f liiltitiitc Hiuiiplas of Kolil ore iHm-ov. HiNMiliilnrH iiml llm ilriwm. ,.r,.d ,v him rrunitlv. wliirh Im claim. lirL' villi Iiimhii mi ll... f.ii.ilu XL...- . i .i ..:.... ' ... . I iy mid tlm iirflciiilri in rliarjjt' Im- Tlm MirrtniciiH iinutmriiikliM with iikmhi.'.I ll. ...... im. II.... 1I...1 ii :n ' ...... t ... . I : ,'" K '" "IU1 Wl" ""' s!Vl'ru tiioiiaini GOLD ORE FOUND ABOUT WOODVILLE KrlKliJunrd iy tl)p brfkliu; pf Iik b(Ui utvupi owfiK(J ly KKir Wi liltcn;cicii pr jcil(i rijint, driyvn by lliiuir KoycH, rap ijway op ((poimvolt uvuiiim But ui day nftvruoun and w;rn a o. Ntnppi'fl uufll tbny bad pniifmd tint McAndroWH f)d. KoycH wiih pain, fully Ipjun-Ml. lilH IiIh wlfij. dniiKhliir and motlnir-ti-liiw wscapoir with lit tl Injury. AccordliiK to tho iihikiI Iuwm gov rnliiK hui:Ii an affair KoycH, who wim lujiinu'd. nhould havo cMcnpcd, mi Im wiih 111' HtroiiKCRl mid Ix-mI fitted phyiilnilly for emluraiice. Mix, Keyed had been III tocently and wuii In a frail condition, Tlm child wan but two yimrt of iiko, while Mrn. Uolllun, tm mother-in-law, wiih 7.1 yearn of iikv. Vet KuycH wait tint only one miitalnliiK Injurleu. After ii purwiilt In an autoiiioblle, M. Mltclic.(jck found IiIh team north of llm rlty, where tlmy bad been stopped mid tied. k COOL CUSTOMER In' in pnnl eoiidilmii (ifuoru the cijil ol I lie week. ( Tlm full liht of enlriiw w-ll p liulilifiit'il Veiluenday ami tlm eoui Hiiltee hope) (o be able to luiiiln tlm ijiflieiulrt by thai time. LADY DECIES ILL FROM CORONATION EXCITEMENT i LONDON, June 21. Duo (o the hhrniuiumiewK of the eoronalioii fiih tivitlefi, Lady DevioH, fonuerly Vi- ien Oould, ill ill and in bed 'today mid ph.VHieimiK are in eiiiHlunt at at trndanee. Only n hhorl time npi mi operation for appendicitis wiih per Conned on her. . - - - ELKS. OFF FOR KLAMATH FALLS (ContliuiKil from I'aeo 1.) )t. Iliiminondey, II. u, TTiiteH, C. It. liny, J. I. O'Hrlen, B, . lirown, John A. WeHterlund, .Iihiiph W. Dudley, C (j. Cady J. i:. Unrkdiill, Krnuk Ton Ylli, Wf S. (loudy, It. II. llradHhaw, M. Piinjln, Porter J. Noff, Jonnn yold, Mnrtlu J. Iteddy, W. II. Mc Cownii, L. A. Ori'Kory, dun Nowbuci', I). II, l'lyiimler,W. CPurkliiH, J, J Hooktco.-W. J. HurbldK). C. I'nlii) dollar to tin; ion. He refiien I91 iIiiviiIki' the loculinli of bin find, ex cept .that it in in the vicinity of Gold Hill. Tho Honmhteak mill near Wooil- illo luif. eoueliided a run of mode than uual rieliue. The new niaii-a.-uiuut lutvu been fopiuelin a le 'fl, Jhihof? .tnkcii.mjt nf tlii uppcr workings and are more than eulinljcd '.til .. '' ( " ini inu Niiuwiut; inline. Chinese Best Sailors! LONDON', Juim 21. A ureal out. erv lIuiMifihout nil Kiihuii wnn rc fi'ijtly rnlhi'il by 11 statement by a hil, finu of chip owner pVjnj; as a reahon for einployinj,' Chiuehp in teail of nilirh snilorK the fnet that oiientalH are uioru Kojier and iinlus trioijs lliaii their own eouutrymuti. .Mtjeli evidence was pnnluecd to dinr provij Ih'o 'hur;ii aaiunl Hriliuli pen men. Today, however, tlm Hrilish hoard of trade iMied htatiHtie hhow-iiij; llut dnrinir lll)ll-l, 01m lCnjjlihli Hiiilor in every 207H died (rein ajeololim m iipiilmt only mm (iriontal in every HUB I euiiloye(l oil Ihitihh .ships. 1 r.'i will buy morn than a warm one In hot weather. A rool euntoumr will buy with lexn palaver. t lie or hIio will liu better natur- ed, leHfl cranky aiid eiuler to veil to, mid you know It. Moreover, yoi jonraelf nnl your emidoyueji will bo In a bettor hcWiik inood-iof rouraei If your utoro U cool and plennant, than If It Ih sticky and MiiffocatliiK nud savorH of a boil er room In Its utlfllitKiieuH. Tfio ICIectrle Van In n IiIohhIiik nnd a cheer which you' enn III afford to Imiure. , l.lfo In the dog dnyn U n quetitlon of ili'KreeH. Make your place of htudnetm habit able and InvltliiK to, the people, and the trend of trade will be In your di rection. It tnndH to reanon It's logical U'h apparent. Why not Invent n little money In trade-winning coolqeaB? Hlcctrlc Fiiiih will rreato a tempt Iiik and dellKhtful lirepze and In ev ery broexo there'll be dnllnnt for ou. Mny our representntlv) call and lake It up with you? , Don't .wl!t until Ifa 9$ In the hndc. Phone us toilny-7-lOSl 0(UQ JUver Klectrlc Company. P. S. How 'about thnt Klectrlc Hlgu you've been thlnkliiK about? PORTLAND. Ore Oommunder ,1. II. Elliott, on duty with the li;ht Inniho jioryu'e n J'(rtlaud tpay rj-, I'SJvy.il iiti;e of hi nppiiutiuent ith commander of tlm cruiser Maryland, nf the l'uuifje fleet, ruliiivmg Captain J. l udmore. SEASON OPENS Each Day Sees Several Machines Pnssliifj Tlirouyli Mcdford to the North or to the South Many Stop Over Here. . The 11)11 automobile louriht hcii hoii Iuih been opened in full blunt and Heldom n day paste now, Unit hc. oral purlieu do not phhh tlirouyli Mcd ford either uoiiiu north or to the Mouth. Kantiirdny night maehiiicrt piiHHfil through (lie eiiy, Jive going toward Culifoniia and three going north, A largo number or the purlieu are Htopping over in Medford from one I.. ll.. 1...... I . I. . iiiiw' uiijn 111111 arc iiiKlllg Klllc triM. Jfnny of llm partieH make' iiupiirieH regarding (Valor Luke and nxpruxrt diHapKinliiienl when inforui-t ed that it ih a ye to early to make the dip. ' EDWARDS Ui L- MEET GAFFNEY Local Boxer is Sl(jned up With Spok ane Boy Bout Will he Held of the Evcnlnn of July 4 Good Sport 1 Promised. COUNTRY .CLUB Will, , BE OPENED FRIDAY Walter MeCnlJtitii, manager of llief Medford Opera IImnmj Iihm Higned; I'Vuukie Kdwanlt of , .Medford nipl liddie (iiifiiicv of Spokane for a ten I round bout for the evening of July llli. The boyn will weigh around 12(1 poiiudH. A number of preliminaries will bo pulled off nud a good time i UHHtired boxing 1'uiik. Kdwardii Iuih met Oaffney twice at IfimeburL'. The firnt timo he not the dceiHion, the second mateii being a ' nraw. All arniiigrmcut arn being com pleted for the formal opening of tit? ('oimlry Club next Friday nftorno.011, A Hplendid day of nport is promised. The kicke,r handicap, 18 hole goif (ourunrnent will be a feature of the day but tcnum and trap Hhootiug will iiIko be engaged in. The following are entered: Iiurgctx, Hrook, Hooy Hiiiitli, Cowlcfj Webb, I'owcll, McKay, Middlcburgcr, Ucekwith, Al and Leonard C'nrpuntcr, Tronwon, Finro, I'lirMiniH, (!arleton, Frnzicr. BtJTTHl FiVLS HOTEL lL servo every . Sun- da an oxceptionaily gooddinnor for transients. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY, Lots wholesale and retail MOOB-EHNI-CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg NOW OPEN New Klcrtrlc aiioo Repair Shop Work dpne while yptj wait. SaU iofucUon. guaranteed t ' ' F, L. Sherman '.Ki Ho. niRi Hlrect. CITY NOTICES. W'V f v- V H'5 -..1' vm R mpsoiuTzoir. He It retiolvcd.b) tlir city council of tlio city of Mrdfpril, Ori-Kii. ' Tlmt 11 Ik tlm Intuition of (ho council to luy a f-lncli wuli-r main on Vancouver .iveinm from Mitln ntnct to Klovciitb Hlrrt't nnd lo nrfCKH tho eoui (Jicfof upon tliv irojTt: frontliu; on xuld portion of nld 1 reel p proportion to the frontiiRo of Midi projierly. Tint council will iraot ut the council cluonlx'r In tho clly hull In n.iid city n tlit? mil dny of July I9lt, ut 7 30 p in., 11 wiiipu tune an pron-nm ucaltmt tlic luylriK of nnld water main on raid por tion of h.iI (I Htrcct and tho axRCfuimrnt of tho co( thereof upm tho iroprrty front Im: thereon tvlll Ira heard. Tho forrKoltiK reitoluiion win t,-inoil liy the city council of the city of Sled foul on the 20th jUy of June. 191 1, by ttie followlnit vote Jlcrrlck aye. Wutt ae, Wortman nyc. Kmcrick aye, Klfert aye, lllltnr uyo. Approved June .311. 1911. ( ' If. CANON', Mayor, Atlcut: . ItOJJT. W. TEI.l'KIt. S! . Clly HrconliT nnfgnpmn 1. I I i . .t. UkTOrlMfTKuMf wiTjL n 1H i IWIIKVUNflin-)APPCU VOJttt k.-L APPEJDVS iSBHthATrfaiB WATER BAG Kecpx nater cool 41 houn or loneer, in tun or ihadc: great boon to KXBOI.T7TICm. ljc It rexolyrd by tho pity council of, tho city of Medford. Oregon: Thnt It In the Intention of tho council to Iny u 4-fncli .water main on plum' utreol from Iflcvtnth ntret to Onkotn' nvenuo nnd to nrny-nii the cont thereof lliMin lit., firnnitrl v. fnrt. Ilni- tn anl.l ,mr. - ..... .......... .-...,,...n .... ft.... ,.v.. lion of ald ntreot In proiortlon to the frontiiK" of said property Tho council will meet nt tho council chninber In tho city hull In nald city on tho tlh day of July, 1911, at 7:30 p. in., ut which time all prntcntK nualimt the hiylni; of nald wnter mnln on nald por tloh of mild atrcet and tho axxeHmnent of thccoHl thereof upon the iropi!rty front tin: thereoi) will :Mi (iriird. Tho fnri'Kolntf ruuolutlon wan pnwcl by tho city council1 of the city of Med ford on I he. SOth ll1)' or June, 1911, by tlm followlnir ote: Merrick nye. Watt aye, "Wortman nyJ limerick nyc, J.'lfert aye. Millar nye. Approvetl June Slat, 1911. W II. CANO.V. Mayor. Attext: JtOJJT. yy. TEI-KBp, S2 CKy ltecordcr iroTZCB or bale or iMFBOvzurirr bovtb. Tho city pounelj of tlte city of Med fonl. On'Bon, wllt'Tccelve Ki-ul.il proo nnla for llii; purchnno of I3&.S0O 00 nix per cent, ten yr Improvement bondn (optional nfter the first wnr) nt a nieetlnK to bo held June SOth, 1911. All IiIiIh imixt be hccompunlel by n certlflnd check inpial to 5 ir cent of the amount bid for. nald check to be made payable to tho city treaxurer of tho city of Medford. nml to Ih forfeited to ntd clly In enno wild bid In accepted and hnld bondn are not purcliaaud In accordance With nald proiwMtlnn within 20 da) a after the notice of nald acceptance All bldn niUKt lm filed with the city recorder nt any tlmo before t o'clock p. m, June 30th, 1911. The council re nerves the rlhl tQ reject any and all bids. KOUT."W. THI-FKH Clly llecorder iiiUimi iiiik 3i.i nay or June, mi SSSfkri trtAMr i.vrv:i,tttr f - -TSkU-1 L UJ-U- t"5": Tekeco Sobitltate protpectors wrycyor, iporumcn, stockmen, farm en, teamtters, anyone exposed to dry orwarm weather. Ued by U. S. Gpv'l. Stronjj, light, eaiy to carry. Gri. Tbls XVctter Trnlfles the AttltBde of AU Vsers ONlcarai EiUin. laAiu. Vlilt la Nrri4i ttcrntlr ! til Kraiioa to rlai tra ol b mt $t Alricu W.irr lur. Vi'utr lioa iNf txi nfuUIr unr. oo4 w tb on.fi. Wt b4 one ol toui Zl tU ban nl tk, uur rt miwV ihI mil dtf, xwn tfumgk iht ufftrt mi rwr ICC In lit A4i. J4 in Itt mornltf I !o.b4 lU i!n t(,UUr tt-i t cell kt mutt. It trru-tlj I. a booe to lto lirloj Is tac arid rrrlcoi rnUnunU. W. E. WIOEX. FOR SALE BT DEALERS EVEST WEEEJt X dam Apprll Water iUa-Co Fort land. Or. V For Sale - , Lot Cheap on Easy Terms. 2 Blocks off paving, Lpt 60x125, high .with splendid view.. $125 down, $10 per month. Investigate this. r P. O. Box 838 FANS IHthe good old summer time. Avliat n boon and blessing is'tle elCc-tric Fan! ilow much more binn-able it makes these hot, sticky, uncomfortable days in July and August and September. And it's so useful all the year round, too. For drying clothes quickly. For drying the liair. In winter time for placing near a register (that isn't sending the heat up) and creating a draught that draws the. heat from the furnace; into, the cold room. ' ' , " ' What (lo you think about Electricity, anyway? f "Would vou like it in vour'home? --yv- Talk it over with the otner mourners ot your tamiiy. If you are enthusiastic, enthuse them. - . ' Ask us to send someone to talk it over with you. "Will vou? At your service, ' ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. t UaRkliiH for Hcaltli. ITiufcln.. for Hcnltb. , ., ., ., c'!- fSYrep . ' '. : i : : w.- .i. a ..a- ..a.i.i,,..,-....,..,.,.!.... . . ...... ..TJT!TTCrSTTiiST7TT!TmrrTSTfT -. . ---- - ... -w I' f. f t r t I Screens, Sash, DoWs, All Kinds of Woodwork Why swat flies wheii you can keep them ,out? Let us figure oi) screens for you. Our win dow frame and door wojcfc has made us famous in the local field. J i . i , w nr ' This Way Plasfe: i i ii. r i iirri m r i.a -v . l j i - If yqu are looking for a way to make yoyr home hand- lution. Perhaps it is a store front o Come and see how else we can aid you. mer.qur grjll and fret work,! pillars and posts offer ajSq-. .interior that is to be remodeled. We have the material. spmer Medford Sash & Door Comp any M ii i -a i n ! v -1..-r-f j ,- ;