fT" MEDFORD M"ATL TRTBUNti, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 10.11. DEALERS IN LIQUOR - CAUSED RECALL nnsi'liiiru Pnnplo Believe Jmlyn Cake Is Founlit liy Antl-Pralilliltlonlsts Altliuunli Reason Given Is His In striictlons In Murder Jury, ltOttKllUIUl. Out, Juno 20. KoHiilMirit In not I'.lvlnit :i'rul imp port ti tin iiiiivoiiiunt Initiated In tliU city In r.nill Circuit JiiiIk Jbn (John, or Miimhfliilil, 1mc:uhmo of Ills tttNtriirtliiiiH H Hid Jury that acqulttiM Hoy MiCliillcii on My '-7 lunt, of Hi" chimin of iiiinilrr lit tlio wirond do Kri'. Willi" U In not illitputud Hint tin liiHlriirllmiH of tint court worn not itn roniplul" for Urn prosecution (in limy worn for Hi ilfeiiHti, few vntnrii roimliltir HiIh mifflclmit reason fur liivoklmt Hi" recall iiKiilimt JuiIko Colin mill few "" wIkmIiik Hin Jiiiu tloiiH for Hint purpos". 11 Ik llm iiulnpolicn opinion of tunny rltltoiiN Hint Hi" real utilmtiM behind tlu iiuivciiienl lies Willi tlio nullral ftiiil-prolillillloiilNtii, who display tin iIIukuImmI Imtr.'il for JiulK" Cokn lm caimn ho Imposed a Hue of J0OO on Uir.M. liimr-nulliTM in tlm recent term of court. HI others Indle.ted on u like cliurKo fi" unum ovldeneo Hint convliUil tin- flrrtl threw ami Hi" "" ural presumption In Hint limy, tin), Mill lig fined Him limit Tlio nlim com prUo tho wlioln number of nofl-ilrlnk dculcrs In llOHi'liurK. Tlio recall petition am bnlitB circu lated iinilor tlio direction of K, I. Cniinou.v n HocliillHt attorney, of HiIh city. Ho ) amplo fuuclH aro bnltiK plodKoil to defray tint oxpoiiK" of mich work. Thin Judicial illmrlrl In coin piH.Ml of six counties. DoiikIhh, Coos, r-nrrv. I.11110. Lincoln ami Heiiton. Wltliln Um ronflni'H aro about 20,000 votoni ami tlio itlKiinluro of nt least per cmil of theno muNt li affixed to tlm recall petitions before tho nice tion may lm ti'lI. PAGE THREE Our Correspondents CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS. AI.HANY. N. V. A liill prol.il.i- 'liiitf tlio prcHcntiitmn or "a liMi'H i.liiiiniitor rciircsciillui: " ,4I"vinw iwrmni,' Jih, J.u.iKiiw J, by, Ou v ur- nor Dlx. nilCAflO, III. l.ovoh'iok children wlio winli to no In tlio Imtliiiit; beaches urn now lii'inK chaperoned on tin North I.uko Hlmro. Tlirci hundred fninlliiiK Iiiim) formed mi UHSoeiulion for tlm imrHiMi nl' l'liriilnliiiiK chap crones for llioin. N'l'.W YOUIv HoHoviiik Unit soil !li water liy meters would cause tho nulliiiK ilown of tin number of bulbs, Mayor lliiyimr is opined to tlio num. CIIICAdO, III. Miss Hose Slrom or. viulim of niMuMiiliciliH mill Wil limn Kllnnil, htruck liy u motor oyclo worn iniirni'il in u hospital horo liy Hiiv, (I. S. Olisliiml, who nut in whi'olt'd clmir. CIIK'AdO, III. -SuliHlunlial clio oolutort linvo tnki'ii I ho place of tlio fancy honhoii ciuiily iiccorilinj to tho iiiciniiorrt of tlm Niitionul (.'onfcslion hcrn AHHiiciiition ut itn muuliiij' hero. Cl.r.VKIiANI), Ohio-.IuHtioo I.o vinu hart hctllcd coutiovcrHy ho twocn two women hem who worn IfijjhtiiiK iivor tlm owncrHhip of a jinir of Hiiodo hIioch liy nwiirdiiiK tho woman limy caino iicnrcut fitlini: llio foot onr. HOHTON, Miihh. Indignation irt niinpiuit iiinoiiK tlm IiuhoIhiH I'iiiih lii'ii) over tlm oxchnngo of four Chi ciiKO plnyoi-H for lloaton men whom tlm faun deelaro wero far Kiiporiur iu thu Chiciipi ulnycirt. Huston I'iiiih aro not lioditiitini in HlmwiiiK thoir iliHiipproval, VKNICH, ('al.-C'ImrU'H Hiihsott JifiiKiuiid ou tho Venice lieneli, today, liiiH u thin ilium Mowed uwny in IiIh ieniiK. tlm mwiinl for Having tho lifo of (Icot'i'u lliiKorlnnil ol XMow ioik City. Al'lor oxiii-chhIiij,' voluhlo thitnlcH lliiKiuliiiid Hlippotl HiifiHett ten uonlrt tolling him to buy u K"("l 1'l'lir MADISON, WiH. In Ootohor at n nu'oliiiL' of llm l'irnt uiitioniil oontor oiiuo of tho Social Centor Dovolop lnent AHHoointion, Senator J.aKollotle of WiHcoiisln and Governor Wood row WilHon of Now .lowex loaders of llm ropuhliean and deiuoitiatio pro- Kierirtivop an presidential poHNuYilitiim will HpeaU from tlm hiiiuo piuiioriu. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl. Knrly today at tho now California Ilolol whom tlio wedding of JohojiIi Ghor oeol wiih prneecdiiiKi oim of llm KiiohIh fired a pistol into llm mowd 4ind four persons wero injured. Two of them nro prohnhly fatally wound ed. In tho panic that followed tlio culprit useaped, Mr. and Mrs, CitHtlo or Indiana, piimutH or tlm lalu Mm, A. C. Wool vni'tou, wont hum ou luiHlimHn Hatur day. Mr. iiud Mm, Ncal niul (lituitlitor, MIhh Mai Una, of Movon OakH worn HlioppltiK In Coulral Point Hutiirday ovi'iifiuc, A. O. Wolvorlon of Ilutto KhIIh Iiiin movcil IiIh family to Central Point ami will renldo horo for tho prctiont. MIhh Marnuret I'JiiHloy, Mm. I'arnon, V J. Taylor and many other Coulral Point cIHzoiih worn HhoppliiK In Mod foul Hnturday. Dr. T. 11. Conr.er mid fninlly hnvii removed from HiIh vicinity to ICIuin nth KiiIIh. Duputy AKiicHtior H. H. Aklnti npout Hiinday Imro. Mm. A. C. Walker and uon Jmvn returnoil rrom a trip to wMiuiiiirn. Mm, Nancy nhenclinln In vIbIHiir at Klninnlli Kails. Mm( H. J. Hack with arrived from Portland Hunitay monilm: and was umt liy Mr. Hockwltli and tlm ImyH and liuuiedlatoly wont to their coun try homo, Councilman J. W. and Mm. Myorn and MIhh Alice llanloy roluritcd rrom a woek'M vUlt li Portland Hunday nftitruoon. MIhh Hhaw, MIhh I'Mlmr Morrill. Ilrldano HanderHOii, c'rod Farm, Floyd Kohh, ni.iit Holiday In Ashland. Central Point wiih well ropreHont ed at Medford Hunday aftornoon, amoiiK whom wero W. II. NorcroHH, Frod HiirrowH. 13. L. Farra, Word llopkliiH, and llrotlmr Humor Peart, Trlx Peart, I-uk Pearl, Oliver Mann, P. J. Merrill, H. K. Ileal. Hlilploy ItciHH, Pearl Hohh, Hlta WIIIIiiiiih. Mary A. Me. IIchhIo Price, (lladyn llolmeH and Klla Wltto. Hi'V. Coon of Woodvlllo wiih hero Hunduy. Many Central Point people wpont Hunday at tho rlvor. Jolrii Grieves of Prospect was down after Hiipplics Monday. Mayor l.oover has rolunicd from a trip to Portland. Hov. Dr. Ilaiuillou and sou re turned from a northern trip Monday W. 8. Hrooko, of tho Hour Creek orchard was calling upon friends here Monday. Glenn Owen, Into of Hutto Fulls ha returned to IiIh homo iu this city. . , ; Mrs. J. W. Myers, Miss lloleii Shaw, Miss Ksthor Mcrritt, Mist Kl sio Duulaji, Mrs. T. V. Kiiackstedt Mrs. Georno L. Neale, Mis Noale, Mrs. Kllis Clark, Mr. Hubliard, Mr, I.ittlefielil and Mr. Aiwley wero Med ford visitors Monday aitcrnoon. At the special city election Mon day a HkIiI rate was polled, and lioth nuii'iidiiu'iits to tlm city charter were carried by a big majority.. At our auuiial school election held Monday afternoon V. A. Cowley was re-elected school director and J. W. .lncolis was rc-elecli.'d olt-rk. Our city council will uicel this (Tuesday) ovening in regular ad jounied seHsion. II. K. Hedford today moved his family from tho rooms over his con fectionary to tlm Selhy residence, comer Fourth and Oak h! roots, Mrs. Li.r.in Heal is uiakiiiK much iuiprovement ou hor Oak street resi dence. Miss George Cliuo returned from a two weeks outing ut Colcstiuo Sun day ovcniiiK. Mrs. Kruest Scott hud as week ond (jiu'sls hero sifter of Applcpito, and .Miss Hertha McDonald of Medford. It is rumored Hint u wedding will tnko phieo in Central Point before many days. Wo am on tlm oui vivo. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. (fly A. C. llowliilt.) TALENT ITEMS. J. II. Maylmw of Phoenix was In Talout on Wodiiomlny attending to laud IiiihIiiohh, V. I,, lliirchard or MaryHVlllo, Cnl., Ih vIhIHiik with tho family or Marlon Tryor of Talent, Tlm council or tho town or Talent at Monday's bchhIoii Hiicceedod In got- HiiK tlm ordlnaiiceH roplacod that had been doHtroyod by tho flro hut winter. Tlm firm or Ileohn and Kinney has comtioncod U) stock up tho now Btoro, Whon nil Hm goodH havo nrrlvod It will ho oiio or tho heat stocks or mor chamllHo In IIokiio Hlvor valley, Mrs, IIikIrooii and Mm. Darrott wero In Medford Friday doing (shop ping. Mm, John Grnut, formorly or Tal out but now roRldlug at Dorrla, Cal Is vlaltlng old frlonda In Talent. JuinoH Pollott and wlfo, rocontly Hold hIx lots In Talout to J. A, Kolta. Consideration, SOOO. Within tho lust mouth tlioro linn boon iiroporty sold in Talont and vi cinity to tlm amount or $22,000. MIhh .Taaopliliio Cnrllslo ou Wod iiomlny loft for hor homo in Portland, Or. W. A. Aitkin or Modford wob In Talont Friday attending to tho plumb- WIiiiii I last wroto I left off with mi aocoiint of my journey at Hoso burg, promising to tell (lm readurs of llm Mail Trillium something of what I saw juid heard in that beau tiful and tidy city. Wo arrived there ou time, ::iu p, in., ami nflor parlnk lug of it good dinner wo started out In sou llm city and its surroundings. I wish first lo call llm attention l thu render to tho nice clean, wide HtroolH of tlm oily. Everything indi cated that tho people of tho city wero prosperous mid ooiiHoijuenlly happy. Among other things I noticed was tho bountiful shrubbery along thu streets and tho roses thai filled (ho air with their fragrance. The public buildings showed that thu cit izens tiuilcrstniu! how to attract the attention of tin: visitor although thu county courthouse wan not entirely up to date. The churches show a good moral tone lo tlm community and the lack of saloons sisiko volumes in be half of thu town. Although tho time of our arrival there was a bad time of tlm day, and also a bad time of tho woo If, Thursday, to bco many of tho farmers, still (hero seemed to be ii considerable life on tho streets and thu business men wero generally busy. Alter wo had walked over a considerable portion of thu town wo, that iu Hev. M. (J. Davis and myself, started for tho .SoldiuiV homo which is situated about u mile out from thu business center of tho city, al though thu city proper extends out to tlm home. Here at the Homo is a lurgu tract of laud that is beauti fully laid off ami artistically ar ranged with roses, shrubbery, plants, trees, vines, etc. With their play grounds arranged for tho umuse- munts of tlm inmates with seats iu tho beautiful groves for tho accom modation of those who get weury, or simply desiro to sit and sec tho oth ers play. Thero aro fivo largo buildings for tlm accommodation of thu inmates and they aro so arranged that if a man desires n room to himself he can be accommodated or ho can have u roommate as he pleases. Iu tho hospital everything is arranged for thu comlort of thu patients and they havu especial attention, each ono having a lablo separately. There were at tho timo wo were thero about J.r0 inmates and it was a pitiful sight to kco Homo of them gray haired veterans, somo sick, otherrf crippled, showing tlm results of tho long Imnl scigo for liberty and free dom iu our beloved country; but they showed llm evidence of resignation and seemed to bu well contented with their lot. Wo did not havo timo to go through tho different building ns it was Into in tho afternoon when ivo reached tlioro although wo saw enough to convince us that the de fenders of our homos aro properly cared for and everything provided for their comfort that they need. After leaving tho Homo wo attend ed church, it being tho quarterly mooting of tho Froo Methodist, where wo heard a good practical sermon from a man by the name of Smith. After which wo walked back to our hotel where wo had a good night's rest. Friday morning wo took the 8:0-1 train for Portland. Noticed along tho routo evidence of lirog- resMvcnosH all along tho routr, in many places a few years ago I saw old moss ami scalo covored fruit trees now young, thrifty ones in their pmeo or a bettor variety and instead of thu old moss covered buildings, they havo boon removed and no,it now ones built iu their nlaccs. From tho looks of tlm crops from tho car window tho Willamette valley will bo favored this year with an abundant crop of grain although from what I I'nuliHcnni by inquiry, tho fruit crop will, in many places bo light. On tho cars wero quilo a number who woro ou thoir way to Portland to sou llm wiudup or- closing exer cises of the roso carnival, and to at tend (ho meeting of tho Congrega tional Pacific Coast congress, which convened on Saturday, Juno 10. l, an account of which I will h-v ,. givo tlio readers of thu Mail Tribune iiuai umo. Portland, Or., Juno 11), um. OFFICER HALL'S E HOM WRECKED Forced to Walk Streets 24 Hours a DayIn Trying to Connect House Tent With New Lot There Is Trouble Horse Takes a Hand. Carpets lo right of him, dishes to left of him, Into the wreck did the officer thun der. Over a chair ho fell, Hollered ho What lo7 Well, Mo for Ihu timber to get soma more lumber. Adapted. Officer Hall of the Medford p.) lieu force is homeless. Mix house is a mass of wreckage and ho is forced to walk tho street 2-1 hours instead of his usual 1'2 hours. Hall had a bouse (cut apd a new lot and the Hmnshup occurred when lm tried to connect (he two. He couldn't movo the lot ho ho decided to movo the lent and hired a dray man to make (he change. Tho hoiifio-leiit was a creation of art. It was fitted up with curtains and rugs and contained some niu furniture also hut the drayman's hors.. didn't fancy it. Thu house was loaded on thu wagon while the horse was aHlcep in (he shafts. Giddapj yelled the driver, hut (be norso never moved. Giddap! Gid dapl Tlio horso opened his eyes, gave one look behind him, saw tjie hoiiHD tent on tho wagon and Jit out for Prospect. COBB REACHES CENTURY MARK Has Played In 55 Games and Made 101 Hits Average 443 He Shows Up as Best of All This Season In Big Leagues, CAUKLKSH AHOUT AIM'K.VDICITIS IX MKDFOIM) Mnny Modrord' people havo stomach or bowol trouble which is likely to turn Into appendicitis. If you havo conHtlpatlon, sour stomach, or gas on tho Rtomnch, try alrnplo buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc., us compounded Iifc Adlor-l-ka, the now gcrmnn np pondlcltls remedy. A slnglo dono ot this slmplo remedy will relievo bowel or stomach troublo almost InHtantly. For salo by Leon D. Hasklns. - CHICAGO, Juno 20. Tyriis Cobb of tlm Detroit American Leaguo Club, Ih the first niajor-lcuguo player to drive out 100 bits In the 1911 kcu Hon. IIIh century hit came In the eighth Inning of yesterday's game with Chicago, Iu Detroit. Not satis fied with gaining this distinction for tint day, ho rained IiIh total to 101 with unottmr sufo ono In tho ninth. Hutting Ih not the only division In which Cobb leads. JIIh 20 doubles, 20 triples and eight homo runs make him thu chief or the sluggers; IiIh 30 steals put him at the head or t!i? American baso-stealcrs and his record or SO runu In C5 games has oppon ents beaten by a wldo margin. The following hIiowh Cobb's work so fur HiIh season: (lames, r.f,; at bat, 228; runs, 59; bane bits, 101; two-base hits, 20; three-base hits, 20; home runs, 8; stolen bases, 20; sacrifice hits, fi; to tal bases, lfil; average. Ai?.. Hcnooi uoaru was uerratej for re election. Tho now directors aro Mar lon Fryar and O. A. Marseo, II. C. Coleman holding over. Goo. Gardner was re-elcctod district clerk. Miss Vera Houston and Miss nob ortH of Klamath Falls, Oregon, are visiting with the family of.Kmneot Iicoson. Work on tho new school house Ik progressing rapidly. Tho concrete work is nearly finished and the brick work will sooii bo commenced. MIhs May Smith was In Medford on Monday attending to legal business. MIhs Mary Hulen has returned to Talent after n continued visit at Woodvlllo. Miss Julia Stoward is visiting with her brothers on their homestead In Josephine county. HaaklnB tor Health. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dcrslgned will apply to the city coun cil or the city or Medford, Oregon, at Itn next regular meeting on Juno 20, 191), for a llcenso to sell splrltous, vinous and malt liquors In quantities less than a gallon at its place of busi ness on lots G, C, 7, 8, block 20, in Raid city, for a period of six months. HOTEL NASH CO. O Dated Juno 8, 1911. NOTICK TO COXTKACTORS. Notice is hereby given that the City Council or tho City or Medford. Oregon, will recelvo sealed proposals for the taking up and re-laying the 16 Inch wooden water main now ly ing In the ground on East Main street to be re-layed as a storm sewer on tho west side of tho city. Addition Information furnished by tho city engineer. All bids to be filed with the city recorder on or before C:00 o'clock p. m., June 20th, 1911, and to be accompanied with a certified check equal to 10 per cent or the amount of the bid. Said check to be made payable to the city treasurer. IIODT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. Dated this 1 4th day of June. 1911. 77' Medford Opera House, &&$& The Biggct and Best Musical Comedy Of fcring of the Entire Year FER.RJS HAR.TMAN rjrnt, rn ryj J la (J BO and his Superb Company IN Muitc ly Auctran . A Llnlo Journey lo the Land of MaUo. Believe WITH WALTER. DE LEON AND MISS "MUGGINS" DAVIES Totfthr with a Singing and Dancing Co. of SO Seat Sale Tuesday Morning. Haskins FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Lots wholesale and retail .MOOR-EHNI-CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg EXCURSION FARES EAST 19 11 J During the months of June, July, August and Septem- our, on tiates snown below, the Southern Pacific will sell round trip tickets from Medford via Portland as follows: TO PATTER Chicago $ S2.40 Centennial Jubilee AT ASTORIA August 10 to Sept. 9, 1911 Commemorating the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the First White Settlement in the Northwest and the Beginning of the Oregon Country at Astoria, Oregon, Presenting Historical and Ceremonial Features to gether with a Spectacular Marine and Military Pageant Glenn Curtiss, famous aviator, will fly over land and sea in his airship. PACIFIC COAST REGATTA The Greatest Aquatic Event to he Held in the West Historically Tin's Celebration Is to Be One of the Most Important Events to Take Place This Year in the United States. The SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES IN OREGON will sell tickets from all points on its lines, including branches at LOW ROUND TRIP FARES For further particulars apply to the Centennial Com mittee, Astoria, Oregon, or to WM. McMURRAY, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Portland, Ore. Iiik or tho now Bclioolliouso, O. D. Morsu rrom Forna Vnlloy wnn iloliiB business In Talent on Friday, aiox BiorrlBon rroin Hock Point durliiK tho Inst wook has boon vlslt- liii; rrlontls In Talent. It Is roportod that A. Alforrt will build a now houso on tho carnor lot rormorly ownod by Kd Dunram. Tho school election hold In Talont at tho school Iioiibo on Monday was Utilto woll attended. Tho chlor mat- tor of Interest was over tho olectlou or dlroctors. Ono dlroctor liavliiR moved away and ono dlroctors timo explrlnK. Tlioro had boon somo ills. siitlornctlon ovor tho way tlio nrralrs or tho district hud boon ImndllnK tho buslnoBs, Ono luoiubor or tuo old NEWPORT -YAQUINA BAY- 1 ! fl iii council J51UUS Omaha Kansas Citv G9.90 St. Joseph St. Paul St. Paul, via Council Bluffs 73.80 Minneapolis, direct G9.90 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs 73.80 'OLVIH ...-.,.-.....-.........-..... J.I Ji.yAl t? a oik , , , J.J.0.4U St. Louis 70 on if ii Washington. D. O "'."""'"""'"!"""!!!!!"!!!!!! 11710 ii I ,Ul..i;. Vim ' vr -r ZZZZ ' ;: fvmuiuu vJiii.y,XN.u llli.liU SALE DATES Juno 10; 17, 21, 22, 23, 2-J, 28, 29 and 30. i; July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, C, -9, 20, 2G, 27 and 28. I August 3, 4, f, 14, IS, 1G, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 2 : Soptembor 1, 2, 4, 5, G and 7. 29 and 30. Stop-overs within limits in either direction. Final return limit October 31st. For fares ono way through California inquire of any ouuMituii jTiiuuiu agent;, or write, io WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. i 'i: Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Place to Go for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation ITS FACILITIES ARE COMPLETE Best of food and an abundance of it. Fresh water from tho moun tain streams. All modern necessities, such as tele graph, tolephone, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pa-. cific to Albany or Cor vail is, thence Cor vail is & Eo3t ern R. R. Train service daily and tlio trip a pleasure throughout. PARE PROM MEDFORD Season six-months ticket $11.10 Our elaborate now Summer Book gives a conciso description of Newport, including a list of hotels, thoir capacity and rates. Call on, telephone or write A. S. ROSENBAUM, Local Agent, Medford. WM. McMURRAY GonoralPassonger Agent, Portland, Oregon