11 PAGE TWO atEDFORD MATL 'PKTBUN13. MflDFOliT), OttTCCION, TtTTCSDAY, TUNI'l 20, H)1 1. ii Local and personal .I. D. Cltisholm ftf Dttlutli, Minn., whb nn arrival In Med ford Monday. Dr. T. 15. Haiuuoii mtil Dr. V. K. Mooro of Bnglnnw, Michigan, arc In Modford stopping to rest up boforo contlnuliiK a tour of the coast. Porter ;T. Ncrf Ib In Forllntid on legal business.' Cnrkln & Taylor (John II. Carktn, Glenn O. Taylor), attorncys-nt-law, ororiJackson County Bank Bldg., Modford. 15. F. Forbes and h. J. Mlkseho left Monday for Korby where they lmo wining Interests. Misses Grata and Mabol Myers ot Ccdnrvllle, Kalians, aro guests nt the homo of C. H. Plorco on East Main Btreot. "'Ashland Steam Laundry. Mcdtord offlco, phonj No. 1201. V. 11. Itnrdon and V. J. Dcacom are spending a few days along the Roruo River. George Carter was In Ashland Monday. Seo R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. J-Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Ontman and daughter, Mlso Echo departed Tues day for Newport where thoy will spend tho summer. V., L. Drown of Denver Is here visiting his brother, Arthur Brown, editor of the Rogue magasluo. Henry Bates, particular barber, 12 S W. Main st. II. IVPattcrson spent Monday even ing in Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lashum and daughter, Miss Elizabeth are spending a few day- in Mcdford. Mr. Lasham hns property Interests here. For a shave, hair cut or shampoo, seo Henry Bates, 12S West Main street " Mrs. B. Korby of Ashland was shop ping In Mcdford Monday. Stanton Grlffis of Central Point was a Monday visitor In this city. ,For tho right kind of Mutual Fire Insurance, seo W. V. Moore, room 209 Phlpps building. S. A. Nye, V. M. Campbell and Ed Campbell aro on a hunting and fish ing trip in tho Klamath country. They will be gono two weeks. . Seo Huntley and MacClatchle for flro Insurance. Phone 3401. Special gas Inducements. Tho Ore gon Gas and Electric Company Is making some special offers untll'July 1st They are installing a Reliable gas rango for S1S.00 and have other equipment rates that aro correspond ingly low. - AH repairs have Ueon made. Fol low the crowd to tho Mnnhattan Cafe for good eating and fast service. SO W. M. Halo of Redding. California, has decided to move to Rogue River Valley and has purchased two large lots on South Oakdale where ho will build a bungalow In about ninety days. Mrs. SImpklns will glvo reading dally at tho home of Mrs. Plymalo at 301 South Central avo. 77 Dr. J. F. Reddy, It. K. Nell and Honoro Palmer have loft for a visit to thp Umpqua mining district on up per Elk Creek. Mr. Nell Is a mining man of wide experience. Big hat sale at tho Home Millln ary. 1021 W. 9th street. 88 Miss Bertha McPherson of Seattle has returned to Medford for a visit with her parents. Sho Is accompanied by two cousins, Messes Bessie and Edith Crandall of San Francisco at which place Miss McPherson was a recent visitor. Best coffee, and good broiler at your service. Manhattan Cafe. SO Colonel It. II. Rosa of Bandon, Oregon, who Is a former democratic leader, a inembor of tho legislature of 187fi, is spending a few days visit ing Medford. Mrs. J. F. R('ddy has returned from a visit at Bpokano. 'Medford Hardwnro Company for guns and amunltion. ' It. J. Rosa of Bandor, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Halliwell of Kansas City, Missouri, aro registered nt tho Commercial Club. lA-ssons In water colors and em broidery nt tho Handicraft Shop, K'entner's. 81 Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTXKEES Day Phono 2271 Night Phones V. W. Weeks 2071. A. E. Orr, 8009. LADY ASSISTANT. JOHN A. PERL j! Undertaker and Embalmer ' ' .... ; ; Successor to tno undertaking do i i...iM..4 rA.irM.l m.... I. . nyv i , ; ! Offlco "with Medford Furniture Co. I; '' Telonhones: Day. Boll 351;!; John A. I-erl, residence, Bell 4111,;; 179L. 0. W. Conklln 3601. J. II. But- ler 3B71. AMIinTiAVnUV fiTCItVIOH- ! rfwyfWrwyyfffyyww'i.'i... i liOlUU i ' i Tho body of Mrs. Microtia Wool vorlon was shipped to Frtwoll, lnd. Monday evening. A. C. Woolvcrton, Mr. and Mrs. Mortlmar Castle and Mr. Woolvertons little child wore In attendance. W. U. Taylor pf S.jttlo was n Ijuslncsn visitor hero' Tuesday I,. iirowtiRtPiu or Snlem- wa among tho Tuesday arrivals here. Alfalfa and grain" hay for sale at Oakdale Park Addition. Soo W. II. Everhnrd, phono 539 J G. ! C. W. Strang n Medford hoy at tending tho Oregon Agricultural col lego has been elected to membership In 'Beta Zcta Chapter of the Kappl Pal fraternity which has seeh In stalled in that Institution. Only 11 members wero admitted. F. R. Brown of Corvallls Is In Med ford looking nttcr personal interests. Ed T. Gould of Salem transacted business In this city Tuesday. Tyson Deal! of Central Point was a business visitor In Medford Tues day morning. Lost Pointer pup, five months old, black head, whlto and ticked body: reward If returned to Gregory, 232 E. Main. A. W. Hunt and family left Tues day for Crescent City making tho trip byy automobile. Mrs. A. W. Evans stopped In Med ford Monday on her way to San Francisco. She has been visiting In tho New England states. Handkerchiefs initialed, 5c letter, at the Handicraft Shop. S1 Coy Watson Is vlsltlnk with friends in Eaglo Point. Monday was court day at Jackson ville. Judge Wlthlngton, Evan Reams, Judgo Wm. Colvig, W. E. Phlpps, Gus Newberry and Attorney Beckwlth of Medford and Attorneys Brigg3 and Treflcn of Ashland were in attendance. Miss Knoch In chargo of a party bound for Europe stopped In Med ford a short time Monday. It was here first trip through tho valley In daylight and she was delighted with the scenery. W. T. Cobum of Grants Pass was in Medford on business Tuesday. J. S. Traur and family who have been in Medford for several days spent Monday In tho Applegato and left for their homo In Grants Pass Tuesday morning. Codo Hnll left Monday for San Francisco. C. W. WIthot a prospector Is In Mcdford for a few days and Is en thusiastic over tho mining outlook. , Mr. and Mrs. Madden of Central Point visited In Medford Monday. J. E. Olmstcad was a business passenger to San Francisco Monday. B. T. Van De Car, Christ Gottlieb, and Judgo Kelly spent Tuesday with tho finny demzens of tho Rogue. Harry Whetsel was a business visitor In Jacksonville Tuesday morn ing. Mitchell & Doeck make Iceless re frigerators that keep your butter and milk In perfect condition without Ice. " Attorney A. C. Hough of Grants Pass wns In Medford Tuesday on pro fessional business. Among tho many gifts received by President and Mrs. Taft on tho twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding was a beautiful sliver water pitcher sent by Frank D. Frailer of this city. Dr. F. S. Barber has been granted a license to practice dentistry by tho state board of dontal examiners. 'DADS' ID DISCUSS PUBLIC MARKET Representatives of Realty Associa tion and Commercial Cluti Will Ap pear Tonight Boforo City Council to Discuss Question. Tho proposition concerning the proposed public market for Medford will bo laid before the city council tonight and tho matter will be thrashed out to the satisfaction of nil concerned. At the last meeting of tho Com mercial Club the matter of a public market for tho handling ot local fruit and vegetables was taken up but left undecided. Representatives of tho club will ask tho opinion of tho council tonight boforo taking any further action. NQUEST WILL - NOT BE HELD Believed Iry Coroner to Bo Unneces sary as All. Indications Point, tq Fact That Ho died In a Drunken Stupor. WHITE SLAVER IS GIVEN HVE YEARS Woman Who Was Found Guilty of Interstate Traffic in Girls Sen tenced to Jail Made Practice of Enticing Girls Into the Net. An Inquest will not be hold over tho body of Will Jackson, the man who was found dead In a Southern Pacific box car Monday morning. It Is thought to bo uuut't'cssnry nn nil Indications point to the fact that ho (jled In n drunken stupor. No answers have been received from Orange, N. J., whom his par ents are said to reside and It is not known what disposition will bo made of the body. HORSE. RINK MAY LOCAL COPS ARE WA1 I1BEIS Winter Uniforms Prove Too Hot So Thoy Aro Blossoming Out In New Suits of a Lighter Texture Can Run Faster Now. Tho beauty corpn of 1 ! Modford pollen force mo UIonvmuIiii out In now uniforms. Th heavy wvlglit winter suttH woio found too uucoiu fortublo for this time of year and cloth of lighter material In being employed. In placu of tho helmets tho nluutlm will wear Hgtil colored Stotsnus. The reduction of weight will no doubt result In tho capture of an Increased number ot undesir ables when It comes to a stern chase RIOTING. INCIflENT TO STRiKE. RENEWED Young Girl Dies. Lulu Jforene, daughter of Mr. and George S. Chandler, died at 9 o'clock Monday night at the home of her par ents on Pine street. She had been ill ever bineo December and was 31 years and 11 months old. The re mains will he taken from the home nt 1 o'clock Wednehday afternoon and tnken to Phoenix cemetery where services will bo hold. Weeks & Mc Gownn have charge of the funeral ur ringcments. DELEGATES TO SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION GATHER SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., June 20. Delegates to tho International Sun day School cdhventiort which Con venes her6 Wednesday arrived in largo numbers todny on moro than twenty trains. Tho delegates niriv ed, Into because they did not want to travel on Sunday, Groups of the representatives who come from east era states Kpent Sunday at summer resorts near here. NOTICH In accordance with the wish of tho merchants of tho city that tho wholo peoplo may celebrate the fourth, It Is requested that all business bonnes close all day Tuesday, July 4 th, Stores will bo open as usual on Monday tho third for tho convenience of those at tending thp celebration. Ry ordor of the Merchants Associa tion. H. C. OARNI3TT, President. JOHN CARKIN, ' Becrotary. SALT LAKK CITY, Utah, June 20. Found guilty by a federal jury of interstate t raff ice m girls for tin moral purposes, May llroun was to day sentenced to five and n half years in tho ICnnwis state prison. When sentence was pronounced by Judge Pago Morris, the Brown woman, fainted. Physicians were hastily summoned and revived her. A soon as she regained consciousness she went into hysterics and for nn hour screamed steadily utnil opiates were rcsorteu to. She was sent to the Kansas state phi-on because there is no provision for women prisoners nt the Leavenworth federal peniten tiary. Conviction wns in the specific cac of Cora Frohm, who was placed in n resort in Poeatello.r Idaho. The girl escaped and in spite of threat of death went to her home niitl told her mother of her experiences. At her homo it wns believed she had been wtih a theatrical company. Testimony brought out nt the trial showed that the Brown woman had made a practice of sccurinir employ ment in department and candy store and other places where young girl wero employed. She formed nc qunintnnces with nttracitivo girls arid took them to night cafes and after ward to her apartments where she introduced them to men who enticed them into resorts. While stnmllug In tho alloy nt the rear of tho plumbing shop of Coffecu ami Pricu at noon Monday a horse belonging to the contractors boeniuo frightened and ran away, running through tho alloy behind tho First National Hank to Ninth street and back north on Central avenue to Main street where It was stopped af ter narrowly escaping a collision with an automobile standing In front of Russell's Candy Kitchen. The iun totuoblle contained several womon and children hwo wero badly frigh tened by tholr narrow escape. Soeral efforts wore mado to stop the horso which ran half a block with a coat ovor Its eyes. Tho har ness broko letting tho shafts fall. The horso left front leg was lacerat ed where ouo ot the shafts had run Into It nnd tho harness was damaged considerably. No one wns Injured. CLKVKIiANI). Ohio, Juno 20. Rioting Incident to tho garment workers strike uis renewed last night. Nino arrests wero made. During tho disturbance police .wero active, clubbing men and women. Today tho situation wnu quiet, but further Out breaks wore feared, G. W. SLATER C& CO. BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS uro propimul lo kivo yon boiler I'iirurcs on Imlldiii?; Iliini you aroused ( hi iUt'tll'ortl.AVp mmrnnlw both worlc, iniiltM'lulH nnd mi(isl';u'(ipn. J. B. 13NYAKT, 1'ioiUUmt J. A. I'llllUY, Vlc.Phldtmt V 1 10. MICUIUOIC, Vlco-PreilHit JOHN B. OIITII, Cnshlor V Y. U. JAGKHON, Ann't Uushlor. 5 5 J The Medford National Bank J Capital, $IOO,OOQ.OO Surplus, 520,000.00 5 8AKK PKPOSIT 110.MCM TOO UK NT. A (IKNKUAi. IIANKINO UUBINlrt TUANHAUTICn. Wi HOI.ICIT VOlUt l'ATKONAHK. r- Commercial Club Meeting. Tho regular meeting of the Coin meicinl club will be held WVdiii'-duv night in the Med lord Henlty iHsoci ntion roomx. Much business of 1111 po fiance will he brought up and n full attendance is desired. --- r TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY : .. --... FOR RENT Furnished rooms; can bo used for light housekeeping rooms. 343 North Ivy street. In qulro at Rardon'a bakery. 82 FOR SALE Homestead rollnqulsh merit. Three million feet of Urn bcr; twenty-two miles from Med ford; four room box house, ono brood saw, ten goats, barn and wood shed; 1000 strawberry plants; fino proposition. Van Dyko Realty Co. 78 WANTI3D Expelenced waitress nnd chamber maid wants position. O. O. caro Tribune. 77 ar 1 " T-Tl 11 ....ItWWVXYW M! ' I I 'VW.Wt V mrsAwm m Electric Rubber Hose costs a little more than ordinary hose. It lasts three times as ions- It will not crack, split, kink or hurst. Processes of making IilectricRubber Hose are protected by U. S. patents. Imitation has to cease where durability and efficiency begin. Don't buy your garden hose until you let us demonstrate to you tho wonderful qualities of the hose that can't be duplicated or ec)ualled. Medford FunitureS Hardware Company Party Views Rogue. Mi.s Kiincli nt Pasadena, Cnl., who N in charge of a party of I 'J on their way to Kuropc for three months trip wn$ met nt tho tnrin hist evening by friends. The party had arranged, tok'o through on the Shnitu Limited St having heard ho many favorable iyoortH on the .-ceuie henuty of tho Nkiyou mountains nnd tho fertile Rogue liner valley, changed their platiK that they might . enjoy a daylight ride through this particular Miction. AH were most cnthuiinKtiu ovet'i Hie trip nnd ejcprwiHcd a great de.-ire to pend a few dayn in Medford on choir return. Haskins for Health. Near O.VUnJ, California Tlic only Woman' College on l'iprc'fi'-Co nf. ClurUrfll I v Ntf t girM I fimr ml . . lilc.ll climiic 1 'I 'Ugh ill llic ycr, l-trn.e ln! KrailuMini roti'ritrl t ci'ivl it t (Ihmc ol Man( il a l I nlvfr.ity .,( .M-tii t !.alxr.itbnct fir cine w lh wW'n 1 in mcnl. hxctllctil oniitnnii r l"r h'"ir tCon.Hillo, library ilnily, mn.lc ami art. Mulcrn Rjrmnailum. -iictl ra,f for h-alth ef lu!rnli. mi-loor lifr. I'ri.il, l.u Ha Clay CarH. M . l.u- H. II. H I r alalnffur iirHfim SKCtctaiy, Mil. t tlrr I'. U., (. Iilnrnta. 4r- ' IF A FIRE STARTED J IN YOUR PLACE "Would you linvu ntiytbltiR at natiii uiiu wuicu 10 ngni 11 r The Chemical Powder Extinguisher Ik cheap and easy to uso and is Z kept filled at 110 expense. .. C. NlttV I OiUcr l4ike fianige. Campbell & Baumbach MORTaAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Monoy on hand at nil timoa to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. t PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. iir.-r -x 9&trJtf9&&r9tl?ir PLUMB INGl ! IIUIING STEAM AM) HOI WA1I.K IIUIING All Work Guaruntocd Tricoa RoitPonttblo COFFEILN . PRICE 23 HOWAltl) W.OCK, KNTItANCM ON' lth KTHK'IJT. rilONIJ HO ? a 5? 4 44Hf&4W4&ttMttG4 " WHY Suffer ullh huadncbea7 Otherri have been completely relieved by wourlng my gltiHHcs. Koiuayjou. DR. RICRERT ICyeslght Spcclnllht. Owt Kentiicr'if. The Modern Wash-day Time was when The Wash was a weekly nightmare, wash-day dinner a by-word. The New Perfection Oil Cook-stove ha3 changed all that. Once the wash-boiler is on the stove, it leaves you free to attend to the dinner or any other work. You can move a New Perfection where you please and light it in a moment. It requires no attention after that. A single gallon of oil lasts all three burners-seven hours or more. No coal or wood to carry ; no fire to feed 5 no soot nor ashes. It keeps a kitchen or laundry cool and clean. It cooks to perfection, with the least trouble and expense. Hi 1 1 1 nn " "J '" j jgra t Mad wiili I. 2 and 3 burotri, with Ion?, lurquoue Mu eam9lrl clumfl.yi I Itadmrocly fiaittnd llimuihoot. Ilia 2 and 3-buf nf Move, ran Ui Mil with or wilUut a ratiMt l"i. vlildi It liiua wilh djop ilxlvtt, lowtl racli, etc, , DtiUll rYrynlTi t ot writ fur &' triphia circular lo lU ptuctt Ktocf cl tl. Standard Oil Company' (Incorporated) A Hotel That Is Different ASHLAND, OREGON offers nioiT iii'tnu'lions for the tourirtt than any rity in Kouihorii Oregon. Tim New Cohunhiu Hotel at Ashland is imexeeled for excellence -of fiinii.sliins. Compares favorably with the best hotels of Portland or San hVaneiseo for modern convenience and com fort. Steam beat and hot and cold water in ovvvy room. Rooms with private bath. Single or en suite. Hotel auto meets trains. Kuropcan plan. Kor res ervations address or apply to The Columbia Hotel Mr3. E. G. Hartley, Prop. Endora Block, Ashland, Or For Sal 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining .city of iMudftml, on long liuic, easy pay ments. " 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; cement sidewalks and paving in; also sewers, water and light. Long time, easy payments, 430 ACRES LAND, :!)() acres alfalfa land, HO acres fruit laud, pernelual water right, with water for irrigating 1000 acres; long tiiiie, easy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, li()() a-res alfalfa land, ' balance fruit laud, I mile from railroad, on long time easy terms. 0000 ACRES LAND in 1 rants of from 40 acres upwards; price ty'Jo.OO per aero and upwards; suitable for alfalfa, fruit stock and general farming purposes; long time, cartypayinents. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just, within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on 0 annual pay'uinits. r " . Gold Ray R ealty Co Jl 210 WIOST MAIN STklOKT. i i