J.VJT. t I page six MTCDFOTm MATL TRIWNE. MlWFOttTX OKKOON, "MONDAY, .TUN R 10, 1911. MINING ACTIVE AT M HILL Gray Eaytc Mine to be Sunk to 625 Feet Level Rogue River to be Drctlncil To work Placer Mine North of Little Mining City. Willi, tlio Intention of shikltiR COO fl from tlio 12fi-foot levol, gaining n total depth of C2G feet, n new com-' pniiy; organized lust week In Port land, linn leaned tho Grey Haglo mine on Sardlno creek from the Oregon Clold Hill Minim; company. The new company will ho known ns tho (irey KaKlo Mining company, ot wlilch Ward H. Stcu'iia will ho manager. with hendnuurlera at the mine. J. K. Wolfo will continue as engineer. Kor nier Manager Vanllouten will remain In tho Gold Hill district, which he hollevea in noon duo to come to the front In a mining way. The Grey Kaglo has a new and complete mill ing equipment. A two-machine air compressor Is now helng installed, which will operate the two drills that will he used -In sinking. Tho mine will ho developed by drifting from tho G2G-foot shaft, which may tie sunk oven deeper If It Is deemed ad visable. ' SEAMEN'S STRIKE AFFECTS GOTHAM Crews of Two Liners Deserted anil Within a Week Entire Southern Pa cific Fleet Will be Tied up Accord inn to Union Officials. FATS PLAY THE LEANS FRIDAY To Dwdgo Kogiie. To dredge Rogue river for tho gold which It Is believed has been deposit ed in its rock bed for ages is the plan of J. W. Lane, lato engaged In min ing' in California, and Medford as sociates. A lease has been secured from tho Chavner estate to operate a dredge In tho rlvor In the pool below and tho channel above the railroad brldgo at Gold Hill, the land bn both sides belonging to that estate. The dredging process, which Is of Mr. Lane's Invention, will havo Its rirsv trial here, and It It proves success ful It means that miles ot Rogue riv er's bed will bo worked for Its yellow treasure. A boat will bo built from which to operate tho dredge, either electric or gasoline power to be used. Before actual operations begin, how over, tho bed of tho river will be thoroughly prospected. XF.W YORK, June ID. The son men's strike is lU'feeling flapping here. The crews of the Southern Pa cific line freighters Creole mul Sol deserted when tho vessels docked to day and officials of the seamen's un ion here assert that within a week the entire Southern Paeifie fleet will he lied up. They say that members of (lie union here are tu'tini; as a unit in doinamliiiij better pav and more satisfactory conditions. If Uiom conditions are not granted by tomor row the strikers say a general strike hero is certain. When the freighters reached quar antine a tug met them and a man on .I-.., .- , . . . . .. . t iicck megapnoneu me met dial a siriKe nan iteen caned, llie erew quit after docking. II. 0. Griffin vice president of the American Seamen's Union, announc ed that he intended to call out all Ihe seamen of the Morgan Line to day. The Morgan officials say thev have two Ihousand strikehreakets ready. Officials of the Southern Paeifie Steamship line plait to ask a federal commissioner to nrret the men de serting the Mourns yesterdav. RAILROADS GET TOO MUCH COIN PACKERS M Stores Will Close and All Are Ex- Hetcheack Charn.cs That Roads Have pected to go to the Ball Park to See Business Men PlayFor Bene fit of Band. CORPSE FOUND IN BOX CAR (Continues! from pare 1.) "Fats" versus "Leans." Thls Is not a butcher shop advertising schoiuo but a game of baseball between till1 portly business men of tho city and those not blessed with an unusual amount of flesh. The proceeds of the game will be given to the Medford Concert baud, which has been furnishing excellent music of late. The game will start at 3 p. in. Friday afternoon and all hub Inoss establishments will close for the occasion that all Interested may at tend tho game. H. C. Kentner Is managing the "Fat" end of the affair, while to i:. C. Ireland falls the "Lean" end. Moth have some speedy plll-tossers, who, while they may toss the game away several times, will furnish a good deal of amusement. Remember! the game Is not for money, but to help the 'baud boys, so Come on out and root. If you're fat you'll get lean and If your lean Been Overpaid by Government Some $9,000,000 a Year for Carry inn Mails. WASHINGTON'. ). ( June 10. The railroads of Ihe I'nited Slates have been Ihe reilipioiiK of sMinething over ?IMHHMUI() each jenr lor carry ing the mails than they are entitled, according to Poslina-ler General Hitchcock. As a reMilt, Hitchcock reiterated his declaration todu that congress will he akcd to uuthorixe an adjust ment of, tailway mail rentals with a view of saving tlii- stun to Ihe government. T STAND TRIAL Jmlfio Carpenter Denies Motion (or Rehearing, Based on Recent De cision In Standard Oil Case No Appeal From Ruling. IM'.IIKKAUS, ATTKXTIOX. All members of lodge are request ed to be present Tuesday evening at Initiation which will be followed by banquel. Kvery member Is urged to be ptesent. nilf AGO, 111. Juno 11).- United States Judge Carpenter today denied the motion of Ihe packers for a re hearing of arguments of demurrer based on a recent, decision by tho supremo court in the Stuudaid Oil and tobacco trust cases, which it was alleged nlalerially affected the pack ers' case. The decision todav was a blow lo the packers us there is no appeal from Judge Carpenter's rul ing anil the (rial iiumt proceed. The court gave no icason for the tlocistfin merely uunotineiug that the motion was over-ruled. ' KELLY AND FRIENDS BREAK FISH RECORD Judge V I-', ICelly and iiHsoeialtm made a ncoid catch on Woguo Hlver Sunday, HI lish helng taken. Accom panying the judge was II. II, Puller, sou, O, V, Johnson and A. K. Powell, Fishing did not become good until late Jiu Ihe uttertioou when Ihey struck a pool al Ihe mouth of tittle Hulle, Then Ihey began to haul them in. The only thing which (ended 'lo mm- the iifleruoous sport was the fact thai all of the fish were suckers. SEVERE STORM IN JAPAN; GREAT LOSS TOIvIO, Juno IK. A severe slonu In raging throughout Japan today and heavy losses and scveie damage me repoited, ('oiuiuuutenlioii inland U cut off and Toklo today Ih viilunlly isolated except by cable, Louis Stranp Injured. KP.NOSIIA. WIm Juno II). Unix Slrauge nutomohile driver, lies in a hospital heie today with n dislocated iiuldo unit Hioitldcr, Slrauge was in jured when mi exploding lire sent Jus machine crashing Into a fence, Hasklna for Health. you'll get your tuoue's worth. It's In a good cause and you won't regret It, WINNIPKO. Man., June IP.- Two trainmen were killed and four othcM injured today in a collision of an enstbouud Cauadiau Pacific, freight and a westbound locomotive and ca boose nenr Winro. The dead: KXdlN'KKK PKATT, liliAKKMAN' DOUGLAS. Damage estimated at $7f00 was done. To Work rincer Mine. A compromise has beep effected be tween tho Oregon-Ontalo Mining & Smelting company and tho Gold Ray Realty company, whereby tho former tlll bo enabled to operate their mine three miles north of Gold Hill by elec tric power furnished by the Rogue River Electric company, a kindred corporation of tho latter. Three pla cer claims, comprising CO acres, were in dispute, and tho Gold Ray Realty company brought an injunction against the Oregon-Ontario people proceeding with the work on a power plant in Roguo river contiguous to tho claims In dispute. By the terms of tho compromise two of tho placer claims, or 40 acres, are allowed to remain In possession of tho Oregon Ontario, tho third, or 20 acres, ad joining tho river goes to the Gold Ray Realty company. Work Is now being pushed on a power line down tho north bank of Roguo river from Gold Ray to the Oregon-Ontario prop erty to furnish power for the mine his rtrrest. but later told Chief Hltt- son that he was a druggist and was down in his luck. Ho had worked at manual labor somewhere Saturday and his hands were badly bruised and blistered. When searched he had 50 cents and a number of prescription slips in his pocket. Visited Drug Store. In an interview this morning E. J. Smith, a drug clerk at Hasklns drug store, said: "A man answering his description came into the storo about 10 o'clock Sunday morning and asked for somo prescription slips, which I gave him. Instead of writing out a prescription, as I thought he would. he turned and walked out of the store without buying anything. Otherwise I know nothing about him." Jim Watson, who stays at the Bun galow Annex, saw several men in the box car about 7:30 Sunday evening, but does not think Jackson was in the crowd. The empty bottles were kept by the coroner and the few drops left will bo analyzed. Excessive drinking is thought to be the cause of death, as there are no signs of violence about his person. A message has been sent to Orange, N. J., and an effort Is be ing made to find his relatives. r TRADE MARK W under a five-year contract. Tho com promise was effected by J. II. Bee man, attorney for tho Oregon-Ontario people. Thl3 settlement assures the company of abundant power to oper ate their plant and a series of pumps to take water from tho river for tho same. THE PROVED CURE FOR TRADE MARK RHEUMATISM IN ALL ITS FORMS Uricsot cures by removing the CAUSE which ia an excess of uric acid in the blood. Uricsol assists in the proper digestion of food, thus pro venting the formation of uric acid, and it dissolves the uric acid. Uricsol does not disarrange the stomach, but on tho contrary, strengthens its functions. It can be taken indefinitely with no ill effects. URICSOL NOT ONLY CURES ALL FORMS OF RHEUMA TISM, BUT IT DOES WHAT NO OTHER REMEDY HAS EVER ACCOMPLISHED IT DIS SOLVES AND ELIMINATES DEPOSITS IN THE JOINTS, WHERE THEY HAVE ACCUM ULATED FOR YEARS. IT ACTUALLY RENEWS YOUTH! Writ far Fr DsoU.t. .URICSOL IS FOR SALE AT THE CALIFORNIA. CHEMICAL CO. 325 NEW HIGH STREET, LOS ANGELES, CAL. "Medford Agent Strangs'Drug Store" A Groccrymnu Cured. Alll.U. Oj., Nor. , 1WJ. Uttctol Ckmlol Co., Ijh Aaitlrt. Cil Foi ia bat't el ntlttlnt kanuoltr, I irxltt lo tin Urn I iufir4 tttriilr lthMnfcClii loJKlillc Stamitlim li tit rtir. Duilnj tMi lint I lilri l tirfttr t( xiUff4 ttmt4tu si wtll si th yirei!? tloos o( mmuI Fbri.cisai. which siforjtj m ftrr Unit. If r Mini. Th pllo la oif bus, bin 4 Itti mou'.tt asJ slawii ublliblt. I cmM eiidlr wtlk sa4 thootki I wuuU b obllj'J ' ibia iott ill bailMM. A Itltad el Dint UIm4 m lo Irr URICSOL. which I dU It luctsailr. sa4 Iftstlr to nr mrptlH oh bottlt cuir4 m ona4 so4 wttt. I cbfctlullr ftfommtki i lu sit who iut si I 414. Il slw s tfr i" Tulc. It luiiim th ixtlt, lUt 4J(f tiea ss4 6alr tmlUi up tat itarrsl htsUh, Vj cm tan II rial Ihlch bit. Vttr imlf, W. U. UILOACII. )tl Aabutn At. YOUR CHOICE 10c Each Alcohol (Jns Slows, each 10c Nit'lct'l plulctl Mulch Sufo, enrh 10c Nicki'l plali'd Alnleli Holders, each 10c Nii'Url plalod Soap Dishes, eaeh 10c Nickel plated Toilet Paper Holders, each ...10c Nickel plated Tovel liars, each 10c Nickel plated Cuspidors, each 10c Nickel plated Bathtuh Soap Dishes, each 10c Nickel plated Towel Holders, each 10c . Kor the above see our east window. Choice, 1 Oc Each 200 Box's Writing Paper with Envelopes to match, in a neat, 'attractive box; our regular .50c, '10c, ;"() and (fc quality; 'here tomorrow, your choice, 25c Each Juvenile IJox Paper, 1.1c box, two for .. ..25c HUSSEY'S rt!!!!!! READ THIS CAREFULLY mmm mmmi i iltmmmmmmmmmmmmammm miimimi mm i m ! ,mmm-mmm -- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmimmmmmmm,i hmiwi ihi www W The owners of Summit Addition have decided to close out every unsold lot in this well known addition and to induce quick action the have Reduced the prices far below actual value. ' East Side Front Lots that sold for $850 are now offered at $575 West Side Front Lots that sold for $750 now offered at $475 These lots are in one of the best residence sections in West Medford, the street is paved, cement sidewalks laid, sewer and water connections on all lots and shade ,,; trees planted in park strips. People who are looking for a small gilt-edge investment should buy one or more of these desirable lots For Particulars See f MOORE Room 2Q9 Phipps Bldft' I ; ; ; ; ; . ; , ; ; ; , : mm MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM